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Goldy's FH animation tutorial

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This was very nice of you!

Add this in, it gives a really nice run down and all the downloads needed by Ruby.

Hoping to see even more creations out there, I might even have a go at this.

I managed to get the files without downloading them from someone else. I'll have to go back and see what I did to convert .mesh files into .blend. It's been a long while. All I remeber is I found a plugin for the first version of blender that converted the files, even .skeleton files.

Either way, I should check out those files on KITO and see what they have to offer.

I haven't watched your video yet, unfortunately, but I will when I get home in a few hours. Wish I didn't have to be busy today...

Oh. Nvm... It seems that you've removed the video.

I'm sorry- I accidentally deleted it when I was cleaning up the videos on my channel >< I've remade it though- the first video I was ill and stuffed with a flu, so I sounded gross, but I'm all better now so I sound a lot better. I'm sorry about that.

ShadowTHEwolf2: <----- Here's a link to the new tutorial. I struggled to find it so I thought I'd make it easier for others by posting this here. I hope I've helped someone!!!


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