Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:03:43 pm

Title: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ [Inactive since 04/03/2013]
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:03:43 pm

I did not make this picture, and I thank whomever made it!

"Watch as Humanity holds to their last will..."

What is Desert Bluebird?

       Desert Bluebird is a very literate, unrealistic, post-apocolyptic human rp. Below are the plot, and several extra things you and your character should know. It's kind of intricate, and I spent a good amount of time planning this, so please follow the Lore and such. I find it irritating when people don't. Anyways, read the following posts, then post your character's forms below, please!


Table of Contents:

Post 1 -- Table of Contents, Plot, and Rules
Post 2 -- Countries, Species, and Religions
Post 3 -- Forms
Post 4 -- News/Extra


The Plot

       Desert Bluebird takes place in the ruins of the contenient of Bolganio. This contenient, once a lush, green land, is now a barren, scorched desert. Around a hundred and fifty years previously, the government, in an attempt to preserve resources, offered a shocking solution to the citizens of the world: create a body that would not cause war, hunger, pain, or sadness. People came in swarms to recieve this 'invincible new body', since they believed what made a human was a soul, not a flesh body. However, something went awry with the operation. "The New Humanity", as they are now called, are just metal shells. They are soulless, human hating monsters, hunting down every human they can find, either forcing them to have an operation, or just die. For some reason, they still listen to the government leaders, who, ironically enough, are still human. These Androids, still called the "New Humanity", eventually caused the radiation and pollution of the environment, turning it into the desolate heap of sand dunes it is now.

         In this rp, you will take the role of a human, a Ruler, an Android, a Vector, or even a companion animal that holds the fate of humanity in their hands. You must locate the Trans-Dimensional Orbital Interface (or TDOI), which is a government supercomputer capable of rewriting history so that the New Humanity never existed. However, to restore Bolganio to it's former environmental state, you must track down the Desert Bluebird. This Bluebird is a miracle...and a legend. Many are even doubtful of it's existance. It is a divine creature, capable of granting a single wish to it's captor, before jetting off to be hunted down again. It scorns humanity (or what's left of it), and has unearthly speed, and is very clever, making it hard to catch. However, it's said to be able to sense the intentions and hearts of humans, judging them on this.


The Rules

 ϡ  Literacy: This is going to be a very literate rp, told like a story. I will not accept text speak during rp, and I expect you to spell and use as correct grammar as you can. You must post at least three to four good sentences per post, so no one liners! It's honestly not that hard, but I'll forgive you for writers block if you don't have it 24/7.

 ϡ  Hate the Character, Not the Rper: If you have a problem with another rper on here, take it out of the thread, please. However, if you want drama in rp, I'm all for it!

 ϡ  Explicit Actions and Swear Words: Please do not get too detailed in the acts of mutilating someone or loving someone. Honestly...I don't want to see that, and I doubt our other members would either. As for swear words, try to keep them to a minimum, please?

ϡ  Activity: I would love for this rp to be very active, but sometimes schedules do not allow that. Try to be on as much as possible, though, please!

ϡ  Follow the Lore: Master of the Heavenly Yard, please follow the lore for this rp! We shall not have Americans, anyone saying "Oh my God!", or anyone besides the Vectors of Memory who remember the world when it was green! If you think you'd have a nice plot twist for me, by all means, PM me, and we can discuss it together. Vampires would not exist in this rp, since the traditional ones would burn in an instant, and Twilight vampires are stupid. Werewolves are fine as long as they aren't giant furry dogs, and I allow things such as reincarnation, witches, and stuff like that.

ϡ  Do not be a God Modder, Power Player, or just perfect in General: I swear if your character has "flawless", "beautiful", "hot", or any of those words in their description I will beat you with a stick and shun you from the rp tell you to change it. I do not accept these kinds of characters, and they must have an acceptable weakness for every strength.

ϡ  Signing up as a God Character or Companion Animal: Companion Animals are small (usually useless) animals that follow a single human around, like a pet. Common ones are things like dogs, snakes, birds, and little rodents. Uncommon ones, usually owned by higher ups like Rulers or Rebellion leaders, are things like small dragons, the occasional jungle cat, and wolves. You cannot 'steal' an exotic companion animal, seeing as they form a bond with a single human. If their human dies, best case scenario is that they die as well. Worst? They wander around in an oblivious, mad, depressed state. You must see if there are any available humans to accompany, as well. As for god characters, they're in the same post as nations,  and are considered the human incarnations of these gods. They don't gain any special powers for now, and are limited to the same powers everyone else has. However, they'll have an affinity with that diety, and a rather...interesting double personality at times.


Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Under Construction!!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:37:09 pm

"As long as we stick together, we can accomplish our goals..."


?  Vectors: Vectors are the seven humans capable of connecting to the TDOI*, there are different categories, and are mainly the ones trying to locate the computers. Often looked at with a large amount of respect. The categories are: The Vectors of Hacking (2), capable of hacking into the computer itself. The Vectors of Memory (3), are three humans who have lived an INSANELY long amount of time, and remember what humanity was like while it was in power. The Vector of Protection (1) is capable of creating a small forcefield around the group while they are hacking into it. The Vectors of Connection (2) are two reincarnated souls, much like the Memory Vectors, that remember (somewhere) what humanity was like.

 ?  Fugitive Humans: Good ol' humans. Sometimes they'll have small powers, but not likely. Werewolves, Witches, and the like fall under this category.

 ?  Rulers: They're a lot like Fugitive Humans, only each one of them is in charge of one of the cities taken over by the New Humanity.

 ?  The New Humanity: Known commonly as Androids, these are the poor humans who did the operation, and now have no hearts or souls. They detest humans, and hunt them down as much as possible. Retain their memories from humanity, but have no feelings or emotions. Mostly look like their human forms, but have a stiff, robotic walk, and their eyes are red. Still oddly listen to the Rulers, even though they count as human too. Rare Androids retained their human emotions.

 ?  Companion Animals: Mostly explained in Rules (if you were kind enough to read them!). They're, like I said, animals that follow and obey only one person and one person alone. When that person dies, they usually die too. Common ones are things like dogs, dingoes, hyenas, cats, birds, and rodents. More exotic ones include wolves, dragons, flashier foxes, horses, tigers, lions, and parrots. You cannot buy a companion animal.



Alright, I only did this to make the rp less generic. I do not intend for you to ACTUALLY believe in these dieties in any way. I myself am Christian in faith. If this offends you in any way, I'm deeply sorry, and I did not mean to offend you.

 ?  Master of the Heavenly Yard: A male diety, the Master of the Heavenly Yard is sort of the god of heaven and the sky. He is portrayed as a blonde haired boy with a bronze eagle mask. His animal is the eagle, and he is sometimes portrayed as proud or selfish, but caring at the same time. Patron Diety of Lucifenia, and commonly credited for arts.

 ?  Master of the Court: A female diety, the Master of the Court decides where the souls of the dead go. She is portrayed as a teal haired girl with a silver owl mask. Her animal is the spotted owl, and she is sometimes portrayed as whimsical or childish, but in the end makes a fair decision. Patron Diety of Elphegort, and commonly credited for Mathematics and Logic.

 ?  Master of the Graveyard: A female diety, the Master of the Graveyard guards the Courtroom* inside the garden. She, along with her loyal servants, devour any lost souls (which is how ghosts are created in this world) that can't find their way through the labryinth. She is portrayed as a woman with short red hair, and an iron mask of a jackal. Usually portrayed as cruel or mean, and isn't exactly a favorite to follow. One of the Patron Dieties of Belzenia, and commonly credited for Blacksmithing and Machines.

 ?  Master of the Hellish Yard: Another female diety, the Master of the Hellish Yard is the polar opposite of the Master of the Heavenly Yard. She watches over the Underworld, and the souls stuck inside it. She is portrayed as a green haired woman with a cloak over most of her face and a white porcelain fox mask. Usually thought to be mad or wicked, but only punishes people who deserve it. She is credited with Riches and the Dead. Patron Diety of Asmodean.

 ?  Servants: The two servants of the Master of the Graveyard. They are a pair of blonde twins, male and female, who have blonde hair and iron hyena masks. Both are identical, practically. They will do anything the Master of the Graveyard tells them to, and are the reason that twins are sometimes seen as bad luck. Were born as humans. Human names aren't known to many, but are Renia and Lorencio, respectively female and male. Lorencio is credited for the pursuit of Literature, and Renia is actually the diety of Mischief. Partial Patrons of Belzenia.

 ?  Gear: The Guardian of the Clocktower* he is not allowed to leave it, however. Gave his heart to keep the Clocktower running in a time of crisis, and is now bound to it. Serves the Master of the Court, and is portrayed as a blue haired man with a wooden dog mask. Was born as a human, but few know his human name, Gallerian. The diety of friendship and loyalty. Surprisingly good friends with the Servants. Patron diety of Marlon.

 ?  Courtroom: Where the Master of the Court decides your fate.

 ?  Clocktower: Sort of like a Hellish Yard without the pain. Everything is pitch black, you're chained still, and you can't feel anything. All you can do is listen to the clock ticking for as long as you're in there, and your voice is still intact. There is a large spring at the top.

 ?  Reincarnation: Bolganians believe mostly everyone is reincarnated eventually, although some have the misfortune to be reincarnated as terrible historical figures. It's assumed who might be who, and based mostly on looks and personality. Memories usually come to the reincarnated later.


Nations/The Contenient

 ?  Lucifenia: The country this rp is mostly based in, Lucifenia is based on France, and many natives from here have a similar accent and name. Lucifenia is known for their artists and musicians, but are also stereotyped to be weak fighters. Although this doesn't always hold true, it's still a funny insult. It's known also for leading the human rebellion, and it hosts the capitol of the Rebellion, Rolled-City.

 ?  Elphegort: Another common setting for this rp, Elphegort is ased on Germany, and many natives from here have similar accents and names. Elphegort is known for their scholars and teachers, but also are stereotypically weak as well. Not many mess with it, however, due to the machines that are invented here. Hosts the capitol of the Rulers and Androids, Toragay.

 ?  Marlon: Although not commonly seen in Desert Bluebird, some immigrants will be from Marlon, which is based off the island country of San-Marino, and natives from here will have an accent and similar names. Marlon is known for their excellent fighters and military, and were one of the last countries to surrender to the mechanized menace known as the New Humanity. Stereotypically kind of bad-tempered. Hosts the army camps for both sides, the New Humanity Lecile, and the Rebellion, Port Town.

 ?  Asmodean: Ruined practically by the time of this rp, this country was obliterated by the armies of the New Humanity, and it is still being rebuilt. This country is based off of England, and much like Elphegort, was known for their engineers and scholars. They are stereotypically vain and self-centered. Natives from this country will have this type of accent, and similar names. No major towns come from this island country, since it's kind of ruined and all.

 ?  Levianta: You won't see many people from this country, as they wouldn't want to leave the safety and freedom of their secluded mountainous region. Modled after Japan, characters will have names from this language, and an accent similar to such. This is the only free country, since there is only one pass through their mountains, and it's easy to guard against invaders. The capitol of this republic is Enbizaka.

 ?  Belzenia: Is another farther away country, but overrun by the New Humanity. Modled off of Italy/Spain, characters will have similar names and accents. They are stereotyped to be loud, angry drunks at times, but are better known for their food. No major towns have been mentioned yet from here.

 ?  Bolganio: Pronounced Bol-GAN-i-o, not bologna, this is the name of the continent that these countries are located in.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Under Construction!!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:48:13 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Under Construction!!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:51:54 pm

Thank you for joining, if there is anything you think I should add into the rp, or if you have problems with any of this, please contact me at my email address below, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

My email: [email protected]

8/7/2012 = Desert Bluebird is now open for members!

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:54:46 pm
The rp is now open! You guys can write your forms while I take nine hours to write up all of mine! ^^' xD
Title: 3 out of Four Masters, 1 Servant, 1 Reincarnie, and 1 Vector.
Post by: SoaringAway on August 07, 2012, 07:57:23 pm
Name: Gilda Poluzin (Real identity: Amara Leone)
Age: 20 (Recently aged up a week ago.)
Species: Vector of Protection
Sp. Extra: --
Nationality: Marlon
Description: ‘Gilda’ is a fairly short woman (5”2) and fair skinned  from the continent of Marlon who keeps a neutral expression of her face as freckles are scattered across her nose and very few on her cheeks. She has a tint of pink on the tip of her nose and alongside her cheeks, leaving a permanent blush of a sort. Her eyes are green with a distant hint of gray around the iris as her hair is dirty blonde with light blonde highlights from the sunlight. Her hair isn’t kept nice as it about halfway done her back as she travels quite often and doesn’t stop for a simple haircut. She wears goggles on to her neck as she travels through the deserts and tends to get sand in her eyes. Her gun is kept a rifle shaped case as she keeps it on her back. Her normal traveling attire consists of a light blue sweatshirt with long white pants with combat boots. Much later, her true preference of clothing will be revealed later. 
Personality: Alongside her motorcycle with her goggles over her eyes, Amara is believed to be a loner that hates company and isn’t sociable. Surprisingly, the vector of protection is a fairly patient woman that does enjoy a conversation once in a while with someone not including that troublesome goddess. She is a strategist that enjoys laying out maps and books around her to study but this sometimes makes her a messy person but she’ll clean up when she’s done. She isn’t hopeful or bubbly for anything since well, Renia destroyed that childish quirk from an incident long ago.  She does enjoy listening to others and giving advice but she tends to scowl those that drive her patience (Renia) but she doesn’t try to drill it into others’ minds. However, she does get embarrassed as her pink blush turning quite pinker and she’ll shout with her voice cracking if Renia teases her about very personal things.
Amara doesn't have very close relationships to anyone besides her only living family member her mother, Karin. She kept her true identity to herself as Renia and her mother only call her by her real name "Amara" since she grows paranoid that someone might kill her for discovering her true self ,a vector of protection. She doesn't follow the superstitions that her country believes but she sometimes fears "twins" as she met one.  As for fighting, she'll try to negotiate unless the job requires to exterminate someone.
Powers: Even if she is a vector, she doesn’t have magical capabilities**.
Family: Ludwig, 52, deceased father; Karin, 47, mother; Jack, 13, deceased sister.
Companion Animal: I guess this is open?
Weapon(s): Amara carries a steampunk styled gun that is bulky and rusted. The outside are made of old gears (presumed to be from the Clock Tower) as a clock in the center as the trigger is below it. The clock measures the aggression and hostility of its user and as soon as it reaches twelve or “strikes midnight” it’ll activate and allow ammo to be shot out of. She doesn't use it much as she doesn't find much fights worth it.
RP Sample: Amara rested alongside a standing pillar in the middle of a desert as the sky was starless just like the hope the majority of humans had to rid of the New Humanity. She had a map opened up across the resting body was her gun kept it from flying off into the rough winds. She was sipping her canteen until she felt something tracing against her lips. She spat out her hot tea as she waved he hand over her tongue and mumbled to herself, “What in the Master of the Heavenly was that?” Amara tried to rest herself back into place as she closed the canteen and stood up to scout. However, she fell over as a sudden jab was taken to her ribs. 'Renia,' she thought as she kept her own cusses and hateful comments to herself since the goddess would appear before her and obliterate her for 'disrespecting' her.
*Renia is a goddess she has encountered before and she believes that she is her ‘presumed’ guardian that’ll lead her to other vectors but she had her doubts.
*She travels alone and is available for hiring to do jobs if you are in the right places.
*She owns a motorcycle with a passenger seat that’ll fit two skinny kids but she stores her bag there.
*Reincarnation of a philosopher and psychologist that lived during the years of the Yellow Reign (possibly believed to be insane for publishing books protecting the ill-tempered ruler of Yellow despite not begng a citizen of the Yellow country.) ; Her beliefs went to Amara such the denial of the deities and possibly far more than anyone knows.

** Contrary to popular belief of the vector of protection being able to create a magical force field, her own body is the force field.  She’ll need to use the elements to her advantage and protect other vectors at all cost including her life.

Name: Renia
Age: ?? "Eh!? Wouldn't you like to know, you sneaky rat!"
Species: Deity of Mischief; Servant to the Master of the Graveyard.
Nationality: ---
Description: The goddess is depicted in both artwork and books as a girl that stands no taller than at 5”0, making her a very short goddess. However, she is actually an inch taller which she enjoys boasting about to her twin brother how “humans” can be as stupid as to claim her as the shortest goddess (even though she is.) In the picture above, she is shown without her iron hyena mask but that is her normal attire. She would never put her hair into a single ponytail, as she’ll be easily confused for her brother. Her outfits tend to reflect the monochrome theme and she enjoys changing outfits with her sibling if she gets bored. Her hair isn’t quite long as it goes up her shoulders.
Personality: Renia is a mischievous little goddess who enjoys getting to the matters of humans and enjoys to ruin emotional and critical moments with two distant lovers or even countries if she feels bored. She tends to boast or complain about humans to just about anyone but especially towards her twin brother or the humans (victims) she enjoys to annoy and make their life a havoc.She treats herself as a young woman and finds it rude if any of the other gods, goddesses, or even humans (if they dare) decide it’s great to ask about her age, as a lady wouldn’t ever reveal that. She grows bored quite easily when faced with hearing tragic and meaningful tales, she wants to hear about gore and fighting! Even though she is quite an opposite of a lady, she does respect her superior, MoTG since it is her duty to do them without question but it won’t stop her from complaining about it to Lorencio. Ah, her relationship with Lorencio has sometimes lead to them both arguing and going head-to-head with each other since she tends to switch clothes with him without his permission. As for her interaction the human realm, she enjoys to alter lives to please her sadistic side, as she just loves to watch the world burn sometimes.
Renia has never been in physical contact with any other human besides those who dare question her wrath but those who question are quickly killed. She does not enjoy anyone who dares talks against her as if she was a child, as she believes that “I’m a goddess, not your damn child that even know the difference between his face from his buttox!” She however controls this when her superior is there as well, she doesn’t want to lose her position or be sent to the grave.
Powers: The goddess enjoys making herself aware of her capability to bring mischief and practically chaos into the world so she sends some holograms of herself to some of the unfortunate souls she has chosen to bother and annoy (humans and the Vector of Protection.) Her power can extend to her choice of bad luck, from simple mirrors breaking to ‘accidental’ deaths involving stairs. Her powers do not help with her psychical strength as she is quite weak but she makes her twin brother carry all the corpses, pianos, trees; you name it, she’ll make him carry it!
Family: Her twin brother, Lorencio.
Companion Animal:
Weapon(s): The goddess is traveling with a violin on her back made out of metal but it can transform into a scythe if she pulls on the right strings on it. The sounds that her violin plays tend to echo and cause headaches to those who listen. "Well, it isn't my fault I'm not the goddess of music," is her usual response to those that do complain about her music as she clearly does not care about anyone's opinion besides her superior's.

RP Sample: Renia pressed her finger against a little voodoo doll of the damn protect vector that she just enjoys annoying. Her sky blue eyes glared at the doll as she saw it smiling back at her as she dragged her long nail across the doll’s stitched mouth, leaving a cut. “I wonder if she was eating right now and that caused her to spit it out. Hopefully it was hot soup,” she spoke to herself as she snickered with euphemism of cruelty ringing in her tone. Her violin was rested against the wooden chair where she sat but she wasn’t resting, she got bored of listening to her brother recite his books. ‘Lorencio should really stop reciting his books or I’ll make sure he ends up as a book,’ she rubbed the side of her head, with her free hand as the other was poking the voodoo doll in the ribs. She shook her head in disagreement, ‘If I were to turn him into a book, who’ll carry all this stuff around?’
*She keeps voodoo dolls of her victims but she doesn't create them, someone else does it for her.

Name: Master of the Court
Age: ??
Species: Deity of Logic and Mathematics
Nationality: ---
Looks: The little cheery and pippin Master stands at 5”2, making her the second shortest goddess including both males and females. She has long teal hair that could easily drag onto the floor but she has it up in two ponytails but as she tends to spin around a lot, it’ll usually hit one of the Masters’, Servants’, or Gear’s face.  Her eyes are a stunning light green as she is usually seen wearing a silver owl mask as she wears a Victorian styled dress that is red and silver as it is laced on the back as she as well wears silver opened heel heels, so she doesn’t look much as a judge or a sweet little girl. She carries around a small pouch by her as she has needles and thread stored in there since Master of the Hellish Yard is covered with oh so many stitches! She tends to carry a gavel in her pouch as she tends to be bubbly and forget her things.
Master of the Court always has a smile on her face as her eyes never do shield her emotions but shows them as she does wear her emotions on her sleeves. She tends to bite her fingers when she’s nervous or on the urge on changing into her second personality so her nails as usually shown as bitten and different lengths. If she wears any other outfits the goddess usually wears the color combinations of red and silver since it compliments her masks. 
Powers: Quite simple, she the judge of death and so she has the abilities of a "grim reaper" per say but she has fun with hers. She actually creates dolls of humans of the current time and place them onto a shelf with a hourglass and a scale by them. The left side on the scale represents good as the right side represents bad in each man/woman and when their moment ends, the hourglass disintegrates into sand and she'll review the scale to see if the left outweighs right or the right outweighs the left.
Family: ---
*She is the creator of the voodoo dolls that Renia uses to torture people but she plays with them like a little girl would.

Name: Master of the Hellish Yard
Age: ??
Species: Deity of the Dead of Riches
Nationality: ---
Looks: The deity of the Hellish Yard stands at 5”6 as that is the normal height that she is depicted in artworks and in tales that the humans have created about her. She has aqua blue eyes as her porcelain fox mask covers her face along with her hood to keep herself quite comfortable. Her body is decorated with scars as you could sometimes see the bones if she forgets to ask the Master of the Court to stitch them back up. Her usual facial feature expresses boredom but she tends to smile every occasionally if she is sending off a dead rich man and she gets to keep his gold or when enjoying herself with pestering the ghosts that stay on her land. She has short, green hair that is usually associated with the green flames that engulf her land, the Underworld.
   She is shown to wear flat shoes like peasants, as it was once believed that she roamed the land herself in search of spirits before the Servants ever existed. She has a dark tan skin tone but she is oddly seen in artwork as the color red that doesn’t bother her at all.  She enjoys keeping severed heads in her pockets since they are the head of former rulers who chat with her since she doesn’t ever understand humanity and so they try to help. Wherever she walks, there is a trail of black smoke following her with the illusion of a fox at her side.
Personality:  The goddess of death isn’t the most fondness or cheerful person you’ll meet in the World of the Masters as she has lived all of her immortal life in the Underworld with that brat of the sky, oh wait, his proper title is “Master of the Heavenly Yard.”  Anyways, she isn’t a very chatty or sociable goddess when it comes to her interactions with the human immortals and usually enjoys picking fun at the Gear who’s stuck in the World; she does find him pathetic the majority of the time. She isn’t emotionless or insane, however, she does enjoy others in pain as she feels that she is helping humanity she none of the Masters don’t even understand it themselves. The only time she does seem chatty is when she interacts with Master of the Graveyard since can be presumed to be “business” partners and they do enjoy sitting in privacy to talk about incoming deaths and such.
   Master of the Hellish Yard isn’t that cruel, however, as she does allow those who have died to relive despite what the Master of the Court made her final verdict. She can be found usually chatting with the Master of the Court too but she uses it to her advantages since her scars tend to open up and make Renia, the Wicked Maid, squeamish but that was their own little secret. She has a reputation of being very quiet and passive aggressive whenever Master of the Heavenly Yard is near but she tends to curse out loud and rant to the heads she carries about so, she keeps some things very secretive.
Powers: As she does guard her own land, she has the abilities of the dead including reanimation of the dead (zombies), pulling out spirits from any human she encounters if the Servants of MotG dare fail. The mist that surrounds her can be used as hands that can be pick up objects, humans, etc. She owns a crystal ball created by her own powers to view into the human world but that tends to disappear quite often, she assumes that the Gear takes it.
Family: ---
Weapon(s): MotHY carries around a large doubled-sided scythe that she enjoys to pick souls with and throw them into several holes as if it were a game. She as well carries multiple knives that are used for sacrifice rituals under her cloak just to scare some of the souls or even ‘human gods’ (Gallerian, Lorencio, and Renia). However, Renia exclaims that MotHY is a ‘flasher’ anytime she tries to open her cloak to get a blade.
*Out of all the Masters, she is the only that usually travels out of the Underworld to venture out into different sections of their world, usually to the MotG’s area to discuss important manners or chat up with a cup of tea.

Name: Master of the Graveyard
Age: ??
Species: Deity of Blacksmithing and Machinery
Nationality: ---
Powers: [if any]
Family: ---
Rp Sample: [not too hard, usually about 3-5 sentences]

Name: Riley Lucifen
Age: 15
Species:  Human; Reincarnation of Irregular/Master of the Heavenly Yard
Sp. Extra: N/A
Nationality: Lucifenian
Looks: The young lad is awkwardly too short for his own good as he is 4"8 with fair skin that is too delicate to go out in the sun and shaggy, long blonde hair that needs a good cut. He tends to cover himself with a cloak with a seal of his family printed onto it but even he doesn't know what the seal stands for.  He wears boots too large for his feet but everything below what he is wearing is obviously covered by the cloak. Oddly enough, he is wearing servant clothing that have has been ripped multiple times from the fights he endures. His eyes are big blue but it shows a spark of arrogance or even good as he keeps a sly smile on his face.
He has an odd eagle tattoo on his back right above his little butt cheeks but no one knows about this since he confines himself in solitude when he  is dressing, bathing, etc. Do not ever mention him having a eagle tattoo since he already shouts at me that I'm a pervert for knowing.
Powers: He has something known as the Charmer's Tongue that allows him easily charm those who of the dumb minded to do as he says but it doesn't work that well..
Family: It is unknown to him as to who his (twin) sibling is but he tried himself as an orphan and is damn proud of it.
Companion Animal: I suppose he'll want one..
Weapon(s): Riley doesn't own any weapons as he is a afraid of fighting and will always flee.
*Even if he is the reincarnation of the Master of the Heavenly Yard, he certainly has his twin's reincarnation personality ,the Waiter/Daughter of Evil, during her reigns of the Yellow Years. It is not known why but it is believed by the Philosopher (Amara's past life) that this final behavior of posing as his twin sister and her personality went to the next reincarnation.
*He has a definite fear of large blades and tends to rub his neck when someone has a large blade or speaks about a large blade.

== Intermission as I am bored ==

Renia: I see you're noticing the Belzenia charm ppppeeaasannnnt~. *Wiggles brows.*

Amara: Excuse me?

Renia: Oh, OH. Poor Lorencio having to fall into the social ring with you..

Amara: *Hugs Renia.*

Renia: DON'T TOUCH ME. *Hisses loudly while trapped in the hug.*

Amara: Poor Renia, trapped in the circle of my grasp..

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 07:58:58 pm
[xD Hey Soar! Why did I have that crazy feeling you'd join? Lol]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 07, 2012, 08:05:56 pm
[[ Hey, Karakuki!~ I don't know but I like my rps with depth and lore...and references to some series that I enjoy. I hope this rp goes well since you've put much effort into it~.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 08:09:59 pm
[Thanks! As you know, it's based off of Evillious like I promised, and you definitely will get the references in the religion and some of the legends.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 07, 2012, 08:18:53 pm
[[*Tear of joy.*]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 08:28:36 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 08:55:11 pm
[Man, it's taking FOREVER to write all these characters down! xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 09:17:58 pm
Name: Elluka Clockworker
Age: ? ? ? (Looks to be about 48)
Species: Vector of Memory
Sp. Extra: Witch
Nationality: ? ? ? (Presumed Leviantan)
Looks: Elluka is rather tall for a woman, reaching up to 5'11" with a thin figure and unusually fair skin. She has waist-length pink hair, and dark blue eyes, but they're normally shrouded by a cloak of some sort. She's usually seen with a bored expression, and she has faint lines around her eyes and mouth, giving away her age. Elluka has no visible scars, but will have sunburn from time to time.
Personality: As told by her expression, Clockworker isn't impressed by much. She's lived far too long, and seen way too much to be impressed by simple things. However, she will show concern for any humans under her care, namely her foster children. Elluka is highly intelligent, and rather quick to analyze or solve something, but she's rather arrogant and stubborn, and often overlooks simple things. She's also prone to over thinking things, and yet again, missing the obvious. Some people can describe her as a bully, since she's kind of blunt or harsh at times, and finds amusement in people's screw ups. However, she is fighting for humanity, so don't sell out on her too quick, alright? She's rather impatient for someone who has endless time to accomplish her goals, and often smart-mouths her superiors.
Powers: She can cast quite a few spells, mainly her body swap spell.
Family: Her foster children, the twins Lumiere and Noir
Companion Animal: --open--
Weapon: A thick wooden staff, and sometimes spells
Rp Sample: Elluka sighs, staring up at the sky and using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. "Yet again, not one drop of rain...but why do I keep looking?" She mutters to herself as the centuries-old witch takes her eyes away from the heavens. "Master of the Heavenly Yard...what did you get us into now?" She sighs irritably. Clockworker had been on bad terms with some of the gods lately, but she kept to their will, and continued searching for that darn bird and the computer.

Name: Tonio Ausdin
Age: 39
Species: Human/Ruler
Sp. Extra:
Nationality: Belzenian
Looks: Tonio is a mountain of a man, standing at around 6'3" with the strong, muscular figure of someone with a gym set and too much time on their hands. He has a dark tan skin tone, and close cropped salt and pepper hair. He has a neat beard of the same color, and light blue eyes. Like Clockworker, he has lines around his mouth to show he's growing older and that he's been stressed.
Personality: Gruff and bold, Tonio is not someone you want to get on the bad side of. He is cold, calculating, and merciless with his subjects and his refugees, and will hunt down the refugees for fun. Ausdin is proud and ambitious, but is cocky and impulsive at times. However, the cold hearted tyrant of Toragay has a softer side as well. When he was a younger man, he had a wife and two newborn children. However, he and his wife started fighting and split up, and he still eagerly (but tries to be inconspicuous) searches for his children. He is not very popular with other Rulers.
Family: an ex-wife and two children
Companion Animal:
Weapons: A pistol and an army of Androids.
Rp Sample: Tonio grunts, his eyes glued to the computer screen before him. He continues to scroll down the page, and barely noticed the Android servant sidle in. "Sir...?" The Android's voice questions, which makes the Ruler jump. "What do you want?" Ausdin growls, embarrassed at being caught off guard.

Name: Lumiere Ausdin/Clockworker
Age: 17
Species: Human/Servant Incarnation
Sp. Extra: One of Clockworker's Apprentices
Nationality: Belzenian
Looks: Lumiere is kind of short, barely reaching the height of 5'2", with a thin, slightly underfed build, and dark tan skin with shoulder length black hair and light blue eyes. She is normally seen leading her brother, and always wears a tan messenger bag with an iron hyena mask strapped to it. Often has a smirk or a grin on her face, and has an old hunting rifle strapped across her back.
Personality: Lumi has a slightly quirky persona. She is very proud, almost to the point of being arrogant, and mocking her WILL result in a fight. She isn't very intelligent in terms of common sense or book smarts, but is extremely crafty, and hard to trick. Lumiere has another personality around enemies at times, where if she knows she'll win, she'll become very cruel and sadistic and torment her victims until told to stop other wise. Unlike most characters who would angst about this sort of thing, Lumi just shrugs it off as part of her personality. She finds the old superstition about "twins being bad luck", hilarious, and carries around an iron hyena mask, just 'cos she does find it amusing. However, being in very close contact with blades unnerves and or terrifies her. If she's in a fight, it'll make her edgy and a little unfocused, and if a blade is shown close to her anywhere, she'll back away quickly, and won't come back near that person until the blade is returned.
Powers: Not many. Even though she's a witch, she just started learning last year, and has learned nothing powerful.
Family: Elluka Clockworker (foster mother), ? ? ? (biological mother), Tonio Ausdin (biological father), Noir Ausdin (twin brother)
Companion Animal:
Weapon: Weak magic and an old hunting rifle
Rp Sample: "I spy with my little eye..." Lumi starts, looking at her brother with a goofy grin. "Cactus." Noir grunts, sighing. Lumi looked amazed by his witchcraft. "That was awesome, Noir! How'd you read my mind like that?!" She asks. "Easy. Cactus has been your answer for the past two hours." Noir sighs, looking at his sister.

Name: Noir Ausdin/Clockworker
Age: 17
Species: Human/Servant Incarnation
Sp. Extra:
Nationality: Belzenian
Looks: Much like his sister, Noir isn't very tall, only standing at about 5'4" with the same runty build. He has dark tan skin and shoulder length black hair (varies between being tied up and down), with bright blue eyes. He is normally seen following his elder twin sister, and is always wearing a tan messenger bag with an iron hyena mask strapped to it. Has a large sword strapped across his back.
Personality: Noir is much more serious than Lumiere, and is the "brains" of the two. However, he's much more likely to back away from a fight. He follows the orders of his sister and the MotG incarnation above anyone else, and holds his sister and foster mother in high esteem. However, you can count on him getting a little short tempered at times, and comes off as grouchy or moody to most people. He's not arrogant, just prickly. He finds the "twins are bad luck" superstition to be pretty funny, and tries to play it up as much as possible. Like Lumi, around almost defeated enemies he can develop a sadistic, crazier personality until snapped out of it, then acts sort of subdued after it. Clock noises absolutely terrify him for some reason, and upon hearing them, he gradually goes from being nervous and jerky all the way to full fledged terror.
Powers: He has no powers, but is deceptively strong for someone his size.
Family: Elluka Clockworker (foster mother), ? ? ? (biological mother), Tonio Ausdin (biological father), and Lumiere Ausdin/Clockworker (twin sister)
Companion Animal:
Weapon: He can handle a variety of blades, but his weapon of choice is a large two-handed sword, much to the dismay of Lumiere.
Rp Sample: "Oh..." Was Lumiere's reply to his reason, her face falling for a moment, before brightening again. "I sp-" "Lumi, if you're going to spy a cactus one more time, I swear by the Master of the Graveyard you're getting shoved into a cactus." Noir threatens. He was tired, dusty, and didn't have the patience to deal with his sister at the moment. He loved her of course, but there was only so many cacti games he could bear before he snapped.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 09:24:29 pm
[If you're rping the diety itself (yes, I'm crazy enough to let people do that), then yeah, they'd be immortal. If not, then they're not immortals. They don't keep the name of their other half, because it'd get confusing.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 09:27:18 pm
[Alright, to the people reading the forum and hopefully joining, I shall be back in an hour! Just keep posting your forms, and I'll look over them when I get back]
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 07, 2012, 09:47:05 pm
FINALLY!!!!! AM RP I WANT TO JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Adam Jackson
Age: 19
Species: Fugitive human
Sp. extra: None
Nationality: Asmodeon
Looks: He has a dark skin color and chocolate brown hair. His hair is short like a buzz-cut and his facial expression is loose and laid back, as if he never cares. He wears a brown aviator jacket and a grey tank top under it. He wears brown cargo shorts and beige sneakers. Not particlaurly(Sp.) fashionalbe, I know. His physique is almost nonexsitent, and he is skinny as a toothpick. Stands at 6'7".
Personality: Has a BIG ego. He can be overly dramtic at times, and gets anrgy if you don't laugh at his jokes and puns. Fortunately, he doesn't have any bad jokes yet. He is often selfish but would never admit it. If you ever want him to shut him up, give him candy. He talks alot, but never seems to mind that you tune him out halfway through his rant. More shal be revealed in rp.
Powers: Has enhanced perception. Meaning he can sense large amounts of danger, such as minefields and ambushes. However, it only works if he is in mortal danger, so it won't help him save anyone.
Companion animal: None.
Weapons: A wrench.
Rp sample: It was going to be a hot day, he knew that much. Of course, NOW he didn't have any sunscreen. The old half-filled bottle he had found yesterday was stolen by someone..... or something. He began to walk, not wanting to waste minute of his time as he trudged along the barren wastleland. And then he got the feeling, the instinct, that something really bad was in his way. He crested a large hill to find it. It, was an android, and it had his sunscreen bottle.
Other: None.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 10:29:56 pm
[Accepted! Let me add you, and then we can rp! Thank you so much for joining!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 11:34:38 pm
[Soar, your form for Renia is AWESOME. I HAVE to let you be her.  ;D Lol]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 07, 2012, 11:52:10 pm
[[ *More tears of joy.* Thank you. xD ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 07, 2012, 11:58:32 pm
[One question: She doesn't want to hurt her little mini-her, right? .w.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 08, 2012, 12:02:21 am
[[Her reincarnation? Of course not. She would enjoy boasting to her twin brother how much more awesome her reincarnation is. However, she doesn't even know her existence as she is preoccupied causing shenanigans. (If that is okay with you.)]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 12:08:11 am
[That's fine x3 In fact, that'd be a good idea too]
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 08, 2012, 12:35:28 am
*Is squealing like a fangirl* I IS ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! When we start?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 12:43:12 am
[As soon as Soar finishes her Vector. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 08, 2012, 12:55:44 am
Alright then! Now, I need to put in Adam's height. Darn it! How could I forget his height?! I spent like, five seconds trying to remember his height!))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 01:07:56 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 01:34:31 am

Name: Lorencio "Stupid Butler"
Age: ? "Why don't you ask Renia? I'm not sure, exactly."
Species: Immortal/Servant to Master of the Graveyard
Sp. Extra:
Nationality: Presumed Belzenian
Looks: Lorencio is slightly taller than his twin sister, at around 5'2" to 5'3", and has a kind of thin figure. This, and his shoulder-length blonde hair, make him easily mistakable for Renia. However, he usually keeps his hair in a short ponytail, and as his sister does, is known for wearing his iron hyena mask. He wears a regular butler uniform, with a yellow tie, and a towel is sometimes seen over his arm.
Personality: Although sort of sadistic like Renia, Lorencio is sort of nicer in nature. He doesn't go out of his way to ruin lives, he just does if the opportunity presents itself, or his Mistress orders him too. He seems resigned to his sister's antics, much like his human incarnation, and usually goes along with what she says. Lorencio is highly intelligent, and is aware of the human's plight, and may try to assist them sometimes. He is extremely polite, even if he is trying (or succeeding) to torture you to death. He'll kill you with a smile on his face, don't worry!
Powers: Like his sister, he can take the form of a hyena in Bolganio.
Family: His twin sister, Renia.
Companion Animal:
Rp Sample: Meh, I've already done four
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 08, 2012, 01:40:43 am
I'd like to edit on Adam's personality. Adam is afriad of guns. Yes, guns. Heis so afraid of them that he refuses to ackwnoledge their exsitence. When he see's them, he isn't going to be around for long. When a gun is pointed at him, he becomes completely submissive to the one holding the gun.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 08, 2012, 01:43:23 am
And holy crap where did that character form come from!?!?!?!??))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 08, 2012, 01:45:24 am
[[FINISHED! *Dances while throwing around streamers.* YEAH! TWIN POWER.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 01:48:17 am
[Lol, the character came from my keyboard, I'll edit it in a bit, let's rp!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 02:19:37 am
[You guys still here?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 08, 2012, 02:21:26 am
[[I am. I guess I'll start us off but I'll ask just ahead of time. What time will it be in the rp?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 02:22:38 am
[How about night time? I've never started an rp off at night time. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 08, 2012, 03:14:08 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 09:08:14 pm
The Clockworker twins were just waking up and beginning to explore. Scavenging was so much easier when it wasn't hot. The siblings pack their gear and put on some cloaks, placing their respective masks over their faces. After strapping their weapons to their back and getting their packs, the two were ready to roll. When outside, the shorter twin, the girl, looks up at the moon. "Hehe, Noir, look. The sky's smiling at us!" She observes, looking at her companion and grinning cheerily behind her mask. The twin on the left, assumed to be Noir, smiles back. "Yup, seems that way." He agrees, shrugging.

The two trudge through the deep sand for a while, however, not walking side by side. Lumi, deeming Noir to be "walking too slow" had fallen into a running, skipping gait sometimes, poking into cactus holes, burrows in the sand, turning over rocks, and the like. Then she'd circle back to her less...energetic brother and tell him what she found. "...and you do NOT want to know what I saw in the cactus, Noir, it was creepy!" The elder twin babbles, getting excited over practically everything. Noir just nods silently and every now and then pushes a chunk of hair away from his mask. He kept his eyes open for danger, quietly protecting his oblivious sister. It was almost as if she had forgotten they were in a desert sometimes, and that danger could be anywhere.

Elluka had veered off in another direction to look for food and scout for danger, but as a precaution, (she knew her children were prone to getting themselves into something and not getting out of it) she had hidden one of her mirrors inside Lumi's bag. The jabbering of her daughter helped assure her they hadn't been abducted....or Lumi hadn't pissed off a snake, an owl, an android...the list went on and on.  The ancient sorceress scans the area, once familiar to her surrounded by trees...and see, a river used to run through that ditch. That ditch, right there. "Master of the Heavenly Yard...Elphegort...what's happened to you?" She sighs, before continuing on. Her boots made a slight "chhf chhf" noise on the boiling sand as she walked. She uses her staff as a walking stick, not that it was much use in the grainy soil. Any amount of magic she could do wouldn't heal this place. The old woman could fix small things, oh, putting out fires, starting them, and just minor things like this. However, this mess seemed beyond even the hands of the Four Masters and their attendants.

"You know, I'm right here. Calm down." A blonde male replies, coming in from another room. He sighs and pushes his hand through his hair before tying it up again, tighter this time, so that his bangs might not flop in his face. Didn't work, though. His bangs were just as hopelessly messy as always. "Care to enlighten me on why you're hollering my name, dearest twin sister?" He asks. The young god's clothing was almost as immaculate as always, since the boy took great pride in his looks. However, the top part of his left sleeve was torn and shredded almost to oblivion, like he had been attacked by a wild animal or something. He had a towel over his right arm, which he quickly took off. Lorencio only wore it when he was serving their mistress, because he thought it'd be pretty pointless to run around with a towel across his arm at all times.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 08, 2012, 09:10:16 pm
[Ugh, short derpy post, I know, but I'm still tired from band. I'll do better when I get more energy, no worries.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 08, 2012, 09:33:36 pm
Sorry for delay. No peaceful afternoon like I was excpecting. When I have the time I would like to add a new character.))

Adam Jackson dusted himself off as he rose. It was finally time for him to start traveling. With the trusty wrench he called a weapon, Adam set off across the barren landscape. He paced himself, starting at a slow walk and moving on to a brisk power-walk. Not long after he set out did he find something interesting. It seemed like humans. And his feelings started again. It was like terror  smiling at you and filling your brain with the instinct to run. He looked closer, and sure enough it was trouble. It seemed to be a human, a member of new humanity. The android had sensed Adam's presence as well, and no sooner was Adam running and screaming "Help me!" at the top of his lungs. Screaming for help was useless in this barren wastleland. After all, who would want to help you? Then it was ontop of him. "Let me live!" He shouted out to no avail. Just before the android brought its weapon down Jackson had made a wild swing at the new human. An audible CONK! rang out as the wrench connected with the machines head. Adam to the chance and ran from the thing, continueing to scream as the android stubbornly chased him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 08, 2012, 10:39:02 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 12:01:22 am
"I...er...got in the way of the mistress's dinner..." Lorencio replies, rubbing the back of his head nervously. The arm with the ripped sleeve had scratches...and were those teeth marks? Anyways, the young God neatly folds the soiled towel without another word of the dinner, and turns back to his sister. "So, what was your great idea? Must be good, if you're going to run at me like a loon."[/b] Her brother teases, smiling to show he didn't mean any offense.

[Tomas, I'll bring one of my characters to you once I think of an acceptable rp post, alright? x3]

[Also, I think we're all stranded.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 12:38:12 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 12:55:51 am
Lorencio groans and rolls his eyes. "I'm not boring, I'm smart." He protests, but looks into the ball as well. He was bored...and needed to get a new suit. "Where to?" He asks, interested now. The young god liked shiny objects, it's just he was too timid to borrow from the Masters. While he had a large amount of respect for his own mistress and the Master of the Hellish Yard, he loathed the Master of the Court, and could barely stand the other blonde god. Gear was pretty cool at times, when he wasn't going on and on about how they needed to trust each other and make friends with the humans. Humans were for food, respect, and boredom. That's about it. The male servant adjusts his mask, a hyena with a twisted smirk. His own expression mirrored that of his mask behind the cover in question.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 01:07:52 am
"Does the little hyena want the shiny ball," she grabbed the crystal ball from below and wiggled it in front of her brother's face. As she was bothering her brother, she slipped her mask over her face as well; can't be evil twins without evil matching masks! She rubbed her chin as she glanced at several countries flashing before their eyes.  Asmodean is in ruins; Levianta is too peaceful for Renia's own liking, she'll make a drought come to them later on in the year;  Elphegory was overrun with those damn lifeless bots; Belzenia was too far off from the rest of the chaos. "Oh, let's go to Lucifenia! The humans there are too stupid to even get my height right and even I can play better music then them," she boasted proudly having her hand over her chest as if she was saying something important but in reality, she wasn't. She clapped her hands as the glass ball disappeared and was dropped down into one of the Masters' areas and by now, they'll have been cursing to find out who has stolen their objects, and blah, blah, blah, Renia has no time to care about their complaints! "Let's go, Lorenzio! We have bad luck to reign over the land."

[[Is there any way of advertising rps besides the usual signature linking? o.o]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 01:20:21 am
Lorencio looks crestfallen at the disappearance of the shiny object, but quickly smirks again, ready to follow his sister. "Of course! Ready when you are!" He snickers, rubbing his hands together. Whoo! Time to mess with humans! "Won't they be sleeping, th- wait. We can wake them up. Never mind." He starts to point out, then shrugs it off.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 01:26:19 am
[The Advertising page, maybe tell your rp buddies, maybe I can advertise in-game?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 01:40:18 am
[I suppose you can, some great rpers are on the game but never do venture out into the forums. To the advertising page!!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 01:44:48 am
[I think I might know some guys who know some guys. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 01:49:39 am
[[Oh, I checked in the child boards of groups & recruitment and it seems you had two members join in. If  I were you, you should give them a pm about the new revised & revamped rp.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 01:54:24 am
[I am so on it. >B| xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 03:59:13 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Encryption on August 09, 2012, 03:38:54 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 06:39:12 pm

Lorencio seems to think for a moment. "Hyena would be less suspicious..." He points out. "But we could scare people as humans." He continues. The blonde boy seems to keep thinking, biting his lower lip decisively. "I honestly can't think of any victims in particular tonight, dear sister." Lorencio replies with a shrug. "How about you?" The young god toys with his ripped up sleeve, ripping it a little further on accident. The snow white sleeves were made out of really strong cloth...but the poor little tube of fabric was no match against the teeth and nails of a goddess who devoured things such as bone, porcelain, steel, and other oddities.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 06:46:35 pm
Renia agreed to her brother's suggestions of being in their hyena form. It's much more funnier seeing humans react when they meet up with intelligent animals. She began to pick at her brother's sleeve since he was messing with it as well. She began to think about those little voodoo doll victims that she had but she already messed with them for tonight but she was leaving another time for personally bother the vector.  "I've already bothered my human victims for tonight and some of them died too. One of them couldn't handle the bee stings of the bees," she shook her head in disappointment as she closed the door behind them. "Come on, Lorencio!" The goddess soon morphed into her hyena form without much difficult as she ran into a portal like a lunatic.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 09, 2012, 11:03:37 pm
With an unnerving cackle, Lorencio phases into his hyena form as well, speeding after his sister. As a male spotted hyena, he was slightly smaller than his sister, even though it was the opposite for their human forms. The light blonde and dark brown hyena darts through the portal, on his sister's heels, as always.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 09, 2012, 11:30:07 pm
[[Who should they bother? *Derp*]]

The goddess entered the country of Lucifenia as her paws were buried into the sand. The night was starless but the moon was bright so she didn't have to try hard to see. She shook her body as the hairs on her stood up but she did it to add the crazy effect. She began trotting around in a circle to check fi anyone was close by.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 10, 2012, 12:05:11 am
Oh, why thank you for coming to my immeadite rescue! I love you guys too! *Sarcasm*))

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Adam screamed to the wind as he sprinted away. He thought he had finally lost the android when he rested on a rock. Placing his head in his hands, he looked down and panted. He looked up and the wrench conked the new human who was in his face. "Personal space!" He cried out as he ran off again. He could see a vehicle in the distance, and an owner! A saving grace was here! "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He  shouted out to the motorcycle's rider, flailing around to make himself noticable.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 12:12:12 am
[[I'm really sorry, Tomas :c. I thought everyone was separated.]]

Gilda felt her senses go up as someone was calling out in; breaking the silence of the desert night. She quickly got up and rubbed her thumb against the goggles' lens as she saw someone flailing the arms like a lunatic while shouting out for assistance. She peered behind him with a small lean to see an android right behind him and she immediately got onto the motorcycle. She turned on the ignition was a loud sound emerged from the engine with the bright, yellow headlights signing at the shouting human. She made a hand signal towards the boy as she was moving her hand to the side. The sand was getting caught in Gilda's mouth and throat so she couldn't rather speak comfortably. She pressed her left hand down onto the her left handle as the motorcycle charged with her gun in the other hand as the clock began ticking and lighting up.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 10, 2012, 12:18:26 am
I has totally epic music in background!!!))

