Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Forum Games => Topic started by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:17:27 am

Title: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:17:27 am
Well, if you don't know already would you rather is a game where you take two different situations and you have to pick one. 


Person 1: Would you rather eat a live snake or a live spider?

Person 2: Snake.

*Remember that after you answer a "would you rather" you have to put one down to keep it going.*

I'll start

Would you rather wear green or blue for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Juliet on January 07, 2011, 01:29:18 am

Would you rather kill your best friends, or your family? :P
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:33:48 am
Kill my best friends.  Sorry friends! 0.o

Would you rather sleep on hot coals or rusty nails?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 01:34:05 am
Holy jeebus um um um um LOL ur mean ... some family and some friends >: ( lol

Would you rather sniff ur toes or put ur hands in a bunch of jelly and rub it all over youself?

(lol wtf im weird)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 01:34:45 am
dangit tina now i gotta answer urs too .-. hot coals ftw xD... ow... dont ask bout the black spots on meh body .-.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:39:05 am
Lmao :D

Sniff my toes o.o 

Would you rather scream "Nylon socks are back baby!"  or "I have a duck and I am not afraid to quack it..."

Can you really quack a duck? o.0  That's what I want to know xD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 01:40:47 am
LOL i have a duck and I am not afraid to quack it Thats friggin all me lol u gotta squeeze them :P lol

Would you rather lick a hot dog or a sausage?   LOL kinky but no not in that way *screams and covers face* lol
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:43:37 am
Lmao :D

Lick a sausage... That just reminded me of a commercial when a dog kept saying sausage. ^.^

Would you rather bite a baby bunny or a fat squirrel?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 01:46:48 am
LOL .... id rather bite a fat squirrel he might blow up and candy appears everywhere hehe

would you rather kiss a toad or a puppy? without knowing what they might turn into?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:49:27 am
A puppy!  *puppy turns into ogre*  Well... I lucked out.  Should have gone with the toad.  Dang it! :D

Would you rather jump on an elderly person or a bum?  Both are strangers ;)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 01:51:20 am
LOL dangit i wanted to turn him into one lol... ummm o.o

teh old person cause i can beat em wif his cane :c  no no no i cant be mean to an old person :( lol
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:54:05 am
Lmao ;D

Would you rather be a wolf or a lion?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 01:55:33 am
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 01:58:30 am
Wolf, dog lover xD  But I still like lions and cats.  I mean Aslan come on!  Heh I'm such a dork ;D

Would you rather run ten miles or do ten push ups in front of your whole school? 

When you really think about it, the second one is actually kind of awkward and embarrassing. o.o
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Lilydehanna on January 07, 2011, 02:00:33 am
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 02:00:50 am
hehe i <3 kitties

um push ups lol even if i cant manage 1 lol xD

10 miles a no go for me cause id kill myself probably lol
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 02:07:45 am
Would you rather swallow a centipede or a fly?

Oh and after you answer a would you rather you have to put one to keep it going back and forth. 
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 02:12:46 am
a fly... screw that but but i cant think of any lol thats why i stopped xD

would you rather lick your manly of a cousins armpit orgo jump in a garbage bin? lol
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 02:20:28 am
Garbage diving all the way :D

Would you rather go bungee jumping off a mountain or risk killing yourself by being alone in a room with a serial killer?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Miles101 on January 07, 2011, 02:44:12 am
Bungee jumping...at least there's a higher chance of me surviving xD

Would you rather spray wallpaper stripper* or orange juice in your hair?

*This actually happened to me this morning... D:
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Juliet on January 07, 2011, 05:26:53 am
Orange juice in my hair~

Would you rather punch a dead baby, or eat a dead baby? xD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Loki on January 07, 2011, 07:08:14 am
definitely punch a dead baby. i don't like em' much anyway |D

would you rather live with no clothes in antarctica or with too many clothes in the sahara desert?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Rak$ha on January 07, 2011, 07:44:34 am
no clothes in antarctica since I hate the heat.

Would you rather be poor with friends or rich with no friends?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Surreal on January 07, 2011, 09:42:06 am
I'd rather be Poor with friend's

Would you rather Dive head first into a pool of fish heads, Or Sit in a bath of roaches for an hour? XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 10:36:36 am
oh meh god .-. lol id have to say... fish heads cause i could get in then get out then take a day long shower .-. lol

Would you rather ride a bike to work or skip to work? lol.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zombara on January 07, 2011, 10:42:21 am
I'd rather skip to work, cuz that's how I get along. 9u6

Would rather dance with the devil in the pale moonlight or tango with angel in bright morning sun?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 10:54:16 am
Tango wif an angel *eyes glimmer* lol *stabs teh devil countlessly* ._.

Would you rather sleep on a bed of nails in pajamas or walk 100 feet of hot coals in highly flammable fuzzy bunny slippers?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 07, 2011, 01:02:27 pm
Ten push ups in front of my whole school.

(Eventhough I don't go to school.)

Would you rather hug a wolf or a bear?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Juliet on January 07, 2011, 02:16:30 pm
Hug a wolf<3

Would you rather meet the devil, or meet a group of evil demons? (:
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ritsuka on January 07, 2011, 02:22:14 pm
the demons and murder them wif my eyeballs O_O~~~~~

Would you rather Would you rather fly high or swim in teh oceans?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Anbrea on January 07, 2011, 02:25:43 pm
Fly High Lol

Would you rather, Sleep in a pit full of snakes, or a pit full of spiders? Muahahahahaaaa
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 07, 2011, 05:01:40 pm
Pit full of snakes.

Spiders just freak me out, snakes I can cope with, they rarely bite if they don't think you're a threat.

Would you rather have ice or fire powers?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 09:36:16 pm
Fly high ;D

Would you rather be friends with someone you hate or be chased by a homeless man with a rolled up newspaper. o.0
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Saria on January 07, 2011, 10:50:32 pm
Friends with someone I hate XD Ok would you rather being stranded on ice floating in the middle of Antartica with polar bears stalking you XD or be stuck in the middle of the Amazon surrounded by a pack of panthers
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 07, 2011, 10:56:44 pm
Stranded on the ice with the polar bears woo!  At least I would die with polar bears ;3  Can't go wrong with white man-killing bears. xD

Ok, would you rather lose your money while gambling or lose your money because your friend lost it?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Angelgirl67 on January 08, 2011, 05:09:52 am
depends how much i give em but i would have to say friend losing it

would you rather eat all burnt cookie T-T (poor cookies) or fish eyeballs o,o
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 08, 2011, 05:17:12 am
Burnt Cookies, I done it before <3

Would you rather, Go Sky Diving Without No para shoot or jump on a shark that was circling u?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Saria on January 08, 2011, 07:43:57 am
both are like suicide so i would go for the para shoot :P
Would you rather eat your best friend or cow poop??
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 08, 2011, 09:43:39 am
I'd eat my best friend, if I had one.

Would you rather live in the savannah or in the forests?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ColonelHamilton on January 08, 2011, 11:45:45 am
The forest, I suppose. I like trees and shade.

Would you rather be a brilliant artist or a brilliant writer?

Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 08, 2011, 11:49:36 am
A brilliant artist.

What, wait, I already am.

Would you rather watch Star Wars or Indiana Jones?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ColonelHamilton on January 08, 2011, 11:59:21 am
Indiana Jones, because I haven't seen those movies lately.

Would you rather roleplay with someone using horrible Mary Sue character or someone who has horrible spelling and grammar?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Saria on January 08, 2011, 12:41:50 pm
Mary Sue XD
Ok would you rather fight the world champion wrestle or kick your teacher X)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 08, 2011, 06:26:37 pm
Fight the world champion wrestler.

He wouldn't have the heart to hurt me. :3

Would you rather go to school for the rest of your life or not go on the computer for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Juliet on January 08, 2011, 07:50:07 pm
Go to school for the rest of my life lol.

Would you rather sell yourself on ebay, or trap yourself in a room with the person you hate the most?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ancalagon on January 08, 2011, 08:10:25 pm
Trap myself in a room with someone i hate. xD

Would you rather jump off the Empire State Building or Jump off the highest bridge? C:
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 08, 2011, 08:38:19 pm
Highest bridge *looks down at the bottom of the bridge and passes out* x_x

Would you rather swallow the sharpest kitchen knife or a lit match?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 08, 2011, 09:52:38 pm
A lit match.

Would you rather be an emo or a chav?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 08, 2011, 10:21:39 pm
Hmmmm emo o.0

Would you rather be a cloud or a tree?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Autumn-Blaze on January 08, 2011, 10:38:44 pm
A light, puffy, pretty, gorgeous cloud of course! XD

Would you rather kill a horse or have to turn a WHOLE 678 paged book into a movie?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 08, 2011, 10:47:09 pm
Book into a movie.  For one thing, I would not approve of killing an animal.  And the other is that I don't think I would be able to accomplish that without getting kicked... :3

Would you rather scream "I rub bacon on my back!"  or "Dude why are you bald?!"  To a very old and angry man? o.0
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Autumn-Blaze on January 08, 2011, 10:52:37 pm
o_o I rather scream "I rub bacon on my back!" cause if I told that to a old angry man, he would hit me with his pole. DX

Would you rather work with KovuLKD on FeralHeart or try to re-build Impressive Title? x3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 08, 2011, 11:05:51 pm
KovuLKD on FeralHeart

Would you rather eat a piece of paper or moon your new next door neighbors that don't speak your language?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: kmat1997 on January 09, 2011, 03:10:13 am
I would rather eat a piece of paper, i don't want some angry people yelling at me in some other language... x.x
would you rather drown in maple syrup, or drown in chocolate milk?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Autumn-Blaze on January 09, 2011, 03:18:00 am

Would you rather see the devil in spirit or turn into a Canine and have mystical powers but there EVIL?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: kmat1997 on January 09, 2011, 03:32:05 am
I would be an evil canine >:3

would you rather be in a secret underground following and have to leave your family and friends, or rob a bank?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Definition on January 09, 2011, 03:56:22 am
Rob a bank.

