Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Vwang on June 21, 2016, 12:53:10 am

Title: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Vwang on June 21, 2016, 12:53:10 am
 I'd like to know why you got FH and why you wanted it? There are so much things that people love about thhis game.
Wings, Make your own maps, Presets, RPing. Yeah. I went off toward this game because the wings :P
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on June 21, 2016, 12:56:48 am
I first heard about FeralHeart after getting tired of playing WolfQuest and going to search for something new. I found FeralHeart, waiting to catch registration open, and here I am. And I just love the game because of the wonderful community, all of the friends I've made, and all of the beautiful maps I can just sit back and relax in. ^^
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Raddlegoose on June 21, 2016, 01:02:12 am
  I was playing WolfQuest, but eventually it got boring to me so I looked for games just like it, and I found FH.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Kalaban on June 21, 2016, 02:25:16 am
The music videos we see around on youtube. I first saw it at bereghostgames, and then began to check out music videos and got intensely interested. I thought the music videos were what FeralHeart is like, LOL MY INNOCENCE. XD
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Reaper on June 21, 2016, 02:27:14 am
A friend told me about this game, and I decided to check it out, and I got addicted to the game real quickly.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Hakumi on June 21, 2016, 03:03:46 am
At the time I saw some of the music videos and just videos in general that was created on Feral-Heart but I didn't know what 'Feral-Heart' really was until the last minute. How I found this game, was completely by accident since I wanted a new gaming experience to try out and I found Feral-Heart, Lol.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Kuri on June 21, 2016, 03:20:54 am
Youtube videos, but people never told me what the videos were of no matter how nicely i asked, so i spent much time (years) wondering exactly what it was they'd been filming.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Likuu on June 21, 2016, 04:08:54 am
A old friend brought me to the game when I was way younger. [not sure where they are now]
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Siarczek on June 21, 2016, 05:25:27 am
I discovered FH when looking through Wolf Quest videos on Youtube.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Hooli on June 21, 2016, 06:39:58 am
I found FH through a WolfQuest video on YouTube back in late 2011. <: I didn't really role play at first, but I met a few friends through the game and decided to stay! And now here I am, 4 years later, still stuck in furry hell.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: kenzierainbo on June 21, 2016, 02:09:37 pm
A friend from another game introduced me to FH back in early 2012. The first map I entered was Ficho Tunnel, and I thought it was the most amazing thing ever. While I haven't been as active lately, the new update definitely made me more active.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Insoholic on June 21, 2016, 03:27:41 pm
I've been introduced to FeralHeart back in early 2014 from a friend of mine. I quickly fell in love with the game. Everything was so interesting & beautiful, I was so happy when  I created my first character and started learning more about the controls. I really appreciate how friendly this community is and I had a very enjoyable years with it.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Scornhound on June 21, 2016, 03:44:28 pm
What brought me to Feral Heart was Wolf Quest.

I remember being in an open game on there and someone told us that they were going on Feral Heart. I did not know what it was at that time so I decided to look it up and then I found this.

Oh how excited I was. First time I tried the game though I didn't know what to do, so I paused for a month and then tried again. xD Loved the game since then!~ ^^
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Kynvuu on June 21, 2016, 03:45:44 pm
Unlike a lot of people, I discovered WolfQuest through Feral Heart, but that's besides the point xD I actually found FH through the news about IT's shutdown, then found some youtube videos about FH shortly after that.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: DarkLustyHumor on June 22, 2016, 01:07:29 am
Before FH I had never heard of text role playing, the reason I wanted to join it was because I saw it on youtube and loved (still love) animals. I thought it was a cool idea because I always loved playing games where you could be animals.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Lazy on June 22, 2016, 01:14:08 am
Well, little more insight to my life here for you guys.
After I had my son, I would have to sit and hold him while he napped, I decided then that I needed something to do while he was sleeping. I like wolf games, and making my own characters design wise, with preset...which i love to see and make. Also, it's a social game and it gave me an outlet to talk to people and sort of expand my social network. I didn't really role play before this game but I slowly got into it for awhile, building character stories was a fun new things for me, and now I just love to chat with people as they come and go. As I get older I think about leaving sometimes but I just really love the community and the friends I make.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Jango_Fett on June 22, 2016, 03:23:35 pm
Dah you of tubes brought me here through the power of bad music videos that i thought were masterpieces.

i think that video is still up too.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Kastilla on June 22, 2016, 04:06:10 pm
WolfQuest videos > FeralHeart videos.

'Nuff said.