"GUN!" He veered to the side, running from both. Fortunately, the android followed wich opened him to attack. Adam was just scared out of his mind and barely keeping up the sprint as he started to slow down........

Derpy post.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 12:26:08 am
[[It's alright, bro :3.]]

Gilda pulled the trigger as the clock's arms hit midnight as it shot out towards the android's head. She took a deep breathe as she sucked it through her teeth as the android fell with blood (?) leaking out as the corpse fell on its knees and fell forward.  She stopped the motorcycle as the gun deactivated as the lights and the clock reset back to level zero. She turned it to the side as she waved her hand over t othe human as she was putting the gun back into its case.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 10, 2012, 12:28:16 am
"GUN!!!!" He shouted again and pointed at the gun. "I have a wrench, and i'm not afraid to..." He was cut off as he fell to the ground, passing out from lack of oxygen.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 12:35:47 am
Gilda turned on the ignition the moment she saw the human fell. She squinted at the figure to see it was a young boy that has fallen over. She pressed on the pedal lightly as it slowly drove up beside the boy.  She gotten off and knelt down onto her right knee that sunk a bit into the sand and checked his pulse. She stood up, moved the gun case onto her back as she tried to drag the boy into the passenger seat. With her luck, the boy was positioned awkwardly in the seat with his head on the bottom cushion but his legs sticking out.

Gilda groaned as she pushed the legs in and sat him up properly as she placed a seat belt onto him. After fixing him up, she snapped her fingers in front of his face hoping he'll respond.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 10, 2012, 12:39:08 am
THe snap brought him to life. "LOLIPOPS!" he screamed as he awoken, still breathing faster than normal. His body shot forward on a reflex and the seat belt jerked him back. His head bobbed to look at Gilda. Is a hot girl really standing over me? He thought. "Uh, that was embaressing."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 12:43:28 am
Gilda just nodded at him, not making any comments as the sand in her throat was irritating it. She placed her hand over her mouth as coughed heavily, hoping she wouldn't get an infection at this time. She was stuck out in the middle of nowhere with a child and if she got sick, they'll both have been royally screwed. She grabbed the map from the inside of the passenger sheet and opened it up for the boy's viewing. She circled a nearby town as she wrote on it, "I apologize for not being able to speak ,the sandstorm got the better of me. Do you wish to travel here; I'll drop you off there?" She looked around as she heard a distant inhuman laughter of a hyena's but she'll ignore it for now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 10, 2012, 12:47:18 am
"Uh sure. Thanks, by the way." He looked at the map and could trace his route back to his hometown. Back to his Andrea....... anyway, now was not the time to reminice. "My names Adam Jackson."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 12:49:48 am
Gilda nodded at his 'thank you' as she wrote her name onto the map's corner in a Malon-esque cursive writing. 'Gilda Polunzi' could have been read if the person looked closer to the page. She hadned the map to this Adam Jackson as she hopped up onto her seat as the ignition roared loudly. She looked to both sides to see if any more androids were by.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 10, 2012, 05:09:59 pm
Sorry for delay.))

Adam took a mental note of her name, then decided it was time for a joke. "So, two atoms walk into a bar......" He paused to see if she was listening.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 05:16:58 pm
Gilda turned to him and nodded, signaling him that she was listening. She slowly allowed the motorcycle to head into the sandstorm as she took a sharp turn right and drove straight through. She grip on the handles tighten as the motorcycle was getting traction and the ride got a bit bumpy but she kept her head turning to Adam once in a while to notify that him that she was listening.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 10, 2012, 09:01:28 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 11, 2012, 04:05:55 pm
[I'm so sorry I haven't been on in a while! I've been really busy lately, and haven't had time to rp!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 11, 2012, 04:57:41 pm
(( Nah, it's cool.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 12:33:47 am
Lorencio laughs again while inspecting the surrounding deserts for targets. A grin curls up his muzzle and he shifts his paws eagerly. Well, that, and he was trying to free them from the shifting sands constantly. He wondered idly if his sister's constant victim was anywhere nearby.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: okami129 on August 12, 2012, 12:48:40 am
I'll possibly join this, I must admit it looks interesting))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 01:28:54 am
Renia glanced over to her brother and barked at him, "The desert is too damn vague for anyone to be around." She stretched out her paws as she sniffed the air; only the smell of cactus,  sand, and lizards were about. She snorted at her brother's futile attempts on keeping his little paws clean. She barked for him to follow as she began to run straight ahead, not sure of what they were going to face.

[[@Karakuki: Are any of your characters opened to be bothered by the troublesome duo?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 02:02:34 am
[I have Luka and the twins all open, as well as Tonio, but he wouldn't be in the desert, probably]

[It'd be great if you decided to join, okami!]

Lorencio follows, faithful as always. His sandy colored fur blended in with the environment, besides the black speckles and his extremities. His tongue lolls out in a happy grin as he and his sister searched for victims.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 02:08:19 am
[[I guess we'll go after her. She seems like a fun person to bother x3.
Hmm, can Amara/Gilda pass by the twins with Adam in her motorcycle? /Shot]]

Renia sniffed the air as she smelled an older woman close by, speaking quietly to herself something about clocks or something. "We may have found a lunatic, Lorencio," she barked at her brother and smiled with her tongue lolled out with a twisted look in her eyes. She crouched down as she began to sneak closer to see what this woman did look like.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 02:42:00 am
[Of course xD]

Lorencio just cackles, grinning in a twisted way as well. "Oh good, crazy people are more fun to bother!" He laughs, keeping pace with his demented sister. Before long, Clockworker came into sight, still looking around for food. She wasn't about to get food, she was about to get a visit from a rather...unpleasant lot.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 04:23:05 am
Renia licked her mouth with a certain snap as she opened her eyes up wider, as the amber yellow were the only visible orbs that the human could see. She slowly gave out her inhuman laughter into the darkness as she began to circle around the human, just waiting to see her face. The funny thing about the goddess is, she always has done with whether it was a victim or a human she pestered.

Meanwhile, Gilda was traveling about in the desert with Adam going on about his jokes but she couldn't really laugh since she throat was well, out of commission for now. Her ponytail ended up undoing itself as she increased the speed with the headlight was soon flickering, the bulb was dying out for the excessive usage. She cursed under her breathe, knowing she should have traveled during the daytime but her want of comfort got the best of her. She glanced around the desert and hoped to see someone.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: okami129 on August 12, 2012, 05:38:06 am
Name: Pam
Age: 1 year (teenager)
Species: Companion animal
Sp. Extra: Blue merle cat
Nationality: What do you mean by that?
Looks: A blue merlse cat with a sleek short-haired coat and white/silver eyes
Personality: Serious and loyal, she's often the one arguing to keep them out of trouble but depending on the partner, she might just be the trouble-maker. She uses everything to her advantage. This is the shortest description thing of a personality in the ages.
Powers: None .w.
Family: They jumped off a cliff, and then there was none... -shot-
Companion Animal: If anyone wants to companion with her, speak now
Weapon(s): I don't think companion animals get weapons... -shot again-
Rp Sample: As the platform gave a groan of protest, she continued to cling to its ledge determined not to fall. It seamed like a millennium just below her paws. She couldn't see the bottom of the dark ground, and the platform was beginning to give way. Eventually, she was fortunate enough to climb back onto the platform and continue her way. (this post is derpy)
Other: I'm surprised blue merle cats don't apparently seem to exist, but they're bluish grey with darker blue/grey spots all through their fur. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, look up 'blue merle'.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 05:41:16 am
(( Nationality usually applies to the New Humanity (Androids), Rulers, Humans, and Vectors there are several different countries. For example, Amara is from Marlon. But, you don't need to worry about that if you're just a companion animal.:3))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: okami129 on August 12, 2012, 06:05:04 am
Kk thanks. .w.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 12, 2012, 03:03:06 pm
Adam looked at the headlight and mtoined for her to stop. "I'm an engineer. I can fix that." He said while pointing to the headlight, and then to a spare lightbulb he just so happened to have on him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 12, 2012, 03:05:07 pm
Derp post!))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 04:28:34 pm
[Accepted, Okami!]

Clockworker stops and sighs. "Yes, what do you want?" She calls out to the invisible twins. She wasn't very easy to scare, really, and she had come into contact with a few of the other dieties pretty often. Her hands shift on her staff, now looking ready to swing, instead of using it to walk. The older woman's dark blue eyes roam around the perimeter around her, trying to locate the hyenas. Even if they weren't who she thought they were, she could whup the regular hyenas. Food was food, whether it was hyena or cacti.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 12, 2012, 04:52:00 pm
Would anyone be interested in joining my dragon roleplay I just made?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 04:52:48 pm
[I read over it while it was still in construction. Is it finished now?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 12, 2012, 04:55:35 pm
Yesh it is, you interested?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 04:56:48 pm
[I'll read over it again and see what I can do. I'm not normally one for dragon rps, but I'll try]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 05:50:13 pm
The female hyena cackled as she kept herself cloaked in the darkness and her amber yellow eyes glued onto the woman but it seems she grew some gonads to face against them. She looked over to her brother with a twisted smile as her body soon raised but she began to stalk closer to the woman. She snapped at her brother to come along and not to play around with her, she did have a weapon. 'Oooh scary,' she thought to herself as a hint of insanity went into her expression.

The motorcyclist nodded at the engineer as she soon made the motorcycle come to a halt. She gave a small chuckle as to why would a young boy carry a light bulb with him but she parked it as the headlights went off and the engine quieted down. She looked around as she tried to make out figures in the darkness but for some reason, she thought she saw two humans in the darkness but it could be her imagination. Even at night, the hallucinations of the desert can sometimes come into effect.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 06:00:39 pm
"Ahahaha to you too! Show yourselves!" Elluka demands, narrowing her eyes. She thought she saw two shapes stalking closer. Hyenas usually don't travel in pairs...her answer was just confirmed. Was she scared of demanding the Servants? Nope. They needed her right now as much as she needed them. Besides, the servants had always put her on edge. She brandishes her staff, showing them she was armed.

Lorencio lets out a derisive giggle, like he was trying not to laugh, and was practically biting his tongue to keep from doing so. Stalking closer along with his sister, he eyed the staff warily. Immortal or not, getting hit with a stick would hurt, and his first encounter with the old witch woman hadn't gone peachy either.

Noir holds a hand up to his mouth in a silent warning to his sister to get quiet, which she obeys instantly. She looks around, and spots what her brother spotted, three sillhuoetes in the distance. With an unspoken word between them, the twins go to investigate, approaching cautiously.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 06:12:24 pm
Renia made the first move as she snapped right behind the old woman's ankle and have out a crazed giggle right there. She moved back into the darkness and motioned her brother to go ahead and tease the crazed loon at any moment. However, she noticed how Lorencio as watching the stick as her ears went down in disappointment. "It's only a damn stick, Lorencio. You're immortal, get over it," she barked at her brother as she walked passed him quite slowly and bit his tail.

Gilda pulled up her goggles as she softly rubbed her eyes. Sleeping for three days may take a tow on her but she didn't care as much. She glances around again as she took the case from off her back and placed it down, leaning against it as support. Her eyes averted towards Adam, who was working, hopefully, as she resumed to stay on guard as she hoped that those two distant figures she saw weren't androids or even ..Renia. She shivered at the thought of the goddess coming to bother her again after three days of no sleep, she might lose her patience and snapped at her.  I f she did, she would have been gone from the spot and she be dragged to the MotG buy yet again, Renia could have been a troublesome teenager with high-tech equipment.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 06:19:40 pm
Lorencio darts at the older woman, but while he was barreling towards her, Clockworker was muttering some words and moving her hands a little. Right when he was about to snap at her ankles, sparks shot from the ground with a crackle. Caught off guard, Lorencio yelps and skids backwards.

Lumi takes out her rifle, and Noir's hand was on the hilt of his sword as they approached, eyeing the strangers and keeping their distance.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 06:29:10 pm
Gilda made out two moving figures in the desert and now, she was standing straight up with her hand holding up her case straight up. She glanced over to the engineer still working and sighed, she still needs to be the vector of protection even without the other vectors. Her eyes noticed a glint of steel in the darkness as her green eyes narrowed. 'Those might be androids,' she thought to herself as a possibility could have occurred; they might have followed her and Adam but kept secretive. That tactic wasn't like how New Humanity programmed their androids but still, they've been moving up with knowledge and power all these years.

Her eyes went a bit up to make out a face and it seemed it be masculine but her vision was blurry as some sand got into her eye. She rubbed her eye as she looked up to the sky, just waiting for the right time. Besides, if she plainly announced it to Adam, he might collapse lie the first time.

Renia's growl came life into the silence of the desert and she charged at the witch and her stick. She couldn't believe it, Lorencio got blown away by a few sparks! What in Master's name were they up against, a witch? A simple witch that blew away a immortal but at the same time, it was Lorencio and she was the stupid butler. She glared back at her brother for a second but she turned back to the witch.  

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 06:36:45 pm
Elluka readies her staff, scowling at the hyena. "I'll give you the same thing I just gave your brother, Servant." She growls, warning her. The sparks hadn't literally thrown Lorencio backwards, he'd just gotten surprised.

"I'm not sure if they're androids or not, Lumi. What kind of robot rides a motorcycle?" A boy's voice is faintly heard whispering to his companion. "Well, we haven't seen everything yet...what if they are...?" A girl's voice replies to the first speaker.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 06:44:42 pm
Renia glared at her brother with disgust; how dare he back off so quickly for a little fireworks display?! The fact that she even worried was embarrassing enough as her ears went up as she turned over to her brother, shouting, "LORENCIO! You've deal with our superior's mouth but you cry and run back for a couple of sparks!?" She turned her gaze back to the witch and gave the same growl back as she was circling around her closer with a twitch in her movement, she might go in any direction.

Gilda blinked as she could hear something, possibly even whispers but she couldn't be too sure if it her mind imagining it, Renia poking fun at her paranoia, or it was real. She looked over to Adam, went onto her knee and patted her shoulder as she motioned him that she'll be taking a little stroll. She stood up up, cleaning the sand off of her pants but she calmly placed the rifle case into the passenger seat. She took a soft breath as she sucked it in through he teeth and began to walk into the darkness and straight towards the where the whispering was heard. Maybe she could negotiate if they were bandits or run back if they were androids. She grabbed onto the upper part of her other arm with her right hand as she seemed a bit nervous but she kept herself calm as paranoia isn't rather easy to control in these circumstances.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 06:50:40 pm
Lorencio gathers his wits and rejoins his sister, determined not to get shown up again. He lunges at the witch again. Elluka swings out her staff, and Lorencio clamps his jaws around it. The edges of his mouth curl up in a grin at the thought of stealing the stick and causing the woman to chase them around the desert.

"One of 'em is coming this way!" The frightened voice of the girl, Lumi, is heard. Her mask muffles her voice, but it's still able to be heard.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 07:36:11 pm
Renia charged at the witch and was glad her brother finally did come back to his senses. She bit down onto the end of the witch's stick as her brother took it from the side. Her jaw clenched down as her teeth buried into it as she gave a sudden jolt back to take it away. She glanced at her brother and gave a smirk even with a mouth full of stick. She buried her feet into the sand as she tried to loosen the witch's grip on her weapon.

Gilda turned about the whispers again but she scratched the back of her head; it must be real. She felt her hand gripping onto her other arm as she tightened it but kept herself calm. She slowly moved forward towards the whispers as she soon held out her hands and tried to feel around. She soon knelt down a bit as she could make out some footprints but still, the figures were close or maybe even in front of her, she couldn't exactly tell. She slowly gotten up and looked around. Her breath was held into the throat, hoping nothing would happen.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 08:13:12 pm
Clockworker shoves the stick forwards, hoping to knock Renia in the mouth. She glares at the two younger gods, and swings her foot forwards, trying to ward them off. The pink-haired witch was not going to let these two immortal brats take away her only weapon.

Lorencio grins and shakes his head back and forth, trying to loosen Elluka's grip on the thick rod of wood. "C'mon lady, just let us have it!" He snickers, voice muffled by his sharp teeth in the wood.

"Who are you?!" Noir calls out warily, scowling at the dark. "B-both of us are armed, we can take you if you attack us!" Lumi warns, glaring at trying to look scary. As if this would help, both twins put the masks over their faces. Sometimes paranoia and adrenaline caused weaker enemies to look at the masks and run. Who knew if this might help?
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 08:52:44 pm
"Come on, hag," she spoke as she groaned with her teeth digging into the weapon. She yanked the staff again as she glared up at the pink-haired witch. She snapped her neck t othe side as she growled even louder.

Gilda waved her hands in the air as she throat was still bothering her and she can't really, well, respond back. The voices in the darkness sounded a bit young but there was a masculine one that seemed a bit nervous as the higher pitch one was acting a bit like Renia. She tried to call out but only a little squeak came out as the small pink blush on her face went pinker. Oh god, she just made herself look like an idiot.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 10:18:32 pm
The twins go up to Gilda curiously, but Lumi still with her gun drawn. "Can you speak?" The sibling on the left, male by the sound of his voice, asks. "I don't think she can, Noir. She just kind of squeaked." The twin on the right with the gun replies, shaking her head. "Never see many people out here." Noir comments, peering at the newcomer.

Elluka hangs on tight to the staff, and aims another kick to one of their sides. It connects with Lorencio's leg, and he yips in surprise.

[EDIT: Wrong male twin. o.O]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 10:34:06 pm
Gilda placed her hand over her mouth as she gave a painful cough as some sand escaped from her lips. She clenched onto her stomach, dear god that felt horrible. She took a deep breath in as she glanced up and spoke in a soft and strained voice with a hint of an accent, " The desert's sandstorms has gotten the best of me. I do not mean any harm and hopefully, the engineer doesn't either," She spoke her first line for over three nights as she rubbed her throat, the sand can really get to you or Renia decided to have fun with her, who knows. She glanced back at where the male voice was coming from, "Not many humans could about as they're hiding in the cities or underground," she commented to him as she kept a cool gaze at another glint of metal, maybe it was a gun or a blade; her eyes couldn't make it out.

Renia cackled as she snapped at Elluka's heel since she did kick Lorencio. She soon bit onto the stick and began to shake it all around.

Gilda blinked as she heard the masculine voice yip about something. "Do you need help?" Her head tilted to the left with her arms crossed but she was about to take a step forward.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 12, 2012, 10:51:47 pm
"We don't mean harm either. My sister and I were just out looking for something to bring home to eat." Noir explains. "You just made us curious." Lumi adds. "You never know who's out here, after all." She continues. Lumi lowers the gun now that she realizes this person wouldn't hurt them.

"Dammit. Both of you get off of my flipping staff!" Elluka snaps, trying to stomp on one of their paws. She was terrified or worried, just pissed right now. Like I said, these two immortal upstarts...who in fact, were younger than her...were NOT getting the best of her.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 12, 2012, 10:59:48 pm
"Curiosity killed the cat," she rubbed her throat again as it oddly itched. She glanced over to Adam who was busy away at his work but she held out her hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you both. I'm ..Gilda Poluzin." She nodded at the comments coming from the darkness as she still couldn't make out any clear body parts or even heights. She somewhat hoped that these two weren't up to trouble or at the fact, twins.. She shook her at that thought, she shouldn't be worry over superstitions.. She glanced over to Adam over her shoulder, "The second figure you've properly seen was Adam, he's an engineer I found being chased by the New Humanity." Her body movement was a bit uneasy but she pushed the hair away from her face, "  I think I have some cans of food left from my last trip from a neighboring town near here."

Renia released the staff but she darted into Elluka's stomach, trying to headbutt her onto the ground. She turned over to Lorencio and gave a cackle, "Hey, she's pretty fun to annoy," and she resumed to annoy the old witch. She snorted with a fitful laughter that  make even her own mother frown.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 13, 2012, 11:19:00 pm
Holy crap I need to post!))

Adam reached into his coat and produced a single lightbulb. "YOu never know when these will come in handy!" He got out and began working. Only a few moments were needed for the light bulb, and a few more for the minor repairs to all of the parts damaged by the sand. His trusty wrench was also handy.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 13, 2012, 11:29:03 pm
((Hey Tomas! Your new rp looks interesting; how is it going?))

Gilda coughed with her hand over her mouth again but this time she turned her head and called Adam over, "Adam! Can you come here for a second?" She fixed her goggles as they stuck onto the top of her head while also noting that the engineer was done and he might have a flashlight, it'll greatly help to see the two she spoke to.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 14, 2012, 12:41:11 pm
It's done, but I need one more player before I start.))

"Sure thing." He walked towards GIlda, and thought he saw the silouhette of two humans. "You see that too?" He asked while fumbling around for the small flashlight he always carried.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 14, 2012, 12:44:32 pm
Elluka gasps, the air being knocked out of her, but she recovers quickly. "Alright you two, I tried to let you go without a damn fight." She snaps, swinging her staff as hard as she could at Renia, using it like a club. Lorencio jumps in front of Renia and takes the hit, being knocked backwards by the force of the blow, and tumbling to his paws with a yip. He lies still for a moment, stunned, but leaps to his paws again, snarling.

The eyes of the Clockworker twins scan the surrounding blackness, trying to see the newcomer before he saw them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 14, 2012, 12:45:54 pm
[Again, sorry I haven't been posting. Yesterday I told this guy I've liked for a while that I like him, and didn't feel like getting on the forums. >.<]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 14, 2012, 12:46:54 pm
[Also, I've been waiting for your rp to start, Tomas. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 14, 2012, 03:05:53 pm
I know, I know, the rp will start when one more person joins.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 14, 2012, 05:32:39 pm
Gilda's pupils went small as the faces of the mysterious shadows appeared to be twins,... twins with the masks of an iron hyena but she couldn't be too sure. She turned over to Adam and nodded, "Y-yeah. We're speaking to each other about how not many humans come about in the desert," a hint of fear was in her voice but she hushed up quickly. She first gazed at the girl, she had an uncanny resemblance to that short goddess but with a more islander look and she looked at the male, he seemed to be about Gilda's age but Gilda has the hardest time telling someone's age. The male looked scrawny while the female looked like the leader; how that fit the servants too too well for Gilda's liking.

She shook her head to herself as she felt heat rising to her face, she wasn't sure why but it was a first.

Renia looked in disappointment at her brother but she worried a bit too..but not that much. She glared at her brother in a sympathetic way for a couple of seconds until it turned to the witch; it was going to get serious, eh? She soon dashed between the witch's legs and felt herself going onto two legs as she snapped her jaw near human's neck.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 14, 2012, 06:53:34 pm
Elluka throws herself backwards, feeling Renia's teeth barely graze her throat. Not deep enough to be fatal, but painful nonetheless. While she was off balance, Lorencio sinks his teeth into her arm. The witch shakes her arm, eventually slinging the male servant off, followed by a sharp whack with the staff.

"We live not to far from here, actually. NEVER see any people." Lumi answers, shaking her head. Both of the twins, sensing the threat passed, removed their masks, revealing young, rather innocent looking children. Twins, but ones with no current evil intent.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 14, 2012, 07:23:17 pm
Renia soon took the hit for Lorencio as the staff hit her right on the back as she gave out a deep growl. She felt her eye twitch in a bit of pain She grabbed Lorencio by the back of his neck and began to drag him away, as she didn't need Lorencio to look disfigured with bruises on his face when he turned human; the superior would have surely asked them what happened and they don't need the trouble. She was trotting away from the fight and into the darkness as she dragged Lorencio who was clearly wide awake.

Gilda could her her conscious planting her face into the palm of her hand as to see that she was concerned about two young children but the worse fact is, they were twins. She swallowed the ball of worry as she tried to continue the conversation without fretting even more, "I don't see humans that much either but I travel a lot more." She held out her hand towards the twins as she didn't exactly know what else to do, "I guess this is the point where we shake hands and introduce ourselves." She noted that she should apologize to Adam for not being able to speak to him earlier but at least they all can understand each other now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 14, 2012, 11:21:18 pm
The twins shake her hand, first Lumi, then Noir. "You're the first human we've seen in quite a bit. Besides us and our mother, anyways." Noir explains. "I'm Lumiere, and this is my brother, Noir." Lumi introduces, smiling.

Lorencio was being dragged by his sister. Did he protest? Of course not! He wasn't stupid, Renia would skin him alive. He just tried to make himself as little dead weight as possible.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 14, 2012, 11:42:08 pm
"It a pleasure to meet, you Noir and Lumiere." She smiled back but she didn't reveal any teeth; it was a polite smile not a happy one. The inhuman laugh rung in her ears as it echoed throughout her desert for somewhere far. She glanced up with her hand going down and tightening into the fist. She heard that laughter for a couple of times in the night but it seemed closer now but she ignored it. Gilda glanced around as Adam was with his flashlight she couldn't make out anything else in the darkness.

Renia dropped down her mouth as she rubbed her jaw, "Damn it! You're heavy." She could feel the muscles in pain after carrying that stupid butler. She morphed into her human form as she slipped up her iron hyena mask up and glared at it. "That is the first last time I'll ever carry you!" She sat on to her butt next to her stupid hyena brother and snorted, "I still kick your ass at bothering people though."

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 14, 2012, 11:58:55 pm
Jackson turned on the flashlight and a cone of illumanation filled a three-foot radius. When he heard the twins speak he immeaditily threw the wrench, causing it to collide with Koir's head. "I am SO sorry! My stupid paranio(Sp)!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 16, 2012, 04:35:31 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 04:02:33 am
Noir recoils when he's hit in the head by the wrench. Lumiere scowls at Adam, and steps forwards like she's about to try to beat him senseless. One hand on his forehead, and one hand around his twin's wrist, Noir prevents the altercation.

Offended, Lorencio retorts. "If I'm heavy, that means you're heavy too, Renia!" Starting to shift back into human form, he glares at her. "That's one of the old geezers that the mistress and the others were talking to. I saw two others, but I know she was one of 'em." The butler explains, dusting sand off of his clothes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 04:13:46 am
"Eh, you're saying the masters and our superior has time to talk to stupid old humans and not us?" Renia crossed her arms in disappointment with her head buried in her knees. She turned her head as a strand of hair fell, giving her the signature crazy look, "My weight is not related to your obesity." She soon fixed up her arm and she punched Lorencio in the arm in a playful manner, "Who are these two other special humans they're talking to? We're they some other old geezers?"

Gilda could only stand there and watch the comedic atmosphere that fitfully came in when Adam accidentally tossed the wrench to Noir's head. Seeing by the look on Lumiere, she was rather protective of her sibling just like how Gilda was with her sister. She felt a heart string tug at the thought of her late sister, Jack, but she tightened her fist to ease herself. She Gilda walked over to Noir and handed him a rag from her pocket, "You can use this if it's bleeding, I don't mind." She glanced over to Lumiere and Adam and herself let out a chuckle at these two little clowns. 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 06:45:26 pm
"One of 'em looked really old, but that lady right there was a witch or summin'. She's real old, but she changes bodies, I think." Lorencio tries to explain. "And I am NOT obese! I try to keep skinny so I don't turn into a potential meal for the mistress!" He protests. "Anyways, they called the humans 'Victors' or something like that. I wasn't really listening." The boy finishes.

Noir shakes his head. "Thank you, but it's not bleeding." He says, smiling politely. Lumiere had turned from wrathful to overly concerned sister in a heartbeat. "You sure you're not dizzy or something, Noir? It did hit you pretty hard." She asks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 07:00:34 pm
"..Vectors," Renia felt her mouth go dry as she spoke the word and thought of her little favorite victim, the Vector of Protection. She rubbed her chin and resumed asking, "So, were they any other vectors, young looking or so?" She smirked at how Lorencio got defensive of his weight, he was truly a lady sometimes. "Aye, Lorencio. Don't worry about being a meal for anyone; no one isn't even interested in you..unlike me." She stuck out her tongue and smirked.

Gilda nodded as she folded the rag back up and slipped it back into her pocket, "Alright." She walked back to her spot and slipped her hands back into her pockets while looking up to the sky as the two siblings discussed abotu the damage done to Noir's head.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 07:55:21 pm
"Yeah, there were four other younger looking people, but that lady's the only one I got a good look at her face." Lorencio replies, shrugging. "Hey! I'm glad people aren't interested in me! Means I'm the better ninja!" He protests.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 07:57:32 pm
"..So, because you're not interesting this automatically means you're a ninja?" She glared at her brother as she mumbled out loud, "Stupid butler." She pulled out a nail filer from her dress pocket as she fixed her nails, already disappointed at her brother's odd assumptions.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 08:00:21 pm
"It means no one's paying attention to me either way. Therefore, even if I sucked ass at being a ninja, which I don't, no one would pay attention to me." Lorencio corrects.

[Sorry for half-butt answers, I'm trying to finish my homework before the first day of school tomorrow.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 08:04:45 pm
[[It's cool, tomorrows is my first day of school as well but I thankfully don't get homework for A.P. classes XD.]]

Renia sighed and nodded her head in defeat since she didn't want her brother boasting about being a ninja even though she still thinks he sucks ass at everything else besides picking up things for her. She jabbed the nail filer into his ribs playfully and she looked up, "Was there a Marlonese (?) Vector, Lorencio?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 08:12:40 pm
[Lucky x.x]

"Yup. One Marlonese, Two Lucifenians, Two from Asmodean...or it's ruins, anyways, one from Elphegort, One Belzenian. Weird, at least one from every country but Levianta..." Lorencio reports, then adds as an afterthought.

[I left Levianta out on the Vector list, 'cos Clockwoker's Leviantan, Lorencio just thinks she's Lucifenian. As for Asmodean having two, I needed seven.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 08:38:41 pm
[[It's alright besides there are only two Vectors in the roleplay as we speak. Wait, so this means the Vectors have talked to the Gods or will..? ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 08:54:01 pm
[They see them every once in a while for guidance, but rarely. Lower gods like Gear and the Servants aren't usually a part of this, but Noir IS a ninja, and no one notices him. Lol]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 09:05:41 pm
[[I'll believe that the little Noir/Lorencio is a ninja.. Now I can imagine him running around and stealing clothes, I don't know why but I just did.]]

"It'll suck if one of those Vectors didn't believe in the Gods then," Renia chuckled as she thought of the Vector of Protection and how she sometimes belittles the Masters and Mistresses but in her own thoughts. Thankfully, she at least believes in her (but this is what Renia thinks as she's conceited.) She crossed her legs as she began to fix Lorencio's nails for no apparent reason, maybe to help him with his fashion sense, who knows. "It's odd that the mistress hasn't called us yet, Lonrecio. Did you give her a stomach ache or something?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 09:14:09 pm
Lorencio shrugs, knowing it was useless to pull his hand away from his sister. "I was wondering the same thing, Renia. Maybe she's sleeping?" He guesses, thinking. It was rather odd that the Master of the Graveyard hadn't demanded another dish or something in a bit.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 09:15:44 pm
"..Does she sleep at all?" looked over to her brother with an eyebrow raised, she never witness her superior ever sleeping since she was always chowing down on a soul or so. Renia blinked and looked down with concern,"Hopefully nothing happened to her or we'll lose our jobs."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 09:25:48 pm
"We sleep...I guess she's gotta sleep sometime. Don't worry, Re, not much could take down the mistress. She is one of the Four Masters, after all." Lorencio assures his sister with a smile. "I'm sure our jobs are safe." He promises. The butler knew his sister was more concerned about her job than her mistress. Lorencio, however, was actually loyal to the Master of the Graveyard, job or not.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 09:36:40 pm
"I just don't want to end up useless," Renia looked down and placed the nail filer away. She growled at her brother when Lonrecio called her by that awful nickname but she's grown used to it after all these years. "There are ways, Lorencio. Like that bluebird and it's genie-like powers." She placed her finger into the sand as she drew a kindergarten style of a bird with little stick figures surrounding it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 09:42:21 pm
"But what dunce would use the bluebird to get rid of our mistress, when they have bigger problems?" Lorencio asks, gesturing to the desert all around them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 19, 2012, 11:44:28 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 19, 2012, 11:46:42 pm

"The desert only takes up so little on this world, Lorencio," She corrected him as she picked up sand and allowed it to fall back onto the ground but the wind swept it away into the night. "Some of the humans could have gone insane and wanted to be a god or rid of the gods for not helping them," she shrugged at the thought. "I know I'm not helping humans," she glanced at her nails as she ruffled Lorencio's hair.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 12:02:23 am
"I try to help when I can, and when they deserve it...but we can only do so much. They're not our puppets, they make their own choices. Like the one that caused this mess, and the one causing all of the messes before." Lorencio replies, scuffing the ground with his shoe. "I just hope the person who finds the Bluebird is a good guy..." He continues.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 12:11:13 am
"I just don't find the point of humans, to be honest. They're only really here for the masters and mistresses have something to boss over," She continued her point about the humans being 'crazy.' Renia pouted for a bit as she cracked her knuckles, "I hope so too and I hope they don't make a stupid wish like being famous or anything.." She chuckled at the thought of a fool so full of himself wanting to be rich and greedy in an already doomed world.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 12:16:56 am
"Well...humans are nice to eat sometimes.." Lorencio points out. "...and they're always funny to watch, making stupid mistakes." He continues. "What point would it be to be famous in a dying world?" He asks.

[Lol, I should have Lorencio fall in love with a  human eventually. I can see him doing this for some reason. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 12:52:43 am
[[Oh god. Renia will have a fit.]]

"Yes, especially stir fried," Renia licked her lips in glee at the thought of stir tired Vector but she shook her head away of the thought. She nudges Lorencio with her elbow playfully, "You really do love watching humans. I'll feel bad if you had a clone who did that," she cackled in glee at the thought of stalker Lorencio hitting the streets but thinking about it, Lorencio as a ninja would make sense. "Well, there are rulers in this dying world and they're famous, along with the Vectors but they're considered humans too but chosen, I think."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 02:06:31 am
"I'd rather them be baked, but stir-fried is good too." Lorencio chuckles, then looks at his sister. "Well, humans are just fun to watch if the mistress doesn't need too much attention on some days." He tries to explain his fascination with humanity. "I wonder, though, what chooses these rulers...what makes them better than the poor saps starving out in the desert." He muses out loud, in answer to his sister.

[Well, then by all means, we should piss off Renia! 8D]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 07:39:22 pm
[[Lovely! But, the question is whom? Unless, you'll keep it a secret. xD]]

Renia patted her stomach at the thought of baked humans but the thought of cannibalism never stirred her mind at all; no wonder Gilda had her patience eroded away so quickly after these years. She sat up and stretched herself out, stating the obvious, "Well, the New Humanity or something always enjoyed sheepish humans that they can drag around like it was no one's business. Maybe the androids find them weak and act all obedient for them." She glanced at the desert, "And those who are starving in the desert are lucky, but they don't get to be on awesome murals like moi~" She casually stuck up her leg as she posed like a girl from those pin-up posters minus the erotica. She rolled her eyes at Lorencio spoke of his fascination about humans, "If you love to watch humans so much, take over a human body or something that way you won't get this form injured. Thankfully, you're a bit smart despite being a stupid butler and will know not to have mutual or platonic relationships with the humans. We should be giving them troubles, not the other way around." Oddly, the way she said human was filled with disdain in her tone but she kept hers overall tone snarky and cheerful.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 08:48:43 pm
[You wanna make the character when she surfaces later, or should I?]

Lorencio shrugs it off. "I'm a smart guy. Now put your leg down, you look like a stripper." He comments, smirking at his sister. "I wouldn't want to take over a human body though, I don't know how to BE a human. They look down on eating people and causing problems, you know?" The butler replies, rolling his eyes like the thought of people holding cannibalism in disdain was freaking ridiculous.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 09:00:00 pm
[[Hmm, we could use we have now or so.]]

Renia raised an eyebrow and stuck out her tongue, "A stripper isn't as pretty as me, Lorencio." She placed her legs down with a smirk, "You just need a patient human then." She soon began to trace her finger into the sand like a little girl and drew a stick figure which was meant to be Lorencio with human bones around him. "See? That'll be you if you were near a human!" She cackled but she agreed, "Well, I know some that don't but understand it as a base of survival." Renia frowned at the thought of the little vector she bothered quite so much, after these years she was still a bit patient for her. "One of my victims told be 'patience is a virtue' or something. That what keeps her alive or else I wouldn't be needing her voodoo doll anymore," she smirked evilly with a fang revealed.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 09:02:32 pm
[Hmm, like who?]

Lorencio chuckles. "She wants you to be patient while you torture her? Masochist, anyone? Maybe se likes it." And there goes Lorencio with his first...crude joke in a while, followed by a smirk.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 09:07:48 pm
[[*Shrug.* Maybe Amara? Since Lumiere is Renia's reincarnation and Elluka, well, Elluka would beat him but I don't know her character that well..]]

"Oh no, she doesn't. She never did enjoy it when I tortured her father but it makes it more fun~," she chuckled at her brother's crude joke with a sinister smirk. She ruffled up Lorencio's hair but she nodded, "I don't enjoy masochists, they never make funny facial expressions when you twist their nose or somethin'." She waved her hand up and down, "Maybe one day I'll show you my victim one day, you know, when you're more tolerable and amazing as moi."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 09:15:25 pm
Lorencio rolls his eyes. "Amazing and tolerable? My, someone's modest today." He teases, smiling again. "As for the facial expressions, they ARE really funny." He snickers.

[Amara it is, then.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 09:17:59 pm
[[Oh god, I forgot about Amara's fear of twins. This..is going to be interesting.]]

Renia also rolled her eyes at her brother's denial of her pure awesome self. She glanced at her nails and looked at him, "My,my, you are a jealous little one." She smiled back and chuckled at the thought of her victim's faces but she was getting a bit too caught up in the thought as her facial expression changed greatly; a crazed grin with her eyebrows crazed with her pupils quite small. "Oh yes, their facial expressions."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 09:25:04 pm
[Lol, well Lorencio is nothing like Renia, and is a little...gentler in nature. Maybe she likes him better? xD]

Lorencio chuckles amiably. "Someone's in a good mood today. Can I ask why?" He requests, looking at his twin sister.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 09:26:16 pm
[[She would if I think about it but Renia would jump in and out, trying to create diversions.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 20, 2012, 09:28:52 pm
Sorry, got grounded.))

Adam was beating the dirt senseless from overly-dramatic shame of his reflexes. He didn't acknowledge pretty much anything around him until he planted his face in the pit he had made. "You guys talking?" He said, muffled by the dirt.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 09:33:05 pm
[Unless Lorencio kept his whereabouts a sneaky ninja secret. I'm sure he can find a way to go under his twin's radar, lol]

Noir sighs. "Honestly sir, I'm alright. Lots of worse things have happened to me than a wrench beaning me in the head." He tries to assure the stranger.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 09:47:40 pm
[[So, Lorencio would be running around in a ninja suit? Cool.]]

"Oh, the thought of them expressions just makes me squeal in more joy than how our superior enjoys gouging down obese humans~" she cooed with a tune that sounded like windows breaking; it was just unpleasant. She quickly removed the hairband used to pick up Lorencio's ponytail as she jolted up and ran around like a lunatic as she was in a good mood for once.

Gilda nodded to herself as she wanted the younger children bicker about as she tried combing her hand through her hair but it was too messy. She sighed as she gave up trying to fix her hair as it'll only get more tangled but she could hear Renia's screams inside her head, "You look like a man~" or on the weirdest occasions she'll go up to her and tell her to go on one knee since it was polite for men to do so. She pulled her hood over head as a way to stop her conscious from bugging her about it. "I'm sorry to interrupt but do you have a guardian, Noir and Lumiere?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 10:19:16 pm
Lorencio was dragged by his sister, who was acting like she was on drugs. Nothing new, of course. He just tolerated it. He was a pretty patient guy, to deal with this as often as he did.

"Yeah, we live with our mother." Lumi explains. "Well, we see her as our mother, anyways." Noir tries to elaborate.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 10:40:00 pm
"I see," Gilda nodded slowly at the twin's response but she felt something irking the back of her mind at the thought of twins.  She waved her hand as she commented, "I'll go get the cans of food." She turned quickly on her right heel as she walked through the desert and towards her idle motorcycle. She bended over and began to forge for the cans of food as the others were over at their own place.

Renia was mindlessly wandering the desert  with her brother's hairband in her hand with Lorencio following her, hopefully. She looked around and groaned, " I wish the old hag didn't have to fight us."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 10:43:54 pm
"Why, and where are we going?" Lorencio asks, looking curious. He was following since he precious hair tie was in the hands of his twin, and he didn't want to look like her. She wasn't ugly or anything, he just didn' wanna look like a girl.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 10:51:13 pm
"I don't know but we're walking around aimlessly unless you have something better to do, princess," Renia commented as she placed the hairband into her pocket as began to spin around aimlessly in the desert; some might say she was struck by the moon madness. "Princess, do you really ever do anything besides serving the superior..and reading those forsaken books?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 10:53:02 pm
"I take walks, wander around, draw...why?" Lorencio asks, tilting his head and looking curiously at Renia.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 10:56:05 pm
"Let me guess you also enjoy long walks on the beach," she rolled her eyes as her brother commented on his hobbies. She stopped suddenly and turned to him, "I'm slowly being dissolved into boredom and I can't think of anything to do."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 10:59:51 pm
"Nah, beaches are lame. I like walking in crowded places invisible and messing with people." Lorencio snickers, then looks at his sister. "You? Out of ideas? Impossible!" He says, looking surprised, with no sarcasm.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 11:01:07 pm
Renia turned dramatically at Lorencio as her eye twitched, "I promise myself to bother my victim in the morning but not now." She groaned to herself as she spun around and tackled her brother, "Amuse me, damnit."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 11:09:58 pm
Lorencio flails as he tries to push his sister off. "Get off me!" He protests, kicking up sand on accident in an attempt to get free.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 11:13:10 pm
"Oi! No one is getting out of my grip when I'm bored, "she growled as she pulled her brother into an aggressive hug. Renia sniffed as the sand went to her face as she tripped Lorencio but it made them both roll down the sand hill.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 11:17:24 pm
"I dunno how to entertain you!" Lorencio answers, going limp and spitting out sand. Once he knew resistance was futile, he just let his sister hug him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 11:37:26 pm
Renia groaned as she slid off of Lorencio and rolled onto her back beside her annoyed brother. She extended out her arms like a koala and she yawned, "I think I'm going to go to bed, Lorencio. You have fun out here." She sat up and with a snap of her fingers a portal opened up. She strolled into the portal, waving at her brother as the portal closed behind her with a long contagious yawn echoing into the night.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 11:44:19 pm
[Would Lorry already know Amara?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 20, 2012, 11:52:05 pm
[[I don't think so since Amara only has seen Renia but he has seen the voodoo doll so he has a rough description of her.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 20, 2012, 11:59:31 pm
[Ah. xD]

Lorencio wanders aimlessly around the desert.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 12:07:13 am
[[But there's the fun of looking for people!]]

Gilda tossed up a can in the air as she caught it and walked back to the group of youngsters. She tossed the can to Noir and smiled, "Here you go, a can of beans was all I could find."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 12:11:50 am
"Th-thank you so much!" The twins gasp, looking surprised. They hunted for most of their food, living so far from civilization and all.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 12:30:57 am
Gilda nodded softly with a small smile as she responded, "You're welcome." She glanced over to the sand dunes and waved her hand, "I'm going to stroll around for a while to see if the New Humanity followed us. Adam, why don't you introduce yourself to Noir and Lumiere?" She dusted her cloak softly as she began to walk away.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 12:45:03 am
The twins watch their new friend go.

Lorencio was still wandering, humming to himself mindlessly, and just looking around. He didn't have to torture people to be happy.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 01:02:55 am
[[ I have no idea what I'm doing.]]

Gilda first checked up on her motorcycle and was relieved at the fact that the engineer was able to fix up the light. She checked a for a couple of minutes by turning on the ignition a couple of times with the light flickering off and on anytime she turned it on and off. She sighed in relief with a spark of joy in her green eyes but she turned off the motorcycle, grabbed a rolled up map, placed it in her pocket, and presumed to walk through the desert with the children behind her.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 01:09:17 am
Neither children had  followed, talking to each other in rapid fire Lucifenian. There was a sort of "General Language" after the New Humanity took over, but regional languages still existed.

Lorencio was still wandering. No idea what he was looking for, really, but he'd find out eventually.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 01:11:31 am
[Neither do I. o.O]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 02:01:33 am
Gilda kicked up a little pile of sand with her boot as she coughed alone in the moonlit sky with the cloak covering half of her face. She had this lifestyle for over 6 or 7 years, she couldn't remember it well enough since it's almost been a decade or less since she left Marlon. Even in solitude after these years, she couldn't even find happiness in enjoying being alone but it was different when she was younger; she just always wanted ot be alone and conquer the world but that dream was short lived. Gilda paused for a brief moment after a while of pondering to herself and looked up to the sky, feeling nothing but the night slowly eating away at her shadow.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 02:04:30 am
Lorencio, caught off guard by the sound of a cough, lets out a sort of 'yelp' of surprise. Looking around for a place to hide...he finds none. "Damn it..." He thinks. Thoughts of his conversation with Renia earlier flashed through his mind: Humans possibly wanting revenge on the gods for not helping enough, people wanting to be gods themselves...or just people wanting to get rid of them altogether.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 02:21:55 am
Gilda raised an eyebrow, hearing a girlish yelp in the distance as she turned and looked around, cautious yet calm. She noted a figure about an inch or so taller than her and it seemed to have long hair; a lost girl in the desert? "Good evening, is anyone out there?" She questioned out in the darkness as she calmly walked towards the silhouette who was frantically looking around for something.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 02:27:11 am
"N-no. Don't come any closer, I'm armed, I promise!" Lorencio babbles the common excuse used for a cornered human, heard many times in his observations of being confronted. He backs up a little bit, nervous. Unlike Renia, he didn't actively go out and torture humans. Only the occasional prank now and then, and when Renia or his mistress ordered him to. One thing for sure was, that the boy, although his voice slightly reminiscent of his sister's, was slightly deeper, and lacked the commanding and confident air hers had. 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 02:36:10 am
"Well, I reassure you that I am not armed," Gilda responded back wonder at why the human, hopefully a human, was fretting about. She wasn't looking dangerous, --but then Gilda looked down to herself and noticed that she was cloaked and had the majority of her face covered which was already terrifying to see in the middle of the night. She stopped her pace about five feet in front of the silhouette as she squinted down, trying to get a closer look, "I don't mean any harm whatsoever."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 02:39:18 am
The Lesser Diety watches the woman carefully. "Why should I trust you?" He asks, looking suspicious. The mask glinted dully in the faint moonlight, but the rest of his body was thrown into shadows. From the edges of his silhouette, his hair seemed to be golden blonde, but the rest of his features, like the lower half of his face, his skin tone, and clothing, were unintelligible.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 02:47:50 am
"Because in these times, trust is the only purest thing anyone can offer," Gilda looked around to see the blonde hairs on the silhouette but nothing else but the blonde hair immediately got her thinking of Renia and she shivered a bit at the thought.  She noted the mask and remembered the twins having a mask similar to it on one of their messenger bags or so but it was must common in these lands to have it.  Gilda calmly emptied out her pockets in front of the shadow and patted herself down, "And I don't really have anything on me." A soft chuckle escaped from her at the thought of this strange standoff with this figure but still, she thought of the figure to be a female despite the voice but she won't ask for genders so soon.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 02:49:57 am
Lorencio takes a hesitant step forwards, starting to be convinced. His features become slightly clearer every step forwards he takes, but it's slow going.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 02:53:02 am
Gilda stood there with her hands folded in front of her, waiting patiently for the person to feel at ease to be in her company. She blinked as she noted it was a young man that was approaching her as she saw a yellow tie immediately but the hair was still throwing off her assumptions.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 03:03:26 am
After a few moments, a young boy stood in front of her. He was rather fair-skinned, with golden-blonde hair tied into a short ponytail, and the upper portion of his face covered by an iron hyena mask, blue eyes showing through. He was wearing the clothing of a butler, with the left arm's sleeve completely shredded, and the arm underneath covered in scratches and bite marks. By the way he was standing, he seemed rather nervous, and ready to flee in a heartbeat if the conversation turned bad.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 10:21:28 am
"G-Good evening," Gilda stuttered softly and she stood there, a bit nervous at the fact that there was a butler wondering around the desert with a mask; a mask identical to Renia's. The young man wouldn't see much of her with her face was concealed from the cloak as the hood above her caused an overshadow across her face so it was no help at all. She gave a small welcoming gesture of a waving hand to at least calm his nervousness as he seemed ready to leap anywhere besides here. She allowed her eyes to wander up to see a ripped sleeve. He must be a fighter, she thought to herself as she looked all the way to see his face more carefully but she quickly got the Renia vibe.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 11:24:42 pm
"H-how do you do?" Lorencio asks, extending his arm, first the left arm, then he hides the ripped sleeve behind his back, then putting forwards his right arm for a handshake. More polite than Renia, at least. He seemed to be torn from averting his gaze shyly, and investigating the first human he's seen up close that he's not fighting with.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 11:32:16 pm
Gilda grabbed his hand and softly shook it up and down, as smoothly as she can not to terrify this man. Maybe he was a soldier of the rebellion and hasn't seen human contact in months, oh the possibilities were endless. "I'm doing quite well, how do you do," she echoed the question but added her response to to not allow awkward silences to slip in, the man seemed to be frighten of something, oh dear, maybe it was her appearance yet again.. Gilda bit her lower lip and glanced away at the thought of frightening even more people yet again.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 21, 2012, 11:42:18 pm
"I'm doing fi-fine..." The boy stammers, then shakes his head, trying to get his nerves back. "I'm sorry...I just haven't been in close contact with a human before...and if my sister finds out, she'll probably kick my ass into next week." He admits, shrugging. "I was just curious." He tries to explain.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 21, 2012, 11:57:16 pm
[[ Lorencio blew his cover. xD]]

Gilda gave sympathetic glance towards Lorencio as her free hand patted the his hand that she shook, "I understand the troublesome affairs of sibling." She thought back on what the young man said as she remembered how Jack was a troublesome gal like the supposed 'goddess' she has met and that helped her be patient sometimes with Renia. She, however, realized how Lorencio spoke so inhuman about interacting with humans and felt herself pitying the young man as she must have been alone with his sibling out in the desert without finding anyone! She released the hand and folded her hands politely, "Well, years of scavenging and roaming the desert does tend to cease human interaction for a while. Besides, it's okay to be curious, roaming and solitary life  for years does tend to loosen the human mind of logic."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 12:04:12 am
[He thought it'd be obvious once she saw him fully. Didn't count on her being a disbeliever lol]

"Mhm.." Lorencio replies nodding. He's been wandering in the desert with only his sibling for a few years. Sure, he'd take any line thrown to him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 12:13:31 am
[[ It's funner in my opinion. xD]]

"Ah, how rude of me. I forgot to introduce myself," Gilda mumbled lightly as she pulled hood the part of the cloak that covered the bottom portion of her face to speak far more clearly. She calmly placed a hand over her chest as she introduced herself, "I'm Gilda Poluzin. It is nice to meet you."  She patted the top of her head, hoping the man wasn't looking to make sure that the her face above her nose wasn't even viewable.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 12:19:02 am
Lorencio smiles softly. "Nice to meet you, Gilda. I'm called Lorencio. Don't have a last name, though...I kind of forgot it." He says shrugging. He made no move to remove his mask, since he usually only did in the presence of his mistress, his sister, and the other dieties. There were no repercussions for a human seeing his real face...he was just so used to wearing the mask, he felt weird NOT wearing it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 12:32:09 am
'It seems that he enjoys the mask,' she thought as she smiled right back at him too. She felt a chuckle escape at how oddly honest Lorencio was unlike most humans on this planet. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lorencio. I take that you're from these parts?" She noted the Lucifenian accent ringing in Lorencio's vocals. As for now, it was a odd night in the desert as Gilda just met more people within an hour than she has in two years of venturing in the continent of Lucifenia. A hint of paranoia slipped into her mind as she hoped that she didn't have a Marlon accent, she was just too use to her voice to ever notice any form of accent.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 12:39:14 am
"You could say that I'm from around these parts." Lorencio says with a shrug, still being totally honest. "And you..you are from Marlon, I assume?" He asks, curious. He faintly recognized her from that meeting with the Four Masters he wasn't supposed to have been eavesdropping on.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 12:43:14 am
[[Wait, did the meeting show a hologram of her or was she was actually there?]]