Would you rather get shot with a gun, or stabbed in the stomach?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 09, 2011, 03:35:25 pm
Shot with a gun.

Would you rather have a nice car and drive it around slowly, or a boring car and drive it around fast?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Juliet on January 09, 2011, 05:01:53 pm
Boring car & drive around fast.

Would you rather be trapped with, and help serve the devil for a year, or be locked in a torture chamber for a year?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 09, 2011, 05:08:44 pm
Well, the less painful thing would be to help the Devil. But staying in a torture chamber would be the bravest thing to do. SO I'D STAY IN THE TORTURE CHAMBER.

Would you rather be a swift or a swallow?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 09, 2011, 05:36:55 pm

Would you rather be water or earth?  (If your earth people step on you, and if your water people swim in you.) o.0
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Autumn-Blaze on January 10, 2011, 02:23:48 am

...But I rather get stepped on then people swimming inside of me. o_o

Would you rather go to tourch for 72 hours STRAIGHT, or kill your minster?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: leafpool on January 10, 2011, 02:37:26 am
Go to church for 72 hours straight!

Would you rather kiss a frog (with warts) or kiss an anime character(Japanese manga...)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Inukami on January 10, 2011, 02:39:22 am
Anime character!

Would you rather read Inukami (An anime manga) or read a Dictionary?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: leafpool on January 10, 2011, 02:40:54 am
Inukami :D

Would you rather explode a squirrel or a skunk
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Miles101 on January 10, 2011, 02:51:20 am

@Inukami I'd say Dictionary...LOL I like looking up dirty words. I'm so hardcore xD

Would you rather get hit by a car or drown?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 10, 2011, 04:17:37 am
Get Hit By a Car. I would rather feel pain then not breath. and Car u will most likely survive.

Would you rather.. Be cheated on or Cheat on someone?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Devilish_Angel on January 10, 2011, 04:42:29 am
Be cheated on. I has evil clone.

Would you rather eat grass or eat tree bark?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 10, 2011, 11:18:34 am

Would you rather have a nice house and a boring car, or a nice car and a boring house?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kaioky on January 10, 2011, 09:31:36 pm
A nice house and a boring car.

Would you rather hug a random person or punch a random person? LOL
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 11, 2011, 12:56:11 am
Punch xD

Would you Rather... Have nightmares all the time or Have Messed up dreams all the time.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 11, 2011, 01:21:06 am
Messed up dreams... 0.o

Would you rather listen to only country or heavy metal music for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 11, 2011, 01:26:09 am
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I guess Country.

Would you rather, Be banned from FeralHeart Game or Be banned from getting money? xD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Squidyly on January 11, 2011, 01:53:23 am
OH MY JEEZUS- Scratches head- uh Be banned from FeralHeart game ): I love them dearly though xD

Would you rather gulp down ketchup FAST or strip in walmart with security cameras :D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shizuka on January 11, 2011, 02:06:42 am
Ketchup O.o
Would u rather get stabbed with a sword, or smashed with a hammer?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 11, 2011, 03:19:19 am

Would you rather See a 3 of your BEST friends Die or 1 Of your family members?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: taryn673 on January 11, 2011, 03:49:27 am
3 of my best friends die. Would you rather get stomped on by big foot or a chupacabra?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 11, 2011, 04:04:26 am

Would You rather Sleep on a cold day without a blanket Or Not sleep at all On a Hot day with a Heated blanket?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kaioky on January 11, 2011, 08:00:04 pm
on a cold day without a blanket.

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?  [and no, i'm not a twilight fan]
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shiro on January 11, 2011, 08:05:00 pm
Vampire <_<
Werewolves are to hairy for me. LOL.

Would you rater lose your vision or hearing?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shizuka on January 11, 2011, 09:56:47 pm
hearing i couldn't live with out being able to draw <3
You fall in  a deep river. Two crocs attack. One grabs your right arm, the other grabs your right leg. They're about to death role in opposite directions. Would you rather lose your arm, or lose your leg?(by holding onto and rolling with the limb you wanna keep)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 11, 2011, 10:54:07 pm
Lose an arm, I can always draw with the other.  And I like walking... o.o

Would you rather scream "Grandma I'm so happy to see you!"  to some man that you don't know in front of a crowd of people or "The deed is done!" to your teacher right after you used the bathroom in front of your class?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: wolfliftfeather on January 12, 2011, 04:23:45 am
I would scearm Grandma I'm so happy to see you to some man in a crowd.

Would you rather take a bath in pudding or acid?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 12, 2011, 07:07:59 pm
Pudding bath! :D

Would you rather attempt to stalk a bunny or dance like a crazy person in a movie theater.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shakarathelion on January 12, 2011, 09:50:53 pm
crazy person in the movie theater

would you rather do a compleat warrior cats rp infront of a crowd of 1,00000 people or yell " I LIKES PANCAKES,I LIKES WAFFLES,I LIKES FRENCH TOAST!" infront of a crowd of 1,00000 people?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ashleyy on January 12, 2011, 10:01:45 pm
Yell, "I Likes Pancakes, I Likes Waffles, I Likes French Toast" in front of a crowd of 100,000 people.

Would you rather:
A. Burn to death.
B. Freeze to death.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 12, 2011, 10:04:41 pm
Burning because it would be faster.

Would you rather bite someones head or bite a piece of card board in front of a therapist?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shakarathelion on January 12, 2011, 10:12:35 pm
bite someone's head

would you rather spaz like an idiot infrot of a profecinal (spelling fail lol) football player or get run over by a car?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Autumn-Blaze on January 12, 2011, 10:21:51 pm

would you rather eat Starfall (Lmfao) or walk up to a boy saying, "Your such a sweet cupcake." and kiss their cheek and walk away?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 12, 2011, 10:57:38 pm
I'm not responding to that because I believe it is physically impossible to eat myself. 0.o  Don't eat me!  *hides behind car* :D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: vidgames on January 13, 2011, 12:45:06 am
lol eat starfall-chases after starfall with a fork and a spoon-

would you rather eat fruit cake or shove it in your face?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shakarathelion on January 13, 2011, 01:08:58 am
shove it in my face
would your rather watch America's funniest home videos or be on it?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 13, 2011, 08:29:10 am
Be in it; I like being a complete freak. Derp

Would You rather Derp or Durr? LOL
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: reindeer on January 13, 2011, 04:58:07 pm
I would rather derp! XD LOL!
Would you rather lick a cold pole in winter or stick your tongue on a hot stove?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Stag on January 13, 2011, 04:59:05 pm
I would rather derp then durrr. But... LOL! Would you rather drown? or burn to death? I'd rather drown. :\ Oh. and I would rather stick my tongue on a cold pole in winter.

~Stag :p
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: reindeer on January 13, 2011, 05:01:23 pm
I would rather drown, much less painful! xD Is there a niether. O.O lol
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ashleyy on January 13, 2011, 05:42:46 pm
Holy crap, you'd rather drown? I cannot think of a more slow and horrific way to die. Actually, I can, but drowning is by far one of the worst ways to die.

So, what's the question, Reindeer?

Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: reindeer on January 13, 2011, 06:05:24 pm
Whoops forgot to type the next question. Would you rather be trapped in the artic for one week or lost in a cave? ;p
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Stag on January 13, 2011, 06:17:38 pm
Survive in the arctic for a week. Would you rather ride down the stairs on a tricycle or... pull a wagon with bricks in it up the stairs? (XD What can I say I'm a deep thinker. or strange I guess...)  :P
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zarago on January 13, 2011, 06:21:01 pm
I'd rather ride down stairs on a tricycle, it's better to bruise something than to damage something. Back injuries are bad, bad things.

Would you rather get mauled to death by a bear or spiked to death by a deer?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Magpie on January 13, 2011, 06:43:40 pm
...A bear...It would be quicker.

Would you rather...kiss a very old man, or kiss your dad/mom?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Stag on January 13, 2011, 06:46:07 pm
My mom. XD

Would you rather.... break both arms, or both legs? :P
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: reindeer on January 13, 2011, 06:49:48 pm
I would rather kiss my mom. xD If I had to break something though, I would break my legs. :p Then I'd be able to draw or play video games while I recovered. xD

Would you rather carry 1000 feathers two miles or give your friend a piggy back ride for one mile?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shakarathelion on January 13, 2011, 08:36:13 pm
the feathers they are MUCH lighter
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shakarathelion on January 13, 2011, 08:37:57 pm
would you rather be killed by getting cut in the throat by paper or someone's fingernail?
weird question
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 14, 2011, 08:11:31 pm
Paper, I've been hurt way too many times by fingernails today.

