Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Human & Humanoid Roleplays => Topic started by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 01:54:44 am

Title: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 01:54:44 am
                 The Spirit of Change


It's the dawn of a new era, one where humans and metas coexist peacefully....
Peacefully until the series of murders that were traced back to the metas.
Now they are gathered by the hundreds, tortured and left in concentration camps.

The revolution has begun. Which side shall you choose?

History: Since the discovery of the Meta gene during the 5th world war, Metas (Humans with the ability to shift into another form) and Humans have lived besides each other for centuries. Now, after the murders of 3 important human figures including the United States president, British king, and an American ambassador, the Metas were turned upon. Attacked publicly before they were finally rounded up and sent to 'Camps', a repeat of World War 2. Now the fight between anti-meta and the archaics (pro-metas) has come to a draw, neither side seeming to get the upper hand. Will you change that?
Age & Gender
Description (If Meta, include shifter form)

Maddi (The Bubble Ninja)
21, Female
Maddi is a semi-tall girl, standing at 5' 7" with brown hair and light blue eyes. Her usual attire consists of band shirts, skinny jeans, and converse, but whenever she is doing what she does best, stealing, she wears a black and red wolf mask* and dark clothes.
In her wolven form, Maddi is a russet colored with wolf with honey eyes. Around her neck she wears a red sash/scarf*
*Item Images-
Maddi is a usually out going and bright person, but sometimes she feel that she goes a bit overboard with her happiness and can be shy. Her greatest flaw is trusting and forgiving too easily with later result in mild bipolar depression.
Maddi's family was a rather poor family, consisting of her mother Lisa, Her father David, and her older brother Jack. Unable to afford medical care, her mother died when Maddi was 14 due to pancreatic cancer and then her life slowly fell apart. Her dad became a raging alcoholic, then after only 2 years since their mother's death, Jack left in the night, leaving nothing behind. After 2 more years Maddi was finally free from her father's drunken reign and she left to start her own life. But it wasn't much of a success so she resorted to stealing, pick-pocketing, and  living in an old abandoned construction yard.
Other- She has bipolar depression

Name: Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse (Jane Doe)

Age & Gender: 23 Years Old & Male

Description (If Meta, include shifter form): Ezekiel stands at a towwering 6'6, and has a lean but fairly well-built, pale frame. He has a mess of dark black hair, and has striking blue eyes. He has piercings and multiple tattoo's, giving him a predatory and "edgy" look. His features are sharp and angular; very fitting to his personality. His shape-shifting form is a dark panther.

Personality: Ezekiel, or "Zeke" as most call him, is a arrogant and anything-but-modest, young male. He is stubborn and easily worked up or pissed off. He simply oozez confidence and self-awareness, however he is quite intelligent, stealthy, and clever, too- but most mistake him for a hot-headed idiot. He knows when to cool himself off, however, he'd rather just uppercut someone in the jaw before doing so.

Bio: Ezekiel is one of two brothers, Ezekiel was the first, and then Jeremiah was the second. His life was black and white, almost common and .. normal. However, his mom left soon after giving birth to Jeremiah- seeking a better life and no longer being happy with the two lad's father. The father raised two, strong and noble young men, both of Meta descent. Ezekiel doesnt like sharing his history, especially around the time before his mom left; but that would explain the faded scars and bruises. Other than that "rough" patch, Ezekiel's life was pretty "blase."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 02:28:40 am

Name: Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse

Age & Gender: 23 Years Old & Male

Description (If Meta, include shifter form): Ezekiel stands at a towwering 6'6, and has a lean but fairly well-built, pale frame. He has a mess of dark black hair, and has striking blue eyes. He has piercings and multiple tattoo's, giving him a predatory and "edgy" look. His features are sharp and angular; very fitting to his personality. His shape-shifting form is a dark panther.


Personality: Ezekiel, or "Zeke" as most call him, is a arrogant and anything-but-modest, young male. He is stubborn and easily worked up or pissed off. He simply oozez confidence and self-awareness, however he is quite intelligent, stealthy, and clever, too- but most mistake him for a hot-headed idiot. He knows when to cool himself off, however, he'd rather just uppercut someone in the jaw before doing so.

Bio: Ezekiel is one of two brothers, Ezekiel was the first, and then Jeremiah was the second. His life was black and white, almost common and .. normal. However, his mom left soon after giving birth to Jeremiah- seeking a better life and no longer being happy with the two lad's father. The father raised two, strong and noble young men, both of Meta descent. Ezekiel doesnt like sharing his history, especially around the time before his mom left; but that would explain the faded scars and bruises. Other than that "rough" patch, Ezekiel's life was pretty "blase."

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 03:09:32 am
((Accepted, feel free to begin))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 03:44:16 am
I'll post tomorrow since it's late now, alright? c: ]]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 03:47:11 am
((That's fine))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 03:53:17 pm
E z e k i e l

The sky was a bleak gray, streaked with a russety copper pigment; due to the current state of the sun: it was setting. It casted an orangey glow upon the Earth, giving an eerie and discomforting feel to the Meta, Ezekiel.

Or maybe it was the fact that since the 'minor epidemic,' every military force and law enforcement were hunting down the unforgettable face of Ezekiel for taking out several of their officers. It wasn't his fault. It was merely self defense, after all. Plus, he hadn't changed form while killing said officers, so his animal form still remained a mystery. So far, that was the only advantage he had.

The predatory looking lad was currently sitting atop a building, his legs kicking over the edge, swinging carelessly, as his striking blue eyes admired the sunset for a few more seconds before he grew bored. A chilling breeze blew by, ruffling his black longsleeve t-shirt, and his dark waves, Ezekiel kicked his legs back onto the concrete building's rooftop, and decided that it would be a good idea to find a decent place to stay for the night.

He quickly traveled down the emergency exit, and vanished into the early hours of night- seeking shelter away from the thousands of people wanting to turn him- and every other Meta- into a camp. Ezekiel for one, would not go down without a fight.

[Sorry for shortness, I was so dumfounded on what to post! xD]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 04:10:47 pm
As the sun slowly set behind the large excavators, Maddi climbed up onto the cabin of a backhoe that was parked in the mud next to her home. She watched as the pink faded into oranges and purples before they ultimately turned into a deep blue speckled with light stars. The sight was almost comforting, until she turned just to the east where the city lights hit her like an obnoxious flashlight.

Sighing, the brunette girl slid of the metal  machine with ease and began to walk around the large constructions site on a nightly patrol before settling down. The site was approximately 2 square miles and surrounded by a barbed wire fence. It had been abandoned due to 'geothermic instability' which was actually the concrete retaining the sun's heat. Maddi had made it into her home rather quickly, digging out underground rooms and tunnels with the tools that the humans had left behind.

After making sure that her grounds were secure and free of any unwanted visitors, she jogged down the concrete stairs and into a small earthy space where her footsteps echoed in the corners of the room. Turning a corner in her extensive tunnel system Maddi made her way to the safe room which was still a dirt room, but this room had a door that locked. But due to the lack of AntiMeta activity in her area, she had begun to leave her door open.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 06:03:03 pm
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 07:17:41 pm
((Accepted feel free to begin))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 07:46:21 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry, as a gibbon sits in a tall oak tree, watching the sun set over the Munros. Her heart rate seems to quicken as she knew that night was coming and she would be coated in darkness.
To make herself feel a bit better, she raises her skull and and the throat-sack under her chin expands up to about the size of her head, creating a booming sound, she does this a few times before letting out a number of hoots.

She starts a symphony of hoots which echoed out through the land, which become more constant and loud as it finally reaches a crescendo and she finishes it, listening to the last of it finishing in the echo.
The gibbon swings around the tree before she drops to the grass. She turns her head towards a construction site, hearing something move around in it.
"Whose there?" She hoots but then figures whoever it was didn't understand gibbon so she scales the fence surrounding the area and started to run through it. Naturally it was a rather humorous sight to see a creature running on short, stubby legs, holding its extremly long arms up in the air for balance.

After wondering around the abandoned site for a number of minutes, she concludes that no-one was there but it was now very dark, making Cry worry. She finds a street lamp and props herself under it like a spotlight. At least it was an open space.
((If you don't know what a Siamang gibbon singing sounds like there are a lot of videos on youtube)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 07:54:14 pm
Just as she was settling down in her reading chair next to an industrial work lamp, Maddi tensed once again as warning signals began to go off in her head. Outside was the hoot of a creature that she had never heard before and she slowly stood before grabbing the pipe next to the door and navigating through the corridors and back to the surface.

"Is that a monkey?" she grunted to herself when she saw the primate lumbering through her construction site. Maddi then shifted into her wolf form and began to trail the Gibbon, her paws stepping lightly on the soft ground silently.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 26, 2014, 07:58:58 pm

[[Before I make my application I was just wondering how many different shifter forms are we allowed?]]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 08:06:10 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki
The lesser-ape blinks her chocolate eyes at the wolf approching her. She lets out a bark as she scales the lamp and sits on top of it. She looks down at the wolf, scratching her arm with her other arm.
"Mind telling me who you are?" She asks, knowing there was no way the canine could get up here and at least she wasn't in darkness as the area was lit with lamps.

A breeze ruffles her shaggy fur as she grips the lamp with her hand like feet and swings upside-down, dangling her long arms, subtly mocking the wolf for not being able to get her if it did want her as a meal.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 08:30:18 pm
((one is recommended, but 3 is the limit i guess))


The brown wolf watched as the ape easily scaled the lamp post and growled to herself. She was a good climber, but even in her human form it would take at least a minute for her to scale the smooth sides. "Who am I? Who am I? I should be asking you for it seems that you are the trespassing monkey. Come down from that lamp so we may talk like normal Metas." she called up to the Gibbon, and then backed away from the lamp post and sat down just inside it's circle of light, adjusting her red scarf.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 08:39:33 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki
Cry growls under her breath, that was a huge pet peeve of hers.
"Ok first off I am an ape not a monkey! No tail, see?" she swings a little, revealing the absense of that appendage which seperated monkeys and apes.
"Second, I didn't know this place was yours." She crosses her arms, still hanging like a bat so the canine was upside down.  "I just wanted to get out of the dark." She adds with a little shiver, it wasn't fun having that phobia.
She scrambles down from the lamp and stands in front of the wolf.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 08:54:46 pm
Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse

It was night time now. A dangerous time for anyone- especially a Meta with a bounty on his head- like himself to be outside. The sky was a dark navy pigment, and the star's chromic hue stood out against the sky like a knife's shimmering blade cutting through the darkness. A gust of wind rolled by, flapping his dark leather jacket, and his dark waves rustling against the turrent's current.

His striking blue eyes flickered across the road up ahead. It seemed to be some wierd construction site of some sorts. A devilish grin soon spread across his pale and sharp features: he looked like a predator, it was just in his bone structure and aura. His dark combat boots crunched against the gritty concrete floor as he made his way, manuevering around the contrustion site. It seemed like a pretty decent place to hang out for the night.

Ezekiel stopped as there were concrete stairs leading down into dirt-compacted rooms. Ah, intruiging. The Meta quickly descended the steps, and his boots landed with a light thud on the earthy floor. Corridors lined the walls, an the young male sifted through them until he found a nice room with a door swung open. A chair was in the far corner, with a book placed  hastily upon the arm rest. He gave a delighted chuckle before leaning back in the chair and picking up the novel.

He soon cringed in disgust at the boring feel the book gave off, and he tossed it across the room with a light huff. Zeke kicked his feet up on the opposite arm of the chair and threw his arms behind his neck for comfort and support. His stomach was full for the night, and he'd found a decent shelter to reside in. But the Meta wasn't tired just yet, so he whistled tunes of songs to help pass the time. He preferred to sleep during the day, after all. Ezekiel was quite the night owl.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 26, 2014, 09:11:28 pm


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

22 years old

As you can see from the picture Aimee is a pretty young woman who stands around the height of 5'3/4 and weighs around 8/ 8 1/2 stone. Despite being pretty small and on the slender side she is rather muscular. Her skin is sun kissed and rather smooth from the moisturising she does on a daily basis and takes good care of her skin. Aimee's teeth are fairly pearly and straight from having braces when she was younger, her eyes are hazel. She has long, silky dark brown hair that reaches just above her hips when straightened.

These are her two shifter forms:


Aimee is a very easy person to read as her emotions seem to be easier to read than most people. Her emotions are shown pretty clear with facial expressions although sometimes they can be hard to read. At times Aimee is a happy go lucky person who often has a smile on her face, but as soon as she's angered her lid pops. When angry she isn't really a nice person to be around and often says things that she will later regret. She is quite a bubbly person and can have a good time with certain individuals. She's stubborn, sarcastic, feisty, loyal, brave and protective. Aimee is quick at thinking in tight situations and is good at leading a team.

Aimee had always been a shape shifter ever since being a child. Her parents thought she was un-normal and often kept her indoors so the world was unable to see her 'power'.  Although when she was younger she had difficulties controlling her powers and she would transform at any time of the day. as she grew older how powers did grow more stronger but she was able to control herself over the years.

Her parents soon moved from the city and left their 17 year old child to fend for herself in her own apartment. But before they left they left a lot of money and sent it in weekly for her as they are wealthy. She now lives on the outskirts of town in a fairly large two story house that consists of three bedrooms, a large kitchen, large living room, large dining room, conservatory, two bathrooms and a fairly large garden. Her house appears wooden, which it is as it lean closer towards the forest.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 09:16:25 pm

"My apologies Miss, I'm afraid the only education I got on primates was from the dollar novel that I stole a few weeks ago..." she gave her a soft, yet wolfy smile and then jerked her head towards where her home was "If you're afraid of the dark, you're welcome to stay with me until you find it the suitable brightness to continue on your way."

Without waiting for a reply, Maddi proceeded to stand and shake the dust off her fur before heading back down the hard stairs. Thinking back, she hoped that she had actually remembered to mark her page in The Princess Bride before heading out to investigate. The wolf then proceeded to turn human once again, fixing her hair as she walked through the dirt halls of her underground mansion.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she had not seen the slight impressions in the dust at the entrance to the hide away, and the fact that there was a light whistle floating from her room, and so when she walked into the room her eyes widened and she held back a scream. "W-Who?! What are you doing here?!" she hissed at the boy, her hand inching towards a bat that was leaned up against the wall in the corner of the room.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 09:27:50 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry blinks and pauses for a moment, considering this. She very quickly decides to oblige as she also shifts into her human form and follows the girl to her living area. A sociable being, she was glad to have some company even if it was for one night. But she too is startled at the male who seemed to appear out of no where but she doesn't say anything as this wasnt even her home in the first place.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 09:43:35 pm
Ezekiel Crosse

Ezekiel rose from th chair as the two young women emerged from the concrete stairs that led into the dirt-compacted corridor. His devilish grin grew, his eyebrow shooting up with sudden interest. The young woman with the dark brunette hair hissed, only adding fuel to Ezekiel's fire. "Darling, darling." His deep choppy voice said in an amused tone, raising both his hands in a "surrendering" demeanor, as he pulled off his most innocent looking contortion possible for his angular and predatory-resembling features.

"I mean no harm, especially to a fellow Meta." Ezekiel Crosse said cooly, before forking his fingers through his black mess of hair. His striking blue eyes narrowed a touch upon the two female's, especially the one who seemed to run this joint. Not a very good host, eh?

The Meta gave a relaxed chuckle before lowering his hands to his side, giving off a casual stance. They could examine him for weapons or merely for his handsome attributes, either way, Ezekiel wasn't going to move until told otherwise. His backpack was at the foot of the chair, which contained his small "home" within a bag: It contained two of his most prized possessions, as well as a half-full water bottle and several bags of chips.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 09:57:19 pm

Maddi's eyes flashed angrily, from blue to amber and back again; this boy already seemed like trouble, considering he had been able to get into her home without invitation. "Meta or not, you need to get out of my room, I'm already accomidating one guest. Speaking of which..." she turned to the girl who had appeared behind her "The kitchen is down the hall and to the left, help yourself." Then turning to the boy she studied him carefully.

He was tall, like really tall and he stood over her with an arrogance that only made her more frustrated. His dark hair was a mess, but it seemed to be styled that way and his blue eyes seemed to be made of ice, almost as cold as the glare she was giving him.

Maddi grabbed his bag which was beside the chair and plopped it in his hands before trying to push him out the door, but seeing how he was much taller and probably weighed quite a bit more than she was, resulted in the boy not moving an inch while she struggled. "You know you should lay off the cupcakes. You are heavy."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 10:00:47 pm
Im not going to post, severe writers block ;-;))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 10:15:48 pm
Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse

The young male gave a fairly winsome smile; flashing pearly fangs, as the pale oriental-looking woman was invited to leave and manuever her way into the kitchen. All Ezekiel got was an invitation to leave. His full lips twitched downwards in a pout, his bottom lip quivering slightly. "You're going to leave little ol' me out in the streets, all by myself?" His deep tone asked curiously, with fake hurt to guilt the female somewhat. Oh, Ezekiel has spent several weeks by himself out in the streets, and "little ol' him" could take care of himself, and then some. But the company of a Meta was a rarity: an oppertunity he would not pass up.

His bag was plopped into his arms, and his broad shoulders rolled casually as he swung the pack over his shoulders, and slipped into the back pack's frame. A tiny force of the girl was suddenly behind him, trying to push him out the door. Ezekiel gave a chuckle, not budging in the slightest. At her reference to his "heavyness," he let out a fit of devious laughter. "Honey, it's all muscle." Ezekiel's cool tone slid off his tongue, before quickly side-stepping out of the way of the young meta.

"What's it going to take for me to stay- even if it's for one night?" Mr.Crosse's tone had a slight hint of serious and genuineness, however he hid it well under his smirking features.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 10:46:11 pm

Maddi groaned at his remark and when he stepped sideways, she had to grab the arm of the chair to keep from falling over. Turning back to him and dusting off imaginary particles of dirt, slightly embarrassed. "You want to stay here? I only have1 bedrooms... And the other girl is staying in one of them."

She crossed her arms and stared at him through narrowed eyes, "You can stay, but you have to find your own place to sleep." Maddi then turned and walked into the door, which had somehow closed after the other girl had left. Grumbling and rubbing her forehead in pain, she felt her face flush as she tugged the door open and continued to her bedroom.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 26, 2014, 10:54:30 pm

[[I've finished my application now..]]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 11:00:49 pm
Ezekiel Crosse

The young man, Ezekiel, gave a victorious smile, his eyebrows arching up an inch in disbelief for a moment. However, the young Meta seemed genuine enough. He gave a short bob of his head, as he shook out of his bag and threw it, and it landed on the chair with a thud.

"I'll be just fine here." Ezekiel reassured her with two thumbs up, just as she ran smack into the door. A low chuckle escaped him, and he bit his bottom lip to hold back a comment that would most likely make the female's face turn as bright red as a ripe tomato.

Just as he opened the door, the young male whistled to get her attention. "Little birdie, you never told me your name." He inquired with the raising of his eyebrows, just as he plopped into the chair, and shifted somewhat to get comfortable. His back was on one arm of the chair, and his legs rested on the other; however, due to their long length, they continued far after the arm of the chair and rested mid-air where his legs crossed at their ankles.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 26, 2014, 11:13:29 pm
((All good Taylor, begin when ready))


The brunette glared at him as he laughed still touching the spot on her forehead tenderly. "It's not nice to laugh at people." she said with a hint of hurt. She was about to step out the doorway, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes when he called after her. "My name? Potato. My name is Potato." she mumbled, wanting to get out of the room before the depression really hit.

She gave him a weak smile and disappeared down the hall and into her room where she began rifling through the cabinets next to her bed "Where, where, where..." she whispered to herself until her fingers finally hit a plastic bottle filled with pills. Maddi quickly unscrewed the top and poured a couple into her hand before popping them in her mouth, she also knew they would take a while to come into effect, so she closed the door and sat down on the dirty bed "Potato, Madd? Of all the names in the world you chose potato?" she scolded her self quietly.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 26, 2014, 11:39:25 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry swiftly shifts back into her gibbon form and swings onto a cabinet, watching the two speaking. She glances at the young brunette with a touch of sympathy as she seemed visibly hurt by his laughing. She gives him a narrow glare with her chocolate eyes before  giving the girl a reassuring pat on the shoulder by extending her long arm. The impact she had with the door looked quite painful. She turns to the man, folding her long arms over her knees, which automatically made her look grumpy.
Despite only knowing him for moments, he seemed like an arrogant twit and she hated people like that.
"Right, wise guy, what would your name be?" She questions him. She glances behind her towards the girl, wondering if she was ok.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 26, 2014, 11:41:34 pm
E z e k i e l

Ezekiel stifled his laughter quickly, seeing as her stance turned soft: she was probably upset or offended by his laughter directed torwards her. He cleared his throat, not apologizing but not exactly continuing to cause her distress. It wouldn't be the first time that the lad had made a bad first impression. Actually, this was one of the good ones.

Ezekiel shook his head as Potato, the young Meta, shared her "name," and that earned her a ghost of a smile from Ezekiel. "That's fine. You dont have to tell me your name." He reassured her with a bob of his head, before tilting his head up towards the ceiling, before his eyes felt heavy and drowsy. He would probably drift off into sleep soon enough. Well, not exactly- because an ape across the room apparently had a burden to pick with him.

Ezekiel then looks at the ape who seemed to be offended and much more outspoken. He gave a tilt of his head, unfazed by her sharp tone, before calmly replying, "Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse." A smirk was placed on his lips as he returned his head to rest upon the arm's chair.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 27, 2014, 12:01:39 am

[[Thank you! I hope I'm not asking to much but may I get a quick recap before I hop in?]]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 27, 2014, 12:02:38 am
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry makes a face at the man before awkwardly making her way to her room, trying to avoid knocking things over with her gangly arms. Still as a gibbon she curls up on the sheets but made sure a light was still on. She didn't like the idea of being in darkness and a warm light on her face made it easier for her to slip into a slumber. Much more comfortable than in  a tree.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 27, 2014, 12:06:01 am
((Let's see, nothing much. Just a bit of character interaction at Maddi's Construction Zone, Zeke and Cry both have found refuge for the night in her tunnels.))


After drying her tears, she shook herself out and stood. Now was not the time to be a big baby. She put on a small smile and went back to the reading room where the others still sat. She pushed open the door and entered quietly. Maddi stood in front of the boy, smiling sheepishly and her embarrassment was shown on her face in a light pink blush, "Uhm, I'm sorry you had to see that. The depression has a habit of rearing it's head at the worst times."

Setting herself down on the floor next to the chair, she looked up to him "My real name is Maddi by the way, Maddi Annamarie Burke. Not Potato." she then looked between the other Meta and the floor "What about you? If you're going to be living in my house I think I deserve to know your name."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 27, 2014, 12:35:18 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel ignored the face that the Gibbon Ape just shot in his direction. Seeing as it was best to just leave it, and not worsen his first impression upon the young primate- if that was possible.

He instantly shot up as the door creaked open, his previously dreary eyes became more alert as they adjusted on the young Meta who walked in- 'Potato.' Ezekiel sat upright, placing one  hand on  his knee, the other dragging slowly through his messy waves momentarily to wake his senses. The lad's striking blue eyes narrowed upon the female, seeing the slight puffiness in her eyes. Had he really made her cry? Ah, that just shot a bullet through his heart. Despite his asshole appearance, Ezekiel Crosse actually had a large amount of empathy for others; he usually just took said empathy and buried it several thousand feet underground. But today, he just couldn't.

"Dont worry darling. I apologize for laughing. Sometimes I lack.. what's the word- Ah, self-awarenss. I'm truly sorry for distressing you." Ezekiel's tone was soft and concerned, his eyes falling to the floor for a moment or so before lifting up to meet the girl's gaze once again; his icy blue eyes giving no hint at his emotion.

"Pleasure to meet'cha, Maddi. You can call me Ezekiel. My full name is Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse." His previous confidece had returned and he bowed his head lightly in a greeting. He outstretched his long arm towards her, seeing if she would shake it or not. But she would have to move forwards a bit to shake his large, rough hand.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 27, 2014, 12:50:55 am

Maddi nodded in acceptance of his apology, her brown curls bobbing up and down. "Ezekiel... That's an interesting name." She then leaned forward a little bit, shaking his large hand. She felt so much smaller than him, considering that he had to look down at her and his hand practically swallowed hers.

Pulling away quickly she rocked back onto her bottom "So um do you want to something to eat? I can make you a sandwich if you'd like, or if you want to go to sleep I can leave, I mean I'm not leaving just going down the hallway. Unless you want something to eat, then we could go into town or I could cook something- " she broke off and groaned "I'm rambling again aren't I?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 27, 2014, 01:32:52 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel gave a broad smile, seeing as his hand practically swallowed hers whole, he gave her hand a brief shake before returning it to his knee; his palm open and propping his chin within his callusy palm. At her compliment, Zeke gave a slight chuckle. "Hate this godforsaken name, but thank you, Maddi. Your's is very nice, if I do say so myself." The lad's slightly raspy tone stated with a certain genuineness, however his appearance still held it's sharp, sarcastic demeaor to it. It always did, no matter how nice or hospitable he was being. He couldn't help his predatory appearance.

Ezekiel's icy blue eyes widened a touch as she actually offered him something to eat. Now, this common street rat was only offered food if it was one: poisioned, or two: moldy and basically stomach-churning. Was she actually genuine on her offer? He shook his head slowly, his lips twitching upwards in a soft, devilish smile. "No thank you. I've eaten already." He waved her off casually.

"And I'd like some company. Unless you'd like to sleep. You look quite tired, ma'am. But me, Ezekiel Jebbediah Crosse can withstand even the most tiresome of nights." He faked a heroic tone for some comedic relief. He felt like he needed to make her laugh, after making her cry. It was sort of a "give some, take some" emotional thing he had. He didn't do well with hurting people emotionally. Sure, he could break someone's jaw and not blink- but make someone cry, and it impacted the brute.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 27, 2014, 01:58:48 am

Maddi grinned at his compliment and pulled her legs in to where she was sitting cross legged against the dirt wall "Thanks, but are you sure you don't want any food? I have quite a bit to spare..." Speaking of food, her stomach rumbled quietly, but she dismissed it as Ezekiel began to talk again. She watched him carefully and almost laughed at how much he reminded her of Jack, but the pang in her chest reminded her that he wasn't Jack, her lord brother had abandoned her and wasn't going to come back now.

Once again, the girl was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't realize that the other Meta was still talking to her "Sleep?" She laughed quietly suppressing a light yawn "Who needs sleep?" When tingles began to form in her feet, she stretched out on the floor, wiggling her toes and looking sideways at him "If I recall correctly, potatoes don't need sleep,"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 27, 2014, 09:02:33 am
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

The young Meta wakes up only after a few minutes of sleep. She can hear the low hum of the pair's voices in a kitchen area.
The Siamang gibbon lumbers from the room and into the kitchen area. She had heard their names earlier. She sits on the table and looks between the two. She looks around the room. It was small but not small enough to cause her anxiety, there was a clear escape route out the door.

"Do you have any... fruit?" She asks Maddi, ignoring Ezekiel for now. She hears their comments about not sleeping. Cry herself preferred to sleep at night rather than during the day, it meant that she would be awake when it was light. But she didn't mind staying up late, as Ezekiel described himself, she herself was a bit of a night-owl.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 27, 2014, 11:17:22 am


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

The day was getting on and surprisingly Aimee was still asleep in her king sized bed - the previous night was a late one out hunting and she didn't get back home until around 4:30 am, but she couldn't stay in bed all day she needed to get up sooner or later. It was now around 10 am and time for her to be getting up or she would sleep all day. From the previous day she had left her alarm on her phone and as predicted it began to buzz causing her to wake from her 5 and a half hours sleep.

Allowing her lids to lift revealing her beautiful hazel eyes, her head was pushed into her pillow as she moans - reaching out her hand she began feeling around on the mahogany cabinet that she had on either side of her bed. Once grabbing the Samsung she gripped it and pulled it towards her. Lifting her head up from the pillow she quickly knocked off the alarm to get rid of the annoying ringing. She allowed her head to drop onto the pillow once again and let out a sigh. Lifting, she rolled out of the bed and was now leaning over and tucking it in at the sides. It was time for her to get ready.

Quickly, Aimee had ran into the bathroom and jumped into a shower - which only took around 20 minutes and she was out. Entering back into her beautifully decorated room she headed straight towards her wardrobe. Opening the large mahogany doors she began to shuffle through her clothes - but it didn't take long for her to pick out a white baggy t-shirt and a pair of light jeans which she immediately put on. Aimee rarely fiddled with her hair as it seemed to go nicely without using straightners and have an all natural look.

It was now 11 am and she was bright eyes and bushy tailed she had showered, brushed her teeth, gotten ready and was now ready to head out into the big world. So wondering downstairs she grabbed her black leather coat that only went up to her waist and a pair of jet black ankle coverse. Putting her phone, money, headphones and keys in her pocket she set off. Walking through a path in her garden that lead off to a road that was surrounded by trees, many seen this place freaky as it was kind of hidden - but she liked it and her shifter identity was more likely to stay hidded. At this time she was heading into the city.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 27, 2014, 09:00:01 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel chuckled softly, running his palm over his face to keep himself awake for a bit longer. "No, I dont suppose potato's need much sleep; considering they're inanimate objects. But you're Maddi, an I assume you need sleep, no?" His voice was a bit hoarse, but it would soon be rejuvenated by his sleep yet to come.

