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How to Correctly Roleplay Lions! FINISHED!

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--- Quote from: Chipz on May 31, 2017, 08:09:46 pm ---Absolutely stunning work here! I really love how much thought you've put into it!

I hope you don't mind me being annoying fixing up a few facts here though, I am currently studying about big cats;

-Lion prides can have 0-3 males {there can be more but problems will arrise}

-All females are related in some form, it is very rare for prides to adopt lionesses

-Prides can be lead by a lioness if there are no males within the pride but most tend not to.

- A lioness will not HAVE to leave the pride when in heat as they have a male already in the pride. The only exception is if the male and lioness are blood related.

-Males aren't forced out of a pride but instead leave when the become 'mature'.

-bachelor {Not coalition} groups are more often then not brothers that are too weak to fight/fend off other males.

-A male lion can mate with all the lionesses that are not blood related {although it isn't rare to see} as much as they want as long as they are in heat and he is the leader, this is so they can create as much offspring that holds their genes.

-Male lions are a lot more powerful due to muscle mass, lionesses are more agressive.

-Females and cubs do not completely rely on males to protect them and can easily survive without one, the only threat is males trying to take over the pride and yes, killing the cubs

-Lions like most big cats CANNOT eat vegetation, they are not carnivorous but obligate carnivores which means they cannot digest plants and can fall very ill if they eat vegetation.

-The main reason that male lions don't hunt is not because his mane which can actually help them but because he is the protector of the pride, the one who has to stay fit ready for a fight.

-Lions actually DO kill giraffes, more often then not babies but can still take down a full grown giraffe if need be. The Elephant is true, they will only take one down if it is alone as a elephant heard will easily kill lions.


Fantastic tutorial!! This will certainly be of use, you clearly know what you're talking about! Thank you for this :)


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