Woulg You rather kiss Mel Gibson or Danny Glover? (Yes I'm a Lethal Weapon freak here. ;D)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 16, 2011, 08:40:49 pm
Kiss Mel Gibson

Woiuld you rather swallow a crayon or a rubber band? 0.o
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shakarathelion on January 16, 2011, 09:36:00 pm
rubber band

would you rather put a rubber glove over you head and scream "IM A CHICKEN!" in a crowded wal-mart or get sat on by Weird Al Yancovitch?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 16, 2011, 09:56:12 pm
I'm a Chicken........ :D

Would you rather jump up and scream in front of a police officer or shout "I'm on fire!"  when your sopping wet to a firefighter?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: UncleSmithers on January 16, 2011, 09:59:45 pm
The firefighter thing XDD

would you rather hug a cactus or hug a landmine? |D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Silver Cloud on January 16, 2011, 10:25:35 pm
Hug a cactus cos tjere cool and i would of taken its spikes of XD

Would you rather eat a cactus with razor sharpe spikes that you cant cut of or swallow a bomb thats lit ?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 16, 2011, 10:32:46 pm
Bomb!  *swallows bomb and explodes*  -_-

Would you rather live forever or die right now?

Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Squidyly on January 16, 2011, 10:34:42 pm
Die right now. ;-;
Would you rather skip Christmas for a year, or skip your birthday for a year?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 16, 2011, 11:33:17 pm

Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or on a roller coaster?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Squidyly on January 17, 2011, 01:25:13 am

Would you rather chew a piece of toenail off a really dirty man's foot, or thoroughly lick the armpit of a man who hasn't bathed since a week?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 17, 2011, 11:24:58 pm
o.0 Toenail

Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breath under water?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Delay on January 18, 2011, 05:23:54 am
Fly :3

Would you rather draw amazingly or sing amazingly?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Squidyly on January 18, 2011, 02:38:09 pm
Pshhh I'm so amazing I already have those x3
Draw amazingly xD

Would you rather love and not be loved back, or be loved but never love?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 19, 2011, 01:47:09 pm
Be loved byt never love... I'm just simply weird. XD
I got a good one;

You're stuck in a cage with a tiger and the lion; Would You rather let the tiger eat You or the lion?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 19, 2011, 09:21:51 pm
Tiger.  Not sure why though. 0.o

Would you rather blow up an animal shelter or a nursing home?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Silver Cloud on January 19, 2011, 09:27:05 pm
NURSING HOME :D LOL stop them old people from dieing slowly :D and the animals are cute and not wrinklie :3

Would you rather vomit on command or be a mmoney maker (grey lonely box that gets money taken from its mouth XD)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 20, 2011, 01:07:20 am
Vomit on command.  I can already burp on command but vomiting no. :3 

Would you rather spit on someone you like or scream bloody murder (as in scream at them for no reason rudely) at your best friend?

Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 20, 2011, 01:26:03 am
scream bloody murder <3

Would you rather, Kill 50 people or kill 2 people, and not know who those 2 people. Meaning it can be ether a family, friend or stranger.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Delay on January 20, 2011, 01:30:33 am
kill 50 people. /assassinplz

Would you rather go to a justin bieber concert or pull your eyelashes out one by one?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on January 20, 2011, 01:39:54 am
Pull my Eyelashes out. They grow back. But going to a concert to that chick sounding dork...Er no xD

Would you Rather, See more Noobs on FH or Newbs on FH?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Silver Cloud on January 20, 2011, 04:21:16 pm
Doesnt newb and noob mean same thing? any way

Would you rather eat a laptop or a computer? XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 23, 2011, 05:12:31 pm
Laptop, they seem easier to swallow. :3

Would you rather pet a poisonous snake or an angry gorilla? 
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Silver Cloud on January 23, 2011, 07:05:12 pm
poisonis snkae

Would you rather be stuck up an elephants butt or a hippos mouth?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zana on January 25, 2011, 02:26:03 am
Hippos mouth (Sounds err... cleaner.. lol)

Would you rather shave all your eye brows off or go without computer for a month..
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Electricfish on January 25, 2011, 03:12:07 am
Computer. I could just use my nook, like I am now. xD

Wwould you rather... skydive by yourself or with your crush and risk making a fool of yourself? (My crush for me. It gives me another reason to clling to him. <3)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kirsui on January 25, 2011, 08:29:36 am
With my crush, thank you. I can't stand heights! XD

Would you rather eat only cheese for the rest of your life, or eat only bugs for one week?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: starfall000 on January 25, 2011, 11:41:06 pm
Bugs, Cheese is great but... even cheese has its limits. 0.o

Would you rather be killed by a car being dropped on top of you or a piano? 
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: xChibi on January 26, 2011, 03:17:23 pm
But you would be killed either way! So umm.. car? XD

Would you rather drink 2 gallons of ketchup or 1 gallon of mustard? : D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: XxKalixX on January 26, 2011, 06:24:57 pm
2 gallons of ketchup!! (yum)

Would you rather... nail ten baby bunnies to one tree
one baby bunny to ten trees?

/evil one is evil >:P
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 29, 2011, 03:07:57 pm
(Starfall; For mu question You shoul;d've picked lion. The tiger eats either YOU or the LION. ;))

One baby bunny to ten. |D

Would You rather listen to Black Sabbath or Aerosmith? o3o
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2011, 03:26:07 pm
Hmmm.... Aerosmith I think, I kinda like both.

Would you rather be covered in rotting meat while laying completely still in a cage full of starving Hyena's or feed your family to the poor poor starving Hyena's?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 29, 2011, 03:55:33 pm
Feed my family to the poor starving hyenas. :D I'm evil. LOL

Would You rather jack Your own kid or get jacked bu Your own father/mother as a kid?

Edit; BY*
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2011, 03:59:35 pm
i would answer, but I'm not sure what you mean by jacked XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 29, 2011, 04:08:31 pm
Abused |D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2011, 04:10:40 pm
hmmm... just be evil, my own kid! MWAHAHAH!

Would you rather listen to justin beiber or melt your ears of with acid (I like the acid option myself)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 29, 2011, 04:16:56 pm
...Bieber. Wanna know why?

'Cause if my ears melt I won't be able to listen to Aerosmith! D:

Would You rather be named Liv or Jade?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kyugima on January 29, 2011, 04:23:24 pm
jade, because liv reminds me of livers XD

Would you rather eat dog food or kiss the grinch XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on January 29, 2011, 04:29:14 pm
Eat dog food.
Hey, it's nice! I ate all the food that my granny's dog was supposed to eat. <3

Would You rather write calligraphy non-stop for 3 hours or paint a super hard drawing?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Liekos on February 05, 2011, 08:35:34 am
paint a super hard drawing.

Would you rather sleep with some butt ugly chick/dude or your bestfriend?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kyugima on February 05, 2011, 08:49:32 am
Some butt ugly dude because I'm angry at my bestie at the moment.

Would you rather stand on a bed of nails or roll in burning embers?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on February 07, 2011, 03:58:26 pm
Stand on a bed of nails.

Would You rather steal Bil Gates's money or Bil Gates's wife?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Siren on February 20, 2011, 03:02:28 pm
Bil Gate's money :P:P:P

Haha, is that bad? xDD

Would you rather play world of warcraft the rest of your life or spend $1 per item that you buy?

I would choose number two deffinatly xD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Avani on February 20, 2011, 03:30:00 pm
Eh, number two..? xD

FH or IT ?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Siren on February 20, 2011, 06:14:09 pm
Gah.. That's a tough one..

I think.. IT because of the hunting and items. <3
(I love FH too though :3)

Would you rather eat five worms or hold a goliath bird eater (spider/tarantula) >:3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Vizza on February 20, 2011, 11:43:23 pm
I would hold the bird eater. Cause then I could drop it the minute it hit my hands xP

Would you rather lose the interwebs forever or gain 500 pounds? O:
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: XxKalixX on February 21, 2011, 06:04:31 pm
Gain 500 pounds. I can always work it off :P

Would you rather:
1. Have three big tarantulas put on your head, and then open a big box of bugs into your mouth?
2. Be poked on all your pressure points until your brain exploded?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on February 22, 2011, 05:46:41 pm
Tarantulas and bugs. I love them. <3
Would You rather dance like a chicken or an egyptian? lol
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Liekos on March 01, 2011, 09:40:23 am
... Egyptian? LOL
Would you rather wear a bathing suit in the snow or a woolly coat in the desert? o.O
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on March 03, 2011, 03:36:56 pm
Woolly coat in the desert XD
Would You rather play with a dog for the rest of Your life or be with a little kid for the rest of Your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kyugima on March 03, 2011, 03:44:28 pm

Would you rather eat a wooden desk or a metal pen?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on March 03, 2011, 04:06:00 pm
Wooden desk. Yum!

Would Your ather get killed or kill Yourself?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: HIGURASHI Alice on March 09, 2011, 05:36:32 pm
Hmm... Get Killed. But it'd have to be by sacrifice for another. I want to die with honor <3

Would you rather drink Marshmellow flavoured drink, or Ice-Cream flavoured drink? <3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on March 09, 2011, 06:21:57 pm
Ice-Cream. Screw marshmallows.

Would You rather swallow a dog or a shark?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Liekos on March 09, 2011, 08:23:37 pm
a shark, poor doggie! D;

would you rather be a lion or a wolf? x3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on March 10, 2011, 02:26:52 pm

Would You rather be a wolfaboo or a narutard? :,D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Siren on March 13, 2011, 03:27:40 pm
Umm.. a wolfaboo? I don't even know what that is xDDDD

Would you rather wear too tight pants or a waaaaaay to big t-shirt?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Avani on March 13, 2011, 03:48:02 pm
waaaaaay to big t-shirt <3

Love or hate?
<3   </3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Liekos on March 13, 2011, 10:44:51 pm
love <3

ice-cream or cake? :)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Leo Pardus on March 14, 2011, 04:15:06 pm

Maths or English?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Avani on March 14, 2011, 04:24:51 pm
English :3
( Im Norwegian )

iPhone or iPod? <3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on March 14, 2011, 04:47:17 pm
Neither. D:
Amon or Isis?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Liekos on March 15, 2011, 06:33:47 am
Amon LOL
Spongebob or Simpsons?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: HIGURASHI Alice on March 21, 2011, 12:31:47 am

Would you rather live simply, easily and care-free but at the same time bored, or live complicatedly with a busy-life style, capable of doing anything you want within your limited free time, but no longer play FH?