"O-Oh yes, I am" She could feel the paranoia acting up again as the thoughts of him knowing her true identity and her vector status flooded her mind but she shook her head lightly, eyes closed, and a little wrinkle forming on the bridge of her nose. She opened one eye, controlling her nervousness, "I haven't been there in almost a decade, I would have assumed that I've lost the accent by now." She gave a little chuckle at she thought back home but now images of gore splattered through her mind mind as she glanced down to her hands.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 12:45:48 am
[It would've been more like she went to sleep and dreamed of it. She was there mentally, but not physically, you know what I mean?]

Lorencio looks slightly alarmed. "I'm so sorry if I upset you or something! I was just curious!" He yelps, thinking he made Gilda remember something bad.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 12:47:10 am
[Poor little dude...he tries so hard to be nice to people who deserve it. Lol]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 12:53:12 am
[[ D: Poor little guy.. Anyways, alright that makes sense]]

Gilda looked back up, still with one eye opened, "It's a-alright. You know how some people concentrate on certain objects or so when they're thinking?  I sort of do that. Sorry." She noted his yelping, as she waved her hands to her sides, trying to avoid any confusion, "You haven't done anything wrong from this point and don't worry about making me feel something negative, you can calm down about it." She rubbed the back of her head with that little blush on her nose turning a bit pinker, as she didn't want to make Lorencio far more nervous. "You can speak your mind with ease. I promise I don't bite or anything."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 12:58:22 am

Lorencio seems to calm down, then, his body-language growing more relaxed. He had stopped looking away from Gilda, and was looking at her now, bright blue eyes obviously curious. He was acting a little like a small child out in the world for the first time, really.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 01:02:17 am
[[I could imagine Renia turning in her 'grave' if she saw this.]]

Gilda blinked and gave a little sigh, she honestly couldn't see the man as the top of her hood kept her eyes concealed but she felt someone was watching her. She noted how the tense muscles relaxed on his arms and legs and so she spoke, " Do you feel at ease now, Lorencio?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 01:14:05 am
"More so. It's easy talking to you." Lorencio comments, shrugging. "I haven't been fondly insulted in about thirty minutes. It's nice."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 01:16:27 am
"I can understand what you mean," she rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous smile as she thought back to Renia; she couldn't get why she kept on connecting Renia to Lorencio, they did look alike but in no way acted alike. She clapped her hands together with a warm smile, "Oh, thank you. for that compliment It's also easy to talk to you without worrying about any crazy schemes"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 01:32:39 am
"Crazy schemes?" Lorencio asks, looking even more curious than he did before. "What kind of crazy schemes?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 01:43:41 am
"Very typical from little children. Leaving a buck on a door, twisting ears and noses, that sort of dilemma," she avoided speaking at all of Renia's torture methods especially with other humans; it wasn't common to have a hologram chasing you around with their own amusement.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 01:58:52 am
Lorencio starts laughing. "Sounds like something my sister would do to someone. She's not a people kind of person." He chuckles, thinking of Renia. Along with this thought, Lorencio looks over his shoulder for his sister nervously. She seriously WOULD kick his ass...or feed him to the mistress...if she found him down here conversating with a regular human.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 02:19:26 am
Gilda let out an uncomfortable laugh at how odd this was but in one hand, this might be proof that maybe Renia was a troublesome human teenager with high tech equipment and this might be her brother but that was way too specific. There were too many humans in the world and it isn't like you can walk down the road to find your harasser and wave at her. "I suppose siblings need to be pesky every now and then." 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 02:29:18 am
"I guess so...I mean, I try to bother my sister as little as possible, really." Lorencio admits with a shrug.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 02:32:59 am
"I never did bother my sister unless I was trying to fix up her hair or something, she always kept it a mess," she commented as she stretched out her arms and thought about Jack. To be honest, she gain Jack's habits as her hair wasn't kept nice but she didn't have the time and Gilda would have guessed that Jack would have grown to be a young girl that enjoyed to do her hair and such. She rolled her neck around as a loud crack could be heard, "I suppose you're the older sibling?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 02:44:47 am
Lorencio shakes his head. "Younger by a few minutes." He corrects. "I just act older because my sister...doesn't." He admits. "However, she seems to be a fan of all the frilly, girly things your sister dislikes."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 02:47:38 am
"I'm fortunate that didn't happen between me and my sister," she pushed hair hair away from her face as some strands was falling onto her face and it made her nose itch. She felt a sneeze coming as she quickly covered with her nose with her robes as she made a small squeaky noise as she sneezed, "Kyuu!" She rubbed her nose with her right robe as she mumbled, "Sorry for that." However, she returned back into the conversation after that little sneeze, "Age never really does matter but our standards, no?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 02:58:11 am
"Bless you, and no, I guess it doesn't." Lorencio remarks, looking like he agreed.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 02:59:23 am
"Thank you," she made a sniffle as she resumed the conversation but she took it to a turn, "So, what are you doing out in the middle of nowhere?" She placed her arms behind her back and leaned back and forth, waiting patiently to learn more.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 03:23:53 am
"Just walking and enjoying the quiet." Lorencio replies honestly. "How about you?" He asks, tilting his head curiously.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 10:19:26 am
The little vector rubbed her arm as she spoke, "I was on patrol to see if any of the New Humanity ventured this far out." Gilda wasn't even sure how he could walk around so at peace when the androids were crawling all over the place and just waiting to get a hold of a new recruit in their army. "Sometimes I just go on patrol to enjoy the quiet atmosphere sometimes," she added to her sentence as she relaxed her arms as she formed a small sand pile as she moved her foot in the sand but not too hard to get it into someone's eyes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 22, 2012, 11:11:55 pm
"Trust me, where I'm from, someone's always yelling, eating, banging things on tables, or just being an arrogant prick." Lorencio replies with a smile. What? Didn't he just say he hasn't seen a human besides his sister before? Whoops, silly me.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 22, 2012, 11:48:25 pm
"Oh dear, that person must be starving or clinically insane.." Gilda blinked in confusion. It was odd for even a human to find it something along the lines of yelling, eat, banging objects on tables, or to be a 'arrogant prick' to be funny; it's usually infuriating for most but she came to the conclusion that Lorencio must have dealt with it for a long period of years. She gave a small smile back to him as it seemed it'll help lighten the atmosphere since he wasn't skittish as if he were starved hyena.

[[Did he just diss the Mistress of the Graveyard? Oh snap. xD]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 12:02:39 am
[Yelling = All Four Masters, Eating = MotG, Banging things on the table = MotC, Being an arrogant prick? MotHeaY   xD]

"Nah, that's just the way they are. They can't really help it." Lorencio replies, shaking his head. "They have their faults, but they're my family in a way, and my means of having a job." No matter how much the calm, honest young man dissed them, he couldn't say he hated any of the Masters or Gear and his sister.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 12:40:24 am
[[...Oh god. Oh god. I think I broke something from laughing. ]]

"Family business?" She rubbed her chin as she thought back onto her past of her father and mother running a small merchant shop; her mother was usually the one shouting while her father banged his hands onto the sign shouting "Come and get it It's not free but it's pretty!" to the little children to persuade them so the family come make a quick buck or so. "I guess you're right, not even my folks were perfect," she shrugged as she thought of Jack and how oddly similar she acted to Renia but not like clones, of course. "I don't rely on family for a job anymore, but they taught me some life lessons to run my business," she considered reminiscing her early childhood. 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:14:02 am
"Ah, family business could be a word for it. My boss is like my mother, and my other coworker is like my brother. My sister is the only one who actually related to me." Lorencio explains. "I think we're related...after all. We're the only ones who look exactly the same.." He thinks.


[Sorry, fell asleep at the computer, by the way.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 02:23:04 am
[[That's fine and I hope ya' feel better.]]

"Ah, I see. So it's like a group of friends that gotten together to start a business?" Gilda cocked her head to the side wit ha curious tingle in her eyes but her hood covered the top portion of her face, so no one could really see her facial expressions. She stretched out her arms high into the sky as she went onto the tip of her toes as she let out a satisfied groan from stretching out; kissing all day on the motorcycle can really do things to your back.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:24:33 am
[I think they should get attacked by an Android, lol]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 02:25:36 am
[[ Alright. I guess it'll help wake up Gilda/Amara a bit.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:27:06 am
Lorencio just nods in reply to her question. He had no idea how she hadn't figured out who he was yet, but one thing...just ONE thing was certain. Renia would find this either insulting or hilarious. Probably choice A.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:29:27 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 02:30:34 am
Gilda covered her hand over her mouth as she gave a soft yawn and could feel her heavy starting to get a bit heavy but she was still wide awake. After not sleeping for about three days, her body was trying to urge her to sleep on her motorcycle but this new conversation with Lorencio kept her awake. "So, what's your specialty?"

[[I don't know what that is for D8.. Wait, does this mean I'm in charge of the android?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:32:03 am
"My...specialty?" Lorencio asks, looking confused.

[I'll rp it in a few posts.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 02:37:15 am
"Everyone has a role in their business like how I used to carry around messages or my mother was in charge of accounting and such," she explained as she began talking with her hands, as they went up and down and side to side; a typical way a Marlon local would talk. "Seeing as it's your own personal role, it's your specialty," she finished her explanation with her hands on her hips but she felt some of her auburn hairs falling onto her face so she blew air up to keep the bangs away from her already covered eyes.  Gilda usually spoke to Renia like this when Renia decided not to be a over-dramatic goddess and they bickered like an old married couple or so.

[[Okay :3! ]]

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:41:52 am
"Well, my sister and I have the same job. We're kind of half-guards, half-attendants to our boss." Lorencio explains. He didn't talk with his hands, but tilted his head after he was done talking.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 02:47:53 am
"Ah, so you're a body-guard slash secretary sort of deal," she rubbed her chin and imagined that; this 5"3 (?) man was a bodyguard to a supposed and possibly powerful boss with his sister who could be his height and also attended to the boss' wishes.. That image of Lorencio  being a a ninja, an assassin, or even a killer didn't fit right with his, well, body structure or personality. She felt the natural blush on her nose and cheeks turning a bit pinker, embarrassed of having to think of Lorencio is some a silly fashion but, unfortunately, it was obvious that her nose was turning pinker. "That's a interesting career to take on in the middle of a desert," she glanced away to the other side even though they couldn't make eye contact but she felt bad for thinking of someone she met a while ago in a ridiculous fashion but Renia does it to her all the time. 'If I'm becoming like Renia, I'll end up killed,' she felt her conscious plating its face into the palm of its hand, knowing that a human who acted like Renia wouldn't survive in a strict society like this.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 02:53:13 am
"I'd say more of a ninja butler...but...eh." Lorencio replies with a smile, then a shrug. "Are you alright? Your face is turning red." He asks, looking a little concerned.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 02:58:37 am
Gilda waved her hands in response to his concern, "T-Totally fine! Not a single thing to worry about!" She was fretting again as she would do normally with the pesky goddess but it was different to her at least, since he wasn't a god or even like Renia (or so she thinks.) She pressed her hand to her cheek as she felt the heat and felt like cursing down to the Graveyard for this problem. "So, you're a ninja butler? is that way you wear your mask so comfortably?" She tried to avoid her blushing issue with an innocuous question that a child would ask but she spoke it in a mature tone. 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 03:05:28 am
"Not really, I'm just so used to wearing it, I forget I have it on half the time." Lorencio answers with a small laugh. "However, most people wouldn't know I was myself without my mask, usually. My face isn't that famous." He reasons with a shrug.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 03:09:27 am
Gilda accompanied the laugh with a small chuckle, she never did really laugh out loud anymore since her childhood with Jack. "A face doesn't need to famous to be seen or recognized, your personality would make you recognizable . Even though the rulers' faces are basically forcefully thrusted into the minds of the citizens of their own country," she explain but mumbled the last part as she thought about it more. She pondered, rubbing her chin, as she resting her right elbow in her left hand.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 03:12:41 am
"I'm pretty well known for my personality, I guess, but it's sort of contradicting...and a little insulting." Lorencio chuckles. Again, the dude seemed really at ease in the middle of the desert, like the Androids possibly appearing wasn't a problem to him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 03:17:37 am
"So, you're basically known as a cold-hearted man or something?" Gilda was confused about the man; maybe he a ninja from this country yet worked for the Rebellion? She disagreed with that though,t there was no way he could be the serious and strict type, he was way too nervous earlier. Her face was even turning far more pinker as she bit her tongue to prevent herself from cursing out loud or speak at all.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 03:20:50 am
"Nah, people often call me a stupid butler...then associate me with books. Which makes no sense." Lorencio explains. "But I do eat people's souls after they die sometimes...maybe I would be a cold person?" He thinks, frowning.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 03:27:34 am
[[And then an Android comes up, picks up Gilda, and runs off. xD]]

"Wait, you enjoy reading?" Gilda felt a little spark in her; dear god, have you seen the passenger seat and what's stored in there? She had tons of scrolls, maps, and books cluttered into there in her journeys, of course she'll be excited to find another bookworm (or so) in the middle of a desert! However, her train of blissful thoughts came to a stop as she noted the man was frowning, "Are you okay, Lorencio? Well, I can understand your position, everyone finds me to be a loner who enjoys doing drive bys or something and running over small pets," she scratched the back of her neck, trying to at least comfort the man in any way she could.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 03:35:01 am
"I-it's nothing, I promise. But yes, I try to find books anywhere I can. My sister doesn't get why I read, but it gives me something  to while away my time with." Lorencio tries to explain. If his cheeks were getting red, you wouldn't be able to notice it, really. Who knew if he was embarrassed or not?
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 03:37:52 am
"Reading comes naturally to others and they're usually the successful ones or the philosophical ones," Gilda spoke with both of her hands behind her back as she was restraining herself to stop gesturing her hands about when speaking; that damn Marlon quirk.  "I can understand on why you do enjoying reading as your leisure time, I do it too but for ..other reasons," she allowed that lie to roll off of her tongue as she avoided anything involving her actual 'work'.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 03:42:35 am
"Yeah, I need something useful to do, I have quite a while to waste." Lorencio agrees. He had noticed the pause before "...other reasons", but didn't say anything about it. Probably wasn't his business.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 03:44:59 am
[[I'll be fleeing to bed now. Good night, dudette!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 03:45:25 am
[[G'night, duderella!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 07:42:12 pm
"So ,your job gives you enough time to read books?" Gilda crossed her arms as she still tried to maintain control of that damn Marlon quirk. She sometimes blamed her mother jokingly when she was young when foreigners would visit Marlon and wonder if she ever spoke sign language and she constantly moved her hands or place her hands onto her hips or even walk around while moving her hands.  Ah, poor Karin, having to put up with such childish accusations in Gilda's childhood. Gilda, however, brushed her hand through her hair as she elt her hand twitching, wanting to at least move if she dare say another word.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 10:32:08 pm
"Depends on the day, really. Days build up over the years." Lorencio answers, shrugging. His eyes dart to Gilda's hands, and he noticed the twitching while she was trying not to move them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 10:40:42 pm
[[ Her spider senses are tingling! ]]

Gilda made a quick peek from under her hood to see Lorencio starring at her twitching hand but she quickly placed both hands behind her back.  She bit down down onto her tongue as she hoped for mercy for him not to believe she's mentally unstable or awkward. "Years? So, you've been in this career for quite some time," she felt herself feel relived as her hood resumed to cover the top portion of her face, but she felt it was obvious this made her paranoid even though she was already paranoid about being paranoid. Doesn't that make sense? Of course it does! She felt a odd taste in her blood as she raised an eyebrow. 'What am I tasting?' she thought to herself as she realized her tongue was bleeding from biting down too hard. G
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 10:44:24 pm
"Yup. About..." The boy starts counting on his fingers. Odd thing was, he had already counted past sixteen. "Quite a while." He gives up, shrugging.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 10:46:43 pm
[Lol, her spidey senses are tingling, and Lorencio's an oblivious retard. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 10:56:33 pm
[[At least he isn't an arrogant prick xD. ]]

Gilda blinked as she noted that Lorencio counted over sixteen years but she nodded at his response as he quickly gave up. "You're a lot younger than you look if you're pass sixteen, Lorencio," she bluntly stated .
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 11:21:50 pm

Lorencio looks surprised. "I thought you knew that?" He asks, seeming to be confused.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 11:47:17 pm
"I thought you were younger than me, to be honest," She shrugged hoping Lorencio would at least take it as a compliment like any one else (usually women) would have. She glanced away, feeling guilty, sand the odd taste of blood in her mouth. "I can't identify your age properly Lorencio, but I didn't ask for your age as well.. So, my apologizes."  
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 23, 2012, 11:52:36 pm
"It's fine, I guess."  Lorencio says, not looking that offended, merely confused. Suddenly, there was a shuffling sound a little ways back.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 23, 2012, 11:57:32 pm
Gilda looked down to the floor, she couldn't say anything else since the only things she wanted to say was asking for his age and how did he get to look so young, especially a 14-year-old. She turned  her head around as she believed to have heard something but it could be her imagination acting up again.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 24, 2012, 12:08:38 am
JAckson looked at Gilda. "Would you stop looking at me that way? I'm nineteen years old!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 24, 2012, 12:29:44 am
[[@Tomas: Gilda ventured out long ago xD. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 24, 2012, 01:46:01 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 24, 2012, 01:48:51 am
[[Psst!~ You might want to modify it and chat up with the twins xD.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 24, 2012, 03:34:38 am
Lorencio stiffens up as well, his head turning to the source of the sound. For all he knew, it was his mistress coming to lock his ass in the Clocktower for all eternity. Or it could be Renia, who'd punch his face in. Or a pissed off Android. All of these would not be very pleasant to run into.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 24, 2012, 10:50:54 am
"So, you heard it too," she whispered softly to Lorencio so her voice wouldn't overpower the odd sound. She tried to reach out for her rifle as she patted her back but she sighed, she remembered that the only item she possess of actual threat was a a map. Gilda slowly pulled out her map, even though it was idiotic, it was all she could do for the moment. She'll figure out something, she is the vector of protection.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on August 24, 2012, 12:34:17 pm
So, I have someone who WON'T desert me in the middle of a wasteland?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 24, 2012, 07:48:18 pm
[[No one did desert Jackson. Gilda just went out and observed the desert since the New Humanity could have possibly followed and the twins are with a can of beans.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 04:52:08 pm
Lorencio takes out a heavy looking book. Like Renia's violin, it could turn into a weapon. Unlike Renia, he tried not to torture people with his weapons' other form.

[What should the book turn into?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 04:54:28 pm
[[ I don't know. It could have a hole in the center that sucks in people into the MoTG's stomach?]]

Gilda felt some windows blowing by as she gripped onto the map cautiously, waiting for something to emerge for the darkness. She placed her arm over her face as some sand blew in with her hood coming off but she didn't mind for now, there's company lurking about.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 05:03:45 pm
[Or a hammer...? xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 05:05:06 pm
[[ Doesn't he have like retractable claws like Wolverine?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 05:07:25 pm
[Oh yeah. xD]

Lorencio then realizes he was armed, and didn't need his big heavy book. So he sheepishly puts the book in his bag again, and unsheathes the claws on his gloves, like a boss.

Another shuffling sound, and an Android emerges from the shadows, packing a gun with it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 05:11:22 pm
Gilda glanced at the claws and blinked in confusion, "How..is that.." but she kept herself quiet as she saw the Android emerging from the shadows with a gun. She quickly did the obvious approach as she threw off her cloak and waving it around in the incoming sand in the wind so it'll blind the Android, hopefully.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 05:16:23 pm
The Android takes a step back, shielding it's eyes from the flurry of sand. Lorencio shields his eyes as well with his arm.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 05:20:00 pm
Gilda looked at her hood and sighed, knowing she'll need to wrinkle it to rid of the Android. She qucikly made a noose out of her hood as she leap up and placed it around its neck. She was gripping her hands onto it and she glanced over to Lorencio, "Quickly, please!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 05:25:50 pm
Lorencio dashes at it on all fours, tackling the evil piece of machinery with all the weight and force he could. From the pressure of his attack and the pressure from the noose, the Android's head was torn off, leaving a sparking corpse lying in the sand.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 05:29:29 pm
Gilda fell back into the sand, face first as the corpse fell in her direction. Her hand were still firmly gripping onto the noose as she sat back up, spat out the sand from her mouth, and looked at the corpse that laid before her and Lorencio. "Nice work, Lorencio," she commented but at the same time, he did tackle to him on all fours and that nagged her mind a bit, who would go on all fours to tackle someone like a hyena or an animal? She removed the noose she made out of her hood as she began to flatten it on wit her hands with the cloak resting on her knees.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 06:09:41 pm
"And that was very quick thinking yourself, right there, Gilda." Lorencio compliments, holding out his hand to help her up.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 06:25:35 pm
"Ah, thank you," she took his hand as she tried to raise herself up and she thankfully did. She softly shook his hand, "But thank you for not fleeing too; I'm too used to people doing that." She began to place on to cloak again but she kept her eyes looking down as she placed the hood over her face.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 08:11:08 pm
"Well, I couldn't possibly just flee and make you face that thing on your own, could I? That'd be cowardly." Lorencio explains, shaking her hand as well. "Everyone needs to help one another in the state the world's in now. From what I've observed, there's way too much of humanity caring for their own life than there is humanity caring for their fellow man." He reasons.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 09:17:06 pm
"I suppose I can't assume that you're the majority of how humanity, now can I?" She smiled softly as she released his hand before they kept stuck together. She slipped the map back into her pocket and she glanced over to gloves, "So, what's up with the claws? Are you a hyena or something?" Gilda chuckled a bit, seeing as how the mask and the claws did suit to make a hyena costume of a sort.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 11:28:33 pm
Lorencio just looks surprised. "No, not really. I'm just not really a big fan of people seeing my face unless I trust them, and the claws? They're good weapons." He explains, shrugging.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 11:33:31 pm
"It makes you look like a hyena ninja of a sort," she continued to chuckle at the thought of it; it reminded her of those old comic strips her father collected as he said they were valuable since they were before the world became of sand but she never understood what he ever meant. She raised an eyebrow as he went on explaining about his mask, "I can understand that." 'I know that too well,' she could feel a bead of sweat going down her neck but she quickly swatted her neck as if a mosquito bit her, "Blasted bugs," she mumbled out the lie.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 11:40:53 pm
Lorencio laughs. "I can be a hyena ninja, from now on, then." He jokes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 11:44:12 pm
[[Should I try signing up as the other Masters/Mistresses?]]

Gilda smiles, "I hope your boss doesn't mind it then." It was odd how they could be all childish and joyful after just killing an android seconds ago and she soon felt a lump of apathy running through her as she felt this sort of childish behavior, something that was short-lived in her childhood. She rubbed her eye as she glanced up, "Wouldn't your sibling worry about you being out here in the desert?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 25, 2012, 11:46:18 pm
"I'm not sure why my mistress hasn't called yet, and my sister? As long as I'm still alive to carry things around for her, I'm sure she'll be fine." Lorencio replies, looking up at the sky as well.

[We can split them up, if you'd like?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 25, 2012, 11:49:22 pm
[[Alright! You can choose first.]]

"Maybe she's tired or something," Gilda responded while still looking up to the sky but she took a quick peek down at Lorencio's sleeve to see it damaged. "Hey, I have something for that," she pointed to the broken cuff as she grabbed the end of her cloak to tear off a piece so she could stitch it up or so.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 12:00:19 am
Lorencio pulls his hand away rather quickly. "Ah, it's fine. I have other clothes back at the place I work." He promises, smiling. Point was, if Gilda mended his sleeve, both his sister, his boss, and his semi-bosses (they're over him but not of much concern to him) would ask questions. Gear never asked too many nosy questions, but he didn't want any curious looks from the Master of the Court's servant either.

[Hmmmnnn....Master of the Heavenly yard and Gear? Unless you wanna be either of them. Honestly, I have no preferences.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 12:07:02 am
[[I'll go after Master of the Court and Master of the Hellish Yard then; they seem fun to be.]]

Gilda nodded in content if Lorencio did deny the help, "Ah, alright." She placed down her hood and flatten up the tip so it wouldn't wrinkle. She glanced around to see the sparking body and she sighed, "It's a shame to see humans waste themselves like that."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 12:31:31 am
"I don't get why anyone would fall for something so obvious. 'Save resources'? Look where that got you all." Lorencio sighs, gesturing to the desert surrounding them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 12:42:56 am
Gilda could feel a hint of Renia at how Lorencio responded towards her comment since  Renia would have said most of the times when she tried reasoning with her that not all humans were stupid. "It got us all here whether or not we wanted it; things were taken by force and we still fight for nothing,"  she gestured her hand at herself and Lorencio as she spoke. When she finished, she crossed her arms and still glanced at the sparking body, "I guess they will too consumed with hope or such since the 'deities' wouldn't answer them," the way she pronounced deities has a harsh tone to it like a whip cracking or maybe it was her accent showing.

Meanwhile in the world of the Masters (and Servants and Gear), Renia was busy scratching up Lorencio's pillow and messing about with his covers to get revenge for his horrible fighting today. "Take, that, and that," she shouted while hitting her boot over it; wasn't she just the most precious thing? She felt the eye bags under her eyes as she yawned and flopped herself onto her brother's head, he shouldn't mind or he'll get stuck in the box again.  Even if her bed was basically near Lorencio's, she was too lazy to move but a thought occurred to her, 'If I did mess up his covers and slept in it, the revenge wouldn't work.' She gave a whining groan out loud as she dragged herself to her bed and hugged a voodoo doll and began to bite on its head, knowing that the person would be complaining in pain.

Renia grabbed a nearby slipper from her floor (possibly her brother's) and threw it to the light switch as it switched off. She fell asleep while easily as she began to snore softly with her face buried in the pillow.

[[So this means Master of the Graveyard is the last one opened. I guess I'll be her unless you want to, I don't mind.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 12:48:11 am
[I don't mind!]

Lorencio flinches at her tone, obviously hurt. "We're not their playthings, though. We make our own choices, and that's that." He tries to protest.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 12:58:51 am
"We may not be playthings to the deities," the tone soften a bit seeing as Lorencio flinched and she took that into concern, she sometimes forgets that many humans do still believe in the deities. She continued what she said, "We do make our own choices but many believe that they don't know better and ask for help for voices that never did quite respond." Gilda glanced up towards his face and bit her lower lip, "Sorry for that; I didn't mean to bother you with my thoughts."

[[Aww, poor Lorencio.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 01:11:24 am
"Sometimes they try to help, but I doubt they'd know how to help. I'm sure they don't know much about human problems." Lorencio knew for a fact that the Four Masters knew nothing about humanity. Renia didn't seem to care nor remember anymore. However, Gear seemed to attempt to help as much as he could, but it wasn't really much, since he couldn't leave the Clocktower. "It's fine, though. Different people believe in different things." He says, shrugging. The little dude still looked like he had personally been hurt by the diety comment, though.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 01:19:55 am
"If you say so," Gilda noted his shrugging but she could tell the posture and the tone in his voice that was really did seem hurt about the deity comment and she felt even worse about it but why? She could never understood why it was different now but all she could do is comfort him. She extended her arm out but hesitated on touching his shoulder since well, it'll be rude just to touch someone you met. Her hand hovered over his shoulder as she mimicked the patting action, "I know you don't care but your eyes say otherwise. I should have taken more consideration of your feelings and besides, I don't know better at times."

Gilda pulled down her hood with her other hand to give direct eye contact since that usually did help with comforting but the paranoia stopped for a bit.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 01:30:04 am
"It's fine, don't worry about it." Lorencio repeats, then seems to remember something. "-Removed by Moderator-! I left Renia in our room alone, my stuff's gonna be ruined!" He yelps. He looks apologetically at Gilda. "Could I talk to you again tomorrow, perhaps? I really must be getting back...er...home." He asks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 01:36:21 am
Gilda quickly raised her arms up in surprise but she nods but then realization kicks in. 'He said Renia. He said Renia,' she starred at the sand for a couple of seconds but snapped back to reality as she arms relaxed themselves, "I guess you can if I'm still here but for now.." She grabbed the end of her cloak, pulled out a red pen from her pocket that she used to mark her maps and wrote something on the cloak. She held it out to him, hoping he'll at least take it.

The cloak had her name written onto it as there was another word that read "MVoP" and she smiled softly, "If I'm not here, try asking around in a nearby town for the second word." As for her conclusion on the thoughts of the name Renia, it was a common name but she wasn't rather sure why.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 01:43:34 am
Lorencio nods and smiles, taking the cloak. He puts it inside his jacket, so Renia wouldn't see it. ('Cos you know she'd pitch a fit!) "Bye!" He says, before running off eastwards, towards the place his sister made the portal.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 01:50:16 am
Gilda waved goodbye to Lorencio as she still smiled but reminded her, she left three unaccompanied children out alone in the desert. She cursed lightly under her breath in the Marlon tongue but she let out a soft "Bye" before she ran in the opposite direction to check up on the children.

Renia was rolling around in her bed as she opened up one eye and glanced over Lorencio's bed, "He's still not here." She groaned in annoyance, what did he waste his time with now? Finding a girlfriend? She sat up as she looked through his drawers and began to pull out several things and tossed them to her side of the room like a boss.  She snorted loudly as she pulled out his boxers ad pulled them over her head, "Oh god, they have hearts on them."

"Maybe he'll seduce the Master of the Court with this," she laughed loudly as she paraded herself across the room with his boxers over her head. She grabbed her violin that was fortunately under her bed as she began to play every note of a song off key. In the distance, someone could be heard goraning and shouting at Renia to stop playing that Master forsaken music.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 01:55:51 am
"I...don't even want to know, sis." Lorencio comments, giving her a 'I'm considering applying you to an asylum' look. "Please take my boxers off of your head...it doesn't look right at all." Not only was his sister prancing around with his underwear on her head, she had messed up his bed, too. "Great..." He sighs, already thinking about the next time he could talk to that human woman, Gilda. She was interesting, and the first human he had talked to, after all. Of course he was excited.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 02:02:09 am
"Well look who's back, princess," she stuck out her tongue at her brother as she took off the boxers from her head and handed it back to him. She crossed her arms at she sat at the corner of her bed glaring at him, "Boxers can be worn in whatever fashion that I choose," she started her rant about his clothing but then she noticed something. "You have content in your eyes, why are you happy?" She stood up and leaned towards his face and mumbled, "Did you eat human without me, mister?" She placed a dramatic note on her violin as she spoke.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 02:15:00 am
"Nope. But I did watch some children get chased by a pack of wild dogs, does that count?" Lorencio replies, grinning. Not exactly a lie, he did witness that before he met Gilda. "They even lost." He chuckles. "Also, I don't give a damn if you wear my clothing, just please not my underwear on your face." He explains.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 02:18:20 am
"Oh boy, someone starting to act like that arrogant prick," she twirled one her the loose strands of her blonde hair with her finger as she smirked.  Renia laid the violin right by the nightstand as she jumped onto her head and laid herself out. She snorted at how her brother calmly replied at children being chased by wild dogs but she let out an automatic groan since they couldn't do that to the old hag that was beating him up.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 02:22:36 am
Lorencio rolls his eyes. "Please don't compare me to the arrogant prick." He pleads, sitting on his own bed.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 02:27:00 am
Renia looked up as she winked with her tongue stuck out, "I know, you stupid butler. I was joking." She rested her cheek into the palm of her hand as she starred at her and noted something in his jacket pocket, "What's that in there?" She glared at him, "You better not have stolen anything from the Master of the Court, Lorencio. That's my thing."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 02:32:35 am
"What, this? I stole some lady's cloak. It's gonna be cold tonight, after all." Lorencio played it off with a careless flick of his hand, and a yawn. He takes the cloak out of his jacket and uses it as a pillow, since Renia kind of annihilated his.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 02:38:59 am
"Then what's that written on it," she began to quickly accuse him of something she wasn't even aware of. She glared at it but wasn't couldn't read it well enough since it was in a different language but she could easily make out a "G".  Renia never did enjoy it when her brother acted like a damn cat, he was a man not a pussy cat.  She threw the covers over her head as she hugged her pillow but she grabbed on to a different voodoo plushie as she was under the covers. It was Gilda's plushie and she made the plushie fall down roughly down onto the mattress as she giggled insanely.

As the Vector of Protection approached the sight of Noir, Lumiere, and Jackson, she waved her hand called out to gain their attention, She was dragging her feet across the sand and was thinking how the hood wasn't going to keep all warm throughout the night. Suddenly, she felt the air beneath her as she tripped down into the floor and felt her nose cracking and the fresh smell of blood. She pushed herself up while one hand covered her nose as she cursed to herself at the pain.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 02:43:43 am
Lorencio shrugs at her question, and first looks at the ceiling, then at his sister. "Again, dunno. I just took it." He answers.

"Holy crap, Gilda, are you alright?" The twins take off running towards their new friend.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 02:47:43 am
"I'm fine, don't worry about it Noir and Lumiere," she groaned as she sat herself up as her hand covered the nose but blood ran through the spaces between her fingers. Gilda glanced up at the twins but something struck odd with her as she noticed the mask and Noir. 'He almost looks like Lorencio, just almost,' she thought but she oddly felt the heat rising to her face as she shook her head. "I tripped in one of the sand dunes, silly me,"she tried to crack a joke even though she knew she didn't trip.

Renia peeked out from under the covers with the voodoo doll as she blinked with boredom, "Aren't you such a nice torturer?" She rests the voodoo doll on to her pillow as she still stares at her brother, "You should at least taken more like her soul..and split it with me." Renia grumbled under her breathe at how there wasn't many souls to keep everyone fed except for MotG since she did need them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 02:49:31 am
"Good job." Noir chuckles, then holds out his hand to help Gilda up. "How'd you trip over a sand dune?" Lumi asks, looking at Gilda, seeming to be worried about the blood.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 02:58:25 am
Gilda gladly took his hand and helped herself up but she used the clean hand, of course. She was surprised that no one was aware of her wardrobe change but she glanced over to Noir and thanked him. She thus looked over to Lumiere and explained,  "I must have had tripped over my own feet as I did drag my feet in it." Gilda noted Lumiere's fixation at her bloody nose as she tried covering it up better.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 03:01:32 am
"I'll try to remember that next time, sis." Lorencio sighs, closing his eyes and putting his hands behind his head.

"Wait, Gilda...weren't you wearing a cloak earlier?" Lumi points out.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 03:04:20 am
"I lost it to a wild pack of dogs since they chased me around," the lie slipped quicker than a rabbit fleeing from a predator. Her tone sounded a bit off but she hoped they wouldn't question it. Gilda thus spoke again, "The good news is that it wasn't Androids and there's none to be found near here." She thought back to the Android's body but wished to forget about it.

Renia groaned as she turned onto her side, facing away from Lorencio as she doze off and slept quite easily. However, the horrid sounds of her snoring could be heard throughout the hallway and  it was worse for poor Lorencio.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 03:08:35 am
Lorencio just sighs, rolls his eyes, and tries to ignore his sister.

"Did they hurt you?" Noir asks, looking concerned. A pack of wild dogs was never a good thing, after all.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 03:14:45 am
"Of course not, if they did..I wouldn't be here," she joked about even though the topic of being eaten alive by wild dogs was no laughing manner.

Renia was tossing and turning in bed with a cat-like grin on her face as she was mumbling some words in her sleep, "mara....Spoons." She hugged her pillow as she began to bite down onto it but this was Renia's normal sleeping pattern but the voodoo doll fell off from the pillow and landed on the floor which meant only one thing.

Gilda felt a sudden pain on the back of her head as she rubbed it and groaned, "I believe my age might be getting to me too." She started to head off to her parked motor cycle, "Don't worry, I'll fix myself up so no blood will get on anyone."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 03:38:33 am
"Yeah, 'cos getting blood on ourselves is obviously the part that worries us." Lumi says sarcastically. Noir just shrugs.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 03:47:49 am
"Easy there, tiger. I was being thoughtful for you both and since you're obviously not liking hte blood," she was carefully putting bandages onto as she kept on cursing for still feeling the same pain on the back of her head as her voodoo dolls did fall onto the ground as Renia was tossing and turning and dreaming of spoons.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 04:01:02 am
"We're just glad you're not hurt." Noir sighs, trying to explain his sister's sarcasm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 04:05:21 am
"Aww, that's sweet of you two." Gilda turned around to have her nose decorated with band-aids with flowery designs but these were old ones that she took from Marlon before left on her near-decade journey. She smiled at Lumiere and Noir, "I know it was sarcastic but playing along was the best thing to do.."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 08:16:08 pm
Neither twin commented on the Band-aids. Hey, you gotta use what you gotta use, right? They were just glad their new friend wasn't going to bleed to death.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 08:20:22 pm
"So, did you gets even eat the can of beans I've given you?" The vector asked as she was putting away the map she had along with the red pen. She glanced over her shoulder to view the twins but the hyena mask bothered her; was it a custom in this country to have them? Was it something only twins had? She shook her head as she looked back into her passenger seat and continued to organize other things.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 08:24:38 pm
[She should ask them. xD]

The twins nod just nod without saying anything, since Kara couldn't think of any dialogue or actions.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 08:27:56 pm
"So, what's up with those masks?" Gilda turned around as she already placed her hood, map, and red pen properly. She leaned against the passenger seat with her right foot pressing against it as she was oddly checking her hair. 'Those damn split ends,' she thought to herself, knowing if Jack was still alive, she'll be laughing her ass off.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 08:51:54 pm
The twins shrug. "Twins are always seen as bad luck in places like Lucifenia, Belzenia, and Elphegort, because of the Servants. We find that hilarious, so we had the masks made, and travel around and frighten the paranoid people." Lumi explains, grinning. "Yeah, we've always done it. The Servants don't seem that scary to us." Noir agrees, nodding.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 09:25:02 pm
"In my country, we never did view twins as nothing horrible," Gilda went on to explain her culture as she nodded at Lumiere's explanation. "However, those of the spiritual healers division would exclaim that twins were the forth coming of a plague," continued on as she planted her face into the palm of her hand as she thought about her mother. "But, no one did ever listen to them, thankfully." She chuckled at the thought of these devious twins, "Are your scare tactics working?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 09:42:21 pm
"Very well, Renia and Lorencio did a good job scaring people." Lumi snickers. "One time, we went into Rolled-City, and someone tried to exorcise us when they saw the masks." Noir chuckles.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 10:04:11 pm
Gilda felt her face turn pale as she immediately turned around and bent over to check in the passenger seat. She could feel herself freaking out when those name were mentioned, maybe they were the Servants, maybe they were famous twins!?  "W-Who's Renia and Lorencio," she questioned, trying to keep her cool as she pretended to look for some objects.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 10:31:15 pm
"The names of the two Servants. Renia's the Wicked Maid, and Lorencio's the Stupid Butler." Noir replies, looking confused. "Didn't you learn these things when you were a little kid?" Lumi asks, curious.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 10:34:15 pm
"I never did comprehend the teachings of the deities," she allowed that white lie to slip as she continued to pretend that she was seeking something. She could feel herself losing a bit of her grip on her understanding, did the man she met earlier was a deity himself or just another civilian? No no, it can't be; the Deities never did come to answer and they wouldn't just appear out of no where.

Gilda leaned back up and looked in the opposite direction of the twins since her face was obviously showing confusion and nervousness.  Besides the point, she did glance over her shoulder towards the twins, "So, how's this 'Stupid Butler' like?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 10:40:43 pm
"Well, he's supposed to be nicer than his sister, but will still do anything she or their mistress asks. We've never met him before ourselves, since he rarely walks around to try to talk people, but he's supposed to be really polite, and reads a lot." Noir explains. "It's been quite a bit since anyone's actually talked to him, though. Not sure why he's called the 'Stupid Butler' if he's the diety of Literature, though. Kind of ironic." Without knowing it, Noir had just sort of reworded Lorencio's 'my reputation's a little ironic, I'm known for reading books, but I'm often called stupid' explanation. Lumi looks at her brother. "The reason he's called the Stupid Butler is 'cos when he was a human and served his mistress, it was said he had no idea he was serving her people. Then the Wicked Maid knew, but thought it was funny." She reminds her brother. "Remember, that's one of the first myths Mother told us about." She finishes. Ah, so Lumi WASN'T completely a ditz.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 10:55:18 pm
Gilda nodded as she heard the story but now she was getting rather paranoid again. 'What if Renia sent him-- It isn't like her to do that, besides she's just a child with high-tech equipment,' she thought to herself as she glanced over to her shoulder and looked down her arm as she was trying to figure this out. As she placed the pieces together, the man she met and this 'Stupid Butler' sounded almost identical but alas, he was very honest and cat-like but Noir and Lumiere never mentioned it.

"Your mother must really enjoy telling tales. May you please tell me more like who was this master the Twins served?" She began to peel off the band-aids as the nose ceased bleeding but there was some smudges of dry blood still on it. She rubbed her nose off wit ha tissue from a tissue box hidden right under the passenger seat as she blew her nose.

[[I almost finished MotHY's form! All I need is two..more..masters.. *Groans.*]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 11:01:00 pm
Lumi steps up to tell this one. "The mistress, known as the Master of the Graveyard, is sometimes presumed to be the mother of the Servants, but acts more like the Wicked Maid does. She has an insatiable appetite, and it's her job to eat the lost souls wandering the Garden. Those that make it through, are then judged by the Master of the Court. But like I said, first they have to make it through the Master of the Graveyard and the Servants. She's not necessarily cruel, but sometimes she gets carried away, and if the Servants don't move fast enough away from her food, she might mistake an arm or something as part of the dish. She can't help being that way, though, since she's also the Epitome of Gluttony." She finishes, shrugging. Noir just nods in agreement.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 11:04:25 pm
[I haven't even started on Gear's and Mothy's forms yet. o3o]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 11:13:49 pm
'His sleeve, his sleeve,' Gilda began thinking as she rested her forehead into the palm of her head and pushed away her bangs away with her fingers. She nodded throughout Lumiere's explanation and made the usual "oh," and "I see," remarks that someone would respond to when a story was told. She relaxed herself as she oddly began to deny the existence of the deities, it just came second nature to her even if she did over think to an extent. Gilda thus calmly stood up as she rubbed the back of her neck, "You're very informed on this, Lumiere and Noir. Do the both of you make it a pastime to study on such subjects and folklore?"

[[ Oh my. I just sort of hop about while creating the forms (on Microsoft Word) but I wish you luck on those two forms. xD]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 11:17:15 pm

"Our Mother told us most of them, and she said it was important to know them. She said she was born in a time before this religion, and actually witnessed some of the myths happening, like the Daughter of Evil...but I think she was just telling us this...she can't be that old, right?" Lumi asks. The myth in question was said to have happened quite a few hundred years ago.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 11:27:52 pm
[[Someone's old xD. ]]

"Ah, those silly myths are always false" she bluntly said without thinking as she was still denying the lies (even though they were facts). Gilda glanced up at the twins as she focused more on the mask and made sure to remember it. 'If I happen to see Lorencio tomorrow, the best thing to do is to flee..' she thought to herself with the simple reason, if he was a 'deity' and related to Renia, he could mean trouble regardless but if he is related to Renia but not a 'deity', it's still bad news if Renia is using him or worse, if Renia was posing as him.

She rubbed her chin as she thought of this tale simply known as the 'Daughter of Evil,' as she blurted out, "I remember my mom telling a story like that one day but I never did listen..I believe it was called "Servant of Evil."" As she thought back on her childhood, it was usually Jack that would listen to their mother as Gilda, well, she just went straight up to some priests and asked where there deities where and they acted quite flabbergasted for such a response from a young girl. But of course, Karin would excuse her daughter and say that she drank too much cactus juice.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 11:37:06 pm
Both twins look surprised...and almost hurt, but not quite. It normally didn't fly over well when someone called the stories they had believed to have been true "silly stories". "The Servant of Evil Myth is like...the flipside for Daughter of Evil. They were twins as well. Another reason people think we're bad luck at times. Or...'proof', as they call it." Lumi states, scowling at Gilda. She didn't seem to be taking her lack of faith as well as Lorencio had, ironically. Noir just didn't like arguing, so he said nothing, just looked at the ground.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 26, 2012, 11:46:19 pm
Gilda noticed a bit of tension at how Lumiere was trying to scowl her and it struck her head in thought that she bothered someone again with her beliefs or well, non-beliefs. "I apologize if my lack of faith is disturbing," she began scratching the back of her neck while looking at Lumiere. She then looked at Noir and sighed, "Please ignore anything I say that relates to your beliefs in the Masters, Servants, or Gallerion." Oddly enough, the only one deity she does remember was the Gear but he was the patron of her country, Marlon, and he was basically referenced in the daily lives and conversations in Marlon.

"But personally, I wouldn't find those tales as proof as twins being 'harmful'. I don't see the harm any of you are causing,"
she tried to bring up a positive note but she figured out it'll crash and burn like that Android her and Lorencio took down. "I mean, uh, it'll be worse if there was triplets or quadruplets.. and being twins might not be bad if there's only two of you and not three or four.."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 26, 2012, 11:53:22 pm
Lumi notices her awkwardly trying to cover up the twin thing, and bites her lip, trying not to laugh. "I guess it doesn't really matter if you believe in it or not, you're a nice person." Noir says carefully, trying to think of how to speak without offending anyone.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 12:40:38 am
"Aww, that's sweet of you," she calmly cooed to the younger Noir as she noted Lumiere's resistance to laughter and she smiled softly, it was like Jack used to act anytime Gilda tried to cover up her sister's idiotic doings. She crossed her arms as she at least calmed down, since she didn't fully disrespect anyone but she also did twice in one night which was a new record!
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 01:06:09 am
Noir's face turns red, and Lumi facepalms.

[Derpy post is super derpy. >.>]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 01:10:29 am
[[ That's nothing. I'm derping over MotHY's personality while pressing backscape every ten seconds.]]

