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Virtual Dream Journal

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6:37 AM 10/2/2023
I was a thin, tan feral dog in a pack in the show Animaniacs. We adopted some new pups which were the Warner brothers and sister. I thought they were going to cause trouble so I tried getting rid of them but everyone wanted them to stay since they were pups, in fact I even got threatened to have my throat torn by some rottweiler named "Terry" if I didn't allow them to stay. I was about to fight her, when I realized I wouldn't win. So I agreed to let them stay and we continued on our journey.There's a timeskip and we're in a restaurant, we brought those "pups" with us. While the other dogs are sitting near them with collars, presumably adopted by the siblings, I sat away from them under a table booth glaring at them while I sulked. Then, Yakko turned to look at me, probably noticing I had been glaring at them for some time and I looked away. Then get gets up from out of the booth-seat and crouches on one knee and offers me a collar, I accept, well, after a bit of readjusting as the collar was too tight. Hire me Warner Bros!
6:54 PM 10/3/2023
I forgot about this one until now, hence why it isn't with the 175th one. In this dream, I was in this store in one of my local malls that doesn't exist. I don't know why, but all of the customers were these armless, headless bodies with clothes riding on scooters! Every time they passed by, I looked at them and got chills all over my body. I asked the manager about it [She looked & sounded like my math teacher!] and she told me "Oh they're controlled by their heads.". Then I got tired of making eye contact with the customers' neck stumps and hid under a table, still getting chills each time one passed by on its scooter.
177th & 178th:
7:00 AM 10/13/2023
In one I was running away from a swarm as insects as a dog, the other my mom became evil. I had so many again, yet I can remember so little...
6:36 AM 10/25/2023
Dreamed about having hiccups, it was so annoying & real to the point where I thought I did have hiccups when I woke up!
180th & 181st:
12:22 PM 10/27/2023
Dream marathon, you know the drill!!
1. I dreamed about a video game. Here's how it goes:
You play with 3 other players, and the avatars are dogs. You're all in the sky floating with either a hang glider or parachute [I think] and you collect balloons to stay lofty. Your goal is to stay floating longer than the others! This sounds fun.

2. I dreamed about my YouTube page being flooded by videos of dancing villagers from Minecraft, they were all titled things like: "Villagers shuffling". I remember getting annoyed in the dream too. XD
7:12 AM 11/10/2023
I was in a downtown city watching some sort of speech about lessr known bird flight formations, then once it was over I walked into some sort of tavern and then my dream became a cartoon! Rayman was in the tavern and he had 4 kids I think, He had a daughter named "O" and she always stared off into space while squeaking for some reason. The other costumers didn't like her and went "Oh crap, O's here" and left. Then they Animaniacs came in and someone said they heard compliants about the bathroons being gross or something and then Wakko looked guilty.
6:39 AM 11/21/2023
I was going to visit a band I liked in some hotel, but when I went there there were animals alll over the place! Like bugs and toads for some reason, eugh.
12:05 PM 11/22/2023
I just walking around some sort museum, It had statues of characters from BFDI, like Teardrop. Apparently Gelatin was with me in this dream [He still looked like he had injected Lollipop's food coloring into himself.] but then we had to go to the bathroom but when I went in and tried to sit on a toliet, there were no stalls and the toliets were really close to each other and there were already people there. The entire bathroom was also painted in shades of pink. I was disturbed, freaked out, and weirded out. That's when I woke up.
6:11 PM 11/26/2023
I had a subpar bus driver who just drove to his apartment, we then all had to walk back to school! [This school looked like my old middle school.]
6:37 AM 12/4/2023
I actually had 3 dreams, but this is just the one I remember the best:
I was watching YouTube, and had apparently clicked on a video about a techno band called "Smosh". It was a reaction video with some guy that either was or looked alot like ConnertheWaffle. Their music sounded a lot like eurodancer and other 90s-00s techno. Stuff you'd hear on Newgrounds on some old Flash game.

[Data expunged]
6:38 AM 12/8/2023
There was this weird hotel I was in with my brother that had a camera in our room. I found it's blindspot, only for that to be fixed too. When we went home there were robots there now? They looked like snakes and were attached to plugs in the walls, so I pulled them. The thing is, the robot-snake-things could actually emote, so when I woke up I felt bad...
6:42 PM 12/11/2023
I dreamed that LBP characters were having a Christmas play. All I remember that Clive Handforth was some sort of angel.
6:51 AM 12/15/2023
I dreamed there a young spinosaurus in a place that almost looked like my room. My dream was in a video format, like I was recording a pet. It was flumping around in a circle, it looked like it was skipping. Then it jumped and went behind a television and it fell through it, destroying the entire thing. It was like something you'd see on America's Funniest Home Videos! It then became a meme in my dream world.