*Fail would you rather*
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on May 03, 2011, 07:58:05 pm
Option 1.
Ankh or Christian cross?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on May 04, 2011, 09:09:15 pm

+karma me or -Karam me? ; D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SunshineViolet20 on May 05, 2011, 12:50:17 am
+karma XD

Would you rather never play FH again, or hold 2 tarantulas with a snake around your neck?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: arcticwarrior on May 05, 2011, 02:16:58 am
hold two tarantulas and snakes. the snakes are not poisonous, and if you are calm, tarantulas do not bite and are not aggressive. XDDD i'm such  dweeb.

would you rather lick a public phone booth(sure, they don't exist anymore, but whatevvverrr!), or get bit by a million mosquitoes while standing next to the Nile river?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on May 05, 2011, 12:08:08 pm
Lick a public Phone o.e

Would you rather die a Long lonely life, or would you rather Die quick with a fun life.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: LunaWolfe on May 06, 2011, 11:43:33 am
Die a long lonely life, because my life is already lonely.

Would you rather drink battery acid or get mawled by one of the aliens out of 'Aliens Vs. Predators'?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on May 07, 2011, 02:33:52 am
Neither :c

Would your rather be a wolf, or a cat?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SunshineViolet20 on May 07, 2011, 02:49:24 am
Uhh I don't know! I like cats.. I like wolves... I have to say cat, it sounds like a easier life XD

Would you rather not have a computer for the rest of your life, or not have a house for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on May 07, 2011, 04:32:57 pm
Computer XD I got a ipod touch C:

Would you rather party naked in front of the whole school or lick a dirty toilet in a public bathroom
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: owenater1000 on May 07, 2011, 05:11:24 pm
 party naked in front of the whole school! I have friends who would join me! XD

Would you rather fight a Pro boxer or fight a kid with a handgun!?!? XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Liekos on May 08, 2011, 12:18:25 am
Kid with a hand-gun.. i don't want a broken nose.. LOL

Ice or fire?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on May 08, 2011, 12:58:27 am
Ice C:

Would you rather kiss someone who never washes there hands or body and burps when someone kisses them, IN THE KISS.


Would you rather have a cat who would scratch you when you came near it and bite you if you tried to pet it
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: JazzForLife on May 08, 2011, 01:44:47 am

Would you rather:
Bite off a man's insanely dirty toenail and eat it
Lick the rim of a public toilet?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on May 08, 2011, 01:50:17 am
Could I clean the dirty toenail?

Neither XD

Would you rather eat your family


Would you rather eat a live goat
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kenta Uzumaki on May 08, 2011, 01:53:36 am
Eat a live goat.

Would you rather, watch a family member get torched or watch a strangers 5 month old baby get torched?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on May 08, 2011, 02:03:46 am
Strangers baby,What if it grows to be evil and stuff?! <---- O.o XD

Would You rather party all night and come home with your parents angry


Kiss someone you really love but they start to get emotional if you leave them or talk to other people
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: DallasKittay on May 12, 2011, 05:09:45 pm
baahh... i'd rather stay out late... XD

Would you rather;

Play FeralHeart



while waiting for it to come out? c:

Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: okami129 on May 12, 2011, 05:37:09 pm

Would you rather:

Eat babies
Have rabies

(I would personally eat babies.)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bee. on May 13, 2011, 08:23:01 pm
Eat babies.

Would You rather eat live gerbils or eat live Bear Grylls'?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zodiac on May 14, 2011, 10:47:20 pm
Eat live gerbils ;D
Would you rather eat a baby lizard or a baby snake?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: EchoWish on October 16, 2011, 12:26:34 am
Ummm Uh.... They're both so cute.... I''d eat a lizard after wrapping it up with a string so it can't scratch me :3

Would you rather be eaten alive by a whale
A hippo?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Zodiac on October 16, 2011, 02:30:58 pm
Whale...I dun think it can chew.
Would you rather get speared or get arrow'd?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ShadowMage on March 05, 2012, 07:58:29 pm
speared, would you rather put a tooth pick in your toe nail and kick a wall, or have a tattoo on your "privates"?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: okami129 on March 07, 2012, 11:53:58 pm
tooth pick. I'm a wuss

Would you rather
watch residant evil
watch silent hill
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Amber123 on March 17, 2012, 03:03:13 am
Residant Evil cuz it sounds like a horror movie and I luv those (:<

         Would you rather
be on a game show as the top winner and you are going to win if you only get one more last answer right!!(You win 100 dollars)
be on a news cast as the featured person who gets the interview for most of the segment!! (And you get paid 100 dollars for doing it)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SilentWolf91 on June 09, 2012, 05:41:28 am
Game show cause it sounds fun!

Would you rather eat your best friend or have your best friend eat you?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Grosskatze on September 10, 2012, 12:15:01 pm
I would eat her. dun wanna die. O_o

Would you rather eat a fluffy, sweet lion or a fluffy, sweet wolf?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Krystal on September 16, 2012, 02:51:10 am
Fluffy, sweet wolf.

I'd imagine it'd be juicier.

Would you rather... Have your favorite show/movie come alive or your favorite book?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: safarirun123 on September 17, 2012, 06:45:00 pm
Movie deffiantly, -thinks of movies- ;3  would you rather strip yourself in front of a classroom or kiss your (female teacher) E,E XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Krystal on September 18, 2012, 01:17:27 am
I would rather kiss my teacher. At least, on the cheek. ._.

Would you rather get obsessed with one thing so much that you don't have any friends in real life, or would you rather dislike something so much that you don't have any freinds in real life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 18, 2012, 01:29:23 am
It's more likely i dislike something so much.

Would you rather be popular for making movies or be popular for making books?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Krystal on September 18, 2012, 01:33:05 am
Popular for making books, I believe.

If you had to choose, would you turn into somebody else or would you stay yourself?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 18, 2012, 01:35:26 am
I'd stay myself.

Would you rather eat popcorn or throw potato salad at Advance? (One of Red's maps.)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: LordSuragaha on September 18, 2012, 02:29:50 am
Hmm I don't like popcorn too much so yeah I would rather throw potato salad at Advance cause I don't like potato salad either lol Do I get to throw it at Red though -evil grin-

Would you rather be cursed with a spell that makes everything you eat/drink taste like pork for the rest of your life OR
Would you rather be cursed with a spell that makes you hear every sound at max volume in your ears for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 18, 2012, 03:10:59 am
I rather be cursed with a spell that makes me hear every sound at max volume in my ears for the rest of my life. I think at least.

Would you rather see Red laying next to Crin or jump around in FeralCity's backyard pool?

By the way, YESH HE WILL WUV DA POTATO SALAD! Just kidding XD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on September 18, 2012, 04:08:02 am
Uhhm, Jump around in FeralCity's backyard pool. x3

Would you rather be with someone who you think loves you, and they do, but they just love you too much that they start driving all you're friends away and you're family, even asking you to change job places closer to there work place or them moving into you're house without you're permission.


Would you rather see a stray puppy, looking lost and helpless, and looks at you for help and love, but you just decide to be rude and step on it.

Poor puppy, I felt guilty writing this, but evil for the person answering c<
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 18, 2012, 04:11:48 am
So hard... but obviously, I'd rather step on the poor stray puppy. (Just for fun in play though of course XD)

Would you rather be kicked by Red in the cinema or be lost in the middle of nowhere! (One of the adventure pack maps that i never saw o_0)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Celeyan on September 18, 2012, 04:55:46 am
Kicked by red in the cinema, have a fear of being lost or forgotten.

Would you rather having the most annoying sibling who lies about you, tells you're crush embarrassing things about you, blames you for stuff, gets you in trouble.


Would you rather own a evil dog that you're mom lets into the house multiple of times, and it hangs out near the kitchen and you are getting really hungry
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 18, 2012, 05:09:04 am
Evil dog. (It won't be inside all the times!)

Would you rather be banned forever from the forums or be banned forever in-game?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on September 19, 2012, 01:56:17 am
Banned forever in-game, because I tend to be on the forums more than the game itself.

Would you rather be chased by a pack of hungry wolves or a pride of hungry lions?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on September 19, 2012, 03:59:06 am
Hungry lions. Lions MIGHT be slower.

Would you rather delete your signature or delete your avatar?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on November 20, 2012, 07:13:28 pm
delete my sig..it sucks anyway xD {for now...}
i would never delete my mane char 0.0
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: YouheiSunohara24 on November 25, 2012, 02:09:54 am
...Delete my avatar.
would you rather be sick in the hospital with a really bad stomach virus that makes you unable to eat or drink without it coming back up, and have extreme nausea and stomach pain and being too weak to sit up so you have to use a N3DS to access the fh forums (Like me...)
Be killed and ripped to shreds by a tiger.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 07, 2013, 12:34:19 am
Um........the first one..

Would you rather be kissed by a tyrannosauros Rex or be eaten by a squerll
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Navatii on February 07, 2013, 04:55:11 pm

Definitely kiss a dino. I mean getting eaten by a squirrel would take forever if you think about it...little mouth and all. Long and Painful!

Would you rather live in a world with no problems, or live in a world where you rule?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 07, 2013, 05:26:50 pm
Live in a world with no problems...

