FeralHeart Creations > Request a Preset/Marking

my mascot needs a preset now


so i have decided (more like my friend vaguely forced me) to bring my mascot, Cosmo, back into FeralHeart
...whenever i can because it's crashing every 5 seconds now

i uh... still can't make presets so i need someone else to do it

this is Cosmo, and as you can see she's quite the child

what i need is her entire self as a preset, visor and earring not included, and it's not really required but having her fire wings be included would be nice too, with the kinda fire slidey n glowy effects yeah?

also uh, her fur's a little weird, cause the brown's longer like your average canine, but the tan's short like a horse's coat (and has hooves), so you'd probably need like two whole textures for that
and if you end up doing her wings, they don't need to be shaped or anything crazy like that, the most they need is fire effects because they are indeed made of fire
you can also make the inside of her ears just white of course

uhh i think that's it? idk obviously she needs a mane, and a mane texture for her tail since it too is hair, and yeah that's about it

if you have any questions or are confused about/want to confirm something then please tell me and i will try my best to explain

also those of you who remember Cosmo from last time i played FeralHeart, hi yes this is her now. she's married

okay! since i can finally play FeralHeart again, i'm now very much looking for a preset for Cosmo

i can probably pay in art if you want, but i've been in a huge art block recently,, i'll try my best though!

yeah no i cannot play FeralHeart again but i still need her preset ;;

God im late. Maybe i could give it a go?


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