"And thank you again for the offer- but I'll have to decline for now." The Meta says with a roll of his shoulders, giving a ghost of a smile. He still felt a bit empathic for making the young lassie cry. He'd have to make it up to her some how. However his attention was averted when the ape-meta entered, asking for fruit. Zeke gave an amused grunt at the irony before crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in the chair.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 27, 2014, 09:06:14 pm
What irony?))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 27, 2014, 09:24:46 pm
That you're an ape and you want fruit.))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 27, 2014, 09:55:44 pm

Maddi smiled at him and then noticed the gibbon had joined them in the room "Oh, um yeah I have some fruit... Just give me a second." She stood and brushed the dirt off of her jeans, turning to Ezekiel she gave him a small wave "I guess I'll see you in the morning." she mumbled and turned back around, only to smack into the door again.

"Oh screw this!" she grunted and gave the wooden door a kick, knocking it slightly off the hinges, but it still hung by the bottom two hinges. "Uh Ezekiel, could you possibly remove the door for me? Thanks." she then darted out of the room and toward the kitchen where her fruits were stored in an unlocked metal safe to keep the pests out. She dug around the 'pantry' and pulled out some semi fresh grapes and an apple "Which one would you like?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 27, 2014, 10:06:07 pm
(Apes usually eat fruit.)
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry winces as the girl yet, again walks into another door. She lets out a cough, wich consists of her enlarging her throat-sack and expelling the cough loudly. She glances at the fruit and promply takes the grapes from the girl's hand, giving her a subtle nod in thanks. She eats the fruit before saying "I might as well introduce myself. I'm Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki. But people call me 'Cry'." figuring it would be polite to say so as this woman was generous enough to allow her to stay the night.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 12:16:33 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

"See you in the morning." Ezekiel's gruff tone replied quite dryly, only bobbing his head briefly to exert his goodbye to Potato- or "Maddi." However, the goodbye was short lived as the young female smacked - yet again, might I add - into the door once again. His icy blue eyes widened a touch as she kicked it, nearly off it's hinges out of sheer anger. Woah, a fiesty one, aye?

Ezekiel's lips smirked, but not at the girl- but at the door which was nearly off it's hinges. The door now stood crooked- not fitting it's frame. "I'd say that the door has it out for you- but Alas, I'll take care of it." Zeke's tone spoke with an amused pitch, his eyebrows dancing lightly with amusement.

He stood from the chair, his towwering 6'6 frame nearly reaching the ceiling- but not quite. He stretched his arms a bit, arching them over his head- and placed his palms on the ceiling- giving his abdomen a stretch- the hem lifting up and revealing several tatto's and a snail trail. He chuckled lightly and shifted his shirt down before meeting his maker- the door that fell lopsided off of its hinges.

"Door, prepare to meet your doom." Ezekiel's low tone growled lightly- in a comedic manner, of course, as he grabbed the door handle and with one swift upward motion, the door was ripped from it's hinges, and now lay flat against the floor. Ezekiel picked up the door, and laid it against the wall, now admiring the large gap in the wall.

Ah, now to get some sleep. He turned back and trotted towards the chair, resuming his casual position before letting his heavy lids flutter close and he welcomes the presence of sleep with open, greeting arms.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 12:35:33 am

Maddi watched as Cry ate her grapes "Well Cry, you might have already heard, but my name is Maddi." she gave the other girl a wide smile and set the grapes down in a bowl on the table next to her. "And Ezekiel's right, I am no potato and I need some sleep, I shall see you as well in the morning." With a small bow the girl backed out of the room with a slight stumble, she was such a klutz today. Heading back to her room she trailed her fingers along the wall and watched as the dirt crumbled beneath her fingers, reminding her that the rains had yet to come to this desolate part of the region, the walls of her home hadn't been damp for months.

She quickly changed out of her dusty clothes and then climbed into the metal framed bed, blowing out the candle that she constantly left in her room, and the darkness settled in. It started to seem more and more oppresive as she heard Cry munching on grapes in the next room and the soft, muffled snores of the boy sleeping down the hall. Speaking of Ezekiel, Maddi actually thought he was a pretty good guy, and knowing that he and Cry would be leaving her alone in the morning made her feel a pang of anxiety.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 12:51:12 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

The darkness engulfed the male as he was emerrsed within the gracious and calming oblivion of sleep. However, the lonjevity of this "sleep" was actually quite short: which was a normality to the insomniac Ezekiel. He awoke with a jolt upwards, which caused the chair to creak under his sudden force, and he tumbled to the floor with rather loud thud.

A groan escaped Ezekiel as he fully awoke, assessing the situation. Actually, it was quite comfortable here on the floor.. He turned onto his side, so that his back was to the door, as he slowly and sluggishly pulled himself from the floor. Dirt was now coating his hands and was lightly staining his dark jeans. The Meta let out a low growl, and a streams of curses flowed from his lips. He didn't like being clumsy; although what else could you expect from a 6'6 guy who didn't even know how to control his own height?

Zeke leaned his head against the concrete wall, his fists beside his head as he growled once more. The latest hours of the night were always the worst for the brute; remembering the past, and how he dreaded this time. Especially when mom stumbled home from the bar around this hour. His knee bobbed up and down nervously as he remained pressed against the wall. Ezekiel just mumbled under his breath to himself, trying to calm himself down. He couldn't sleep with these thoughts and emotions swirling around him: it would only lead to vivid nightmares and such.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 01:05:56 am

As she lay in bed, Maddi listened as Ezekiel shuffled around in his room. Deciding she didn't want to sleep, she grabbed her dark clothes from under the bed and slipped them on. Brushing off the dirt she secured her leather gloves and the leather tool band around her waist. She tucked her hair up in a bun before lifting her mask to her face and tying it behind her head. Satisfied with her look, she slipped back into the hallway and past the kitchen and reading room like a ghost and once out of hearing range, she pounded her way up the concrete steps and into the frigid night air.

Scaling the barbed wire fence, she then landed on the other side with a light thump and took off towards the city. As the lights drew nearer, her grin grew wider and wider; her thievery had started out as a necessity, now she did it for fun. In the city she was known as the Shadow Reaper, the thief/assassin who stayed in the shadow.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 01:35:59 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

The male's constant growls that rumbled from the depths of his throat ceased momentarily. Did he hear something? He perked his head up from laying against the wall, his icy blue eyes scanning the room. Zeke's eyes stopped at the doorstep as a figure silently slid by the gaping whole in the wall where the door should be- but now resided slanted against the wall opposite to it.

It was Maddi, wasn't it? What was she doing running around during the dark hours of the night. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he peeked his head out of the frame of the door, into the hallway, as she climbed the concrete steps into the city's air- dangerous and refreshing all the same. Ezekiel knew better than anybody that this time of the last hours of night were the most dangerous- especially for Meta's. Even for the common person, these hours of the night, the streets were crawling with predators, drunkies stumbling home from the bar, and just plane wako's. As well as people who liked to hunt Meta's for the tremendous reward placed on their heads- especially Ezekiel's.

Ezekiel  pulled his dark leather jacket over his gray long-sleeve shirt and silently followed after the female into the night. If she was idiotic enough to venture out in the night, Ezekiel felt somewhat obligated to go after her and make sure everything would be okay. He owed her that much after bringing her to tears, right?

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 01:55:55 am

Almost immediately the girl had spotted her shadow and growling, she pushed her pace a little bit faster hoping to lose Ezekiel. She should have been worried about the dangers of going out at night, but she kept going, determined that she would succeed as always. Maddi skirted the edge of the city, looking for a specific alley way in which she she always entered.

The streets were barren aside from the few stumbling drunks who were yelling about potatoes "How ironic." she whispered to herself as she made her way down Main Street, looking through the store windows. She stopped when she got to the candy store and saw the gumballs that were in a large container on display. A gumball, she hadn't had one of those in months... Acting on impulse, she had the door unlocked within seconds, and was soon in the jar of gumballs, popping a red one in her mouth.

Sticking her head back out the door, she saw no one around and hopped back out of the store, closing the door behind her and then trotting down the street, but freezing when she saw 3 figures standing on the sidewalk a ways ahead of her. Judging by their posture, they weren't drunk, in fact they seemed to be waiting for something. Maddi quickly spun on the balls of her feet and ran in the opposite direction.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 28, 2014, 10:40:24 am


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

Walking down to the city had taken Aimee atleast an hour as she followed the long trails across fields and the open roads, eventhough the city was a good place she seemed to prefer the forest at times - whether that was just the wolf in her she didn't known. But the many hours she had spent in the city getting food and shopping it was now night - the skies dark and the odd star was placed in the deep blue sky. The city was almost silent apart from the few people out for the night life and the few gangs that hung around on street corners.

May would say the streets were 'dangerous' at night but what did she have to worry? She lived in a forest for heavens sake - something most people would find rather intimidating and scary. But again she liked it. As she slowly walked down the street the heavy soul of her shoe beat against the ground and her hair bobbed up and down on her shoulders - raising her left hand she brushed her fingers through her long fringe and brushed it back over her head.

Despite knowing and having many friends in the city they never seemed up for going out at night as they were always busy, how could some people not find time? It completely baffled her at times. But hey if she was bored she could turn into a wolf and run with the wolves in the forest, or turn into her canine for a trudge through the streets at night.

Now, Aimee was to persue in the long walk back home - it would only take another hour or so but the many alleys and subways that she had to pass gave her an eary feeling. Those stupid gangs didn't seem to bother her though they were just petty humans trying to look big and funny - she could easily unjure and even kill them if provoked to and angered enough. She was traveling from the inner city towards the outskirts - where most of the alleys left off and there was no way to avoid them. This didn't frighten her though sometimes she found it amusing to tease the 'normal' beings as she had increased speed and senses which was always a bonus especially the fact she could shift into either one of her forms at any minute.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 28, 2014, 04:14:43 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

The gibbon notices Maddi leaving, and the boy following her shortly after her. Naturally curious she wanted to follow but there was one element stopping her from doing so: the dark.
She swallows it before leaving the tunnels, after shifting into her human form. She tails the young man from a distance, she can just make out his shape in the blackness.
She had only been out in the dark for a moment but she was already sweating from her forehead and grinding her teeth. But it was her curiosity which kept driving her forward. She shifts back into a gibbon as she just found it easier to move around in that form.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 08:18:26 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel followed after her, his lithe 6'6 frame surprisingly quiet for the lumbering lad.  His bright blue eyes narrowed upon the girl as she quickly broke into the door of a Candy Store, and looting some of it's contents. For a moment, he didn't believe his own eyes. Surely nobody was this careless- to travel out at night- alone- for some cheap candy that any common person could buy during the safe hours of the day.

But, Alas, Maddi was out in the streets- open to all sorts of dangers- for some lousy pieces of candy. Ezekiel pulled himself from his thoughts, seeing as a trio of dark figures seemed to be taking a liking to the young frauline. They were somber.. and a bit.. odd looking, actually. But Ezekiel didn't interfere just yet.

He raised a palm to the following gibbion behind himself, being able to sense her primate movements. He didn't know why she followed along- but Zeke assumed it was for the same reasons as himself. He wanted to see how this would play out- only stepping in if absolutely necessary.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 09:14:51 pm

The girl kept on going, aware of her audience. She saw the three shadows behind her also beginning to move and picked up her pace slightly while looking through more store windows. Then one store caught her eye, and she stared at the wireless routers and other gadgets that were visible on the shelves. She had electricity, a computer and some wifi would be nice as well.

Unlocking the door and disabling the alarm system, she slipped into the store and looked around while marveling at the complexity of the objects. Then, seeing 3 shadows appear on the sidewalk outside the store, Maddi grabbed the nearest objects and took off. They were faster now, and she had to push herself harder to stay ahead of them.

Looking forward she saw Ezekiel and Cry standing yards ahead of her, but they did nothing as she ran towards them. Great friends they were....
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 28, 2014, 09:16:53 pm
Wait what? o,0))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 09:29:25 pm
((Uhh, Cry you can go first! xD)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 28, 2014, 09:32:56 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry stops behind Ezekiel, still grinding her teeth but much more violently this time. She had no idea what was gong on and was becoming increasingly aggitated by the dark. She watches the two but doesnt say anything.

(brain fart)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 09:52:20 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel watched, his body growing ridgid to remain undetectable in the shadows of the alleyways. His bright icy blue eyes widened a touch as Maddi ran towards them, she saw them- but hopefully her persuers wouldn't. His lips pursed slightly before mouthing 'Keep Running.'

If she continued running, Ezekiel would extend his lean leg onto the sidewalk just as her followers chased- hopefully catching one by the foot and sending him flying into the asphalt several feet ahead. If all went as planned, the followers would probably flock around their injured little friend, and the Meta's would have a chance to slip away.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 10:15:47 pm

As she ran Maddi tried to devise a plan, after all, it seemed that Ezekiel and Cry were only there to watch her get maimed by the hobos. Her best idea was to simply drop everything and hold her own in a fight, sure she wasn't a heavy weight, but her speed was a great advantage. Then she saw Ezekiel's intentions and let out a sigh of relief, so she wasn't going to die tonight.

Then as she drew within 10 feet of the other metas, the girl felt a hand yank on her hair, untying the mask and making her lose her balance. "Crap" she hissed as she fell and hit the pavement, but she was once again on her feet and running before realizing that her gun was no longer at her hip.

The glock itself was merely a measure of self defense and she never planned to actually shoot someone unless it was life or death, so when the bullets were turned towards her it was a bit of a fright.  The shots were muffled and quiet for she had placed a silencer on the barrel and she bit back a cry as one of the bullets grazed her shoulder. "Forget it! Run!" she shouted while grabbing the closest thing as she passed, which happened to be Ezekiel's sleeve and Cry's forearm. "The gun only has 5 more rounds in it, just keep running!"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 28, 2014, 10:27:27 pm
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry yelps as she is pulled along by Maddi, she struggles to keep up because of her stubby legs but she made up for it with her long arm. Great, first the dark and now they were being fired at. Great night.
(I know my posts are really short but I dont know what to write about ;-;)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 10:37:54 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel grunted somewhat, as Maddi grasped at the sleeve of his sleek black leather jacket that was worn to fight against the cold nights. However, he wouldn't allow himself to be dragged along until his lean and muscular leg shot out onto the nearest persuer, kicking him right in the knee. The reassuring pop echoed against the silenced gun shots. The Meta smirked in a smug fashion- that idiot's kneecap just broke probably right in half. Zeke quickly swieveled his body to be dragged along by Maddi soon after.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 10:58:42 pm

Maddi pulled the other two Metas along while counting down the shots until the guns magazine ran out, only two more shots. She then pulled them around the corner and towards the site. "Come on come on" she growled running faster to where they had lost the people pursuing them.

Once in the safety of the site she let go of the others before collapsing onto the dust with a sigh.

 ((so short))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 28, 2014, 11:06:34 pm


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

As the young woman continued her way home she glanced down an alley, seeing several shadows dart past - one at the front and three behind. Stopping, her head tilted as she listened quietly - it seemed someone was being chased. Narrowing her eyes Aimee slowly headed up the alley managing to poke her head out the exit as she watched. Her jaw dropped in horror as a man dragged down a young woman by the air - which obviously hurt at the brute force. And now he was pointing a gun at her as she ran and dragged her two friends. Afterwards another two shots or so were fired out and angered raged in the young woman at the hobos stupid actions.

A feeling - one she knew rather well - began tingling inside the brunette as she backed down into the middle of the alley - her hazel/green eyes glancing at both entrances of the alley as she began to let out quiet grunts and growls. Her muscles began to tense as she suddenly leapt forward with a growl - her wolf form seeming to come out. Stepping back she glanced in a clear puddle viewing her image "Well, as suppose to be a dog.." she muttered but then shrugged it off - being as large and powerful as she was the fight was sure to be easy. Silently she exited the alley.

Quietly, the brown canid begun to sneak up onto the three men who had begun persuing up the street - their pace a lot slower as they were older but with tatted shoes it would also be hard. Slyly, Aimee kept into the shadows - but her wolf form was the size of an average human man which made her tower over the men so it would be hard to keep unseen.

Suddenly the large canine grabbed one of the men by the shoulders and dragged him into an alley - his two 'friend' seeming to run ahead unaware of their friend who would soon be slaughtered. As she glanced down at the tatted human she noticed the fear in his eyes as he violently batted at the wolf trying to get her off - but his efforts were unsuccessful. Wrapping her large jowls around the humans neck a few quick, violent thrashes of his neck and the human was dead. Growling, she left the being in the alley - covered in blood and a broken neck - now it was time to get another.

Charging out of the alley Aimee charged up the street behind the bunch of running beings - an echoing growl escaping her maw as she leapt into the air and slammed down against the ground extending her neck and dragging the human to the ground. Growls continuing to escape her maw as she ragged the human around - again receiving many violent blows. Tightening her grip onto the humans shoulder she scraped her claws against his stomach and chest - then everything went still.

Glancing up she noticed the last hobo, who had stopped - now slowly turning to face the beast of a wolf with his jaw dropped. Gasping, he stumbled backwards in shock and pointed the gun towards the large canine who was now growling at him. It seemed the two were having a stand off - the human frozen in shock more than anything.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 28, 2014, 11:36:24 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Once the trio of Meta's were safe in the construction site, Ezekiel huffed somewhat- trying to regain his breath as adraneline pumped through his veins like an IV chord was attached to him- pumping it straight into his bloodstream. A bittersweet chuckle escaped Zeke, before turning to make sure Maddi and Cry was okay.

His icy blue eyes narrowed upon Maddi's shirt, one side cloaked in blood, before he arched an eyebrow, stepping forward to get a better look. "Were you shot?" Ezekiel's tone was gruff, but concerned nonetheless. Her shoulder seemed to be the targeted area, but it could've been anywhere from that region, seeing as she was slowly bleeding out. His eyes remained locked upon the sticky blood, his previous smug expression wiped away into that of concern. "Makes me happy I kicked that kid's kneecap to smithereens."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 28, 2014, 11:50:20 pm
Letting out a huff, she pushed herself up off the dirt and poked at her shoulder wound once or twice. She then met Zeke's concerned gaze and shrugged "Yeah, I'll be fine." Maddi then wiped the blood on her fingers off on her dark jeans. Right now she was extremely frustrated, never had one of her robberies gone so down hill. Yeah she had gotten herself cut a few times, but endangering others was not on her list of things to do.

She winced slightly as she picked up her loot and she felt the blood drip down her arm, but she hoped her pain wasn't noticeable as she headed back towards the tunnels. The adrenaline was slowly receding from her system, leaving her exhausted and once setting down her stuff she sunk into a wooden chair in the kitchen, breathing out slowly.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 29, 2014, 12:36:53 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"What you do for yourself is gone when you are gone. But what you do for others remains as your legacy.

Ezekiel followed after Maddi, right on her heels basically, right until she slumped into the kitchen chair. The pain was obvious on her facial expressions, especially the way she tried to exert a 'healthy' glow- it just added to her obvious pain. It was painted on her face as clearly as the light of day.

The shameless Meta stood directly infront of the chair, before determinig that it could be seen as 'rude,' so he lowered himself and placed his arms on either side of the chair, blocking Maddi in. His frame towwered over her, giving her no route to escape. Zeke kept his face eye-level with the girl, giving her a stern look.

"I can see that you'r hurt." Ezekiel's low rumble stated casually, giving a tilt of his head. "If you leave it be, it'll just get infected. At least let me clean it up- it's the least I could do for making you.. ya know." He shook his head slowly, still feeling guilty for making the girl cry.  Ezekiel just seemed to be having a "holy" day he assumed.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 29, 2014, 12:51:33 am

Maddi flinched as Zeke stood in front of her, and only relaxed a tiny bit when he lowered himself a little bit. Having a not-so-good history with guys, her fear was justified and resulted into pushing a little bit further back into the chair.She stared at him through wary eyes, unsure of his intentions until he spoke.

 "Thank you for your concern, but it's just a graze, I've dealt with worse." She gave him a small smile and tried to get out of the chair, but he was still standing their "And don't worry about the crying thing... It wasn't you, I have bi polar depression and it just buts in sometimes."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 29, 2014, 02:22:10 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel let a breath of amusement filter out between  his lips, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout, which prominently showed his bottom right lip piercing. "Let me see it then." His voice was a low mumble, it was concerned- a rarity for the normally cold-shouldered brute. Us Meta's had to stick together, no?

He backed his head up a bit, seeing as Maddi was a tad uncomfortable with his closeness. No problem. A little fear would probably edge her to listening to him more intently.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 29, 2014, 03:35:01 am

Maddi growled at his pouty expression "No, that's not going to work on me, so just stop." She stuck her tongue out at him childishly and then tried to push him out of the way, wincing again as pressure was applied to the shoulder. "If you would just let me out I can take care of it myself." Alas, there was no change in where he moved.

Only when his face moved a bit closer did she give in, her eyes widening and she squeaked slightly startled by his movements. "Alright, alright" she mumbled "You can do whatever you want... Just um back up a little bit please." Her sentence faded off quietly and she sat there in the chair while watching him with wide blue eyes.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 29, 2014, 11:48:04 am
(on phone)
Once they were inside, Cry practically hugged a near-by lamp. The gibbon looks around, still a little shaken by what just happened. She turns to the girl, worried because of how close that bullet came, but she didn't seem that badly hurt but you could never be sure. She huffs, now feeling way more comofrtable and secure now they were in a dim glow rather than blackness. "What was that abot?" She asks.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on May 29, 2014, 12:43:05 pm


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

The young woman had took her sights from the hobo holding the gun and watched as the tri darted down the street and out of sight, narrowing her eyes she shook her head "Help always seems to go unnoticed" she growled as theur scents wafted into her snout. But her thoughts were drawn off the group as a sharp feeling ran from her tail and up her body - letting out an echoing yelp Aimee turned to glance at the hole in her tail - which as usual closed up. The reason being this wasn't a 'part' of her body when human so it didn't effect her - apart from a small amount of pain when it happened.

Several growls rumbled up the she-wolfs throat then erupted from her maw, lips curled and stained teeth bared as saliva dripped from her lips and dropping onto the concrete ground below. Although, mockingly, Aimee raised one of her brows as she glanced at the male - he only had one bullet left and the way he was shooting them it would do him no good. In order to tease the being Aimee made a sudden move to the right but then turned left as she began circling the human - firing one more bullet he missed and it hit a shop window setting off the alars.

The sirens pierced the canids ears as she backed up slightly with a whine - pawing at her ears she then gave her head a brisk shake "Idiot!" she growled and the human sterred stunned "You...You...c-can t-t-talk?" he stuttered as he tumbled from the pavement and onto the road. This hobo knew and seen to much, the best place for his was to be dead, as she thought anyways.

Lunching forward she used a kill she had previously used - gripping her wide jaws around the humans neck and with two violent thrashes his neck let out a sickening crack. For a few seconds she sterred down at the lifeless body she had now just slaughtered - although she felt sympathy on the hobo he had no right to chase after that group of youngs and fire a gun at them? Also fireing a gun at her. The sound of cars, dogs and shouting caused her head to turn as lightly began to flash from around the corner - gasping she shot off.

Heavy paws thudded against the ground as the brown wolf bolted across the shadowed streets, seeming to go unseen which was a bonus - despite her large structure. Skidding, she charged down a flight of stairs and crawled into a sub way - her head almost touching the top. Growling, she panted - but managed to gain back her breath in a few seconds. Quickly, her human form took over that of the wolf she was once in. Aimee now stood leant against the wall as she glanced around - breathing heavily she sat waiting once again to get her breath back - then starting the long journey home.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 29, 2014, 11:21:30 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel gave a fairly winsome smile, letting out a light bubbly chuckle before leaning his large lithe frame back away from Maddi and the kitchen chair. However his expression quickly turned somber, his icy blue eyes still narrowed upon the blood that looked like a wet red ink stain- however it wasnt.

"Let me see it." His gruff tone stated quickly. It definantly was not a question this time.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 30, 2014, 01:36:56 am
((Sorry guys, I just finished my chamber concert...))


When Ezekiel backed up, she let out a small sigh of relief and scooted out of the chair. It surprised her that he was actually concerned for her well being, considering that they only met that night and all of Maddi's previous relationships never ended well for her. She was also pretty shaken up, and her hands trembled slightly, but she did not look as shocked as Cry, who seemed to be clinging onto on of her lamps for dear life.

Turning back to the tingling sensation on her shoulder, she looked for a way to uncover the wound, but found none. First, the sleeve was too long and tight, only reaching her elbow before it became constricting and uncomfortable. The second option was to pull the collar over the shoulder, but that also proved very difficult as the collar only reached a few inches away from her neck. That left the option of taking of her shirt, which she was very adamant about not doing.

But the numbness won her internal argument and she slipped the shirt of her body, cringing as the fabric ran over the open wound. She suddenly felt very exposed while standing there in her sports bra, and also very self conscious. Maddi didn't like seeing herself bare, let alone other people, so obviously she was very bothered by having to strip. Other people might not have been able to see it, but she could always see the bits excess fat around her waist and how her chest was small in relation to her height, and this made her feel bad about herself quite often.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 30, 2014, 02:09:54 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel's demeanor remained it's arrogant and confident self, however he didn't pay much attention to Maddi lifting her shirt up and over his head. His icy blue eyes remained trained upon the wound. Seeing the actual gash itself made him cringe slightly, and he gave a whistle to exert his surprise to Maddi herself and the wound's openness.

"You're lucky they barely nicked you, but it still might need stitches if it doesnt start to close in a day or so. So we should probably wrap this up." Ezekiel stated, his tone not mocking nor arrogant- only in service to aid a fellow Meta. He added lowly, "Oh, and yes, get you a new shirt." He smirked for a second and a half before arching his eyebrows up, awaiting for her to get some gauze or bandage or something that he could close up the wound with- anything, even his own freaking shirt- to cover up the blood that slowly oozed from it's fleshy hole.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 30, 2014, 02:33:12 am

Maddi ran a hand through her knotted hair, chuckling uneasily while she fidgeted under his gaze. "Oh y-yes right... A shirt, I-I'm uh sorry about this and uh... Yeah I'll go put on a shirt now." She gave him a weak smile before slipping out of the kitchen, thankful to be away from prying eyes. When she got to her room she found a Dr Who shirt sitting on the cabinet and pulled it over her head quickly.

Then after making sure she was totally decent, she went in search of a bandaging material. In the bath closet she found her old first aid kit, from which she grabbed a few rolls of gauze, some disinfectant and more cotton bandages. She hurried back to the kitchen and set the stuff down in the counter, wanting to get it over with.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 30, 2014, 02:58:30 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel shuffled a bit until Maddi returned, a Doctor Who shirt now covering her frame. He gave a devilish grin, recognizing the logo and perhaps remembering one or several episodes he may or may not have watched. "Lovely shirt." Ezekiel's raspy tone responded genuinely, however there was a hint of amusement coating it.

The lad took the bandage and disinfectant in hand, before gripping the material and lowering it so that it hung off her shoulder, giving Ezekiel enough room to pour some of the disinfectant onto a gauze pad and slowly wiping the open wound. Blood stirred lightly in the wound, but Zeke tried in his best efforts to keep it as painless as possible. "Hold still, this might hurt." He murmured, chewing on the inside of his cheek lightly as he began placing gauze over the open wound and then wrapping white bandage around her shoulder, wrapping and sealing it underneath her arm.

He pulled the fabric of her shirt back up so that it covered the bandage. It was fairly noticable, but only to someone with a keen eye. "All fixed up, m'lady." Ezekiel gave an impressed-with-himself bow before turning to go back to the bookroom.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 30, 2014, 03:28:04 am

Maddi gave him a half smile when he mentioned her shirt "Thanks, I happen to like Dalek Zec." She said lightly, referring to the half melted Dalek on the front of her shirt " sometimes knowledge is a curse." She then handed him the disinfectant and bandages, trying to remain as still as possible as he lifted her sleeve and awaited the stinging sensation that she knew would follow the disinfectant.

"Holy shiz! Dang that hurt like hell." She hissed as the pain registered in her mind and she tried to shy away from his hands, but knew that he was still working and tried her best to stay still. She bit her lip almost to the point of bleeding as he wrapped her shoulder, not because he was prodding the wound, but because she was also slightly a hypochondriac and didn't like pain very much.

Once he was finished, the boy simply turned towards the door way and began to make his way out after a small bow, but she grabbed his wrist with her good arm "Uhm, thank you Ezekiel." She whispered with a grateful expression on her face before she let go and sat back down in the chair and began to stair at the dirt walls.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 30, 2014, 07:26:40 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel chuckled under his breath at Maddi's show reference reguarding her t-shirt which featured Dalek Zec. He tossed his head over his shoulder to eye her shirt momentarily, glancing one last look at the Whovian. He arched both of his eyebrows up momentarily before facing forward once more and trailing his fingers along the wall as he made his way back to his room. "Oh, no problem." He shrugged casually. Ezekiel, once in his room, made himself comfortable on the chair, and whistled to himself lightly.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on May 30, 2014, 09:01:42 pm

Maddi gave him a short nod then she too went to bed. Sinking into the covers, she shivered slightly when she found the sheets slightly chilly to the touch. The girl could hear Ezekiel's whistles, but they slowly faded to nothing as she drifted to sleep.

She woke into a very familiar scene, except for the fact that she was asleep and dreaming of her 10th birthday. Her whole family was standing around the kitchen table with wide grins on their faces. Her mother was setting down a large pink frosted cake, Jack was securing a pink princess crown to her head, her father was singing happy birthday with the rest of them, and little Maddi sat at the center of the table, smiling at the cake and flickering candles. "I wish I could find a Prince Charming and we'll live together in his castle in Ireland and we'll be in love forever..."