Would u rather Get eaten by a bird or a chicken?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: inuyasha1086 on February 27, 2013, 02:48:33 pm
Whichever is bigger... probably bird... can that bird be a phoenix? I'd be roasted faster.

Would you rather Eat food you hate every day or have to live off table scraps... from the trash?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 05:08:26 pm
Eat food I hate everyday...

Would you rather eat liver or liver ice cream
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Crystal72 on February 27, 2013, 05:13:58 pm
Liver ice cream... I can extract the liver...

Would you rather be a little fish in a big ocean, or a big fish in a little pond?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 05:25:52 pm
little fish in a big ocean...

Would you rather sit and listen to a 3-10 hour lecture about school security OR have an old man look at you for 3-10 hours...:)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Crystal72 on February 27, 2013, 05:33:17 pm
Old man. Even if he's a stalker.

Would you rather... Stare at slender man or ender man?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 05:38:03 pm
Not sure of de difference...Slender Man so i can give him a biiiiiiiiiig hug xD

Would you rather be eaten by a tiger shark or a hammer shark?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Crystal72 on February 27, 2013, 05:41:44 pm
Enderman is a Minecraft thing.

Hammer shark.

Would you rather... Burp in public or fart in private?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 05:42:56 pm
Fart in private...I do it all the time xD
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on February 27, 2013, 05:45:14 pm
what about the would u rather e.e

merph... Would you rather eat chocalate to your hearts disire even tho it would kill you less than a week
would you rather eat nothing but meat and die in 5 years?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 05:47:33 pm
Nothing but meat and die in 5 years...(btw, sorry lol)

Next: Would you rather read my signature and find out its true or die today...(you actually gotta do 1)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on February 27, 2013, 05:51:13 pm
Read your sig, and i did, and all but #1 was right, i did read them all T^T i just fell for the rest..feels more blonds than ever
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 05:52:33 pm
What about the wyr?

Would you rather, die today, knowing you have no place in this world OR die forgetting your place..
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on February 27, 2013, 05:54:29 pm
die forgteing my place b/c my place sucks {srry blonde today}
would you rather be killed my me?
be killed by slenderman?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: inuyasha1086 on February 27, 2013, 06:01:44 pm
Killed by you. I'm allergic to slenderman.

Would you rather... Eat your cat or be eaten by your cat?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 06:18:30 pm
Eat my cat...mmmmm good

Would you rather take a 100 question S.S. test OR take a 100 question Science test
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on February 27, 2013, 06:50:21 pm
Science >> i hate social studies
Eat my cat or Eat your dog? {if u dont have a dog to eat it u have to buy one >:3}
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: candy2468 on February 27, 2013, 06:59:28 pm
Your cat. x'D Sorry.

Would you rather shave all your hair off or lose your two front teeth forever?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on February 27, 2013, 07:01:56 pm
O-O shave off all the hair..thinks this over...from my legs >> you didnt say where  spacificly. %^.^
Swallow a jawbreaker whole that you found on ground?
Chug a gallon of goat milk you got from a hobo?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on February 27, 2013, 07:59:54 pm
goat milk...yuck

would u rather dress up as an idiot or dress up as butthead?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Crystal72 on February 28, 2013, 12:39:46 am
Dress up as an idiot, since "popular girls" already do.

Would you rather be forced to watch your most hated show, or... be forced to eat your most hated food?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: inuyasha1086 on February 28, 2013, 12:55:08 am
I'd take the tv show any day!

Would you rather... have a heart attack or get kidnapped?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hallucination on February 28, 2013, 12:58:28 am
AUGH... ;-;
Get kidnapped... Less painful. e.e Nothatsterriblebutmyoptionisn'tchaning.

Would you rather... be bitten by a poisonous snake or be gored by a rhino?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on February 28, 2013, 01:33:34 am
Ouhhh so hard....Depending on the snake and how poisonous then snake

Would you rather....Be locked out of the bathroom and no other bathrooms are around or be stuck in france where you can't understand the people for 2 days
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on February 28, 2013, 01:59:41 am
Be stuck in Fance for two days, that would be kind of cool actually.

Would you rather kick a stranger's behind or shout "I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER"  in each of your classes?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on February 28, 2013, 02:14:23 am
Kick a stranger it's less embaressing and faster XD

Would you rather Have the voice of Justin beiber when hes singing or the voice of darth vader (i would pick number 2 i would scare people all the time XD)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on February 28, 2013, 03:00:35 am
Darth Vader's voice, definitely. Darth Vader is a beast, and Justin Bieber's just...Justin Bieber.

Would you rather have no legs or no arms?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hallucination on February 28, 2013, 03:16:50 am
No legs. Not like I use them anyway. >3

Would you rather never die of age, or never die of disease/injury/etc?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Genesis9 on February 28, 2013, 06:58:04 am
I suppose never die of injury or disease, because that means I wouldn't get Alzheimers or anything unpleasant as I got older!

A train has lost all capability of stopping, and it's headed straight towards a whole group of workers that are on the tracks (which are suspended high up in the air, meaning they cannot jump to safety). There is a lever in front of you, and if you pull it, it will divert the run away train down another path. But a friend of yours just climbed up on that track a few minutes ago, and if you pull it, they will get hit. But the 9 other workers will be sparred.

Would you rather do nothing, and allow the workers to die, or would you rather pull the lever to save them, thus condemning your own friend to death?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hallucination on February 28, 2013, 04:20:09 pm

Oh, my, god... ;-;
Um... Save the workers, not my friend. Because the essence of life is far more important than a friend that will probably leave you someday, while the workers will be eternally grateful for their lives.

Would you rather... Watch your parents die tragically before your very eyes, or watch millions upon millions of innocent bystanders being killed in the line of fire of a war?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on February 28, 2013, 06:52:26 pm
god u ppl are getting way seriuos O-O
um....i would..brather watch bystanders, i ould die myself if all my family died..
Have to live my life? {i look depresed and i have anger probs i dont tell ppl about..til now}
Be the person who just p*ssed me off?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on March 01, 2013, 12:56:43 am
Have to live your life. I went through some brief depression, but it's easy to get through by just being happy. c:

Would you rather make out with a person that hasn't brushed their teeth in months or eat your least favorite food one year after its expiration date?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: nyxghostrider on March 01, 2013, 01:00:57 am
the second one o_o

Would you rather cuddle a hobo or hug a lion?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on March 01, 2013, 02:13:11 am
I'd rather cuddle a hobo because a hobo would be less likely to maul me.

Would you rather be able to master the banjo or the bagpipes?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Crystal72 on March 01, 2013, 03:05:07 am
Banjo. Easier and I used to do Strings.

Would you rather... Be trapped in your C:/ Drive living off of files, or....
Be trapped in your worst video game? Me? C:/ Drive. All kinds of files, y'know...
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Genesis9 on March 01, 2013, 07:08:46 am
C:// drive I suppose. My worst video game would be an ancient Hannah Montana ds game 8l.

Would you rather receive 100$ for verbally hurting someone you care about ( you can't tell them why you did it) or get the same amount for eating a cardboard box? 
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on March 01, 2013, 02:23:47 pm
Eating the cardboard box.
I'm to weak to tell anyone I care about to shove it. cx

Would you rather ride on the back of a giant cobra for your only means of transportation or be safe on the back of a turtle for your only transportation?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mossstar1992 on March 01, 2013, 05:40:03 pm
giant cobra, sounds fun T^T
Steal Tigerstars Klondike bar
Steal MY KLondike bar? *grabs a shotgun and a chainsaw*
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on March 02, 2013, 02:02:15 am
Your Klondike bar i could just take it with meh ninja like moves >8D

WOuld you rather eat egg sandwitches for the rest of your life OR Eat some nasty tuna for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on March 02, 2013, 02:33:06 am
Are they egg salad sandwiches? If so, then I'll take the egg sandwiches.

Would you rather be trapped in your favorite book or your favorite movie?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on March 02, 2013, 03:12:40 am
There not in salad just like egg and breadeggs could be scrambled or whatever XD
and hmm fav movie XD

WYR Be a wolf or a wolf pup?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on March 02, 2013, 03:24:38 am
Hmm... I guess a wolf pup, that way I could grow into a wolf. c8 It depends on a few factors, though. xD

Would you rather read a book using anything but your hands to turn the pages, OR try to text a 500 word essay about guinea pigs on your phone?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on March 02, 2013, 03:34:17 am
Read the book XD
WYR kill dragons all day and get awesome stuffenz or kill unicorns all day and get awesome stuffenz
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Genesis9 on March 02, 2013, 04:45:38 am
I'd rather be a dragon slayer. Just seems more honorable to me I guess? Unicorns are considered good and pure creatures while dragons are often considered the epitome of evil >3> Not to mention Dragons normally hoard tons of treasure and stuff so the rewards would be far greater!

