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dA community's concept on "art"

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Tyki Mikk:
When I go onto the dA front page what do I see? Porn? Yeah. Exactly. I see pictures of girls in showers naked, girls pulling down their shirts, girls sitting in front of their webcams posing with no shirt and just undies with their arms blocking their cleavage.

All I ask is "Do you think when you take these pictures?" No. They don't. They want Men to look at them. Is this really what people think is art now?

I was talking with a friend of mine and he said "Its only art if you take the picture of your model with an amazing background, something that you worked hard on." THAT is art. Something you put worked on and thought of. And the amazing yet disturbing fact is that dA PUTS it on the front page. I mean really? And when you comment on this "art" you get attacked by horn dogs that like explicit crap like that with no mature content warning. They dont even have the courtesy to put a warning on it! And then they have the nerve to to put it under "fashion and Photography".

So I ask, what do you guys think about this? You think dA is becoming a porn site like me? xD

The front page is actually not chosen by the DA staff, it is the newest images uploaded to DA. Which is annoying, because I see so many horrid things, which is why I don't go to the front page any more... At least, that's how I remeber it, unless it turned into a porn site in the week or so I've been gone...

Wait, make that the most looked at images in the last 8 hours. I suggest avoiding the front page, guys go on DA so they can claim to not be looking at porn or something, cause there are random times when you will see a bunch of just plain nude photo's

Tyki Mikk:
Thanks for that correction there. But yeah, its been becoming more and more numerous. It still disgusts me how the dA community thinks about art. When you comment negatively, the artist uses the classic tard response, "Everyones view on art is different".

Yeah, sometimes the nude photo's are tasteful, have good comments, and all that, but then there are the random girls who put up the pics for attention, like most teenage... not saying the word. I try my best to avoid those, and you can tell which are who by the quality... And art is only art when there is a reason behind it, not, i felt like getting the guys attention and all that junk.
But if you know where to go you can find some amazing stuff (even nude pics, some are stock photo's used for photomanipulation, and are put there so the people in them can get credit without the image being edited) But then there are those who I have no idea what they are actually doing on DA, other than trying to make it a porn site...

Tyki Mikk:
Exactly. I understand if its for stock, because Ive used stock before. But then as you say, there are those who just want attention. dA doesnt even care it seems. They dont care if their site is turned into a porn site.


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