Then a voice made her freeze, looking around she found Jack and her mother gone, leaving behind her dad who seemed to be very drunk "Sorry princess, but those things only occur in fairy tales. Welcome to reality" and with that he lunged towards her before she woke up screaming.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on May 31, 2014, 04:40:05 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

The young lad had fallen into a deep sleep- quite the miracle for the natural insomniac. However, he was soon pulled from his oblivion of sleep as a ear shattering scream woke him up with a jolt. He fell right out of the chair, and growled as his sleep-deprived body fell smack onto the floor.

Ezekiel rolled over with a groan before getting up and brushing dirt off of himself. He glanced around, trying to detect whom was the bearer of the scream- and where it was coming from. He walked out of the reading room and traced his fingers along the side of the wall. Was it Maddi? Or Cry? "Hello? Is everything okay?" His hoarse voice whispered,  his eyes flickering around, a bit concerned.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP)
Post by: seopard on May 31, 2014, 09:09:17 pm

 cringed when she heard someone get up out of their sleeping position. She didn't mean to wake anyone up, and so when she heard a voice in the hallway she ducked under her covers and pretended to sleep, adding a soft snore every so often. She mentally scolded herself for allowing her emotions to get so out of control and for trying to remember how life had been before she left home.

When Ezekiel appeared in her door way, she held in a breath while her heart still raced from the dream.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on June 01, 2014, 12:35:26 am


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

The young woman stood for a few minutes in the tunnel gasping for breath from the amount of running she had done to escape being caught from the police that had begun to arrive at the scene a short while after it had happened. Aimee didn't like doing things like that but if someone was in danger her instincts seemed to instantly kick in and her anger would bubble - despite being able to control when she changed sometimes her anger filled a little to much and she would automatically changed, meaning often she had to be careful with how angry she got and how she wouldn't handle the situation. But now, she needed to get home safely as the night was getting on.

Taking in one last breath Aimee blew out a large gust of wind from her slightly pouted lips as she pushed herself up from the wall - the subway was rather dark and a little creepy, but didn't bother her to much at this moment her mind was focused on a lot of other things except the darkness and creepyness of her surroundings. For a few seconds she stood, glancing up and down the subway to make sure everything was clear and as predicted it was - although sometimes there would be the odd group hanging around here which made passing through a lot more annoying. But, she quickly set off on her journey home.

As she walked through the alley the hard soul of her black Converse tapped against the ground - which echoed through the tunnel like area as she hurried through. Exiting through the concrete arch she hurried up a small flight of stairs and across the streets. Unlike earlier Aimee wasn't planning on sticking around, so instead of dodling Aimee picked up the pace and was now traveling at a slow run in order to get home faster. She wanted no more events to unfold.

About 30 minutes later Aimee had made it home, relief filling her as she slammed the wooden door shut - leaning her back against it she pushed her head against it also and let out a sigh of relief. Grabbing her keys from the pocket of the leather jacket Aimee licked the door then threw her keys on a side cabinet, leaving her shoes near the front door she then pulled her arms from the jacket and hung it on a wooden coat rack she had in the large cupboard near her door. Slowly walking up the stairs the brunette woman ran her hands through her hair and gave her head a shake.

Entering her beautifully decorated room she glanced around for a few minutes, she was relieved to be home so no more events would unfold and cause problems for the young woman. Walking towards her drawers she pulled out a baggy t-shirt and a pair of pjarma shorts, quickly putting them on the then put her dirty clothes in the washing basket in her baathroom. Turning off all the lights Aimee then entered her room once again - but this time pulling the covers messing them up, then jumping into the kind sized bed. It took seconds for the exhausted woman to drift off into a sleep, in the morning she would visit the town and see what the situation was like the day after.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 01, 2014, 01:47:52 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel narrowed his eyes into the darkess as the snored has abruptly ceased to exist. He let a slow breath out before turning on his heels to exit the hallway, and trail back to the reading room. Once inside, he paced the walls, seeing as it was probably early morning and he would hold off on sleep for a day longer.

Zeke decided that a change of fresh clothes would make him a bit more comfortable, so he trailed over to his little "home within a bag" and shifted around some soft fabrics until he pulled out a white muscle-tank, a pair of dark jeans, and he kept on his black sneakers. Shrugging out of his leather jacket, Ezekiel lifted the fabric of the dark longsleeve up and over his head, and he bent over to push it back into the depths of the bag. He then pulled the white tank over his head.

He gave an amused smile, looking down at both of his tattoo'd sleeves on both arms. Hopefully he wouldn't "frighten" anyone.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 01, 2014, 02:56:01 pm

Almost as soon as she felt herself drifting of to sleep, Maddi was awakened by her alarm reverberating through the halls and rooms. Groaning, she pushed herself out of bed and quickly fixed her hair and applied some makeup to hid the dark circles under her eyes before dragging herself down the hall way towards the kitchen "Good freaking morning Ezekiel." She mumbled to the boy as she dug through the cabinets.

Finding the packet of coffee she heated up a pot of water, preparing her cup of morning joe. "You guys can stay if you want to, I have to go to work now." She yawned and then poured her coffee "If your not gone by the time I get back I'm going to assume your staying."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 01, 2014, 03:56:12 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel chuckled lightly, arching an eyebrow at the grumpy morning person, Maddi. "I take it you're not a morning person." He added briefly, nudging her somewhat with a smirk plastered upon his features. Ezekiel had his bookbag slung over his shoulder, hanging loosely. A bottle of water gripped in his hand, as he uncapped and slowly took a sip before choking slightly, "You have a job?" Zeke questioned, heaving a breath of amusement before capping the water bottle  back up. His bright blue eyes flickered around lightly, he was anxious to go outside for a bit.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 01, 2014, 04:03:15 pm

She rolled her eyes at Ezekiel's obvious statement "Well I think you don't have to ask that. No I am not a morning person." she raised her mug to her lips and hissed when the hot liquid burned her tongue. Then, looking up again Maddi smirked "Yeah, I'm not that useless. How do you think I pay for the food?"

Putting the cap on the travel mug she slipped on her converse and waved goodbye before heading out into the open and towards town. She soon arrived at the clothing store and walked in with a little ring of the bell, saying hello to Jenny who sat at the cash register and went to the back of the store and to the staff lounge.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 01, 2014, 04:16:39 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel raised his arms in a 'surrendering' fashion before backing out of the kitchen, up the concrete steps, and into the world of fresh air. Zeke inhaled deeply through his nostrils, enjoying the fresh morning air. His face held a content, yet predatory look. His sharp blue gaze cut across the construction site as he padded out and away from it. He kept his bag slung over the gate of the entrance to the construction site before his lithe frame trotted away from the city, into the outskirts of town, where the wealthier families lived- towards the forests.

Once he passed several large houses, covered in ivy, decorated lavishly, their trimmed lawns silently mocking him, Ezekiel hit the forests. The second his sneakers crunched onto the wild earth, they were no longer sneakers- now massive dark paws as his bones molded into his Meta form- yet to be registered or counted by the militia forces hunting him and every other Meta in this city.

The massive black panther, with the same devilish blue eyes, now took the place of Ezekiel- as he strode into the depths of the forests, stretching his feline limbs a bit.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 01, 2014, 04:37:32 pm

Maddi was organizing shirts on their racks when she noticed the tv overhead was on the news channel which was playing the short security video loop of the events that had occurred last night. She drew in a sharp breath when the mask came off and the footage was zoomed in upon focusing on two faces, Hers and Ezekiel's. The image was dark and grainy, but she still ducked her head down behind the rack as a girl passed by.

She continued working until a noise from inside one of the dressing rooms made her blood run cold. "Yes she's still here. Please hurry." Maddi ripped open the door and growled at a cowering Jenny sitting on the bench. She then turned to leave the building, but suddenly was tackled from behind "I always knew you were some sort of freak!" The blonde shouted, her perfectly manicure nails digging into Maddi's shoulders. The Meta managed to rip free from the other girls grasp and ran towards the back door, only to find it locked.

She turned again and was met with an aluminum bat and she fell to the floor with a groan. Her head throbbed and she could faintly see the blue lights before it faded to blackness.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 02, 2014, 03:59:41 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

The large feline prowled around, mostly stretching Ezekiel's kitty muscles, and working his senses. It was just a form of practice so his changing wouldn't be as painful, and his panther form wouldn't be so rustic in case of an emergency called- where it was dire to use it.

Once he felt content, the young lad changed back to his former self with a nearly painless ease- however the creaking of bones did give a slight shiver of pain that ran down his spine. Shaking himself, Ezekiel decided to return back to the construction site to say his farwell's- Ezekiel decided it would be better to go off on his own- seeing as he was quite the burden.

He trotted past a shop, one selling TVs, when the channels flashed to a news station. Ezekiel's eyes remained their arrogant self, however his posture slumped as he saw the grainy picture focused onto himself and Maddi. Oh, this couldn't be good. He let out a groan, but wasn't too surprised, since this wasnt the first time his face appeared on television; but this was the closest picture they've yet to snap.

Ezekiel just followed the police cars to a small boutique- or one of those girly little shops. There were only three policeman and an angry blonde, as well as a knocked out Maddi being carried away. Zeke growled before he stormed over to the first policeman- who was standing off to the side, taping up the store with caution tape- and before anyone saw anything, he was dragged into the shadows where the young Meta curled a fist and got him square in the jaw. He'd be out for a good year and a half, Zeke thought to himself before peering out to the remaining two. It wouldn't be long before they questioned where their companion went.

Zeke's mind jumped and ducked around ideas, before he just let out a frustrated grunt and thre himself in the midst of two officers. The first one on which he leapt on, was out in a blink of an eye, and the second grabbed him from behind- Bad idea. Zeke spun on his heels to meet a fist, hitting him right on his lower lip. Blood began to trickle down before the officer smirked, "Never thought I'd punch the famous Mr.Crosse." But that was the last thing the officer would be saying for a while as Ezekiel gladly returned the fist to the face.

Maddi's body, which was still out cold, hung half in the cop car, and he picked her up and slung her over his shoulder- holding the frame of her back with his palm and his other hand was curled into a fist- still pissed. A screechy blonde tried to stop Ezekiel, but Ezekiel side stepped her lame attemps at a punch and shot her a devilish glare- filled with malice and daring her to move. That froze the blonde in place, and Ezekiel picked up some speed to make it back to the construction site in a hurry. The law inforcement crew would be on their tails- literally.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: sparticles on June 02, 2014, 05:42:29 pm


Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

The night had slowly passed by and morning quickly came, although at the early hours everything seemed rather dull and still, no much life around - not that there was much anyways. The skies were grey yet blue peaked through, but few clouds lingered in the skies and few animals around the forested area had woke making their usual noises which tended to wake the girl - although, today she was one stop ahead and had gotten up earlier avoiding the wake up call from the wild.

Letting out a loud sigh Aimee glanced around the dull room, her eyes still slightly closed since being tired from the previous events that had occurred the previous night. Raising her arms from under the quilt she clenched her hands in a fist and began to rub over her lazy eyes - but that only seemed to help a little. The young woman knew she couldn't lie in bed all day so with one flick of the blanket it had flew towards the bottom of the large, square bed and landed rather heavily. Lazily the young woman twisted herself around and hung her legs from the bed, then lifting up to be sat on the edge of her bed she mindlessly glanced around the room, obviously still half asleep.

She had now revealed her baddy t-shirt and a pair of shorts - this was a familiar yet comfortable thing she would wear for bed. Raising her arms and slightly arching her back backwards Aimee allowed a few bones in her body to crack but also her tense muscles had eased off. Placing her hands on the soft matress she traveled downstairs with her phone in her hand. A shiver ran through the girl as she exitied the warm room and passed through the cold landing, but everything soon heated from the automatic heating system her father had previously installed before he left.

As usual Aimee would wake and put the new on the tv, getting her bowl of grapes and strawberrys from the kitchen she ventured back into the cosy living room where she took a seat on the fabric sofa infront of the black flat-screen tv. Her mixed coloured eyes were focused on the television as she watched many events unfold - but the event she was involved with soon popped up. She listened quietly as the news reporter spoke, showing the two faces of the young woman and male who had ran, she watched as it continued. "There were reports of some type of bear or wolf attacking the hobos in this event, caught on camera the situation unfolded quickly!" a grey-haired male spoke as it showed footage of her wolf form, being hit by a hobo and then her killing one, after being shot at and killing the other. Her jaw dropped and the bowl of fruit dropped the the floor.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 02, 2014, 09:12:51 pm

With her head pounding and vision blurry, Maddi slowly opened her eyes and looked around trying to process what was going on. She couldn't exactly remember the last few days, so she went with the most logical idea. "Jack..." she whimpered, trying to wiggle out of the guy's grasp, but he held her tightly over his shoulder "Jack... You came back. And since when did you wear wife-beaters?" she questioned groggily, poking the boy's white tank top but groaning when the finger bent back slightly "And when did you become so muscle-y?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 02, 2014, 10:56:06 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel let out a huff of relief as he grabbed his bookbag which was slung over the fence-enterence to the abandoned construction site. He held that in one hand, and kept the unconcious Maddi in place as they entered their "refugee."
She seemed to stir lightly, however Ezekiel furrowed his brows  as she kept calling him 'Jack,' and that he came back for her. However, the caustic lad let out a bittersweet chuckle as Maddi "complimented" his lean arms. "The names Ezekiel, remember? And it's called "running for your life," you cant believe- it does wonders for your body."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 02, 2014, 11:27:50 pm

Maddi felt her happiness deflate the slightest as the memories came rushing back and she rubbed her wrist absentmindedly "Oh. Sorry Ezekiel" she then reached up and touched the size able lump that was forming on the side of her head, quietly mumbling swear words under her breathe. Then a wave of nausea hit her and she slumped further onto his shoulder. "Could you put me down, I really don't feel very good"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 03, 2014, 01:45:28 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

Ezekiel shrugged off her apology with a roll of his shoulders, before carefully descending the concrete stairs into the earthy tunnels below. He made sure to bend his knees so he didn't bang her head upon the ceiling- or his. Once inside, he set her down carefully, eyeing her up and down for any noticable scrapes or bruises. "How're you feelin'?" Zeke questioned lightly, not wanting to be overbearing or too protective.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 03, 2014, 03:20:33 pm

When she was set down on the floor, Maddi let out a silent breath of relief, at least her stomach wasn't churning so badly now. "Well, I think I might have a slight headache" she said, squinting her eyes against the dim lighting which to her seemed all to bright, "and I also feel like throwing up right now." The girl curled up into a ball on the dirt floor while trying to steady her spinning vision.

"But um thank you." She mumbled quietly, and then looked up at him with large, unfocused blue eyes "And please don't leave... I know you were going to, but I kinda liked your company..."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 03, 2014, 05:44:00 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel chuckled and shook his head, which was rambling with thoughts and concerns. He forked his fingers through his choppy black hair, before glancing down at the girl with an amused smile. Zeke let out a genuine chuckle- which sounded odd to even himself. "Don't worry- I dont think I could ever leave someone in need. 'Specially you." He added with an assertive nod before he lowered himself against the wall, his hands placed behind his head in an relaxed position.
"Anything you need me to do, m'lady?" Ezekiel asked in his regular, devilish tone, but he kept his gaze focused on his black vans.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 03, 2014, 08:54:12 pm

Maddi smiled up at him and then squeezed her eyes shut, groaning quietly "Thank you Ezekiel. It's always been a bit lonely here by my self." She then tried to sit up, but when her vision went white for a second, she sunk back onto the dirt floor with a huff of annoyance "I guess I'm going to take a nap right now. I'm sure the nausea will subside." The girl allowed her rigid muscles to relax slightly as she tried to calm down. She was slightly afraid to go to sleep, the nightmares would probably come back if she did"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 03, 2014, 10:56:44 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"Nah, don't sweat it." Ezekiel mumbled, shrugging his shoulders lightly. The young male cleared his throat before adding lightly, his head bent down in a shameful position, "about time I do some good for someone, eh?" Zeke said with a hoarse laugh, however he felt a bit choked up inside. Nodding at Maddi's request to sleep, he eyed the floor, knowing that it couldn't be too comfortable- but if he learned anything: it was to not question a woman's decisions- it would only enrage them further or make them feel worse.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 04, 2014, 12:34:14 am

Despite her fears, Maddi had drifted off within minutes of actually closing her eyes. When she opened them again, she didn't recognize her surroundings. The foggy forest was rather odd looking, but she couldn't figure out why, was it the crooked trees, or maybe the light grayish green fog. The girl walked around a little bit, still trying to figure out why she was dreaming of a depressing forest. Then it clicked when she heard the distinctive sound of a gun and she whirled around. There was a boy in front of her, aiming the gun at her with a smirk "Once by water, the second by fire. The last and final time with a bullet in the chest." With no other words the gun went off with a bang, and she shrieked, only to find herself in the tunnels once more."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 04, 2014, 02:12:24 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel jerked himself upright, seeing as he too almost nodded off. His icy blue eyes flickered to the sound asleep Maddi, her limbs a tangled and uncomfortable looking mess on the dirt floor. Zeke heaved out a sigh before hoisting himself up off the floor, and over to Maddi who was deep in sleep. Ezekiel wrapped his arms around her back and kept his other arm under her legs and hoisted her up like a mere child before carrying her down the hallway to her room. Ezekiel made his best attempts not to wake the young Meta as he set her down on the bed. The young lad then lowered himself onto a chair on the opposite side of the room, seeing that he should keep watch if any police officers would decide to still be on the hunt for Maddi and himself.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 04, 2014, 02:25:39 am

In her half conscious, but mostly asleep state, Maddi could feel her body being lifted off the floor and carried down the hall like a young child in their father's arms. As Ezekiel carried her down the hall she buried her head into his shoulder and tried to go back to sleep. She them felt the soft bed beneath her and was almost disappointed when the warmth from the other meta's body disappeared.

The next dream started out relatively nice, she was sitting on a fallen tree next to the large open expanse of a glittering blue lake. Giggles and laughter registered in her ears and she turned to find 3 children playing on the shore. The youngest ran up to her with a broad smile on his face "Mommy, when is Dad coming home? You said he would be home last week."

Maddi frowned, slightly confused, for she didn't have children nor did she plan to have children. But the look in the little boy's eyes made her go along with the little act "Your daddy said he will be home very soon and that he loves you very very much. He wants you to stay safe and away from the bad humans" she said, assuming the little boy was infact a Meta as well, since the gene was often passed down through the generations.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 04, 2014, 02:50:54 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel yawned, bringing his open palm up to cover his mouth before he snapped his jaws shut. He forked his fingers through his hair, seeing as it was becoming a bit oily. The young lad scrunched up his nose in disgust- he'd have to shower soon. He had a feeling he wasn't smelling, feeling, nor looking too hot these past few days since it's been utter chaos- but enjoyable chaos, that is. Zeke jerked his head up as Maddi mumbled incomprehensible nonsense in her sleep. A ghost of a smile wiped across his features. The predatory looking lad whistled a tune that his father used to whistle as well during the early hours of the morning. When most kids were asleep, but Ezekiel would be up making coffee and his father watching the early news. It was really the only time they bonded since mom left during the early years of Ezekiel and his brothers life.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 04, 2014, 03:12:23 am

Maddi smiled lightly as the little boy trotted off to play with the two other children, who she assumed were his siblings. Her three kids ran around the beach, kicking up sand and splashing through the shallow waters as they went, and shouted happily as they played tag. Honestly she hadn't felt so relaxed since her mother's death and it was almost scaring her how at ease she was. "Kids!" She called to them "It's time to go! The sun will set soon, and then the vampires will come out" she added with a playful growl.

 The four of them walked towards the cabin when the image faded and she was back in the room grumbling as she tried to remember how she got there. Then she recalled that Ezekiel had carried her here and she glanced over at the boy, not knowing that she still has that soft smile stretched across her face. The boy had reminded her quite a bit of Ezekiel, and she was kind of worried why he had been so similar.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 04, 2014, 03:07:56 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel stopped his whistling as Maddi seemed to wake slightly, the previous unconcious mumbling coming to an end, as well. The young lad squinted into the darkness, before a light smirk streached across his features. "You know you talk in your sleep, right?" He added with a low chuckle before stretching out his limbs a  bit with a groan.

[sorry for shortness ;o;]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 04, 2014, 08:55:14 pm

Maddi gave him a light nod and then her eyes widened substantially when he mentioned that she talked in her sleep. "Um what did you hear?" She asked quietly her cheeks bright red and hot. She then sat up, ignoring the small twinge of pain from the bump on her head. She then noticed that she was quite dusty and her nose wrinkled in disgust "I need to wash up" she muttered to herself quietly.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 04, 2014, 09:59:03 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel stretched out his limbs some more, before letting out yet another yawn- exposing his pearly white teeth, two teeth slightly pointed in a predatory fashion; which resembling his feline form in the slightest. Once Maddi seemed to be fully awake, Ezekiel perked up somewhat- rubbing his eyes with his fists. Perking up, Ezekiel flickered his bright blue eyes in the direction of Maddi. "Oh, nothing, just you professing your love for me." He joked, with a devilish grin plastered upon his features.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 05, 2014, 12:58:47 am

Maddi's eyes widened almost to the size of golf balls when she realized what she had said when she was asleep and her face was suddenly aflame; the color of a ripe tomato. "I-I um I didn't mean to... I mean I'm s-sorry about that." she buried her face in her hands and rolled back under the covers in shame. What the heck was going through her mind? Sure he was nice and all, but she didn't want to think of him as anything more than a companion...
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 05, 2014, 01:57:34 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let out a heart laugh, before wiping his face clean of the slow devilish and mischevious smirk that was forming on his sharp features. "Dont worry,  Mad, I was just kidding. You were just babbling- couldn't understand it anyways." Zeke reassured the girl with an arch of his eyebrows, and a genuine broad smile that crinkled the ends of his bright icy eyes.
He ran a hand up exposes arm, the tattoo'd sleeve providing an inky picture of many different things. However, he soon tilted his head at the young Meta, a bit confused.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 05, 2014, 02:10:13 am

Maddi huffed and climbed out from under the covers before facing Ezekiel " I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" she said with a small frown. She then rifled through her drawers and pulled out a clean set of clothes. "I actually need to wash myself up. And there's a clean pool about a quarter of a mile south of here" she told him over her shoulder "Ill be back soon, then you can bathe if you would like."

Heading outside she jogged over to her pool slowly and checked to make sure no one was around before she stripped and slipped into the water. She washed her hair with what was left of a small bar of soap that was sitting on a covered ledge. She also washed the grime off the rest of her body.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 05, 2014, 03:21:26 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shook his head slowly, chuckling in a fairly winsome manner. "Didn't make me uncomfortable in the slightest. Although, I could tell by your reddened cheeks that I did. I apologize, m'lady." Zeke said in his usual stark tone, but it held the slightest bit of a devilish tune- as well as humor for comedic relief. But he was actually genuine on his apology. As the young woman up and left, and heaved a sigh- longing for a warm shower, but he assumed washing himself in a pool would work- it wouldn't be the firs time. A light smile played on his lips as once he got a ticket from an officer for bathing naked in a public fountain. But he woul keep that information to himself.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 05, 2014, 04:35:38 am

After drying herself off, Maddi changed into her new clean clothes and headed back to the camp while wringing water out of her hair. As she walked, she thought back to when the tips of her hair had actually been a light scarlet, and she laughed lightly at the memory. As the Meta approached the entrance she stopped, thinking she was hearing something, but when the soft rustling ceased she decided to dismiss it as nothing.

She came down the stars and went into the kitchen, preparing some toaster pastries before calling out to her friend "Hey Ezekiel! I'm done with the pool now, it's all yours!"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 05, 2014, 02:17:31 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel hoisted himself from the chair, lifting his arms up and stretching them with a slight groan. His back arched and cracked, before he stood upright once more, and dismissed himself from the room. Zeke nodded happily and trotted over to the reading room, grabbing a towel and holding it around his neck, before he popped back into the kitchen. "Thanks again.. for everything." Ezekiel's voice ran dry midsentence and he had to clear his throat. But afterwards he gave a goofy, broad smile- never being the sappy type. But he believed a thanking was in order, so he did that much.

He then ducked back out of the kitchen, up the concrete steps, and in the direction of the pool. Once a the pool, he laid his towel on one of the nearby chairs and quickly lifted his shirt up and over his body. Zeke tossed the piece of fabric away with a flicker of his wrist. He then quickly undressed himself further and went into the pool. Ezekiel mostly focused on scrubbing his hair that fell naturally into his eyes, but he normally combed away. Standing at 6'6, most of his torso was out of the water, so he had to sit under the water for quite some time as he cleaned himself.

Once he was finished, Ezekiel grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his lower torso, before realzin he left his backpack with his clothes in it back in the tunnels. A curse left his lips as he slipped into his shoes and -dripping wet and all- made a quick race back to the tunnels. Quickly ducking into the tunnels, Ezekiel made a beeline for the reading room where his bookbag sat.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 06, 2014, 03:42:18 am

Maddi had returned to her room for a moment to sort out her clean and dirty clothes, determining which garments to wash and which could be put back in the drawers. After the room was neat enough for her liking, she went back to the kitchen to make herself some lunch. She was just toasting the bread when she heard feet against the concrete steps and automatically knew it was Ezekiel returning from his wash.

"Hey Eze!" She called heading towards the book room "Would you like me to make you a sand- oh woah! Crap!" Maddi stumbled back out of the room, her hands going to her eyes "I'm just going to walk away now. I totally did not just see you half naked."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 06, 2014, 03:06:18 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel nearly jumped out of his skin as Maddi entered, then quickly leapt back out of the reading room- which he guess, since Maddi invited him to stay, was now his? It was a bit confusing, but right now all Ezekiel was worried about was quickly scouring his bag for a clean black t-shirt, a pair of Batman boxers and jeans. Ezekiel turned back to face the door, arching his eyebrows upwards in a wary fashion. "Sorry for scarring you for life!~" Ezekiel singsonged with a light chuckle before tossing the towel aside, slipping into his clothes, and then zipping up his bag.

He silently exited the room into the kitchen. Rubbing his hand across the back of his neck in an awkward fashion. "..so about that sandwich?" He said with a light chuckle.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 07, 2014, 12:50:32 am

Maddi gave him a tight lipped smile when he stepped back out of the room "Ah yes!" She then ran a hand through her still damp hair "I was actually wondering if you would like a sandwich..." The girl chuckled nervously as she remembered seeing the tattoos that stretched across his back and shoulders. She then grinned at him "Do you like ham and cheese?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 08, 2014, 03:59:15 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel rubbed his hand up and down his arm in a sheepish manner, keeping his gaze on the floor. Nothing could possibly shame the confident Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse! But here he was, looking like a herded sheep, keeping away from the nasty wolves that bit at his cheeks- turning them a pinkish pigment. However, at her question at the sandwich, Ezekiel beamed and glanced up, nodding his head like a mere child. "I'd love one." He said in his stark tone, before his stomach let out a rumble. "Or two." He added with a chuckle.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 08, 2014, 05:14:50 pm
Emma Louis Jordan


19 years
5 foot 5, red hair often wearing goth or scene clothing
Cocky - Smart - Rebellious - Flirty
Shift form:
Emma's mother was a case of teen pregnancy and could not care for her, so she was put into an orphanage and soon adopted out into foster care at the age of 7. She never really settled in, there always seemed to be something wrong with the child, she was anti-social and wouldn't play with any other children in the neighborhood much preferring to stay inside, draw and listen to loud music.

In later life, teen years, school Emma was quickly labeled goth, or emo in the social chain, she didn't care it fit her will in her mind so she just went alone with it, her blonde hair was soon dyed red and black and she would dress more to the roll, meeting people similar to her was always fun, she didn't care much for the pretty princesses that strut around in designer clothes.

It wasn't until recently, after she had left school, she had a rather stressful break up with a boyfriend, this lead to her storming off and hiding in her "alone" place, a little hollow she had created over the years in the forest, her emotions were high and she thought she'd passed out, but when she got to her feet again it was quit apparent she wasn't human anymore, no she was a horse, a large black mare, it scared her a little, she didn't know what was going on at first but soon enough she found it to be somthing enjoyable and over the next year worked on controlling her shifting, she can now shift at will and if a lot happier, whenever she needs to blow off steam she will quite happily go for a run through the woods.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 08, 2014, 07:40:22 pm


Maddi chuckled slightly at his discomfort, and went to the kitchen to make the sandwiches. Placing meat and cheese on the bread in a rhythmic beat,  she ended up with a total of five sandwiches and she grinned hungrily. Setting the plate down on the table and beckoned for Ezekiel to come eat. "There's a toaster over there if you would like it toasted." she said quietly, gesturing towards the little metal box before beginning to devour her sandwich.

Once done with her first and half way through her second, Maddi paused to look at her room mate, her head cocked slightly to the right "Hey Ezekiel, do your tattoos have meanings?" she suddenly blurted, but then covered her mouth quickly "I- Uh Sorry, it kinda came out. I don't mean to pry"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 08, 2014, 07:50:01 pm
could someone quickly bring me up to speed on the rp? ^^ <3))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Liepi on June 09, 2014, 05:15:49 am
(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag342/Liepi646/image_zps10e00bd9.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/Liepi646/media/image_zps10e00bd9.jpg.html)

[Jordyn Deyin Hix]
[19 Year Old Female]
[Jordyn has bright red hair that is, believe it or not, natural. She's about 5' 6 and weighs around 134, though she's nowhere near being fat. She usually wears shorts a tanktop and a opened up plaid button up shirt and a pair of converse. She's a she's a white and chestnut paint drum horses that is rather thin with blue eyes]
[Secluded - Short-Tempered - Quiet - Aggressive in a way - Protective]
[Jordyn was born into a poor family. They were threatened with foreclosure3 and eventually had to live on the streets when she was 12. Social workers found out and came to collect her and her brother, Liam. Her brother was a couple years older and promised to protect her so when they came, they ran away. They lived in the woods for quite a while before discovering their powers. She had no idea that she would ever actually be what other's called a meta till only a couple years ago.

