FeralHeart Creations > Request a Preset/Marking

Preset Request [CLOSED]



I'm looking to purchase a preset for this design here:

I am looking for the following special effects to be used in this preset -

- Transparency: Torn left ear.
- Moving texture in the black markings with a gradual black --> green that is very faint and gradual.

I am able to pay with USD PayPal or dA Points. Id like to see examples or preset shops before I commission anyone.


I can give this a shot if you're still interested. I've got some examples here: https://imgur.com/a/AuAENua


--- Quote from: MementoMors on June 21, 2020, 01:58:55 am ---I can give this a shot if you're still interested. I've got some examples here: https://imgur.com/a/AuAENua

--- End quote ---

Thank you, but i already found someone who could complete the preset request ;a;. Thank you anyway!


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