190th & 192th:
11:56 AM 12/29/2023
1. I was a big public restroom with yellow stalls that were very short. I had the misfortune of getting a stall with a broken lock and then everyone was laughing at me. :D-(
[There were also boys there for some reason even though it was the girls' bathroom...]

2. Now this is a cool one. In this dream, it was a post-apocalyptic world where everything was "being reclaimed by nature". All of the humans started to turn into different animals for some reason. I had became a dog and came across 2 other animals, one also being a dog. Looked like a border collie, I don't remember what the 2nd person had turned into. Then we were found by a rabbit who was the "leader" of a group of survivors. I think one of the members of my posse asked him if he was the leader and then he gave some speech about how there is "no more king" so, uh, I guess he does not consider himself one then. We also had some weird ceremony where we picked up tiny rocks from a stream and let the current take them away. I found some bismuth on the bank. Then he took us back to their camp and on the way there, my dream ended.
9:48 PM 1/5/2024
All I remember is old lady coalition in my grandma's living room, and a dog with Buzz Lightyear's face on it in the kitchen. Eugh.
4:29 PM 1/6/2024
Nutella boats. I was playing with a toy yacht in my house on a sunny day. As I went to the dining room, I noticed some brown stuff near the bottom and scraped it off on a chair leg. Then I noticed how it looked like chocolate and tasted it. It was nutella.
6:59 AM 1/11/2024
I had a dream in Spore GA you could change the size of the captain and other creatures using the command prompt instead of shift + scrolling. You could make the captain epic sized! When this happened the creatures physically grew like when you hatch in Creature Stage.
7:00 AM 1/18/2024
Timmy from FOP started a flower shop and Wanda became a petunia. That's all I remember.
11:48 AM 1/19/2024
I was trying to search for someone on YouTube when I came across some short. I clicked it on, even though IRL I hate shorts. It had a caption that said: "When you're allergic to cats and your boyfriend is allergic to fish." and then some person's hand carrying a square container of what looked like a goldfish and a black cat, which was actually two fish came closer to the camera and the fish had cat faces... A kittycat nose, what looked like a snout, but everything else was all fish.
8:26 PM 1/27/2024
I was in either a park or a giant version of my backyard with my parents until all of the sudden, a swarm of insects flies on the top of the slope. [We were standing at the end of a slope.] I freaked out and booked it while my parents called for me to come back and the insects chased after me. I outran them to an area with a cluster of bushes, far from the slope & and my parents. One of the bushes had a hole in it, so I crawled underneathe it, there was quite a bit of space inbetween the bush-den. Like a tunnel almost. I chose to hide in a dark crevice in a more narrow spot. Then the insects came, they opened the bush I had entered trhough like a trapdoor in a cartoon. The swarm then "looked around". They even looked directly at me and didn't see me! Then I reached out to the bugs like a dummy, crunched some, and gave away my location and got attacked, causing my dream to end.

