Community > Leaving


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its sad to see you leave ironic. you are such a kind and very loving member of this community, we appreciate you and everything you have done for us. i met you through feralheartians and those times were the greatest spent, we havent spoken much since than but you were one of the greatest and kindest person anyone could've met.

i hope you find whatever you want while you look forward  and i hope it brings you as much joy as you brought us. we'll miss you

though i hate to see you leave (especially since i've not yet had the pleasure of getting to know you) i commend you for having the strength to distance yourself from toxicity. it's by no means an easy thing to do and i'm proud of you for putting your foot down and taking care of yourself. sometimes the best way to deal with things is to step away for a bit and take time for yourself, and kudos to you for making that decision!

you'll be greatly missed by the feralheart community, and i truly hope to see you come back someday. until then, take care, and feel free to shoot me a message if you ever need anything <3

It'll be sad to see you go, Ironic. Please know that my DMs are always open to you <3

It’s unfortunate people can’t move on from the past and refuse to quit acting toxic. I understand this, and have left social media a few times to get fresh air. It’s also good to cut those people out of your life, and block them. I don’t blame you for wanting to distance yourself. Your own health matters most, and if that’s what you need, then do so. Keep safe out there, Ironic. I wish you the best and I hope things settle for you. We’ll always be here if you decide to return. Take care.

I'm sad to see you go friend. You are one of the few friends I had left here. But I can understand why you would want to leave. More power to you girl.

You gave me hope at a time when I was going through difficult times. Getting bullied for simply being disliked by certain groups of people here. I'm not sure if I would even still be here if you hadn't have came along to be a true friend and comfort me.

But now? idk what to think. Most of the people I knew have moved on and things aren't looking much better. idk how much longer I can remain hopeful when only a few friends still play this game. And when I know for a fact there are quite a few toxic individuals still picking on people here for absolutely no reason.

It really hits home when so many of the people you are close to have become the target if bullying and end up leaving to escape it.


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