(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag342/Liepi646/DrumHorse_zps1f58538b.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/Liepi646/media/DrumHorse_zps1f58538b.jpg.html)

(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag342/Liepi646/RedHead_zps76760517.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/Liepi646/media/RedHead_zps76760517.jpg.html)

[Liam James Hix]
[21 one year old male]
[Liam is like a replica of Jordyn but as a male. He has fiery red hair and a muscular tone. He is about 6'3 and weighs about 178 though most is muscle. He is a large muscular bay clydesdale stallion with brown eyes.]
[Protective - Hard-Headed - Stubborn - Short-tempered - Aggressive]
[His bio mirrors Jordyn's]

(http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag342/Liepi646/Clydesdale_zps9693bc9f.jpg) (http://s1372.photobucket.com/user/Liepi646/media/Clydesdale_zps9693bc9f.jpg.html)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 10, 2014, 12:58:58 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
[size=9]"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel gave a broad smile to his room mate Maddi, before sitting down at the table. His knee's brushed against bottom of the table, which made him slightly uncomfortable; but he didn't mind. Once Maddi sat down with the plate of five sandwiches, He rubbed his hands together and a fairly winsome smile placed itself on his sharp features. "Thanks Mad." Ezekiel's stark voice said with gratitude. He didn't go to toast the sandwiches, since he preferred them the way they already were. The young lad wolfed down his first and second sandwich in under less than three minutes.

He wiped his mouth and then narrowed his eyes at the young Meta in front of him at her sudden question. Zeke's eyebrows shot up, and his lips curved into a side smile. "No no, it's fine." He reassured her before licking his lips. His icy blue eyes trailed along his left arm; which was a sleeve of tattoo's. However, his right only had three or four scattered across. His lower abdomen had one, and several more were scattered across his back and shoulders. His eyes flickered across the table at Maddi, and he gave a brief shrug; what he was about to do could either embarrass the young Meta, or just possibly disgust her. Either way- she asked for it, right?

"Uh, I could show you them- if you'd like." Ezekiel paused, but he didn't wait for an answer as he hoisted himself up from the chair. Zeke lifted the hem of his shirt up and over his head, and with a flick of his wrist, the dark fabric was tossed to the side. He outstretched his right arm- the one with the only a few tattoo's. It was one of his favorites- A batman logo. He let out a rumbling chuckle, seeing as it was pretty self explanatory. He then switched his gaze to the sleeve of tattoo's on his left arm; among the scattered symbols and patterns, and some designs on his arm, he pointed to one of a withering rose. "That was for my mom." He said with a light shrug before stretching lightly. After that, he shook his head with a sigh, and then pointed with an index finger to a sleek raven with a bright red rose in it's talons. The tattoo was a fairly large size, and rested right beside the 'v' indentation upon his lower abdomen. "This one.. is for my brother- Jeremiah." He said with a forced cheery tone, but the memories of his younger brother made him feel a bit melancholy.

"The rest are just pointless 'memoirs' of a time I wanted to remember." Ezekiel finished giving a shrug of his broad shoulders, before bending down to reach for the black shirt's fabric. He held the bunched up material in his fist.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 10, 2014, 01:49:20 am
Emma Louis Jordan

One by one drops of rain began to fall and Emma was caught out in the growing storm. Sure the red haired girl loved the rain,but not right now, no she wasn't in the mood for getting wet. The storm had been so sudden it had caught a lot of people unaware and a crack of sudden lightning scared the now drenched girl out of her skin and sent her running to the closest door which she promptly knocked on, rand the door bell, she didn't care she just wanted in out of the rain. She didn't really have a house of her own to run to so whatever. hugging her arms around her and shivering she looked up at the door again frowning, would they even answer? Another crack lit up the sky and forced a scared squeak from her as she knocked on the door more urgently.

(This is the house Ezekiel and Maddi are in)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 10, 2014, 02:54:01 am
((Accepted..... Viepi?))


The young meta watched him in awe as he took off his shirt, revealing dozens of tattoos, none exactly alike. She listened to his brief overview of a few of the ink drawings on his skin, her mouth firmly sealed. She was actually tempted to get one herself, but she wasn't sure what to get. "That's actually really amazing... I mean, It's really cool how some people are brave enough to get these things permanently inked into their skin."

"I was actually thinking..." She grabbed the last bits of her sandwich and taking a bite "I feel like getting a tattoo, but I'm not sure what to get. Any suggestions?" Maddi was then called away from the table by a sound echoing through the tunnels. Instantly she was on high alert and stalking towards the entrance.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 10, 2014, 03:23:01 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shrugged, keeping his head bent downward as he continued to stare intently upon the tattoo for his brother. His index finger traced the feathers upon the raven's sleek back. But Maddi's comment seemed to pull the young lad from his trance, and his icy blue eyes widened a touch at her wanting a tattoo.

"Getting a tattoo is a painful bitch." He started, eyeing her with concern. He couldn't imagine sweet cute lil' Mad, getting a tattoo. No matter what he wanted, it was up to her. Ezekiel still felt like he needed to voice his opinion, so he did. "Mad, with all due respect, I like you just the way you are- I wouldn't want you to go through that pain for a lousy tattoo." He said with a shy smile before the noise of another's presence startled him.

"Maddi, stay behind me." Ezekiel said in a hushed tone before he stalked over to the door that connected the tunnels to the outdoor world. The old construction site in which they were holed up in was hidden to the public eye since the site had been closed down years ago. The tall 6'6 Meta growled slightly, a bit nervous about the fact of another person- meta- or possible military officer searching for him- could be behind the door. However, Ezekiel - his shirt bunched up and left on the kitchen table- stood proud and tall- hopefully intimidating enough to the stranger behind the door.

The Meta swung open the door, only to tilt his chin down to the young "emo" looking girl with bright red and black hair. Ezekiel narrowed his bright icy blue eyes upon her with a sense of distrust and uneasiness. "Yes?" Zeke's stark tone replied gruffly as he continued to squint down at the girl.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 10, 2014, 03:33:16 am
Emma Louis Jordan

Emma didn't much care for the blunt welcome she got the man, nor the fact that she practically pushed the shirtless giant out of her way and bolted inside where it was dry away from the rain and most importantly away from the thunder. Shivering now Emma turned to look at him with a small frown, eyes drifting to the other woman there then back to the man. "Hi. It's wet out there. And cold. And thundering." The META stated rather matter-o-factly.

Taking her hands off herself and ringing out her hair she looked down at herself and grumbled, everything was wet, her boots felt like they had small lakes inside them. It was awful and squishy and horrible and... Wait, where exactly was she? She hadn't really payed attention where she had ran to, what house she had knocked on or... even if it was a house, was this even a house? It didn't look complete. "I'm Emma, sorry to bug you... I can uh.. Go if you like..." Emma took a deep breath in looking owards the door, leaving was the last thing she wanted to do.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 10, 2014, 03:51:16 am
Maddi felt her heart sink a little when he practically implied that she was to kid-like for a tattoo. Although he had put it in one of the nicest ways possible, she still was disappointed in herself for being 'not tough enough' or 'too girly'. She pushed the thought out of her mind when she saw a red haired meta push her way past Ezekiel, wringing out the fiery red strands. When the girl turned back to leave, on instinct Maddi grabbed her hand to stop her "Wait. I - I mean we, always have room for another...."

She cast her roommate a pleading glance, she would have liked to have a femal friend, seeing as Cry had left long ago and she had not heard a word from her since. He stood there, looking quite grumpy, and still shirtless, and she almost expected him to automatically turn the newcomer away.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 10, 2014, 04:07:11 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel didn't mean that the young Meta was too young, girly, or not tough enough. Because Maddi was none of the above. He just thought she was great already- and wouldn't want her to have to struggle and possibly regret her tattoo choices later in life; plus, the actual "tattoo- getting" part wasn't exactly a walk in the park to begin with.

The young lad bit back a comment and several growls as the young fiery-haired female pushed past him and into the home of Maddi. He didn't consider it his. He was simply her room mate, but the "estate" was entirely hers. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes onto Maddi- seeing that she wanted to let this person into her home. He held up his hands, seeing as he had no say in this.

He unraveled the bunched up cloth and threw the black fabric over his head and tugged the hem down to cover himself once more. In bold white letters it read "DAMNED," and the shirt itself exposed his lean arms covered in tattoos. Currently, his arms were crossed in a slightly pissed fashion. He did not. like. disrespectful. people. Which was quite ironic- because Ezekiel was a lot of things that weren't particularly "good" but he was respectful, at least.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 10, 2014, 04:20:18 am
(( I just realized that I posted a picture of a boy wearing the TARDIS... I'll fix that later.))


Maddi grinned when Ezekiel gave her his approval. She had been longing for someone to talk to about well, girl stuff and gossip. She ran up to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing tightly before backing up. She had a huge smile plastered on her face and she bounced on the balls of her feet, the disappointment from earlier long forgotten as she was bouncing off the walls in excitement "Thank you Ezekiel! Thank you, thank you!"

She then grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her down the hall towards her room "You can share a room with me, my name is Maddi by the way, but any who we'll get you and Ezekiel a bed soon"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 10, 2014, 04:38:00 am
Yeah, I laughed too hard at that xD
Anyways, I'll wait for Emma to post before I reply. ))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 10, 2014, 11:21:46 am
Emma Louis Jordan

Emma's eyes widened a little as he arm was grabbed and she was pulled back into the house by the girl, though the man seemed none to please about her being there and all she could do was give him an apologetic glance. she hadn't meant to be rude, oh god no she just didn't want to be stuck outside in the thunderstorm.

"H-hey, Oh ok... Wait... What?" She barely had time to register anything as she was soon dragged down the halls towards the girls room, mishearing Maddi when she spoke about getting her and Ez a bed. "Wait, a bed together?!" Her jaw dropping slightly well that was a little sudden! Then it dawned on her what she had actually meant. "OH! A bed each... Oh..."

Giggling she nodded and shrugged, she had slept in worse places than the floor of a dry apartment. "I don't think he like me very much..." Emma muttered to Maddi, she was quite happy to share gossip and giggle about girly things with her, that was always fun right? She hadn't had someone to talk to like that in a long long time.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 10, 2014, 08:40:53 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel huffed slightly, but he nodded his approval even though he thought the choice was entirely up to Maddi anyways. He was taken off guard as Maddi basically threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezed him. His eyes narrowed slightly. The gesture seemed foreign to him, but he hugged her back lightly- giving her a gentle squeeze- before letting her go to run off with the fiery-haired girl. "Don't thank me for anything. It's your place, after all." Ezekiel said with a light shrug before turning on his heels and stalking back into his room.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 10, 2014, 10:19:07 pm

Maddi laughed lightly at the new girl's slight confusion "Trust me, he would have probably skinned me alive if I put you two in the same bed." She thought of how much Ezekiel disliked the girl, even though she had been here for less than ten minutes. It was kind of odd, he had practically begged her to stay, but he didn't want another Meta in the house? Trying not to worry too much, she shook her head and jumped onto her bed, leaving room for the new girl to sit as well.

"I'm just kidding though, you have nothing to worry about. He's about as dangerous as a hamster, quite the teddy bear once you get to know him" she smiled brightly at the girl. What she had said was true, at least to her it was, Maddi wasn't exactly sure how he treated other people, but he had been nice to her. "So, what's your name?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 11, 2014, 01:06:16 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel paced back and forth a bit after trying to sleep with no avail. He was awake alert, and very pissed off for some reason. He himself wasn't even entirely sure. Maybe it was the fact that the newcomer had just pushed past him? No- it couldn't be that, right? He wouldn't get worked up over a sliver of disrespect, would he? Or maybe it was just the fact that he was wary of her.

The young lad growled to himself before climbing up the concrete steps and into the atmosphere. The night sky was dark, but a sudden flash of lightning cut across the darkness and against the heavy rain that quickly soaked Ezekiel. The Meta trudged to the pool near the house and sat down at one of the lounge chairs. Ezekiel's piercing blue eyes flickered over the pool, watching it fill to the top with rainwater. His muscle tank wasn't doing too much to sheild him, but that wasn't really what he was worried about.  

Ezekiel's damp hair fell into his eyes, and his full sandy colored lips turned downwards in a scowl. He just wanted some time alone to think. He was just having a rough day- it really had nothing to do with the newcomer. His tattoo's- especially two that he pointed out to Maddi stung on his skin, and he sat slumped against the lounge chair- thinking about his past decisions.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Liepi on June 11, 2014, 01:51:34 am
Could I have a recap before I post?))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 11, 2014, 02:54:39 am
Basically what's gone on is they're all in an abandoned construction site building, it's raining, like thunder and lightning, that's about it.

P.S - It's gotten to late for me to think straight and post a decent post I will post tomorrow
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 11, 2014, 11:38:38 pm
[ Are you going to post, Zady? ]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 12, 2014, 03:02:32 am
((Er I'm just going to go ahead and pretend that Emma is asleep or something.))


Maddi quietly exited the room, and went back into the kitchen in search of someone to talk to. Since Emma had fallen asleep, she decided it was best to leave the exhausted girl alone and went to find Ezekiel. She noticed that he was no longer in the eating area, and there was still a sandwich left on the table. She wrapped it in plastic wrap before following his slight footprints towards the entrance. Sighing quietly, she slipped on a coat and put the sandich in an inner pocket before grabbing another coat and heading out into the rain.

She found him rather quickly, and watched him for a few moments before coming forward. "Hey bud. It's raining ya know." She gave him a small smile, but it was unrecognizable due to the dark strands of wet hair in her face. She held out the coat, it was black in color and probably too short for him, but it would have to do because all of her coats were most likely a little too small. Sitting down next to him, she felt the cold water soak her jeans as she crossed her legs in front of her "So what are you doing out here?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: zady on June 12, 2014, 04:15:30 am
Emma Louis Jordan

Emma had happily spoken to Maddi for a little while before her exhaustion had finally caught her off guard, they had gotten perhaps as far as "so how did you end up here?" When Emma had just given up and curled up on the bed, letting herself fall asleep, she would apologize later for making the bed wet from the rain. Though she fell asleep fast she was woken by a crack of thunder, grumbling she would drag the pillow and cover her head with it in protest to the storm.

(sorry guys XD)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 12, 2014, 03:08:57 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shifted back into his seet, his arms crossed across his chest, his eyes casted downset onto the damp ground below. However, with the approaching footsteps, Ezekiel shifted upright. His arm was bent on his knee, his chin placed in his palm, as he narrowed his eyes at Maddi. What was she doing out here? At the sight of the jacket she was outstretching towards him, he shook his head with a sly grin.

He let out a light grunt at her comment, adding a low, "Yeah, I realized." Ezekiel let out a yawn, covering his mouth with his free hand, before letting it rest again on his thigh. However, at Maddi's next question, Zeke remained silent for a bit. In all honesty, he was just thinking about his douche-ness decisions he made before he found Maddi and Cry, and he wanted to think about his life as a Meta. A life of running- chasing the cops? Was that what was left for him? Well, he deserved it anyways. But now he was done thinking, and inwardly complaining- because he was Ezekiel freaking Crosse, and he wasn't one to get down in the dumps.

"Oh, just thinking. I think I overworked my brain, so I'm done for now." He said with a sigh, and he hoisted himself from the chair. Ezekiel forked his fingers through his choppy hair, which was soaking wet and was a mess, tangling slightly at his eyebrows; although some pieces of hair fell longer into his eyes. "Need to get out of these wet clothes." He said with a shrug, as his icy blue eyes cut through the darkness to seek the way back to the concrete steps that went downwards. Why would she come out  here to look for him anyways?
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 12, 2014, 03:46:36 pm

Maddi frowned slightly at his expression when she approached, but nevertheless, put a smile on her face as she faced him. The rain had completely soaked through her clothes by now and she shivered slightly. "Well if you'd like to think some more, You can always keep thinking... I'll just sit with you if you'd like." she rubbed her hands together and pulled her fingers through her soaked hair.

Then when he stood up, getting out of the old lawn chair, she looked up at him slightly confused. It always seemed that she drove him away, every time that she stepped near him he seemed to take a step away. Her frown was now very evident and she then looked at the muddy ground, her brows furrowed in thought.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 12, 2014, 04:19:53 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel rocked on his heels, letting out a sigh. "No, it's fine." He said, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "I wouldn't make you stand in the rain- speaking of which- why would you come out 'ere when the weather is like this?" Zeke questioned, tilting his head down and arching his eyebrows up in slight confusion. He stuffed his fists into his pockets, and let a low breath escape him.  Once evaluating her facial expressions, Ezekiel let out a amused chuckle. "What?" He questioned, suddenly being pulled up from his prior state of gloom.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 12, 2014, 04:55:55 pm

She shrugged slightly, dismissing her confusion "Oh it was nothing. Just thinking." She then stood and wiped some mud off of her butt "I don't know. I came out because I was worried about you." She gave him a small smile through the rain, which was starting to ease of slightly, but it was still dark and damp.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 12, 2014, 05:01:34 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel bobbed his head lightly, still not understanding, but pretending like he did. And boy, did he pull it off. "What'cha thinkin' about?" His stark tone asked, as he nudged her slightly, giving a sheepish smile- which rarely fit the sharp features of the male. However, on his next statement, his gaze softened and he gave a light smile. "That's very kind of you, Mad." He said, his smile widening a bit.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 12, 2014, 05:32:49 pm

Maddi laughed quietly, a grin plastered on her face, "What? Am I not allowed to worry about my room mate? Don't sweat it big boy." She then stood up onto her tip toes before patting him on the head, her fingers getting slightly caught in his tangled hair. She laughed again and then grabbed his fore arm "Come on, let's go inside where we can talk... And plus it's warm and dry in there."

Then without looking back she pranced towards the door, making sure to splash in a few mud puddles along the way. She finally felt like a kid again, but she knew it was not going to last very long. Soon the authorities would find them hiding here, and they would either escape or be sent to camps.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 12, 2014, 05:57:21 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel chuckled, giving his soaking wet hair a shake with a flick of his head as Maddi ruffled his hair. Hopefully he got her face a bit damp. Dont sweat it? He shook his head lightly at her comment, a sly grin forming on his sharp features. He followed along as Maddi gripped his arm and dragged him along. It would be nice to change into a fresh pair of clothes, and get warm and comfortable. Just not his current soaking wet self. Zeke was pretty sure he smelled like a wet dog. "Talk?" He gulped, faking anxiety and superstition. "Oh no, I'm in trouble, aren't I?" Ezekiel said in a mocking tone, looking down at Maddi with a goofy expression.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 12, 2014, 10:28:46 pm

Maddi grinned up at him "Oh shut up you. What's wrong with talking to my dearest friend and companion?" She shook shook her head in amusement. When they reached their home, she wrung out her hair, making sure to splash Ezekiel more than once and then went to sit down on the small couch, not caring that she was still soaked to the bone. Instead she was fiddling with the loose brown strands of hair that were falling into her eyes as she put her hair up into a sloppy bum.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 12, 2014, 10:41:45 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let out a hearty chuckle, as he continued to fork his fingers through his hair in attempts to fix it's soaking wet state. However, it was little use. His hair was still falling into his icy eyes, but he would soon go inside and dry himself off. Tilting his head downwards towards Maddi, he shrugged lightly; a goofy expression on his face.

"Oh, nothing. It's just Girls 101; When they say "We can talk," or "We need to talk," it's normally something bad." Zeke stated matter-of-factly, as they made their way back home.

Once climbing down the concrete steps, he shook his head with a fit of laughter as Maddi threw her soaking wet self on the sofa. He made a 'scoot over' gesture with his hands before he sat down, leaning his elbow against the arm of the chair. "What do you wanna talk about then?" He asked, his face suddenly a bit bleak and grim.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 12, 2014, 11:12:20 pm

Maddi laughed and scooted over slightly when he sat down, and then stretched out slightly on the small couch, laying her head in his lap. "Well we could talk about anything really. What the weather's like or what's been bugging you all day." She looked up at him with a small smirk, but it disappeared when she saw the expression on his face "Oh. Nevermind then. We don't have to talk about that."

She sighed quietly, looking once more up at the ceiling "I understand you're upset Ezekiel, I'm not as ignorant as one might think."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 12, 2014, 11:42:40 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shifted in his seat so it would be more comfortable for Maddi, who had now layed her head in his lap. Although he was still damp, it couldn't of been that great of a couch for the young Meta. He only listened to the first part of the sentence, the second he simply disreguarded. "Anything?" He inquired with a slight smirk before continuing. "Tell me about yourself, then." Ezekiel asked with a light chuckle before he fell silent at her last comment. "Dont worry about me. It's a waste of time." He stated simple and direct, seeing no need to advance the statement further; he simply waited for a reply with a raised brow.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 12:15:43 am

Maddi chuckled, "Well, what an interesting topic" she said sarcastically "My life was that cliche abusive parenting story. I mean I had a normal child hood of sorts, then out of the blue, Mum came down with pancreatic cancer and died when I was 14. From then on I became the perfect abusive family poster child." She sighed, thinking back to her 15th birthday.

"Jack left me pretty shortly after that and I haven't seen him since. Dad became a drunk and I was basically a slave in my own home. If I didn't do what he wanted, I got beat." She shrugged to herself and then looked back up at him "What about you?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 12:32:44 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. His icy blue eyes were widened, his face growing pale. "I'm sorry, Maddi." The young lad said, his voice merely a whisper. "That cant be easy.. I'm very sorry." Zeke gave her shoulder a squeeze, but upon her next question, Ezekiel chuckled, shrugging it off. "Oh no, it's boring anyways." He chuckled nervously, running his hand across the back of his neck. Oh, really smooth, Ezekiel. Way to evade that.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 12:41:59 am

She shrugged once again, it wasn't that bad considering she was almost never home, sleeping outside or sometimes at a friends. She had also gotten used to the sympathetic looks she had always gotten once someone had found out about her past. "Honestly, it really wasn't as bad as it could have been. I mean, I could be dead right now." she cracked a weak smile "We wouldn't like that now would we?"

Then frowning, she poked him hard in the stomach "Oh no you don't Mr. Crosse. I told you my life story, it's about time you told me yours. After all, I don't like talking about myself very much."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 01:04:00 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel grunted as she poked him in the stomach. Hard. He hissed slightly, but it sounded too feline and predatory, and he gave a chuckle towards that. Guess he was just a big kitten, eh? However,it looked like she wouldn't let up about the topic, so he slid further downward in his seat and rested his hands behind his head. Zeke's chin was tilted up, his striking blue eyes flickering across the ceiling of this odd, odd sanctuary.

"Ah, the good ol' story of Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse." His voice was stark, and somewhat sarcastic, as usual, but his eyes held a grim atmosphere to them. The way they flickered around, never remaining on one spot in the ceiling. "Well, I was obviously the good-looking one out of my brother Jeremiah and I." He began with a light huff, trying to lighten the suddenly very heavy mood. "See, Jeremiah and I are about three years apart. We have different father's, but Jeremiah always considered my father, his too. See, our mother was a alcoholic who suffered Bipolar disorder- which was passed down onto Jeremiah." He paused briefly, his eyes wideneing in slight terror at the thought. "They both had awful moodswings." As known as; abuse. But he wouldn't connect the dots fully.

 "Mom left shortly after Jeremiah began grade school, and Dad moved us into the country. He didn't take her leaving well. I for one- small innocent Zeke- saw it as no more beatings. So, I was pretty content, actually." Zeke's voice was soft and trailed off before he finished most sentences. That was mostly because he was leaving the gruesome details out.

"Jeremiah soon left when he found out he was a .. well- Meta. A few weeks later after Jeremiah left, Dad felt guilty. Too guilty. Guilty for mom leavig- guilty for condemning us to a life of a Meta. Took the shotgun from the top shelf.. and well, ya know. Offed himself. Saw him do it too. Not a damned thing I said stopped it... probably could've. But I was too shocked to do anything but be useless and sit there and cry, and the occasional scream." He said, adding a slight grin as he glanced downwards towards Maddi. "It's a cruel world. But it's also beautiful, sometimes." The young meta wouldn't cry. No. Not infront of her. He heaved a sigh and sat himself upright. "There's the revised and child-friendly story. Good enough?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 01:14:06 am

Maddi watched him carefully, eyeing his ticks and habits. But when he had finished his story, she no longer was paying attention, instead she grabbed his hand "I'm sorry... I thought I had it bad. But you, you had it so much worse." she said quietly. She sat in silence for a few moments before turning to him again. "So your brother was a Meta?" she asked. Inside, she was slightly jealous, at least he had a sibling who understood him better than Jack had understood her.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 01:34:26 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"No, dont go saying that. No matter how bad it is. It's over now. I dont need you to patronize me. It's.. okay now." Ezekiel said, giving a slight shrug of his broad shoulders. Once Maddi gripped his hand, he briefly ran his thumb across her hand for comfort. It wasn't everyday the glorious Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse story was shared to the public.

Ezekiel scoffed at the statement about Jeremiah. "I would hardly consider him one. He himself thought it was a damned curse. Told me I was crazy for thinking it wasn't." Zeke blinked, thinking back to the times when his brother would go bezerk whenever Ezekiel changed. He was one half bipolar one half anger. Not a good combination for a whole.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 04:17:17 am

Maddi felt her frown deepen "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know..." She felt his thumb grazing her knuckles every so often she relaxed a tiny bit "You'd think that being able to share the gift with someone would be liberating. I had no one who knew my joy and misery until you came along. Neither of my parents nor my brother had the gene, so I hid it from them and only went for runs at night. Then after my mother died, my father caught me trying to sneak out. He set an alarm system and barred my windows." She shuddered at the thought "I couldn't shift for two years"

She looked at their entwined hands and then back up at him "Speaking of shifting. How did you discover your Meta gene?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 02:41:15 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shook his head solemnly, but he tried to keep that devilish smirk of his plastered on his features. "He hated it. It lead him to hate me too, in a sense." The young lad said in a nonchalant manner, giving his shoulders a light shrug.
"Dang, that sucks." He said with a glance of sympathy, but he wasn't leading on how much sorrow and anger were filling him.

"My Meta gene.."A light chuckle escaped him. "Well, right before we moved.. I was what.. 10?" Ezekiel paused for a moment, then verified his estimation with a nod. "I never had "friends" before but I always did. So the kids saw that I was so desperate to fit in they.. basically ignored me on purpose." "But it was one afternoon this really fat kid named Bernard, who was unfortunantly really nice to me, was being shoved against a wall by this scrawny cracker kid, and I tried to break them up, but one of Mr.Scrawny's kids shoved me against the wall too." He let a brief growl leave his lips. "Told Bernard and I to go makeout or somethin' like  that. Doesn't seem like a bigdeal now, but backthen, it infuriated me. Back then I could only change when I felt extreme emotional distress or pain. Or both. I hadn't wanted to punch anyone more than this kid right infront of me. Not even my mom-" Ezekiel cut himself off,  before clearing his throat and beginning again.

"So I did. With my paw. Good thing I didn't know what the hell was going on or I would've unsheathed my claws- then it would be bad." Ezekiel said with a bit of remorse for not shaving the kids skin off. "Once I turned back, I found myself stuffed in a locker. The principle called my father- hoping for an explanation. I was brought out of the school and we moved. For a year or two I associated turning with bad news or hurting people. That was until my father taught me what to do."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 04:39:30 pm

She gave him a smile and then gave a quiet chuckle "You should have skinned him alive" she said with a smirk. Maddi held onto his hand a little tighter, thinking back to her first change. She remembered the day with great detail, and the scene was kind of ironic considering it was also caused by bullies.

"I shifted at 12, a few days before my birthday. It was an okay day, raining on and off." She looked at the ceiling for a moment "I was at school and the bell had just rang, and I was waiting on the steps of the school. That's when they came along. They were juniors from the highschool nearby. They started with the name calling. Stuff like slut, skank, and whore. Then when I didn't respond they attacked me. The oldest guy pulled my hair, punched me, kicked me. Left me out cold and to the mercy of his friends." She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to control her shaking. "I woke up in the rain, my shirt hung up on the flag pole."