6:38 AM 2/14/2024
I seemed to get sucked into the world of Flight Rising while bonding some dragons with their familiars and I ended up in the Southern Icefield. I played with a snowball and then telported/flew to a hill. I rolled the snowball down the hill and then slid down, "racing" the snowball. Then I found a hot spring with a polar bear in it. I went to join the bear but the water was TOO HOT! When I got out, I found a polar bear cub and let it sniff my hand. Then polar bear in the hot spring then got up and claimed the cub. The end.
200th (w00t!):
6:43 AM 2/20/2024
I was in what looked like a park. With Nintendo characters like Mario, Luigi, and Wario. I met some guy that looked like the Mario 64 Mario but was black and white and had dot eyes. There was some kind of sheep dogs running around, playing. Then I think I was like: "let's collab" and he agreed and we made some video about the sheep dogs. Then I remember being on top of a hill and at the bottom of the slope was Luigi having a mental breakdown (Don't ask, I'm amused, yet just as confused as you probably are). Then I saw him being comforted by Wario and Waluigi. Not my strangest.
7:09 AM 3/1/2024
I was in Eddsworld, in the main characters' house specifically. We were all in the kitchen and Tom was trying to pick a fight with me for some reason, maybe I was Tord?
6:44 AM 3/6/2024
I dreamed a gladiator in a battle with CPR dummies, that had bodies. I tore their limbs off which causes me to win [They didn't actually die] and then had a talk with the King Dummy which I do not remember.
6:50 AM 3/18/2024
(Order is not 100% correct, because I forgot a little bit...)
1. I was at my school, I checked my posture for some reason and was passing by a door with windows. It was raining really hard outside. Then an old friend of mine called me over to show me something, I forgot what he showed me but I think my reaction was: "Oh. Cool." and then they [the school board] forced us all to walk outside in the pouring rain to the next part of the building for some reason. Ouch.
2. I was watching YouTube on my tablet, scrolling and stuff. I found this video by some artist guy and it had around 384 views and the thumbnail was of him posing next to his painting of a iguanodon by some water. I clicked on it and was greeted was this odd scene of a tiny man in someone's hand fighting a monstrous squirrel. I scrolled down to the comments. Nobody was talking about it.
3. Got teleported into a savannah. I was a member of the camera crew for some documentary. I was setting up the camera but animals kept messing with them. First a monstrous squirrel probably from the last dream, and a monkey. I was readjusting them when then a pride of lions showed up and I got chased away as I thought something along the lines of: "Maybe I've been touching too much grass..."
1:32 PM 3/24/2024
I was in some sort of supermarket, like Kroger or Walmart. I moving around on my knees at high speeds using one of those 4-wheeled scooters with the handles! Other people were chasing me, we were playing Tag. The taggers were on bikes or regular scooters and everyone else just the small, handled ones. It was so much fun! I almost wish it was real...
1:09 PM 3/25/2024
I was in Russia and found a playground. It was all colorful but then a few feet away was a swing set with bars made of sticks facing barbed wire fences I swung for a bit on it and got really high up in the air! I think my mom told me to be careful though so I wouldn't hit the barbed wire.
11:46 AM 3/26/2024
Dream marathons. Dream marathons everywhere...
1. I was back at SCHOOL! With some friend I've never met in my entire life. He seemed nice.
2. I dreamed that LBP3 was for the DS but it differed in a way. What happened in my dream was that instead of Newton flying away after he releases The Titans, it just cut to scene of him being thrown into a cage. The funny thing is, Newton seems self-aware of the changed story and said things like: "Hey, wait! Let me out! Please?" "This isn't supposed to happen!".
8:03 PM 3/27/2024
Whoa! Two marathons in a row? w00t!
1. I was back at SCHOOL AGAIN! But I got to watch someone embarrass themself in a hallway. Nothing that hasn't happened IRL.
2. Now here's teh gewd stuff. I was playing Animal Jam [the 2D one] when all of the sudden my den started to flood I freaked out and climbed on top of the roof but it started to reach there and then I ran all over the games' maps trying to escape the water until I burst out of the game as a snowkin [A creature I made up, looks like a polar bear but earless, hairless and with nostrils near its nose bridge and arms instead of front paws.] jumping on floating glass like in Squid Game while there was water below me and then I made it onto dry land and fought wolves before running off.
1:35 PM 3/30/2024
1. I was in a movie theater with at least one of my parents. I remember seeing a lot children there, so it must have been something at least PG13. There was an old man and a little girl next to me. She ditched her huge bag of popcorn that was about as tall as the average table leg! I looked around...And then claimed it for myself! Didn't finish it, but it was delicious alright!
2. I was watching some mobile game video where the objective was to hit or run people over with millitary jeep in a dream-hospital, nothing graphic happened but it woke up the people so "they could get medical attention". The game's graphics looked dated, like a low budget 2010s 3D fad-game that would die out within 8 years.
6:54 PM 4/10/2024
It's been a while, huh?
1. I was at a tropical island with my dad. There were people there and it was beautiful, warm, and sunny. Then we left the island by using plastic bowls as boats down a stream. No, we weren't tiny or the bowls were giant. Just regular-sized plastic bowls.
2. I awoke to my television and phone blaring alarms for incoming nukes. I remember it hauntingly saying: "This is not a drill." I didn't believe it at first until I look at the left corner of my room and saw a nuke there and looked out my window and also saw a nuke launching. I stood there as I watched the one in my room look like it was getting dragged and dropped to near my window before exploding. I rushed to the basement while everyone else in my house didn't seem to notice all of this commotion, somehow. Talk about heavy sleepers. Anyway, I sat in the basement in sadness and terror as I heard the sounds of above cease and the sounds of explosions. After I woke up from this nightmare, I stared around my room for a while in a mix of shock, yet relief. This was horrific, to say the least...


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