Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Presets & Markings => Topic started by: Dyrakski on December 02, 2011, 07:41:38 pm

Title: ~!Dyrakski's Presets!~
Post by: Dyrakski on December 02, 2011, 07:41:38 pm
'Ello, luvs! And welcome to my..Err, gallery, of Presets. xD I only have one good im working on. And it has no fur, texture, thingys..On it. o3o; But YUS. I shall post the pictures of the one im working on here, and others i might think of. I only have the head finished. And will work on the rest(Eyes, Tail, ect.) of it later tonight today. Finished the Flo Preset! Look below~!

Finished! 8D I didnt know her body marking would turn out like that, but i kind of like it, i might change it later when i actually feel like it.

Zoe Huntress
She is finished~! I dont really like how her back legs are, but nyeh..I'll just have to deal with it i guess. :/ Probably gonna make her teeth a little more blood stained and shaded later, and most likely gonna edit her paws also. Oh and, that little bit of brown at her face is her hair. Yeah, i fail majorly. >>;

I am not taking requests. >8U I might later on, but that wont be very soon. Y'see, i have no idea how to color around the whole body texture(Like back paw markings, front paw markings, ect), so, yeah.

But other then that, enjoy. Or not enjoy, which ever. ^3^