"Then when a car pulled up besides me I ran. Faster than ever before, and I didn't realize that I was a wolf until I was a mile into the woods. I stayed there until my birthday came around."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 05:12:36 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"What an experience." Ezekiel said with a slight whistle as he took his free hand and forked it through his messy damp hair.  He was really itching to get out of these damp clothes, but he pushed the need aside for the moment. "Seems like you've had a rough journey." Zeke stated quite simply and to the point. He didn't mean anything by it; he was just telling it the way it was. "I'm sorry."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 05:21:14 pm

Maddi shrugged again " It's okay, like I said earlier, everything could be worse." She then sat up, her hair still damp and her clothes anything but dry. "Well then. I guess I'll let you go change?" She gave him a small smile and then went to the kitchen in search for her coffee, she was having a hard time staying awake.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 05:31:19 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel nodded at her assumption. Yes, it could of been a lot worse. But that didn't matter- letting his mind ramble about it made it worse. Just push it aside, and he'll be fine. Ezekiel gave a light smile and hurried to his room where he quickly stripped out of his clothing and got new boxers [batman, ooh.], a longsleeve black shirt, and sweatpants. In no avail, he tried fixing his hair; but he would just have to wait until it was dry. "Maddi, this is an odd question- but do you have a blowdryer?" He almost choked on air asking this question, but his hair was annoying the crap out of him. Plus, the blowdryer felt really good since he was fairly cold.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 06:14:16 pm

After a few minutes, Maddi popped into the room wearing dry t-shirt and shorts, and holding a warm cup of coffee in one hand and a bunch of hair tools in the other "I have a hair dryer, straightner, curler, crimper...." She set them down "Also I have some mousse, hair spray, styling gel, a brush, a comb...." She gave him a sheepish grin as she dropped everything except for her drink "uh, feel free to use whatever you'd like" she then say down and began to comb through her own hair, roughly yanking out tangles.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 07:44:29 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel laughed, giving a broad smile afterwards as he reached towards the hair dryer. "I think just this'll do." He plugged it into an outlet and a large blast of hot air made the young male jump slightly before chuckling somewhat. "Well excuse you." He murmured to the hairdryer before letting the hot hair dry his thick black hair. "Hey Maddi!" He called out to her, pointing the hair dryer at her like a gun. Boy, did Zeke have his childish moments. [short, sorry!]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 08:23:49 pm

Maddi yelped when she was hit with a hot blast of air "Why you little!" She cried before throwing a hair brush at him and then attacking him with a glob of hair gel. She grinned and rubbed it through his hair, making wild spikes and odd curls. Then taking a moment to admire her work, she grabbed the brush again before starting to brush out the knots that had formed in the tussle " you need to know who you're up against before you attack Ezekiel."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 09:05:05 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel chuckled at her yelp, but soon had to dodge a hair brush that was launched his way. "Little? Look who's talking!" The young lad teased as he patted here on the head like what you would do to a young, small child. Soon his hair was coated in gel, and Ezekiel hissed and squealed in protest. "Oh god, what did you do to my hair?" He asked, searching the counter for a mirror. Once grabbing a small mirror he gripped it and brought it up to his face so that he could see himself. A large smile formed on his face. He coudlnt control his fits of laughter. "Maddi, don't I look fabulous?" Ezekiel questioned in a upbeat tone, striking a casual pose with his hand behind his head.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 09:14:43 pm

Maddi smirked and then burst out laughing "You look absolutely fabulous Honey, the epitome of beauty" she snickered, trying to cover her laughs so she would not wake the girl sleeping in the other room. " I think you should wear that style more often." She took another look at his crazy hair, and then couldn't hold in the giggles. Suddenly she ran out of the room, and returned moments later with a large pink clip on bow "But I think this will make it even better!"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 13, 2014, 09:41:50 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel brought both of his hands up to his head to ruffle his hair free from the gel's grip. It was litte use, though. "Ugh, what is this- industrial cement?" He questioned with a light growl. However, when he looked up, Maddi was gone. She returned with a pink bow in her hand, and Ezekiel gasped. "No! You wouldn't!" He said, backing up into the back of the kitchen table with a light whimper. The pinkness. The bowness. Oh, the horror!
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 13, 2014, 10:49:47 pm

Maddi chuckled evilly and launched herself at him, ignoring his protests. Within moments she had the pink bow clipped in his dark hair "You look beautiful love. Now I think I should run for my life." She gave him a small wave and then took off in her wolf form. She ran up the steps and outside where it was now only cloudy and no longer raining. The feeling of the wind through her fur added to her excitement as she bounded through the slightly muddy puddles, and she finally felt free. She then ran to the far corner of the construction site, climbing into an old pipe while coming down from the high-like feeling she from running.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: DangusMangus on June 14, 2014, 02:29:11 pm

Name - Danielle Alainn.
Gender - female.
Age - 5 years old.

Family - died in car crash.
Siblings - Danielle is only one child in the family.

Personality - loud, nice, friendly, sweet, funny, childish, VERY smart, playful, easily scared or frightened.
Description - Medium length brown hair which is in form of a messy bun, front hair cut off just above her eyebrows. Chubby looking, short but cute. Cute smile with no missing teeth. Wears purple-ish, soft and warm sweater with diamond drawing on it. As well wears blue jeans and white sandals.


META form (discovered)

Personality - Smart, playful, loud, fearful or not nice when it comes to wild animals, people.
Description - 10 cm body, blue feather layout with bright purple chest and white face feather layouts. Black orbs with no pupils in them. Strong and sharp claws, covered in black skin. Two, long, black feathers on her tail. Attractive, fast, small.

Backstory - Yet to be told.

Extra - carries bright blue backpack with clothes and food inside.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 14, 2014, 02:33:47 pm
((Accepted, feel free to begin!))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: DangusMangus on June 14, 2014, 03:10:15 pm

  With a loud laugh, her chubby hand brushed over the thorny branch, not feeling any pain of the thorns who pressed on her skin. With another loud giggle, she stomped the grass as Danielle began to run along the cliff of the hill, feeling wild and free. She never was this close to nature, not even an inch, but now - she can touch anything she wants to. Trees, grass, bushes, everything was so beautiful in small child's eyes.

Her run ended by the beginning of the road to the city, even the cars looked amazing to her. but they moved and they reminded her of monsters who wanted to eat small girl. With a quiet giggle, her eyes darted from side to side, making sure there were no cars. And there she ran to the other side of the road, appearing on the sidewalk and with a loud laugh she began to scan the area, noticing even more of those houses, remembering the one she used to live in.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 14, 2014, 04:40:51 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel flailed a bit, yet all of his actions were in vain, because the pink bow was now clipped into his gelled hair. He watched as Maddi transformed into her wolf form and dashed out of the house. He gulped, seeing as it could be dangerous- but he followed after her. Zeke didn't change, seeing as his feline form was massive and predatory looking and sometimes his instincts got the better of him. It was hard to control such a massive body. His feline form thought he was a mere kitten. Yet, it wasn't.  Ezekiel's legs could barely keep up, trailing several meters behind her and calling out to her. "Mad! Slow down!" Ezekiel yelled as Maddi climbed into an old pipe on the construction site. He bent down in a crouch position and peered into the pipe.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 14, 2014, 05:44:55 pm

Maddi stuck her head out of the pipe and licked his forehead before ducking back inside. She cringed slightly at the taste of the hair gel, but still wagged her tail like an excited puppy. Jumping out, she wiggled her butt a little and then trotted around the pipe before coming back to Ezekiel where she bowed playfully. It was one of the rare moments that she truly felt like a kid again, and while it made her happy, there was always the ever looming sadness.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 02:14:25 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"Ew, dog germs." He muttered wit fake disgust as he ruffled his fingers through his overly-gel-filled hair. The young lad's smile lit up his usually sharp and a bit intimidating features, and he gave a light chuckle. He outstretched his hand and patted Maddi. "Good doggie." Ezekiel exclaimed, scratching the Meta behind the ears like he would do with an actual dog. "Want me to get a ball to play fetch?" Zeke teased, sticking out his tongue at the young Meta.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 02:49:02 am

Maddi growled at him lightly, baring her teeth at the word 'doggie' She was anything but a dog! Honestly, the girl also wanted to see his Meta form since she had not caught a glimpse of it since they had met, and she wasn't even sure that he had told her what it was. Was it something cool like a lion or a raven? Then again it could be something rather awkward, like a fish or a rabbit.

Then realizing how long she had been pondering the thought, she sat down in front of him, her liquid amber eyes boring into his icy blue as she tried to convey her message. "Come on, show me your Meta!" She barked unsure if he was able to understand, and then resumed her stare.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 03:09:43 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel sighed, knowing he may or may not regret his decision now or later. But his smile was definantly prominant on his features as the little doggie/Maddi was growling. He gave the young Meta a pat on the head. "There there, doggie." Ezekiel's stark tone cooed before he tensed slightly; ready to change form. Once he did, the meta was a massive black panther. The only way of knowing it was Ezekiel were the same, bright blue eyes that held a placid and deafening tone to them. Now, the average black panther can range from around 6 to 9 feet and weigh anywhere from 65 to 200 pounds. They aren't the biggest creatures out there, but they are known for their extroadinary fighting skills and quick adaptations to the enviorment around them; making them very intelligent. Since he was a Meta, the feline shape is a bit larger than usual, but not by much. Ezekiel stood still, his tail (which was around two to three feet) curled around his massive black paws, and he tilted his head downwards at the wolf. "You asked for it." Zeke said in a light tone. His voice in his Meta form was smoother, a bit clearer than his usual stark rasp.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 03:23:09 am
She was silent for a few moments, taking in how truly massive the panther in front of her was. Sure she was large compared to other wolves, but she still only barley came to his chin. Then, a wolffish grin took over her face and she looked up at him with a little twinkle in her eyes "How fast are you?" She asked more confidently now that she knew he could understand her. If he was a sprinter, she was a marathon runner, being able to run for miles without stopping.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 03:32:39 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let out a noise that sounded a cross between a snort and a chuckle. "Fast? That's an understatement, honey. I'm a feline. I can fling myself into the air and land around ten feet away without a blink of an eye." His smooth tone said matter-of-factly. His placid eyes flickered with a hint of mischeviousness. However, his eyes looked..calm. Like a frozen pond in the middle of a concrete world. "Is that a challenge?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 03:58:15 am

Maddi grinned, her tail lashing back and forth with anticipation "You bet it's a challenge, I want to see who's speed and who's distance." All caution had been thrown out the window. She had let down her guard, believing that the yard was completely secluded, and that Ezekiel had no intention of hurting her so far. So when shadows shifted around the corner behind the panther, she had utterly not seen it. Instead she stood up and pranced around him "Come on! Let's go!"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: DangusMangus on June 15, 2014, 10:31:59 am

Danielle laughed again, feeling like a normal kid who is wandering around the streets without a parent or both of them. With another giggle, she ran towards the other part of the city, noticing forest to lay behind the borders of sidewalks.

There she will go to change, feeling lonely enough to grow feathers on her. ((shot))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 04:21:22 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel wavered a bit. He was calmer, and much more collected in his Meta form; where Maddi seemed to be the exact opposite. He wasn't his reckless and irrational self, but more withdrawn and maybe even a bit blase. "Are you sure this is safe, Maddi? Not to burst your bubble but we're sort of being hunted here.." Ezekiel's stark tone trailed off, lifting his nose into the air and giving a light sniff. His bright blue eyes stirred somewhat- but other than that, there was no sign of anxiety.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 04:48:27 pm

Maddi's steps faltered and she tripped over her feet to land in an awkward heap in front of him. Sitting up quickly, quite embarrassed at this point, she gave her yard a brief scan and then sighed, her head bowed "Yeah, I guess you're right." She then looked up again. "But I still need to run, get it out of the system. You can go back home if you want, I'll be back shortly."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 05:18:00 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let a light sigh leave his lips, before shaking his massive dark head. "It's not like I'm letting you go out alone." His stark tone stated rather blankly before swiveling his head over his shoulders and pointing his nose in the direction of the forest. "Let's be quick and not make too much noise." He said with a firm not before rising onto all fours and giving a stretch. His tail flickered about before curling around one of his hind legs.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 06:45:08 pm

Maddi gave him a small smile "Thanks Ezekiel." She then gave her legs a stretch before taking off. It was only a slow jog, but once again any running was exilirating to her. Once she reached the forest, dirt and gravel transformed into a thick blanket of leaves which rustled under her paws. She didn't check to see if he was still with her and just kept running.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 07:14:37 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

The massive panther followed a few meters behind, nearly invisible in this shrouding darkness. The only visible part of him was his eerie blue eyes which flickered in the moonlight's gleam. His several foot long tail swished across the forest floor, and his massive paws moved with an unnerving and discomforting silence. He was the embodiment of a silent killer. A predator. However, his intentions were pure, and he just looked like a lazy kitten with that sly smile on his lips. "Don't thank me. Not all Meta's can surpress the urge to change." He said from several feet behind the young wolf, his voice a low whisper but still audible. "Not even myself. Although.. I only change when necessary."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 07:28:36 pm

The young wolf kept silent as he had advised earlier, her large honey eyes darting around anxiously. The forest was eerily quiet, not a bird was chirping and the only sound that registered with her was the sound of her own paws crunching through the leaves lightly. Something was wrong here, and Maddi could feel it. She suddenly halted with her ears pricked, then without warning, a large flock of starlings erupted from a nearby bush in a mad flurry to get away. But from what?

"Ezekiel..." she whispered, her ears pinned back against her head "We're not alone..."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 07:46:37 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's whiskers twitched, however his expression remained calm and collected. The massive black panther's body closed the distance between him and Maddi, however he climbed the tree closest to her. He slumped his body on one of the branches near the top, his tail hanging down the tree; letting it whip in the air. "I know." Zeke mumbled, his bright blue eyes glancing around the darkness. "Quick. Hide." He sad in a fairly low tone, so that none of these "intruders" could hear. He wasn't sure who they were- what they were- but their intentions could be malicious.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 08:04:22 pm

Growling up at him softly, Maddi stood rooted in her spot. "You do realize I can't climb trees like this." she didn't want to take the chance of shifting right now, for it would be when she is at her most vulnerable. She looked around quickly, only a few scraggily bushes and tufts of grass, no caves or large boulders. Great. The shadows shifted a few meters away and she gulped before quickly changing and climbing up the tree as fast as she could. Lowering herself onto a branch a few feet below the panther, she took time to catch her breath and run her fingers through her tangled hair.

A man stepped out of the shadows and towards their tree. The Meta felt her breath hitch in her throat as he looked up, seemingly directly at them as he tacked a piece of paper to the bark before walking away with a smirk.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 08:05:17 pm

Growling up at him softly, Maddi stood rooted in her spot. "You do realize I can't climb trees like this." she didn't want to take the chance of shifting right now, for it would be when she is at her most vulnerable. She looked around quickly, only a few scraggily bushes and tufts of grass, no caves or large boulders. Great. The shadows shifted a few meters away and she gulped before quickly changing and climbing up the tree as fast as she could. Lowering herself onto a branch a few feet below the panther, she took time to catch her breath and run her fingers through her tangled hair.

A man stepped out of the shadows and towards their tree. The Meta felt her breath hitch in her throat as he looked up, seemingly directly at them as he tacked a piece of paper to the bark before walking away with a smirk.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 08:20:11 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

[I assume you'll control the NPC?]
Ezekiel shrugged his shoulders slightly, before tilting his head downwards at the person who tacked a paper into the tree and walked away with a smug grim. A low growl bubbled at the back of his throat, and his long tail brushed across the back of him as he started to stalk off. The young Meta then curled his tail around Maddi in human form and narrowed his blue gaze onto her with an intensity. He then grunted and then allowed his gaze to follow back to the young unknown  male who was foolish enough to wander into the woods alone.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 09:00:07 pm
((Not all of them))


Maddi stroked Ezekiel's tail for a moment, her trembling fingers running through the dark fur. "I-I'm sorry..." She whimpered, looking up at him "If I hasn't begged you to come out we wouldn't be stuck in a tree..." She felt a few stray tears building up in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. "I'm really really sorry." She said again before sliding down the tree trunk to look at the paper the boy had tacked to the tree.

She cringed and bit the nail on her thumb. The paper was an Anti Meta ad, proclaiming the greatness of a Meta free society and with a list of Meta concentration camps nearby.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 09:22:55 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel leapt from the tree, ignoring Maddi's apologies for the time being. It wasn't her fault. She just wanted to stretch her Meta legs. Is there something so wrong about that? Ezekiel growled, before lifting his nose into the air and sniffing the stagnant air for a moment or two. His eyes darted ahead of them, slightly to the east. That young man was still there. In a moment, the massive black panther was Ezekiel once again. His hair was still a bit messy, but his facial expressions are what really changed He looked pissed off. Really pissed off. "Where's that bastard?" Ezekiel muttered under his breath before running off in the direction of the man.

Once catching up to him, Ezekiel changed his facial expressions to that of a blank face, slightly grim and bleak. "Sir, sir!" Ezekiel called out and only prayed that he wasn't an actual military officer who hunted Meta's; if he was, he would've recognized Ezekiel right away. The young man turned around. He wasn't that much shorter than Ezekiel, but much scrawnier and paler. He had short brown hair and brown eyes, which held a sense of entitlement. "Yes?" The unknown male asked, sizing Ezekiel up. Ezekiel chewed the inside of his cheek, before thinking up an easy way to do this. "You work with the Meta camps, yes?" Ezekiel said, faking excitement and curiosity.

The young male shook his head, admiring his 'fan' with a light smirk. "Not really. I just spread the word with propaganda. Flyers, news ads, etc." The young male trailed off and he gave a sheepish expression. Ezekiel grinned widly, which made the male back up a bit. "So, you have something against Meta's?" Zeke's tone became grim and dark, a bit evil even. "Yes! They should be rid from this world almost immediatly. They're evil. Cursed bastards- who most of them have countless killings and murders on their hands! That's why I do my services by putting out flyers!" The unknown male didn't know what hit him when Ezekiel's fist uppercutted him in the jaw. The man was unconcious as soon as he hit the floor. Ezekiel turned back to Maddi with no expression on his face. "Now you have nothing to be sorry for. He won't remember a thing when he comes to."

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 15, 2014, 10:43:47 pm

Maddi watched the scene unfold before her with wide eyes, slowly she stepped towards the unconscious man, leaning down to make sure he was still breathing. She then stood and gave Ezekiel a weak smile while clutching the ad tightly in her hand. "Come on. Let's go home." Opening up the crumpled ball of paper, she read through the paragraph about how the 'beasts' were basically treated as slaves and servants. Shuddering, she then took a look at some of the pictures; there was a boy only a little older than herself, being beaten. There was a picture of a little girl serving tea to the humans, and there was also a picture of a boy, about twelve, with the Anti Meta logo being branded on his shoulder like every other prisoner in the camps.

Whimpering she suddenly sat down in the leaves, pulling her knees to her chest. "What happens? What happens when they catch us Ezekiel? What will we do?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 15, 2014, 10:50:32 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel nodded and casted a downwards glance at the unconcious male. A low grunt escaped him and he sat down beside Maddi, still pretty deep into the forest, but not by much. You could hear distant sirens and car horns blaring at the ongoing traffic. He kept his head bent between his knees, shaking his head slowly. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there- but we can't stay in that construction site forever. You know that, right?" Ezekiel murmured, his icy blue eyes flickering as his mind jumbled for a plan.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 16, 2014, 12:31:22 am
She sighed, rubbing her face with her hands. "Yeah, I know... It's just I've spent so much time there, just living free. It will be hard to leave. And even when we do, what then? Where will we go? It's kinda hard to find a place to live now that there is a bounty for us." Maddi looked away, trying to hide tears of frustration.

"Ya know, sometimes I wish I wasn't a Meta... I wish I was just a plain and ordinary human. But no, I have to be the freak of nature, the thing that everyone despises." she clenched her fists "Sometimes I wish I hadn't been born." she added quite bitterly.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Liepi on June 16, 2014, 06:44:03 am
Sorry for not postig. Could I get a recap?))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 16, 2014, 08:48:41 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel sighed, muttering something under his breath before he smoothed down Maddi's hair with one of his palms. "Don't worry.. I know somewhere we can go. It's not much, but I think it'll be safe. It's just outside of the city.." Zeke's voice trailed off and he glanced around before getting up and brushing off some dust. "None of us asked for this, Maddi. But this is the life we go. It could be worse."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 16, 2014, 10:12:44 pm
Maddi and Ezekiel went for a run, encountered an AntiMeta man, and are now heading back.


Maddi sighed quietly and then stood up, brushing dirt and bark off of her pants "I'm sorry Ezekiel." She said quietly "I'm being selfish." She then looked at him before beginning to walk again "So um, what's this place you were talking about? The one that we can stay?" The Meta kicked a small pebble "Once we get home we could pack up and leave if you'd like..."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 17, 2014, 02:29:43 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shook his head in sudden discomfort. "Shh, no no, it's not your fault." The young lad reassured her, giving her shoulder a light squeeze. His icy blue eyes trailed off, as he dug around in his pockets, until he realized the keys were in his bookbag. "Hmph, I swore I'd never go back there- but he left the house to me in his will. So technically it's mine.." He mumbled to himself before he started heading back to the construction site. They had to be quick before someone realized there was an unconcious Anti-Meta man in the woods. Sure, it might take a few hours until sunrise for someone to notice his disappearance, but once the person puts two and two together.. Ezekiel silenced his rambling thoughts before turning to Maddi. "We're going to my old home. It's a few miles outside the city. It's two stories, and it has some acerage on it. It's where my dad offed himself, and where my brother left. It's safe and away from the Anti-Met's that swarm the city. Plus, I own it, so we should be fine." His voice was firm, despite his thoughts being a bit nervous; however, Ezekiel would not show his nervousness to Maddi. He just had to be quick. He needed to protect himself and more importantly, Maddi.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 17, 2014, 02:50:58 am

Maddi almost cringed when he said that it was the house that his father had committed suicide in, but she kept a straight face and merely nodded. The truth was that she was more worried about Ezekiel, and she was afraid that going to the old house might set off some unwanted emotions in him. She was also living in fear if abandonment; although it had barely been a week, Maddi had already grown quite close to him, and didn't want to think about her friend leaving her behind.

Once they reached their home, she turned to face him with an almost frightened look on her face "You- You won't leave me, will you?" She asked quietly. It was an issue that was always on her mind, but she didn't ask for fear of looking incompetent. She could defend herself quite well actually, but she needed the emotional support that only a companion could provide.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 17, 2014, 03:16:29 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's eyes widened a touch. He was making his way down the first concrete step into the underground abode they both met in, and he turned around, now Maddi wasn't quite as short, since he was a few steps ahead of her. "Leave you?" A bitter laugh that may have been intended to be a snort of amusement left his lips, before they pursed lightly. "Why would I do something like that? I wouldn't. I would never leave you." Ezekiel's stark tone held no joke, and his raspy and lively voiced seemed.. sincere. "Why would you think that?" He questioned, lifting an eyebrow.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 17, 2014, 03:27:30 am

Maddi gave him a small shrug and a tight smile "Jack left me. After years of being my older brother, my protector, my friend; he just up and left me without a single word." She wrung her hands nervously and then darted down the rest of the steps, wanting to evade any further conversation for now as she packed her few clothing items into the duffel bag along with some of her more treasured belongings including her mother's ring, which Maddi had never worked up the guts to wear, an old, yellowed copy of Black Beauty, and a small stuffed teddy bear with a blue button nose and a missing black eye.

Once she packed her clothes, she sat down at the kitchen table, running her hand along the bottom of her worn out converse, the rubber almost completely gone and the red fabric had been stained with so much mud over the past year or two. She then slipped her glasses onto her head and began to read through her old book once more.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 17, 2014, 03:41:17 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"I'm sorry." Ezekiel murmured, before descending down the remaining stairs. However, when he was on the last step, he turned back around, "but I'm not your brother." His tone sounded a bit offended, but he didn't leave much room for a response as he quickly turned back facing forward and went into his room to collect his draw-string bag that held his belongings. He was a bit nervous to return home, seeing as he hadn't been there for a few months. Would the power still work? Would the furniture still be there? He gulped before throwing the bag over his shoulder and returned to the kitchen where Maddi was waiting for him. "Ready?" He questioned, not quite meeting her gaze.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 17, 2014, 03:50:26 am

Maddi chuckled bitterly and stood, putting the book back in her bag. "Yeah. I'm ready." She mumbled, staring at him with confusion when he refused to meet her gaze. Did she do something wrong? Screw it, she always does something wrong. There was no need to ask. So instead of asking she went up and outside, her fingers trailing against the dirt wall one last time before waiting for Ezekiel to emerge. "After you, your highness..." She said curtly, her blue eyes swirling with emotions.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 17, 2014, 06:31:10 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel nodded, giving a sheepish smile to Maddi as he trailed up the stairs. "Well, our transportation is limited, but I have a quicker way of getting us there." A devilish grin pulled itself onto his face as they walked out of the construction site and he headed for the sidewalk, keeping his head down and his strides long. It would only take them about five minutes of walking in silence to the autobody shop. He waved to the owner, Carlos, of Carlos's Autobody & Repair Shop. The owner tossed him keys and gave him a slightly uncomfortable smile. Ezekiel returned it with a sheepish grin, but not a word was exchanged between the two. Ezekiel walked through the garage and near a black steel motorcycle. He handed Maddi the only helmet. "Hop on." Zeke said before he swung his leg over the motorcyle and proped himself accordingly. He placed the keys in, and let the engine hum to life.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 17, 2014, 10:22:13 pm

Maddi followed Ezekiel quietly, her mind spinning with unspoken thoughts and ideas. Her hands, which had been hanging at her sides, were now fidgeting in front of her. The close encounter with the Anit Meta had really set her on the edge, and while she knew that they weren't true, the things that the man said had scared her for she did not want to become the monster he spoke of.

When the reached the auto shop, Maddi looked at the workers nervously, bouncing from the balls of her feet before she followed him a little further back. A motorcycle helmet was then shoved in her hands and she stared at it like it was a bear trap before looking up at Ezekiel. He was already on the bike so she quickly put on the helmet and got on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly "You realize I'm going to kill you for this later right?" She mumbled into his back.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 17, 2014, 11:53:03 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel revved the engine and the bike sprung forward out of the garage, and he lifted a hand to wave a goodbye to Carlos and the other workers there. A light chuckle errupted from him at Maddi's hollow threats. "Oh, please do." He teased lightly with a purr before making a sharp turn around the corner, and sped up as he steadied the bike once again.

It only took around twenty minutes until the asphalt changed to gravel and dirt, which made the ride bumpier. On either sides, there were tall evergren, fir, and oak trees surrounding them. It was about three to five minute ride to the house itself, which was a clearing from the dense forest. It was a two-story victorian style ranch, and the sign of a barn in the back, peeked around.

There were several vaccant pastures, and the house itself didn't seem to be affected by its abandonment. Vines began to climb up some of the walls, but that only made the house look prettier. Ezekiel rounded the corner and pulled his bike into the back; near the backyard, which was fenced in. He stopped the engine and threw his head over his shoulder. "Welcome home." Zeke said with a chuckle.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 18, 2014, 12:26:17 am
Screaming profanities as they took off, she felt the wind whip her hair back and forth for a while before Maddi's grip tightened around him as they began to hit a few bumps in the road and she squeezed her eyes shut. Then finally the motorcycle came to a stop and she held onto Ezekiel like a vice for a few more seconds before finally opening her eyes and awkwardly scooting off of the back of the bike. She took off the helmet, mumbling about helmet hair before looking up at the house.

She stared in awe, admiring how the vines, although looking like they were unintentional, added to the charm of the old Victorian style home. It was beautiful, and this she made sure to say before turning and smacking Ezekiel on the arm. "I really hate you sometimes you know that? I hate motorcycles!" she said trying to keep a scowl on her face, but the smile was starting to emerge.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 18, 2014, 01:13:21 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel chuckled as he pocketed the motorcycle's key's and turned towards Maddi with a devilish grin. "Oh, do you now? Dearest apologies- but it's our only form of transportation as of now." He said as he tossed her a playful wink. He then went to the back door, and lifted up the mat. "Ah, it's still here." He mused in a cheerful expression, but his pale blue eyes bore a strong sadness to them. He lifted the key and pushed it through the lock, turning, and opened the door. Once inside, he tried a lightswitch, and the house illuminated.

"Seems like the electricty is still on. Good." He then turned to the beige wall, and activated the alarm, the feeling of a safe calmness rushed over him. Despite how sad this house was, it still held that safe placed called 'home.' He threw his bag onto the chocolate leather couch, and then threw his body on it too- kicking off his shoes, which left Batman socks covering his feet. "I cant believe i'm saying this- but it's good to be home."

The kitchen was made of granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and wooden cabinets, and further up was the den/living room. Up the stairs were three bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Above that was a small atic that wasn't barely anything, but they kept some emergency supplies up there.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 18, 2014, 01:22:36 am

She growled at him lightly before following him into the house. It was quite welcoming and warm, despite the dark events that had taken place here, it seemed as if the house itself was happy to see the boy. She set down her bag by the front door before also taking off her shoes and placing them next to the bag. It almost surprised her how the electricity was still on, it had taken her months to figure out how to prevent the random blackouts in the construction site.

Maddi skirted around the couch and stood to the side, afraid to touch anything. You never knew with old family homes, even a sock could be a sacred item.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 18, 2014, 01:50:58 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel glanced at Maddi, arching an eyebrow and tilting his head. "Please please, sit." He said, patting the seat beside him, with a friendly smile. "This is now your home, too." Ezekiel stated matter of factly, before his stomach began to rumble, but he ignored it for the time being. Despite his cheery expression, he felt sick to his stomach. He knew why the electricity still worked, he just didn't want to believe it. He only wondered why Jeremiah would pay for such expenses- I mean.. now that he had a job. Maybe he regret what he done to dad? He would be the only one to keep this house running.. maybe it was for.. Ezekiel? He shook his head before tilting his head at Maddi. "Are you hungry?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 18, 2014, 02:09:25 am

Maddi cautiously sat down on the couch next to him, and shrugged her shoulders slightly "I don't know, a little bit maybe?" The answer came out more as a question and she began to relax into the seat a littl bit more, but still not to the point of 'owning' it. She frowned as she thought over the electricity dilemma. "Hey Ezekiel, do you have any idea why the power is still on? I mean not to pry or anything, but I had never gotten my electricity as stable as this." She made a small guesture around the room with her hand.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 18, 2014, 02:26:45 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel sat up, his back pressed against the comfortable chocolate leather sofa, his long limbs sprawled; his legs out from beneath him, his arms pressed up behind his head. "This may sound crazy... But I think it's Jeremiah." Ezekiel said with a light shrug before shaking his head solemnly, letting a loud sigh escape him. His pale blue eyes flickered across the ceiling, wondering where his brother was right at this moment, and why he was paying for the electricity here? Or why.. Ugh the thoughts rambled his brain, and Ezekiel let out a small hiss.