"Lumiere, is your brother alright," she turned her head over to the facepalming female twin as her brother was redder than the scythe of Master of the Hellish Yard when she reaps souls. She cautiously took out her canteen, soaked a new piece of tissue, and walked over to the male twin. She pressed the cold and damp tissue to his forehead, "Has he drank anything recently? He might be dehydrated."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 01:19:30 am
Noir pulls away, not really one for getting close to people. Meanwhile, Lumi was holding her stomach and cracking up.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 01:23:22 am
Gilda stood, there blinking in confusion as she looked at one twin who was freaking out from the touch and the other one was cracking up at her advances at trying to figure out the problem.  "Noir, it's alright. I promise I don't bite," she looked up at him with still the wet tissue in one hand with her other hand on her hips. She turned back to Lumiere again and raised an eyebrow of concern, "I suppose I'm missing the joke. Care to enlighten me?" She didn't mean it in a harsh or forceful way but her tone sounded aloof and confused, all she wanted to do was help.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 01:25:26 am
"Noir's just awkward around people being close to him." Lumi tries to explain, giggling.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 01:28:20 am
"Ah, I see but why is he red?" Gilda turned to see the younger brother still being an awkward turtle. She looked over to the female twin and nodded in agreement, "That explains how he makes you the dominant twin." Gilda cracked her knuckles as turned herself around to face Noir yet again, "It's alright if you don't want me close, you can say it and I wouldn't be bothered."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 01:38:13 am
"He's just an awkward turtle." Lumi says with a shrug. "NOT an awkward turtle!" Noir protests. "Awkward cactus?" Lumi asks, tilting her head curiously. This turns into a nonsense argument, then both twins turn to Gilda. "We've figured it out. He's an awkward gecko." She announces with finality.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 01:44:50 am
"Geckos are pretty small..but they're also cute with their big eyes," she joked about as she tried to approach Noir to figure out his problem, for Master's sake, his face was (or is) red! That is not normal, or that wasn't anything Gilda experienced in her lifetime. However, she wouldn't touch him since he'll flip out again. She turned around and gave Lumiere a thumbs up, "Congratulations on that discovery, doctor Lumiere."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 01:47:21 am
Noir stops freaking out, and returns to his normal skin coloring. Lumi takes a small bow. "Thank you, Doctor Gilda. Geckos are also twitchy, like Noir." She chuckles.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 01:51:07 am
"I have to sadly agree on that," she nodded her head with her eyes closed but opened one eye when she glanced at Noir, "Sorry, Noir." Gilda crumbled up the damp tissue paper as she tossed it into the passenger seat since she didn't want to litter despite the majority of the continent being covered with sand. Her bod  automatically turned as she now kept her distance between both Lumiere and Noir since she obviously didn't want to get near Noir's bubble or bother Lumiere if she did have the same problem her brother has.
[[Bwahaha! I finally finished it!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 01:55:13 am

"Not twitchy..." Noir grumbles. Lumi puts her face close to his. "Oh really now...?" She asks, smirking evilly. Noir yelps and backs away. "Twitchy. Point made." Lumi snickers.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 02:01:37 am
'If Renia was here, she would exclaim that Lumiere was her long lost sibling,' she rubbed her chin and wondered what was that little girl doing now; maybe she was planning to come in the morning with her violin again to wake her up in the most bothersome manner. She chuckled but pitied the little boy but she wasn't sure to step him to assist but she made a comment as always, "But being twitchy is a good self defense in the face of an enemy."

Meanwhile, in the batcave World of the Masters, Renia suddenly woke up and glanced around with her hands extended out. She glanced over to her brother's slumbering body as she gave an evil smirk as she slipped out of her bed and tried to sneak out of the room.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 02:09:25 am
"See, I'm defensive!" Noir exclaims. "Don't see why. You know I've got your back, Noir." Lumi says, smiling.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 02:15:23 am
Gilda sighed as she watched the twins continue to bicker like how her mother and father would and even how she and her mother would but it was a more serious than this, of course. She went back to her motorcycle as she closed the canteen and stored it away. She looked around and remembered how the twins were mentioning a "mother" but she hasn't seen a "mother" anywhere. "I'm sorry to disturb your feud but where is your guardian?"

Renia had a devilish little spark in her eyes as she slowly took Lorencio's gloves and stuffed them into her pocket. She was thankful that she didn't have her high-heeled boots as they would have made too much noise. She also began to ransack through her brother's items again like the lovely little lady she is! She took some of his valuables that I can't list since I don't know them but just go with it, please. Renia soon slipped out from the room to see if any of the other Masters were up or even the Gear.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 02:21:10 am
"She went in another direction to help look for food and stuff." Noir explains. "Actually, I'm right here, Noir, Lumiere." A quieter voice replies, quite different from the raucous voices of the two twins. Not much could really be seen from under the white hood and cloak, but a bit of long, light pink hair was hanging out from the hood. And there she was, the "Witch who Transcends Time", also known as Elluka Clockworker, or one of the Vectors of Memory.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 02:31:51 am
Gilda turned around to see a white cloaked woman and her thoughts immediately went towards a priest or a monk sine white was a color of purity, of course. She glanced over to Noir and Lumiere to see their response since she couldn't barge in, shake her hand, and tell her how wonderful her children behave and who she was. A normal parent would have flipped out to see their own children talking to strangers especially in a post apocalypse setting.

[[Is it okay if Renia bothers Gallerion or not if you want to finish all the forms before you deploy the characters?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 02:39:06 am
[It's fine. xD]

The twins grin at the sight of their mother, looking happy to see her.

The witch facepalms. "Seriously, you two...haven't I taught you not to talk to strangers. I understand she's not an Android, but honestly." She sighs. Elluka didn't seem angry or anything, just exasperated, like the twins greeted strangers every time they chanced across one. "But enough of that, who are you? We don't get many people around this area." She asks Gilda, turning to the older woman.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 02:45:45 am
Renia tiptoed her way out of the main building where the Master of the Graveyard resided along with herself and her sibling as she she was stuck in front of the garden. She puffed up her cheeks in annoyance, as she glanced around for the clock tower. She ran about for a couple of minutes until she found the entrance way to the Clocktower. She soon ran in and ran up the stairs, shouting out for the Gear to come to her for a chat.

Gilda placed her arms behind her back and she gave a bit of a courtesy bow since her mother taught her to respect her elders, after all. "My name is Gilda Poluzin and the young lad over there with the wrench is Adam Jackson." She stood herself straight, glancing over to the twins and back to the older woman.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 02:51:42 am
"You look slightly familiar, Gilda.." Elluka comments, looking at the younger woman curiously. "I'm Elluka Clockworker, and as I'm sure they've already told you, the twins are Noir and Lumiere." She introduces, nodding in a similar respect.

"May I help you, Renia?" The Guardian of the Clocktower asks, not seeming irritated by being woken up, appearing on one of the balconies above her head.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 03:19:46 am
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms.Clockworker. Gilda glanced over to try to view Elluka's face quite clearer but her hood was covering it up buy the long, pink hair did remind her of a something but she couldn't put her finger on it. She nodded her heads towards the twins and at their mother, still being respectful.

Renia looked up, waved, and stuck out her tongue. "What's up, Gear head!?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 03:25:11 am
"I'm up, since you woke me up." Gear sighs, running a hand through his dark blue hair.

Luka pulls back her hood, revealing a woman, probably in her late forties, with very pale skin, light pink hair, and dark blue eyes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 03:36:45 am
"You don't need the beauty sleep," Renia bluntly stated as she pointed her finger up and pointed to his face as they were on different floors of the clock tower.

Gilda felt a blur of a memory pass through her mind as she say Elluka Clockworker more clearly. Was it a dream or even when she was younger in the streets of Marlon did she see this face? It wasn't time for that, however, she's already been through enough of meeting and insult people tonight.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 03:43:44 am
"Thank you for calling me beautiful, now give me a minute to get downstairs." Gear replies, turning and going through a doorway on the balcony. In a moment, he was down next to Renia.

Elluka still seemed to be trying to remember where she had seen Gilda. Funny how she could remember tons of small details from 900+ years ago, but as her to remember one person, and BAM!
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 03:49:12 am
[[Wait, did something hit her!?]]

"I never said you were gorgeous!" Renia shouted on the top of her lungs, looking already pissed off. She turned around, giving him the death glare, "I try coming in here in a good mood and actually being nice but no, you need to be conceited and take everything like a compliment." She teased the older man as she flicked his nose, seeing as how she didn't dare get near the master of the Heavenly Yard; he was just too arrogant of a deity and only she could be the arrogant one!
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 03:55:28 am
Gear just chuckles. "I was only kidding, Renia." He assures the blonde diety, smiling. "However, you looked rather annoyed. Care to tell me the problem?" Gear was normally the Dr.Phil of the dieties, it seemed. When one of them had a problem, they came to him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 03:59:31 am
Gilda rubbed her arm as there is nothing else she can do besides breathe and stand there.

Renia crossed her arms as she was still bothered and glanced away, "I don't know, Gallerion. I don't know what to do so I usually come to talk to you, you know." She glanced up to the Gear as a small spark of devilish intentions came about! "So, have you been bothering humanity lately?" she quickly changed to her normal self as she looked up at him with a twisted smile.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 04:02:01 am
Gear frowns. "I haven't actually, but what do you mean, you "don't know what to do" ?" He asks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 04:06:43 am
"I'm slowly turning into...LORENCIO," she pulled her hair as she shouted her brother's name into the clock tower. Renia walked around in circles in front of Gallerion while she looked to the ground, "I'll soon be boring and uninteresting and my victims will find my nonthreatening!" She began circling the Gear as well, "And then I'll be stuck as a chubby young adult deity that smells like hyena crap!" "Do I look chubby!?" she began as she stopped and waved her hands to her body for Gallerion to see.

Of course, Renia was getting out of hand with her lying but she found it just too amusing to go on making crazy scenarios for the lovely therapist known as the Gear.  She looked up to him, seemingly damaged but at the same time devilish; an odd combination. However, one thing was for certain, she doesn't want to end up like her brother and like humans as if he would ever  like one-- Pfff.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 27, 2012, 04:19:01 am
"I'm sorry that's happening to you. You aren't chubby, nor smell like hyena crap." Gear replies, looking confused.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 27, 2012, 05:53:40 pm
"Gallerion, don't pity me! Help me," Renia folded her hands together, a hint of annoyance striking her face of pure pity. She began to pull out different valuables out of her pockets that belonged to her brother and showed it to the Gear, " Besides, why does Lorencio keep these items anyways -- I know I'm not, but soon I'll be chubby and smelly like Lorencio if you don't assist me."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 29, 2012, 07:10:08 pm
[[Bump for success!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 30, 2012, 09:21:00 pm
[[Bump for more success!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 31, 2012, 12:52:04 am
Gallerian sighs. "Renia, I'm sure you're not turning into Lorencio. Your brother isn't that bad anyways." He tries to reason with the smaller girl.

[Sorry, I'm "grounded"]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 31, 2012, 12:57:54 am
[[Ah, it's cool. ]]

"Gallerion, you surely do know how to soothe the insane," the sarcasm rolled off her tongue quicker than an avalanche. She dusted off her dress and looked Gallerion intently in the eye, "Oi, Gear. Why exactly are you stuck in here?" She was completely getting off topic but even if she was his friend, she never knew him on a personal level of his past life and such but she guessed Lorencio would have since they we're "bros."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 31, 2012, 01:03:09 am
"I sacrificed my heart to keep the Master of the Court's gears running. Now, I'm bound to the tower. I keep it running, it keeps me alive." Gear answers, looking at Renia. Lorencio had known this for ages, but he had never really told Renia. As stated before, she was his friend, but neither of them knew one another on a personal level.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 31, 2012, 01:08:21 am
[[This is random question time (sorry!) So, about reincarnations, how does that work? 'Cuz I'm thinking about adding someone else (a ruler) that sees visions of his/her past life and it secretly drives him/her mad. ]]

Renia nodded her head but she didn't look rather surprised or bummed at the tale, it did make sense for Gallerion to do these sort of things, he is the deity of friendship or something. The Wicked Maid glanced at her nails as she questioned him bluntly, "Why would you sacrifice yourself for the Master of the Court?" She continued she began to mess about with Lorencio's retractable claws as she made them go in and out as she tried to break them, "Did you owe her for something?" She stuck out her tongue playfully.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 31, 2012, 01:12:19 am
"No, it's just if one of us dies, everything will go downhill, eventually." Gear replies with a shrug. "Think about this. If the Mistress dies, who would judging souls fall to?" He asks.

[They see memories of their old lives, and will eventually remember this. But the memory time can range from around ten years old to not knowing who they were until the day they day. Awesome Ruler idea, by the way. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 31, 2012, 01:15:21 am
[[Gracias; it just seems we need a bit more characters though 'sides the deities. So why not psychotic characters? xD ]]

"Technically, the arrogant prick can since the Mistress of the Court and him are basically alike except one's childish and the other is a douchebag," she bluntly stated as she scratched the back of her neck, not seeing the Gear's point. Renia always believed that anything could be replace whether it was life, nonliving, or memories since she has done it before. Why would it be diifcult to repalce a deity whe nthey can make life and destroy it too?
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on August 31, 2012, 01:35:02 am
Another sigh. "Renia, you do realize that none of you really have a soul to sacrifice, right?"
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on August 31, 2012, 01:41:35 am
"Oye, I'm not an Android, alright?" Renia crossed her arms in disappointment at the Gear but she understood, a human must be in charge of the clock tower, oh boy! She looked at her shoes, frowned and looked back up, "How can you amuse yourself while being stuck in here?" However, Renia had a cat-like smile on her face that'll still creep out anyone as she hissed softly, "Pestering and stealing human souls can help if you are bored~."

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 02, 2012, 10:28:08 pm
"Forgive me for the misunderstanding, Renia. I know you have a soul, but they needed a...human soul." Gear tries to explain, frowning as he tried to think it through. "Anyways, I do a lot of things to entertain myself throughout the day." He replies vaguely.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 02, 2012, 10:39:41 pm
"Like what?" Renia's natural curiosity sparked as she heard the Gear's vague response. Sometimes, she could be cat-like just as her brother is but she tends to act like a black cat that'll end up destroying anything in her path and causing bad luck. It's even believed that the black cat myth is based off of Renia's destructive nature of being known as the Wicked Maid but some say it could be the Stupid Butler.

In the deep underground of the World of Deities, the Master of the Hellish Yard sits on her throne of bones with her hands properly folded onto her lap as her eyes scanned the dead from a window in her dimly lit room as there is only a hanging chandelier.. However, the chandelier seems to be made of a purple mist and it emits its own light source, creepy huh? She allows her nails to drag along the bone of a armrest as a large crack could be heard from her action.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 02, 2012, 10:44:52 pm
"Give you advice, watch people, plot all of your downfalls...wait! I didn't just say that last one out loud, did I?" Gear teases, smiling.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 02, 2012, 10:49:54 pm
Renia smiled, she liked the feeling of competition even though you couldn't really kill the person if you've won since ti was another deity. She placed her hands onto her arms, giving her sass another try, "I can see that they never work, Gallerina." She could just poke fun at his name all day but she wasn't going to let this plotting go away easily. She might as well dress up as Lorencio some day and trick the Gear, hopefully he's dumb enough.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 02, 2012, 11:01:08 pm
"I see, Re." Gallerian calls her by her hated nickname.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 02, 2012, 11:03:54 pm
Renia could feel a vein popping out from her neck as she heard the nickname, Re. Curse you Re and the horrible years you've brought to this poor goddess! It was annoying enough that in Marlon, it was a stereotype for the humans that live there to go "Re" after every sentence, while waving their arms around, and drinking 'till they hit the floor! But now, it has forever cursed little Renia even when she was a child and being called "Re." THE AGONY. All the little Wicked Maid could do was crack a tense smile with an eye twitching, "What plans have you've been making, Gallerina?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 02, 2012, 11:11:28 pm
"Oh, just plans." Gear knew that he was tormenting the little goddess, but let's face it. He's stuck in a Clocktower all day watching over people who didn't make it to the Heavenly Yard or the Hellish Yard. He got bored. Sue him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 02, 2012, 11:32:26 pm
Renia resisted the urge to grab the Gear by the neck and hurl him out from the window but she continued to pester him with questions, "Should I be concerned on your dwindling failures of mischief?" She flipped her hair as her right hand quickly moved through it, "Leave it to the professionals."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 02, 2012, 11:36:41 pm
"What professionals? Could you be so kind as to point me to some?" Gallerian asks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 02, 2012, 11:38:24 pm
"Lorencio and I are the professionals at trickery, Gallerion. Did you forget our 'bad luck' status as the Servants?" Renia raised an eyebrow at him, she wasn't sure if he was getting dumber every minute like Lorencio or he was just born that way.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 12:00:03 am
"'Trickery' and 'Unfortunate' are two different things, dear Re." Gallerian retorts, smiling. He was never one to get short-tempered or unnerved by Renia pestering him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 12:03:42 am
"However, our bad luck is considered trickery since we do play pranks on humans, Gallerion," she quickly corrected him as she had her own defining term of bad luck. She gave him a cold glare as she dare say that dreaded nickname again, thankfully none of her victims or possibly Lorencio knew of that nickname. ..Hopefully.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 12:06:37 am
"Actually, that would be misfortune." Gallerian sighs, waving his hand casually.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 12:42:51 am
"But it's unfortunate to happen for them..," she retorted quickly as she mockingly waved hr hand back just like him. Two can play at this game!
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 01:28:05 am
"Unfortunate and misfortunate are the same things. Mischief is something different." Gear yawns.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 01:33:49 am
Renia was about to open her mouth but she quickly stopped so, she'll need to make a better move than that.  She pointed one finger into the air as she began to protest his statement, "My mischief causes misfortune since I do cause it anywhere I go; therefore, my mischief is unfortunate to humans." She straighten out her dress and heard the Gear yawn; thus making her think of her younger (or older) brother who was drifting off to sleep. She always wondered what he did dream of.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 01:42:02 am
Lorencio was currently dreaming of dancing bananas.

"Good girl. You make sense now." Gear chuckles, patting Renia on the head like a dog before starting to walk back into the maze of rooms that was the Clocktower.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 01:52:58 am
[[..W-Why.. Lorencio, why?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n2_OloKuiY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n2_OloKuiY)


Renia was about to bark in approval but she remembered she was a deity, not an obedient animal despite being a servant and a hyena but that's besides the point! She quickly spun in the Gear's direction as she wished to follow him but also explore the Clocktower, it was a rare opportunity to explore it so why not now?  "Hold on there, Gallerina!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 01:55:12 am

Gallerian stops and sighs. "Yes, Re? How may I further be of assistance?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 01:59:42 am
[[ It's his way of getting the ladies. /Shot ]]

Renia pouted and crossed her arms, "You're just as lazy as Lorencio." She, however, tried to do a gesture of etiquette as she waved her hand into the air, "However, I ask for a tour of the Clocktower as I haven't ventured this far without my Mistress calling for me." She looked up at him, trying to smile normally but it could compare to how creepy Lorencio's smile is especially when he..dances.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 02:09:23 am
"I could show you around, but there's not much to see.." Gear replies, shrugging. Seriously. It was mostly a bunch of dark, twisting hallways the dog-god had gotten used to navigating, gears, clockwork, and people in purgatory.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 02:39:55 am
"Oh come on, it's better than staring at Lorencio's motionless body!" Renia responded quickly with a little snap at the end of it. She glanced over to the doorway behind the tall deity as she peered down to see how dark it is; just the way she likes it.

[[Wait, Gear can turn into a dog? xD]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 02:45:52 am
"You stare at your brother while he's sleeping? Creepy." Gear comments, before making a hand motion meant to mean "follow me".

[I'm doing a GN/Manga for DB, should I draw them as canines or humans? Humans would be more true to the story, but as canines I could update more quickly.]

[Yeah, all dieties can turn into their symbolic animal]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 02:50:43 am
[[Wouldn't it be better as both? Since the deities do change into their forms and it'll be weird if they tried to do human interactions....as ..animals...]]

Renia allowed that comment to slide rather quickly as she made a hasten pace to follow after the dog-god.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 02:56:59 am
[Didn't think of that...fail. Sorry, working with a cold here. >.< xD]

Gear started leading the goddess down hallways, opening doors and letting Renia see the blinded, motionless people. Some of them were babbling to themselves, others laughing maniacally, and still others just silent. In one room was the faint ghost of a young boy, one who looked very similar to the Master of the Heavenly Yard. He was kneeling, arms bound by red chains, and ankles bound by blue. He was staring up at the top of the room, seeming preoccupied by the large spring at the top.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 03:04:10 am
[[It's cool; I'm trying to work with a sore throat. I hate it. :c ]]

Renia's eyes locked onto the the young boy who was chained and trapped in quite a large room wit ha spring. She couldn't tell if he was familiar or so either by her human or deity memories but she could tell he made a great sacrifice that never would have helped in the end. She blinked, looked up at Gallerion, and questioned him, "He looks really familiar. Who the Hellish Yard (?) is that?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 03:09:55 am
"His human name was Alexiel Lucifen...or Allen Avadonia. You'd know him better as the Master of the Heavenly Yard. Several hundred years ago, he disguised himself as his sister so that he'd be executed instead of her. His soul is in two places now...and his time's almost up in here." Gallerian explains, looking at the sorrowful boy chained up in the middle of the room.

[Might make my twins the human incarnations of Waiter and MotHY, instead of the Servants.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 03:24:05 am
[[What's the purpose behind it, Karakuki? You can just make new characters for them~.]]
[[Also, none of your characters are the reincarnates of the Girl in White, right?]]

"Yikes, I guess we all start off human then.." Renia had an uneasy smile across her face as she got to learn a new part of history today! She looked up to Gallerino and blinked, "Why has the arrogant prick accepted as a deity if he's stuck here originally." To be honest, it scared her a bit that MotHY did something to help family, this sounds just like something Lorencio would do but she musn't worry, he isn't that stupid to sacrifice himself, right..?
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 03:29:59 am
[Derp. Once again, it's the headache/cold speaking, lol. Be my voice of reason for a bit, Soar. xD]

[Clarith/Haku? Nah, you should be her. xD]

"As arrogant as he is, Renia, there's one thing the MotHY is good at. Putting others before himself. As for the comment about all of us starting off as human...we all technically have, except for the Master of the Court, who is a doll, and the Master of the Hellish Yard...who...I dunno." Gallerian replies. "The Master of the Heavenly Yard is supposed to be selfless and forgiving. Who better for a selfless diety than an innocent man who sacrificed himself for his guilty sister? The girl had literally burnt down an entire country out of jealous spite, killed the woman he loved, and hundreds of other horrible things, yet he stood by her side." He continues.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 03:40:49 am
[[Alright, I shall. But, I'll just be the questioning conscious. xD]]
[[And yeah :3! ]]

Renia stood there quietly for several moments as she rubbed her chin and glanced over to the spirit of the powerful deity. She just starred, she couldn't just nod or shake her head in disapproval but she still kept a mischief spirit alive, "I guess we're all weak to the same thing: family." Renia awkwardly shift back to Gallerion's side since she was deciding to bother the hell out of him but that would've taken her straight to the grave if MotG knew that she was pestering the grand deity.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 03:47:38 am
"I guess...I have a feeling Lorencio'd do the same for you." Gallerian answers, shrugging and walking out of the room. It wasn't his job to be overly emotional for the plights of his inmates, although he was to quite a few. The story of the grand diety's devotion to his sister got to him a little bit, and he wanted to get out of there before he got sentimental.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 03:51:33 am
Renia followed Gallerian like a lost puppy seeing as how she doesn't want to be stuck in the same room as a ghost; no one would except for that weird Vector she abuses. She noted how Gear was starting to actually have a bit of emotion in his voice (besides, humor) but it quickly died out the moment they left the room. "So, what's next?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 03:57:03 am
"Not much. Like I said, there isn't much to show here." Gallerian replies, shrugging. "Just more people like Alexiel, some who deserved their fate, others who didn't. And a bunch of metal gears. We have a bunch of those too." He explains.[/color]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 04:00:37 am
"So, what's like your headquarters?" The smallest goddess questioned him as she kept to his side to prevent herself from getting lost. Usually, the deities has their own small place that can be considered a "headquarters" where they keep all their nifty magical objects and powerful weapons as Renia and Lorencio's "headquarters" was basically a normal room..with normal items.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 04:03:32 am
"Very top of the Clocktower. And I am NOT taking you up there, because Master of the Heavenly Yard only knows WHAT you'd do with my stuff." Gear replies, looking firm about this point. Renia was not allowed in his man-cave. Ever.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 04:10:09 am
[[ I thought he'll say bat-cave and calmly respond that he was Batman for some reason.. I need to stop watching Batman.]]

"Aww, come on. I only mess with Lorencio's stuff..since I know the value of it," she smirked at the Gear even though she could tell he was starting to begin a strict attitude towards the secrets of his man-cave. The only thing she could find familiar was a human memory, where she tried to enter a clubhouse of a sort and it said "No girls allowed." Let's just say, Renia wasn't allowed in there but she got in. Somehow.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 04:38:09 am
"No is no, Re. You're not going into the Batcave." Gear replies, shaking his head.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 04:40:04 am
"Fine, fine. Do you have any cool equipment then, Gear?" Renia glanced at her nails like any lady would have as the gears (no pun) in her head began to turn. She'll probably sneak into his dog-cave when he's busy dealing with the spirits stuck in purgatory but for now, just act normal aka psycho. She nodded her head at his response at well but it was obvious she was thinking.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 04:51:50 am
"Nope. Normal people stuff." Gallerian answers, shrugging. Of course, that's not all he had. He was seriously trying to get Renia to try to find his hideout. She'd get lost or something, then learn a lesson. And he'd get a kick out of it too.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 04:57:35 am
Renia groaned in disappointment to cover up her thoughts, she'll soon find his items and steal them. All of them! The little goddess straighten out her dress yet again as she kept a close eye on the Gear, making sure he wasn't showing nay signs of lying but it was hard to tell for him; he is the Dr.Phil of the World of Deities after all. "That's boring, Gallerian.. Don't be like Lorencio," she complained with a wave of her hand but a odd thought appeared in her head as she quickly questioned him, "Do you have any of these weird Vectors in your possession? Lorencio and I were talking about the earlier."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 05:07:14 am
"What do you mean by "in my posession?" Gallerian asks, genuinely curious.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 05:30:12 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 05:46:35 am
"Not that I know of, no. And you're the irritatingly short maid. I'm at least a jailer." Gallerian points out, frowning.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 03, 2012, 05:52:54 am
I think i might join, but im kind of confused xD))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 05:58:50 am
[What do you need explained, Shadow?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 06:17:40 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 03, 2012, 06:20:52 am
Well, i understand most of it, the only thing i dont understand is how many types of people you can be... i looked atit and im like *Confused face*
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 10:22:21 pm
[[Le bump!~]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 10:38:35 pm
Name: Andrea (Last name unknown.)
Age: 20
Species: Fugitive Human
Nationality: Marlon.
Looks: Has caramel colored hair and well tanned skin from the desert sun. (I know, like, nothing on female fashion.) Brown mottled jacket with an old grey undershirt. Dirt, ragged jeans cover her legs. Brown dirty boots protect her feet.
Personality: She fits the stereo-type of her people well. With her easily ignited anger and a focus on physical strength. Andrea is scared of spiders and scorpions.(LoL. Andrea: Shut up! Me: How did you get into the ooc chatter!? Andrea: You don't know everything about me.) When she see's one, she begins to flail around and attack wildly. While in her panic she might kill the insect, she becomes paranoid for the rest f the day and jumps at the smallest of noises. Has a history with Adam Jackson that I would like to be kept to the rp. Has a habit of calling her freinds by their last names.
Powers: Blood clots 8% faster than normal.
Family: Deceased. She treats her resitance troop as family though.
Weapons: A double-barreled shotgun, expert hand-to-hand combat training, large knife, and a platoon of resitance troops protect this soldier girl.
RP sample: She was on watch of her small warehouse. The little place contained ammunition, weapons, transportation, food, water and medical supplies for the rebellion. And she kept it all under her thumb. Her eyes flicker across the deserted landscape as she spots one familiar man.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 10:42:36 pm
Now, for Adam's post! Adam: Finally! Me: Oh gawd, not you too.))

Jackson wandered the barren badlands, searching for a familiar warehouse. Not long from then did he find it, and not too soon was a double-barreled shotgun at his head. "I SURRENDER!" He cried out very bravely. "You haven't changed, Jackson." Came the familiar voice of Andrea. "Andrea..." He began to turn around. "DON'T MOVE! You ruined me, Jackson. Now, you'll pay with your LIFE!" She pulled the hammer back. (Anyone wanna save Adam? Please?)
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 10:43:54 pm
[[Tomas, how did Jackson go all the way over there? Wasn't he with the group since it's only been a couple of minutes o_O?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 10:49:20 pm
He left.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 10:52:36 pm
[[Oh okay :3.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 10:55:05 pm
Now, are you going to save him?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 10:55:25 pm
[I'll have my new character save him. Just give me a minute to make her]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 10:56:05 pm
[And I'm making the Waiter's incarnation, if anyone wants to make MotHY's/Irregular's]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 10:59:56 pm
Adam is thanking you.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 11:07:19 pm
Name: Anne Lucifen (lol)
Age: 15
Species: "Incarnation" of the Waiter
Sp. Extra: Nothing that gives her any powers, she's just a reincarnation
Nationality: Lucifenian
Looks: Anne is really kind of short at the height of 5'1", with a narrow face, pale skin, and shoulder length-light blonde hair. She has light blue eyes, and is dressed in some rather tattered (much to her shame) servant-like clothing. Really thin and light, Anne fits the Lucifenian stereotype of "not one to be concerned about in a fight". However, she is rather quick with the rapier strapped to her side.
Personality: Proud, arrogant, and a little selfish at times, Anne is kind of hard to get along with. She's lacking highly in the brawn aspect, but is actually very smart, and has a few unorthodox plans in case she gets in trouble. While a good leader, sometimes she'll falter in the middle of a plan, and look around...almost like she's looking for someone to support her. While she feels that she's missing something, she can't pinpoint exactly what, really. While she's terrified of large blades and is a lot girlier than most females in this series, she does what she has to do to get things done, and is extremely stubborn. Has a fixation with the Four Mirrors of Lucifenia, which, like a few other Sin Vessels, are in the care of the Clockworker family.
Powers: None that I know of.
Family: She doesn't remember, really, but the incarnation of Irregular/MotHY is her twin brother.
Companion Animal: Maybe later
Weapon: A thin rapier. Don't knock it 'till you try it.
Rp Sample: Must I really prove this?
Other: While not really considered a diety as of now, that may or may not change later. I didn't know who the Waiter was until I watched Capriccio Farce.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:10:52 pm
Now, to saving Adam please?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 11:15:50 pm
[Oh, Tomas. You have no god incarnations, do you want to make one? We have a bunch open, and don't wanna rp all of them. xD]

[Also, you're welcome Adam. Lol]

Anne was walking along, and a few yards away, she saw some figures. People? Instead of being overly cautious, the blonde adjusts the cloak she had on momentarily, draws her rapier, and dashes towards the pair. Hopefully, they didn't have guns. Hopefully they weren't evil. Hopefully...they had some sort of food.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 11:16:45 pm
Now, to saving Adam please?))

[Anne: Do I have tooo? Me: *slaps Anne* Yes! It is your destiny!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:18:27 pm
No, I don't. Adam: Thank the master of the heavenly yard!))

Andrea's sight flicked to a new figure and the shotgun moved to point at Anne. "That's as close as you get!" Andrea shouted. Adam mouthed the words, 'Do NOT provoke her!'
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 11:25:44 pm
Anne skids to a stop and almost falls on her face. Great...they DID have guns...and they didn't seem to be very nice. Or have food. Anne's stomach growls. The young girl wasn't very adept at hunting her own food, and usually took to stealing, foraging, and sitting with groups for food.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:29:07 pm
Adam took the chance that Andrea was off gaurd to do something bold, stupid, and that would hopefully help her forgive him. He ran forward and kissed Andrea.
Andrea's eyes widened and she pushed Adam to the ground. She wiped her arm on her lips in disgust, then spat on the dirt.
(Idiot. Andrea: Why would you do that to me!? Me: Because I own you.)
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:30:27 pm
And what anime if it is an anime does your signature come from?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 11:30:37 pm
[[ Oh, sweet new characters-- *Comes in to see this.* ....What happened?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:31:44 pm
Adam did somethin stupid.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 11:32:24 pm
[[ *Claps.* Oh boy! I see we have a new citizen of Marlon~. Yeah! :3]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:33:08 pm
Andrea, my combat toon.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 03, 2012, 11:33:27 pm
Would you like to hear her theme song?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 11:36:00 pm
[[I suppose, I need to wait for Kara to respond anyways x3.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 03, 2012, 11:38:50 pm
[They're Vocaloids. Not really an anime, but still pretty cool]

Anne backs up. "Ah...er...did I...umm...interrupt something here?" She asks awkwardly, eyes huge.

Gear sighs. "My room. Off limits. That's final, Renia." He repeats.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 03, 2012, 11:53:50 pm
Renia planted her face into the palm of her hand, "I asked if you have any Vectors that you're acting as their guardian, Gallerian." She wondered if he ever did pay attention to her question or he was just trying to get her to look into his room. Nevertheless, she proceeded to gesture around with her hands on what a Vector is, "They're humans with a special duty to achieve. Humans. Not a room. Humans."

The Master of the Hellish Yard watched the gates open an inch slowly as it seemed that a young female spirit was running in, holding onto her teddy bear with one of her eyes hollowed out and a bloody mess on the far right side of her face as it seemed her ear was ripped off. Neither the spirit or the goddess twitch at that sight for they believed that she was one of the luckier souls that didn't need to evil life with such a tragedy that marked her face. The deity glared a bit as she believed to have seen the face of the Master of the Heavenly Yard but she wouldn't put her severed heads to bet it was him. The spirit could only rub her throat and she muttered, "It only seems children can now can easily venture through the gates of the Heavenly Yard." The deity didn't know whether or not to respond and even the severed heads kept quiet since they didn't know as well.

The spirit looked towards her hands as she noted they were blood stained but that was usual, anything left on the body before a human dies follows them to the afterlife and the blood that soaked her hands during her beheading followed her to this day. "You should honored for leaving the realm of the living in a familiar fashion" the goddess commented as she fixed her glove as her spirit animal trotted back with a head of a screaming spirit, pleading to be released. The goddess waved her hand softly as the spirit animal without hesitation gouged down onto the head as the screaming ceased but not even the spirit begged him to be released.  "Philosopher, you still deny the deities and that alone of that I know of prevents you from leaving your prison," the deity retorted but the spirit spoke quickly to defend herself but she still kept a emotionless tone, "I may know of their existence but deny a grander theme for your kind."

[[Exposition, exposition~.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 12:16:57 am
"I don't believe I do, no." Gear answers simply.

The Master of the Heavenly Yard was in a completely different setting than his polar opposite. A bright throne room, with clouds visible as the landscape outside, and no lack of light. The young man was pacing back and forth in front of his throne, seeming to be thinking hard about something. "Almost time to become two, not three entities...I'm almost finally free." He comments to the large golden eagle perched on the chandelier. The bird just tilts it's head and studies it's master. Upon further inspection, just as the Master of the Hellish Yard's fox familiar, it seemed more made from mist than it was solid, with vapor curling off of it every now and then. The blonde diety's neck felt odd...and as a habit, he put his hand to the phantom wound, now only chronicled by the thin scar completely encircling his neck. "Rillianne..." He mutters, shaking his hand. Even now, when he had no idea where his other half was, he worried for her safety, and his mind seemed constantly on it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 12:35:14 am
"No, your not apparentely." Adam said. "We'll continue this inside Adam Jackson." "Mary mother of the master of the heavnly yard my full name." Adam whispered.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 12:37:20 am
Oh, and Andrea's theme song!))  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx4rMVCAdHw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx4rMVCAdHw)
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 12:39:07 am
Anne just looks confused at the whole thing. "What the Hellish Yard just happened?" She asks Adam, a little wary of coming closer now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 12:43:12 am
"It's complicated." Andrea already went inside. "If you need supplies Andrea," he jerked his thumb to the warehouse. "Sell's, buys and trades supplies if you need anything."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 12:43:43 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 12:48:59 am
"She...ah...kind of scares me." Anne comments, looking to where the woman had disappeared.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 12:52:19 am
"She has that affect on people. Can you believe I fell in love with that unforgiving woman?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 12:57:46 am
"Can't see it." Anne replies, shaking her head.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 12:58:50 am
"I, ah, sorta left her for seven years but I'm gonna make it up now!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 01:02:12 am
Renia could only shake her head with a small sigh.

The Philosopher cracked her knuckles together as they echoed throughout the earthy caverns of the Hellish Yard, she was contemplating yet again but what was it? No one would dare know. The deity just kept her distance for now but she allowed her orb to appear the moment the Philosopher spoke softly, "How is the little flower doing?" The deity nodded at the spirit, they were like partners but they isn't an business terms but on terms of protecting the balance and to help a promise that never happened. "Flower is an odd term to say for him," the deity bluntly stated but the Philosopher shrugged as the orb zoomed in to a town and the Philosopher turned and smiled but it was a smile of patience, "Soon."

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:03:21 am
"Yeah, that's totally going to work. Good luck with that." Anne replies, sarcasm obvious in her voice. The blonde rolls her eyes, and adjusts the cloak around her shoulders. Since it was night time, she didn't need to really cover her skin from the sun, and didn't really want to. It did get rather stuffy inside that hood. "Isn't that right, A-" Anne had started to turn her head, like she was talking to someone, then seemed to realize no one was next to her to really talk to, so she turns back towards Adam like nothing happened.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:05:47 am
He raised an eyebrow then stood up. "I shouldn't keep Andrea waiting. By the way, unless you want to be caught up in the resitance, get what you need and get out. Preferably without trouble." He went into the stock house.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:09:17 am
Who is the one Ruler toon we have? Mayabe he should take notice of Andrea's little outpost.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:09:59 am
"Why do you ask, is there something you wish to know?" Gear asks, tilting his head curiously.

The Master of the Heavenly Yard just kept pacing and muttering to himself, then he stands still and sighs. "Listen to me...I'm raving like a madman. I'll find her when she appears." He says. The bird gives him a soft squawk and looks at him. "Oh, I have a mission for you." The young god tells his familiar, now that he was thinking about it. He takes up a roll of parchment, tied in the middle with a small cord, like a scroll, and hands it to the eagle, who grasps it in his talons. "Could you take that to my opposite, please. It's something I need to know. I need to know if she's anywhere in the afterlife, or if she's been reborn." He explains. Was he weird for talking to a bird? Not really. The bird gives another soft squawk and takes off, presumably down to the darkest depths of the Hellish Yard, where that woman lived.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:15:28 am
Who is the one Ruler toon we have? Mayabe he should take notice of Andrea's little outpost.))

[That would be Tonio, and I'd be delighted to start some trouble. xD]

Tonio looks up as one of his scouts enters the room. Actually, he had looked up quite a bit before the android entered. Their stiff, robotic gait had made it rather obvious they were approaching in the silent hallways of his study. "Yes?" He asks the "New Human" testily, hating to be interrupted in his search. "Sir." The Android's voice was a little hollow sounding, but otherwise very close to a human's. "We have received word on a little rebel outpost a few miles from here. Shall we attack?" The creature finishes. "Of course...and if there are any children there, twins, please, bring them back here." He directs. "May I ask why you need twins, sir?" The android questions. "An experiment. Now go do as you're told." Tonio replies firmly.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 01:17:24 am
"Just curious," Renia bluntly replies as she glances away.

The Philosopher and the Master of the Hellish Yard spoke softly towards each other but there was quite a silence between them since the Master of the Hellish Yard wasn't a particular deity that enjoyed speaking and socializing. The spirit was tracing her finger along the orb as she explained some sort of procedures as to which the Master nodded but their conversation was easily disturbed by the sound of a incoming bright eagle swooping down which caused the spirit to back up quickly, she didn't like birds at all.

The Master of the Hellish Yard with a snap of her fingers made the crystal ball disappear as the bird appeared and held out her hand, "What business does your Master have with me, Eagle?"  She noted the scroll and awaited for it to be dropped in her hands, it wasn't polite to rip things out of a bird's talons.

[[Dibs on reincarnation of DoE!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:24:21 am
[I thought the Waiter WAS the DoE? xD]

The Eagle obediently drops the scroll in the diety's hand. Obviously, it couldn't talk, therefore wouldn't answer her question. So it just sits there calmly, waiting for her to read the letter about the whereabouts of it's Master's other half; the Waiter.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 01:26:43 am
[[ I thought the Waiter = MotHY since..he did split his soul and that soul..is waiting..

BSUIAPZXIA. I had a derp moment.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:31:32 am
[xD Nah. Irregular is Mothy. Waiter is Rillianne. Watch Heartbeat Clocktower, and Gear calls her "The selfish girl with the pretentious leading part" who "grieved at the loss of her other half". People assume that she's the DoE, and her "other half" is Irregular/Mothy]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 01:32:51 am
[[Ah okay then! I'll guess I dibs on Irregular reincarnation.. xD]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:34:54 am
[That works. xD Yay!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:36:10 am
Andrea was in the middle of a deal with a small sqaudorn of rebels when the androids came in. A whole battalion, ready to fight. Andrea grabbed her rifle, Adam cowered like the bold man he is, annd the rebels lined up, ready to fight. "Fire whether you like it or not!" She let of a three round burst from her m14(?) and struck down an android. The rest fired assault rifles and shotguns.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:36:59 am
You start the trouble, Andrea stomps it into the dirt with cool metal accompaniment.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:39:24 am
Anne cowers as well. She wasn't well trained like this battalion of rebels were. She had a sword, and not a very powerful one, either.

The Androids fire back with their own guns.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:44:43 am
Andrea charged forward, most likely stunning the androids. a few swift kicks knocked one android down. she used the m14 as a club to pummel another.
"MY HIDING SPOT!" Adam shouted as he pushed Anne away from an empty barrel. He got in and closed the lid.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:45:27 am
Such a kind man!*Sarcasm*))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 01:48:52 am

"My, what a gentleman." Anne mocks, tipping over the barrel with her booted foot. "I love how a bunch of girls are braver than you. Some guys, too. You seem really masculine, you know that?" She keeps taunting him, rolling her eyes. "If a rapier was any use against an Android, I'd be out there fighting too." She continues, crossing her arms.

The Androids were getting their asses kicked by a bunch of humans. Embarrassing.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 01:51:05 am
[[Random Q time! Does the reincarnation of the Deities need to follow the personality strictly or could it just be appearance?]]

The Master of the Hellish Yard snapped her fingers as a misty quill appeared between her fingers as the feather was one of a crow. She signed the paper in red ink (presumably blood) as a large "NO" was written onto it as her signature was down in the corner. She rolled the scroll back up and handed it back to the bird as the Philosopher was was not at ease with a bird near but her facial expression didn't reveal it.

"Off with ye, bird.." The Master of the Hellish Yard spoke harshly as one of the severed head tried to calm her down as she was starting to get passive aggressive as usual. The spirit calmly patted the deity's shoulder as she also tried to cease the passive aggressive moodlet, no one needs a goddess like that.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:53:14 am
Andrea yelled at them. "STOP BICKERING AND MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL! JACKSON, GET THE GRENADES!" Adam immediately shoved himself out of the barrel and ran to a small cache.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:01:40 am
The bird's feathers ruffled, it grabs the scroll and heads back up into the sky. It had no purpose for lingering in the shadowy underworld, and was obviously uncomfortable there. As it landed back on it's perch in it's master's palace, the bird hands the scroll to the Master of the Heavenly Yard. As the god opened it, he reads the word, crumples up the letter, then sets it on fire. He had that creepy feeling the answer was written in blood, and that kind of grossed him out. Wuss. He plops down on his throne, chin in hand, and stares forwards. "So you're not down there either, are you?" The boy replies.

"How should I be useful?" The girl seemed eager to help, anything to get rid of the Androids.

[Nah, they can just look like them. I just need an arrogant, selfish character...all of mine are too nice. I can't even make the Mothy act like an arrogant prick. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:05:40 am
"TRY USING THE SWORD!" Andrea pulled her knife out and drove it into an androids skull as if to say, 'I can do it with a knife, how hard can it be?' Meeanwhile Adam had a few grenades in his hands.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:08:35 am
Anne follows orders for once, swinging the thin rapier sword at a nearby Android. The first hit dents it's arm, and merely slows it down. She tries again, aiming for the joint between the head and neck, which beheads the monstrosity. At the beheading of the humanoid creature, Anne feels a pang in her gut, unexplained, but it was almost like the feeling this was familiar.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:10:44 am
Adam pulled the pin. "GRENADE GET OUT OF THE WAY!" he shouted as he tossed the small exsplosive.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:12:34 am
Normally when someone yells "GRENADE", your first thought it to hide. Guess what Anne did? She hid inside the barrel.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 02:16:03 am
[[Well, his reincarnie will take care of that.]]

The Master of the Hellish Yard watched the bird fly away as a smile appeared on the Philosopher's face as the crystal orb appeared again; wasn't it just easy to lie? The spirit began to give the deity coordinates and suggestions as they spoke in whispers but the Philosopher sighed at one point as they focused in on the reincarnation of the Master of the Heavenly Yard himself, "They won't be able to meet from such far distances.." Suddenly, a thought struck her as she calmly asked the deity, "Locate the Vector of Protection." The Master of the Hellish Yard hesitated at such a response, she remembered how meeting the Vectors in one dream sequence was and out of them all, the Vector of Protection was just like the Philosopher; believing every second of the dream was hogwash.

With the spirit resting her blood stained right hand against her cheek as spoke with a careless tone about their plan, "We'll use my reincarnation to bring them together; she does need a better purpose than protecting a faulty group that hasn't accomplished nothing at all after these millenniums." The Master of the Hellish Yard protested a bit as her tone grew a bite dark with a nasty attitude for a second, "The Vector of Protection mustn't interfere with this." The Philosopher looked eye-to-eye at the deity as she spoke again, she clearly had very large circular imaginary genitals to even dare speak back to any deity, "The Vector of Protection is clearly the only one who travels large enough distances and will be able to protect both until they're in safety but from that point, I don't honestly care. If she dies, she dies." The Master of the Hellish Yard nodded but she took a closer look to find the Reincarnations of the Servants and the Vector of Memory.

"The Vector of Memory.." she began to speak but she kept quiet, not knowing how to continue the sentence but one of the severed heads spoke with a very heavy Lucifenian accent, "Will be obviously aware of who the Vector of Protection will be transporting.." The Philosopher shook her head at that suggestion, "The Vector of Memory mustn't venture too deep into her own ancient memories, I highly doubt she'll interfere."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:18:03 am
Adam pulled Anne out. "MY BARREL!" The grenade went off and ended the fight.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:18:22 am
Lets say one android reports back.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 02:20:45 am
[[And the android's head explodes after it explains what happened 8D!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:21:47 am
Most likely, it will be excuted.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 02:22:12 am
[[..Oh :c. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:24:26 am
[Ah, Elluka's gonna be ALL over this. >xD]

The Master of the Hellish Yard just sighs. "I haven't run into her either...but she's not in this realm...nor in the Clocktower...and if the Master of the Hellish Yard is telling the truth...then she's not down there either. All signs point to her being alive." He concludes. Then he thinks of something brilliant. Or...in his eyes. "Maybe...I can get the Servants to look for her. I won't tell them who she is...I just need to know that she's safe.

Anne was not safe right now. "Get outta the barrel and fight like a man!" She protests, dragging Adam out of the barrel and hiding in it herself.

[I love these guys' arguments. xDDD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:25:33 am
[Poor little Android...all it did was report back. Dx]

One Android struggles away from the explosion, crawling and limping back to the capital.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 02:26:18 am
[[..Wait...What just happened? LOL
@Karakuki: You accidentally put the wrong polar opposite, Kara xD.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:28:33 am
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GUNS!" He held himself stubbornly in the barrel. His fear of guns obviuos now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:33:08 am
[[..Wait...What just happened? LOL
@Karakuki: You accidentally put the wrong polar opposite, Kara xD.]]

[Uh....whoops. xDDD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:34:44 am
Anne just facepalms and lets him have the barrel. She understood the irrational fear of a piece of weaponry. She herself was terrified of large blades, which is why she stuck with the rapier. Large blades always struck the morbid thought of guillotines and beheading into her.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:39:48 am
Adam whipered like a child from the guns and Andrea kicked the barrel. "BE A MAN!" He came out and stood up. Something about Andrea's voice was so authoritative. He saluted her. "Yes ma'am!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:42:32 am
Anne just rolls her eyes. "Oi..." She comments, having nothing to say about the scene before her.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:45:42 am
"Welcome back to the resitance Jackson." Adam nodded, then walked off. Andrea looked at Anne. "Here for supplies or to enlist?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:48:25 am
"Ah...supplies." Anne answers. Not only was she running low on food, she had a feeling Andrea would beat her with a stick if she told her the truth; that she had just been wandering aimlessly and happened to see her and Adam.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 04, 2012, 02:50:25 am
lawl, i wanna join but i have no idea what to be >.<))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 02:52:20 am
[Well, we need Vectors, God-people, and Regular people, as well as Companion animals, so you can be anything you like, really xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 02:59:51 am
"You saw what went down between us?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 03:03:42 am
"A-A little bit, but I wasn't spying, I promise!" Anne answers.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 03:08:21 am
"It's fine. I just don't want you caught up in things you don't want to be in."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 04, 2012, 03:10:34 am
Name: Rikaria [first and last, please]
Age: Adult
Species: Tiger (Companion Animal)
Nationality: Animals dont have nationalitys, right? xD
Looks: (http://petsfunnies.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/siberian_tiger.jpg)
Personality: She is protectiove and brave. SHe has a temper with people that look suspicous to her or she does not like.
Rp Sample: The tiger padded through the desert. Seeing almost nothing but sand, sand and more sand. Continueing on she kept on looking side to side for anything that was not sand. Still nothing, suddenly a small peak was in the distance A pyramid! she ran towards it, the sand was going into dust behind her.[not too hard, usually about 3-5 sentences]
Other: ((Lawl im just being a simple char until i figure this rp out, and who is going to be my owner? c:))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 03:14:08 am
[You can have Tonio as your owner, if you want to be a bad guy! 8D xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 04, 2012, 03:23:28 am
It's fine with me xD))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 03:24:16 am
[lol, yay!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 04, 2012, 03:24:37 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 04, 2012, 01:11:20 pm
Tonio has a cat now!? Your making him more like a normal villian.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Shadow13131 on September 04, 2012, 01:25:11 pm
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 09:05:41 pm
Tonio has a cat now!? Your making him more like a normal villian.))

