Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: AlphaEclipse on February 27, 2015, 02:35:40 am

Title: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: AlphaEclipse on February 27, 2015, 02:35:40 am
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: greenart6 on February 27, 2015, 02:43:52 am
I would probably remove Atlantis. It's not very commonly used and is mostly just used to get to Last Cave. (Which I wouldn't remove, since that's me and my friends' chatting spot)

I would love Bonfire removed but that's a little too popular eheh.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Jackkdaw on February 27, 2015, 02:48:53 am
I'm torn between Last Cave and Atlantis.

I know that for me these maps are literally never used.

I feel like very few would even notice if Last Cave suddenly vanished just because it seems so secretive and not everybody knows about it. It's not necessarily one of the mainstream maps. Plus there's so little to it, it doesn't even really offer a good atmosphere for roleplay.

Atlantis, while it does have its perks- like being a prime spot for aquatic roleplay and the like- just doesn't seem to fit into the general FH, terrestrial theme. If the models are all canine/feline, what use does one have for an all water map. I'm not bashing the use of imagination in characters and variety of RP styles by any means, I'm just saying Atlantis is kind of like the black sheep of Feral Heart maps.

Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: TouchOfMadness on February 27, 2015, 06:56:52 am
Hmm, interesting question. I don't think I'd get rid of Atlantis or Last Cave; I like going to those maps for a quiet place or simply a change of scenery. I think I'd remove Temple of Dreams. It is already rather buried in the vastness of Fluorite Plains, and to me it just seems like a tiny, extremely simplified version of what Sky's Rim is. But that's just my personal opinion.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Vespian on February 27, 2015, 08:15:44 am
Vespian would remove Last Cave out of all the other maps. The reason for doin' so is basically said by Ms. Eclipse. Last Cave is technically a much simpler version of Ficho Tunnels and the only actual role-play I've seen held there was The Death Children group (excludin' the occassional two member role-plays). I feel as if its removal won't pack much of a punch in the aftermath since most users who actually do visit the map use it only for temporary purposes.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: SkylineThePuma on February 27, 2015, 08:18:03 am
I think Temple of dreams. There isn't anything that ever happens there and I'm rarely there too, so I could also remove this map XD
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Hylocereus on February 27, 2015, 03:00:24 pm
I hate the south pole personally, but in terms of uselessness the Temple would definately win. It's just... Blegh.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: LordSuragaha on February 27, 2015, 03:13:49 pm
In all honesty there isn't just one map that I would remove. If I could fix the entire game I would remove all the maps and simply remake them to better suit the community but also make them more interesting.

Many of the maps are dull or barely used because of their distance to portals etc. The only maps that are environmentally lively enough to let slide by are Flourite Plains, Bonfire Island, Temple of Dreams, & Skys Rim.

South Pole is bare so I'd probably remove that one, but so is Atlantis, Last Cave, Cape, most of Ficho Tunnel, and AI thus making it difficult to pick just one map to remove. When it comes to use though I would probably just remove Atlantis or Last Cave. Both are very far out maps that barely any users like to use. The maps are both bare but also very similar to other maps like the Cape or Ficho. If people wanted to rp in a caveish map they could use Ficho and if they wanted to rp in a beachy map they have the Cape or Bonfire.

So yeah I'm thinking that I'd remove either Atlantis or Last Cave.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Ellen11v on February 27, 2015, 04:22:19 pm
I would remove Bonfire Island.
Because I want to watch the world burn >83
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Jango_Fett on February 27, 2015, 04:29:52 pm
I'm gonna have to agree with Suragaha on this one.

If I had the power of removing a map, I'd remove them all and remake them.

But, I shall answer the question, and honestly......

I think I'd remove South Pole.

Because it's literally a giant field of snowy hills.
Nothing else.

Bonfire has enough activity and things in it to keep it interesting, and Cape really can't be removed to me, since, well, it has portals to custom maps and whatnot.

Ficho Tunnel.... I wouldn't remove that one. Same reason as Bonfire.

Fluorite is the largest of the maps, and has a lot more roaming spaces, things to look at and see, and activity.

Temple of Drams.... It doesn't seem to be that frequented, so I think someone could get away with removing it, although it is pretty.

AI and Sky's Rim I'd totally keep.
Parkouring up to a realm of fantasy islands seems like a pretty neat thing.

And then there's Last Cave.

It's. It's just that.
A cave.

A large.





Atlantis, hnnnn.... I like that map, honestly but... No one ever goes there, and never for very long. So I guess you could get away with removing it.

Back to South Pole. As much activity as it can get sometimes, I honestly think you could replace it, maybe with some sorta realistic tundra map or something.

Lost Cave, ehhhh..... Honestly I'd think you'd wanna keep that. I mean, the original log in point was Bonfire.

Lost Cave has literally no activity except for you when you log in on a new character, and it's so irrelevant I wouldn't even touch it.

That's my take on all this anyhow.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on February 27, 2015, 07:13:11 pm
Atlantis and Last Cave, simply because hardly anyone uses them.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Wyldercat on February 27, 2015, 07:26:49 pm
I'm also quite torn between Atlantis and Last Cave, but if I had to pick one...