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah figeted with the car keys as the car's hum of the engine ceased to exist. Why were the house lights on? The young lad, just about eighteen, lived alone, and with his new internship at Kingston Inc., he was able to keep his father's and brother's old home. The house gave off bad memories, but it was comforting to Jeremiah- who no longer had any family that he knew of to look after them. He sat in his old '07 Chevy, staring at the lights that remained on. Had he forgotten to turn them off? No.. he always remembered.. right? Opening the car door, Jeremiah exited and slammed it shut behind him as he  neared the front porch. He fished through his pockets for some keys as Jeremiah heard conversation inside. His heart raced as he quickly fidgeted with the lock and keys. Pushing the door open with a blind rage, Jeremiah froze, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips turned down in a scowl. "...Zeke?" Jeremiah said, his tone choked up and angry alike.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 18, 2014, 03:07:21 am

The Meta frowned, slightly confused "Your brother? Why would he keep the power on?" She thought she heard the door of a vehicle slam, but when she heard nothing else, dismissed it as a figment of her wild imagination "I mean, if her really hated it that much then why would he co-" the door suddenly swung open with a bang and Maddi yelped in surprise, falling off the couch and out of sight.

But curiosity got the best of her and she poked her head over the arm of the chair to see who the new comer was. She assumed it was the one and only brother, Jeremiah, due to the few similarities in the face structure. And also the fact that he had just called her companion 'Zeke'.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 18, 2014, 05:26:59 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel stood up, his pale blue eyes intently set on his younger brother. They were so similar. Yet, so different. They had the same, sharp features, the same, blue eyes- despite his being a shade darker. His hair was combed neatly, and his skin was tattoo free. He looked like a regular teenage boy- nearly a young adult. He stood at 6'2, beneath Ezekiel, but not by much. He was speechless, his mouth slightly agape, his pale blue eyes wide in shock. "W-W-WHat are you doing here?" Ezekiel stammered out, his hands curled into fists by his side.

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah stood in the door frame, his eyes waving over his brother like a tidal wave, before slowly examing the girl that was peeking her head out from behind the arm of the couch. Eh, who knew Ezekiel liked girls? His attention quickly snapped back to his brother, his eyebrows furrowing heavily, his eyes boring into his brother. "I could be asking you the same thing! Breaking and entering? That's a crime! I could call the police, ya know? But you seem to have used the key under the mat since no windows are broken.." His voice trailed off with a growl. "Me? I live here. Dad left me the house in his will. After he-." Jeremiah stopped right there, as he continued to glare into his older brother's taller frame.

Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 18, 2014, 05:40:17 pm

Maddi chuckled quietly, her eyes darting between the two brothers nervously. "Well umm... I think I'll leave you guys alone for a minute, fight it out, hug it out. Do whatever you'd like..." She slipped past Jeremiah and then stuck her head back in "Oh and please don't kill each other. Thanks."

Outside, she sat on the steps of the porch quietly, trying to listen into their conversation while having little luck, so instead she began to pick the small white flowers next to the steps, wrapping then together in a small chain.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 18, 2014, 06:44:05 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel gave Maddi a look of sympathy, his eyes pleading with her not to leave. However, he returned his gaze to his younger brother as he did. A bittersweet chuckle escaped him. "Breaking and enterting? Yes, call the police and tell them that I used the key under the doormat to open the door to my brothers home?" Ezekiel raised an eyebrow, however his insides shook like an earthqauke. It meant a lot to him that Jeremiah worked hard and tirelessly to keep their family home- but would it hurt him to show a little compassion for his brother?

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah sized Ezekiel up, but whatever instinct told him to swing a punch- Jeremiah ignored it. He knew what his brother was. He knew all about it. A quick dial of three digits, and the whole police base would be surrounding the house. For some reason- for some unknown reason- he didn't. Because no matter how long he stared at his brother, he couldn't make him out as a monster.. He just.. he knew it. What his brother can turn into. That was a monster. Right? Jeremiah grunted, shaking his head. "Tell me why you're here. And give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the police." He couldn't meet his brother's gaze as his harsh words left his lips..
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 18, 2014, 10:11:39 pm

Tapping her foot impatiently, Maddi placed the small daisy chain upon her head as if it were a crown and then parading around the front porch. "Just give them a few more minutes Maddi." She muttered to herself, climbing up a low hanging oak. She hung upside down from the branch, counting the leaves on one of the smaller branches before she suddenly sat up, ears straining.

Quickly she jumped down from the tree and onto the porch. She reached for the door knob, but hesitated, slightly afraid of knowing what was going on in the house. After a moment's hesitation she pushed open the door "Hey Ezekiel, I know this might not be the best time, but I think the hounds have found the man in the forest" she hissed, referring to the quiet baying that echoed through the forest.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 19, 2014, 05:24:35 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

The argument only continued to escalate, the brother's at eachother's necks, Ezekiel's face a mixture of anger, betrayal, and disappointment. "Because I'm your brother? Who looked after you all those nights when dad was working and mom was beating the life out of you? Me. Nobody else- so I say, if anyone owes someone here, it's you, Jeremiah." His voice continued to raise higher, and his pale blue eyes burned into his brother's darker eyes with a pleading intensity. "If the roles were swopped, You know I would be looking after you!" Ezekiel opened his mouth to continue his glorious rant, but Maddi came into the house, and he instantly took several steps back eyeing her with curiosity. He then pointed to the stairs, "get upstairs and hide, Maddi." Ezekiel turned back to his brother and growled, "you have no idea how hard this lifestyle is. I would kill to be in your shoes. So please, for once, do the right thing."

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah's eyes blinked away tears at his brother's harsh accusations, and for the moment, his mind was clear of rage and fear of his brother's.. differences. "Go upstairs too, I'll steer them away if they come by." Jeremaih promised with a  nod, his eyes now overflowing with tears, and spilling onto his cheeks. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? Why has he been such a.. lousy brother. It was true. Everything that Ezekiel had said was true. And now, the guilt would eat him away. For a moment, Jeremiah understood how Dad felt after mom left- after he left. That was his fault, too, right? Jeremiah slammed the door shut and locked it and growled in frustration.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 19, 2014, 11:19:51 pm

She whimpered and nodded, sensing the tension in the air. If the boys were going to fight, they had better do it before the cops showed up. Maddi then ran up the wooden steps, and looked through the rooms. Seeing that only one seemed used, she assumed that it was Jeremiah's and decided to steer clear, instead going to the room next to it and climbing into the empty closet, pulling her knees to her chest.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 20, 2014, 02:51:22 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel followed Maddi up the stairs, but lost her as she dashed into a room. Ezekiel's old room. As he slowly sauntered in, Ezekiel made sure to close the door behind him, softly, as he turned the handle gently; pushing the door back into its frame. He glanced around the room just as the closet door was closed. Zeke smirked lightly, knocking on the door lightly. "Good choice- This was my old room." He said, taking this chance to look at the navy blue walls and the King size bed stripped of its comforter and sheet- only leaving the white matress on a dark oak wood pane.

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah sat on the couch, his knees pulled up to his chest, his fists gripping at his hair on both sides, hot tears streaming down his cheeks. He only let out a small sniffle, before pulling himself together. "Damn you Jeremiah, pull yourself together! You have to do this last thing for your brother.. Just.. muster the courage.. somehow." Jeremiah growled to himself, hoping and begging that the police would not notice the cottage in the forest. Or that Jeremiah was the brother of a wanted Meta, Ezekiel Crosse. However, the police didn't know his name.. only his basic looks: tall, lean, tattoos, dark hair.. Jeremiah shook his head, hoping for the best.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 20, 2014, 04:24:57 am

Maddi jumped slightly at the knock at the closet door, but then relaxed when she realized it was only Ezekiel. Pushing the door open lightly with her toes, she remained crouched in the dark corner of the closet while trembling like a leaf. "They have dogs Ezekiel. They can track us down by scent..." She ran her hands over her face, her eyes tearing up as she began to edge along a full blown panic attack. "I don't want to go to a camp!" She whispered "And they'll punish your brother for harboring us..." Her hands began to shake as the barking and howls grew louder still.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 20, 2014, 02:27:18 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel cooed at her lightly, pulling himself down into a crouch. "We're not going to go to any one of those camps. Look, I dont exactly have a plan, but I have something that could buy us some time- If it doesnt work.. I would hate-" Ezekiel cut himself off, not wanting to share gruesome details of how he would have to take out a search and rescue group looking for the Meta responsible. However, if it came down to it.. Ezekiel would solemly do it to protect himself, his brother, and especially Maddi. He's done more for a whole lot less.Shaking his head lighly, Zeke murmured, "don't worry, I'll figure out something."

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah kept quiet, listening to the low hum of the TV. If he looked shaken up when the police came, it would only make him look more suspicious. But Jeremiah was mentally prepared for this since their father had told them what do in a situation similar to this.. But Jeremiah hoped that if it ever did come down to this, he would have his father to guide him. Jeremiah wasn't like them.. His brother and father.. which set a barrier between them.. but Jeremiah would still help his family after all the grief he set them through. He needed to. He owed it to them. He owed it to Ezekiel.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 20, 2014, 08:05:31 pm

Maddi nodded quietly, still on the verge of tears. She was so emotionally drained that she feared the slightest thing could set her off. The barking grew louder before suddenly going quiet, then there was a knock on the outside door. Taking a deep breathe, she closed her eyes and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly as she rocked back and forth on her feet. "I'm scared Ezekiel." Opening her eyes once more, Maddi looked at him almost accusingly "And I know what you're thinking. You promised you wouldn't leave me, so don't you dare go out there and fight without me."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: shayy on June 20, 2014, 10:14:18 pm
 Sounds like a nice Role Play C: hope all is going well))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 21, 2014, 01:18:53 am
((Thank you Shay))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 21, 2014, 02:27:11 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel heard the door open below, and the scent of nervousness yet determination radiating from Jeremiah's shivering frame downstairs. His shaky voice was barely audible, but the dogs soon piped up. Ezekiel turned towards the window, and he unlatched it, and swung it open. "There's no time to argue- go go!" He exclaimed, nearly picking Maddi up and hauling her by the windowsill. "I'll catch up with you in a bit!"  He felt like he was screaming, but his voice was a strained whisper, as he ushered her out of the house. The policemen soon reacted to the barking of their dogs.. They only had so much time.

Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

Jeremiah nearly froze like a deer in the headlights of a huge 18-wheeler-truck on the freeway as he opened the door, but soon let out a loud sigh, seeing as it was only four police officers. However, he sucked in his breath at the sight of two dogs, each decked out in police gear. The policemen looked feirce, but pale- as if they had just seen a ghost. "Hello, sir. Sorry to bother you, but have you seen anything suspicious lately?" His tone was calm, yet you could tell it was forced. The police officer held up a paper of a description. It was only writing.. Hah, good job Ezekiel- you're good at something- becoming a  blank face. It only said: Tall, dark hair, tattoo's,- and the next thing made Jeremiah force back a fit of laughter- it said 'the son of satan.' The officer only raised an eyebrow, and Jeremiah shook his head and cleared his throat. The sudden barking of the dogs made him uneasy, but he covered his concern with a look of confusion. "No, sir. Why?" The officers didn't respond, only brushed past him and said "Good. Then you wouldn't mind us looking over your property, right?" Jeremiah chuckled and rub the nape of his neck, trying to withold his cusses. "No problem, officers."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 21, 2014, 02:59:44 am

Maddi shook her head, clinging to the window frame as he tried to shove her through the window "I told you, I'm not going anywhere" she crossed her arms and stepped back into the room "I've dealt with enough abandonment without you being taken away from me." She could here the dogs begin to bark again and footsteps thumped up the stairs. She felt the lump in her throat grow to the size of a base ball. Her eyes were hard and determined as she stared at the closed door.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: shayy on June 21, 2014, 04:41:13 am
((Thank you Shay))
(anytime Hun)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 21, 2014, 05:18:05 pm
Jeremiah Tyler Crosse
"At least I'm not a monster like you."

As the last officer left the den area, and started towards the stairs, their dogs barking up a storm, Jeremiah nearly tripped over his two feet as he made a beeline for the kitchen. He opened the cabinet where alcohol was usually stored, but instead a small sleek pistol was tucked away. He quickly flipped the safety off, and quietly kept it in the waistband of his pants. Tugging his maroon shirt over it, and he returned to the living room where one police officer stayed, and he was fishing around some photos on the walls. "I'm sorry." Jeremiah whispered out, just for the officer to turn as the sound of a fire being shot off echoed throughout the walls. The police officer fell as a small pool of blood seemed to errupt from the bulletwound. Jeremiah felt tears streaming down his cheeks. The room was silent for a few moments before he heard the police and their dogs bounding down the stairs once more, screaming orders at one another. Jeremiah inhaled and exhaled shakey breaths, knowing what was about to come.

The first officer down the stairs had his gun readied, and so did Jeremiah, not wanting to kill this one, he shot him in the leg. It wasn't a moment after where a welcoming warmth spread over his right shoulder and his marron shirt was soon coated in a crimson mess. The world spun around him, and Jeremiah fired off several more shots blindly, before falling to the floor with several gasps. His chest rose and fell in heavy and quick breaths, before it ceased altogether. "Ezekiel- I love you." Jeremiah sputtered out, with blood foaming around his lips.

Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let out a low growl as Maddi refused to go, but he shook his head, his pale blue eyes. "Would you rather go to a camp?" He questioned, trying to keep his voice hurried hushed as the footsteps abruptly stoppd at the sound.. of a gun shot. Ezekiel's pale blue eyes went wide and his body went into predator mode. He quickly hauled Maddi up and over his shoulder before placing her in the closet and closing the door. Rushing down the stairs, taking them two and three at a time, Ezekiel collided with three police officers- the two huddled around one who's leg was bleeding profoundly. Where was the other police officer? His blue eyes found a police officer on the floor... dead. As his eyes scanned the den, he found- Ezekiel shook his head in disbelief at the sight of his sputtering and gasping brother. He pushed past the officers and dived for his brother, craddling his younger brother's head in his lap to hear his last words. Once Jeremiah's  breathing ceased, the officers seemed to flood around him, asking him questions on who he was and why he was here.

Ezekiel grabbed the officer closest to him, holding him by the neck, and flicking his wrists in the opposite direction until he heard a crack of his neck. The officers around him were now alert and, raising their guns in warnings. Ezekiel threw himself at the next officer, the one with the limp leg, and quickly slammed his skull into the floor, where blood now dribbled out. The third officer shot off a bullet, but nowhere near Zeke- probably a bit fearful. "Stay back!" The officer warned, but Ezekiel only surged forward, shoving the officer against the wall. "You killed my brother." Ezekiel growled, still in disbelief of this fact, and the officer started breathing heavily- probably fearful of his life. "You keep you and your godforsaken officers away from this place." Ezekiel said before bringing his knee up inbetween the officer's leg, before releasing him- where he fell to the floor with a groan. "Pick yourself up, and leave." Ezekiel growled, and the officer quickly shuffled to his feet, taking the remaining dogs with him. They didn't have any cars, so that police officer would have a long walk home. Ezekiel sunk to the floor. Why did he let him go? Was he afriad to kill more people? Ezekiel stuck his head between his knees as he let out shaky breaths.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 21, 2014, 06:30:17 pm

Maddi yelped when she was shoved back into the closet, hitting her head on the back wall. Rubbing the back of her head with a slight groan. But she was instantly alert when a a gun went of somewhere down stairs. Climbing out of the closet carefully, she took slow steps towards the stair case. The police were no longer on the upper level of the house, instead they were all down stairs. Taking in the scene, Maddi gasped and ducked behind the wall next to the railing; one officer lay dead on the floor, and so was Jeremiah. She whimpered as she watched Ezekiel dispatch two more officers before attacking the last one.
As the man ran out of the house with the two dogs hot on his trail. She put her head in her hands and silently weeped.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 21, 2014, 07:30:44 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let out a choked sob, before running his red palms over his hand. "Maddi." He said, sniffling, his voice hoarse and sullen. He wasn't sure if she was still in the closet, but knowing Mad, she probably found her way downstairs. Ezekiel's pale blue eyes caught sight of Jeremiah's body, and a shiver ran down his back. This was my fault. His whole body felt like it was ice, and he felt the guilt spread over him like a week-old fever.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 21, 2014, 08:21:01 pm

She looked up when Ezekiel said her name, and scooted down the stairs slowly. Maddi reached him after a few moments, wiping away her tears. After all she had no reason to be sad, he was the one who had lost the brother that he had just been reunited with. She sat down next to him, unsure of what to do to comfort him, so she just looped her arms around him and hugging tightly. "I'm so sorry.... So so sorry...." She whispered, running her hand up and down his back like her mother used to do for her when she was upset.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 21, 2014, 08:35:05 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel let out a ragged breath before forking his fingers through his hair. "I'm fine." He mumbled, before getting up and off of the couch with a grunt before he disappeared into the kitchen, then out the back door, and towards the garage. Pushing on the worn buttons, the garage door opened, and Ezekiel shifted through the tools laying on the bench until he found the shovel buried beneath garden tools. Pulling it, some of the other tools fell to the concrete floor with a clang.

Once returning he placed the shovel down and leaned against it, crossing his feet at his ankles. "Maddi, you should take a hot shower. God knows we've all be longing for one." He murmured, directing his gaze up the stairs, where, between the boy's bedrooms, a bathroom layed.

He would then turn and take up the lifeless body of his officer, throwing it over his shoulder, and holding the cold back with one hand, keeping the shovel balanced between the officers body and his own, and with the other hand he would take the other officer with his free hand and drag him. He would have to make two trips since one officer and .. Jeremiah laid lifeless in the living room.

Once outside, Ezekiel got to work with digging fairly deep holes, where he would dump the two bodies of the officer, come back to the house for the third- place him in there as well- then cover the hole back up with dirt. Now, only his brother was left, but Ezekiel froze, looking down at his lifeless brother with such sorrow and despair.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 21, 2014, 09:57:31 pm

She cringed when he stood and walked out the door, and then standing she leaned against the railing of the stair case. Bodies were strewn over the chairs and on the floor, but her gaze stayed on one boy. Jeremiah looked so much more peaceful in death, with his eyes closed , he almost looked like he was asleep. But the puddle of blood beneath him reminded Maddi that he wasn't going to wake up this time.
She was then jerked out of her thoughts when she heard Ezekiel's voice. Turning to him, she gave him a weak smile and nodded slightly "Alright...."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 22, 2014, 12:03:16 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel pulled his brother's body, and held him, one arm tucked under his head, the other tucked under his legs. A light smile lit up his face as he remembered the many times he's done this when Jeremiah would stay up late watching TV, and would fall asleep on the couch, and Ezekiel would carry him to bed. But that smile quickly vanished as he realized he wasn't carrying him to bed, he was carrying him to his grave. Fresh tears slowly started to trickle down his cheeks, before it became a stream. As he dug the grave he cried, as he placed the body in the grave he cried and choked on his sobs, and as he placed dirt ontop of the body, he weeped, tired and exhausted- and his tears ran dry. He placed a flower- more like a weed from the untamed field- ontop of the dug up earth. He fell to his knees before the grave, hands covering over his face, his body sweaty from the manual labor- but he couldnt help but feel a shiver go down his spine as he sat beside Jeremiah's grave.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 22, 2014, 01:31:22 am

After showering, Maddi put on a t-shirt and shorts that she had found in Jeremiah's room. Although she thought it might be disrespectful towards the fallen boy, she did not want to risk going down the stairs in only a towel. Now she was standing at the back door, watching as Ezekiel cried over his brother's grave. Feeling her eyes begin to water, she walked back inside, banishing the tears before going through the cabinets in search for a drink. It took a few minutes, but soon Maddi had two half-empty bottles of whiskey in front of her on the table.
She began to feel the effects of the alcohol after only a few sips, but kept going, wanting to forget the day's events. Then, without even thinking cautiously about how much she drank, the Meta downed the rest of the bottle and slammed it back onto the table angrily.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 22, 2014, 02:27:30 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel sniffled, the tears heavy and dry on his face. Whenever he cried his eyes got a greyish color to them, and his lips grew darker in hue. It was the same with his brother, and father, which is why Ezekiel ignored any mirrors as he entered through the back door that lead into the kitchen. He saw a pretty empty bottle of Vodka on the table, and Maddi hovering over it. She was wearing shorts and a shirt far too large for her, but even that brought a feigned smile to his face. "Having fun?" He asked, narrowing his eyes on the bottle.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 22, 2014, 02:57:57 am

She laughed bitterly, taking another swig from the second amber bottle "Haha. I now realize *hiccup* why dad loved this stuff so much" she slurred, taking another sip "It helps you forget." Maddi's mind was indeed quite hazy now, and she was having a hard time remembering why she had begun to drink, instead she just kept swallowing more of the bitter liquid. Soon the second bottle was also empty and she went in search of more liquor, rifling through the cabinets until she found another bottle under the sink. She opened it, grimacing before stumbling back to the table.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 22, 2014, 03:07:11 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel chuckled, but his pale blue eyes, which now held a grayish hue from his previous hours of crying, were filled with utter concern as the young female downed yet another bottle. He grabbed one of her shoulders, using his other hand to fork his fingers through his hair. "I think you've had enough." Ezekiel mused with a light shrug, but he was serious. He thought it would be better if he just put fresh sheets on his bed, give her a few pillows, and a blanket, and send her to bed. And for tonight, he would sleep in Jeremiah's room right across the hall.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 22, 2014, 01:28:25 pm

"Noo!" She cried, clinging to the chair and her new bottle. "I don't wanna stop." By now, being the light weight that she was, Maddi was already quite drunk. Taking another sip the girl slumped down in her chair, staring at her hand in awe, "Hey Zekie! Look at my fingers!" she counted them out loud "One, two, three, five, six! I have six fingers!" Giggling, she turned to him slightly, almost falling out of her chair. "Oh" she said quietly, standing up "You're very pretty." grinning she poked his cheek before skipping past him towards the stairs. She then face planted half way up before disappearing from sight.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 23, 2014, 04:52:39 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel tried to contain his amusement from the lightweight Maddi, but he let out a few chuckles before the obvious concern seemed to spread over his face. He watched as she poked his cheek, and he gave a light smile. "Why thank you." Ezekiel said with a feigned gratitude as he watched her disappear up the stairs. He quickly got a bucket out of the utility closet and followed her up the stairs. He didn't know where she went, so he placed the bucket in the middle of the hallway. "If you need to puke, and cant get to the bathroom quick enough- Have this." He murmured before walking back down the stairs, getting a fresh bedsheet, pillows, and a suade blanket, he trotted into his old room and placed the bedsheet on the bed, then arranged the pillows and blankets nicely for Maddi. Then, he turned to go back to Jeremiah's room. His room had maroon walls, while his had navy- and even the color brought on a wave of sadness as he sighed and flung himself onto the bed, lying sprawled out- above the blanket. Zeke just stared up at the ceiling, grieving for a bit.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 23, 2014, 05:19:33 pm

Sauntering out of the bathroom with a hand towel wrapped around her neck like a scarf, Maddi posed in the hallway, almost looking like a contorted duck. She then grabbed the bucket and placed it on her head like a helmet and stood up as straight as she could in her intoxicated state and gave him a mock salute "Yes sir Zekie sir!" and then marched into his room before sinking into his bed.
Judging by the pressure in her head, Maddi could already assume that she would have a killer head ache in the morning, but of course she wouldn't remember much about that night when she woke up. Soon after about 5 minutes, she was fast asleep on the large bed, snoring lightly.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 23, 2014, 06:21:15 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

After about a half an hour of staring at the ceiling, Ezekiel let out a light huff and padded on over to his old room, where Maddi was passed out. A towel as a makeshift scarf wrapped around her neck, as well as a bucket on her head like a hat. Ezekiel pulled his phone out of his pocket and took a picture. Hmph, she looked so cute and peaceful when she was sleeping. "Oh, I am so going to embarrass you tomorrow." Zeke whispered quietly as he removed the bucket and towel, setting it down beside her. He then trotted back to his room, and removed his clothes, putting on a pair of batman boxers and Jeremiah's red and gray sweats. Throwing himself onto the bed, Ezekiel gripped his pillow in hand as he tried to get some sleep.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 23, 2014, 06:44:39 pm
((I'm going to skip ahead to morning now...))

When morning came around, Maddi sat up in the bed before suddenly sinking back down, clutching her forehead. "Oh good lord... How much did I drink?" she mumbled to herself before suddenly realizing that she wasn't in her old clothes and she defiantly wasn't in her room. Then yesterday's events began to come back, all up until she finished the first bottle, then all the memories were quite hazy. Standing carefully, the girl tip-toed towards the door, then a wave of nausea hit her and she bolted for the bathroom, emptying her stomach into the toilet before flushing and checking her appearance in the mirror.
Her hair was a giant friz ball, odd tangles and twists sticking up in all directions. Her eyes were red and blood shot and dark bags had developed underneath them. To put it simply, she was a mess.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 23, 2014, 08:19:48 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel, by early hours of the morning, finally fell into the oblivion of sleep. Every few minutes or so, he would toss or turn, or let out a small grunt of discomfort. He never was an easy sleeper. Maybe it was the bed? No matter that, he finally awoke with a growl, dark bags now prominant under his pale blue eyes. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, and heaved a yawn- stretching and cracking his limbs.

Picking himself up, Zeke, still a bit drowsy, had to steady himself. However, the sounds- and smell- of someone emptying their stomach perked him up. Maddi. He rushed over to the bathroom, and found a hungover Maddi staring at herself in the mirror. Ezekiel gave a slight grin between his continuous yawns. "Mornin' sleeping beauty."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 23, 2014, 09:35:54 pm

Her eyes widened a tad when Ezekiel showed up at the door, "Jesus don't look at me when I look like this!" She shouted, resulting in a fresh wave of pain, but she pushed him out slightly and closed the door quickly. The boys had to have a comb or brush somewhere, judging by how well maintained their hair was, and she grinned in triumph when she found one under the sink. Getting the knots out of her hair hurt, wincing every time the brush caught on the brown strands. She then splashed some water on her face and straightened her- Jeremiah's clothes before stepping out of the bathroom. "Better."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 23, 2014, 10:01:23 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel huffed as he was soon pushed out of the bathroom, however he leaned against the door, and knocked every second or so, before the water began running. "Are you okay? You just emptied your stomach, Mad." Zeke's voice was filled with concern, but Ezekiel- decked out in no-shirt and a pair of maroon and gray sweats- had a goofy grin plastered upon his features. "If you need anything- I'm here, okay?" Ezekiel murmured against the door, his voice dropping a bit. "And that counts for emotional support, too!" He said, instantly perking up with a broad, dimply smile. However, the female on the other side could only hear his cheery tone.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 23, 2014, 11:23:08 pm

Maddi opened the door and gave him a hug "Thanks Zekie. But I think you're the one who needs emotional support at the moment." She gave him a small smile and patted his head like a puppy. She then pushed past him and headed for the stairs, suddenly squinting at the bright sunlight streaming through the windows at the front of the house. "I'm hungry. And I need some Advil." Beginning to make her way down the stairs with her eyes closed to shield them from the light, she stumbled on the third step before continuing in false grace.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 24, 2014, 02:58:33 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel growled softly as she patted his head like a dog. But as she trailed down the stairs, he remained upstairs, in the hallway- staning between the two doors to the two different bedrooms. "There's some food in the fridge and pantry- and advil's on the top shelf." Ezekiel called out to Maddi who was probably making her way into the kitchen by now. He would go- but he didn't really feel like eating anything.. Plus he had to clean up the place. It reeked of death. Well, at least to him it did.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 24, 2014, 08:02:21 pm

Maddi jumped up onto the kitchen counter because she was to short to reach the cabinet other wise, and grabbed the bottle of Advil from inside. She popped two tablets into her mouth and washed them down with a cup of water. She then noticed the spots of blood on the floor, and her drink still on the table. Hesitating slightly, Maddi then grabbed it off the table and tucked it into her travel bag.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 25, 2014, 03:05:19 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

When Ezekiel finally decided to walk downstairs, he had a cleaning spray in one hand, and a washrag in the other. He didn't say a word to Maddi, he only began scrubbing the blood stains that seemed to stain the carpet, walls, and one of the stairs. It was a difficult task, and the smell wasn't all too nice to his flaring nostrils, either. He attempted to hold his breath, but when the chemicals got to him, he whistled at Maddi. "Aye- could you take out a pot, light the stove- then pour some honey onto it. Let it simmer a bit. Oh, and the honey is in the pantry." He asked, before returning to scrubbing the blood out of the carpet. He was quite the "house-wife" filled with useless remedies and such. Since Zeke's mother wasn't really a "mother," and his dad was constantly working to support his children, Ezekiel was kind of like the mother of the house..
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on June 25, 2014, 02:30:12 pm
I'm sorry Ive been so inactive ;-; I couldnt think of anything to post. whats been going on?))
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 26, 2014, 12:22:21 am
((Um Maddi and Zeke have left the construction site and have run into the cops atEzekiel's brother's house, resulting in his brother's death))


Maddi frowned at him slightly, but nevertheless complied. Walking over to the pantry, she looked inside and almost grinned at all the food on the shelves, the she remembered that this wasn't exactly hers to eat, so she pushed her hunger aside before grabbing the honey and shutting the door. Then she took a pan off of the hanger and set it down on the stove before beginning to heat it up, the honey already in the pan. Then she opened the windows and picked up a sponge before kneeling down and scrubbing at a splotch of blood on the floor.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 26, 2014, 12:48:15 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel mumbled a thank you before standing, and wiping some cleaner off of his hands. The young lad stole a glance at Maddi, who was cleaning some blood off of the kitchen floor. He walked over to her, and tapped on her back for her to move out of the way, before he knelt down and finished scrubbing the blood. "Please- eat whatever you'd like and rest." Ezekiel said- but it soudned more like an order.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 26, 2014, 03:24:49 am

Maddi gave a small whine of protest before moving out of the way for him. When he said she could eat anything she'd like, the girl's frown deepened and she took a small step back. She then went to the pantry and brought back a bag of chips and a small granola bar. "Here." She said, extending the bag towards Ezekiel "You need to relax a little, let me take care of you for once..." She then unwrapped her granola bar and nibbled on the corner, ignoring her rumbling stomach with a small smile on her face.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 26, 2014, 04:31:27 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel muttered something under his breath as he continued to scrub the gruesome looking blood stain that clashed against the kitchen's white tile. His brows were set downwards, his full sandy colored lips pulled taut as he chewed on the inside of his cheek; a old habit of his. Glancing up at Maddi momentarily, he let out a slight huff. "You can eat them." Zeke's stark tone mumbled, before he finished scrubbing off the last of the blood stain.