[Lol. Stereotypical evil kitties for the win?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 09:21:08 pm
A blur of a shadow ran through the alleys of a Lucefenian town that was in the middle of the desert that particularly known for its oasis and how one can toss it a coin and pray to the Master of the Court to judge their deceased relatives fairly. The oasis was known as the "Beseech Gavel" due to its tie-ins with the Master of the Court however, the living will never truly know if their prayers and offerings did help their spirited relatives, friends, neighbors, lovers, etc. As the small figure approached the edges of the oasis which was surrounded with old mud bricks from the ancient times even before the existence of the majority of the deities, there was a sudden thrashing noise coming from one of the close alleys in the market place.

"I knew I should have left earlier," the shadow muttered to itself as it soon climbed up onto the walls and balance himself as he progressed onto the higher parts of the wall since the walls did increase in height as it went around the oasis but left a small opening for visitors to come in and to pray. It crouched down onto the edge like a eagle watching from the heavens above as two androids were scattering about, trying to look from it. The shadow had its signature sly smile onto its face as she pulled out a rare delicacy, a green apple but it was starting to rot. But, food is food and food needs to be eaten. The shadow began to eat the apple as while a attentive eye watched the the two idiotic androids below trying to search for the thief.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 09:49:25 pm
[Geez, I was gonna ask if that was the Mothy incarnation, or the Mothy incarnation, before realizing they were the same. So which Mothy incarnate is that one?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 10:10:01 pm
[Soar? xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 04, 2012, 11:23:51 pm
[[Sorry for the late response, Riley is the incarnation of the Heavenly Yard Master. On the first psot I made, all the forms are there :3.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 04, 2012, 11:58:22 pm
[xD I'll make Mothy and Gear's forms soon.]

I assume possibly that the group of Gilda, Elluka, and the twins split up. The twins were currently foraging for food in the same town that Riley was in.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 05, 2012, 12:05:31 am
[[Gilda would have gone with the twins to help them travel faster, seeing as how her motorcycle will help them consume less time. Unless you mean that Gilda parted ways with the group but she didn't, she stayed :3.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 05, 2012, 12:10:10 am
[Eh, maybe they spread out over town to look for food? xD Sorry, I'm still sick-derping]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 05, 2012, 12:54:56 am
Name: Master of the Heavenly Yard/Irregular
Age: ? ? ? (Looks to be around 14)
Species: Diety of Arts
Sp. Extra: He's a god, bro.
Nationality: He has a heavy Lucifenian accent, so it's assumed he came from there.
Looks: The Master of the Heavenly Yard is only slightly taller than the Master of the Court, at 5'4", making him the third tallest out of all of the Dieties. He's slightly girlish in appearance, with fair skin, a narrow face, and shoulder-length light blonde hair he keeps tied in a neat, short ponytail. He has wide blue eyes, and looks sort of childish. However, his blue eyes can be warm and forgiving, or cold and heartless. Most of his face is hidden by an elegant bronze eagle mask with carvings in it, presumed he may have crafted it himself. The Master of the Heavenly Yard has a curious scar around the entirety of his neck, almost like his head has been completely decapitated before. However, not many Dieties, apart from Gear and Renia, know of this fact, and he usually keeps it hidden under a white handkerchief around his neck, and tucked into the dark golden tailcoat he's usually seen wearing, with a pair of white pants, a white undershirt, black gloves, and black boots. He's sort of butler-like in appearance, and apart from maybe the Master of the Court and Gear, he is probably visually the least scary in looks.
Personality: Although mistaken for arrogant, cruel, and senseless at times, Irregular is actually quite fair in his treatment of others. He's sort of aloof in his dealings with everyone, and is just really introverted, actually. He often has the habit whenever he's told to make a choice, he looks around like he's searching for someone to make a choice for him. He isn't very humorous, and he often gets jittery around the Clocktower. Another bad habit he has is bowing around Gear, and he often gets flustered around the Master of the Court. Seems to have a slight soft-spot for Renia for some reason or another. He likes brioche, and seems to dislike large blades. He has impeccable manners, and loses his temper fairly easily.
Powers: He's a Diety. He can do multiple things, lol.
Family: The Waiter, but she's not really a member of the Court, yet.
Companion Animal: A golden eagle seemingly made of a metallic vapor. He often refers to it as "Innovator" and uses the bird to send or retrieve things, and is often seen speaking to it.
Weapon: His weapon is a simple longsword with an everyday steel blade and a gilded hilt. He's rumored to be an excellent swordsman, however, and the sheer simplicity of his weapon of choice shouldn't be underestimated.
Rp Sample: ....

Name: Gallerian/Gear
Age: ? ? ? (Looks to be in his early twenties, however)
Species: Guardian of the Clocktower, and the Diety of Loyalty and Friendship
Sp. Extra:
Nationality: Presumably he was from Marlon
Looks: Gallerian is probably the tallest of the dieties, hitting around 5'11", with a thin, lanky build and pale skin, with a narrow face and dark blue hair. His eyes are another shade of blue, almost black, and his face is usually hidden behind a wooden dog mask. Gear is usually seen wearing a loose, long sleeved white shirt with a blue vest over it, and a pair of tighter white pants with a black stripe running down the sides. He also wears a pair of tall black boots, and his shirt has a high collar on it.
Personality: At times melancholy and rather depressing to be around, you can hardly blame Gear for being this way. He's stuck in a gloomy, ticking labyrinth with a bunch of imprisoned souls who couldn't make it to Heaven or Hell. However, Gear is an excellent listener and friend, and actually knows more about the more "important" dieties than they do about their colleagues. He's rather calm in personality, with a steady, unshakable nature, and if he can accomplish it without leaving his prison, he will. He's rather close to the Master of the Court and Lorencio, and fairly good friends with the Master of the Heavenly Yard, them being the ones to see him more often, and with the latter two actually taking time out of their days to keep him company for a bit. He's incredibly loyal to the Master of the Court, even going so far as to sacrifice his life to keep her "alive".
Powers: As the Master of Purgatory, almost, he has considerable control over the reincarnation of his "inmates", and he is able to shoot flames out of his hand, being the former epitome of Greed, therefore connected with the Marlon Spoon and it's powers. However, this power is unreliable, and only used by Gear if absolutely needed.
Family: Unknown.
Companion Animal: He has a little ghostly hound-dog that will follow him around, and he often talks to it. It's unknown whether the diety can interpret the dog's answers, or if the dog can interpret his.
Weapons: Although a pacifist in nature, if forced to fight, Gallerian fights with either a sword that looks like the minute hand of a clock, ornate in design, or a pair of chains he uses as whips.
Rp Sample: ...
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 05, 2012, 11:18:58 pm
Adam came back. "I radioed HQ." Andrea gave him a glance. "And?" She said in reply. "You might wanna hear this."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 05, 2012, 11:21:07 pm
*Hint* Tonio is screwed.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 05, 2012, 11:35:46 pm

Anne just stands and listens, wondering what was going on.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 06, 2012, 12:11:26 am
"A FULL OFFENSIVE!? ARE YOU INSANE!?" Andrea's voice echoed out. They were going straight to were the order to attack was given. A full offensive, with Andrea leading it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 06, 2012, 12:40:56 am
Anne was confused. VERY confused.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 06, 2012, 01:24:43 am
Andrea stormed in. "You, out!" She pointed at Anne. "We're scrapping this place. Unless you want to join and help us, leave." Adam came in. "What she means is this place is in danger, and it would be best if you left instad of joining the resistance."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 06, 2012, 01:27:07 am
[[Sorry for not being as active as usual; my college courses have taken a toll on me for this week but I'll gladly be back in commission on Friday or Saturday. Anyways, if any of your are opening an rp, I'll appreciate it if you can add it as an entry in my Directory seeing as how everyone except for Kitsune and ~Blacki were kind enough not to ignore it.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 06, 2012, 01:28:24 am
Hiya soar! Your in college?))
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 06, 2012, 01:29:04 am
[[Hello, Tomas. No, I'm just taking AP/College classes in Highschool. ^.^ ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 06, 2012, 01:31:14 am
Oh, I feel like derp! :P  ))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 06, 2012, 01:32:11 am
[[It's cool, dude. Don't stress yourself out like me with college courses :3. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 06, 2012, 01:43:04 am
I am regretting not taking virtaul school.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 06, 2012, 01:51:34 am
And I'm about to start a new rp if you want to put that on your directory.))
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 06, 2012, 02:17:52 am
[[You'll need to fill out a form that I have on my Directory as I don't know any details about it and please do follow format :3.]]
[[Random Q of the day: So, what's up with the Waiter? Is she a playable character or just going to be introduced very late of the RP?]]

It seemed a hour or so dissolved quickly throughout the night as it was nearing midnight as the Marloian Vector was scouting within a small town where humans lived but under the rule of androids from their ruler. Oddly enough, the Marlonian Vector didn't travel alone tonight as the joined the Clockworker band temporarily but it hasn't been established when she was going to leave but all they could do now is seek and gather as much since a can of beans wasn't going to feed two growing children, an elderly woman, and a young adult. The Vector has kept herself hidden in the shadows as it seemed that the civilians had taken to their beds for the night but the androids have come out to guardian, seek, and destroy anyone who is caught outdoors.  These scenarios were common for the Vector to find herself in due to her near decade trip across Bolgonia (?) but she had more to worry about, Noir and Lumiere.

Their means of getting out, the motorcycle, was parked on the outskirts of the town and it wasn't close enough for anyone but it was a bit too far to make a quick run to if trouble came afoot. She bit down onto her tongue, no sweat was running down her face but she felt a nervous twitch going down her body as the androids ran by, possibly looking for something or someone. She slipped her hands and feet into the oddly placed bricks of the town as she began to climb up onto the rooftop and keep a birds eye view of the town as the twins did their business. From her view, she could see the oasis that was heavily rumored to be connected the World of Masters but she never did believe in those supernatural phenomenons. She could see a very small figure crouching down like a gargoyle to watch the two androids run about as well but she could hear a soft crushing noise, possibly someone was masticating their midnight meal too loud. She kept a close eye on the other figure who was high up just like her but she could tell she was more properly armed as she brought her Clockwork gun with her.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 07, 2012, 12:57:06 am
[SOAR!!!! ^u^]

[Kara takes AP classes too, but I usually finish the homework while I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up from band. I'm always one of the last to leave, and I get a lot done]

[As for your question, Waiter'll be an rpable charrie for anyone who wants her later in the rp. For now, not even MotHY knows where she is, so *shrugs*]

[Clockworker: I am NOT an elderly woman! *ragemarks*

The twins were surprisingly stealthy, seeing as besides the occasional trip to Rolled-City, they were rarely in civilization. However, they had to know how to hide in open spaces, so maybe it wasn't too surprising. Anyways, the two Clockworker siblings stole across town, looking for edible goods, medical supplies, and things like blankets.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 07, 2012, 02:36:41 am
[[Renia: I call BS on that, old hag!]]
[[Amara: You must be patient with this one..]]
[[Renia: You can't resist the Servant lumps!]]

[[Anyways, thank you Kara :3.]]

   As the Vector watched the two small Clockwork siblings flee into the shadows to find their belongings, she immediately kept an eye back on human on the edge of the wall. To her surprise, it seemed that it doesn’t notice it at all she grew closer as the androids heard crushing noises of pebbles somewhere and Amara Leone bit down onto her tongue and hoped it wasn’t Lumiere or even Noir who caused that. Amara watched as the figure shifted to toss out what seemed to be the remains of a fully eaten apple into the oasis.
In the World of Masters, Servants, and a Gear, the Master of Court was sitting in front of her dresser and brushing out her long hair with her favorite long brush as she hummed to herself while clicking her red heels together. “What beautiful hair,” she boasted to herself as she made sure everything was in perfect condition as she was scheduled for a very important court session soon and wanted to look her best. On top of the dresser was a small cup holder of a sort but in reality, it was a bottomless hole that stored all the coins that were given to her was offerings from Beseech Gavel and from ceremonies and prayers done in her honor. As she glanced over to it, her face turned to full disgust to see a apple core being dropped into it. She grabbed the stem with her left hand as her hand was trying to keep her hair in order and tossed it into the trash. “What horrible humans,” she muttered to herself as she continued to brush her hair.
Renia, on the other hand, had returned to her headquarters were Lorencio was thankfully asleep as he dreamt of dancing bananas. She took the opportunity to return the objects back into their original spots before the morning seeing as how she’ll want to pull this prank again with him being fully awake next time. She picked up the voodoo doll that fallen onto her floor from her slumber and shrugged, putting it by Lorencio as she leapt back into bed and cuddled up with her pillow. She hoped that the doll will scare the Hellish Yard out of her twin brother when he awoke.
The small male figure chuckled to himself as the androids decided to give up on searching for him but the sudden drop into the oasis alerted them quickly. He grew frantic; he should have through it through. He glanced up and looked around, hoping for a escape route but the one way down will break his legs or end up drowning him. The androids turned the lit eyes towards the wall to see the bottom of his shoes, a even worse scenario. He quickly heard something leap from a roof and landed on a wall two levels below him and he held his breath, swearing that is was an android.
Amara glanced up and noted the figure to be of a child’s and sighed, it seemed that all the boys needed to be saved today from androids. She climbed up the walls as the androids pulled out their pistols and began to shoot out blanks but it didn’t bother her; the androids did always have bad aim. All she could tell was that the individual was frozen and trying to figure out a way. He even turned around to see if he could get advice from someone.
The male figure noted that it was a very young woman that came to save him, out of all the things, a woman. He couldn’t even think for the moment as he was immediately picked up bridal style by the figure and she began to run and jump over the roof as he gave out a very girlish squeal of disapproval.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 07, 2012, 02:47:46 am
The two Clockworker twins hear the gunshots and the girly squeal, and look at one another simultaneously. "Time to scram?" Lumi asks, a few cans of random food in her messenger bag. "Very much so." Noir agrees, first aid kid in his arms.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 07, 2012, 02:51:47 am
[Elluka: *thwacks Renia with the staff* Stop being a pain because you and your brother lost!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 07, 2012, 02:55:51 am
The male figure was flailing his arms in distress as Amara climbed down from  the house and glanced around, hoping to find the twins before they scattered off without her or even take her motorcycle. But for now, the Vector rested the boy down onto the ground and knelt before him to check on him. "Unhand me, homo sapien," the male retorted as he quickly stood up and defended himself with a small shard of broken glass that he had in his pocket but Amara blinked in confusion.
The two stared at each other for a while with Amara on one knee as the boy was standing with the small shard of glass outwards as if he was knighting her but who would speak first? The arrogant reincarnation or the confused Vector?

[[Renia: Lemme at her---!! *Is held back by Amara.*]]
[[Amara: Elluka, please--She can explode at any moment.]]
[[Renia: I will never lose to someone as old as you!]]
[[Amara: Renia, please--]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 07, 2012, 03:02:34 am
[Elluka: Boo. Lorencio: *hides behind Renia*]

"Everyone all here?" Elluka asks as she walks up to the group, a few blankets under one arm. Just as she says this, her twins skid to a stop near the group, looking around. "Where's the little girl that got attacked?" Lumiere asks, looking around as she remembered hearing a girly squeal.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 07, 2012, 03:08:51 am
[[Renia: LORENCIO--YOU FAILURE. *Pushes Amara up.*]]
[[Amara: And I'm suppose to...?]]
[[Renia: Defend me.]]

As the Clockworker family met up somewhere in the town, the Vector and the Reincarnation were still positioning themselves quietly but the boy gave in quickly, "Well, uhmm, I appreciate your work but I will not pay for such actions," but all he could hear was the young woman giggle with her hand covering her mouth. "What is funny , peasant," he questioned her with a quick tongue as Amara stopped laughing and gave him immediate eye contact, "You believe that good deeds need to be paid off for.."

She stood up and extended out her hand but she heard the boy gulp in fear seeing as how..for once in her life she was taller than someone but it didn't feel any different. The boy still had the piece of glass out but slowly placed it away as he shook her hand very slowly by grabbing her middle finger, forefinger, and index finger. By the look in his eyes, Amara could tell he was embarrassed from possibly that girly squeal and maybe even proud that someone would swoop in to rescue him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 07, 2012, 03:21:15 am
"All here and accounted for." Noir replies, checking himself and Lumi. "Good. New mission. Find Gilda." Elluka answers.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 01:40:25 am
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 01:49:26 am
After several minutes of silence, the boy eased up a bit to actually put the piece of glass away and deep into one of his pockets and Amara went back onto both of her feet but the boy looked concerned, maybe it was due to his height issue. The Vector glanced up to the grinning moon up in the smile yet no stars shined bright.. She remembered her mother and how she told of how the stars in sky represented the Heavenly Yard that main deity, Master of the Heavenly Yard, would place out depending on his mood. "So, erhhm, peasant.." the boy began while he placed his hair up into a ponytail while not even looking at her, a sign of disrespect in the Marlon culture. "Do you from the lands also populated by the androids..?" Amara raised an eyebrow, was this boy thinking he was talking to an idiot? "Yes, my country is contaminated of New Humanity and our ruler isn't doing much to assist our dying population." Amara studied his face as the moonlight reflected off of it, he oddly looked like the Renia and even Lorencio but there was a little sparkle in his eyes like a diamond out in the rough.

"...I understand that my beauty is rare but don't stare," he cracked a rhyme with a raised eyebrow but Amara could only stand there in a relaxed manner. "Sure, your highness," she joked as she made a courtesy bow but it seemed that the child did play along ad rubbed his hairless chin, "Good, good peasant." She noted how clean the boy kept his clothes but it was even rare for a child his age to survive on his own, "Where are your parents, youngling?" "Dead," he bluntly stated with his arms crossed, not even batting an eyelash at that fact. "Shouldn't you be in do--" Amara began but the boy quickly retorted, "The orphanage kicked me out for the night." The Vector was taken back from these words, orphanages still existed? Most of the children were left out to starve, die, or to become experiments for New Humanity.

[[Hello :3!]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 01:53:18 am
[Yay! You're here!]

Anne leaves and continues wandering, scared of Angela and Adam slightly, and wanting be get away from them. The orphan girl couldn't shake off the feeling of missing someone. She couldn't think of who, though.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 02:06:54 am
[[Poor Anne! ;u; ]]
[[And yeah for you being here too :3!]]

The boy looked over his shoulder for reassurance as she spoke, "I have someone to look after myself and that's ...me." The hesitant tone and glance made it obvious for Amara that he was obviously trying to have someone agreeing with him, maybe this lad was as crazy as the Daughter of Evil herself. Amara looked in her pockets and groaned, she only had a piece of bread since everything else she left near the spot where she'll meet up with the Clockworker family but she sighed, "Hey, youngling." The boy turned over to her with a disdain look, "I am not a youngling for my height." Amara handed the small loaf of bread over to the boy as his eyes widen. "Oh, peasant.." he began with a roll of his eyes as he took the piece of bread but he was genuinely surprised at the fact someone would do such a thing. He took a deep bite into it, so fresh unlike that apple but apples were rare these days..

Amara had a face of sympathy as he watched the boy consumed the bread within a matter of minutes, he was obviously too skinny for his own good and the lack of food could have been delaying his growth spurt. The boy wiped the crumbs off of his face and glanced up at her but looked away from seconds, "Are you trying to warm up to me or something?" She shook her head in silence as the boy dusted off his cloak as if it was a robe of royalty and he ruled over the waste of a world that they lived in. "So, are you interested in young men?" The younger boy bluntly asked her as Amaras face turned pink but she brushed off that question, "I've been taught never to allow children to starve." "Oye, I'm fifteen not a damn twelve-year-old."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 02:21:00 am
[LOL! I love Riley!]

Anne soon saw a town in the far distance, and made her way towards that. As we stated before, the blonde was very poor in the skill of hunting, and depended on theft to stay alive. She pulls on the tattered sleeve of her uniform, mentally blanching at how worn and ripped it was. "Shut up! Why would the state of your clothes matter at a time like this? How vain can you get?!" She thinks, then distracts herself from her attire as she heads out towards the town.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 02:52:05 am
[[Why, thank you. I can't wait to see MotH(eavenly)Y's reaction to his..erhmm clone. xD]]

"I can see with that colorful language," Amara replied softly as the boy flicked his hand up and down to the 'compliment, "Tell me about it, the mistress of the orphanage said I can paint a damn rainbow with it too." Amara felt herself chuckle at the thought of that but the boy didn't seem too pleased, "What's humoring you, peasant?" He was obviously as bright as a brick, how ironic. The Vector simply shrugged as the chuckle faded into the night and life itself taken these days, this poor cruel world. The boy was oddly amused with her, not for the fact that he thinks she's a pedophile, but the fact that she plays along like a little doll or a mother but that's what the others tell him what a mother acts like.. A mother.

The idea was stupid as the boy waved it away literally and Amara raised an eyebrow as the boy muttered something under his breath in his native tongue. Amara scratched the back of her head as she spoke to the boy, "There's an abandoned house where you can hide out." The boy crossed his arms with a finger raised, " I can care for myse-" "You were going to die a couple of minutes ago." He looked at the floor, his pride hurt but he tried to cover it up, "I wasn't. I knew what  I was going to d-" You didn't dive into the water, now did you?" Silence yet again.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 03:03:06 am
Anne continues heading towards the town, hungry, battered, and cold right now.

"Who's the guy with the blonde hair?" Was Noir's question when the Clockworker family had reunited with Gilda. "He looks kind of like a girl." Lumi teases, grinning.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 03:09:29 am
"Oi, ease up on him. He's an orphan I saved from New Humanity," Gilda scratched the back of her head while looking first at Noir, Lumiere and their mother. She looked at Elluka and nodded her head, "I've gathered some supplies. Some shoes, hats, and extra vegetables just in case."As she glanced back over her shoulder, she could see the boy run off to the house that she gave directions to but for some reason he could seem him waving bye to her as if he was thanking her..Odd.

The boy kept on running to the house as he saw the strangers approaching but he was ..thankful for once for meeting someone that could help him for the night.  He waved back but it seemed that the lady didn't catch it but he shrugged, it isn't like he'll see her again. He ran through the open doorway as he set up a small bed consisting of old pages from books and blankets, a bed for a king! He belly-flopped onto the bed and rolled around until he quickly fell asleep.

Renia was snoring obnoxiously loud. Yes, that is important.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 03:19:26 am
"I found some blankets, and I think the twins found some stuff too. We should clear out of here before the New Humanity notice we're here. They're notoriously bad at noticing people in this part of Lucifenia, but we shouldn't take chances. I heard a girl scream earlier, and something tells me it wasn't a human attacking her." Elluka replies, nodding.

Lorencio, having endured Renia every day of his mortal and immortal life, had learned to ignore her obnoxious nighttime sounds.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 03:25:19 am
"That..she is a he.." Gilda mumbled as she made an awkward cough with her hand over her motuh but she agreed with Elluka's thoughts. She opened up a map to check on their coordinates and checked their surroundings, and pointed towards the north west, "The motorcycle would be there.." She began to head off to guide the Clockworker family to safety.

Renia tosses her shoe at Lorencio while she slept as she has a horrible case of sleeping walking but..with throwing.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 03:34:32 am
Elluka whistles innocently. "He had blonde hair. That's interesting." She comments as she and her two charges followed the younger woman back to her motorcycle.

Lorencio was thankfully knocked out by the shoe.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 03:40:43 am
"Blonde hair is just as common as pink hair," Gilda joked a bit as she was one one knee, trying to push her motorcycle and she wasn't even budging it up. She muttered on her breath in Marlonian as she pressed her back against the motorcycle as she tried to push it up. "Sorry for the delay."

Renia is pleased by her shoe throwing. The goddess sleeps tonight without reaping another soul.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 03:49:15 am
"Blonde hair hasn't been seen very commonly in Lucifenia since the time of the Daughter of Evil, who, if I remember correctly, had it herself. Besides, pink hair is common, just not here. It's common in Levianta." Elluka corrects. "However, I've lived for quite some time, and the amount of blondes I've seen in Lucifenia can be counted on one hand, really. They usually have brown hair." She answers. "The four of us are all foreigners, which explains our hair colors." The older woman finishes, pointing at herself, then at Gilda, then at Noir and Lumiere, respectively.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 03:57:09 am
"I guess the irony of being the ruler of a yellow country does mean you get the hair color," she agreed with Elluka's explanation but that motorcycle wasn't budging with her effort. She glanced up at the twins with one eyes closed with a embarrassed look, "Can either of you please assist me with this?" Gilda groaned a bit as she tried again but blinked, "Besides, your children actually look native to the majority of this country since a dark tan and black hair are common, " she winched as her hand was being crushed by the motorcycle. She quickly slipped it out from under the motorcycle and rubbed it; she was putting her hand through too much today.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 04:05:00 am
Both twins go forwards to help Gilda, but Noir helps up helping her, since he was slightly stronger than his sister.

"It looks that way, but I knew their parents, they're actually Belzenian. Master of the Heavenly Yard only knows why they were chased all the way from there to here. Sadly, my friend can't tell us that." Elluka answers quietly, so the twins wouldn't hear. Neither of them liked hearing about their parents, really. Sure, they didn't really know either of them that well, but you still don't talk about someone's dead parents around them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 04:34:40 am
Gilda's eyes averted down to the ground as she felt the pressure of the motorcycle being pushed off of her and she thanked the little grains of sand that a little man could be strong. She stood up and dusted the sand off from her and didn't know exactly how to reply to Elluka but she turned over to the twins and patted Noir's head, "Thank you very much, dearie." Gilda also patted Lumiere's head as well since it wouldn't be fair to praise one and not the other. She looked over to Elluka and gave a soft nod, seeing as how she could bluntly go speaking on about dead parents when she the discomfort of speaking about deceased relatives.

'The Master of the Heavenly Yard wouldn't know anything,' a small voice stirred in the back of Gilda's mind as Gilda glanced at her wounded hand and sighed at how bruised up it is. She began to pack several of the items under the passenger seat but the voice continued, 'Since when did these figments of our imaginations knew anything? Anything at all?' Gilda rubbed her forehead as she wasn't at all used to it, the little voice inside her head did speak sometimes but it's been a couple of months since the last time it did but it involved Renia and her claim of being a goddess. 'If the pathetic behavior of believers could be measured, i would have drowned instantly,' the voice continued and continued but Gilda cotninued to pack things but one of her eyes twitched.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 04:39:15 am
Elluka decides to drop the subject, and takes the first aid kit from Noir. "You might need to fix up your hand a little bit." She explains. Having a motorcycle crush it couldn't have been good.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 04:44:10 am
"It's alright, I'm used to these scenarios," she waved her broken hand around even though it made an unpleasant sound, a cracking noise of a sort. She finished packing the remainder of the items but she nods her head at Elluka, "I'll gladly do it back at the base that way we won't waste time here near New Humanity." 'Where are your Masters when New Humanity appeared?" the voice rang through her ears as her eye twitched again but she rubbed it, making it seem that sand got into it. 'Where are they when the wrongly accused has been murdered?! Where are they when the bells are rung and the innocent are killed!?" the voice rambled on and on but Gilda turned her body away and she waved her hand over to the passenger seat and looked at the twins, "You can sit in there." She looked up to Elluka and shrugged," Unless you want to sit there with one of the twins." 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 04:46:12 am
As a response, Luka shoos the twins into the passenger seat. "I can walk." She comments, shrugging.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 04:57:45 am
"Alright, " Gilda nodded as she headed over to the motorcycle as she turned the key on the ignition and it quickly came to life as the headlight flickered and gave light into the dark and cold night. "Make sure to put on your seat belts, ladies," she commented as she slipped her goggles over her head and began to drive off.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 05:00:53 am
"I'm a guy!" Noir wails, protesting against this mix-up. However, both twins put their seatbelts on, Lumi snickering.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 05:10:49 am
"I know Noir, that explains why you're so strong," Gilda as well teased with a small snicker as she wiggled her finger into the air as they continued down the desert. "So, how long have you two been in the desert with your mother?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 04:28:57 pm
"Since forever, really." Lumi answers. Noir decides to give a more specific reply. "Since we were about one, if what Mother says is correct." He elaborates.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 04:31:29 pm
"I see," Gilda replied softly as she slowed down and turned back to check on Elluka to see if no one decided to ambush her. She rested her foot to the side as the engine rumbled and leaned slightly when the motorcycle came to a halt.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 07:50:06 pm
Elluka was still walking. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She promises, gesturing to her staff. A lot of damage could be dealt with that little wooden pole.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 07:57:58 pm
Gilda nodded at her as the engine roared gain into the silent  night as the motorcycle went off. She glanced around, scouting to see if any of New Humanity was near or even wild dogs. She checked the twins every once in a while to see if they weren't bickering or attacking each other.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 08:24:07 pm
The  twins knew it was impolite to attack a sibling in another's motorcycle, so the busied themselves by watching the scenery fly by.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 08:34:25 pm
Gilda sighed as she found herself seeing an image in the desert, who knows what it could've been..a human, mirage, or an android? She cleaned the lenses on her goggles as she squinted to get a closer look.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 09, 2012, 09:00:22 pm
"Gilda...do you see that shape over there?" Noir asks, looking in the same direction. Lumiere had fallen asleep, and was just leaning against her brother.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 09, 2012, 10:23:34 pm
Gilda nodded at Noir's response and she noted the sleeping little girl and sighed, "I don't even know what that is." She turned off the engine that way the night was still and quiet as she kept an eye on that..thing.

[[If anyone would want to be that person/mirage/shadow, go right ahead. I can't contribute anymore.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 10, 2012, 03:36:17 am
[Yeah, it's official. My best friend's boyfriend ranks before I do every time. =_=']
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 14, 2012, 01:55:01 am
[[ Imma just pop in, gonna give this a little bump..
@Karakuki: It's high school, man. Some people still need to develop their maturity and seeing as how much children now a' days are either considering themselves to be depressed, grief, etc or too caught up trying to have a short-term partner for every week of the school year. Some complain about grief that doesn't exist while others have anxiety (such as myself.) and never notice since it been with us the majority of our lives. As for romance, pfff- you know how children/teenagers get.

..I sound old..]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 09:10:41 pm
[Actually, my friend is in college. She hooked up with this guy, and since he's 'soooo overprotective', she couldn't come to my sixteenth birthday party. If he seriously has problems with his girlfriend going to a Mexican restruant with a bunch of sophomore and freshman GIRLS, then he really needs to get a grip.]

[Also, sorry for my extensive absence, the internet in our neighborhood went out for four days 'cos of a storm.]
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 17, 2012, 09:14:15 pm
[[College? Oh, they aren't any better... It's okay, a storm is a random presence and no one can control that. As for the over protection policy, ..that doesn't sound normal and this man clearly needs to see someone. A friend of mine dealt with a boy like that but they weren't going out..and I had to put my foot down. It wasn't pretty for him.  ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 09:18:02 pm
[*sigh* I know, but other than being retarded towards me and our other friends, he's really sweet to her. He just gets on my nerves because out of the twelve friends I invited--two actually came. Now nine of them had LEGIT reasons for coming, but she couldn't come because he didn't want her to 'get hurt'. Again! Well known, well populated Mexican restruant in a SMALL town with a freshman girl and two sophomore girls. None of us would dare hurt her, since the four of us are close. =_=']
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 17, 2012, 09:24:04 pm
[[Maybe he believes that everyone is a ninja after him? *Shot.* Sorry for that inappropriate joke but that's my basic feelings towards these situations..  Anyways, I hope your issue gets resolve but all I can give you is my sympathy. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 10:44:33 pm
[It's fine. Like I said, not many people came. Anyways, while I create another rp, where did we leave off here?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 17, 2012, 10:49:12 pm
[[There was a shadow in the distance but I have no clue what to make it. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 10:54:18 pm
[Could be Anne, since she's near the city]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 17, 2012, 10:58:10 pm
[[Alright ^^. Go on ahead~.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 11:16:50 pm
Anne was wandering near an old city, still hungry, and still looking like a hobo, much to her horror. She thought she had heard some noises from far away, but dismissed them for some androids finding a poor defenseless human. True safety was only found in the wilderness, after all.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 17, 2012, 11:29:39 pm
"Noir, stay here," the Vector whispered closely to the twin's ear that way she wouldn't wake up his sister and she knew never to disturb anyone asleep. She parked the motorcycle as she slid off as her army boots buried into the sand but she soon ran into the dark towards the figure with her gun case on her back. However, she crouched down and felt hr hands go into the sand as she tried to disguise herself into the environment.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 11:34:06 pm
Anne continues walking, her eyes flickering around her, and her hand nervously on the hilt of her rapier. Not much defense, but if something attacked her, it'd be better than nothing. She was easy prey right now, starving, cold, and not exactly properly trained in fighting.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 17, 2012, 11:44:37 pm
Amara's eyes readjusted to see a small figure, better yet another little female that look almost identical to that male she saw earlier or as she'll call him now "King" since he did act like arrogant royalty. She went onto one knee as it made a small sound but it something she couldn't avoid it, sounds will always be made but they can be subdued. She could only wait and watch like an eagle, with her eyes on her prey.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 17, 2012, 11:54:11 pm
The small sound put Anne on further guard. She wasn't sure if it was her being nervous and twitchy, making her possibly imagine the sound...or if it was a real threat.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 18, 2012, 12:04:55 am
She calmly stood up as she pulled off the case from her back and leaned agiasnt it with her elbow resting on it. "Excuse me, miss," she called out as she waited there but she turned her head away to look at Noir to check if the twins were alright.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 18, 2012, 02:39:43 am
The twins were alright, Noir looked like he was keeping watch.

"W-what?" Anne tried to keep her voice from shaking, but it was hard for her to do so. She raises the rapier in front of her, to protect her. Her eyes kept flickering nervously to both sides of her, like she was expecting someone to come to her defense.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 18, 2012, 12:00:54 pm
I think it's about time for me to post now that I'm ungrounded.))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 18, 2012, 11:03:37 pm
[Lol, might be, Tomas. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 18, 2012, 11:58:55 pm
"Pardon me," the Vector tried to ease the already violent tension between her and the shadow seeing as how the shadow was well armed. She stood up properly with her hands promptly folded and against her legs to see if the girl would calm down.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 19, 2012, 12:30:50 am
Anne waits a few minutes, before relaxing slightly. She keeps her hand on the rapier, though, and her eyes were glued towards the newcomer. "What is it?" She asks. While not calling her a commoner or peasant, like Riley had, something in Anne's voice sounded authoritative, like she was someone who was used to having the world stop at her world. She wasn't now, of course, but she had used to be.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 19, 2012, 12:36:34 am
Amara raised an eyebrow as she looked more carefully at the figure before her; small ad blonde like that boy she met earlier and apparently it was a rarity to find humans with such hair color too as Elluka stated. She scratched the back of her head, trying to formally introduce herself as a this little girl decided to speak with authority as if she was the world itself, "Good evening. I was passing by with my caravan and noted your presence. Seeing as how the world is surely doomed, would you like any ..supplies?" Amara knew she was sounding sappy and nervous when she spoke but talking to this one felt different.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 19, 2012, 12:42:26 am
Anne crosses her arms defiantly, but her face turns bright red when her stomach growls pitifully. She had tried looking dignified...but failed at doing such. "Yes, please." She mutters, looking sulky.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 19, 2012, 01:28:28 am
Amara held back a giggle as she motioned her hand towards the girl to follow her. The Vector slipped the rifle case back onto her back as she looked over to Noir, cupping her hands together, and shouted at him, "It's okay! The shadow was just a wee little girl!"
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 19, 2012, 03:45:51 am
*Cracks knuckles* About time that assault on Tonio's base of operations was done! Andrea, gear up.))

She was riding out tonight. As she vaulted into the truck and prepared to fight with everyone else, she had a sense of honour fill her. Then Adam hoped in with her. "Andrea." "Jackson." The first words said between them. "Why do you fight?" She paused for a moment. "To win the honour of coming back home again." (Yes, I qouted her theme song. DEAL WITH IT! I'll be doing that all the time now.) "But you no longer have me to return to. There's nothing at home for you." Andrea paused again. Could it be? If she always wantd to go back home, did that mean she still....? She cut off her own thoughts and looked away from Adam.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 19, 2012, 10:51:21 pm
Anne stiffens up angrily at the comment. "I am NOT just a little girl!" She protests.

Noir chuckles. "Make another friend, Gilda?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 19, 2012, 10:59:35 pm
Amara turned around, scratched right behind her neck, and looked directly at Anne, "I apologize for that." She looked back at Noir with a hint of pink arousing onto her face and she chuckled too, "I guess so, Noir. Do we have any extra cans that we can supply to her?" The Vector checked on the girl  from head to toe, "Do you need any blankets or even a map?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 12:15:51 am
"Yeah..." Anne's voice was smaller now, when she realized she wasn't impressing anyone. She looked embarrassed at the fact she was asking for help, really.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 01:20:27 am
Amara nodded with a soft smile on her face but she noted the teenager's distraught as her voice of power quickly shrunk to a voice of a lost 5-year-old. She walked over to the passenger seat to find that where Lumiere was sleeping was where some of the blankets were kept. She eyed nervously at Noir and whispered, "Is she a heavy or light sleeper?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 01:30:19 am
"Extremely heavy. You could probably blast a horn in her ear and she wouldn't notice. Mother has to push her out of bed to wake her up, some mornings." Noir laughs, prodding his sister.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 01:34:19 am
Amara laughs back at the comment with her hand covering my mouth but she swiped a blanket right beside Lumiere so the girl wouldn't stir so much in her sleep. "Thank you kindly for watching," she ruffled Noir's hairs and messed with a curl as she walked back to Anne with a blanket folded into a lovely square. "Here you are, I'll get you some cans of food shortly," she handed out the blanket to the girl.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 01:37:30 am
"Thank you." While not as confident sounding as before, Anne had composed herself a little bit, so that she could look Gilda squarely in the eye when she spoke.

Noir pouts at his hair being ruffled, and tries to fix it back.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 01:51:47 am
Amara noted how the majority of the teenagers she met today were pouting. She looked Anne directly into the eye, showing no signs of extreme emotions, dominance, or submission. She nodded her head as she spoke, "You're welcome. I'll be getting the map shortly too and I'll draw you several locations where you can go." She walked back over to the passenger seat, noting Noir trying to fix his hair but she teased him by softly grabbing one hair and placed it onto the other side. However, she did get around five cans of food (beans and spam) and returned to Anne.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 01:55:16 am
Anne took the food, and nodded shyly in thanks, again. Noir stops pouting, and was now interested in the new person.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 02:01:25 am
Amara quickly took the map from out her pocket along with a marker as she screwed off the top and tossed it into the passenger seat. "Alright, where would you be heading towards? North, south, east, or west?" She was busy looking up to the sky to determine what direction they were in as she quickly jotted it down in the corner of the map.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 02:06:49 am
"I'm...not sure, actually. I've just been looking for someone. I don't know who, but I have a feeling they're important, and I need to see them, if that makes any sense." Anne admits.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 02:13:28 am
"I understand.. We're all drawn to a purpose like finding someone," Amara looked at Anne with a nod of understanding as she folded the map and looked back at her. "Do you feel that you're going in the right way..?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 02:17:30 am
Anne just nods. "Sometimes I'm not sure, but sometimes, it's like I can feel the presence of the person somewhere, like we're connected or something." She explains.

"Are you sure you're not looking for a long lost twin or something? That's what it sounds like." Noir teases, not knowing how awesomely right he was.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 02:31:31 am
Amara raised an eyebrow, turned her head, and glanced at Noir. "The majority of the population believe in predestination or even reincarnation," she spoke, even though she was correct or even the fact that she doesn't believe in such things. She turned her attention back to Anne and nodded, "Would you feel comfortable staying with the caravan for the night and I'll drive you over to the destination you feel where that person is?" She bit down onto her tongue as she asked that. Stupid, stupid! She wasn't even the leader, it was Noir and Lumiere's mother! She'll need to ask her first but she gotten herself into a mess but she didn't want to be rude after just asking that. She looked over to Noir with a nervous look.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 20, 2012, 02:38:28 am
Noir just shrugs. "I didn't mean anything personally or anything. It's just in the few times I've really been separated from Lumi, I've always been able to find her." He explains.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 20, 2012, 03:41:42 am
Tonio's gonna get his butt kicked!))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on September 20, 2012, 07:13:06 pm
[[Seeing the environment of the Rebellion attacking the city, along with the highly advanced technology used by New Humanity and the possible fact that they don't get killed quickly..My money is on Tonio.. *Shamelessly betting.*]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on September 23, 2012, 01:38:37 am
[My money's on Tonio too. Lol]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Dragoneer22 on September 26, 2012, 04:58:44 am
*Cracks knukles* Was that a challenge?))
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on October 04, 2012, 01:32:38 am
[Yes, yes it was, lol. Also, sorry for inactivity. Grounded, Band, School, Bass Clarinet, Practicing a Dance for the Talent Show...you know]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on October 04, 2012, 01:34:25 am
[[It's cool, Kara. I'm stuck with the usual sore throat >.<;' ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on October 04, 2012, 01:42:57 am
[I just got to start playing the bass today, so my throat hurts 'cos you have to set your mouth different, and open your throat more than a Bb Clarinet]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on October 19, 2012, 01:12:10 am
[[ BUMP. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 03, 2012, 09:46:19 pm
"That's quite interesting," Amara tilted her head softly at Noir, acknowledging that piece of intellect that she didn't harbor into mind. She turned to Anna and motioned her hand softly as a wave to follow her, "What do you say about that? Noir, the lovely gentleman, along with his sister can sympathize and help you understand on what direction you'll need to take." She glanced over her shoulder, hoping to see the twins' mother to explain to her the present situation of taking yet another guest into their camp.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 03:04:56 pm
Conveniently, Elluka was catching up, visible a short distance away. It took her longer to get there than the motorcycle, but she was walking pretty quickly.

Anne looks doubtfully at the twins, like she didn't trust them or something. Biting her lip, she shrugs.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 04:11:25 pm
[[Revival success!!]]

Amara felt a memory emerging from her mind at Anne's actions, it felt something distant possibly a memory of her sister, Jack, but this memory didn't have any traces of her younger sister. All she could she was yellow, yellow with bloodstains all over. She shook he head with a hint of stress appearing on her face, unable to comprehend as to what that memory ever meant. The Marlon woman caught sight of Elluka and spoke to the twins, well the only two awake, "Anne, do you see the woman heading towards us? That's Noir's and Lumiere's mother and the leader." "She seems to wise and I bet she'll assist you on your quest..And that reminds me, I should talk to her about this event." With a simple jest of a bow towards the twins, she left them and headed towards Elluka, but she promised she'll be back in 5 minutes or so.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 06:08:41 pm
Noir nods in answer, and Anne doesn't say anything, really.

Elluka stops as soon as she sees Amara heading towards her, waiting for the younger woman to reach her. She stands there patiently, seeming curious.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 06:33:18 pm
"Elluka, I'm sorry for not telling you this but," Gila eyed towards her motorized vehicle and rubbed the back of her own neck. "We found another child out in the middle of the desert and I allowed her to go into your camp. I understand it is your camp and should have not taken any further steps."  She straighten herself out, "Well, the child is young, blonde, near the twins' age and female. She says to be finding her twin but ti seems skeptical but I have no knowledge about twins.." "Oh! Her name is also Anne."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 06:53:11 pm
Elluka chuckles at first, then starts laughing. After a minute of random, unexplained merriment, she seems to sober up and smile at Amara. "It's fine, she's welcome in the camp." She replies. The pink haired woman continues walking towards the motorcycle, like she hadn't just started laughing at all. Was the pink witch insane? Yes. Yes she was.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 07:12:09 pm
Amara followed back, not understanding how the woman could have laughed so easily. Maybe she was insane, maybe she was secretly drunk, or maybe she abducted children and ate them and her "twins" were her servants! Who knows? However, it was relieving to know that the girl was allowed to stay in the camp but she kept a sharp eye out for any of New Humanity.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 07:46:46 pm
[D.) All of the above. Lol]

When they returned to the group, both girls were asleep, with Noir still dutifully keeping watch over his sister and the stranger's safety. His hand goes to the hilt of his sword for a moment, hearing shuffling, but then, realizing it was just the two adults returning, he calms down and leans against the motorcycle.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 07:56:45 pm
Gilda gave a little wave at Noir and noted the two girls asleep, possibly in the passenger seat with the boy standing outside. She turns out to Elluka and sighed softly," Well, she does act like royalty..That is one fact I can present to you about her.."

[[Oh god .xD ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 08:36:52 pm
"I would be concerned if she didn't." Elluka comments lazily, before shaking her daughter carefully awake. "Lumi. Lumi. Wake up." She says. Opening one eye, Lumi looks at Elluka. "Five more minutes?" She asks hopefully. "Nope. Let your brother sleep." She explains. Lumi sits up and stretches, trying to move without disturbing the little blonde girl. She stares at the girl for a minute. "Who's this?" She asks, looking confused.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 08:41:32 pm
Gilda looked a bit down, knowing she can't say much from this point on. However, she heard the question being asked about the new blonde girl and she explained, "This is Anne. She'll be accompanying us to the camp." 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 08:47:50 pm
"Ah." Lumi replies, getting out of the sidecar and prodding her brother in the face. "Go to sleep before you get sick." She orders, like she had a feeling the brother would protest.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 08:59:26 pm
Gilda stood by and watched with her hands folded behind her back. She looked at Lumiere though curiously, "Would you like to ride in the motorcycle still? You can be seated behind me."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 09:19:18 pm
Lumi looks at Gilda, then at her mother, and shakes her head. "I'll walk with mother." She replies.

[Short. I've been so short all day. >.<]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 09:29:52 pm
[[ It's fine. xD~ ]]

"Alright," Gilda spoke softly as she went back to her motorcycle and slipped her goggles back on and the engine quickly rumbled. "I'll see you both at the camp." With quick squeeze at the lever and the motorcycle was off.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 09:42:25 pm
Elluka and Lumiere walk more slowly, seeming to be talking about something as the motorcycle drove ahead of them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 09:50:31 pm
[[ Oh my Mothy.. What do I do now? ]]

Gilda's motorcycle swept through the sand dunes as she kept an close eye on Noir and Anne, hoping no large clumps of sand will land on them.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 04, 2012, 11:00:39 pm
[Timeskip to back at camp?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 04, 2012, 11:28:49 pm
[[ Yeah xD. I don't know what else to put~. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 12:41:39 am
[[ BUMP *u*? ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 05, 2012, 02:01:31 am
[xD You wanna start? Iunno how. Maybe Gilda can see Lorencio again?]
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 02:41:12 am
[[ I thought they would see each other in the next morning unless Lorencio is just as creepy as he is in that *one* Mothy song.. I forgot the name of it but it involved all seven vessels of sin (well, two weren't awakened..)

[[Anyways, I'll think of something for now and post it in the next post or something xD. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 05, 2012, 02:51:30 am
[Capriccio Farce? And alright. *waits*]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 03:06:04 am
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 05, 2012, 03:10:09 am
The two Clockworker females catch up about thirty minutes later, still seeming to be deep in conversation about something. Elluka was making a gesture with her hand lazily, a small light f from it. Lumi tried to copy her mother, and only achieved pathetic sparks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 03:15:45 am
[[ I had the weirdest thought of Elluka being Dumbledore and Lumiere as Harry Potter...]]

Gilda glanced up and gestured a warm welcome to the two Clockworker females but she raised an eyebrow in surprise at the magic casting. She wasn't aware that she was in the company of witches and wizards, all she can ponder on is where were their brooms. "Oye! I finished unpacking," she called out towards the two women, hoping she wouldn't disturb the family moment.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 05, 2012, 03:18:16 am
Elluka looks up at Gilda. "Thank you!" She calls back, not seeming afraid of the fact that their companion saw her using magic. Lumiere, however, hid her hands behind her back and looked at the ground nervously.