Would you rather be able to shapeshift into any animal that you wanted, or take the shape of any human on earth?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on March 02, 2013, 05:22:39 am
Any animalbecause if i wanted to not go get the mail or somthin ill turn into a cat and say can't get mail if i don't have thumbs! THE WORLD IS SO CRULE XD

Get 12234 gem stones or 12234 coins of pure gold? :3
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on March 02, 2013, 02:52:34 pm
Hm..the gemstones. I'm not really found of gold, it's pretty but other gems are more sparkly and look better. :D

Would you rather live in a world with dragons OR live in a paradise where everything is peaceful and organized?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on March 02, 2013, 06:00:08 pm
Well if the world wit dragons are nice and awesome and not gonna kill you than dragons :3

Be stuck in minecraft where all it is ,is oppan gangnam style or FH with oppan gangnam style all day?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on March 03, 2013, 03:50:20 am
I guess I'd take FH. xD

Would you rather convince all of Fluorite to stand in a single-file line that'll stretch across the L island, or eat a medium-sized fern?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on March 03, 2013, 03:55:30 am
Hm..the first option. Ferns don't seem very tasty. o.o

Would you rather live a normal life as a 2 inch human or be a regular tree forever?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on March 03, 2013, 04:29:56 am
um No answer XD

Would you rather be stuck in a jar with a sparkel tard or in a jar with a mate begger
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Genesis9 on March 03, 2013, 05:59:51 am
Sparkler. Things might get awkward with a mate begger lol. At least with the sparkler I can just close my eyes and I'll be fine! xD

Would you rather have Insect wings or Bird wings?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on March 03, 2013, 06:18:19 am
Insect wings. Bird wings would be too heavy and ungainly for my human body (and they are anatomically impossible). I wouldn't be able to get off the ground. And besides, with insect wings, I would look like a fairy! XD

Would you rather be a centaur or a minotaur?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: dawnrunner1 on March 03, 2013, 09:22:00 am
probably a centaur ponies forevah! ;D
live as an underwater creature or a creature that can only live in the sky?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on April 09, 2013, 11:11:02 pm
Underwater creature with all the fishies.. and.. :P

Would you rather die or be the last person on Earth?

I'm so mean. >:D
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 09, 2013, 11:52:44 pm
I would rather die, it would be too lonely without other people. :c And the reason for all the other people to be gone would make me sad probably, and so I would be depressed and lonely. And that's bad.

Would you rather have the power to transform into anything you wanted or be an awesome dragon?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on April 10, 2013, 03:58:47 am
Anything I wanted, because then I could be a dragon one day, and a honey badger the next!

Would you rather be bald or have hair that's always falling out?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on April 10, 2013, 09:30:23 pm
I'd rather be bald, because then I wouldn't have tons of hair all over me all the time.

Would you rather live in a (sandy) desert that's really hot, or a snowy plain with subzero temperatures?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Genesis9 on April 10, 2013, 10:02:57 pm
Hmm I think the snowy plain. I live in a place like that 90% of the time anyways! :'D

Would you rather have the ability to travel back in time, or stop time for as long as you liked? o3O
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 10, 2013, 10:16:04 pm
I would rather stop time for as long as I wanted. Some days I feel that time is cheating me by going too fast and I just want it to be paused for a few hours. e.e

Would you rather eat a dirty biscuit that's been on a busy sidewalk for a week or eat the bark off of a tree branch?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on April 11, 2013, 08:52:47 pm
Uhmm.. the tree branch. I'm sorry, but I am a sanitary person... just.. no.. e.e

Would you rather have to eat a 10 pound pickle or a microwave meal? (Those things look disgusting.)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Genesis9 on April 12, 2013, 05:07:56 am
A microwave meal. They're pretty much flavorless and I'd rather than to a 10 pound pickle 8l I'm not even a fan of regular pickles x3x

Would you rather visit the Fortress of Solitude or the Batcave?! :o
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 12, 2013, 09:13:44 pm
Uhhh... D8 Batcave?

Disney World or Disney Land?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on April 13, 2013, 01:45:40 am
Disneyworld, because I've never been there, so it would be a fun new experience for me. However, paying for airfare would be a pain, because it's on the other side of the country.

Would you rather be able to transform into a lion whenever you'd like, or a wolf whenever you'd like?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 13, 2013, 03:15:23 am
Hm...a lion. They are very majestic and amazing creatures, or that's just what I think anyway. c:

Would you rather live in a shack in the desert for a week or live on a different country that speaks another language than your own language, with no translator, for a week?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: wolvesaregreat on April 17, 2013, 09:05:00 pm
In desert! I like when it's warm, even if it's pretty hot in deserts. ._.
Would you rather be at dentist or next to your worst enemy on his 'territory'?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on April 18, 2013, 01:41:17 am
Dentist. Dentist is nice to me, and I must trust them... Easier than you think. :3

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 18, 2013, 01:59:08 am
I would rather be blind. In some cases of blindness they can cure it, and maybe I could have my blindness cured if I got blind.
And I would never give up my Heavy Metal and the other music I listen to. XD

Would you rather be magically transformed into a pet mouse or a stray cat?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: FieldsForever on April 18, 2013, 08:02:44 pm
Stray cat... then I can do what I want and get free food from people.
Would you rather sacrifice one of your family members or a whole nation?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: MoonRaven on April 21, 2013, 06:29:44 am
Um, I guess an entire nation. x3

Would you rather be fluent in all languages or Well talented of every musical instruments?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on April 21, 2013, 10:29:14 pm
Erm.. Fluent in all languages. Especially Korean <3

Would you rather be stuck in a cave of evil cheese that wants to eat you, or...
be stuck in a huge, huge cave fit for tons of giraffes, everywhere, just walkin' around, then they stare at you...
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: FieldsForever on April 21, 2013, 11:24:07 pm
I would rather be with the giraffes... even if they stare at me. I mean at-least they won't eat me right? Plus, I could eat them to survive.

Would you rather live in rage comics or facebook?
(Just in case you don't know what rage comics are~http://memebase.cheezburger.com/ragecomics)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on April 22, 2013, 12:54:28 am
I would want to live in rage comics, they amuse me and I don't really like Facebook.

Would you rather have an unlimited supply of money or have your favorite imaginary creature as a pet?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on April 22, 2013, 01:00:31 am
Unlimited supply of money. My imaginary creatures are far too dangerous to have as a pet ^^'

Would you rather get very embarrassed on TV on a popular show (don't ask.), or...
Go back in time, way back in time where your parents weren't even born, or your grandparents. Way back around the 1800's, and never, ever be able to come back in this time.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Nutella2 on May 28, 2013, 01:25:46 pm
.. Be embarrassed. 8| Because it's only one time, right? ^^;

Would you rather die young or die old?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 28, 2013, 02:20:38 pm
Die old...

Would you rather Have a fire unicorn as a pet or be arrested for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 29, 2013, 05:33:08 pm
Fire unicorn, obviously. >8I

Would you rather be sneezin' around dogs or cats? (Sorry, I don't know how to spell the actual word.)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: morallydefunct on May 29, 2013, 05:53:19 pm
Cats. They have those..  sharp claws.. Grr.

Would you rather take a portal that leads to the lost city of Atlantis or a portal that takes you to a place where aliens roam?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 29, 2013, 05:55:59 pm
Atlantis. Poseidon is cool. *Slapped by God*

Would you rather watch the most horrible movie in the universe or play the most boring video game for 3 hours?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 29, 2013, 06:35:54 pm
Well, I have already watched the most boring movie (the dinosaur project) so I guess the game

Would u rather go to horse camp or go to pony camp?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 29, 2013, 06:57:47 pm
Horse camp. :D

Would you rather read warriors (not saying they aren't good. c:) or be powerplayed and godmodded by them in Flourite?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on May 30, 2013, 02:36:42 am
Read Warriors. Reading the book is a much less annoying experience than being capslocked at by a noob powerplayer. And the first six books were actually fairly decent. It was when Team Erin Hunter started spawning eighty-billion spin-off series that Warriors really started to tank...

Would you rather be a giant squid or a chihuahua? (Lol I dunno.)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 30, 2013, 02:41:36 am
Chihuahua, I think... This is hard, actually. o.o lol

Would you rather have a noob screaming  in caps at you pointlessly, or...
be powerplayed and godmodded by some noob?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: greenart6 on May 30, 2013, 02:59:42 am
A n00b screaming in caps pointlessly. :D

Would you rather have the top row of letters on your keyboard be broken or the bottom row? Lol- I couldn't think of anything.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on May 30, 2013, 04:24:39 am
Top row, why needs all of the letters of the alphabet? Besides, I've never liked that top row....

Would you rather be transformed into a mermaid or a dragon?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 30, 2013, 04:27:11 am
Dragon. Mermaids suck. Besides, I can flyyyy! 8D And I'm very... awesome and strong as a dragon, as dragons we like that (not me >_<).

Would you rather be killed by Scourge easily, or be killed by Tigerstar?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 30, 2013, 04:17:29 pm
Umm, I think Tigerstar.  I would punch and slap him silly with chocolate lol!

Would u rather be ripped to shreads by a dragon or by a bear?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 30, 2013, 04:51:35 pm
Bear. Dragons shall not hurt meh ;-; I don't want a dragon to hurt me. Bears are cooler, and are herpier.

Would you rather have a bunch of ads crash your computer, or...
Listen to JB on TV for 10 minutes. >_<
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 30, 2013, 05:00:03 pm
Umm, well I love my comp so probably JB for 10 minutes...Even though I would die
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: wolveseatpie on May 30, 2013, 05:11:39 pm
Have ad's crash me compurter.

would you rather die of starvation or eat d uncooked cow?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 30, 2013, 07:16:25 pm
Uncooked cow, obviously. 8I lol.

Would you rather be in the middle of a hurricane or a tornado?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 31, 2013, 02:39:06 am
Hurricane...I can swim really well.