The young lad shook his head at Maddi's offer, and released a light scoff as he finally stood up to his full height, giving a roll of his broad shoulders. "You're going to take care of me?" Ezekiel asked in disbelief, a bit humbled and a bit sarcastic.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 26, 2014, 05:40:26 pm

Her hands slowly curled into fists down by her side as she stared him down, hurt clouding her vision. Of course she wasn't too upset at him, but she was tired of being the defenseless, not to mention she left her anti-depressants at the construction site. Maddi growled and threw the rest of her granola bar at him before storming out of the kitchen empty handed. "We'll excuse me for trying to help!" She shouted, and then walked out the front door, slamming it effectively. Seeing as there were no good hiding spots around the house, the girl ventured into the woods, going a ways in before climbing up a tall oak. After a few minutes she was in the top branches, the ones below her threatening to break under her small weight. At least she knew she couldn't be followed up.
The city lights could be seen from the canopy, and Maddi stared at them bitterly before her eyes wandered to a lit spot near the base of the mountains a few miles south of the city, where the Meta camp was located. Finally all the tears that she had been holding back over the past few weeks began to flow, and she had no intention of stopping them.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 26, 2014, 05:56:47 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel mentally punched himself square in the face after the words left his mouth, and his sleep-deprived eyes watched Maddi storm out of the kitchen, and out of the house with no intention of stopping her. He tossed the wash rag, covered in dry and grimy blood, into the garbage can before treading upstairs. Once in the bathroom, Ezekiel closed the door behind him and then turned to the shower.

Turning the knob that indicated the hot water, Ezekiel turned it all the way, until steam began to fog the mirror. Quickly stripping out of his maroon and gray sweatpants and loose gray tank, the young lad slipped into the shower. The hot water coated his body in a mixture of pain and stress-relief as he quickly washed himself off, and ran his fingers through his damp hair.

Once he was cleaned, Ezekiel stood in the shower, letting the water run, as he stood there awkwardly; letting the steaming water run down his tall frame. He was just overthinking everything, as usual. Once Zeke stepped out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his lower frame, before grabbing a brush and treading back into Jeremiah's room. Once dry, and his hair freshly combed, Ezekiel pulled on the maroon sweat pants, but didn't bother tugging the gray tank over him as he settled himself down onto the bed and tried to get some rest.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 26, 2014, 06:18:02 pm

Giving herself a good thirty minutes to let all her emotions out, Maddi then slid down the trunk of the tree, scraping her back quite a bit, but she ignored it as she slowly began her trek back to Ezekiel's house. When she arrived, standing at the edge of the tree line, she noticed that the light in Jeremiah's room was on, probably meaning that Ezekiel was already in bed and wouldn't be coming downstairs any time soon.
She silently opened the door and stepped inside, grabbing a note pad and pen, then scribbling down one word: Bye. Sticking the note on the counter Maddi then grabbed her bag from besides the door and hurried outside, being sure that everything was done in silence. When she reached the woods again, she tied the straps of her bag around her like a harness before changing into her wolf form and running.
She did have a plan though, and it was to track down her brother and pay him a little visit before she would disappear off the face of the planet. Hopefully this time for good.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 26, 2014, 06:32:17 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

After an hour or so of relentless tossing and turning, Zeke realized that at his attempt to sleep, he only managed to ruffle the covers and ruin the pillows previous pump stature. Slowly rising, Ezekiel moved his legs over to the side of the bed, placing them on the floor, and hoisting himself up. He grabbed the gray hanes shirt and pulled it over his frame. As he passed a mirror, he noticed his extremely bad bedhead, and his icy blue eyes held a dark and sullen shade to them. Ezekiel ran his hand over his face in attempts to wake himself up. A single thought passed through his mind- Has Maddi returned yet?

He grabbed onto the wooden guard rail and quickly descended the steps- nearly tripping and having to catch himself a few times out of his early woken state. His stomach rumbled and protest during his search for Maddi, and he stopped by  the pantry to grab a ganola bar, when a small sticky tab caught his eye. In girly calligraphy, one word stared back at him on the yellow paper: Bye. Bye? What the hell did bye mean? Was she leaving? For good? Ezekiel quickly shoved the granola bar into his pocket, and crumbled up the paper in his fist.

He stormed out of the door, and quickly changed into his Meta form- a massive black panther- deciding it would be much easier to track down Maddi this way.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on June 26, 2014, 06:49:15 pm

Cry seemed to have been asleep for some time as the next time she had woken, the place was in ruin and Ezekiel and Maddi were no where to be seen. Staying as a gibbon, she wonders from it. Oblivious to what had been happening. She scales the fence and makes her way through the town.

Despite her attempts to stay out of sight, she is seen by cops who immediatly give chase. After a few minutes she is able to lose them as she comes across a house. In curiosity, the gibbon looks through a window to see Ezekiel and Maddi. She lets out a hoot of relief and excitment as she knocks on the glass, hoping to get their attention.
(Sorry I didnt want to read through 20 pages of posts)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 26, 2014, 06:53:50 pm

Within an hour, Maddi had managed to locate her brother, and it turns out he wasn't living that far away. Infact as she approached the city limit of the town called Capsborogh after only 45 minutes of running. She then cautiously shifted back into her human form, running her fingers through her hair to rid it of tangles before looking down at the small telephone book clipping in her hands "Mr. Jack Burke, bounty hunter extraordinaire." She chuckled darkly "How come you never visited your little sister?"
She arrived at the house in a matter of minutes, keeping an eye out for unwanted attention as she knocked on the old oak door of his small cottage.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 28, 2014, 03:19:41 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

The massive black panther strode forwards through the forest with a silent, quick, and skillful precision, trying to follow the dim light that would lead him to Maddi. However, after an hour or so of tracking, Ezekiel switched back into his human form when he reached the town of Capsborogh. What would she be doing here? If anything at all..? And not to mention that this place was crawling with weirdos and wackadoo's. Ezekiel's pale blue eyes flickered as he stood at the edge of the forest, eyes locking onto the "city limits" sign. A sigh escaped him, and he only hoped that he would find Maddi.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 28, 2014, 12:43:51 pm


Maddi almost grinned when the door opened and she caught a glimpse of her brother in years. He had gotten taller, much taller, and his features had sharpened slightly. His hair was no longer a thick mop on his forehead and he had a stubble forming on his chin, but it was still Jack. He gaped at her slightly and she frowned slightly, did he really not remember her? What's the matter Tyler? Don't you remember your only little sister?" After a moment, he whispered her name quietly and then dragged her into the house "Don't fret big bro. Maddi Annamarie Burke, at your service." She gave a little bow before she turned serious once more "Well actually, I need your help."

Jack Burke

Jack was woken from is light slumber when the door of his house was knocked on repeatedly. Knock-knock-knock, pause, knock, pause, knock-knock-knock, pause, knock. It was a sequence all to familiar to him even though he hadn't used it in years. So when he opened the door, it was a shock to say that She was standing on the porch, looking rather impatient. It can't be! She's dead! He continued to stare for a few minutes, gaping and trying to form words. "What's the matter Tyler? Don't remember your only little sister?" She said, putting emphasis on his middle name and the words little sister. "M-Maddi?" He whispered hoarsely, still in shock before he quickly pulled her into the house "Maddi? Is that really you?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on June 28, 2014, 01:00:25 pm
I'm just wondering, should I stay in the rp? Cause I dont see how Cry could fit into it anymore)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 29, 2014, 12:29:53 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel finally catches up to Maddi, but halts several meters away, hidden by the shadows of the alleyway. His icy blue eyes scan over the house, and the figure of a tall man as he opens the door. For a minute, the young lad tenses up, a growl rising in his throat. But as Zeke examines the man, he realizes that he holds several similarities to Maddi. Was that her brother? Seeing no real threat, Ezekiel leans back against the wall, crossing one leg over the other. He pulled a cigarette out of his jean pockets, and a lighter. The young Meta only smoked when extremely stressed out; and now, was a perfect time to do so. Ezekiel pursed his lips, and perched the tabacco stick inbetween his lips, before lighting it and inhaling deeply. As he returned the lighter and carton to his jean pockets, Ezekiel holds the cigarette and exhales a cloud of smoke.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 29, 2014, 01:09:21 am
((well, it's really all up to you. You do what you feel like is okay))


Maddi gave Jack a slight smile and shut the door behind her, "You know Jack, you could have visited me at least once in the two years I was stuck with Dad." Her brother smiled sadly and shook his head "Trust me, I tried. I wrote all the time, but you never answered so I assumed you didn't want to see me." the girl frowned, slightly confused. She had never gotten any letters, in fact she had never gotten mail of any sort when she had lived with her dad. "Mail what mail? I never got any..." she questioned, but Jack wasn't paying attention, instead he was looking out the window intently. "Hey Mad? You know this guy?" She rushed over and almost growled out of frustration. "Unfortunately, yes." she then yanked the curtains closed "We lived together for a while, but it just wasn't working... He wasn't supposed to follow me."


Jack was quite confused, he had sent his sister so many letters asking if she needed any help, but she had never gotten them. The only reason he could think of was his dad keeping them from her, but why would he do that? Any way, now he was staring through the curtains and out the window at the boy smoking across the street. He was also confused as to why Maddi would stay with this guy, he looked like the perfect gang member, and he knew for certain that years ago his little sister was easily frightened. It was unlike her to even begin to trust a boy who looked like that one did. "How exactly did you come to trust him? I know you Maddi, and this isn't the type of person you normally associate with." Jack watched her shuffle her feet, "There's no one else here right?" she asked, looking around the room nervously, when he shook his head she relaxed a tiny bit before finally spilling the secret that she had kept from him for years.
"I'm a Meta."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 29, 2014, 02:20:02 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel glanced up just in time to see the curtain yanked close, obscuring his view from Maddi and her brother. His foot tapped in a nervous rhythm. Inhaling and exhaling another cloud of smoke, Ezekiel's eyes shifted around the street, then back to the house. Should he go in? -short-
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 29, 2014, 02:52:31 am

Maddi shrunk away from her brother as he picked up a lamp and hurled it at the wall behind him, watching the blue glass case shatter into hundreds of tiny blades. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He shouted, whirling around to face her. Maddi simply stared at him with wide eyes, too frightened to speak. Jack then loosened his shoulders, his demeanor changing dramatically "Sorry Mads. It's just, that's not the story Dad told me." When she shot him a confused look, he explained "I went to the house to check on you about a month after you left, of course that lying bastard didn't tell me you ran away... Noooo he had to say you were taken by the Meta! Probably long dead!" Her heart rose a tiny bit and she smiled before sitting down on the couch "Calm down Jack. I'm still alive."


Jack, quite startled by the sudden turn of events quickly felt his shock turn into fury, and before he knew it, a lamp lay shattered on the floor. That stupid old man had basically told him his little sister was dead, not to mention that he was too drunk to even shed a tear over his daughter's disappearance! Jack had spent months grieving before he vowed for vengeance. He became a bounty hunter, master of tracking and disguise. His main clients had him slaying Metas, which he was perfectly happy with until right now. Just noticing Maddi almost quivering in fear, he took a deep breath to calm down before facing her and telling the rest of the story. When she said "Calm down Jack. I'm still alive.", it only caused him to grimace, here comes the worst part. "Maddi. You realize I have to report you, right? Otherwise I'll lose my job, and I'm barely paying bills as it is."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 29, 2014, 09:39:40 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's pale icy blue eyes bore into the gritty, cracked, and trash-littered concrete below him, and the alley way to his left. The night was so silent, you could've heard a pin drop, and the only noise was the flapping of disease-infested pigeons, and the inhale and exhale of Ezekiel's smoke-ridden breath. Running a tired hand through his messy black hair, Ezekiel was about to just up and leave.

That was before the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the alleyway beside the house, and Zeke's muscles tensed- he was afraid he'd burst from the sudden clattering of glass echoing throughout his eardrums. Quickly tossing the cigarette to the floor and crushing it under his sneakers, Ezekiel neared the house. He gave a knock, waited a second, then gave an even more impatient- and much louder- knock.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 29, 2014, 11:41:16 pm

Maddi cringed, staring at her hands "Uh...." She rubbed her face with her hands. Then the door shook with two loud knocks. Jack growled "You can go into the back room if you want." She nodded and hurried into the back bedroom. There was a door, which she assumed went out into the back yard, but it was locked so she just sat down on the chair and watched the hallway. There was Jack's voice and the click of a door. Of course, she didn't pay attention to which door it came from. Suddenly a hand went over her mouth, muffling her shouts. She felt the cold needle enter the soft skin on the side of her neck. The drugs quickly entered her system and took hold of her body and she began to sink to the floor. The unknown man chuckled quietly "Good thing we made your brother wear a button cam all the time." Beginning to feel slightly light headed, she tried to say something, but it died in her throat. "Ah, don't worry sweetheart. Special serum developed especially for Metas. It will induce a death like state, coma if you will, but the only difference is you're going to be conscious the whole time." Maddi groaned and her eyes fluttered shut as her breathing swallowed and her heart slowed."There we go sweetheart. Nice and dead."


Jack sighed after Maddi left the room, for he knew he was sending her to her capture. Mathew, his boss, mad sure he wore his button cam at all times, and he had people monitoring the video constantly. He knew that he would be sending a man to get her. He answered the door with a huff "Yes?" He growled grumpily, glaring at the tattooed boy in front of him. Now he wasn't in the best of moods, considering he had just sent the girl that he had not seen in years, into the hands of a would be murderer.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 30, 2014, 04:20:04 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

A wave of nausea waved over him just as the door opened- and the smaller frame of - what he assumed was - Maddi's brother answered the door. There was an odd scent in the room, and as Ezekiel's eyes darted past Jack, and into the room, a subtle panic began to set within him. Where was Maddi? Didn't she just go in? If only.. If only he could've somehow prevented this disarming and deafening atmosphere. "Is Maddi here?" Ezekiel asked, finally setting his gaze onto Jack. His eyebrows set, his jawline clenched, and his hands balled into fists at his side. Zeke was not a force to be reckoned with.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 30, 2014, 12:46:17 pm

Maddi silently screamed in agony as the stranger pulled out a pocket knife and slowly carved an M with a line through it on her right hip. The man kicked her in the side lightly before picking her up like she weighed nothing. He closed the back door silently behind them and carried her a ways away from the house until she was finally dumped into the back seat of a car.
"Try not to get blood stains on my seat." He hissed at her from the drivers side.
The car started rather quietly and soon she felt it pull out of the street and towards on place she defiantly did not want to go. Then ten minute drive went by rather fast, and then Maddi felt herself being pulled out of the car and dragged along the dirt. It smelled absolutely putrid; feces, urine, rotting meat, and burnt flesh all filled the air around here, and she almost gagged on the smell. Of course, she also knew what came next and she was more frightened of that than anything else.
Her body was stretched out over and old wood table, causing splinters to add more pain along with her already bleeding wound. "Is it ready?" A new voice questioned, and Mr. Man (which she had begun calling her kidnapper) chuckled apparently giving the nod of okay. And that's when the iron was placed upon the skin of her left shoulder where it effectively burned the Anti/Meta symbol deep into her shoulder.


Jack stared at the boy with a blank expression. Watching as he became agitated when he couldn't seenMaddi in the room, he felt his frown deepen. "What's it to you? Are you mad that she broke up with you?" He said with a smirk, testing how far he could go with this kid. "Sorry lover boy, she already went to bed, without you might I add." He was about to shut the door in the boy's face when he decided to ask the important question "So tell me. Are you a Meta as well? Cause my sister would have been to frightened to look at you otherwise."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on June 30, 2014, 04:06:15 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel narrowed his gaze, now giving his full attention to Maddi's older brother. Something was off about him, and his gut instinct told him just to run. But Zeke held firm, keeping his fists at his side, his muscles tense, and a bit wary, if anything. Arching an eyebrow of disbelief, Ezekiel momentarily peered into the room behind Jack, before returning his solid, icy gaze. "She went to bed? But she just got here- wouldn't she want to catch up with her brother?" Ezekiel muttered, and he slowly felt the heat of anger radiating over him.

This young lad rolled his broad shoulders, glaring down at Jack for a minute, before he let out a light scoff at his question- but inside it was a breath of relief- the brother didn't recognize Ezekiel's description of a "wanted Meta." Shaking his head, Ezekiel feigned the best genuinely amused look he could muster- which was a good one. "Hah. A Meta? No. Why would she be scared of me? I think I'm a relatively good person.." Ezekiel's voice trailed off at his last comment, and he gave a light chuckle. A good person? The young meta had a bounty on his head for murder.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on June 30, 2014, 06:31:34 pm

Tears leaked out from under her eye lids as she was scooped up of the table rather roughly, she whimpered as her head was banged against the door frame. "So sweetheart. Welcome to Meta camp 203." Faintly, she could here footsteps and voices in the distance, but they were muffled, so she assumed that she was in a barrack of some sort. "Hey! Number 617! You have a new prisoner." Footsteps announced the approach of another person and she was transferred to the newcomer. Judging by the size of the hands, she could tell it was a guy, and he handled her much more gently, setting her down on a bed, being careful to not hit the burn on anything.
"Hey, can you open your eyes for me?" A voice asked softly, and Maddi slowly opened her eyes, the boy in front of her had to be a few years older, with dirty brown hair, vivid green eyes, and a scar running across his right cheek. "Hey. What's your name dear?" She groaned, "Maddi... My name is Maddi... Who are you?" He smiled softly "My name is Cameron, I'm your barrack captain, basically I'm just the prisoner in charge of this side of camp. Now, how about you turn over a little bit so I can treat your wounds?"


This boy was really starting to get on Jack's nerves. "Don't play with me Crosse, I know who you are. Mad wouldn't befriend you on her own." Ezekiel was only a few inches taller than he was, and his fists clenched at his sides. Jack had already begun to assume he was Meta, and that he would need back up if he were going to take this brute down. "I don't know what you did to make her run from you, but I'm going to tell you something. I'm wearing a camera, she's no longer here. Mathew already sent someone to take her away." His jaw clenched and he closed his eyes before poking Ezekiel's chest "She's not here anymore, probably at the camp. Now if you don't want to end up there, I suggest you run. Now." He then slammed the door before sliding down to the ground with his head in his hands.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 01, 2014, 01:09:08 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's throat rumbled with a growl. Was there something so wrong about his appearance that Maddi wouldn't even give him a second glance if he wasn't a Meta? Zeke wasn't one for "judging a book by it's cover" so, taking a step back, he could see where someone would think he's a "bad influence." Almost like that social outcast in school that everyone had a small fear of and kept their distance because of his tattoos and his lanky height. "You know a lot about me, huh? The murders- well, self-defense, really- and all that good stuff? Then you should be smart enough to not touch me."

"So you'd just turn your own sister in? I dont know much about assholes and douche bags, but if I did- I'd classify you as one, sir." Zeke spat, just as the brother poked him in the chest, and the young lad fought the urge to bend down and bite off his damned finger- no, whole hand. At his further threats, Ezekiel only stood there- but in a minute or so, he would eventually have to turn to leave. If Maddi was in the camps, he would have to get her out.. But how?
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 01, 2014, 02:38:07 am

With Cameron helping her up, Maddi leaned against the bunk bed support. Delicate fingers slathered a minty smelling ointment onto her shoulder, she whimpered lightly as his fingers brushed the burn a little too hard, but he quickly pulled away, apologizing as he wrapped the shoulder in ripped shirts "Sorry it's a little dirty, but the officers ration the supplies." She nodded, her face still pressed against the wood. Holding out a hand, Cameron helped her to her feet and he guided her outside. There were people sitting everywhere, under a tree, against buildings. Three tall boys suddenly approached, smirks on their faces "Hey Cam, who's this little thing?" That tallest one asked, and Maddi felt his grip on her arm tighten a little bit "Sorry Kyle, this one's not up for grabs." He steered her away from them before whispering to her "Ignore them, they can be real douche bags."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 01, 2014, 04:11:11 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel growled, as he paced back and forth in frustration. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't just barge in there, throw Maddi over his shoulder, and walk right out. It was minutes- but it felt like hours- before he went back to the house. He was at a dead end with every idea that popped into his head, and it only further aggitated him; that he couldnt do anything. "Jack!" Ezekiel banged on the door, only hoping that if the brute aswered, a gun wouldn't be pointed at his head. "At least tell me where they took her. Please." Ezekiel's sharp features softened into that of regret and remorse. Maybe he should just let himself get taken in.. Shouldn't he? Behind his face of hurt and melancholy, a wicked expression slowly began to rise. A plan started to map itself out.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 01, 2014, 07:55:19 pm

Maddi sunk into the grass underneath the shade of the barracks, her stomach growling slightly "Are you okay Maddi?" Cameron squatted down besides her as she closed her eyes. Nodding slowly, she placed a hand over her abdomen, trying to calm the rumbles. He looked around quickly before pulling a pack of crackers out of his pocket. "Here, eat this. But don't tell anyone that I have them. Meal time isn't for another 5 hours." She smiled gratefully and ate the crackers within a minute. "Thank you Cameron." When she looked to her side, she suddenly saw a flash of dark hair and who she thought was Ezekiel, but when the boy turned, she was confused how she could have thought he looked anything like Ezekiel.


Looking up when there was another knock on the door, but growled in frustration when he saw Ezekiel. "Sorry. I don't know where they take my victims. My best guess would be camp 203, at the base of the mountains." Then he went back into his kitchen, leaning against the hallway door frame, grief-stricken and tired.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 01, 2014, 09:35:47 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly as he called his own sister his "victim," but his voice was lined with a trail of guilt. The young lad fought the urge to flick him off- or punch him in the face- or both. But he turned, and started at a brisk walk down the street; trying to contain his anger, frustration, and nerves. His emotions were like a tidal wave threatening to wash over him and pull him out to see at any waking moment. He rounded the corner into an alleyway before wafting through the garbage bins behind a vintage-looking Italian restaurant. Pulling a rusted kitchen knife out, he shrugged, seeing as it would have to do. He wrapped it in cloth, and held it safely inbetween his waist band and boxers. The young Meta continued walking.

You could smell the camp before you saw it, and Ezekiel quickly pulled his hood over his dark hair, his icy blue eyes flickering to the ground, and to the cars that passed him. He would be spotted soon enough. It must've been Ezekiel's lucky day because a young lad- probably a new addition to the Meta-hunting society was smoking a cigarette and leaning against the railing a good distance away from anyone else. Propping the cloth in one hand, and the kitchen knife in the other, Ezekiel crept up behind the young lad.

Grabbing ahold of him, Zeke quickly stuffed the cloth in the boys mouth, and held him firm while he squirmed. Ezekiel grimaced before quickly shoving the knife through the young lad's neck. The lifeless body fell to the floor in a small seizure and gasp- the lad's big brown eyes wide in shock. A sickening feeling crawled over Ezekiel, but he shook the thought away. Dragging the body a good distance away from the main road leading to Camp 203, Ezekiel quickly changed out his clothes for the boy's uniform. It was a bit too small, but it would have to do. Ezekiel felt a bit more at ease seeing as the boy had a tazer to his right, and a place to hold Zeke's rusty kitchen knife on the left. Finally, pulling the cap over his dark hair, and tucking the longer strands into the navy cap, Ezekiel headed out for the camp.

Hopefully this plan wasn't as stupid as it seemed, and he wouldn't be caught until he at least spotted Maddi.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 02, 2014, 02:48:40 am

 Maddi nibbled on her finger nails as she looked around the camp. There were Metas everywhere, and almost as many guards in navy blue uniforms, most of them looked quite angry or sadistic, beating some prisoners in the middle of the camp. Cameron guided her gaze away from the beatings gently with his hand. But her gaze was caught on one guard standing a bit further away from the other guards. His icy blue eyes caught hers and the tattoos peeking out from under his sleeve gave her an odd feeling, but she quickly looked away.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 02, 2014, 04:40:16 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Once spotting Maddi, Ezekiel kept his fists at his sides. From a glance, he looked like he was trying to contain himself- to not just run over there, scoop her up, and run at full speed far away from this hell on earth. But he only widened his eyes a touch, running a hand up his arm, as he approached at a moderate pace. "Is it that obvious?" Ezekiel questioned, trying to feign a look of anger and disgust- so that any officers looking over- it would look like he's repremanding her.

Glancing around, before looking down at her, Ezekiel gave a slight smile, before replacing it with a scowl. "I look pretty good in a uniform, dont I?" Zeke continued his little facade of his obnoxious and sharp features contorting into disgust and rage. "But in all seriousness.. Are you okay?" He questioned, hushing his voice.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 02, 2014, 05:42:49 pm

Maddi smiled lightly, but then plastered a frown on her face as Ezekiel approached. "I'm sorry officer. Have I done something wrong?" She rubbed her wrists lightly and then looked over at Cameron, who wasn't paying attention to the conversation, and instead was talking to some other Metas a few feet away. "You look fabulous if I must say so." She shrugged her shoulders at his next question, pulling her shirt a little bit further over her bandages shoulder. "Yeah, I'm okay."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 03, 2014, 03:24:59 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel cursed under his breath, seeing as she pulled her arm over the end of what he thought was a bandage. Why? What did they do to her. "Maddi. Tell me what to do." Zeke's eyes pleaded, his muscles tensing, and he glanced around cautiously, before returning his gaze to the young Meta infront of him. "I didn't really think this through.." Zeke muttered, and mentally kicked himself. He would probably have to leave and come back later at night to kidnap her or something. He only hoped Maddi had a better plan than the ridiculous plans he had thought up.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 03, 2014, 04:04:28 pm

Maddi almost cringed, she had just gotten to the camp, and so far she hadn't stopped to think about trying to escape, in fact. She hadn't really thought about much besides how hungry she was. "Ugh, not really. I wasn't planning on anything any time soon... Just give me a few days to talk to Cameron, stake out the weakest points." She leaned against the tree, the bark digging into her back. She gave him a quick smile "But seriously, don't worry about me. You need to focus on not getting caught. The most they could do is shoot me." The girl noticed that another figure out of her peripheral vision heading towards them, so she quickly plastered a frightened look on her face. Cameron came forward, frowning at the two of them. "Is there something wrong officer? I don't appreciate my friends being harassed."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 04, 2014, 12:36:55 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel chewed on the inside of his lip, until he felt the metallic taste of blood filled his tongue, and he bit back a whine. "I'll be back in two days. You better have a plan, Little Miss Maddi." He said, giving a stern finger wag. Ezekiel internally set himself aflame as maddi said "the worst they could do is shoot me," well, that's what he was just afraid of. He was going to bend down to pat her just as another Meta approached. Glancing at him, Ezekiel stood up straight, regaining his full, well over six foot, height. "Harassing! I oughta-" Ezekiel cut himself off, but continued his feigned glare, and looked to Maddi for help.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 04, 2014, 01:01:56 am

Cameron looked unconvinced, a scowl on his face. "I'm guessing you're one of the newbies, cause everyone else seems to know that I am the lion, and I am not afraid to let it out." Maddi sighed, "Don't worry about it Cam, he wasn't being to harsh." She glared at him, but there was a tiny nod, signaling that he needed to leave and she would see him soon "Zeke." She said under her breathe as she stood and walked past him, brushing her hand against his. Cameron followed her, sending Ezekiel a dark look. "You're not sleeping with him, are you?" Maddi put on a look of disgust, but she was actually more shocked by his forward ness, turning to Cameron, she frowned "No... I'm not that lowly."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 04, 2014, 01:43:32 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel stiffened, trying to tame his inner man and not shove this "lion" to the ground and see if he could put up a fight, or would he just cry and beg for mercy? Zeke was shocked with his own thought- No! That's a Meta! Just like yourself. He didn't blame this "lion" after all- he was in a Anti-Meta uniform. "Oh, I'm so scared, little brat." Ezekiel murmured under his breath, giving a small hiss of displeasure.