[Except Lumi fails, and Harry seems to have a knack for magic. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 03:21:55 am
Gilda noticed the sudden nervous movement of Lumiere and pondered on the thought. It must be hard to grasp onto magic, because, well, even she didn't know magic! She g;lanced over to the sleeping Noir with a raised eyebrow, not sure if she should wake him up. Sleeping in the passenger seat beforehand had lead to Gilda getting back problems and they still haunted her.  "You're welcome.. Uhm, Noir isn't a light sleeper, right?" She called back to Noir's mother and sister.

[[True xD. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 05, 2012, 03:29:40 am
"You could probably dump him out of the seat and he wouldn't even notice." Elluka confirms, nodding. Lumiere just laughs at the thought, even though she was a deep sleeper herself, her twin brother slept like a dead man, and if you tried to wake him up...well...it wouldn't be very good for your health.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 03:36:15 am
Gilda scooped up the boy just as she did with Anne but she was more careful this time, she had a feeling in her stomach that could either mean: 1) This boy could react like a bomb if not tugged in properly or 2) she wouldn't have either an arm or leg to use ever again. She calmly knelt onto one knee and tried to sit the boy down and she pulled out a pillow from the passenger seat and those was a rather large amount of drool on it. The culprit? Even Gilda wasn't too sure as to who found her pillow..

She placed the pillow onto the ground and slowly leaned the boy down, holding her breathe but she grabbed another blanket from the pile and wrapped it around the sleeping male. The good news is that she tugged in two children The bad news is was that she used her two blankets on them, and the other blankets she intended for the family since it was originally theirs' to find. Amara left the boy to sleep as she moved the motorcycle far away as possible because she secretly believed that the child could wreck it or possibly pick it up. Just a gut feeling.

"Alright, thank you." She called back and went over to sit by the fire. However, she glanced back and called again, "Sorry to cause another ruckus but will you be needing help for anything else?"

[[Ah.. I can't feel my brain matter. I'm heading off to bed. Good night c:. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 05, 2012, 03:40:58 am

"I think we'll be quite fine, we can get settled in on our own." Clockworker calls back. "Thank you for making sure Rillianne and Noir were safe and asleep, however." She thanks the younger woman.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 05, 2012, 11:43:45 pm
"You're wel--" The Marlon girl began to act kindly back towards the older woman but then it struck her, why would Elluka say Rillianne? Who's Rillianne? You must mean Anne, right?" She jested her right hand towards the slumbering blonde female  She waited patiently for an answer.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 06, 2012, 04:12:00 pm
Elluka shook her head, like she was trying to clear it. "Of course, I'm just remembering something else, an old...friend of mine that looked a tad bit like her." She replies, correcting her mistake. Her eyes scan the desert around them, searching. 'Now...where's the boy...?' She thinks to herself.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 06, 2012, 04:31:30 pm
Riley is snoring louder than the Goddess of Mischief.

Gilda nodded softly but still, the mist of confusion flooded her mind still with the name of this Rillianne. But of course, it wasn't in any of her concern or business to intervene Elluka's thoughts to ask her who Rillianne was she was only a guest for possibly this night only.  She walked over to Lumiere and tried to stirke up a conversation, " I see that you're into magic..?" The question came off possibly too warm and cheerful to her own liking but it wasn't like she had never seen magic before.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 06, 2012, 11:30:22 pm
[[ Bump~! ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 03:53:15 am
Lumi nods shyly, looking down. "I'm not very good at it, though." She mumbles. She was shy because in this day and age, people had mixed reactions towards magical folk.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 04:20:09 am
[[ Yeah!~ ]]

"Oye, I thought it was pretty good. The only magic I've ever seen dealt with a rather over energetic priestess." The Vector of Protection stated as she reluctantly patted Lumiere's shoulder in sympathy but alas, her thoughts came to the man or boy she met earlier with the iron hyena mask and the tales that were unfolded to her about the tale of the mask. She shook her head, the sensation of a blush appearing over her nose as she tried to forget the embarrassing yet amusing conversation with the "hyena ninja." As for the priestess, Amara's mother is a priestess for the country of Marlon that had to constantly deal with Amara's denial of the deities and often had argued and challenged each other whether or not they existed which led to quick draws and long days without talking to each other.

Karin Leone, Amara's mother,  was especially superstitious towards twins not because she was of Marlon blood (no one in Marlon did believe that) but in her dying passion and devotion to the Four Masters and Three ..Others. Oddly enough, Amara remembered how her mother would speak of a fifth one, but all she knew was that she always waited.. Was she the Waitress? All Amara could recall was that the fifth master or so was subservient like the "Demonic Twins" (Karin's nickname for the servants to the Master of the Graveyard) but she was long forgotten until someone came to reclaim her and recognize her.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 04:50:43 am
"It's not really, you should see Mother's..." Lumi replies, shaking her head. She was magical, yes, but she failed at it right now.

Speaking of Lorencio, he was wandering somewhere.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 05:00:54 am
"Either way, it was enjoyable and a nice experience to see even from an apprentice such as yourself," she nodded her head at the reincarnation of the Wicked Maid softly with a smile. She moved her hand away slowly as she snuggled the both of her pants deep into her pants' pockets. Gilda took a glance over to Lumiere's mother and shrugged, "Seeing the progression of man is more enchanting than already seeing it mastered." The words seemed unknown to her but they slipped out, it wasn't the speech pattern that Gilda adopted but rather, the "Psychologist."

The "Psychologist" (short for " _______ ________ Psychologist") was around during the Yellow Reigns whether the infamous Daughter of Evil was alive and executed but even the Psychologist was executed for writing reports on the inhumane surroundings towards the young princess and questioned the mortality of her killers especially when they came to kill a child that could have been possibly bred and trained to act they way she was for the queen's own political gain. Beforehand, the Psychologist was known for writing books on the society and their own inventions and the influences it had other the people of her country. Previous documentation done by the Psychologist was shortly burnt after her time at the guillotine.

Amara scratched the back of her neck, the night was getting odder and odder. She soon looked up towards the moon and began to notice how late it ws, "Maybe you should rest, Lumiere. A child must need their slumber just like your brother and Anne."

[[@Karakuki: Lorencio is sleeping walking?

*Intrigued.* ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 05:11:23 am
Lumi just nods in response, stifling a yawn and heading towards her brother and the stranger.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 05:23:42 pm
Amara waved softly as she headed out to sit on top of a sand dune, without much to do besides watch the darkness of the night unfold to the dawn that everyone wished would come soon. Her eyelids felt heavy as she hadn't slept for three days but she wasn't ready to sleep yet, not yet.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 09:48:48 pm
Lorencio was still wandering around randomly. He didn't HAVE to sleep, but usually he did. He was just bored right now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 09:55:47 pm
[[ Which world, Karakuki? I could have MotG call for him or something..]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 10:18:42 pm
[God-world. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 10:41:38 pm
[[ Okay c:. Hmm, didn't the MotHeaY wanted to instruct the Servants to find Anne or so?]]

The gluttonous deity sat alerted and awake in her Victorian style dinner hall with the walls practically transparent to show a forest that surrounded the world of the Deities. With a bone stuck in her mouth she allowed her hand to lightly tap it as her razor sharp teeth broke it in half, the taste of human was the most addicting. Her short brown hair was evenly parted away from her face so it wouldn't catch onto her last meal, she decided to take the last one in by force since her little children were off to find the other soul in the human realm. Her legs were folded promptly and professionally with her umbrella leaning against her rusting golden chair and the fabric blood-stained with old and new blood of a variety of mortals. It had been far too long since her Servants were by her, and a feeling came pit into her stomach which was rare in most cases.

"Lorencio! Renia!," she called out from the dining hall as her roar echoed in the forest and caused the different spirits that tried to stay hidden to flee about, fearing that they were soon to be found. She was hopeful to at least have Renia coem by as the Stupid Butler almost became her meal.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 11:01:42 pm
The arrival was almost instantaneous when Lorencio darted into the room, skidding to a half by the Master of the Graveyard's side. "Yes, m'lady?" The butler asks with a respectful bow, towel over his left arm, uniform impeccable once more.[/color]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 11:11:33 pm
Master of the Graveyard was pleased to have her adoptive son/butler come to her side as he always did but Renia must have been sleeping at the time, she'll have to revoke her sleeping rights soon enough.  She twirled her glass in hand as she took a drink of Blood wine, "What would be for dessert, Lorencio?"

The menu usually consisted of human souls, flesh, either living or dead, but when it came to dessert the Master of the Graveyard used it as a codeword for a human worth highly in their society either it be a artisan, political figure, or such, has recently died and must be taken into her stomach before well, he reached the court.

[[*Can't think of famous person.*]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 11:20:57 pm
Lorencio gives a small laugh. "Tonight for dessert, m'lady, is that politician that everyone's been raving about, Alistair Durail. Apparently, he was poisoned by his own son. Should add for an interesting taste, I believe? Is there anything I can get you to make the meal more enjoyable?" Her adoptive son/butler asks, tilting his head curiously. He was always the attentive servant, asking his lady how she wanted a meal, and kept checking up to make sure she didn't need more food. Even if HE was the possible meal sometimes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 11:47:24 pm
"Hmm, maybe that brat of his if he was executed for treason~" The Mistress let out a wide smile, a glint coming from the chandelier even if sparkling and clean was covered with skeleton and patches of meat she kept stored there for some times. She nodded at her adopted butler with a more menacing smirk, "If you happen to find any of his colleagues out in the forest, do allow them to accompany their friend to our dinner table."

She rested the empty goblet onto her table, empty and waited for a refill. "When you return for your sporting, do remember to fill the cup. A meal dry would be such a bother for the Mistress' throat.." She was thankfully in a more nicer mood since during the day, more deaths occurred and meant that more food was available. Even eating a whole army a hour previously would never satisfy her, but nothing ever would~.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 11:51:53 pm
"Of course, m'lady. Wouldn't want our guest to be lonely for dinner tonight. As for your drink, would you prefer a refill before I'm off?" Lorencio asks, smiling and exposing small, pointy teeth. Not razor-like teeth like his mistresses, but rather sharper than human teeth.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 07, 2012, 11:56:07 pm
"Later when you've return, I would prefer to see their faces once the blood is drained right out of them," she glanced back to her servant and gave a small nod. She quickly went to grab her fork and knife and banged the table, awaiting her meal.

[[I guess I'll take the role of the politician? A goose hunt would be enjoyable.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 07, 2012, 11:58:49 pm
[Si. xD]

With another small bow, Lorencio exits the room in a small blur and a derisive cackle. No doubt he'd have fun hunting tonight. Too bad Renia would be sleeping. As he entered the gardens, he let out another fearsome cackle, just to frighten the lost souls.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 12:41:05 am
The  night could only make a spirit shiver so much as the late Alistair Durail ran through the forest, pushing away the branches as his breath was caught in his throat. He knew better than to wait around, he was stuck in this forsaken world that his son promised him he'll go to  if he kept up his vanity and domineering attitude when he spoke publicly and privately in this manner, especially towards his wife. 'She did need a good slap once in a while,' he thought as his boots crushed the roots but he didn't care, he must get away before the Twins get to him. The Asmodean politician didn't know which way to go, all he remember what drinking a simple cup of tea with his son and it all turned black as he took outside his balcony, shouting at the peasants below and it all went dark. The last thing he was was a large crack as his mind and vision was too blurry to recognize anything besides sleep and aloofness.

A cackle stiffed the man as she pressed back his white and disappearing hairs over his balding head with different spots onto it. Yes, he was suppose to be a man near his early fifties but New Humanity has stressed out his youth and only left nothing but a beast hungry for power. This beast was old, cranky, and abusive to those close but even his own son wasn't anything special besides a pawn for his campaign. The moon was shining over him and he cursed under his breath, "By the Master of the Heavenly Yard, please save me.."

[[May the odds ever be in your favor.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 12:52:39 am
The Master of the Heavenly Yard seemed to spare no sympathy for this pathetic sinner. Another wicked cackle ripped through the night, as well as a low, threatening growl. The first cackle had seemed to come from the throat of a human...but these sounds...Lorencio had transformed...the games began.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 01:14:42 am
The man soon took a leap into the opening where wondering spirits fled the moment they saw him. The prey of the Servants would only bring trouble to the other spirits that hid in the forest for even the spirits were prey to the Stupid Butler and Wicked Maid. Alistair turned around as cold sweat around down his face. Even as a spirit, he never felt so alive yet frightened for he knew the worse was coming. He remembered in his youth that his mother spoke of the deities as animals and the Servants being the most viscous besides their mother, for they were hyenas. They scouted  the remains of others to feed to their demented Mistress, the Master of the Graveyard.

He soon took a dash through a bush of wild, colorful flowers that released a toxin that seeked their way into his lungs. He leaned against a tree with his right arm, covered his mouth with his left hand in a ball as he coughed. He, however, took a dash through the forest and prayed for mercy for he apparently didn't deserve such a fate. As his eyes look up, he could only see the moon smiling back at him mockingly. His clothes were ruined with tears and cuts for the branches poked and took pieces of his shirt, vest, and even pants as he still ran. The politician looked nothing more than the beast he was, a savage trying to act off as a man of priorities and refinement.

[[*Plays the Jaws theme.* Dun dun~.]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 01:20:04 am
Very quickly, disappointingly so for the savage butler, the beast caught up with his prey. "You give up already, sir? That was no fun, no fun at all." The beast says as it transforms back into the butler with a swirl of spiked fur and claws. He smiles in a supposedly charming manner to the man, bowing in mock politeness. "My name is Lorencio, and I shall be serving you as the Mistress's dessert this evening. May I get to know your name, first?" He asks the old man. Of course, he knew his prey's name, but it was just polite. The seemingly youthful boy smiles at the dead politician, sharp canines glinting in relief of the moonlight. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark, having that reflective quality only carnivorous animals could accomplish.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 01:28:12 am

This post contains cursing and disregard of politeness towards the deities!

"Damn you and your fun,  your abomination of the Master of the Hellish Yard." He spat on the ground and gave a disdainful glance towards the young boy who eyes shined brighter than the bright Marlon oceans near the shoreline in the brightest of nights. He ignored the boy's jests at him for he was a man better to take this boy's mocking personally. "Alistair Durail, however seeing these actions, you must already know it." Seeing the boy's attire it could only mean one thing, "Ah, the Stupid Butler. I see that you aren't that much bright either." The Asmodean politician lifted his chin in arrogance, he would not be harassed by a boy but he would put up a fight. His hand slowly slipped behind his back where he kept a dagger concealed.  'This fuckin' puss comes over here to threaten me, he looks more nothing than a wench with gender confusion.'

The sight of the sharp canines made him weary at first but his own blade was sharper than his pathetic teeth. "So, are you planning on taking me to that -Removed by moderator- you call your mother?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 01:42:05 am
A temperamental little creature Lorencio was, he didn't take too kindly to the insults. Baring his teeth, he seems to grow a little more feral in appearance, more demonic than childish, and MUCH angrier. The Butler lunges forwards with a growl, clawlike nails raised and ready to strike as soon as he got in the physical range of the old man. How dare he talk about him or his mother that way, the impudent little wretch! He decided that his mistress's dessert was going to arrive to her in bite size pieces. Closer to his prey, he drops the towel to the floor. "This seems as if it is going to be rather messy." He comments , looking slightly sad. Then, the demonic butler lunges yet again, attempting to strike down the soul.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 01:59:28 am
Alistair shuffled towards the boy and took out his dagger, trying to stab the beast in the chest but unfortunately, weapons do not carry over with the bodies only damage done to the body and clothing when the spirit enters the God's world. He let out a loud screech into the night as the wandering souls wept for their brethen was caught in the grasps of the beast.

On a much more brighter note, the Vector of Protection left her spot on the sand dune and checked over on the teenagers to see if they were sleeping well and a sudden cold breeze swept over as the Marlon girl shivered a bit. She crept down near her motorcycle and pulled out the map from her pocket. She cuddled close to her map and fell asleep, for there was nothing else she could do.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 02:07:30 am
Lorencio treated Alistair's spirit like is was nothing more than a chew toy. The spirits were right to weep, since this usually calm, collected butler had turned into a demonic madman with the insults. After a while, he dragged the mauled body to the center of the clearing. "Who's next!" He calls, smiling into the shadows, blood staining his hands and teeth, his usually neat hair messy and dirty with his victim's blood as well. "The lady did tell me to try to bring back a friend..." He chuckles darkly, inspecting the shadows for another quarry. And this, was the transformation from the polite god of Literature, to the frenzied beast that was the servant of Gluttony. Gilda would be frightened of this change. It didn't help with the dark mask in the light of the moon, highlighting the eerie grin etched on it's metallic features.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 02:17:37 am
Elluka was watching the sleeping children absentmindedly, mostly Anne. "...and where, may I ask, is your dear servant...?" She mutters, thinking everyone but her was asleep.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 02:25:52 am
[[ Yes, yes she would. She would turn all colors of the rainbow and faint.]]

The Master of the Graveyard pounded the table with her fork and knife in hand, she hated when her servants played with their catches especially when it suppose to be her that did so.

The Vector of Protection was awaken from a odd comment made in the distance as she hazily sat herself up, hugging the map. Her green eyes glanced up towards the older pink-haired woman who was talking to herself, speaking of a servant.. What servant?

[[Ah! Short posts.. *dies.*]

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 02:30:11 am
After hunting down one more pool soul trying for salvation, Lorencio drags the two spiritual corpses back to his mistresses' dining hall, promising himself to get rid of the horrid mess he had made of himself in a bit, once the Master of the Graveyard had been served her dessert.

"Honestly, you choose now to show up again? Well...I suppose it's an alright time, most of the people in this country have already forgotten about you, besides faint legends and stories to scare small children. But I haven't. I probably never will." Elluka continues talking to herself, her voice getting a little cold and hard towards the end, like her memories of whoever she was speaking to were not very pleasant.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 02:39:18 am
A shiver went down Amara's spine as Elluka's voice sounded more distant, ice-like, and possibly pained towards the topic she was referring to. She knew better than to still her Marlonese nose into it, for it was thought that all Marlonese civilians never knew how to shut their mouth or keep promises either drunk or arguing until death. Amara soon laid back down but kept an eye opened, she was wondering what stories the witch was referring and what was reappearing? All Amara could envision in her mind was that accursed picture of yellow being colored with blood and only that caused more confusion and fear to the Vector of Protection.

"Ah, finally," the Mistress sounded annoyed and bothered, as her patience was shorter than the reincarnation of the Master of the Heavenly Yard, Riley. She allowed the knife to plunge into the politician's throat as she calmly began to slice down with the other dead spirit covered with their own blood as a syrup, their heart in their mouth, and their intestines tied around them: her perfect meal for the night. Even for a gluttonous mad woman, she would eat her meals like a lady when in someone's company but devour on the spot in privacy. She slowly glanced at her empty goblet as she pieced a vein in Alistair Durail's neck as the blood leaked out and into the goblet. "Nothing better than the blood of the greedy, eh Lorencio?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 02:42:56 am
"Nothing better, m'lady. I heard it's very rich." Lorencio snickers. He hadn't exactly morphed back into the timid, polite servant, but he was sure his mistress didn't really mind his appearance. He also had no issues with the state of her meals, seeing it over and over for thousands of years. "Will that be all, miss?" He asks, sobering up slightly.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 02:46:31 am
"Hmph...but I guess they had to let you return to this place one day. Besides, I'm sure you have your purpose. Both of you, even though I'd rather see your brother than you." With that, Elluka's monologue was completed with a huff, like the mere sight of the subject pissed her off beyond belief, which was odd for the witch, who besides the freaky laughter earlier, usually had a bored temperament. Very strange indeed.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 02:48:57 am
"That is all, Lorencio. Thank you for to patronage to your Mistress." She smiled with blood dripping from her lips as her teeth pierced through Alistair Durail's eyeball. She swallowed the organ of sight without much of a bite, she never did need to masticate her food anyways over the millenniums. The juices of the eyeball squirted out and dripped along her chin but the lovely Mistress as a messy eater did have a rather long tongue that wiped it off, like a snake. However, she have a disappointed look towards her servant but it wasn't direct towards him, "Remind our Wicked Maid that she does have a mother to feed."

Amara is stuck listening to a madwoman speak of her supposed past or to the voices inside her head. Nothing was rather going well tonight for the short Marlonese woman besides finding civilization but surrounded by twins, a pompous and rare teenager, and a crazy witch. Nothing can get better than this especially when dawn comes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 02:58:33 am
"Of course Mother, I'll be sure to remind her." Lorencio replies with another bow towards his mistress before leaving the room. He goes to get cleaned and sobered up, since his new mortal friend would probably be terrified of him right now. 'Eh, gotta do what you've gotta do.' He thinks. In about thirty minutes, the butler had put on a fresh uniform,  fixing his tie. He now looked about as childish as when the Marlon woman had first met him. Taking out a sheet of paper, he writes down a note for his dearly resting sister, who's snoring sounding like angry bears:


You missed hunting time. The Mistress told me to remind me that you do have a mother to feed, despite your sleeping habits. Be careful.


With that, Lorencio puts the letter on his sister's nightstand and heads down into the human world.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 03:09:23 am
Meanwhile, Elluka had fallen silent, the 'madwoman's' breath slowing down, as if she had fallen asleep.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 11:33:38 pm
Amara is fast asleep while cuddling her map.. Yes, she is a very special Vector that can be attached to her own maps. At least it's better than cuddling with a cactus or an android.

Riley is also asleep.

Renia is also sleeping!

Master of the Graveyard is eating.

Master of the Hellish Yard is doing ...I don't know, hellish things?

Master of the Court is being a bipolar and malicious judge.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 11:36:26 pm
[[I don't know what to do OTL. ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 11:37:41 pm
The Master of the Heavenly Yard decides to visit with the Master of the Court. Compared to the other two Masters, he was EXPONENTIALLY nicer to the young goddess, and seemed to have a more patient temper with her.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 08, 2012, 11:51:30 pm
The Master of the Court was polishing her gavel without much emotion stirred onto her face as she sat up high on her stool and in front of her was the podium that any normal judge would have.  However, thee was a soul being dragged away by invisible entities as she cried out that she only wanted to see her son for they were separated: her son sent to the Heavenly Yard for being an innocent as the mother killed him and committed suicide in order to keep New Humanity away from them. Suicide is a one way ticket to the Hellish yard, no exception. Even if our little Mistress was perceived as a young girl, she was corrupted beyond any belief and besides that, she's a doll!

With a wave of her hand, the Master of the Court called in the next case.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 08, 2012, 11:54:05 pm
The Master of the Heavenly Yard watches the cases, his masked face giving almost no emotion away, save for his mouth, which was the only part of his visage that you could see. Even that was kind of in a straight line.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 12:12:21 am
Straight line? That was possibly the only straight thing in this court as most convictions were twisted in every way until about 20 cases passed within thirty minutes, the extended time was only made as some of those convicted tried to escape the verdict. As the Master of the Court left her stool, allowing the court to go on break for a couple of moments, she spotted her "son" in one of the viewing chairs. She calmly stepped down the staircase and walked over to him, "Hello Master of the Heavenly Court~" Her preppy and childish mannerism oozed out.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 12:25:32 am
The Master of the Heavenly Yard allows a smile to curve under the edges of the eagle's mask. "Hello, dear Master of the Court. How is today faring for you?" He asks. The reason he and the Master of the Court got along so well was, for one, she was technically his mother, even if he didn't share any genes with the judge, or any family ties with the doll, and two, the Master of the Court's personality made her a hard person to hate, really. Unless you were being convicted by her. "So, the lucky ones that escape those two abominations of the Master of the Graveyard come for their trial here?" He asks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 12:33:16 am
"Of course, Master of the Heavenly Yard. All is fair is judgement and verdict." The young teal haired Mistress twirled a bit with her hands folded promptly in front of her. She noted how rare it was for the Master to leave his domain just like the Master of the Hellish Yard would and she soon tilted her head, "Are you still..trying to find your sibling?" She bowed her head apologetically, "My court hasn't received her reincarnations or even herself for these millenniums and still no sign of her has been seen I would have inform you if otherwise."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 12:44:12 am
It's hard to tell, but to someone who's known him for millennia like the Mistress has, The Master of the Heavenly Yard looks crestfallen. "Ah...I see..." He says, nodding.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 12:54:51 am
The Master of the Court nodded softly.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 01:03:36 am
"Those twins...they have a lot more free time than we do, right? They're in the mortal world more often than we are.." Alexiel comments, getting an idea.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 01:14:31 am
"The Servants? Why yes, they have been recently partaking in human events but, the male counterpart is more reclusive towards humans." The Mistress nodded as she took a seat beside the Master of the Heavenly Yard with her hands folded over my blue gown. "Besides, Renia has been returning me broken dolls and hasn't returned one to me.." she trialed off with a sad look upon her face but she did allow Renia to keep them but at the same time, it was a Vector doll. The Masters were in charge of the Vectors and if she failed on their security, they would have no other chances of saving the world they created But alas, humans can be so difficult. "Oh! That reminds me, the Master of the Hellish Yard told me that the Master of the Graveyard might be sending them out soon to reap out several armies belonging to ermm a resistance group? A coup de..ta?"

[[I'm hoping that the resistance group that Tomas' character has will have many casualties.. *Rubs hands evilly.*]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 01:18:37 am
[Lol, of course]

"Interesting...maybe while they're down there, they could...look?" The Master of the Heavenly Yard asks shyly. Asking about his sister ashamed him, since he was supposed to be cool, calm, and neutral. Only The Four Masters and Renia knew about Rillianne, and Renia wasn't SUPPOSED to know.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 01:37:51 am
Renia knows what she wants to know. The Goddess of Mischief may have what she asks for!

The Master of the Court nodded softly but she raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Wouldn't it be best to inform the Master of the Graveyard as to what you're giving the Servants to do?" In the order of the world of the deities, the Gear was her personal assistant and mainly favored and followed her orders as the twins acted in such devotion to their 'mother,' the Master of the Graveyard. To remove either the Gear or the Servants away from their intended masters could have sprung out arguments and possibly civil war amongst the Masters since two out of four the masters well, had much more power and shouldn't pull others into their charades without permission from their superiors. She patted the gentleman's shoulder softly, "It is fine, Master of the Heavenly Yard. Some cannot give up on the past."

Meanwhile in the Clockwork Tower, the Psychologist was in her cell with teal chains bounding her and her jaw hanged open and no tongue in sight. This was a daily punishment she endured for these millenniums after a rather violent and heated blood argument in the court against the Master of the Court. Her punishment? To be silenced throughout the the time where the dawn shined, the birds sang until the death of night. As to how she was able to speak and move earlier, the Master of the Hellish Yard did need a human to help her sort of the issue of the twins and it was her reincarnation that was the easiest to control as the other three were reincarnations of the Servants which didn't seem like a rather grounded plan and Elluka Clockworker, who could be easily blamed for some tragedies in history.

The iron taste of blood ran down her throat as she glanced up to the ceiling and heard no stirs outside, possibly the Gear was still asleep or busy on duty with his dog companion. She glanced over to the seat she sat on and only thought of the best, after all she wasn't stuck in a tricolor mess.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 01:44:51 am
"Of course. I shall return shortly." The former servant tells his colleague, nodding before heading to the Master of the Graveyard's dining hall. "Master of the Graveyard...Conchita?" He calls in, rapping on the door politely. That was the difficult part. He and the MotG had their respective human names, but it got tiresome of calling the Master of the Court and the Master of the Hellish Yard by their titles all the time, since they had never had a human incarnation, thus never had a human name.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 01:51:24 am
"Yes...?" Conchita folded her heads promptly over the table, her elbows stretched out and crushed the ribs of her last victim, Alistair Durail to dust as she already finished her dessert but enjoyed destroying the bones for her pure entertainment. Her brown eyes glanced up towards the incoming visitor, Alexiel or better known as Master of the Heavenly Yard. She raised an eyebrow in surprise, it wasn't common for her company to be the grand Master himself as she was always in the shadows with Master of the Hellish Yard. Her heels tapped the end of her table as her hand extended out to the farthest away but closest seat for Master of the Heavenly Yard which was on the complete opposite side. "Ah, have a seat."

"How long has it been since you've honored me the privilege of an uninvited visit," her hand was still extended out and her eyes were still on the Master of the Heavenly Yard.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 01:55:11 am
"I apologize, of course, dear Conchita. You know I normally tell you in advance when I come to visit..." The Master of the Heavenly Yard apologizes, ducking his head slightly. God or not, The Master of the Graveyard was his elder, and the young blonde would venerate her. 'Even IF I try to avoid being down here...', the boy thinks privately. "However, I just need to ask a favor of you and your children." He continues. The eagle masked god takes a seat as he was invited to do, trying to keep his eyes off of Conchita's last...dinner guest.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 02:36:41 am
"A favor..? Does it involves ...guests/" A wicked smile appeared on the Master of the Graveyard's face, she was the living personification of gula or "gluttony." However, the mentioning of her Servants puzzled her, it was unlike MotHeaY to call upon her children for services but thankfully, he asked her first. If it wasn't for the twins, she wouldn't be able to eat the majority of what she gets as well, one woman chasing around spirits is horrible enough.  Further more, without the twins if they were to be excused from her power, she would eat the Master of the Heavenly Yard alive.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 02:40:48 am
"I heard from the Master of the Court that they were going down to the human world soon to indeed bring...guests, for you. I was wondering if while they were down there, they could look for..." Alexiel doesn't even finish his sentence. The normally confident and arrogant Master looks away awkwardly again.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 03:00:34 am
"The young doll speaks correct, Master of the Heavenly Yard. Come out with it, I don't bite my partners," Conchita spoke emotionless with her cheek resting in her right fist. Why was the little boy just so..awkward? To be be frank, he acted a bit like Lorencio if he was caught off guard, she has seen it happen once or twice. The thought struck her mind, "Don't be so distant, Alexiel.. The twins would gladly do it, they are twins just as you and Rillianne are."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 03:03:14 am
"Thank you, Lady Conchita." Alexiel says with a grateful nod.

[SHORT!!! *stabs post* Brain! Work!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 03:07:00 am
[[WHOA. WHOA. You aren't the Tailor from Enbizaka. xD ]]

[[I propose a time skip? ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 03:30:28 am
[A time skip would be in order. Lol]

[Says who? I do rp Elluka. xD]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 03:33:12 am
[[That..is true.. I hope she doesn't carry around scissors.]]

[[Hmm, what time should it be? Do you wish for any particular events to occur (i.e.: Renia finally waking up? Renia and Lorencio go out to find Anne? Lorencio bumping into humans and freaking out?)]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 03:33:46 am
[Hmm, Renia waking up, and them talking to the MotG?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 03:35:34 am
[[ So ,I'd presume it'lll be morning that way everyone at the camp could also wake up?~]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 03:40:32 am
[Yup. xD]

Elluka was one of the first awake the next morning, trying to find something to feed people for breakfast. She was completely back to normal from her rant the previous night, and seemed her usual calm self.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 03:51:20 am
Amara heard the clambering of cans and possibly utensils are she stirred herself up from sleep, a bit of drool was on her face. She felt it rolling down her jaw but she quickly wiped it away with her map and looked around, hoping no one would see it. She shuffled up onto her feet and slipped the map into the passenger seat and her eyes caught Elluka all clam and normal and she knew better than to speak of last night's events.  With a soft pat of her hands done to her pants and tank top, she was freshly out of that sand bath she was in.

The goddess stirred in her sleep as the horrifying call of angry bears (known as snoring..) ceased and she opened an eye  as she wobbled and was titling left or right. She was clearly not a morning person but she gotten herself up and flung onto Lorencio's bed, believing that he'll be present. The goddess was displeased to find that her twin brother was missing and all she could think of was how he left her alone. She fixed herself up for several minutes, noting the delicious smell of blood in the air.

She eyed a small pile of clothing that Lorencio could have possibly left from the night before and she frowned, "What a great morning call, my brother gets to have murder fest without me." Her eyes also went to check on Lorencio's bed where the folded hood still stayed in, maybe she should get it-- But her ADHD got the best of her as she noted a paper on her nightstand and she ran over to read it, presuming it was a love note from the master of the Court to Lorencio as she secretly ships crack ships paired anything with everyone sine well, two awkwards make a right! She frowned and almost teared the paper in half to see that her nickname was mentioned but noted that her sleeping habits got in the way. She gulped at the mention of their Master/mother was present in the letter but she folded the letter and slipped it inot her pocket.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 03:56:24 am
Lorencio was currently waiting out in the hallway for his sister to awaken, sighing as he heard the sounds of her stirring.

Elluka looks up at the sight of Amara. "Ah, good morning!" She greets in a semi-cheerful manner.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 03:59:17 am
"Eh, look at this rubbish," she noted how the cloa kwas still on Lorencio's bed as she picked it up and began to walk out of the room with cloak in hand, trying to unfold it. She is horrible at folding and unfolding cloth. "Why would Lorencio keep it.." she commented to herself, not aware of her brother's presence.

"Good morning, Elluka," the Vector called back in a tired manner but still waved slowly with a small smile. She turned her attention towards the sleeping children and she pointed to them while Elluka was still looking at her, "Must I awake then, ma'am?"

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 04:02:54 am
"Because it's mine." Lorencio replies, snatching the cloak from his sister and folding it again carefully with a sigh.

"Gods bless you for trying, miss." Elluka chuckles.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 04:08:15 am
"Hey!" She stuck out her tongue, making a raspberry noise towards him but she remembered her curtsies, only folded her arms with her chin raised high. "As a woman, it is my job to stick my nose into your things." She quickly took her brother's arm, dragging him towards Master of the Graveyard's dining hall, "I see you were having fun without me. Who did you get for dessert!?" And thus, the long long long list of questions began.  "Did they struggle when you got them?" "Did you use your teeth or retractable claws to deliver the killing blow?!" However, the most frequent one asked was, "Whyyy didn't you wake me up?!"

"Anything is possible..!" Well, maybe almost but possibly not waking up the twins. Amara slwoly crept over to Anne first and gave her a soft nudge that wouldn't cause her to scream or try to punch the Marlon girl ni the face. "It's morning please wake up.."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 04:13:16 am
"I did have a rather...large amount of fun last night, yes. I got that old geezer, Alastair Durail, and I used my teeth to rip him to shreds. He struggled, and was very rude." Lorencio adds the last part like struggling before death was like a personal insult to him.

Anne, who was a rather light sleeper, starts into wakefulness, looking at the Marlonese woman.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 04:19:38 am
"What a stupid man for he couldn't even face fate," the maid cackled softly while still dragging her brother about, a most common occurrence. She patted her younger brother's head in pride, for her brother was proven himself most worthy out of their family blood (if they even have one..) for he didn't need his sister once. Soon, they were near the entrance way and Renia's mannerism changed drastically as she released Lorencio and walked in to the Master of the Graveyard's right side.

The Master gave a weary glance to her missing daughter from the night previously but nodded her head in acknowledgement toward her two servants, "Good morning, Servants. You both have a different task for this morrow." Renia was holding back the chance to bend her knees and groan with her mouth opened like a land whale.

The Marlon woman looked down a bit ten back up, a bit shy around such direct eye contact especially in the morning. "Good morning, Anne. Elluka is getting breakfast ready, if you want do anything, this is the perfect opportunity." Amara gently patted Anne's head before she made her way to the twins. They were sleeping side by side but enough space for Amara to kneel down to poke them. She first poked Lumiere's nose and then poked Noir's cheek but her pokes were soft. "Wake up, you two.."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 04:34:33 am
Lorencio, on the other hand, held perfectly still on his Mistress's left side, as always with a sort of poker face on. "What will you be having us do for you today, m'lady?" He asks, looking at the older goddess in her fine clothing.

Lumi merely rolls over, and Noir swipes at Amara's hand with his own.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 12:04:23 pm
Renia mimicked her brother's movement but with her eyes closed as their Master spoke. "The Master of the Heavenly Yard is searching for a soul outside in the human world. Furthermore, it'll in the deserts of..Lucfiena."The Master held out her right hand as Renia obediently grabbed a pitcher of blood and poured it in and the Master took a small sip as she closed both of her eyes, As for food, the death tolls in the desert would be enough to sustain me but keep a female soul that blonde-ish and blue eyes alive. Understood?" She glanced towards both of her twins as Renia nodded softly without making a comment.

Amara puffed up her cheeks slowly as she went for a quick attempt for tickling. She used her cold hands to tickle the stomachs of the Servants' reincarnations. She, however, checked on Anen to make sure she was at least still awake and getting something to break her fast.

[[Ah,I almost forgot about this *fail.*]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 09, 2012, 11:39:20 pm
[[ BUMP \(^^) ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 09, 2012, 11:42:11 pm
[Nice xD]

Lumi bites her finger.

Anne wasn't being very productive, but she was awake, watching Elluka rummage around bags and such.

"So we keep a female soul with blonde hair and blue eyes alive? Lorencio makes sure he got the orders.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 12:01:32 am
Amara noted Lumiere's biting and she chuckled a bit,  "At least you're awaken from the REM segment of sleep patterns." She tickles both Noir and Lumiere again.

"Correct," the Master replied with another small sip as she waved her servants away to do their duty. Renia bowed her head and commented, "Yes mi'lady." She proceeds to walk out of the room but rather slowly so Lorencio would keep up.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 10, 2012, 12:03:35 am
Lumi tries to chomp at Gilda's hand again.

Lorencio follows his sister swiftly.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 12:46:15 am
[[Noir..is already dead asleep XD. ]]

Renia closed the doors behind her as her spunk finally emerged,a wicked smile forming on her face as she took her brother by his hands and spun him around. "Come on, princess," she laughed out in joy to know that the rush of blood hitting her face as she slaughtered humans would be coming soon. She began to dart towards the room where the portals to the human realm were located.

Amara just mainly focused on tickling Lumiere now since Noir was basically a rock now. A big tanned rock.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 10, 2012, 12:48:13 am
Lumi looked like a dead piranha or something, not opening her eyes and trying to chomp down on her friend's fingers.

Lorencio follows with a delighted chuckle/cackle, and speeds after his sibling, eyes wide with excitement, like giving a child a room full of their favorite candy.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 12:56:45 am
Amara held back a giggle as she tickled Lumiere under her nose to see if she'll swat at it like a cat. Speaking of cat-like people, she just remembered that the blonde man from the night previous would be looking for her in a nearby town, oh dear. However, she continues to tickle Lumiere under her nose, perhaps she has gained this habit from seeing Renia doing it so often.

Renia ran into the yellow portal, dragging her brother like a rag doll to the human world. The moment they entered, both of servants in the desert but Renia had fallen onto her face with her whole body imprinted into  the sand. She looked up and spat out sand, her happy mood not ruined just yet but she was now getting annoyed at the sand.. "Curse this sand,"  she went onto her knees, shook her fists into the air but she didn't rather care on anyone's reactions.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 10, 2012, 12:59:47 am
Lorencio, usually the clumsy one, actually managed to land on his feet. He was remembering his appointment with the human, but also his duty to the mistress. He sighs unexpectedly.

Drawing her face away, Lumi swats at Gilda's hand in protest.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 01:15:22 am
"What are you sighing about Lorencio? I'm the one drowning in this abyss of grains.." Renia spat out sand as she raised herself up and gave her twin brother a nudge at his shoulder. As she raised out her left hand, her violin appeared in her hand with sparks of black and white forming around it as the violin was teleporting to her. She strapped the violin onto her back because it has a strap that allows her to do so. "Were you expecting to 'hang out with e humans," she asked the question as she used air quotations for 'hang out' as she had difficulty understand modern lingo. The only hanging out anyone did back in their day was in the gallows.

"Oh dear, Elluka was right.." Amara glanced over to Noir and sighed but a idea came to her mind, what if she rolled the twins around for a bit? She dragged Lumiere's body right next to her brothers so they made a sort of lnie. She then went onto her knees and pushed them through the sand as if they were barrels. Anyone in the near distance would think she is crazy. I don't doubt it myself sometimes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 10, 2012, 01:28:07 am
The twins get a mouthful of sand. They weren't happy...but they were in the waking world once more.

"No, I just realized something." Lorencio replies, shrugging at his sister.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 01:49:46 am
Amara ran off before the twins could see who was the culprit.

"Realized what?" She questioned her brother yet again.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 10, 2012, 01:52:31 am
"We're stuck in a desert. Looking for a child. An entire desert for one child. What makes her so important to ol' birdbrain anyways?" Lorencio replies, frowning.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 02:33:53 am
Renia crossed her arms and shrugged to her brother, keeping her lips sealed. If she did spill the beans, only the arrogant prick himself would know what would happen to her. "Maybe he has the hots for a human?" She cackled softly under her breath, finding that idea to be so ridiculous but it must play on, to lure suspicion away from the Master of the Heavenly Yard. "Alright..which way do we go?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 10, 2012, 03:41:29 am
"That'd be weird." Lorencio makes a face.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 10, 2012, 01:47:54 pm
Renia looked at hr brother and scowled, "I don't mean he literally caught himself on fire, Lorencio." She shrugged at him as she responded to his confusion, "Seeing has how the Master of the Heavenly Yard is in his own dominion surrounded by human souls that are 'good', he might take a liking to one if he spoke to her a spirit about her."

Amara is trying to blend herself into the scenery by hiding behind her motorcycle.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 25, 2012, 10:58:26 pm
[[ BUMP~]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on November 26, 2012, 11:58:52 pm
"I know what the expression means, Re. But I can't see the Master ever loving a human. Or anything for that matter. He always seems so sad and lonely. When he's not being a prick, anyways." Lorencio explains, frowning. "He seems more like the kind of guy to smite a girl than be smitten with one."

The twins were rubbing sand out of their eyes, looking around to find the culprit. Elluka was cracking up near a runty tree, finding this hilarious.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on November 27, 2012, 12:03:59 am
"What does that make you then? The boy who has the girls cower before his shadow?" She cackled with a hint of an animal noise, possibly even a hyena's. She shrugged as she looked around the area and whined, "As I was sayiiing. Which way do we go?"

Amara is hiding in the passenger seat now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 07, 2012, 04:11:17 am
[[ Bump!~ ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 07, 2012, 05:17:27 am
Lorencio shrugs. "Not sure. Any ideas? You usually have one person or another on your hit list." He replies to his twin sister.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 07, 2012, 05:22:02 am
"The thing is, how in the Hellish Yard do I know if I have this female on my hit list?" Renia crossed her arms and turned her back towards her brother. She muttered softly under her breath, "And even if I did have her on my hit list, Master of the Heavenly Yard would only know what he himself does to me." She rubbed her chin, her eyebrows pushed together in mid thought as her eyes brighten up. "WAIT. We can track the similar smells! If he does know her personally, they'll have a subtle amount of their scent on each other."  Renia kicked her right foot into the sand, chuckling with pride blazing in her chest. "Ahhh...I'm just a genius." "And let it be known that Renia, the Wicked Maid AND Goddess of Mischief, is the Goddess of Brilliance," she thought to herself with a wicked smile appearing on her face.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 07, 2012, 11:09:01 pm
"But whaddif he doesn't know her, he just wants us to kidnap her and bring 'er up there?" Lorencio asks, his yawn slurring his words. However, the butler obediently sniffs the air, looking for traces of the Master's scent on the air.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 09, 2012, 03:17:49 pm
"But what, and what, what, what," She mocked her brother openly as she turned her head with a stinging glare towards him. The sun's ray glinted over towards the north where was one the closer towns were with a supposed Oasis which connected to the world of the Deities but these stupid humans never noticed and if they did go into the oasis, they ended up being brought into Renia's world but the Mistress of the Court would surely have them executed; her patience was quite short when her privacy is violated.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 10, 2012, 02:13:47 am
Lorencio just sighs and doesn't answer his sister, knowing it was just a waste of his precious energy to argue with his pig-headed twin sister. Raising the mask to rest on the top of his head, he peers around the surrounding desert, still wanting to know why this stupid girl was so important to the arrogant prick. "Besides, Mother is my mistress, not him...why are we having to listen to him?", the little negative voice in the back of his head mutters. "Shut up, it's your job to follow any of the Masters' orders, no matter which one it is." A nicer voice points out.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 10, 2012, 02:35:52 am
Renia jumped around in the sand dunes, waiting for her brother's response.

Amara, after several minutes of hiding, went towards the old witch and the blonde teenager to discuss the upcoming events for today. "Excuse me, Elluka. Regarding our schedule for today.." The short Marlonese girl combed her hair back with her right hand, while looking up at Elluka.

[[I don't know what else to do. OTL ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 10, 2012, 09:59:04 pm
"But nothing, really. I just have the strangest feeling you know something and you're neglecting to tell me." Lorencio replies, scanning the surrounding hills of sand, eyes as sharp as an eagle's, looking for any sign of the young woman they were looking for.

Elluka looks up, from where she had been talking to Anne. "I figured we could move some while it was still partially cool, then rest in midday? Possibly get back to moving when the sun falls?" She suggests, waiting for the Marlonese woman's input on the plan.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 11, 2012, 09:01:09 pm
Amara nodded softly at Elluka's idea.

"And how many times have you been wrong," Renia talked back as she went to her twin brother's side and took a whiff in the air.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 11, 2012, 09:45:21 pm
"Not very often, actually." Lorencio grumbles, rolling his eyes and sniffing.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 11, 2012, 09:51:41 pm
Renia rolled her eyes as she nudged Lorencio forcefully with her hip, hoping he'll fall.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 12, 2012, 09:42:41 pm
The young blonde god stumbled for a moment, but regained his balance, and shot a glare at his sister. If they didn't have a job to do, this would've started a whole battle between the twins, probably.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 17, 2012, 04:14:21 am
Why not battle whilst doing a job? Renia smiled, leaning forward, with that mocking smirk on her face as to reveal who was the dominant sibling out of the two. She returned her attention back to the scenery just as her brother glared at her and a familiar whiff passed her nose but it seemed only momentarily; the smell of the Vector of Protection. Unknowing to the goddess of mischief, there was wreckage of Gilda Poluzin's motorcycle under their feet like the old and useless light-bulb. "All I can smell if the horrible aftermath of humans being humans," Renia commented.. This was her usual comment about Amara, though, but is completely irrelevant. 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 19, 2012, 12:57:04 am
Lorencio scents traces of Gilda as well, but doesn't know his sister knows her, and doesn't comment on it. God only knows what she'd do if she knew he was trying to meet with a human, after all. Instead, he keeps a carefully blank face, and then wrinkles his nose in reply to Renia's remark. "Is this girl we're looking for even human?" He asks, forgetting to have asked that before.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 24, 2012, 06:47:31 pm
"Yes, she is. You've already asked that, you stupid butler," Renia snorted as she moved toward with her right foot out and slid down the mount of sand without much effort and left her brother behind. Her arms were folded behind her back in a militaristic manner and she seemed annoyed; she never did enjoy wasting time at all with these sort of missions. "Lorencio, there must be a human town near here.. Possibly the North." She pointed her finger towards the north in the obvious direction of the town and she turned back, looking up at Lorencio for a response.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 25, 2012, 11:33:31 pm
"Let's be off, then. Not like any of those damn Androids can hurt us, anyways." Lorencio answers, sliding down the sand dune calmly, then folding his hands behind his head, giving his sister a twisted smirk. "Is that not correct, Re?" He snickers, before charging off North.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 26, 2012, 06:01:25 am
"It is correct, Lorencia," she mockingly called her brother back with a more feminine approach to his name as she growled lowly and transformed into her hyena state without any problems besides a scowling face due to her brother's insipid nickname for her. She charged off behind her brother heading straight North and she looked up to her human brother and muttered in her human voice, "Dibs on ransacking the vendors."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 29, 2012, 07:06:26 pm
After a pained glare at his sister for effiminating him, he grins. "Do I get to trip people?" He asks, looking excited.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 29, 2012, 07:09:13 pm
"Of course you can, that's the only thing you're good at." Renia continued to run straight towards the town but still, it wasn't viewable from the naked eye.

(Should the group head off to the town as well?)
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 30, 2012, 04:55:56 am
[Of course. >B) ]

Muttering in annoyance, her brother charges after Renia.

Prodding her children and the strange blonde child into full wakefulness, Elluka looks at Gilda. "Shall we continue, then?" She asks.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 30, 2012, 05:18:50 am
"Of course, I'll try to pack several of the children int othe side car," Gilda called out as she fanned her hands towards the pink-haired witch as she was already pulling her motorcycle along her side. She soon stood by Elluka to confirm how the mechanical steed was ready for passengers. She leaned in slowly at Elluka's side and a whisper of curiosity, "Is Noir still ..grouchy for his wake-up call?" She hesitated back with a nervous grin, Gilda wasn't still exactly sure if she did the right action earlier to wake up the twins.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on December 30, 2012, 05:57:05 pm
"He'll be fine. They're only grouchy until they wake up fully." Elluka replies, smiling slightly. "Right. So, all of you ride in the side car. I'll catch up." She says this to the bundle of children.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on December 30, 2012, 06:05:25 pm
Gilda watched the twins and the blonde haired gal being flocking together by Elluka's word and she calmly sat in the leaned by the driver's seat, keeping an eye on them. "Watch your step, I don't need an reenactment of dominos.."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 25, 2013, 10:55:34 pm
After the children were all in the sidecar, Elluka gives a sort of wave. "See you in a while." The witch replies, starting off.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 25, 2013, 10:59:03 pm
Gilda softly tapped her foot against the motorcycle to hear a familiar jingle in the engine and she was thankful that the elements hadn't taken down her transportation, yet.  "Hold on..." She spoke softly with a nervous smile to have three children all occupying the passenger seat with one of them having to be squished in the middle, that poor poor child. As she turned on the engine and was squeezing the handle she accidentally squeezed it too hard thus causing the motorcycle to fly off a sand dune for several seconds and speed off. Gilda, in the meanwhile, was voiceless at the shock as she was trying to get control of her vehicle.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 25, 2013, 11:17:40 pm
The children, ignorant to the fact Gilda had lost control of her motorcycle, were laughing in excitement as the vehicle shot off the dune. Or rather...Noir and Lumi were laughing. Anne just kind of huddled in between the two siblings, looking scared. "Do it again, do it again!" The Clockworker twins beg, looking hopefully at Gilda.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 25, 2013, 11:40:02 pm
Gilda heard the cheers of the Clockworker twins as they seemed excited and hoping for more flying to your death scenarios! The Marlonian woman took a deep breath as the motorcycle abruptly stopped and she glanced over her shoulder to find that she left Elluka several feet away. She apologetically waved at the twin's step mother but her pale face looked over towards the children well, Noir and Lumiere, as she had a nervous smile, "Who wants to do that again..? Raise your hands..." The vector glanced hopefully at Anne seeing as how she thought that scared face of her's would indicate that she would vote against it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 25, 2013, 11:44:02 pm
Elluka waves back and just keeps walking. She didn't really mind being left behind, she'd catch up.

