FeralHeart Creations > Request Other Mods/Creations

I need some Indian Meshes

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I need Some Indian Meshes like Te-pe's, Totem poles, Huts, bones,  stuff like that does anybody know where I can find some of these meshes or can someone make these meshes for me? I am making a personal update to F Plains and I would like it if I could have these meshes so that I may finish the map and it can be put up for people to be in.

Because Indians are the only people on Earth with skeletons.

woah! that sounds like that would be a cool map, but i have no idea where to get those things and i'm not that good at makin' meshes :(

-cough- I'd just like to point out that Indians don't have all that. Native Americans do.

But still, I think it'd be totally cool to see those  in game :)


--- Quote from: <-Forest--Spirit-+ on April 23, 2013, 10:22:09 pm ---woah! that sounds like that would be a cool map, but i have no idea where to get those things and i'm not that good at makin' meshes :(

--- End quote ---

it does sound like a cool map? Well I will have like Warrior dens, Warrior camps, Lion dens, african animals, Real looking Oak trees Etc... Anyways I just needed some advice on Items such as these but thank you for replying I will just have to keep looking


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