As Maddi brushed by, he gave her hand a squeeze before quickly looking for a way out. He found a latched door, but he could scale it pretty quickly. Ezekiel sauntered over in a casual manner, whistling, trying anything not to look out of place- but at the last few seconds he paniced, and scaled the fence, and began running as fast as he could. He only prayed that nobody would notice his screw up.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 04, 2014, 02:36:22 am

Maddi was pulled towards another building by a very hurried Cam. "Come on Mad, that douche made us late for dinner." The building was full of people, each holding a bowl of some sort. When the approached the front of the line, on of the officers scooped a tiny bit of clear soup into her bowl and another plopped a bread crust into the broth. She looked down at the measly meal, but moved on after a few shouts from the people behind her. She shuffled through the people and back outside, where she had noticed that many of the people had already finished their meals. Suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed her crust. One of Kyle's goons had it shoved in his mouth, and Kyle then swooped in and grabbed her soup bowl. "Hey!" She cried as he gulped down her soup with a smirk.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 04, 2014, 03:31:21 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel made it back to ranch, seeing as it was only a twenty minute run in his panther form. Not too bad, at least. Once he reached the house, he quickly assembled some sort of "care-package" that he would drop off to Maddi tomorrow. It contained your necessary girl essentials. It had a hairbrush, a picture of Ezekiel sitting on the front porch when he was younger- the same devilish smile on his lips and, Jeremiah- just a young toddler, sitting beside him- picking his nose and glancing up at his older brother. Hopefully the picture will bring a smile to Maddi's lips. Also, several bags of chips, and a large water bottle. Hopefully it wouldnt be confiscated before she gets a chance to see anything inside of it. The bag was small, and it could easily be hidden- He just prayed it would be good enough.

Once that was finished, he went upstairs, pulling the ladder that lead to the attic down, and climbed up. The attic was filled with memories- and weapons. Their father was a bit paranoid. A bit? That was putting it lightly. Ezekiel took the mission lightly, grabbing dual hand guns and a few rounds for each. He set them out for easy access in a few days when he would return. Until then- he had a lot of thinking to do.

Once putting everything in a easy to locate spot, Ezekiel turned on the shower- the hottest it would go- and quickly stripped- before stepping in the shower. He wasn't one for long showers- the longest maybe ten minutes- but he took thirty minutes, trying to think up a doable plan. So far- nothing. Sighing in defeat, Ezekiel pulled on boxers, and dived into bed. The quicker he fell asleep, the quicker the next day came.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 04, 2014, 04:05:21 am

Standing in front of the two boys was quite intimidating, so much so that she decided to just walk away. Only to be pulled back by the collar of her shirt. "Where are you going? We have a deal for you." Maddi gulped, and turned to face them. "My proposition is, you give us your food every day, and we won't kill you or your guardian angel over there." Kyle jerked his thumb towards Cameron. Silent and sullen, Maddi looked at her feet, seeing no way to avoid it, she merely nodded her head and scurried away towards the barracks. On her bed she found a set of clothes much like the one everyone else was wearing. A dark t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and a pair of stained khaki shorts. Quickly making sure there was no one around, she changed into the uniform. Suddenly she realized that her burn was now visible and she unwrapped the bandages, startled by how fast the redness and blistering had gone down, leaving a dark red symbol on the shoulder blade.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 04, 2014, 04:21:06 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel tossed and turned throughout the night, until around four in the morning, he decided to just give up. He strode into the kitchen in his boxers, and pulled some cereal from the top shelf, and milk from the fridge. He pulled himself onto the chair, and wolfed down his food. There were small bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, but Ezekiel disreguarded them as he washed out the bowl and spoon before laying them on the rack to dry.

His "gear" was laid out; the Anti-Meta vest, the dual hand guns- in their holstiers- the small "care package" for Maddi which he would drop off discreetly later. The guns were a "last resort" sort of thing, but it was better to be safe than be sorry..
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 04, 2014, 05:07:05 pm

It seemed like only minutes after Maddi had climbed into bed, she was being woken again. The Meta were shoved out of the barracks by nightstick wielding guards, and into a maze of fences and cages. Some were quickly scanned and then dismissed while others were held down and given a shot. She cringed when she felt herself being shoved towards the medical team.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 04, 2014, 10:28:09 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel, after pacing the room for a good half an our, quickly slipped into the Anti-Meta uniform. It stung his skin, it burned his flesh, and seared his soul- It felt so wrong to wear something like this. But it was for the greater good, of course.
He pulled combat boots on-which he had to purchase, since Vans Sneakers might look a little suspicious for an Anti-Meta officer. Then, he combed his hair into the hat so that he wasn't as recognizable. The male also took the extra precaution of using halloween makeup- a pale foundation- to cover his arm tattoos- as well as wearing a navy blue longsleeve to cover any suspicion. Finally, he placed dark shades to hide his most prominant feature- his icy blue eyes. He placed the two handguns in their holsteirs- one at each side; just a precaution, as well. And he slung the small bag filled with food, water, and a ridiculously funny photo over his shoulder. At the last moment, he took an extra-extra precaution and stuck a small kitchen knife in the bag; Just so Maddi would have something to protect herself.

[I'm trying to stretch my posts out so you have time to respond between his actions x3]
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 04, 2014, 10:46:07 pm

Diggin her heels into the ground, the girl tried to hold back, but she was grabbed by one of the officers and held against the table. Her shirt was yanked up and gloved hands poked her lower back and a needle was soon inserted into the skin and then almost as quickly, it was pulled out. She was then let go and shoved back towards the already finished Metas. Rubbing the injection site tenderly, Maddi noticed the small bump underneath the skin. "It's a tracker." A voice came from behind her and she whirled around to see Kyle. "What do you want?" She snapped, squatting a ways away from him, brushing away the dead leaves away before sitting in the sand.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 05, 2014, 05:15:56 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel swung his leg over the motorcyle, and inserted the key. He felt the engine hum to life beneath him, and soon kicked his feet into the gears an flicked his wrist, feeling the motorcyle take off. He had to hold one hand on his hat so it wouldn't fly off, and one on the handle. It was a risky task, but in less than twenty minutes he was nearing the Anti-Meta camp. He parked his bike a good distance away from the fence that he climed to escape yesterday, and he casually swung his long legs over the fence. Seeing as nobody noticed, he straightened his uniform and gave a stern look to the wary and suspicious looking Meta's scattered around camp. His eyes flickered around, but he had yet to see Maddi.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 05, 2014, 06:13:39 pm

Maddi glared at Kyle as he smirked "Nothin sweetheart, I just wanted to make sure that you remember our deal." The girl sighed and pushed off the ground, heading towards the mess hall. Looking around, she couldn't see Ezekiel, but there were a few guards wearing long sleeves, so she could have overlooked him. Pushing her way inside the building, she waited in line before she was given a bowl of bland cereal. Quickly she shoved a few pieces into her mouth before approaching Kyle with the bowl. He took it with that stupid smirk plastered on his stupid face and he looked down at the bowl. Suddenly frowning, he set the bowl down and took her completely by surprise when his fist connected with her jaw. Maddi fell to the ground, clutching her jaw. "You don't get away with stealing from me sweetheart. Remember that." He growled before kicking her in the stomach and walking away.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 05, 2014, 07:40:35 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel continued to look around, feigning a smug, disgusted expression- which he realized the other officers wore, too. He blended in pretty well. Kudos to you, Ezekiel. However, he was very worried on the inside. Where was Maddi? He tried not to roam too far from the gate, keeping the satchel at his side, his hands resting on his guns in a cautious, wary manner. Icy blue eyes scanned the crowds- looking for a small Meta with brown hair and blue eyes.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 05, 2014, 08:02:42 pm

Maddi groaned and then sat up slowly, her head spinning as she looked around Ezekiel. He wouldn't leave her here, would he?" She shook her head and stood, leaning against a pole. There were only a few officers with long sleeves, so she walked past them, looking at the eyes underneath the brim of the cap. When she finally was met with ice blue, she frowned slightly "You know it's getting harder to find you Ezekiel."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 05, 2014, 08:47:52 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"That's a good thing." Zeke stated casually, "means I'm blending in."
Ezekiel let a breath of relief escape him, and he nearly pulled Maddi into a hug- but stopped himself and let his hand fall to his side. He slid out of the satchel, and tossed it into the bush beside him. Handing her a satchel would look all to suspicious. At least tossig it, would look like he's tossing a piece of trash away. "Keep this hidden- I dont want anyone taking anything from you." He said with a concerned look.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 05, 2014, 09:08:55 pm

Maddi laughed, but it came out strangled and quiet, she briefly touched her jaw, muttering a quiet ouch. She then thanked him, not making eye contact as she rubbed her branded shoulder, uncomfortable by how much of it wasn't covered by the shirt. Looking at her feet, she coughed before meeting his eyes "Zeke... I'm not sure I can leave..." She muttered thinking about the stupid they had put in her back. It would take a miracle to get out undetected.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 05, 2014, 09:18:03 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"What do you mean?" Ezekiel said, his voice a bit hoarse- his icy blue eyes growing wide. Did she just wince as she touched her jaw? Have they been abusing her? These questions, doubts, and everything else clouded his thoughts and he let out a small growl. But, that was all that was water under the bridge now- because the only priority was getting Maddi out- and why was she protesting this?
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 05, 2014, 09:42:32 pm

Maddi shied away a little bit when he growled and wrung her hands together in front of her. "I'm sorry. Really really sorry, but you're going to have to go without me. They put in a tracker this morning, and with that I would lead them right to us...." Right now she was angry how cruel the world could be, but she turned and lifted her shirt a bit to show him the small bump on her back. She had almost forgotten the burn on her shoulder and began to tug on the shirt to hide it, but then decided he would see it eventually and let this sleeve fall back, exposing the AntiMeta logo burned into her skin.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 06, 2014, 01:53:22 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shook his head. Slowly at first. Then frantically, nervously. "No." He mumbled, before repeating it, as h continued to shake his head. "No no- goddamn it, no!" He said, growling out of frustration. "I'll stay. If you're staying- I'm staying." He said, at last. He had this whole heroic plan to save her, and bring her back to the ranch. And then what? someone would eventually catch up- try and take them away. This life was unfair- but it were the cards he was delt- he just had to play them correctly. "I'm going to stay." He repeated.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 06, 2014, 02:46:07 am

Maddi cringed, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind the building. "No! You can't stay here!" She whimpered, hugging him tightly. She didn't want to let go, but decided she had to keep up the facade. "You can't stay here Ezekiel. They will catch you!" She squeezed her hands together as she stared at the ground. "I'm sorry but you have to leave me behind."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 06, 2014, 03:12:08 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shook his head, letting out another growl of frustration. "I have to stay here- even if they do catch me. I'll turn myself in." He said, not wanting to let go either, and whimpering slightly when she pulled away. At her next words, his eyes widened a touch, his lips pulling taut in disbelief. "Leave you behind? and go where? I have nobody to go back to- you're the only person I have left." He murmured, frustrated out of his mind that he couldn't save her- couldn't save himself.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 06, 2014, 03:28:34 am

"Going to be okay, because you are not going to turn yourself in. You will move on and find someone else to argue with." Without me.... she added in her mind, smiling weakly. She then grabbed the small sack from the bushes and gave him a quick hug and after a moments hesitation, a small kiss on the cheek. She then ran back to the barracks, making sure to not look back at him as she entered the building and shoved the bag into the small crack between the bed and the wall. She then sat on the bed, holding her head in her hands.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 07, 2014, 01:17:05 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"I cant leave you here, Mad." Ezekiel said, watching her go back into the barracks. The kiss on his cheek stinging his skin, and he shook his head slowly. Now people were staring, that's for sure. Glancing around, with wide, icy blue eyes, Zeke narrowed his eyes upon the first officer he saw, slowly stalking forward with a blank expression.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: shayy on July 07, 2014, 01:27:46 pm
Seems like a lovely RP
Hope all goes well)
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 07, 2014, 02:46:42 pm

"You realize that displays of affection are punishable by whip here, right?" Maddi yelped, sitting up right, quite startled by the sudden voice. She saw Cameron sitting in the bunk in front of her with a blank expression. The girl growled and stared back, "I don't care." She whispered leaning back a little. "So what is he to you? I mean, there has to be some reason you would be even remotely friendly with an AntiMeta." Growling once more Maddi glared at the boy, "Just because you don't know him doesn't give you the right to judge him. You'd be surprised." She chuckled slightly before continuing "And what he is to me? Just like I am the only one for him to go back to, he is the only person I have left. My dad is a drunkard, my brother turned me in, and my mom is dead. Ezekiel is the only one left."
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 08, 2014, 12:07:47 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's eyebrows furrowed, his icy blue eyes flickering widly, like a madman.  He followed briskly into the barracks, only to find that "lion"- Cameron, was his name? Nevermind that- he was talking to Maddi. He tapped the young lad's shoulder, for him to move aside,so that he could crouch down between the rows of bunk beds. "It's been decided." He said with a small, aggrivated huff. "I'm staying- and there is nothing you can do to stop me." Ezekiel mutters, but he quickly drops the holstiers with guns, and kicks them under the nearest bunkbed, but keeps the dull kitchen knife hidden in his pocket.

He unbuttons the AntiMeta uniform shirt, and shrugsout of the navy longsleeve uniform undershirt, a plain white shirt laying underneath, and tosses it to the side. However, he keeps the navy blue pants on. He quickly begins to rub away at the foundation-covered tattoo's, not really doing the complete job, but it was good enough. He outstretched his arms towards Cameron, and gave a bittersweet smile. "Surprise. I'm one of you- but, eh, slightly better." He added lightly. Hopefully, the guards wouldnt notice him just yet and he could slip under the radar for a bit.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 08, 2014, 02:06:42 am

Maddi almost fell off of the bed when Ezekiel stormed in, looking quite aggravated, "Ezekiel... What are you doing?!" She hissed, making a grab for his clothes as he pulled off the top of the uniform. "Zeke! Stop it! It's not supposed to end this way! Stop!" The girl then noticed how rigid her barrack captain was, glaring at the other boy with narrowed eyes. "Nice of you to join us Crosse." He growled before lunging forwards. Maddi tried to grab onto his shirt collar, but as he pulled her fingers slipped and she latched onto Cameron's shoulder "Cam, leave him alone!" Then, for the second time that day a hand made contact with her face, this time in the shape of a hard slap across the cheek. She staggered slightly, clinging to the bedframe as she tried to regain her balance.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 08, 2014, 02:14:22 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel ignored Maddi's protests, shaking his head and giving a small smile. "It's not supposed to end this way? But we're together- in the same place. That's a good enough ending for me." Seeing as Cameron tried to lunge at him, during his heartfelt moment, Ezekiel side-stepped, out of the way of Cameron's aggressive lunge. He wasnt going to attack a fellow Meta, that was for sure. But honestly, did he have to slap Maddi- and basically force him to break his promise? Ezekiel quickly flew his fist out, aiming to connect to Cameron's jaw- if it did, Ezekiel would place a foot on him to keep him down. "Didn't your mother teach you to be a gentlemen, Cam? Tsk. Tsk." Ezekiel said, a growl underlying his tone.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 08, 2014, 02:39:38 am

After a moments recovery, Maddi straightened herself and proceeded to drag Ezekiel off of the other Meta "Just stop. We are already in enough trouble." Cameron smirked and was out of the building in a flash, no doubt to go get another officer, and Maddi bowed her head slightly. "I'm sorry. I really am." She whimpered and wrapped her arms around Zeke's waist, burying her face into his chest as she willed herself not to cry. It wasn't supposed to end like this... Stuck in the one place they were avoiding, eventually going to starve to death, be miserable for the rest of their lives.
No, it was supposed to be a fairy tale ending, minus the everything being public part. She wasn't supposed to ruin things like she had.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 08, 2014, 02:44:14 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shook his head at Maddi's apology, not really worried about Cameron who was off to find an officer. "Don't be sorry, Mad. I made this decision myself." He murmured, huffing lightly as she pushed her face into his chest. It was awkward- Ezekiel was rarely hugged, and the action wasnt familiar for him. He froze for a bit, before, eventually, he wrapped his arms around her, and warmed up to her embrace, squeezing her lightly. "Don't worry. I'll figure something out- it doesnt have to end here." He muffled into her hair, placing his chin atop of her before finally, and a bit reluctantly pulling away.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 08, 2014, 03:53:37 pm

Maddi almost whimpered when he pulled away, suddenly feeling cold. "Well then... Welcome to camp 203." She said quietly before taking a step back. She looked at him carefully, her ice blue eyes locked into his as thoughts whirled around in her head like a hurricane. She honestly didn't know what to feel or what to think, and it was starting to scare her. She took another step back, biting her lip, it was all getting to confusing and she really needed somewhere private to think. "I um, I need some air, I'll see you later." And with that she turned and hurried outside, looking for a quiet secluded spot to sit down.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 08, 2014, 04:36:57 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel lowered himself to the bunkbed, which wasn't all too comfortable- and was much to small for his well over six foot frame. Laying down, and placing his hands behind him in a relaxed position, Zeke crossed his legs- which hung off the bed- at his ankles. Bright blue eyes scanned around the hellhole, not really interested in anything in particular. He simply waited for Cameron to return with a smug, relaxed expression.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 08, 2014, 07:44:06 pm

Maddi took a few shuddering breaths as she ran her fingers through her hair roughly, besides the part of her that was very upset, there was also another part that was extremely angry. No one listened to her, every time she tried to help it ended up going wrong. And she was sick of it. Boots stomped past her and Maddi looked up to see armed men heading into the barracks. Silently she prayed that Ezekiel wouldn't do anything stupid, but of course, would the gods ignore her like everyone else?
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 09, 2014, 12:37:50 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's icy blue eyes narrowed a bit as four officers came into the room, Cameron quickly behind him. "Goodevening officers." Zeke mused in a calm, casual tone- his bright blue eyes flickering in sudden amusement. He wore a proud smirk, arching a eyebrow at each and every one of them, pausing at Cameron and sticking his tongue at him like a pouty child. /short ;c
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 10, 2014, 03:18:21 am
((Oh crap, I seriously thought it posted.... I got a server error when I tried posting. Guess it didn't post  :P))

Maddi clenched her hands as she tried to steady her breathing a bit more. She wanted to go in the building, but she assumed that since there were guards positioned at the door, she probably wasn't going to be allowed in. Her mind racing, the girl furiously tried to come up with something, leaning back against a tree towards the back of the barracks. She looked up at the roof, noticing the odd windows placed along the edge. Her eyes darted up the tree and she smacked her forehead "Stupid Maddi." she grumbled, scurrying up the trunk. Positioning herself so that she could see through the window, Maddi almost laughed at how uncomfortable Ezekiel looked in the bed he was laying in. It was about a foot too short and she knew that it wasn't the softest mattress in the world. She then took in his smirk and paled "Ezekiel... Why are you smiling?!" she whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear her through the walls "Don't do anything stupid please?"
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 10, 2014, 03:52:06 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel watched as the guards and Cameron decided what to do with him, and he gave them a broad, warming and welcoming smile. "By the way, good luck branding me with all these tattoo's." Zeke motioned towards the ink stains covering nearly every inch of his arms, and some of his back, and abdomen. He ran his fingers through his gelled hair, watching them discuss matters amungst themselves. Cameron's features lost their confident, smug look. That was a plus. One of the guards ordered Ezekiel to his feet, and he did as he was told. "Aye-Aye Captain." Ezekiel said, saluting him with a childish grin.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 10, 2014, 04:19:06 am

After watching for a few more moments, Maddi decided he wasn't going to stir up any trouble for now and she slid down the tree, the bark scratching her back through the thin black material of her shirt. With a start, she realized it was nearing noon, and lunch would be served any moment now. Looking back at the barracks one last time, Maddi scurried towards the mess hall, her stomach grumbling quite loudly due to the fact that she had not eaten for two days. But of course, the moment she got her meal consisting of rice and a salty broth, it was snatched away by Kyle and downed in one large gulp. She growled to herself and turned away, pangs of hunger gripping her body as she sank into the grass below her.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 10, 2014, 02:48:49 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel was led into the mess hall of some sorts. A female guard shoved him into a chair, and someone brought him some stale bread and a bowl of .. rice? Whatever it was, it didn't look edible. As soon as the guards went away, Ezekiel picked up his tray and sat down beside Maddi. She looked a little shaken up, and really hungry. "Where's your food?" Zeke questioned, just as he took a bite of the stale bread. He nearly cringed at the taste of it.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 10, 2014, 04:21:44 pm

Maddi jumped slightly when Ezekiel sat down beside her. She looked at the bowl of food, her mouth watering at the sight of bread and rice, but she put on a fake smile and looked over at him. "M-my food? I um I already finished mine...." She lied her eyes were cast down at the ground, making it pretty obvious she was lying, but she wasn't going to admit that she was too pathetic to keep people from stealing her meals. She would just have to scrape by with leftover scraps.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 10, 2014, 04:49:16 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel gave her a big, toothy grin, despite his insides cringing at the food he was eating. "You look nearly starved." Zeke says with a small shrug, pushing the bowl of rice, and half of the bread towards her- keeping a small piece to nibble on himself. He still had that satchel filled with chips, and a few sandwhiches. But that was somewhere in the bushes.. Glancing over at Maddi, Ezekiel raised an eyebrow at her obvious discomfort. "Is.. somebody bothering you?" He questioned lowly, glancing around the cafeteria.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 10, 2014, 05:17:52 pm

Maddi almost lunged at the food, but she paused, not wanting to seem as hungry as she was before picking up the small piece of bread slowly. Nibbling on the crust, she smiled lightly, her rumbling stomach quieting a little. She then looked at the bowl of rice and pushed it back "It's your food. You eat it." She stared at the grass for a few seconds, and then was surprised by his question. Was she really that bad at hiding her emotions? Maddi looked up and was about to shake her head when she heard a familiar voice from across the room "Sweetheart!" Kyle shouted and she cringed, expecting the worst. But when he stopped in front of them and looked Ezekiel over, she realized food was not the reason he was here.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 10, 2014, 05:43:10 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"No, please." Ezekiel insisted, shoving the bowl of rice- more or less edible- towards Maddi with a sheepeish expression. She didn't look to happy- she looked uncomfortable, and maybe a little sad- and half starved, too. But didn't she say she's been eating? Reclining back into the chair, Ezekiel tilted his head at a man that was calling out towards Maddi. Zeke arched an eyebrow, curious as to who this was, and why he was calling Maddi "sweetheart." "Sweetheart?" Ezekiel repeated,  giving a small snort, his emotions obviously amused by such a cliche name.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 11, 2014, 12:05:58 am

Maddi slapped her hand over his mouth, her eyes wide. "Y-yes Kyle?" She said quietly, not wanting to provoke him. Kyle frowned at Ezekiel, ignoring his previous comment "Who the heck is this bloke?" Maddi shifted and rubbed her hands together lightly "He- he's uh. He's my... He's my friend" Kyle laughed "You're friends with a wanna be anti?" His gaze narrowed on the other boy, studying him carefully.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 11, 2014, 08:33:59 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Chewing through the last few pieces of bread, an amused breath flickered out between his pursed lips, at Kyle's statements. Running a hand over his mouth, to clean his lips from crumbs of that cardboard-tasting crap that the cafeteria tried to pass off as bread, Ezekiel let his eyes briefly run over the muscular lad whom seemed to enjoy picking on Maddi. He could tell, well, because Maddi looked like a cornered animal.

Hoisting himself from his seat to gain his full height, Ezekiel ran his palm over his tattood arm, which still had a bit of halloween foundation covering it. He would take not to wash it off later. Then, crossing his arms across his chest, Ezekiel gave a small chuckle. "You look just about as dense as you seem. Possibly even more." Ezekiel commented lightly, possibly loud enough for the male to hear. "You really think I'm an Anti-Meta? If you had any ounce of sense, I would tell you my reasoning for why I disgused myself, but I know you wouldnt understand." Ezekiel said, growling slightly before gripping Maddi's arm to pull her up, and whisk her back outside. He didn't want her near him.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 11, 2014, 10:02:46 pm

Maddi yelped as she was yanked up by Ezekiel and pulled outside "Why did you do that?" She cried fearfully. "You can't provoke him any more... Please." She then wiggled out of his right grip on her arm, rubbing the sore part lightly. She didn't know what to expect now, if she knew Ezekiel, he won't leave her alone at all now, something she was rather afraid of. If he found out about her lack of eating, he would blow his top, probably getting them both trouble.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 11, 2014, 10:32:39 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel shrugged. "Because I dont like him. He's rude and revolting." Zeke stated blandly as broad daylight, giving another shrug of his broad shoulders. Still, running a hand up his tattood arm, Ezekiel gave a goofy, lopsided smile. "You know me, Maddi." Ezekiel said lightly, giving a humorous chuckle. "I always find a way to provoke people. But, I'll keep my emotions under control. I dont need to be getting in trouble here- these Anti-Meta's hate me enough already." He paused, briefly running his blue eyes over her somewhat scared expression. "Why are you so afriad of him anyways?" Ezekiel questioned, giving a amused snort at Kyle. Pf, he didn't seem so tough- He was probably all bark and no bite.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 13, 2014, 03:18:17 pm

Shrinking back slightly, Maddi looked up at him slightly. "I just don't want to get on his bad side anymore than I already am. I don't need him to punch me in the face. Again." She rubbed her jaw again, her eyebrows furrowed and she turned, her back facing him "I'm sorry Zeke. Just try keep away from him..." She then walked back towards the barracks, looking for something to snack on.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 14, 2014, 11:36:41 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's bright blue eyes flickered over Maddi's face, widening a bit. "Again?" He repeated, in a low gruff tone. "What do you mean again?" Zeke questioned, his voice raising a bit above a whisper- it sounded aggitated. "He punched you? Why?" His nails dug into his palm- trying to contain his anger and not alert any officers to himself. He was already on their bad side for being on the run, let alone if he was going to act out and beat another Meta to a pulp.

His eyes narrowed as he shook his head- letting it go. "Fine by me, Maddi." Ezekiel said, giving a huff and raising his hands in a surrendering manner. "Don't expect me to just let him push me around." He shurgged his shoulders before going to sit by the fence, his chin resting on his knees, which were pulled to his chest.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 15, 2014, 04:02:16 pm

Sitting on the bed, Maddi stared at the pillow with a small frown on her face. Her depression was starting to get worse, no longer on and off, but a constant shadow hanging over her head. Looking around the room, she spotted a bunch of wires and glass fragments dotted around the building. She had not self-harmed before, for she knew that she would be back to happiness within 24 hours, but now it had become a serious consideration. Pushing herself off the bed, she picked up one of the small pieces of glass, she held it up to eye level, contemplating. Finally she decided it wasn't worth it and threw the piece back onto the floor, watching it crack and splinter.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 19, 2014, 02:25:49 am
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 19, 2014, 09:52:34 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel decided to head back towards the hallway of beds, bunkbeads in a line heading straight down. It was narrow, cramped, and smelled of hormones and sweat. The young lad crinkled his nose in disgust, bringing a hand up to run his fingers through his slightly greasy hair. "What does it take to get a lousy shower around here?" Ezekiel muttered to himself,  glancing at the vaccant dormitory. However, the sight of Maddi tossing a piece of glass, Ezekiel stood there- leaning against the iron frame of a bunk-bed, unsure of what to make of the situation. "Mad?" Ezekiel called out, crossing one ankle over the other.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 19, 2014, 11:11:07 pm

The girl jumped, startled by his sudden voice and turned to face him with wide eyes. "I -uh, Ezekiel... What did you see?" she asked quietly, hoping he had not actually seen what she was about to do. Maddi ran her fingers through her tangled hair nervously and looked him in the eyes, trying to decipher his emotions. But just like all her other attempts to do something effective, this one was in vain, for she saw only a hard mask. It had always bothered Maddi when she couldn't tell what someone was thinking, it made her anxious, fearful almost.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 20, 2014, 02:54:29 am
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

"Only you tossing a shard of glass." Ezekiel says in his usual gruff tone, his muscular arms crossed across his chest. After running his arms under stale, cold and dirty water, his tattoo's were present again. And, as it seems, he hadn't been branded. Yet. With a small shrug of his broad shoulders, Ezekiel plays it off well. However, you can see the concern in his vibrant blue eyes.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 20, 2014, 03:55:01 am

Maddi smiled softly, not wanting to worry him too much. "I almost stepped on it, and so I was just going to throw it away and you scared me." She said quickly, the lie leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. But, it was necessary to keep him worry-free if they were going to find a way to escape. Changing the topic when she saw the water, her face brightened slightly. "Um do you mind helping me wash my shoulder?" She asked awkwardly trying to point at the thin bandage. The burn was almost fully healed, and probably wouldn't need a bandage from that point on, but it was still slightly raw.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: Jane-Doe on July 22, 2014, 05:01:00 pm
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse
"The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remains as your legacy."

Ezekiel's icy blue eyes narrowed a touch, not really believing her, but not wanting to pry, either- so he just gave a small shrug of his shoulders, disreguarding the lie altogether. "Sure thing." Ezekiel murmured, sauntering over towards her, and glancing at the bandage with a cautious and concerned expression, he didn't want to hurt her, so he undid the  bandage slowly and carefully. "Does it hurt?" He questioed, quirking an eyebrow at her.
Title: Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
Post by: seopard on July 23, 2014, 01:34:10 am
Maddi shrugged slightly, not wanting to elaborate too much. "Not really, just a few random pains. Nothing major" She sighed as he unwrapped her bandages and she leaned against the bed frame. His fingers traced the thin fabric as it was removed from her shoulder. It was kind of uncomfortable standing in front of him like that, she felt pretty exposed at the moment but stayed still because the bandage was rough against her skin and starting to bother her.