True, it's unique and has an interesting concept, but the only reason that the few people go there is to pass through to Last Cave. Also, as cool as an underwater map is, honestly, no one really ever goes underwater, or even on the few islands there to do anything.

Last Cave actually isn't as unused as some may think. It's a nice private map with no real activity there, so it's great for private unmapped roleplays, chatting and of course, plotting your ultimate conquest.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: DreamerDay on February 27, 2015, 10:39:49 pm
Personally, I would take out the maps that aren't well-known, or basically hard to find. However, for the maps that well known, I would take away Bonfire Island. They really got some serious issue, then it is the "pride rock"...so I don't know.

But its really between Temple of Dreams and Atlantis.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: AlphaEclipse on February 28, 2015, 10:54:59 pm
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Misinterpreted on March 02, 2015, 01:17:39 pm
I would do what Sura suggested if it could ever be done.
Number one map I would remove would be Last Cave because for me, there is nothing there. Second of all it crashes, at least for me, constantly. I can't last there for like 10 minutes before it kicks me off. Second map I would remove is South Pole... There is no vegetation and it is all just snowy slopes. I'd like it if there were mountains and a couple of snow covered woods. It would be more interesting. I don't see much role-plays there to be honest. People just hang out there. Atlantis, I would remove and modify, because it would be nice to run about at the bottom of the map. There are some nice places there to RP, like the collesium-like structure. Bonfire, I would modify and make a bit bigger, too laggy and too many people. Ficho; I'd add
more tunnels to confuse people because it's more exciting. Fluorite, I would modify and add more dens and make the plains a whee bit bigger so lag would be a bit reduced, hopefully. Those are the main maps.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: alexterri on March 02, 2015, 09:22:43 pm
Last Cave.

1. Barely anyone goes to it to begin with. I don't think I've ever seen an actual roleplay there, and I myself have only been there around five times.

2. It's really pointless. If you want to hang out/roleplay in a cave map, just go to Ficho Tunnel.

3. This one probably relates to reason 1, but I don't think that a ton of people have been to Last Cave in the first place because it's pretty difficult to find.

4. It's a pretty bare map to begin with. I mean, it's just a cave with water in it. At least Ficho has stuff like a waterfall, some flowers, crystals, etc.

Actually, now that I think  about it,  a lot of maps of Feral Heart are kind of dull *coughSouthPolecough*
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Kastilla on March 02, 2015, 11:02:18 pm
Well, 'tis me own opinion but I rather enjoy Last Cave. It's mysterious. ewe
Anyway, if I were the choice oftakin' away a public map, I'd take away South Pole. I do like ice/tundra/snow-themed maps, but it's too much of a barren wasteland. o.o
But, Suragaha summed everything up pretty well - or at least, what I thought.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: unnbrellas on March 06, 2015, 07:45:23 pm
Last cave, no question about it. While not only being a long walk and a letdown once you finally get there, it's emptiness can... encourage certain behaviors...
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 06, 2015, 08:46:30 pm
Last cave, no question about it. While not only being a long walk and a letdown once you finally get there, it's emptiness can... encourage certain behaviors...


Oh my gosh I totally forgot that that is a possibility.

Very valid - and mortifying - point you got there.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Dngerboom on March 10, 2015, 06:05:25 am
Hmm, For me personality I find that several maps have their flaws. I remember two years ago, I wasn't rather fond of the more altitude demeaning maps such as Ascension Island and Sky's Rim. I wasn't one to make a character with wings, nor did I wanted to take forever jumping platform to platform only to either glitch or fall and start all over. Eventually overtime, I did find this a bit amusing and it was worth the tedious getting stuck. But for Sky's Rim I had mixed emotions. Of course this was meant for the flyer in mind, but the fact that if you missed A single jump on a floating island, you will plummet into water. No land beneath you, and no way to reach the land masses. It lacked functionality for both land and air animals to navigate through there with no problems.

As many have said, many of the maps need to be revised and more dynamic. It will keep the game looking fresh as well even introducing more members. Unfortunately I wasn't apart of the Impressive Title migration, but from the lack of activities such as the 'hunting' and 'item' collecting you'll have to supply it to building more visually unique maps.

I would even mind some maps to interlink to different areas...
Bonfire Island>Cape of Worlds[underwater portal to]>Atlantis
Temple Of Dreams>Sky's Rim
Make all maps easily accessible and quick to navigate, give players a options for if they want to take a easy route or a longer one to conduct a more dynamic roleplay.

But, if I had to remove one map, It would be Last Cave. I wouldn't mind replacing it with a more woodland[North American landscape] or Rainforest public type area that is a mass map like FP. Gives the game more diversity that caters to any breed of animal particular if they want to be accurate with characters theme.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Emrysthemay on March 10, 2015, 06:22:01 pm
 I would probably get rid of the Last Cave, as it's really bland in my opinion. :T Though if I could, I would revamp it. Make it nicer, maybe even have it exit to a new rain forest-like map.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Yognaught on March 10, 2015, 06:39:35 pm
I'd delete every single map except for Bonfire Island. Then everybody would flock there and they'd be forced to get massive amounts of lag and all be together in one tiny island. And I would watch the madness descend.

