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what joke makes you laugh??

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anything is a joke if you're clever enough
well expect for the serious stuff of course

I'm a person who prefers making light out of dark situations. So I prefer dark humor - or shock value humor. But in a lighter side iike cheesy dad jokes, puns, anti humor, and sarcasm

Hmm, humor with me can be so spotty at times X3 It's strange, some off things I'll find funny, or just out of random I'll find something you wouldn't expect for me to like hilarious lol I dunno, I'm a strange floof x)

and for I am a fwoofy fuwwy Uwu
all the letter L's and most r's in our language mostly is replaced by w and sometimes u is replaced in o
so for people normally talk:
hello fellow furry
and our furry language
hewwo fewwow fuwwy!! ((i should make a post about that ~~LE GASP~~ AND A FURRY ANIMATION REQUEST ~~GASPS EVEN MORE LOWDLY~~ IMA POST IT AS REQUEST! UWU!!

yes I'm a strange 17 year old fuwwy Uwu with a 32 yr old voice that is obsessed with being a fuwwy as i feel i went alittle off topic owo ))

I once heard a joke about amnesia; I forgot how it goes.


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