What kept me here was my wonderful love for this game; I basically grew up with it. (:
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: barghosts on June 22, 2016, 07:23:04 pm
Well I heard a lot of my friends were playing IT (Impressive Title) and I thought "I should try it" though when I had the chance to download it, the game was taken down... But then, the gods has blessed me with this new discovery of the new game: FeralHeart!
...That sounded stupid, but that's what happened.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: SleepyHoundz on June 22, 2016, 07:30:54 pm
I found FH through WolfQuest videos on YouTube, got interested in the game and downloaded it to have a go. I used to play impressive title beforehand though but stopped playing and found FH through WQ (:
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: RecklessHoodie on June 22, 2016, 07:33:18 pm
Like most others, I found the game through WolfQuest
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: lillyp03 on June 22, 2016, 07:56:15 pm
I too, found myself finding Feral Heart through YT/Videos. This video wasn't a music video but was a series of 2 videos. One, was a 'My Family Story' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUXMX9Xk9ok. Another was a music video, but, sadly the people who made it stopped playing Feral Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BchQ8fyeLAU. I personally thought at first that Feral Heart was nothing but a REALLY GOOD animation.. xD But soon I looked into it after seeing more and more YT videos. Now, I saw myself making my first character who is actually heavily based off of the female mate in the first 'My Family Story' video. lol
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Stuey on June 24, 2016, 01:16:46 am
When I was younger, I would watch my sister play Impressive Title on her laptop. The game looked like so much fun and I really wanted to play it, but my mother had made sure my computer time was limited (as well as my interaction with strangers). As evidenced by my account age, by 2011 I managed to get my own computer and found an unfortunately dead Impressive Title yet a fortunately very newly sprouting revival here! :^)
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: FluffyPluff123 on June 24, 2016, 02:22:48 am
I met Feral-Heart by YouTube. I was tired of playing WolfQuest over the many years I've played the game. So yeah, I was looking for a game to download and I remembered Bereghost playing Feral-Heart so I signed up a day after. After the first few months of playing FH, I soon became very addicted. I played every single day so sometimes my mother took away my laptop so I can focus more on school. But overall, I met this game by YouTube, and I just game here for the canines. So I'm basically stuck in the Community.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Unnuuk on June 24, 2016, 10:06:35 pm
Was playing Wolfquest one day when somebody hopped onto the server I was in, and told everyone to check out FH because it had better character customization and what not, along with the fact that you didn't have to RP in first person, lmao. Been playing it ever since.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: ReadyForFreddy on June 25, 2016, 04:56:46 am
Like some people, I discovered FH through WolfQuest.  I was watching a WolfQuest video and I came across a FeralHeart music video in 2012(?) I thought it looked interesting and fun so I decided to check it out. Here I am now.. :7
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: kinoei on June 25, 2016, 02:53:13 pm
I found it through WQ, some IT servers aswell.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: starkwolf on June 26, 2016, 05:36:24 am
I needed a wolf game as a middleschooler or highschooler, I don't even remember. I really wanted one badly, and WolfQuest looked iffy. Found some FH videos on YouTube, and figured it was worth a shot. I had wanted something more in-depth, something more along the lines of Tokyo Jungle (the PS3 wasn't out yet I don't think, let alone Tokyo Jungle). Still, this was something. I wanted something with spirit and inspiration, as well as brutality. Well, 2/3 wasn't bad at all. Still looking, if anyone knows a game, but FH will always have a special place in my heart, especially when playing once with a close friend, who didn't stick with the game, but we had a powerful moment playing FH together that I will never forget.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: envyandwrath on June 26, 2016, 05:20:32 pm
One of my old friends posted her character screenshots on Facebook and I got curious and downloaded it and started playing it
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Taizer on June 26, 2016, 05:43:03 pm
I stumbled over FH through an old friend.
She was playing the game and posting screenshots on her deviantart, so I wanted to play to, because I thought it looked fun.
My friend has since left years ago, she only had interest in FH for a few small months, but well,  I'm still here. I think I've held on this long because I got into presetting and texturing, I've always loved being creative, so the modding side of the game really called out to me.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Dragonr1der1 on July 23, 2016, 06:06:26 pm
What has brought me to FH? Hmm. It was a long time ago. Six years ago to be in fact. It's hard to remember why i started to play. I guess i wanted to meet new people, Roleplay with the new people that i have met. It seemed fun, just like it is now.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: amythealpha on July 23, 2016, 06:20:33 pm
Huh, I don't remember exactly when or how I joined FH, it was years ago. If I remember correctly, it was because I was playing WolfQuest. I was looking up WolfQuest videos, and found some videos on FH and found it cool, so I joined c:
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: Wyldercat on July 26, 2016, 03:22:26 am
An old friend of mine told me about this animal game, and since I was openly and animal lover, I decided to join. We played together for quite a while and I made a lot of friends so I stayed. She quit a while back, but thanks to this game (and others that we've played since), we've bonded a lot over the past ~2 or so years and became great friends outside.
I've also heard of the game before this friend via Wolfquest, advertisements and through a few other games that I've long forgotten.
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: I Ship It! on July 26, 2016, 01:02:06 pm
I suppose YouTube brought me here and Let's just say I'm glad it did. :)
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: ToxicWolf9876 on August 06, 2016, 09:33:30 pm
I was bored and i was listening to music, it autoplayed so then there was a feral heart music video, i got interesed and i begged my friend to give me one of her accounts because registration was closed
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on August 07, 2016, 01:50:54 pm
Saw some people talking about it on WolfQuest's forum, checked it out, been hooked ever since. (I think it was the open world + animals that drew me to it. Having those two things is always one of my biggest draws~)
Title: Re: What brought you to FH?
Post by: NaiaRulez on August 13, 2016, 09:12:16 am
I don't remember exactly how I got into this game... It was so long ago, 'cause I joined this community in ending 2011. I think I was searching for TLK games ('cause at that time I was absolutely crazy for TLK xD), then I found a post on a forum talking about FH and along with Impressive Title and it called my attention. I tried to get into Impressive Title but then I discovered that it was down, and my only choice was Feral Heart by the way, so here I am ^w^