If it had to be a serious one, I'd probably delete Last Cave because nobody ever uses it. Ever.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: alexterri on March 19, 2015, 11:53:19 pm
Last cave, no question about it. While not only being a long walk and a letdown once you finally get there, it's emptiness can... encourage certain behaviors...

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that last point, lol
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Sandytails on April 25, 2015, 06:27:27 pm
I'd remove last cave, rarely anyone ever uses it, sometimes I even forget it exists.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: zRichtofen on April 26, 2015, 03:38:11 pm
Sky's Rim. I despise how you have to get up there.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Warriorstrike on April 29, 2015, 11:36:22 pm
I think I would like to be ridden of Bonfire Island.

It's very crowded, yet oh-so-popular. It seems way too crowded there; but then again, if Bonfire was to be removed, where would all of these people go?

I think removing Atlantis and the Last Cave would be such a shame. Sometimes you want to find a quiet place to be alone, and The Last Cave is perfect for it. Since there is no primary goal in the game, having a secretive, little-known area is definitely a high-light to my feralhearting.

There's no other map like Atlantis, and it's very unique; I've created some lovely rps in that map...
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: wolfdog01 on April 29, 2015, 11:44:05 pm
Whale breaches* how have I not responded to this!?
I mean yeah it's cool for newcomers to climb it but, that's about it. There are a lot of anime people there though, bout tempted to call it Anime Island. But, again, I would probably remove that one...
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Kibacher on April 30, 2015, 02:28:24 am
I feel as if it should be the south pole... I have no idea why, I just hate that place
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Hooli on May 01, 2015, 03:24:31 pm
I'd have to say either Last Cave or Atlantis.
Mainly because I hardly ever see it used, and sometimes even forget about it. I usually see no more than 7 or so people in the maps at a time.
But I do enjoy all the maps, and I wouldn't remove any if I had the power. Just answering the question. They're all lovely. :3
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: *Serious* on May 02, 2015, 06:29:19 am
Ascension Island.
While it is my favorite place to be in-game, I've noticed that a lot of trouble makers hang out there. So much rule breaking in one day goes on in that mapper.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Saba on June 19, 2015, 07:20:58 pm
Atlantis. Huge and hard to navigate in.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: StarrieNova on June 21, 2015, 12:37:27 am
I would possibly remove Atlantis or Last Cave.
Hardly any users visit those maps, and if they do they tend to have more inappropriate role-plays there. Then again those kind of role-plays could happen anywhere, but I would still say those maps due to lack of use.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: toasterkitty on June 21, 2015, 10:44:19 am
 i would say atlantis  or like some people have said last cave mainly because well them places are hard to find (in my opinion) ive been trying to find atlantis for a while now after seeing the map in a video and still cant find it...

bit of an off topic question but ive given up... can someone tell me where atlantis is?
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: darkknight on June 21, 2015, 05:35:04 pm
If I had to remove one of the public Feral Heart maps, it would probably be Last Cave. I would remove it simply because of how unpopular it seems to me. Of course, there are people there, but not that many to care about the map itself. I also notice that most people would get rid of Atlantis. If I've never been to Atlantis, I'd agree, but I no, I like Atlantis :). It's nice to have at least one map with some quiet, space, and view to it.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: BadAssJeff on June 23, 2015, 10:07:23 pm
I'd get rid of Lonely Cave, instead of spawning in Lonely Cave when you make a new character there could be a list of public maps/maps you could go to.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: TullileIsHere on June 24, 2015, 04:28:39 am
I'd definitely remove Atlantis if I was able to. The map is hard enough to find (unless if you're familiar with the game and have had it for quite some time, like me), and a lot of times people will just go there to get to Last Cave. The water is annoying to have to swim through constantly, and it's overall just a boring place to go. Hardly anybody goes there anymore (unless if it's to get to Last Cave, which is also hard to find what with Atlantis' size and excessive amount of underwater structures blocking the portal), whether to just chat or roleplay, and I think it's a useless map to have.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: Rinmei on June 24, 2015, 03:53:19 pm
Atlantis is a pretty barren map, I agree, but to me, it's still pretty. Last Cave though.. It's pretty useless, really. It's a cave. With water. Yea. Highly doubt that many people go there anyway.
Title: Re: If you had to remove one of Feralheart's public/official maps-?
Post by: FizzyPaws on June 24, 2015, 04:34:04 pm
I'd probably get rid of Last Cave, and keep Alantis or the Temple of Dreams just so you can have a nice quiet roleplay there. I generally don't like roleplaying on popular maps because I can't see what my group is saying. It's really quite annoying.

Last Cave: I've seen some pretty naughty behavior while spawning there from a recent roleplay with my sister. Yeah... I had to leave immediately and almost got banned from the game by my mom. Last Cave is pretty useless, and I always have to have someone show me how to get there, since I can never remember. So it's not like I use it that much.