Both twins basically shot up into the air raising their hands. It seems even Noir didn't have the common sense to avoid death scenarios! Anne, in the meantime, kept her arms crossed across her chest, obviously not wanting to replay that.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 25, 2013, 11:59:34 pm
"I see that not everyone voted for it and by the power of not being democratic, we shall take the slow route," Gilda muttered with satisfaction. Her hands yet again revved up the engine as the motorcycle accelerated at a slow accelerating speed that would not dare endanger anyone's life.   
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 12:02:47 am
The twins pout and sit back in the seat, and Anne looks less terrified. The wad of children are quiet for some time.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 12:07:52 am
A sigh of relief escaped the Vector of Protection as she pulled her goggles over her face and proceeded to speed up a bit but her eyes squinted a bit into the distance. "Excuse me, Noir, Lumiere, and Anne. May someone please get the map?" She kept her eyes peered in the distance, hoping she wouldn't find any odd figures lurking about.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 12:12:05 am
Noir, who was closest to the map, grabs it and hands it to the woman.

Two figures were lurking in the distance. Lorencio was still with Renia trying to track down the human that the Mothy was looking for. They didn't seem to be having any luck, though.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 12:16:21 am
The twins are a sign of bad luck for a reason.

"Thank you kindly, Noir," she cooed softly at the cooperative male twin. She stopped the motorcycle for a moment with it leaning sharply to the right with her leg extended out to hold it in place. "Let's see," she muttered to herself while pressing the map agianst the steering handles and pressed her finger against the map to indicate where they were and the direction needed to be taken. "If there is a disturbance near us, please inform me.." She resumed to examine the map.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 12:22:46 am
"Well, there's some people over there. Not a disturbance, but odd." Anne was the first to notice the two blondes on the horizon, keeping her eyes on them. The twins, alerted by this, fix their gaze on the strangers as well. They were too short for either of them to be Elluka, and walking from the wrong direction, as well.

"You see anyone?" Lorencio asks, looking around wearily. They'd been at it for a while now. Sure, gods didn't get tired, but the blonde was quickly growing bored with the task.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 12:30:06 am
"You're the one in the hyena form. You smell for them," Renia quickly spoke in regards to her brother's inane questioning. She glanced over to the mutt of the twin she had along side her as she squinted She stretched out her arms as she flickered her hand towards her sibling. "Are you doing it or not?"

"Thank you, Anne." The vector nodded her head as she pulled out a marker and circled the destination they needed to go to and slowly folded the map.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 12:35:36 am
"Mmmn...I'm not your dog.." Lorencio mutters, before obediently sniffing the air. "A group of people just west of here. Five people in all, including that witch we fought earlier." He reports, before looking up at Renia. "Also, one of those Vector people." He continues. "All in all, smells like a rather interesting bunch. Should we investigate?" Bored out of his wits, Lorencio was looking for some action. He recognized the scent of Gilda, and was slightly disappointed she hadn't met up with him earlier, but shoved that thought away. Mission. Very important mission from the big guy himself. Don't screw it up by getting distracted.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 12:38:32 am
Renia smirked evilly as she stop in mid-step and extended out her arm to stop Lorencio in his tracks. "Eh, maybe.. But we have a mission..but then again, there is an improbability to find this missing girl.." She rubbed her chin with her other hand while thinking as to what they can do. "Besides, knowing you, you'll back away trying to stay no mission," she mocked him openly with a smile on her face.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 12:48:24 am
"For all we know, the girl's over there, though. Two Vectors in one place can't be a coincidence, after all." Lorencio points out. The young god's muzzle turns down in a small frown as he tries to find a way to investigate this without causing a huge amount of trouble. "Any way we have to identify the girl?" He asks his sister.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 01:00:16 am
"Two..Vectors?" Her nose wrinkled a bit as she turned her sight towards the group of travelers. Her nostrils filled with the familiar scent of the old hag that almost beaten her brother down as she did obviously saved her as she is the awesome twin goddess. However, the scent of her victim entered her her nostrils as her eyes sparked with interest. "Oh, theat little Marlonian," she muttered under her breath with a bluffing tone.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 01:07:36 am
"So do we go or not, Re?" The hyena asks, before shifting back into his human shape, frowning. "On the off-chance I'm right...and let's face it...I usually am..the girl is over there. If the Mothy needs her, then the Vectors shouldn't give us too much trouble, am I right?" Lorencio continues, half explaining to his sister, half thinking out loud.

"Uh..is it normal for dogs to turn into people..?" Lumi starts, blinking. "..or are we in trouble?" Noir finishes, his eyes still glued to the people not too far in the distance.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 01:23:33 am
"It is a girl, for one. And two, let's go~" Renia cackled softly under her breath but it echoed a bit which caused the Vector to flinch a bit in alarm. The twin sister growled a bit at her brother's banter on his own personal thoughts as she doesn't appreciate his own arrogance (hypocrite.) The blonde female shifted her direction directly towards the motorcycle and made direct eye contact with the Vector.

The Vector was just shivering at the not much coincidence of two twins being present in the same place, having her tormentor present with actual human beings around them, and the fact that a certain male figure looked familiar.  She shook her head away at the morphing boy as one of her eyes twitched realizing the joking nickname she had for him. 'Hyena ninja..what was I thinking" She felt shame coming over her as she was squeezing the engine trigger constantly causing the engine to may sudden outbursts of noise every few seconds.

"Noir, Lumiere, and Anne. Hold on," she muttered under her breath as she noted to ignore the teenager staring at her but she turned back to see the witch and waved her hand softly, avoiding to point at the pale blonde twins.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 02:36:12 am
Elluka just nods in response, having already noticed the two pests. She waves back nonchalantly, however. The twins and their new friend held on tight, still staring at the two figures.

"They're getting away! C'mon!" Lorencio yelps to his sister, dashing forwards and grabbing her wrist in an attempt to get her moving. Running away was definitely suspicious, after all. Very suspicious indeed.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 03:00:48 am
The sound of footsteps alarmed the Vector of Protection as she called out to Elluka while she waved her hand, showing more concern than ever before, "Elluka--" She soon stopped herself as she felt her own grip tightening onto the handles but the motorcycle wasn't thankfully moving yet and the adrenaline, shock, and anxiety overcame her for moments.  With a deep breath of air, she nodded at Elluka as she placed her feet onto the the sides as the vehicle accelerated  off. Gilda didn't need others to be affected by the deviant Renia.

Renia was minding her own business, admiring her hand until abruptly her brother yanked her by the wrist and was dragging her across the desert dunes. She was muttering soft curses under her breath but a spark of innovation sprouted into mind. "I'll get the witch, you get the motorcyclist," she glanced at her brother as she bolted out of her brother's grip but moved cautiously towards the witch to ensure that her brother will follow the plan she made about two seconds ago.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 03:11:34 am
"Got it." Already dashing off in hyena form, the god was in hot pursuit of the motorcycle. Sand sprayed up with every bound he took, and even if it shouldn't have been possible, the hyena was catching up to the vehicle.

Elluka spins around, staff at ready to deal with her oncoming opponent, dark blue eyes narrowed in focus as she decides the best place to attack.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 03:24:18 am
Renia rubbed her hands together in devilish delight to find herself facing an opponent--maybe not worthy in her eyes. Her thoughts alluded to her brothers' beat down and she sighed, she must bring honor to the Servants' reputation. Her bright blue eyes glared at the witch as she whipped out her violin as she grabbed the bow softly. A standoff.

Amara looked into the side mirror as she adjusted it to find herself watching Lorencio morph right behind her motorcycle into a hyena and she felt hand tightening. The motorcycle accelerated a lot more as she seemed to be jumping about in her seat as if she was trying to allow the vehicle to go faster. "Lumi, don't lean too close to the side.. The hyena might get you," her voice was oddly calm as her physical appearance was that of a relaxed facade as her mind was in turmoil.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 03:29:48 am
Elluka circles the young goddess, staff still drawn, waiting for her to make the first move. "Why are you here?" She demands, frowning at the blonde haired girl. "Why is your brother going after the others?" The witch continues.

With the thought of the fact he'd never live this down if Renia learned he let their targets get away, Lorencio speeds up wordlessly, even snapping at the wheels of the motorcycle to ruin Gilda's focus.

In response, Lumi leans away from the edge of the car, but was still watching their pursuer with interest.  Noir, as well, was watching the little chase. Anne was just whimpering and hiding her face in her hands.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 03:54:24 am
Her eyes widened as she shut her eyes muttering loudly, "I'm sorry." She automatically stopped the motorcycle thus causing the beast to collide into the back of the motorcycle.  Gilda's head snap back to the side to see the damage she has done to the hyena but a pang of guilt drowned her as she soon glanced at Noir and Lumi's weapons just encase of an emergency.

Renia pressed the bow against the violin while causing a ear-churning note to escape. The violin and bow thus morphed into a scythe as she spun it about in her fingers and she cackled softly at her foe, "Eh, none of your concern as to what we do, old magpie."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 03:59:38 am
With a thud, the canine slams into the back of the motorcycle, letting out a pained yelp. Snarling in reply, the usually benevolent Lorencio didn't look so peaceful or friendly now. More like the demonic hound that had attacked that one spirit. Shaking his head to clear the stars, the group had a small window to escape through while he regained his wits.

Wincing at the note, Elluka just glares at Renia. "It is my concern if you're going after my children. Let me guess...you want the girl?" She asks, stopping her pacing for a moment as she stares stolidly at her opponent.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 04:07:44 am
"..Lonrecio was right," she spat under her breath with distaste as to how her brother was unfortunately right for the majority of the time but she pushed that fact aside as always.  Renia readjusted her grip on her scythe as she glanced down momentarily, showing submission to her own thoughts but she gave a solid glare back towards her opponent. "Those humans are just as worthy as your damn lords."

Gilda took a deep breath as  she soon accelerated the motorcycle but instinctively called out to Noir and Lumiere, "Noir! Lumiere! Please do keep scouting out for any actions done by the hyena." The Vector had nothing to say towards Anne as she was already shocked and isolating herself by cupping her hands and such. However, remorse hanged loosely on her mind as she took another backwards glance at the confused hyena but the cloud of sand covered the hyena's image.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 04:15:53 am
"That's not a very nice thing to compare them to." Elluka chides sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Tell Alexiel the child can't just magically be brought up there to him, and I'll be damned if I let you kill her." With a growl, the witch shifts her staff from hand to hand, wondering if the female servant would just end the pursuit there. Her mind flashes to the thought of the group being chased by Lorencio. The boy was less sadistic than his sister, but if his mistress ordered him to bring the child to the Master of the Heavenly Yard, he wouldn't give in until the child was there or he was called off.

"He's running again!" Lumi warns their friend as the shape, now far behind them, takes up the chase once more.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 04:24:59 am
"Not every hyena takes their meal dead," Renia fought back against Elluka's accusation of killing the girl that the Master of the Heavenly Yard desired. Death was not an option but it was for the twins if they did kill the girl if MoTHY was truly a arrogant bastard as he is. Truly. "But hyenas do play with their food," she chuckled with a hint of a maniac's tone as she shuffled forwards with her right side directly charging at Elluka but her scythe as well wielded into her right hand.

Gilda felt the heavy metal object also known as her gun pressing against her back as she leaned forward and squeezed the acceleration harder to speed off. 'This isn't going to work, he won't give up by the look of this,' she bit down onto her tongue as she glanced over to the back of her shoulder but shook her mind. Fighting at this point was not worth it and it wasn't a task assigned to her. She would not kill. 'If I were to have the motorcycle disappear behind a dune or just disappear..' A smile appeared on her face as she allowed the chase to continue for now.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 04:32:26 am
"Oh, I know he doesn't want his mistress dead. I'm merely saying that would be the only way you could bring her soul to your dimension." Elluka replies, spinning once more in an attempt to parry the scythe with her staff, still talking as she fought. "You don't even know why you're going after her, do you?" The witch taunts, frowning.

Lorencio keeps up the chase as well, baring his fangs in a snarl. He knew very well it was Gilda he was chasing, and felt a bit of remorse at it. However, orders were orders. The Mothy's and his mistress's orders went before any feelings of interest he had for the human. This girl must be captured, and she would be.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 04:42:22 am
"Twins stick together," was the last sentence she would speak to Elluka now as as she stuck out the scythe to yank the witch from behind to pull her closer. But if the scythe got her in the back, that'd be splendid!

Gilda took a sharp turn as a large dust of sand emerged to cover the tracks temporarily. Gilda soon patted Noir's shoulder and muttered to him as she was controlling the motorcycle, "Flee to behind the dunes if I whistle, understood?" Now that she established a backup plan, all that was left was finding how to execute the plan.  She cirlced the mototrcycle several times in the same spot to make confusing tracks but this was merely the beginning.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 04:46:11 am
Noticing Renia was no longer in the mood for conversing, Elluka jumps forwards to avoid the blade in the back. However, this kind of achieved Renia's plan, seeing as the witch was pulled closer to the goddess as a result.

"I don't have time for this...Renia and Mother are both gonna kill me if I don't get that kid..." The Hyena growls, weaving his head around trying to track their progress on the motorcycle. "I do not want to become dinner.." He mutters, still trying to figure out what the Hellish Yard Gilda was doing.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 04:58:06 am
Renia grabbed Elluka by the collar of her dress as she yanked her close, hopngi the witch would gag. Her hand, however, extended out as the was soon just going to have the blade coming down on the witch from above

The Vector of Protection's eyes widen actually hearing the beast talk in the human language but not just in any voice! There was foreign cussing occurring in her mind at the thought of actual animals talking but the fact they can morph. She rolled her eyes, remembering that if this happens, people folly into the idea of the deities existing for a better cause. The motorcycle soon darted out of the cloud of sand but she soon made even more clouds of dust to cover up her trails by occasionally swerving. The motorcycle was soon parked behind a dune as Amara took a soft breath and glanced over to her passengers.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 05:09:59 am
Elluka gags, as planned, but to keep a blade from sinking into her skull, the witch attempts to grab Renia's wrist and channel some sort of heat or something into it, praying she burned her or something. Then she realized how stupid that was. If the Master of the Heavenly Yard had sent Renia to get that child...he wasn't about to let her win a fight. Unless that stupid child saw what he was doing made no sense...the witch was screwed royally in this fight.

Another low growl rumbled through the beast's chest as he stalked around the dunes, trying to track down his prey. "I just want the girl. Hand her over so I can return her to the big guy, and I'll leave the rest of you alone." The graveyard-guard promises, sniffing the air, then sneezing from the sand that was still in the air. "This is not my day, not my day at all. First his royal prickness comes demanding Re and I track down this girl, then my nose gets busted...and Re's going to neuter me or something if I don't succeed.." The god moans, swapping back into human form. Besides looking scary, the hyena form was useless with his nose broken. The chase was over at the moment, so the form of the big lumbering beast wouldn't help at all. Pushing back his mask to gingerly touch his nose, he winces almost instantly, recoiling as if he were burnt.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 05:24:26 am
The servant winced a bit at the touch of heat as she moved away her wrist in which wielded the scythe as she she pushed Elluka onto the floor. She licked her burnt wrist and twitched an eye, feeling the burning resentment coming up to her chest. However, she instinctively turned over her shoulder to check the progress of her twin but to her surprise, she found that he was aloof and actually in his human form. Knowing surely that if her brother was in pain, there was something wrong.

The goddess of mischief always did have a heavy disdain of relieving her own fights but a mark would still please her. She tapped Elluka's cheek lightly with her scythe as she left a gashing scar on her cheek. It was small but boy, it was deep. However, she wasn't intending on leaving the witch alone but in hindsight, just watch over her until Lorencio got his act together.

The Vector of Protection parked the motorcycle as she pressed her index fingers to her lips and signaled the teenagers to hush themselves in any case. She soon slipped down from the seat as she turned off the engine as there was silence now. The monologue that Lorencio was cooking up was now audible but very small selections could be heard from Gilda. "My nose gets busted..." "Neuter me or something..." Even as a female, she winced at the thought of that but she soon tiptoed quietly over to the side of the dune with her hand resting over her mouth to muffle her breathing. She soon peered slightly over the dune to gain visual of what the 'hyena ninja' was doing.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: tanatiger2002 on January 26, 2013, 05:33:50 am
Name: [first and last, please] Cloud K. Strider
Species: [Also add if you wish to be a God Character here!] Human
Sp. Extra: [Add if you are a witch, werewolf, anything like this] Human
Nationality: Belzenia
Personality:He normaly keeps to himself.He love his pet owl, Desere.And is normaly loyal to people he knows
Powers: [if any] His sword catches on fire when he controls it in a fierce battle.
Family: [if any] All unknown
Companion Animal: [must find rpers to rp them!] Barn Owl
Weapon(s):A long sword
Rp Sample: [not too hard, usually about 3-5 sentences] Cloud sat down with Desere.He pet her head and fed her an insect.Her head turned to where it was facing the oppiosite direction of him and he smirked slightly.He pet her head agian and set Desere on his shoulder and stood.He grabed his sword and put it on his back, making sure not to hit Desere.He began to walk away from where they were and walked around the castle for a while.
Theme: Falling in the Black

Just without the wings :P)
Name: [first and last, please] Ski L. Leva
Species: [Also add if you wish to be a God Character here!] Human
Sp. Extra: [Add if you are a witch, werewolf, anything like this] Human
Nationality: Belzenia
Personality:She doesnt like to be with people often.But she loves to be with her pet dragon.She also normaly keeps to herself as well.
Powers: [if any] Her sword will sprout spikes and will have blue flames.
Family: [if any] All unknown
Companion Animal: [must find rpers to rp them!] Miniture Dragon
Weapon(s):A long sword and Kunai
Rp Sample: [not too hard, usually about 3-5 sentences] (The other I guess will be fine :P
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 05:37:20 am
Hissing in pain, Elluka puts her palm to her cheek, blinking back tears. Witch that had been alive for millenia or not...getting cut that deep in the cheek hurt.

"Honestly, there's no point in trying to hide. I'm not going to give up, and there's a key difference between my not giving up and yours. I don't have to sleep. As soon as you settle down for the night, that gives me the perfect opportunity to find you again. Why not just make this easier for all of us? The Master's not gonna hurt the girl or nothin'. He just seemed pretty intent on having her close to him or something." Lorencio was still talking to a general audience, trying to find his targets. Looking less menacing with his mask pulled up and in his human form, his wide, childish blue eyes continue scanning the surrounding area, expression contorted into what looked almost like a child pouting.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 05:39:39 am
[Mmm, Nationality is what country your character comes from. You can find a list of the countries on the first page.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 05:47:27 am
Renia smiled like a psychopath, finding the amusement in her actions being what she had been missing he day before. The glint of water within the witch's eyes made her have a sense of an domineering being which she was but being viewed as a "human deity" placed her below the Four Masters. "Crying? For this long of a time.." She snorted a bit as she placed the blade under Elluka's chin and raised her head a bit.

All that the Vector of Protection could see was the posterior of the servant's back but she felt something cringe worthy of the mannerism he spoke in. 'No wonder he was a guard,' she narrowed her eyes to better acquaint herself with his body type. Lanky, slim, nearly her height, but was armed with those claws of his. The green eyes of the vector oddly didn't contrast much with the scenery of blue sky and yellow sand as it was a duller shade of grey which was most uncommon but then again, she was a vessel for another figure with those eyes.

Nothing even speaking a word, she continued to look at Lorencio's behind. All she needed to do was to keep quiet and still seeing as how his tracking skills had failed him. Surely, this woman would not give up.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: tanatiger2002 on January 26, 2013, 05:48:57 am
Lol alrighty thankies x3
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 06:04:15 am
The tears stopped quickly, however. "Shouldn't you be helping your moron of a brother? Gilda seems to have given him the slip." Taunts the witch, bravely holding eye contact with this...child. She was older then the Servant...there was no way in the Hellish Yard she was going to back down!

"Cripes...this is annoying." Lorencio growls, heading to a dune close to where Gilda was hiding, stiff sniffing, even if his nose wasn't as effective with the blood flowing from it. "Give her up, why don't you? What's this girl mean to you, anyways? Renia's probably gonna come over here in a minute if I don't get her, and she's not gonna be as nice as I'm trying to be." He pleads, still looking around for the former princess.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: tanatiger2002 on January 26, 2013, 06:10:43 am
updated my applacation ^^
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 06:11:55 am
"Oye! He is my *moron* and it is in no right to insult your own kind," she pressed the blade closer to one of the major veins in Elluka's throat. She kept eye contact with her fo e but the name Gilda rung in her ears; why would she even say her name? ...Was the witch aware of her victim's relation with her? Renia shook that aside, it wasn't honestly going to bother her in the long run but she leaned in. "He has his ways."

'A human life is always important,' she thought towards herself as she shuffled towards the side as she wasn't as visible but her right eye was constantly glued at his movements. Her hand was moving and waving towards the children to catch their attention. She pointed towards the opposite side of the dune seeing as how Lorencio was getting closer to her side. The notion of Renia's generosity struck the Vector of Protection's nerves as she certainly *knew* what the teenager was capable of but she was a human just like them. A very arrogant one.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 06:21:48 am
[Accepted! Welcome to the family! 8D]

So you're actually going to fight the one who's been there...even when you were just a little human girl yourself, Renia?" Elluka taunts, taking a step backwards and brandishing the staff, swinging it at the ornery young'n like a baseball bat. "You know I find this disrespectful. Children these days...not respecting their elders.." The witch sighs, shaking her head as if this were a shame.

The growl in Lorencio's throat rose in volume when he noticed something. A child's foot as they were shuffling to hide with Gilda. A soft smile passed across his features, and the growl stopped. "The Master's been looking for you, child. I dunno why he's obsessed with you, but he does seem to be rather eager for you to be up there." He chuckles, the "hyena ninja" going back to his usual calm, polite self. "Re knows...but nobody tells old Lorencio nothin'..." A faint grumble was heard from the boy. In spite of his roots as the god of literature, when he was upset or something, he spoke more like a child, messing up with grammar and other various things.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 06:29:43 am
Renia shrugged at the witch's comment, not feeling any anger flourishing at her comments. Of course she wasn't! She was trying to buy time for her damn brother since he was an idiot and didn't know how to do activities properly without others assisting him. If SHE was there, the child would've been already in the Heavenly Courtyard. However, the swing of the staff made her growl lowly, similar to that of her brother's, as she took a swing loosely near her face. The staff did nearly hit her right up the face.

Gilda felt herself now in self panic as she ignored her own actions or any faults as she did as she equipped her gun and muttered under her breath for her mother to pray for those mythical masters of hers'. She pressed the cold metal against her cheek as she was aiming closer and closer to Lorencio's figure but she instinctively turned with not wanting to harm him. She kept herself ready to see what the boy would do and only hoped that Anne, Noir, and Lumiere would note the circumstance they were in by how Lorencio spoke.

She slowly bit down onto her tongue as Lorencio mentioned the Master and she was a bit confused. She was aware of the four Masters but which one? She surely knew of the female one that Noir and Lumiere spoke to her about last night, the Mistress of the Graveyard.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 06:45:44 am
The butler didn't lunge at the girl, or seem to be trying to attack her at all. Merely just held his hand out, smiling. "Come on, then?" He asks hopefully. The blonde seemed to be restraining himself from physical force. Something told him the Master wouldn't be too happy if this girl was delivered to him in itty bitty pieces, like that one politician had been.

Since he had been seeming to ignore the Clockworker twins, they crawled over to where Gilda had been telling them to go. Lumiere unstraps something from her back, and points it forwards. Sure, it wasn't as fancy as Gilda's gun, but it was a gun nevertheless. One thing. The black haired girl didn't seem to have any qualms for aiming the gun at the enemy, her finger ready to squeeze the trigger.

Frightened, Anne scoots away from the young god, not trusting his smiling face. Smart girl. "H-how do I know you're...you're not going to eat me? That's what you do, is eat people..." The blonde accuses, glaring at the young man.

At this, Lorencio looks confused. "Dear child...I won't eat you.." He begins, shaking his head. It was fairly true. Between his mother and his sister, the butler didn't get much in edible human parts. "Besides. I wasn't ordered to hurt you. I was ordered to come get you, then come back. Nobody gets hurt, nobody gets killed." Well, those weren't his specific instructions, but he believed this task could be executed without anyone getting...well...executed.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 06:55:11 am
Gilda bit down hard onto her tongue, the salty iodine taste filling her taste buds annoyed her a bit seeing as how her stress always lashed out towards her tongue. Her eyes averted straight towards Lumiere and she automatically shook her head at the horrific thought of attacking someone, well, him. She motioned a folded hand over her throat trying to emphasize her disapproval of such actions that Lumiere thought were needed to be taken.

The Vector slowly sneaked towards her motorcycle and looked about for something, anything! If she would've kept that hood from last night, she would have the perfect cover to throw over him without resorting to stripping. No one wants that. Her face flushed a bit at her own stupidity of last night, never would she had acted so childishly! If only she thought clearer at some times but she doesn't, like now.

The Vector could hear the sincerity of the man's voice and almost for sympathetic for once today towards him but she shook it off; her employers would never insist on stealing a child no less chase a group of survivors in the desert. All Gilda can do was approach from behind...but a thought struck Gilda as she unlatched her parked motorcycle and slowly made her way towards the group but initially, she was technically behind Lorencio. With motorcycle handles in hands, the Vector would only assume that she was playing a mad man's game.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 07:06:33 am
"Look...if you don't come along nicely, I am going to have to resort to force. And I do not want to do that." Lorencio sighs, putting his forehead in his palm, as if he were pleading with a stubborn child. Wait...that's exactly what he was doing. "...and if I have to result to force, Renia's gonna leave that lady over there to come join in." He continues explaining. "I don't want to hurt you, seeing as it would be unnecessary, and the Master of the Heavenly Yard? Only he'd know what he'd do to me and Re. Just come along, why doncha?" He continues pleading, pulling his mask back over his face now that the bleeding from his nose had slowed down fairly.

Looking confused at Gilda's warning not to shoot, a perplexed Lumi put her rifle back up, staring at the Vector.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: tanatiger2002 on January 26, 2013, 07:52:13 am
Cloud sat and looked up at the sky, with Desere on his shoulder she ruffled her feathers and turned her head.Cloud pet Desere and fed her an insect.He dusted his hands on his jacket and began to walk to his room.He layed down and Desere glided off of his shoulder onto her stand.Cloud sat on his bed and began cleaning his sword  (Btw im adding a new charecter on my Applacation if you dont mind :P) He looked at his sword and put it on the side of the bed and looked at Desere for a breif moment then called her over to him.Cloud pulled out a small bracelet and put it on Desere's ankle.Desere messed with the bracelet for a few moments then got used to it.Cloud pet he back and Desere flew back over to her stand, she fluffed up her feathers and settled in.

  Cloud took his jacket off and put it on a hanger.He walked over to his bed and layed his head down on the pillow, he closed his eyes and fell asleep after a few moments.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 02:15:14 pm
Gilda was standing exactly behind Lorencio except her expression was that of a poker face as she had little to do to distract the man from behind. A soft grasp of his ponytail was done by the Vector's own hands as she glided the small rubber band that held it up down so a Renia clone was born. As this would've kept him distracted the moments she had done it, she secured the rubber band by placing it on top of his head but she dropped it gingerly. Shen ever did touch people for any reason but she did when she was younger. That was killed off years ago as a child.

Remembering her earlier interactions with Lorencio fixing himself up, he might possibly have done that now or at least she hoped.  She poked her head out from behind Lorencio, noting how he was a bit taller than her but then again, it does not matter. It wasn't like he had super strength and could lift anyone forcefully without a second questioning.
She shook her head with imitating a chatting mouth with one hand, insisting on Anne not to speak at all.

The Vector soon took a turn to Lorencio's right side while still dragging her motorcycle by the handle bars. For a moment, she glanced at the face of the servant and much to her surprise, it was Renia's. She felt her hand twitching violently at the sight of a blood nosed Renia clone as it felt all too familiar. Her green eyes darted away from the figure before he could notice her pacing but she was soon rolling to Anne's side and was about to lean in to whisper something--.

"Lorencio! Where the in the Hellish Yard ARE you?" Renia hollered out wit discontent to find that her brother, along with her toy and the three children have gone missing. Her nose could've tracked them just fine but not seeing where her brother was irked her severely. There was just something bigger on her platter that she had to deal with.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 03:14:32 pm
Lorencio cursed under his breath, trying to get his hair out of his face. "I'm over here!" He calls back to his sister. Once he had been fixed back up, he sighs, looking at the ragtag group. "Please don't make me do this to the rest of you. You and the old hag are needed, miss, and the two children will be helpful later on. I just need the little blonde girl, and I'll get out of your hair, okay? Even Re knows we aren't s'posed to kill you guys." He explains, shaking his head stubbornly. "We ent supposed to kill any Vectors or nothing, and we have to get the girl. Mistress's orders."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 06:03:12 pm
"Lorencio..." She muttered her her breath as she glanced back at the servant but sadly ignored his pleads seeing as how she knew of Renia's' cruel nature personally but didn't find any desire as to help the human teenagers with their own schemes. 'Using religion to draw another? ....How low,' the bitter taste of irony drenched her mind. She continued to look at Anne with a very low whisper under her breath, "Get in the motorcycle. Now."

As she ruffled her tank top about as turned her body with her motorcycle facing the other direction of the twins but she made eye contact towards Lorencio with a stoic expression. " What do you mean by vectors?" Gilda had to certainly cut off any speculation as to what or who the hellish yard she was. She thus shook her head and crossed her arms as the motorcycle thus leaned against her hip.

"By picking off random civilians will not help you---," She began to speak with a more proper posture with her arms folded behind her back but one of her eyes twitched and all that Gilda was now was a puppet. There was an odd mannerism that the puppet took on with one arm folded behind but her hand forward and she was flailing it about.


"It seems that Alexiel took his own course," the Mistress of the Hellish Yard muttered bitterly as she pressed her staff deep against the ground while the several heads attached rang up with amusement of what they've done to those pest known as the Servants. With a soft glance of her hand, she looked at a very hazy gray orb into eh hand and found herself looking at her accomplished, the soul that she had hired long ago to help the preparations. Possibly few of the must headstrong humans that ever came into existence. "Arise, from those shackles.. Take your puppet."

The spirit wasn't physically released of the chains that bounded her tightly like a straight jacket but rather, she lost consciousness. All that was left was a shell and the resident  was visiting a new home.


The Psychologist found herself staring at the figure of a young blonde male and she instinctively made a disdainful face at the sight of one of them. She glanced around to find that the Mistress of the Hellish Yard froze the scene. Perfect. Well, the Mistress of the Hellish Yard wasn't capable of time stopping but but mirages. So, to anyone outside of he circle encasing both Servant and the Reincarnation, it would just seem that both were speaking with their subconscious which would be horrible so either side. (So have fun making up what either says!)

"Butler of the Mistress of the Graveyard," the psychologist spoke with a deeper voice unlike her reincarnation but she swayed her hand to gain his focus onto her primarily..The woman took a sharp step forward seeing as how much to her discomfort, she was closer to the reincarnation of the Princess of Yellow. "Do not interfere with these course of actions..."

As she rubbed her chin with her eyes peered down, she glanced back up to see the blood that caked his face but a rather sick smile appeared on her face. Rather sadistic for a psychologist. "Compromise between the parties, do not seize the child."

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 06:23:24 pm
"How do you expect me to compromise, huh? I have my orders, and you know I can't go against them. Same for Re." Lorencio retorts, glaring now at Gilda. He recognized the change immediately, and knew he was no longer speaking to the Vector of Protection. "If you wish to compromise with the Master and my Mistress, please feel free to. But I am simply not allowed." Frowning, the Butler waits for her response, crossing his arms. It's not like he wanted to take away the little brat, but orders from Conchita were orders, there was no changing this fact in the slightest. The slightly psychotic bookworm taps his foot impatiently, childlike blue eyes watching the Philosopher.

Anne crawls into the motorcycle, scared mute by what was going on. She just sat there, shivering in the sidecar. One derisive part of her subconscious wished for her brother to save her. This left her perplexed, seeing as she thought she was an only child. Lost in her own mind at the moment, the former Princess of Lucifenia curled up into a tight ball, as if that would defend her.

The two Clockworker twins were confused as all get out by what was going on. For some strange reason, they were scared more for the blonde man now conversing with their friend than they were for Gilda herself. Or, at least Noir was concerned. Lumiere's eyes were glued on to the fight a distance away between her mother and the man's accomplice.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 06:42:04 pm
"Impatience isn't a virtue, child," her voice snapped quickly but she showed no muscle movement of aggression or spite towards him still, she kept her professional posture and movement. The Philosopher noted her hands had several grains of sand and she rubbed her fingers together. Her patience wasn't as whole as her reincarnation's but she simply stated, "Your orders were to seek and search like the animals that the you and your sister morph into. You can confirm that you weren't able to find the being," She began softly while feeling a rather cold breath on her throat. Surely ,the Mistress of the Hellish Yard was watching her carefully and thoroughly to assure that nothing went wrong.

"The other Mistress is the person you should be most concerned about," she narrowed her eyes slowly at the figure but she sighed softly. "The time of reincarnation does not always happen and you can simply lie about it. The Mistress of the Hellish Yard and this puppet will keep her safe until further notice. The puppet isn't aware and if logic is on my side, possibly  the elder Vector looming in the sand just as us knows."

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 06:45:34 pm
At this, Lorencio sighs. "Alright, I'll tell them I couldn't find her. I'll tell Re that it wasn't the right one." He promises. Part of the boy seemed relieved, and the other part seemed anxious about lying to his Mistress. Although he wasn't the god of loyalty or honesty or anything, he rarely seemed to outright lie to anyone. The blonde was more of a "either tell the truth or withhold information" kind of person.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 07:10:19 pm
"Thank you, Stupid Butler," was the last note that the Philosopher left to the human god as she left her reincarnation and soon ventured back towards her vessel in the Masters' Realm. As the mirage ceased, Gilda was rubbing her head with a splitting headache and she opened her eyes to find a rather sassy posed Lorencio staring at her. "Uh, what were we--" She began to question Lorencio but she silenced herself finding that whatever happened stopped the servant's begging of having the little girl go with him.

The Vector went close to the motorcycle as she waved her hand over to the twins but oddly enough, she glanced back to Lorencio and looked at Noir for several seconds. She shrugged it off.

"LORENCIO!" Renia shouted again, with more annoyance flooding into her voice.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 07:17:13 pm
"It's the wrong child, Re, should we keep looking? Or just tell his royal prickness that we can't find her?" With a polite nod to Gilda and her group of teenagers, the Stupid Butler calls back his report to his sister, trying to rub some of the blood from his nose. "Have a very good day." With this last reply, Lorencio changes shape once more, galloping off to regroup with the Wicked Maid.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 09:21:52 pm
"AGHHH!" Renia shouted in discontent at her brother's choice of wording the truth to her.  She kicked the sand in frustration but for a moment she rearranged her composition to find that her hyena brother was approaching her but sadly, she wouldn't be able to toy with one of her favorite toys.

Gilda sighed while pulling out a towel from her passenger seat and hurled it at Lorencio's shoulder which it surprisingly landed on. As she turned back without another word, she knelt down to see the status of Anne's sanity. She whistled out from the twins to come.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 26, 2013, 09:50:30 pm
Lorencio was startled when the towel hit his shoulder, and he spun around, snarling for a moment. The thought ran through his mind he was being attacked...then he realized it was just a piece of cloth. Carrying the cloth in his jaws back to his sister, he sits down next to her and proceeds to change back into human shape. After transferring the towel from his mouth to his hand, he dabs gingerly at his busted nose. "All that mess and it wasn't even the right girl. You were lying, old woman." He growls at the witch.

Elluka just shrugs in boredom. "I like watching you two make fools out of yourselves." This was her only reply as she started walking back to her small group to make sure no one died or anything. Only when she got far enough away did she let the confusion show on her face. Anne was the girl that the MotG sent them to hunt down, why did he back off?

Like two trained puppies, the children immediately bundle to Gilda's side, not saying a word. Anne looked less terrified now that the man was gone, and had removed herself from the fetal position.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 26, 2013, 10:38:01 pm
[[(http://media.tumblr.com/59c74eb2aae1c861d5fd851daa4866c9/tumblr_inline_mgr5yx0rOc1qcqwuv.gif) Eeee~ ]]

"I apologize for my actions," she humbly apologized yet again with a swift bow of her head with her Marlonian accent slipping out a bit.

Renia escaped a low growl as well towards the witch but she sighed while noting her brother's face. "PFFF- What happened to YOU?" She covered her mouth softly with a wicked giggle but she furrowed her eyebrows. "To the town then?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 27, 2013, 05:57:19 am
"That stupid woman stopped her motorcycle short." Lorencio grumbles, still mopping blood from his nose. Anyone that could die would've been dead by now, probably. "We might as well." He agrees with his sister, even if he didn't look to be in the mood for a scavenger hunt anymore.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 27, 2013, 06:21:59 pm
Gilda glanced up to see the wounded Elluka approaching but the style of the scar was already turning the gears of her mind, knowing how Renia enjoyed marking those she defeated. 'Renia...' She shook the name out of her mind, fathoming that the cut was already dripping out blood as thus, she rushed over to the passenger seat and pulled out her newly refilled canteen of water as the scavenging of last night provided that. She soon walked over to Elluka with the canteen of water as she politely held it out, "--Eluka, here." Her voice now sounded more like the Gilda that she presented herself as the Marlonian accent as well disappeared .

As she noted how the witch looked down and showed a face of confusion, she couldn't help but feel the same. However, her eyes averted over her shoulders to see the figures of Renia and Lorencio seemingly have a small and joyful talk, assuming that from Renia's mannerism but she felt the blue eyes meet her own stare. She softly shook her head to find herself being teased by a stuck out tongue but she allowed that to slide.

"Beaten by a girl..? Again?" Renia cackled while placing an arm around her bloody brother but there was a note taken at the damage done to her brother. While Lorencio was acting like a drama queen over his broken nose, the goddess of mischief glanced over her shoulder towards the group that were being reintroduced after their ambush. Her stare was met by the concerned one of the Vector of Protection seeing as how the Vector approached the Vector of Memory with a canteen of water.

'I'll get her,' she smiled with a biy of sadistic joy as she playfully stuck out her tongue at Gilda as the Vector of Memory shook her head in displeasure at the goddess' antics. She huffed a bit in arrogance momentarily as she began to drag Lorencio with still her arm around his neck towards the town. "Come on!"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 27, 2013, 07:07:11 pm
Lorencio, as usual, just lets himself be dragged without complaint, but did retort to her taunt. "Was not beaten by a girl. I was beaten by a vehicle." He mutters. His nose having stopped bleeding her brother starts walking on his own again.

"Wha-? Oh...ah...thank you." Elluka replies, taking the canteen and getting a small piece of cloth from her own bag. Dabbing a few drops of water on the cloth, she hands the canteen back to the Vector of Protection. Trying to clean the cut gingerly (even for a witch, the fair-skinned woman seemed to be sensitive to cuts and such, especially one that deep) she remains silent, as if thinking.

Noir was rubbing his nose for some reason, making a face. Looking over at the boy, his sister asks, "Are you alright?" Nodding in an attempt to reassure the girl, he answers, "Yeah, I'm fine. Seeing that guy crash into the back of the motorcycle...I was just imagining how much it must've hurt. Guy had some balls to continue chasing us afterwards."

"Or he was a god..." The blonde girl points in quietly, shrugging. She was almost certain that the boy had been the Stupid Butler. Who else could transform into a hyena, refer to a mistress and sister, and have such good manners regarding killing them? In the irony of the situation, she seemed to have recognized the Butler, before either his incarnation or his sister's incarnation had realized it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 27, 2013, 07:18:53 pm
"Mm'hmm," was all Renia could've responded as now they were heading off to the town still, and that was as well the same location that the group was heading to. Irony.

Gilda nodded her head softly and watched the witch sanitize a piece of cloth that she had in her bag. She gently took the canteen back with her feet dragging through the sand as she began to store it away but she bend over into the seat first. She glanced up at Anne to find that she had finally loosen herself from the fetal position and she held out the canteen, "Do you want a drink? You've certainly paled from the ambush." However, the conversation of the other twins present inflicted her with sudden curiosity but she held herself back, just listening in until she allowed something to slip out.

"Why would the Gods bother to come down when surely they are certainly powerful and all knowing," Gilda questioned Lumiere as she looked up to the female twin with still, canteen in hand if Anne wanted it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 27, 2013, 07:26:18 pm
Noir decided to answer instead of Lumi. "Well, both of them seemed to have been going after after Anne. Then Mother distracted the girl, and you made the guy change his mind." Turns out, the twins had been discussing the goings on while they were happening, and had been trying to find a theory about why this was happening. "So, whether they were gods or not, there's something special about you that someone seems to want. I heard them mention a Master, then a Mistress of theirs. Slave dealers, perhaps? Bounty hunters?" His sister takes up the explanation from there. "So either Anne is wanted by the gods, or wanted by some slave traders slash bounty hunters." Finishing the explanation, the twins had spoke together, then looked up at Gilda, waiting to see her opinion on the matter.

Anne shakes her head at the offer of the drink, watching the twins curiously. She seemed to be jumpy around the duo after the attack. Or she could just be jumpy all together. Being attacked by people transforming into hyenas saying that they wanted her out of all people was not good for the nerves.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 27, 2013, 08:15:08 pm
Gilda calmly nodded her head at the blonde teenager as she placed away the canteen but resumed listening to the discussion going on with herself and the twins. As she turned her head, giving her respected attention to each twin as they've elaborated onto what they were thinking. However, the mentioning that she mediated Lorencio from abducting the child surprised her but she she would ask what did she say later, possibly making the excuse that the fever of adrenaline made her forget.

Surely the twins must have remembered her skepticism regarding the existence of the deities or any supernatural or upper being(s) but she regressed and just spoke, "Humans have a very sick tenancy of playing  around with the thought of religion, Noir and Lumiere. The advancements of the world that we're surviving in is overwhelming as already, New Humanity, is making the majority of our race into their own puppets. Holograms can be easily used to confuse others and as Elluka mentioned last night of how distinctive and rare blonde hair is, those slave holders must have wanted Anne." As she looked at her hand and stretched it out, having several moments to contemplate, she glanced upwards back to the twins. "Have the stories your mother ever indicated how the Gods ever did come down for any special occasions?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 28, 2013, 05:18:40 am
"Well, most of the gods do not come down and mingle with the mortals. The Four Masters seem too busy to do so, and Gear is permanently bound to his Clocktower. The only ones that ever come down to the mortal world are the Wicked Maid and the Stupid Butler. In fact...they come down quite often. Both of them are usually the errand runners for the Masters, such as we just witnessed. The Wicked Maid usually just comes down to mess with anyone she's interested in. Usually in rather sadistic ways. The Stupid Butler seems to harass people less on his own will, but he'll come down merely to pretend to be human for a bit and then run away. Humans seem to interest him greatly." Elluka answered the question herself, finally done cleaning the wound Renia left. "I know for a fact, those were not slave holders. Call me a superstitious old crone if you want, but those two were the real deal. Slave holders would not study history enough to know the way the Wicked Maid acted. How did the one pursuing you act?" Looking over at Gilda, the witch was frowning. She didn't know what in the name of the Master of the Heavenly Yard made the Stupid Butler disobey both his mistress's and his sister's orders to find the girl, and she wanted to find out.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 28, 2013, 08:55:25 pm
Gilda nodded in appreciation to find the much wiser witch to come up into the discussion but felt that the twins were left just to watch but these sot of events usually happened in family units. In the back of her mind, she already found herself doubting and trying to seal off her ears from any of superstitious tales of what Elluka spoke of the Stupid Butler and the Wicked Maid. She even found herself nodding at how the Renia the Wicked Maid had usually pursued the time on Earth to harass the mortals but then again, maybe Renia was a common name..

"The Wicked Maid isn't necessarily a part of history if we've dealt with the context of folklore. It is rather easy to pull off being sadistic for one. As for how the slave holder," she initially kept that name still as she wasn't going to go into what Elluka said. "Just as malicious as his partner but rather more ...sympathetic or se-- empathetic, either, when trying to call over Anne."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 28, 2013, 11:46:33 pm
"Well, the Stupid Butler generally doesn't hurt people, per se. He's more inclined to chase down souls, yes. But actual living people? Only if his mistress ordered him to. Did you give him some kind of loophole to get out of it, somehow? Because he might've left if he wasn't necessarily disobeying orders. Something made him lie earlier, saying Anne wasn't the child they were going after." Continuing to inform the Vector of Protection, she just noticed the children looking at her, their eyes huge. "Can we...continue this conversation in private?" The witch asks Gilda, frowning. It was obvious she hadn't been trying to threaten Anne or anything.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 28, 2013, 11:57:09 pm
"Certainly for I, myself, is just as confused as the children.." Gilda nodded her head at the Vector of Memory, not even sure as to why Elluka was assuming that Anen was the child wanted. WHY was she wanted to begin with? All the female knew was that her acquittance from the previous night almost killed the twins and her if he didn't get his hands on Anne. She didn't even know where to start on either him or how she managed to compromise with him.  Maybe it was best not to speak of her earlier confrontation with him as it'll certainly turn heads and possibly blame onto her.

Gilda nodded her head at Elluka, wondering if the witch would wan t to speak privately now or later. All she waited for was the command.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 29, 2013, 04:36:14 am
Elluka gets to her feet, and with a gesture of her hand, she walks out of earshot of the children.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 29, 2013, 04:38:57 am
Gilda bows her head at the children and muttered that they'll be back shortly as she waved softly bye at them. She soon followed behind Elluka but occasionally shot a back glance at the twins but she squinted at Noir, as he was picking at his nose for no apparent reason. She shook it off as she returned her attention back towards Elluka.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 29, 2013, 04:49:34 am
"Right then. You don't seem to believe in any of the deities, so you're going to think I'm a complete lunatic after I explain this mess. I know why those two were after the girl, and it had nothing to do with slave traffickers, or with her hair. Well...kind of her hair." Beginning, Elluka looks over at the Vector of Protection, frowning once more. "Tell me...have you ever heard the tales of the Daughter of Evil, Rillianne Lucifen, and her servant?" Was the witch's first question, making sure the younger woman at least knew of this before she started trying to explain this large wad of confusion.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 29, 2013, 12:01:39 pm
The Vector of Protection noted the frown Elluka presented when regarding her atheism but all in all, these reactions were familiar. Despite not being a believe, she had allowed the believers to go off into their own little worlds and such seeing as how her human Renia was surely not a goddess---. Denial at it's finest. At first ,the Vector nodded at the Vector of Memory but only her own tale could explain why she made such hesitant head gestures, "In Marlon, the children used to play about reacting the tales of Rillianne and Allen. Usually in a game in which someone was "it" or Rillianen and had to run about trying to find her Allen and thus switch clothes with him in order to avoid a 'game over."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 29, 2013, 09:06:27 pm
"I take from your tone of voice that you believe the tales are for children. Even if you do not believe in any deities, Gilda, please do not think that the event of the Lucifenian Rebellion and the Green Hunting were made up. Those were real parts of history." Moving back to a neutral tone of voice, she continues the explanation. "As you know, many Bolganians put faith in the process of reincarnation. Then there is also the belief that Allen was brought on to be the Master of the Heavenly Yard. As those two buffoons were going on and on about some master that wanted them to bring back Anne, say theoretically, that Anne was Rillianne, and theoretically, the Master of the Heavenly Yard, Allen, was trying to reunite with his sibling. The pieces would fit. Anne is a blonde girl roughly the same age as Allen was when he died, with blue eyes, her name could be a shortened form of Rillianne, and...curiously enough...did she not say she felt as if she were looking for someone, but didn't know who? Was just following her instincts? Then there was Noir's comment about her possibly being a twin." Clockworker pauses to let this information sink into Gilda's mind. She was an intelligent woman, shouldn't take her too long. Elluka herself, having known the princess personally...or...as personal as one gets to a bratty tyrant as one of their closest advisers, had her suspicions about the child from the moment she laid eyes on the blonde, which, if Gilda though hard enough and connected some puzzle pieces, explained her talking to herself the previous night. Recent events, the appearance of Renia and Lorencio, had assured her this was what was going on. However, she waited patiently for Gilda's logical look on this. The witch was a logical thinker herself, but got too carried up sometimes in predictions and personal emotions.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 29, 2013, 11:02:18 pm
"I quite remember well the reign of the late Princess Rilleanne from the history texts," The vector of Protection wished to ensure that she certainly wasn't the type to allow the history world the world to be left out in the dark. "It is just how most Marlonian children have grown familiar with the tale from their childhoods.." The vector's green eyes glanced towards the side, her thoughts already leading towards the path of her own childhood. --The smile of a rebellious younger child with short and wild onyx hair that crept behind the dunes, avoiding the capture of the terrible legion of red. The small girl was  however, cloaked, just as the others were as she needed to identify her twin in order to secure her safety. Jack, was her name. Jack Leone. The sisters were usually part of the "Blue Army" but for rather rare occasions they were chosen as the "Princess" and "Servant." Only, the elder sister was usually represented as Allen while the younger was Rilleanne. Possibly due to their characteristics.