Would you rather meet a rabid wolf or rabid bear?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on May 31, 2013, 02:43:02 am
Well..either way I would die, but I've never seen a wolf in real life before, so I guess a rabid wolf. :3

Would you rather be trapped in the last video game that you played or be trapped in the last movie that you watched forever?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 31, 2013, 02:45:34 am
Umm, last movie because tht was Iron Man: Armored adventures and if tht doesn't count then it was Flicka 3

Would you rather destroy the world or China?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 31, 2013, 04:05:00 am
China. That's very obvious. lol

Would you rather be killed by a predator in the wild, AKA an animal or...
Be killed by a person? *SlappedIdon'tknowwhattoasklolIaskdumbquestions*
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on May 31, 2013, 05:03:24 am
Person, because at least a person has the capacity for mercy and sympathy, so my death might be less painful. Being ripped apart by a bear or curb-stomped by a moose would be an awful way to go.

Would you rather be the eldest child or youngest child in a family?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 31, 2013, 05:13:06 am
Youngest, since I am the youngest already. lol

Would you rather be killed by a bear or moose? (Thanks for idea Abomine lol)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 31, 2013, 12:00:45 pm
Umm, moose because I can run away.

Would you rather listen to the Merlin (BBC) tv show theme song
or the narnia lullaby for 10 hours?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on May 31, 2013, 05:10:12 pm
The lullaby because that sounds more bearable to hear for 10 hours.

Would you rather sing a song loudly in public or streak naked in public?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: shineywolf on May 31, 2013, 05:13:29 pm
Sing a song loudly......

Would you rather have me try and push you off a cliff or hug Jeff The Killer?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on May 31, 2013, 05:34:31 pm
Muahahahha Go ahead, try to push me haha

Would you rather sing or dance?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on May 31, 2013, 06:28:17 pm
Dance. I don't like using meh voice like that all the time. >_<

Would you rather sleep or read a book?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: LordSuragaha on June 03, 2013, 12:17:23 am
I'd rather read a book as long as I'm not tired though. It's always fun to read a good book :3.

Would you rather go sky diving with a blind fold on or eat a chunk of stinky cheese once a day for a whole week?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on June 03, 2013, 03:51:56 am
Sky diving with blind fold. As long as someone goes with me and tells me when we need to shoot.

Would you rather eat pepperoni pizza or cheese pizza? (Sorry, forgot the other detailed one... this one is kinda dumb.)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on June 03, 2013, 01:50:18 pm
Um..I guess cheese pizza. Only type of pizza that I don't hate.

Would you rather do a huge essay report or live in a box in space (With food, air, water)?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shenidan on June 04, 2013, 09:13:34 am
Live in a box in space ;-;

Would you rather sleep with slenderman for1 night or live ontop of an iceberg
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on June 04, 2013, 12:10:20 pm
Sleep with slender man and carry an ax, 3 knives, a grenade, and a gun and sleep on the opposite side of the room in a steel box XD

Would you rather die of a deadly sickness or freeze to death?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on June 04, 2013, 01:52:03 pm
I'd rather freeze, I hate being sick. Yuck.

Would you rather have no hair or hair like Rapunzel's?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on June 04, 2013, 07:11:52 pm
Would rather have Rapunzel's hair...a crazy bad hair day is better than no hair at all.

Would you rather have invincible strength or flying powers?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on June 04, 2013, 09:43:09 pm
Flying powers......... I WANNA BE AN OWL!!!

Would you rather be a jerk or be cool (there's a joke behind this)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on June 04, 2013, 10:04:37 pm
Cool bro. (I don't know the joke >_<)

Would you rather be homeless or dumb?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: BouncyLion101 on June 04, 2013, 10:25:48 pm
Well..there are both really bad but..I guess dumb.

Would you rather continue living on Earth or live on a different and habitable planet?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on June 05, 2013, 01:49:04 am
Earth, because my family and friends and all of my favorite animals live here.

Would you rather be trapped in your favorite book or in your favorite movie? I'm not sure if I asked this one already...
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on June 05, 2013, 01:51:01 am
Favorite book, Warriors, as long as I'm a cat too and choose my look before I go in...

Would you rather be deaf or hear most sounds as very loud?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Hotdogsrule on June 05, 2013, 03:40:21 am
I'd rather hear loud, if I was deaf I couldn't enjoy music.... I love music.

Would you rather be a good singer and bad at drawing, or vice versa?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on June 05, 2013, 01:58:31 pm
Vice versa. Actually I am good at drawing and bad at singing, I don't like to sing anyway :D Yay! Lucky me!

Would you rather not be able to talk or not able to eat but still live.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: antherax on June 05, 2013, 02:24:35 pm
I would rather eat but still live.
I talk to much and I'd die if I couldn't XD

Would you rather be hit by car or jump of cliff?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on June 05, 2013, 03:02:05 pm
That's hard... hit by a car, 'cause there's more chance of survival...? X_X

Would you rather be lost in a dark and huge forest or a huge range of rocky mountains?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: antherax on June 05, 2013, 03:06:33 pm
Huge range of rocky mountains. At least it would be pretty. :3

Would you rather eat your mom or dad? (I have no idea what to ask XD)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Shizuka on July 27, 2013, 05:30:03 am
WHAT O_O Um... I guess I have absolutely no choice in all of the world, so I have to make a choice anyway...so...my mom. I'm not going to say why o-o
Would you rather be able to fly or teleport?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: duna the killer on July 30, 2013, 01:04:40 pm
Teleport ^^ It's quicker than flying plus Slenderman can do it

Would you rather spend one full night in a haunted house (You get to leave at 9 am) or spend one minute in a room filled with Spiders, Snakes, and Scorpians?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Vespian on July 30, 2013, 01:13:57 pm
I'd rather spend the night in a haunted house. You never know. The entity could be rather harmless and not decide to bother you during the night.

Would you rather expose your deepest, darkest secret to the world?
Or would you rather be locked away in a pitch black room for a long while, unknowing of where you are/who's with you?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: antherax on July 30, 2013, 01:58:14 pm
 Locked away. My soul holds to much deep dark secrets... which is strange because I'm a girl who is listening to my little pony...

Would rather be impaled by a sword
Or have you limbs ripped off one by one?  (WHY ON EARTH DO I WATCH MLP IF I SAY THINGS LIKE THAT?)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on October 06, 2013, 03:07:52 am
Be impaled by a sword o.o

Would you rather be eattin by a whale or eattin by a shark?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on October 06, 2013, 05:49:25 am
A whale, then I could go find Nemo--//shot

Would you rather be turned into burnt scones, or frosted cupcakes?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 06, 2013, 06:33:03 am
Frosted cupcakes x3

Would you rather listen to the neon cat song for a whole year or spend the night in a murderers house? (MY QUESTIONS ARE STUPID)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on October 06, 2013, 05:29:50 pm
Nyan cat. It's maddening, but at least it's harmless.

Would you rather be a hippogriff, or a griffin?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: darkknight on October 06, 2013, 09:52:21 pm
I'd rather be a hippogriff most definately.

Would you rather for the world to be ruled by football-obsessed llamas or sugar-addicted camels?   
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on October 06, 2013, 09:58:40 pm
Sugar-addicted camels.

Would you rather listen to someone you don't understand for a year, or someone you can't stand for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: antherax on October 06, 2013, 10:48:15 pm
 i can't understand

Would you rather have a brick thrown at you head or be kicked in the face with metal shoes?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on October 06, 2013, 11:32:54 pm
Brick, as long as it's not my face.

Would you rather be a werewolf for an hour, or would you rather be a zombie for twenty-four days?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: antherax on October 07, 2013, 02:02:39 am

would you rather be a hawk or a raven?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Lopunny on October 07, 2013, 02:19:08 am
Raven, because of their purty feathers xD

Would you rather be romantically attacted to fruit, or change gender every time you sneeze?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Vespian on October 07, 2013, 11:24:53 am
I'd have to go with changing genders every time I sneeze. I could probably live a double life that way, maybe.

Would you rather be shrunk down to miniscule size for a whole day or be forced into having to face your worst fear?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on October 07, 2013, 03:28:39 pm
My worst fear.

Would you rather have to be forced to listen to childrens' music for the rest of the month, or be forced to listen to oldies music for the rest of the week?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: darkknight on October 09, 2013, 06:33:00 pm
I'd love to listen to oldies music for the rest of the week, one of my favorites.

Would you rather to be abducted by pineapple aliens or gummy bear assassins?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on October 10, 2013, 01:37:46 am
Gummy bear assassins Because I can just eat them...

Would you Rather be a Banana for the rest of your life or a Grape for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 10, 2013, 02:33:37 am
Ohhh grape. x3

Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be able to understand animals?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Lopunny on October 10, 2013, 03:55:20 am
Speak every language, because I bet my dog would smart off to me all the time. I don't want to hear, "Mmm. Girl... you should of gave me that bacon. You could just make more for my face to eat, but you too lazy hmmmmmm?" XD

Would you rather have the eyes of a hawk, or the jumping skills of a kangaroo?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on October 10, 2013, 06:33:47 pm
Eyes of a hawk c:

Would you Rather eat bacon or Turkey bacon for the rest of your life (Turkey Bacon is pretty much the same thing as bacon but theres no fat on it but it tastes the same)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 10, 2013, 09:24:46 pm
Bacon. x3

Would you rather be a horse or be able to understsnd one?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on October 10, 2013, 10:03:55 pm
Be a horse, since some people would think I'm crazy otherwise.

Next person would rather have to eat a tennis racket for all their meals or be attratdd to tennis rackets for tge rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 10, 2013, 10:24:54 pm
Be a horse, since some people would think I'm crazy otherwise.

Next person would rather have to eat a tennis racket for all their meals or be attratdd to tennis rackets for tge rest of your life?
Attracted to them.

