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General Improvements

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I'd love the idea of separate tabs for whispers as well. In fact, I'd personally enjoy it for any type of different chat (local, party, group). Perhaps with a toggle-able option to let buttons light up or slowly flicker when a chat you're not looking at gets a new message. Chat commands (especially /silence and /silence*) and game localization also sound lovely.

However, I also agree with WolfQueen and Azura about the karma system. Even if it's not intended to reward players, a counter that goes up for "good" reports (even if it doesn't do anything) may just make some players unecessarily eager to rack up a sort of "morality" or "staff's pet" score. It might help if this was implemented in secret and only visible to staff, but even then it's hard to decide how trustworthy individual in-game reports are at times since ways to supply evidence in-game are a lot more limited, so I'm not sure staff would get much mileage out of it.

Chat tabs would be a life saver. Can't count how many times I've accidentally typed something in the wrong chat while whispering someone ahaha. All of these sound like very nice quality of life changes.


--- Quote from: angelre0702 on July 26, 2019, 10:35:03 pm ---I really like these! Reminds me of how Elder Scrolls Online works. Hopefully these will get implemented!
--- End quote ---
Yup! Reminds me a lot of ESO as well.

@Deucaliorn I love the commands and the chat tabs. Excellent ideas!

In regards to the report feature, proper evidence needs to be provided for any bans to be placed so within that report feature would have to be some sort of screenshot interface after pressing the report button. The screenshots would have to show the details of the offense and if the offense was inappropriate character biography content, it would have to show that as well. Requiring screenshots for the report to send would also help us sort through the reports and be able to tell if a user is abusing the system (say, if they repeatedly sent screenshots with no offenses within them).
An idea:
A user clicks "Report"
then a dialogue box pops up that requires at least one screenshot to be taken but can allow for more.
Then the user can click "Done" after the screenshots are taken.
After the screenshot menu is closed, another dialogue box pops up allowing the user to type up a description of the incident and then send it. The screenshots from the screenshots folder then are sent off to the staff. Maybe this can be done! I'm not sure but it would be nice

I'm all for making reporting more accessible and user-friendly. ^^

love the first two options sm. commands remind of me dd actually and all the times during like. parties where people would mess w/ em and be like xuser has eaten a cookie
love to see smthin like that in fh tbh

I like the idea of sending the chat log and or screenshots, as well as how Morgra put it; it being sent off to staff to review and log before action is taken.

If someone continuously tries to report someone simply out of hate, action could be taken appropriately since staff would be able to review the data.

I imagine it would show up something like how the PMs works. You'd click on "Report Logs" and be brought to a list.

User 4's Report Log {New!}
User 1's Report Log {New!}
User 3's Report Log
User 2's Report Log

When you click on either user, it's like opening a thread or viewing your messages on the forum with a date and time of when it was sent. Once you click on a report (message), it would bring up all the data sent in the report.


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