FeralHeart Creations > Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion

Trail of Stars Wip map


Trail of Stars is a WC rp and is open for ppl to join. However once the map is finished is when the rp starts. Please contact these following ppl to join the rp.
BorealisSkies#9463 (Maker/owner of the rp and GC leader)
MichaelOtero260#4053 (Admin GC dep)
A random person#1696 (Me FF leader)

A bit about the rp. 2 clans 1 clowder(Official name for a group of cats) living in Australia.

GorgeClan is led by Brindlestar. GC living in the canyons up north. These cats are expert climbers and jumpers. Med cat app open(Sorry if you just wanna join not as a high rank, Their the most filled clan)

RuinClan led by Thistlestar. They live in a abandoned twoleg town in the swamps. They are immune to most illness. Dep, Med cat, and Med cat app are open and open for none high rank cats

FreeFang led by Dandelion. They live on the island on the beaches. While not a clan, do not underestimate them. They lived here long before the clans came to be. While laid back in nature, these cats accept many types of cats with different backgrounds. But once you lose their trust, you may never get it back. Same ranks as the clans, but under diff names with some extra ranks and allows 2 med cat like cats. Dep, Med cat x2 and med app are open and joining as a none high rank cat too

BadgerClan led by no one. They live underground in a abandoned mine filled with gems. Option to join not available


I've always loved warrior cat maps, and this one is very well made! I love RuinClan's territory. Fantastic work, and thank you for sharing!~

Everything looks really cool! I like the attention to the detail in places, and I especially love GorgeClan's territory. Good job <3


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