Would you rather own an ostrich or a flamingo?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Dragonmaster77 on October 10, 2013, 10:35:27 pm

Would you rather eat an entire log all at once or eat 1 flaming coal :)

(I am new to this game, just registered, hi everyone!)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: mkljkl on October 10, 2013, 10:52:05 pm
A flaming coal because it's much smaller then a log...

Would you rather Drink Cola or Pepsi whenever you where thirsty
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Firewolf10 on October 11, 2013, 12:15:04 am

Would you rather be a lion or leopard?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on October 11, 2013, 12:54:50 am
Leopard. It'd be interesting to carry about half my weight up a tree~

Would you rather be a fish being flushed down a toilet, or be a fish being chased by a shark?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on October 11, 2013, 01:33:44 am
Every language in the world, because not only would I be able to bridge a lot of gaps between people, technically, every ANIMAL in the world has its own language, so I'd be able to understand them, too. Lol, I cheated. X3

Would you rather live in the Harry Potter universe, or the Star Wars universe?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on October 22, 2013, 03:12:31 pm
Harry Potter universe, I want to learn magic...

Would you rather have liver ice cream or liver?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on October 23, 2013, 03:08:27 am
Liver. It's actually pretty tasty if it's cooked properly.

Would you rather be a puppy or a kitten?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Lopunny on October 23, 2013, 03:21:08 am

Just because I would be slick and flexible and stuff :'D

Would you rather be a yeti, or Sasquatch?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Abomine on October 23, 2013, 05:40:28 am
Sasquatch, because according to all of the stories, Sasquatch leaves you alone as long as you don't bother him (sounds like a decent guy). The Yeti is a jerk and actively seeks out humans to hunt. I'd personally rather be a nice guy than a jerk.

Would you rather go see the doctor, or go see the dentist (for whatever reason, just a regular checkup).
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: SL138197 on October 23, 2013, 12:59:46 pm
I'd rather see the doctor because every time I see the dentist they say my teeth are gonna fall
out...I hate it.

Would you rather listen to "Thats my kind of Night" by Luke Bryan or "Slow Down" by Selena Gomez?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: inuyasha1086 on April 02, 2014, 01:51:47 pm
Luke Bryan for sure!

Would you rather... Watch a marathon of Dora the Explorer or stay off fh for a month?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: -Nightfire- on April 02, 2014, 03:37:33 pm
Stay off of FH for a month. Sorry FH but I'm NOT watching Dora. DB


Would you rather.. Jump off a cliff or go to school for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: inuyasha1086 on April 03, 2014, 11:45:11 am
I'll take the cliff >.>
(Grabs parachute) You didn't say I couldn't wear one of these right? XD

Would you rather... Have a crippled arm or a crippled leg?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bluparrot on December 09, 2014, 03:40:39 am
Crippled leg, I guess?

Would you rather be a garbage can or a piece of paper?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: wolflover18178 on December 09, 2014, 08:05:08 pm
Piece of paper e3e

Would you rather go to a Justin Bieber concert or have to live in a dumpster for 10 years?
(for me I would go for JB concert lol)
(https://i.imgflip.com/f45c8.jpg) (https://imgflip.com/i/f45c8) (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bluparrot on December 30, 2014, 08:55:46 pm
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Wyldercat on December 30, 2014, 09:12:10 pm
I'd go with the Caramelldansen.

Would you rather be stuck on top of King Da Ka for 3 days until the ride is fixed, or be locked in a room full of cats for 3 days?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Bluparrot on December 30, 2014, 09:27:52 pm
Be locked in a room full of cats. Being a wolf/eagle hybrid I think I can manage.

Would you rather be screamed at by Jumping (my OC) or have him/her stare into your eyes with his/her own pitch black eyes with white pupils?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: A.P.S. on July 14, 2016, 01:43:32 am
Probably the eye thing.

Oh yeah, if this game on the forums is too old to post on I'll stop, so sorry if it is. It's only on forum games, so I'm not really sure.

Would you Rather make a feline or a canine character in Feral-Heart?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on January 18, 2020, 01:52:06 am
A feline character, as I have more felines than canines.

Would you rather stay over night in abandoned mental asylum or a haunted house?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: A.P.S. on January 20, 2020, 06:33:36 am

Probably the mental asylum so I don't have to deal with any ghosts and much danger, but depends if I wanna find something spooky or I'm being forced.

Would you rather know how to do a bunch of easy things really well, or one or two harder things fairly well?

Edit: I misread the question and thought you meant both were haunted. My bad. >.<
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ellen11v on January 20, 2020, 07:22:46 am
One or two hard things fairly well. Imagine being able to fly a jet or do parkour
Would. Be. Friggen. Awesome dude.

Would you rather be able to change your future by whatever you desire but you can only change it once,
or be able to tell another person's future (which you can do once a year)?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on January 21, 2020, 10:26:23 am
Change my future once.

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: A.P.S. on January 21, 2020, 12:49:31 pm

Would you rather only eat red food or only eat green food?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ellen11v on January 21, 2020, 01:56:06 pm
Red food. Strawberry, watermelon, sausages, red wine, tomato soup, pizza with lots of pepperoni and tomato, and so much more. The only good with green food would be sushi without the fish. Lol.

Would you rather go on a cruiseship or be flown in a helicopter?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: A.P.S. on January 22, 2020, 10:09:46 am
I think the helicopter actually, just because I never have been on any kind of aircraft before. I think it'd be a lot more fun, too.

Would you rather be able to go through walls, or turn invisible?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on January 22, 2020, 10:30:13 am
Turn invisible for sure. I want to be able to area 51 to save the aliens.

Would you rather travel back in time or forward in time?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ellen11v on January 22, 2020, 10:39:11 am
If I go back, there is still going forward. If I go forward, there is no going back. So I choose to be able to go back in time.
Also you just die quicker if you travel forward.
Or, I mean... it depends if the timetravelling changes your age as well...

Would you rather be able to make people confess their thoughts and feelings, or to have a foresight ability that allows you to read a persons future like a movie?

(totally didn't get these from My Hero Academia)
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: A.P.S. on February 01, 2020, 04:05:10 am
Confess their thoughts and feelings, I'm not for seeing into the future.

Would you rather live in the city or the country?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on February 01, 2020, 04:13:39 am
Country, I've always been a country loving girl.

Would you rather have a griffin or a dragon?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: WingedWhiteWolf on February 16, 2020, 11:45:49 pm
As long as one of them don't attack me, then dragon!

Would you rather have apple pie or cheesecake?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Oddonelynx on February 17, 2020, 01:28:40 am
Would you rather... Be able to speak to non-human animals or have two heads?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: faewyn on February 17, 2020, 02:04:27 am
 First choice. The other head would get on my nerves, haha. No thank you. Would you rather live without music or TV(includes netflix etc).
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: hugrf2 on February 25, 2020, 06:36:00 pm
I would rather live without TV. I honestly just don't care for it most of the time. I'd miss my favorite show, The Magicians, sure, but I like music enough to miss that.

Would you rather have your country/state be hit with a massive hurricane or several massive tornadoes?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: KhaosPlayz on April 10, 2020, 11:10:12 pm
Massive hurricane! I fear tornadoes much more than hurricanes :'(

Would you rather have hands for feet, or feet for hands?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on April 11, 2020, 03:05:31 am
Easy one; hands for feet.

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Oddonelynx on April 11, 2020, 03:41:19 am
Werewolf, I'll have more strength!

Would you rather be a great dancer, or a great singer?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: WaterMelons4lif on April 12, 2020, 08:54:35 pm
Probably a dancer.

Would you rather....

Lose your internet for a month, or lose your computer for a week?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: sanrio on April 12, 2020, 08:56:11 pm
Lose my computer for a week! I won't be able to draw for a week but I'll at least be able to play stuff on my Switch / do stuff on my iPad / etc.!

Would you rather have to eat only vegetables for an entire year, or only drink lemonade for an entire year?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on April 13, 2020, 03:39:13 am
Vegetables, luv me sum veggies.

Would you rather own a lion or a wolf?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Dark_heart on April 13, 2020, 08:00:24 am
Wolf, I think.
Would you rather: eat only coconut all year or eat everything but not coconut all year?

PS: Yes, I love coconuts.
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Sigsy on April 13, 2020, 08:08:36 am
Everything but coconuts, I'm not crazy about them.

Would you rather be a character in a Marvel movie or a character in a Disney movie?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: DylanCheetah on October 04, 2022, 05:43:31 am
Disney character.

Would you rather eat chocolate covered strawberries or jalapeno poppers?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Saboomba on October 04, 2022, 06:04:05 am
Chocolate covered strawberries. Easily.

Would you rather be one-armed or one-legged?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: DylanCheetah on October 04, 2022, 02:20:31 pm
One-legged. (Couldn't type with one arm very well.)

Would you rather be a poodle or a crocodile?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Kingservant on October 06, 2022, 04:28:39 am
I'd rather be a cooler dog, but definitely poodle.  XD  That way I'd be warm-blooded, and I'd be able to live around people without someone trying to take a shot at me!

Would you rather have to eat every beverage with a tablespoon, or suck every sandwich through a sizeable straw?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Saboomba on October 06, 2022, 04:38:09 am
I think I'm gonna eat with a spoon. Sounds easier.

Would you rather listen to movie soundtracks or pop music for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Oddonelynx on November 21, 2022, 01:09:43 am
Movie soundtracks!

Would you rather sit in lava or dance in front of a hungry grizzly bear?
Title: Re: Would you rather?
Post by: Ellen11v on August 08, 2023, 09:42:31 pm
We do a little dance in front of the grizzly bear

Would you rather make yourself blind, or make your closest friend blind?