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Some of my downloaded meshes have disappeared


Ok, so I was in my map today and saw that some meshes was gone, and everyone was downloaded, so now is my map empty on some places and that is, well kind of ugly o.O

But why are they gone?

And when I try to put them in my map, and other maps too they dont show up, enev if I mark them and click on New object, example on meshes I cant use anymore: Palm, ElephantSkull, Castle, Seaweed, Wisteria, Fern and many mores.

Do someone know what has happen?

You have maybe downloadet another Custom map, using an SAme Named objectlist without having the skull listed in: thats the reason.

But I had them in the map yesterday and today they was gone :/

Eh, ok so when I deleted the Map packs the meshes went back... o.o

I noticed this too.... sigh.


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