'Unlike, those foolish games, you couldn't save her.' A voice irked her subconscious as she instinctively whacked the back of her own head but commented softly, "I apologize, there was a mosquito biting me." She soon found herself nodding at Elluka's explanation but a chill went down her spine, being reminded of the conversation the witch had with herself and drew the connections, all in all. Still, she wasn't as easily swayed to believe on the instant that the Masters were of any 'good' but even an atheist can deny a god when face to face. However, noting that Lorencio AND Renia, are now considerably higher beings than her and how in the master of the Heavenly Yard's name she interacted with both and almost died with her recent encounters bothered her tremendously.

"Damnit that Lorencio," was all she muttered to herself, with her  thoughts slipping about but after that, she covered it up with her response. "Certainly if this is the case, her search is far from over alas with her twin missing..." However, the Marlon woman glanced away from the witch with a frown. "The Masters shouldn't take her." Gilda didn't understand as to why she said it but she felt influenced by her thoughts..but they weren't actually her own. Someone else was once in her shoes before.  "For certain, we must keep Anne under care and prevent such tyrants from abducting her even if they're acclaimed higher beings. For not they do selfless but with only avarice thoughts." This wasn't her own words but that of the Philosopher.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 29, 2013, 11:51:00 pm
"Mmn...greedy? Or just lonesome?" Elluka remarks softly, shrugging. "While I agree on the fact those two should not be reunited in the fashion Allen imagines, I understand his reasoning. Well. Sort of." Unlike the former servant, or even the woman before her, the Vector of Memory hadn't had anyone to consider a sibling since...blinking as if stirring herself from thought, she looks up. "Although using those two as his little pawns wasn't the brightest idea. The maid gets a little...excited with people, and the butler follows suit. But I must ask, though. How in the Master of the Heavenly Yard's name did you get him to change his mind earlier and lie to his sister? That was exactly who they were sent after, and I'm sure he tried to reason with you all. But to just turn around and tell her it was the wrong child? Unheard of." Look at that Philosopher skill, Gilda. You just made ol' Lorencio tell a lie.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 12:08:37 am
"The Master of the Heavenly Yard is certainly of the naive kind but alas, every Master differs for this goal," The Philosopher spoke bluntly as the hand of Gilda was rubbing against her chin with her sight averted towards the sand whirl in deep thought. As she swirled her hand in the air, the Philosopher/Gilda was mouthing out the old Marlon anthem and this certainly wasn't a Gilda feature. Only accent slips and frustration with twins. As the Vector of Memory snapped back to consciousness, she blinked several times to find that Elluka was staring up towards the sky but she listened to every word but the question left her hanging. A coy smile appeared on Gilda's face, her anxiety for the first time today rushing towards her and all of her thoughts crashing into one main idea: What in the Hellish Yard DID she do? 'Ma-Maybe it was out of pity? Maybe he intends on killing me later? Maybe he is in it with his twin sister to ridicule me until my death? Maybe the twins switched out identities and Renia was actually Lorencio and she will soon toy about with that accused voodoo doll of hers?  Maybe Lorencio is actually a kindred spirit infatuated with the thoughts of being friendly with a human!? Maybe this is a dream and New Humanity is testing me regarding my knowledge of this? Maybe this is all true and I am in denial of several things regarding the man who almost killed me but apparently I am not aware of it and someone else !?'  She's catching on.

Still, as the Vector of thought produced all of those improbable scenarios (excluding two or three), it was obvious that she came to a standstill and was fretting. Heavily. "In all honesty, the adrenaline of confrontation between Lorencio and I must have made my mind go bleak." Unfortunately, that slip of the name will certainly place her in the red zone.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 03:44:29 am
Raising an eyebrow in victory, a smirk plays across Clockworker's lips. "Or...he's met you before, told you his name, and took a liking to you?" She guesses. Boy, she was gonna have fun with this. "So tell me...how do you know the Butler's true identity...if you don't believe in these sort of things?" The witch looks curiously at Gilda, wondering when/how this happened.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 03:54:46 am
"A-aahhh..." Gilda stuck out her index finger, with her face tinting up very much so as the natural pink tint on her face turned rather brighter and at most, her voice was cracking. Ruing the moment she had that slip up, she tried to prose herself to speak but a measly "Ahhh" came out, knowing that her mind was now panicking. Panicking knowing that SMIRK on Elluka's face only meant the Hellish Yard for her. That smirk was similar to Renia's seeing as how the Vector of Memory only acted in such a way when confronted by the Wicked maid. Dear MoTHY, if Renia knew of the infatuation (that Lorencio had for the human kind..)or interest, she would certainly cross-dress as Lorencio and chase the living hell out of her.

"Interest. Interest. Interest. He is naturally a curious hyena ninja--- I mean cat as you you've described him. Naturally curious of humans." The glory of embarrassment has caused her accent to completely fall out while she was moving her hands while speaking. GLORIOUS! She rubbed her foot against the sand, already breathing in deeply to avoid anymore frustration to fluster up her face and mind. "It occurred last night when I was scouting...." She couldn't even look Elluka straight in the face. She awaited however for Elluka's approval to either stop or continue the dreaded story.

I think Renia has gotten hold of the narration. Oh dear....
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 04:01:00 am
"Go on..?" Quite different than her usual placidly emotionless self, Elluka tries to wipe the smirk from her face and listen to Gilda's story seriously. After all, it was true Lorencio was rather intrigued by people. But rarely went up to them, as shown by his rather awkward nature around the mortals.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 04:07:04 am
The Vector of Memory glanced upwards towards the Vector of Memory, the flush draining from her face as something just flushed out any childish feelings or thoughts. It just didn't stick around for long.  "While patrolling, I saw the figure of Lorencio, the ..Butler, out in the middle of the desert and confronted him. We chitchatted a bit and he kept himself isolated for a bit until a member of New Humanity ambushed us and we both took it down. Him with his claws and me with my cloak.. That's missing, but I'll get to that." She took a breath and thus continued to explain. "After that, there was quiet mingling between the both of us, Lorencio wasn't trying to cover up his tracks as I certainly didn't pick up the hints that he wasn't of the human species. Or at least, not mentally. And so, I saw that his sleeve was torn and I was sadden by that and so I handed him my cloak and wrote my name on it so he'll be able to approach me again today."

"I understand that this did endanger your children and I deeply apologize. I should've known better than to have given away my identification to those that took interest in literature (seeing as how she doesn't know much of the deities, she wouldn't know what each god/goddess represented)." The Vector rubbed her forehead and groaned slightly, "How will you torture me so, Elluka?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 04:14:16 am
Elluka just shrugs. "It's harmless. In fact, Allen might call both of them off if Renia repeats what I told her. Idiot probably thought they could just carry her to the Heavenly Yard. He wouldn't purposely hurt a hair on her head, out of any person in the world. But I do propose one thing. If Rillianne is back in this world...what if Allen is, too? But only a fragment of him?" She replies. The witch wasn't really the kind to get worked up over this. After all, giving away her name to a fellow stranger that appeared human wasn't awful. At least Gilda wasn't retarded and gave it to an android. They were humans...they all had targets on their backs anyway. Might do some good to make friends with one of the deities. Especially one of the ones who's job is specifically rip things to shreds and enjoy it.

[Timeskip to later, or nah? And if yes, then to the pair giving the report? Or shall we have a more peaceable run-in between Gilda and Lorencio?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 04:32:28 am
[[ I'm fine with anything! :3 ]]

Gilda nodded her head at Elluka, almost having thanked the Master of the Heavenly Yard that the witch wasn't cruel towards her for now. She glanced over her shoulder to check up on the children.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 04:48:48 am
[Maybe their report to MotG first, then Renia goes to bed or something?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 11:43:54 am
[[ Sure! c: ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 11:50:10 am

Back up in the world that wasn't a desert, Lorencio was standing next to his sister, before their mother, waiting on permission to speak. The young boy with the hyena mask was highly aware of the intruder lurking in their mistress's dining hall, but made no audible mention of the boy wearing the eagle mask. He was a guest, and guests were to be treated with the manners they deserved. Also, if he insulted the Master...only he'd know what he did to Lorencio.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 08:39:38 pm
The Mistress of the Graveyard swayed her wine glass while her red eyes were examining the content of the blood present within the glassware. After the years of being the acclaimed "Conchita," and drinking the blood of her victims, she could already tell what blood type which wine she was presented just by scent and texture. The Mistress waved her hands towards both twins to speak of their results, knowing very well that the search came out as a failure. "Master of the Heavenly Yard wishes to know of the results of the search. Do you not, Master of the Heavenly Yard?"

She sipped on the blood as one hand plunged down into a raw heart as she opened her jaw, devouring the heart and shoving it down her throat without much effort. Acting as if that IS normal, she wipes her mouth softly with a napkin and met her glance over towards the twins.

Renia was silent with a a serving plate wrapped about close to her chest with her eyes closed, taking on the facade of the obedient and subservient servant of the Mistress of the Graveyard. Despite having on her iron hyena mask, it can obvious that her eyes were closed as she awaited to hear the response that the Master of the Heavenly Yard of the report.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 09:40:42 pm
"If you would." Sounding like a request, but what was most likely an order, the Master of the Heavenly Yard watches the twins through the eye slits in the eagle mask. He assumed it had come out a failure, but was still hanging on to the shred of hope that maybe they found her, and were telling him where she was first.

"We did not find the girl you were asking for, sir. We believed we had found her, and it was not the right child when we got closer." Lorencio reports, bowing respectfully to the Master of the Heavenly Yard.[/sub[
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 09:59:32 pm
"There was no traces of similarity within scents," the female servant spoke out loud beside her brother as she opened her eyes and kept a stoic face, knowing that after this was over, her bed would be awaiting! The servant lass kept herself hushed up as she noted how her Mistress was going to speak again.

"Nothing ever escapes the nose of my children, Master of the Heavenly Yard." The Mistress nodded with pride as she glanced over towards the smaller and skinnier Master of the Heavenly Yard but she nodded her head at the twins. "You're dismissed."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 10:45:46 pm
The Master of the Heavenly Yard seems crestfallen, but gets to his  feet anyways. "My thanks goes to you for trying, you two. As well as to you, Master of the Graveyard." The god replies, nodding in thanks.

Lorencio bows politely to both his mistress and the other Master. After he was sure it was clear he was being respectful, his hand gingerly rubs against his nose.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 10:52:28 pm
Renia as well bows politely as she kept a watchful eye over the leaving Master of the Heavenly Yard as her master was quietly thanking him. With both servants leaving the dining room, a tired smile crept on her face. "I'm hittin 'the hay."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 30, 2013, 11:45:18 pm
"Have a wonderful sleep, Re." With that and a soft smile, Lorencio heads back to the portals, going to investigate.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 30, 2013, 11:58:07 pm
"Whatever, princess," the maid called back as she headed off towards the bedroom but a soft thought came into mind. 'I still need to pay my little toy a lesson or two,' but her shadow overcast the porcelain walls as the candles that lit it soon descended down; a whisper blowing them away.

Meanwhile in the world that had a desert, the Vector of Memory was still a bit distraught from her confrontation from the leader of the group, Elluka Clockworker. She softly patted her nose, worrying of what cruel methods would lie in her path or today or the future seeing as how Renia wasn't the type to leave anything not dealt with. The group had arrived to the town as the twins were off with Anne as Elluka was off, speaking of an errand she needed to do. There was no sight of the "King," and he wasn't going to appear anytime soon as Gilda couldn't even see him hanging about from the ancient walls or snatching food from the vendors.

Certainly, without much to do, she pulled out a book from her pocket. Surely she never did speak of anyone of her fascination of books or literature besides the rare few that spoke of it first. She sat herself down onto a base of a broken column and flipped throguh the pages. She had another in the second pocket of her pants, located further down but that contained a rare copy of a philosopher she had never heard of. She enjoyed her writing but when she spoke of her mother about it, Mrs. Leone turned her back towards her daughter. 'The writing is cursed!' That was all her mother would shout at her time and time again, but Amara never knew why. Amara didn't, Gilda didn't, but the Philosopher did.
Cursed words lead to the gallows.

As she flipped throguh the pages of the tarnished red cover book, her mind came at ease to revisit the tale of a woman or painting named "Leia." The story was called "Leia," as it dealt with the plot of a painter falling in love with his own creation but his imagination taking the better of him. Sort of a god complex gone horribly wrong with romance. Interestingly enough, Gilda appreciated the name choice of "Leia," seeing as how it meant "lie" in another tongue but she didn't remember which.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 12:42:36 am
A shape lurked a short distance of the camp, not walking any closer, and entirely alone. Lorencio had found Gilda again, but after the events of earlier that day, he was hesitating, not wanting to come close then be shooed off again. And there was the fact she might be suspicious of the young god, seeing as his intentions this afternoon had been to steal a child from their party. He was probably seen as an enemy now.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 12:59:25 am
"Leia, the fragile woman of the artist's thought of true beauty in actuality was in a monochromatic world," the Vector of Memory spoke towards herself, not noticing she was reading out loud the book. Her back was hunched over as she was intrigued and swayed by the characteristics of both Leia and the unnamed artist and at for this odd moment, sympathized of the differences that both had.  She glanced upwards, feeling as if watched, but this was a natural emotion as her anxiety and paranoia did play a "healthy" role in her everyday life. Glancing about in the front, seeing no one was there besides the sand dunes, she resumed reciting the book with her own amusement.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 01:03:15 am
Daring to inch closer, the masked boy does so. Not uttering a word or even some kind of sound, he waits for Gilda's acknowledgement, whether good or bad.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 01:35:15 am
Gilda heard the soft footsteps and dragging of the feet throguh the sand. She head instinctively turned backwards to find that the masked hyena ninja was approaching her and she initially fell off the column in shock.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 01:37:44 am
"I-I'm sorry! I'll leave if you'd rather me do that! I didn't...I didn't mean to startle you!" Yelping in surprise, Lorencio takes a few steps backwards, trying to make her feel more comfortable, waiting for the verdict on whether he could stay or leave. Pretty funny that a god was taking order from a mortal. The timid Literature god just bites his lower lip, a habit he had when he was nervous, and waits.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 01:47:45 am
"Oh Master of the HEAVENLY yard," for the first time, she was cursing out loud the Master's name in vain, whether it was due to shock, her slow acceptance, or possibly just from the fright of having a homicidal and dedicated god approaching her. Not that it bothered the approaching part but the fine details did. As she gripped onto the column, hr body slowly rose with her eyes staring with a hint of content directly at the Stupid Butler. "Hyena ninja!"

Her subconscious was already face planting multiple times for that slip up. Much to her surprise, the god was hesitant in approach yet he was already fine with chasing the group and and almost mauling off their faces! Noting the damage on the nose, she arose from the base of the column she used as a seat. She touched her own nose, while glancing at Lorencio without any words. That gestures should explain themselves.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 01:58:39 am
"My nose is fine..." Lorencio replies, looking a little crestfallen at her reaction, but not surprised. "I'm...sorry about earlier." Lame apology, Lorencio. "I'm sorry" probably won't cut it for Gilda, no matter how sincere you are.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 02:10:59 am
Everything does!

With the Vector of Memory slowly pressing the book "Leia," against her chest with one arm outwards while the other sunk towards her side, showing no immediate threat, her eye contact with  the god was straightforward. "There's still blood on it," she stated the obvious, wondering if he did bother to use the towel she tossed towards him. Feeling a bit giving, aren't you, Gilda? Her eyebrows furrowed together, only showing concern for the insane twin of Renia's but then again, there were circumstances. He worked for a head, she worked for multiple. He did what was asked, she did what was asked. He was acquainted with death, she had her life reeking of it.

"You're..apologizing," the question came out not surprised or expected but rather confused for the apology. However, the fact that he didn't tackled her to maul her was a good sign. The Vector couldn't see past the mask and thus, couldn't recognize most of his reactions either way.. She technically never saw him mask less to begin with as only body language allowed her to decrypt him. "Lorencio..." She began but notifying herself that HE was a higher (possible) being, she corrected herself. "Butler of the Mistress of the Graveyard.." She knew he had a different title but she couldn't place her finger onto it. Maybe some sort of literature would help her. The connection of that wasn't made too well.

"A job..is a job.."

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 02:40:15 am
Lorencio nods, glad she saw it that way. "I'll be fine, I promise. The lady didn't castrate me after all, at least." In attempt to make a joke, the corner of the masked boy's mouth turn up in a small smile, hoping to get back on the Vector's better side.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 02:48:44 am
"Which one do you mean?" Gilda, of course, being familiar with Renia could've seen that she would've castrated him for ruining the mission but then again...why did a God need a penis? Her face immediately flushed at the question at mind as she fanned herself with the book, hoping that Lorencio didn't read minds. She, filled with embarrassment, smiled back but it was a card of sympathy. "B-but, are you sure..? Look, I can get it...." Her voice trailed off, glancing over to her motorcycle and rethinking her inventory..Maybe she would have extra towels..
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 03:08:03 am
[XD Gilda. My God, I actually started laughing in real life.]

"My mistress, the Master of the Graveyard. Renia was just annoyed she had to fight the old woman when she figured out I was wrong." Lorencio says with a shrug. Luckily, the god couldn't read minds. "Well...if you do have a towel or something..." He adds hesitantly.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 03:16:06 am
Thank the Masters he didn't. "Renia is surely a fire cracker," Gilda muttered under her breath, not wishing to seep in the fact that his sister was her own 'master' at several points in her life. With her face's heat slowly fading away, she placed the book down onto the base of the column as she ran over to the motorcycle and bended over in the perfect ninety degree angle. "P-plenty of towels!" Her hand extended out, waving one in the air as her backside was completely exposed and her defenses lowered. "Uh..So, how's..the..business?" Yes, strike up a conversation as to how killing people and devouring souls go for. "I mean, uh," with her Marlonese accent slipping out, "The everyday ta---" He would be feeding his mistress! "family li--" He would've been tortured by Renia. "love li---" We're not going there. "How's just life in general!?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 03:25:03 am
Lorencio refrained from laughing, since he was just as socially inept as Gilda was. "Fairly well, yours?" Grinning and trying not to laugh, he returned the question.

[Short >.< I'm so out of it today.]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 03:36:43 am
[[  I understand your pain. ;w; I'm trying to whip up a post for "Nightcall." ]]

Socially inept or terrified of getting devoured on the spot? Gilda was leaning towards the right path as talking was just fine when the person was actually human. She rose up from the motorcycle with the towel in hand and darted towards Lorencio, already getting close to his personal bubble. As she stood about as close as she has ever been (like the measurements of last night), she pressed the towel against a canteen that she was opening up. As she gingerly patted the boy's nose, not giving eye contact but instead focused on her cleaning, she responded. "Much more excitement present in current state in life. Hyena chases, voodoo doll curses, twins..." Her voice was trailing off again. 
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 03:52:13 am
"Huh, sounds like fun." Lorencio snickers. Like his human counterpart, Noir, Lorencio DID have a personal bubble. However, while he'd usually jump back awkwardly or something, he just stood there patiently, letting the blood get washed from his nose. "Can't say my life's been that exciting lately. No voodoo doll curses or hyena chases." He jokes.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 04:01:52 am
For once, the Vector smiled but ti was a shy one while she still glanced towards the floor and just hoped her expressions would be ignored as usual. The Vector pulled away the towel and had a shocked face, having this much blood flow out by now would've caused any human to go light headed and faint. As she glanced at the pinkish stains, and nearing red ones, on the towel, her smile was still present but there a certain surprise in it. Realizing that yet again, a higher being was no purpose for...several human things, her eyebrows went down and her eyes went back to their normal shape. "Certainly it must be fun when you're the cat."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 04:05:26 am
"I wasn't really having fun. More fun to chase people that deserve to be chased." Unlike his new friend, Lorencio didn't seem shocked by the large amount of blood. There were several times he should have bled out, with most incidences being caused by his sister or his mistress, when they were feeling mischievous or hungry, respectively. "Is everyone okay, by the way?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 04:10:05 am
[Brb, shower. Don't think I went to sleep or anything, I'll be back shortly. 8D]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 04:11:44 am
"Well, Anne is completely fine but she is getting a bit jumpy about with the twins, Noir and Lumiere about. Lumiere, the female one, was neaaring to blow off your head.. The male one, Noir, was taking into account an impressive amount of information for a boy his age." Speaking of age, Gilda for a quick second glanced up and down to identify precisely the physical age of the boy seeing as how they were in a brightly lit environment. Still, she had no idea where to pinpoint it. Possibly 14 but that idea made her shiver a bit. "Elluka, the mother of Noir and Lumiere, is as well fine.. Just surprised that I actually spoke to you and that reminds me, she might have me bothered for weeks..."

[[ Okay. xD This gives me zee time to finish the post for Night Call!~ ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 04:40:42 am
"Mrrf...don't let the old lady bother you." Lorencio had known about Elluka for a while. He'd never come face to face with the witch until his ass was kicked by her the first time, but he knew of her. "Twins, huh?" Was his next question, looking around for these proposed siblings. The comment about getting his head blown off didn't bother him, it seemed. It probably would confine him to the Court for a long time, but he wouldn't necessarily die. If he was killed in the manner that a human would, he just couldn't leave the afterlife for a while.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 04:46:37 am
"I know but I'm a toy for some," Gilda stated as went finally stepped away from Lorencio and headed over to the passenger seat of her motorcycle. Being toyed about was just how life went for her, it didn't bother her at all.Folding the towel, she leaned in yet again to place it away but she continued the conversation as if she never moved. "Mmhmm. Bad luck as been brewing about. The certainly do the Servants' work on Earth well--" Gilda tried to avoid mentioning Renia informally, the thought of it bothered her. "Well, yours'.." She peeked over her shoulder to find the boy's face squeaky clean!
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 04:57:00 am
"Come now, twins aren't bad luck..." Lorencio begins to protests, frowning slightly. The superstition was ridiculous to the Literature god. So he and Renia guard the underworld, kill people and souls, and serve humans to their mistress, and two twins much later in the history of Lucifenia almost brought it to ruin, and two twins released the seven sins to the world. That didn't scream 'bad luck', did it?
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 05:02:53 am
"Oh, Lorencio," she called off his protests for a bit as she returned back near him but now, her distance WAS kept. She sat back onto the base of the column and picked up her book again and flipped through several pages as there was a minute or two of silence. "Noir and Lumiere use this to their advantage and it spooks others. They both sport the same masks you and your sister do but they have it attached to their messenger bags and not onto their faces. " However, the Vector glanced up from her novel and raised an eyebrow, "Some say blondes are bad luck." Was this a challenge? Possibly.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 05:14:38 am
"Blondes aren't bad luck. That's just for paranoid elders in this country. They have a thing against blondes and twins. Even more so blonde twins." Stopping to flinch at the memory of a random old woman chucking a shoe at his face, he sighs. "It's just part of the history of this specific country. Belzenians might try to tell you all brunettes are cannibals, or all blue-haired men are greedy and corrupt. Certain things happen in history that arise fable." Like you're one to challenge superstition, Lorencio. "While I'm not saying these things aren't all necessarily untrue, it's just coming to show that twins are mostly seen as bad luck in Lucifenia and Belzenia, while a twin might be treated normally in Levianta or Asmodeus...or...the latter if it wasn't blasted to smithereens."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 05:22:07 am
"Marlon has already absorbed those superstitious ordeals," the Vector glanced down with her unkempt and dirty blonde hair falling downwards. Those that she knew personally, like her mother, have promptly lived the fear of superstitions alive as sometimes the priestess would hurl out her daughter into the house and tell her not to leave. Besides, questioning every possible elder in the world about their deities, bad things just came about and at points, she blacked out.

"I suppose that your..timeline.. was no less different," she, however, was stopped in mid sentence as she resumed reading the book. She was the type that wouldn't keep a book down and ..she also tended to mouth to the words of the book like a psycho. I wonder where she gets that from. Seeing as how Gilda decided to go into lala land, her thoughts went off pointing out that Lorencio was in fact an old fart that possibly looked younger than her (..and that's sad.) Maybe chatting more with the Stupid Butler more often would give her insight of the past or his own.. However, that wasn't ever so going to happen, now was it?
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on January 31, 2013, 05:28:37 am
"My timeline?" Lorencio was confused. No big surprise there, huh?

[*sob* These posts!]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on January 31, 2013, 08:09:29 pm
Gilda snapped back from her her world of thought and glanced upwards towards the masked god and had a nervous smile. "Taking aback and say that the tales of the deities are true, you would have human memories, correct?" She crossed her legs and passed at her side as she rubbed her chin. "The timeline that you were in several centuries ago or so..."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 01:22:37 am
Lorencio looks surprised when she explains what she meant. "Well...yeah. I still have my human memories." He replies, shrugging his shoulders.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 01:26:25 am
'Amara! What were you thinking?! You don't just go up to someone and ask "Oh hey! Please tell me of the trauma that you had in your past life.' She planted her face into the palm of her hand, sighing deeply. With one eye staring at the figure in front of her, however, she resumed speaking of the vent. "And by that, I meant that the discrimination against blondes and twins must have been present in your human life too." And with that, she glanced upwards at her bangs and blew at them, watching the dirty blonde hair fall back into place.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 01:48:05 am
"Ahaha...nah, I was fine." Lorencio chuckles nonchalantly, shrugging. Fact is, he and Renia caused the whole twin things. Whoops. The masked hyena-boy just kind of keeps quiet about this, however.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 01:52:30 am
"...Lorencio, why did you come here?" The Vector of Protection placed down her hands and stared in curiosity towards the human deity. Surely, if she did bust his nose and must have done more to persuade him to go off, why would he bother to return? She should've asked that first but the friendly interface she had towards him came naturally as their interest in books helped it. Alot.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 02:00:54 am
"Well, for starters, I was bored. I also wanted to speak with you again in a situation where you're not trying to bust my face open." Giving a friendly smile, despite the bluntness of his words, the hyena-masked god was being totally sincere. "Of course, if you would wish for me to leave, I would." Offering this option as well, the young blonde didn't seem to want to do this.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 02:06:39 am
"I suppose my cloak didn't come in handy then," the Vector had a dissatisfied smile on her face, noting that giving it away wasn't even necessary. He could've just found her in any way he could have. The distasteful look went off her face but there were still wrinkles of the emotion present. "No, no. You can stay.. Besides, you are technically the one higher in the ladder. " Gilda softly nodded her head but her eyes went down towards her feet, wondering if time had stopped and was even thankful that the group didn't come back. "Was there any particular topics you needed to be discussed? I apologize for taking the reigns of the conversation."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 02:36:25 am
"Mmmn...just talk to me like I'm normal. The Stupid Butler isn't important anyways." Shrugging, Lorencio just tells it like it was. He wasn't a Master, he wasn't the mastermind like Renia was, and he wasn't the patron of any sweet little morals like Gear was. "Iunno. I just felt like having a conversation." He finishes, answering her other question.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 02:43:34 am
"...Certainly not like what Noir and Lumiere said," Gilda chuckled a bit, with a fist over her mouth to muffle up the chuckles. She patted the base of the column, "Standing there will kill your legs." As she patted the sea,t she scooted Marlonese butt out of the way for him to sit. "Also, another question, are there any deities ehh..dedicated to the arts? Literature? History..?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 03:38:10 am
Sitting down next to her, Lorencio's face reddens under the mask. "That...would be me, actually.." He admits quietly, looking away. The skinny blonde was used to Renia calling him a bookworm and stuff, after all. However, the boy did love any kind of reading, whether it was history or fiction books, small, or books as big as he was. He had the time to read 'em, after all. "The Master of the Heavenly Yard is more of the artistic sort, though."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 02:55:00 pm
"That would be who?" The Vector of Protection could already see a bit of red overcoming the deity's pale face and it was quick to register into her mind. A smile was on her face,she didn't feel it, but she automatically had a rather excited expression. With already Renia picking at her for reading books when she had to do missions, her own personal habit, it was nice to see someone appreciated books...and possibly had the same treatment from Renia! She bit the insides of her cheeks, avoiding trying to exploit her enthusiasm at the discovery. However, the irony of his title stood there.

Knowing that the socially inept Lorencio would find her creepy without a matter of seconds, she shifted the conversation, "How is it like being a hyena..ninja?" She didn't men to say the last part with intentions but she already had grown accustomed to the nickname. " I mean hyena! Sorry!" She scratched the back of her head, worry already revealed on her face.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 06:18:00 pm
Lorencio chuckles at the question and the nickname. "Not much different than being a human, besides the fact you don't have any hands, and when you try to visit people, they throw rocks at you instead of welcoming you with gift baskets." He jokes, trying to get rid of the red on his face. "The weirdest part is the improvement in balance you get." Continuing, the hyena god shrugs nonchalantly. The boy seemed awkward and off-balance, but that was usually only when he was nervous. Everyone in the Theater was an excellent fighter in their own style, and Lorencio was about as balanced and agile as they were when need called for it.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 07:04:15 pm
'If my mother was here, she would be trying to summon the Mistress of the Graveyard to eat her own children..' She nodded her head while she rubbed her chin, "You're certainly more..hairy in that form too." She turned to her side, looking at him, but more so towards his ponytail. "....But then again, the length of your hair..." 'Would make you an identical Renia.' You should only think of that Gilda! Saying that out loud and towards a male might be very insulting! "...Is the same possibly length of the hyena's coat." Nice save.

"I suppose if all of the deities can morph to their choice of animal..or the one in their masks, they would need to in order to endure such things as poachers." "Besides, a blue-eyed hyena willy certainly draw the attention of everyone. Most females fancy the bright eyed animals.." Gild wagged her finger side to side, just thinking of all the crazy assignments she was given to hunt down animals.. Do not bring up the fact that Lorencio's hyena form was similar to one she killed a could of months ago..

Renia, in the meanwhile, was playing around with several of her dolls and squishing several with pillows. She just accidentally (or not) muffled one of the human play toys to death. She frowned, wondering in the arrogant bastard's name was her brother. "I could've double teamed with him to beat down Ammmmaaaarrraaaa." She flopped herself onto her bed but noted the Vector's doll sitting up straight..with a smile. Renia frowns in response. As her finger came closer to the doll's hand and she swiped it over to the side, in a very very bad direction.

In the human world, Gilda's hand slid over right behind Lorencio and she initially tries to pull it back but no success. She's done for. Here is Renia already manipulating her body. In turmoil and already knowing that her hand was nearing his posterior, her subconscious shuts down. "Booty touching" isn't her forte.

Renia noted the doll's changed expression of pink and stoic, knowing that the Vector was in deep.. doo doo. (What am I doing.) "Oooh~ Amara must be with a booooy~"  She frowns a bit, not liking the circumstances of Amara being interested romantically, her lifestyle does not need it. She is too busy with her, the magnificent goddess of mischief, that hates romance. No. Bad. Disgusting.  "Might as well make it worse."

She pushed the body towards the side, where the hand was. Meanwhile, Gilda bumped towards Lorencio as her face was of full panic while her face looked down. However, the doll fell towards the other side and thus, Gilda fell towards her side as she stares into the sand.She said nothing of it. Nothing.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 07:26:25 pm
You know how earlier it was mentioned that Lorencio wasn't as mindful of Gilda in his personal bubble? This went past his personal bubble. With a yelp, the boy leaps to his feet, his face nearing scarlet in color, just as embarrassed as the Vector was. Experience should dictate that Lorencio should know this was his sister being a b-....witch, but right now, his mind drew a blank.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 07:33:27 pm
"Lorencio! Please, I don't mean any of this!" Gilda was apologizing, fixing herself up with a frown. However, as Renia was still toying about with the doll, Gilda fell onto her face on the sand and began to roll around, blushing harder and harder by the minute. With a long groan she buried her face into the sand, not even going to bother speaking but her hand moved with the hand. "Missed me~?" It wrote out while a small picture of Renia was present beside it but the Vector responded, writing with her own hand, "Of course...." Her other hand wrote violently in the sand, "DON'T USE ELLIPSES ON ME."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 07:57:35 pm
Lorencio facepalms. "I should have known. How many times have I told the Master of the Court not to make Re any more dolls?" Knowing the reason Gilda was acting like this now, the young boy sighs, debating on whether to go plead for Renia to stop, or pray to the royal prick she just gets bored soon. In an attempt to stop Renia from writing, he grabs on to the wrist his sister was using to write.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 08:07:22 pm
The hand was twitching around while Gilda had her face buried in the sand. Lorencio was quite..cold. She glanced one eye upward and sighed, "I guess you know how your sister toys then." She felt the pressure lifted off from her, seeing as how Renia thought that the Vector was unconscious. The Vector tried to sit up but she wiggled her hand a bit, having her own personal bubble. "..'Cuse me."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 08:12:21 pm
Lorencio releases her hand, his face flaming once more. "My apologies, I thought it'd get her to stop. Did it?" Watching to see if Gilda was still being toyed around with by his more than sadistic sister, he nods. "Yeah. She has tons of dolls in her side of the room. I just hope she never asks for a me doll." The boy shudders at the thought of his sister having a voodoo doll of him. The horror was unimaginable.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 08:20:52 pm
"Yes, she thinks I'm unconscious." the Vector nodded with a sigh but Lorencio's face brighten her mood as she laughed. A childish laugh at least but very odd it was and she fixed u her hair a bit as she stands up. "I know very well of her doll collection." She sighs deeply, glancing at Lorencio, "She would torture your items then."

Meanwhile, Lorencio's boxers were used to polish one fo Renia's many dolls. Poor boxers.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 08:27:52 pm
"As much as I regret it...I should be returning to the Theater. If Re's playing with her dolls, that usually means she was looking for me, then couldn't find me so she entertained herself using other means. Perhaps we can meet again soon?" Looking pained at the thought of leaving his new friend, but realizing poor people were being tortured, he stands up from his resting place. The boy waited hopefully for Gilda's reply on his request for them to talk again.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 08:30:45 pm
"Of course..Just not when the group is nearby or else issues might occur." Gilda stood herself up as she rubbed her forehead, that crash landing wasn't something she was taking too well. "Take all the time, humans live up to seventy years or so." She bowed her head at Lorencio.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 08:36:40 pm
Nodding, Lorencio replies, "Of course. Let's just hope we won't have to encounter one another like we did this afternoon, ah?" With that, a smile, and a small wave goodbye, the masked boy whirls around. Transforming and loping off towards their portal, he headed towards the immortal plane.

  Back in the Court, Lorencio heads first to the dining hall, to see if his Mistress needed anything at the moment. It had been some time since she had eaten last, probably, and Renia had most likely not addressed this problem.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 09:09:14 pm
Mistress of the Graveyard was feeding herself, don't mind her.

[[Shortest post in my life..]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 09:25:09 pm

Seeing that the Mistress was taken care of, Lorencio heads to his and Renia's room, trying to look as non-guilty as possible.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 09:28:17 pm
As Renia was poking Lorencio's boxers at the Gilda doll (life is just unfair), she turns her head 180 degrees to hear footsteps coming an approaching the room. She just shrugs as she stuffs one of the boxer's in Gilda's ear as the doll's constant moving notified her that the Vector was awake. "Anything of Lorencio's can clean!"

Gilda had gone deaf in one ear as Renia done with but there was a nice cotton feeling in her right ear. "...I assuem Lorencio hasn't gotten there yet." She sighs, placing her face into the palm of both her hands.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 09:32:40 pm
"Having fun there, sister dearest?" Lorencio asks, groaning inwardly at the sight of his sister and Gilda's voodoo doll. However, his face remains placidly neutral, as always as he starts tidying up his side of the room, seeing as how it was obvious Renia had been rummaging through his drawers once more.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 09:39:55 pm
"Of course! Your dearest sister has been avenging you, princess." She snickers while noting the voodoo doll was waving around its around in retaliation as Renia picked it up by the foot and hung it upside down. "I should unmute the dolls soon, " she muttered to herself as she swung the doll side to side as the voodoo doll was kicking around its leg but the doll was a poker face. The best type of Marlonese poker face.

"Lorencio, where were yoooou!?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 09:45:04 pm
[Lol, imagine if she did that while Gilda was talking to Lorencio or something. XDD]

"Out taking a walk. Cleaning my nose off. That sort of thing." Was the boy's reply as he yawns. He flops on his own bed after his side of the room was as spotless as it normally was. "You seemed to have been keeping yourself entertained." He remarks, raising an eyebrow.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 09:50:11 pm
[[ She would most definitely (I need to write that down) but assuming how the cross dressing goes, she might dress up Lorencio as her just to scare the living hell out of Gilda...]] [[*Brain storming.*]]

"You smell funny." The Wicked Maid started to poke at the voodoo doll's chest but the doll slapped back Renia's hand as she growled. She laid onto of the bed and glared at the doll, her eyes flashing a different color but she decides to put shove the boxers from the ear into the doll's mouth. She glanced over her shoulder, leaving the doll alone, who was already in freaking out, "I am, actually. Want to play?" She returns her attention back to the doll as she takes a small book from Gilda's pocket and makes it float about.

Gilda, in the meanwhile, was panicking and flailing about her ears. There was the taste of cotton and sand. She was jumping up trying to get the book, feeling frustration overwhelming her system.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 10:28:41 pm
"I don't smell funny, what are you talking about?" Lorencio takes a minute to sniff his jacket, confused. He looks at Gilda's doll, pitying her at the moment. "Naah. I'mma just go to bed." Yawning again, he waits for his sister to answer him.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 10:38:05 pm
Renia threw up the voodoo doll in hand as she nodded at her brother, knowing he wouldn't be fun for the moment. "I have things to do anyways.." She placed down the doll onto the bed and tossed the boxers at Lorencio's face. She skipped out of the room, keeping her thoughts to herself.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 10:45:49 pm
Once she was gone, Lorencio remembers his sister using Gilda's own hand to write. Picking up the doll gently, he takes the hand and writes "Sorry about that", before setting the voodoo doll down and going to his bed to sleep.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 01, 2013, 10:56:12 pm
Gilda noted her hand was writing and noted at least the formality of the person who was writing. She rubbed her hand and sighed, today wasn't just her day.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 01, 2013, 11:59:33 pm
[TS again? To when the group gets back or MotG needs something?]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 12:40:45 am
[[ It's up to you. c: ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 12:45:51 am
Elluka came back shortly after this occurrence. "Haven't you been bored, just sitting here all day?" She knew Lumi was still probably dragging her brother and their friend around the city, excited by being around a large (or relatively so) population of humans.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 12:51:29 am
"Oh no," Gilda was looking up at Elluka, reading her book with a surprised look. As she closed the book and placed it into her pocket, she noted the ground. The sand still had writing on it. Oh gods. Quickly, she glanced towards Elluka and occasionally looked up so the witch wouldn't look below. "The time I spent sitting here..was ...nice." Gilda, do not obviously hint at those things.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 01:08:59 am
"Just reading your books? You didn't want to talk to anyone?" Curious, Elluka continues the conversation. Somehow, thankfully, the normally observant witch hadn't noticed the sand writing, looking around the deserted camp. The older woman didn't seem to be teasing her. Yet.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 01:14:01 am
Gilda looked up at Elluka, and her stoic expression couldn't handle it. She had a smile creeping on, with then her face reddening and it was a quick shot back to her book. Ah books, they kept her company, just like a certain someone with books! Oh, she's fidgeting at the idea and is literally having her nose in the book.  "Why would I go to someone to talk to them in the middle of no where?" Remember, that they do come to her-- oh dear, her cheeks are turning pink.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 01:20:12 am

Now despite not noticing the words etched into the sand, she did notice the pink spreading across Gilda's cheeks, and a smirk passes across her face. "I think we did have a visitor, and you were very happy to see him?" Trying to wipe the smirk off her face and pass this off as an innocent question, Elluka fails horribly.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 01:24:48 am
Gilda peeked out of her book at the older Vector and she softly wrinkled her nose. She wasn't doing herself any justice from all this blushing and fretting...and thinking...and imagining and at this point, she decided to fan her face while glancing at the floor ,reading the messages. Hearing the acclaimed innocuous question, "Eeee," It wasn't ever intended for her to say that but when embarrassed she squeaks. 

She covered her mouth with her hand and scolded a bit.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 01:27:43 am
[Woah! What are you imagining, Gilda? XD]

Elluka busts out laughing at the squeak. "I- I take that as a yes?" Chuckling, the witch tries to contain herself.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 01:33:21 am
[[ The dark side is strong in her.
I assume it would be the usual questioning of physical biology of deities.
The usual. ]]

Gilda, admitting defeat, nodded her head as she resumed fanning herself. If Karen, her mother, was here and noting her daughter's acclaimed infatuation, she would've already been trying to pray to the Master of the Heavenly Yard to please forgive her daughter and make the Stupid Butler wear a flea cone. Hmm, a hyena in a flea cone. "I-It wasn't that bad..." What was she kidding to herself? She was talking to a friend that she knows by his first name and already gave him a pet nickname. Nothing odd!

"He just came here..and well, we just talked.. And his nose was bloody so I cleaned it.."

[[Edit: Random question here but how would Renia find out about her brother's bonding with Amara?]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 01:50:12 am

[I was imagining she could "unmute" her dolls, and overhear Gilda talking to Lorencio. XD]

"Nice job." Elluka chuckles, not seeming concerned by this. Sure, Lorencio was called the Stupid Butler for a reason, but the boy was probably harmless if he wasn't sent here by his insipid sister or their mistress. No cause for alarm, Gilda imagining the biological anatomy of him. Wasn't her problem, yet.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 01:57:39 am
"He's not bad, to be honest. I expected him to act a lot like Noir and freak out with touch," Gilda wagged her finger with the heat of her face calming down. The Vector of memory sighed, standing up, and approaching Elluka while looking up towards her. Wow, she was pretty damn tall (or Gilda was pretty short.) "..On what?" She cocked her head to the side, confused.

[[Edit: That seems like a good idea. c: ]]
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 02:08:04 am
"Managing to pull off lying..then get embarrassed by yourself." Elluka teases, still smirking. "Eh, Noir's a little twitchier. He's been nervous since he was little. Just the way he is." Don't feel bad, Gilda. Clockworker's just tall. It's true you're short, but she's tall herself, so yeah.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 02:12:19 am
It runs in the family-- actually, no it doesn't. Gilda furrowed her eyebrows together at what the witch spoke and she crossed her arms. "Well, lying isn't my forte..and my mind was getting rather...risque." Not realizing what she said and actually being honest, she scratched the back of her head. "I'm just trying to get accustomed to these thoughts of other beings and how they work." However, the Vector nodded in Elluka's confirmation of Noir's twitchy behavior. "Now that I think about it, doesn't Noir and Lorencio think about it? But then again, Noir is basing off his facade to scare people off of Lorencio..."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 02:29:47 am
Elluka raises an eyebrow when Gilda said her mind was wandering off to...risque topics. She could have commented, but she was being nice, and totally left that topic untouched. However, she returns the next comment. "I usually don't attempt to think about it. They were all rather...strange in their own times." She yawns, shrugging.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 02:42:43 am
"I suppose but my knowledge of the deities are limited...but then again," her voice trailed off. Of course it was difficult for her just to plainly accept them but something deeper kept her denying still. But of what? "Hmm, have you found anything interesting in town?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 03:00:16 am
"Well, there was a person running naked through the streets...but other than that, totally normal." Elluka shrugs as she says this. It had been hilarious when the streaker, then drunk, tripped up and landed on a cactus. Sure, she felt sorry for him...but that didn't make it any less hilarious for her.
Title: Re: ♫ Desert Bluebird ♫ ♋...Too Good to Be True...? ♋ (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 03:04:47 am
"Did poor Anne, Lumiere, or Noir see that retched act?!" Gilda's face was filled with concern. Running around naked people wasn't certainly good for the younger children. Speaking of running around naked, who the hell would do that in an android infested area?She rubbed her chin, wonder to herself about things regarding androids.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 03:22:44 am
"I don't think so, no. Think they were off looking for food." Shrugging, Elluka sighs. "The person was drunk as the Hellish Yard. Then he fell on a cactus. Luckily, there weren't any Androids around at the moment, so at least he wasn't killed." Humanity these days. Darn young'ns streaking down the street completely smashed in an Android infested area. The nerve of it all.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 04:06:48 am
"The rations we've gotten could last a week though," Gilda reminded Elluka on their success of the last trip but she shrugged it off, maybe Noir was a fatass. However, her expression was one of shock as she heard the man's end. "He landed on a cactus? ....Wow."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 04:29:35 am
"Even worse? The cactus hit him..." Elluka's face turns red. So, to finish the sentence for her, the cactus basically turned the drunk into a eunuch.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 04:37:22 am
Gilda raised an eyebrow as to why Elluka's face was red. What was this woman thinking? Gilda, why are you assuming that everyone who turns red is a pervert like you? However, seeing as how perverted Gilda is, her face also turned red. And speaking of odd body parts--. Gilda swatted her hands around, burning up. 'NO NO NO. BAD THOUGHTS.' "....And Noir, Lumiere, and Anne might passed the penis cactus."

Not helping there, Gilda.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 02, 2013, 04:53:07 am
[LOL! I started cracking up at the last part.]

"'fraid so." Elluka says with a shrug.

Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 02, 2013, 09:58:56 pm
"..Elluka, I think I'll be going to the cactus...I mean town.." Gilda was quick to start walking straight towards the town but she glanced over her shoulder. "To ensure the innocence of their eyes from those organs." And with that, the Vector of Memory slipped her book into her pocket and crossed her arms behind her back and resumed her march towards the town.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 04, 2013, 04:33:48 am
[Elluka: Pervert.]

Elluka just kind of shrugs and sits down. She'd been walking all day, and had been tired. Her eyes, however, scan the surrounding area warily, looking for any signs of intruders, be they humanoid, android, or godly. She wouldn't be as friendly to the Butler as Gilda had, since she'd had more of an...unfriendly past with the pair of them. Actually...with all of them. No matter, however.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 04, 2013, 10:02:20 pm
[[ Amara: I'm just interested in anatomy.]]

Gilda was making her way towards the town but kept her eyes wide and peered throughout see if any of the twins or the little blonde Anne running about or being dragged about. She rested her her hand into her own, possibly reminiscing on the touch. Gilda was surely already acting childish but the feeling as nostalgic, someone of the innocuous emotion that she missed yet wanted. "Where would they be..."
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on February 06, 2013, 03:31:22 am
Right on time. "Uh...Lumi. I think camp was that way..." Noir's voice was heard from a few feet away. "Are you sure it wasn't the other way?" Anne had her input on this topic as well, and it seemed both of them were doubting Lumiere right now. "Coulda sworn it  was this way..." Was her response.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on February 08, 2013, 12:07:26 am
"Anne! Lumiere! Noir!" The Vector called out with a swift whistle as she darted over towards the children but she glanced about, feeling an odd presence nearby. It felt familiar but when she glanced about, she could only conclude it must be from one of the children. "All three of your directions are wrong," she sighed softly as she pushed her hair back with her hand.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on March 03, 2013, 02:45:06 am
With a childish grin, Lumi dragged her brother and their friend back towards the woman. "We weren't lost we were just...playing hide and seek with you and mother. To keep your skills sharp, you know?" Laughing nervously, she rubs the back of her head.
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: SoaringAway on March 03, 2013, 03:39:43 pm
"How would I participate in a game I wasn't aware of..." She cocked her right eyebrow up while patting Lumiere's head affectionately. Amara glanced over towards each of the children individually, to ensure that none of them gained marks, bruises, or cuts when they were off doing their activities as she was off ..doing her own. "Try always carrying a map. Not even the best of generals could walk through the desert as if they memorized it like it was the back of their hand." She shrugged as she turned on her heel and waved her hand forward. "I'd assume none of you went through town?"
Title: Re: ? Desert Bluebird ? ?...Too Good to Be True...? ? (Now Open!)
Post by: Karakuri on March 04, 2013, 03:51:56 am
"Nope. We heard a bunch of shooting and stuff, so we steered clear." Anne answered this time, speaking before Lumiere or Noir. It had been her idea not to go investigate (which, mark you, the twins were hell-bent on doing).