Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: Ellen11v on March 04, 2019, 06:55:39 pm

Title: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Ellen11v on March 04, 2019, 06:55:39 pm
It's not a suggestion or input, just a discussion.
Sometimes I think it would be interesting and delightful to see who've floof'ed (nuzzled) you throughout your time on the forums. To know who really looks up to you. :)
What about you guys?
Or would it be too much stalking? HmmFace.jpg
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Azurain on March 04, 2019, 07:07:12 pm
I've always wanted to know as well? If it was possible, I think it would be lovely to see. xD
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: VortexAlive on March 04, 2019, 07:12:11 pm
That's an interesting thought! Not sure I'd want to be able to check that though, just knowing someone nuzzled is enough to get me excited and it goes both ways, you'd also know who didn't. On the other hand, you'd know who likes what you do and could probably even become friends or at least have a good conversation out of it. =)

Nice topic Ellen!
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Valar.Morghulis on March 04, 2019, 07:13:05 pm
It would be a great feature definitely :)
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Notorious. on March 04, 2019, 07:20:54 pm
It would actually be pretty intriguing to see who nuzzled you! I've always wondered the same thing.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Astraea on March 04, 2019, 07:35:26 pm
I know Proboards has the feature and I would love to see it be implemented here if possible. <3
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: GracebyTrace on March 04, 2019, 07:36:14 pm
I honestly think that this is a very great idea! I always wondered who floofed me without my knowledge. *sTaLkEr mode activated.....*
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Morqque on March 04, 2019, 07:46:15 pm
I need to know desperately who gave me my 100th floof
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Ellen11v on March 04, 2019, 07:47:03 pm

and thank you everyone, I'm happy to hear your thought about this. <3
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Bawfle on March 04, 2019, 07:53:10 pm
That would be incredibly cute!!
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 04, 2019, 08:27:29 pm
i've genuinely always wanted to know, especially since 95% of these were from my edgier days of just not being pleasant

and yet

i got floof.
i dont get it.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: gh0ul on March 04, 2019, 08:41:52 pm
*nuzzles everyone*
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 04, 2019, 08:43:16 pm
*nuzzles everyone*

target sighted

Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: GeekyScout on March 04, 2019, 09:47:21 pm
I always likes to know as well. HMMM
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Ame88 on March 04, 2019, 10:19:37 pm
I honestly love this idea. Many other floofs have already commented what I'd say =)
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: AlphaEclipse on March 05, 2019, 01:46:23 am
I have definitely been interested to know who has nuzzled me in the past, but a part of me also would like it to remain a secret—I greatly enjoy the anonymity to the feature, and I honestly feel it would not give me the same twinge of happiness if I knew who nuzzled me. It's like a fun little mystery. The only thing that would be notable to consider regarding such a feature would be "nuzzle spam," which honestly probably would not be an issue on the FH forum, considering does not cater to a massive fan base.

Regardless, I am indifferent to its implementation or not. It would definitely be a neat little addition and would definitely clear up a lot of past questioning, though!
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Sigsy on March 05, 2019, 02:01:27 am
Very interesting concept! I've always been curious to know who's nuzzled me. But I do agree with Alpha's statement; the mystery of it is a part of what makes it fun.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Likuu on March 05, 2019, 03:50:05 am
Oh yeah I definitely like the idea of being able to know who nuzzled you! Would be neat so I could return the floof. (: I've always wondered who's nuzzled me in the past lol.

Like others have said though, I do enjoy that it's kind of a secret as well, kind of just makes me very curious.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: wolfdog01 on March 05, 2019, 04:43:17 pm
I would love to know who nuzzles who, cause a few weeks ago I suddenly was up by three floofs and I really wanted to know what happened lol.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: SilverSunset22 on March 07, 2019, 06:37:32 am
Intriguing, not gonna lie I wanna know who the 3 people who’ve nuzzled me are.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Warriorstrike on March 08, 2019, 05:07:04 am
Ninjas like lurking in the dark.

Ninjas like to floof quietly.

Generally speaking, yes, I do get curious, although I think it's nice that there is no emphasis on indentifying the people who gave the floof, as that would perhaps slightly alter the point of it existing at all. When one sees who recognizes him, he in turn recognizes that person. Potential stirs for a scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours cycle. Subsequently, it becomes less about the person receiving the floof and giving kudos to his behavior and more about establishing rapport and generating attention.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Ellen11v on March 08, 2019, 06:13:56 am
Ninjas like lurking in the dark.

Ninjas like to floof quietly.

Generally speaking, yes, I do get curious, although I think it's nice that there is no emphasis on indentifying the people who gave the floof, as that would perhaps slightly alter the point of it existing at all. When one sees who recognizes him, he in turn recognizes that person. Potential stirs for a scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours cycle. Subsequently, it becomes less about the person receiving the floof and giving kudos to his behavior and more about establishing rapport and generating attention.
The truth has been spolen. :p
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Nobi on March 23, 2019, 09:10:19 am
Ninjas like lurking in the dark.

Ninjas like to floof quietly.

Generally speaking, yes, I do get curious, although I think it's nice that there is no emphasis on indentifying the people who gave the floof, as that would perhaps slightly alter the point of it existing at all. When one sees who recognizes him, he in turn recognizes that person. Potential stirs for a scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours cycle. Subsequently, it becomes less about the person receiving the floof and giving kudos to his behavior and more about establishing rapport and generating attention.


These are my thoughts exactly, I like the anonymity of it.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: FlyingGrass on March 24, 2019, 10:20:30 am
Ninjas like lurking in the dark.

Ninjas like to floof quietly.

Generally speaking, yes, I do get curious, although I think it's nice that there is no emphasis on indentifying the people who gave the floof, as that would perhaps slightly alter the point of it existing at all. When one sees who recognizes him, he in turn recognizes that person. Potential stirs for a scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours cycle. Subsequently, it becomes less about the person receiving the floof and giving kudos to his behavior and more about establishing rapport and generating attention.
Now that I read this, I completely agree that the givers of the floofs shall remain a secret, or there could be situations like "Here's a floof for floofing me!" or "Notice me in your list of floofs!" or "Uh oh I've been spotted floofing them, this could get awkward.".
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Dark_heart on December 29, 2020, 03:52:45 pm
also wow these days getting much more floofs it's... nice, thamnk
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Ellen11v on December 29, 2020, 05:21:19 pm
Are you sure though? I changed my mind after reading what Warriorstrike and FlyingGrass said. Famous words.
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Ironic on December 29, 2020, 05:28:51 pm
Ninjas like lurking in the dark.

Ninjas like to floof quietly.

Generally speaking, yes, I do get curious, although I think it's nice that there is no emphasis on indentifying the people who gave the floof, as that would perhaps slightly alter the point of it existing at all. When one sees who recognizes him, he in turn recognizes that person. Potential stirs for a scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours cycle. Subsequently, it becomes less about the person receiving the floof and giving kudos to his behavior and more about establishing rapport and generating attention.
Now that I read this, I completely agree that the givers of the floofs shall remain a secret, or there could be situations like "Here's a floof for floofing me!" or "Notice me in your list of floofs!" or "Uh oh I've been spotted floofing them, this could get awkward.".
Ah, nevermind. Changed my mind as well x')
Title: Re: History of who nuzzled you
Post by: Oddonelynx on December 29, 2020, 11:25:51 pm
Yea, I like the sound of this. I wonder who gave me some of these