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Account Recovery Help (asking for friend)


Howdy, posting for my friend who would like to get back into the game.
However, they have since forgotten their password (we tried a lot of times to see what words work but no luck), when it came to password change via email we have also discovered that they also lost access to the email they used for FH, as well as the password for said email address even if they did know which one it was.

Could really use some help here, take time if need be. I can provide their username in PMs.

Hello! So normally we try to avoid answering for example person A for person B's inquiry, but I see this is a special case and I want to do my best to help.

If you could provide me the username, and if they remember the email they have attached to the account the email as well, I can see what I can do. PMs would be better since it's more of a private matter. Unfortunately I don't think there's much I can do at the moment, but I still would like to try.


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