Community > Introduction

lemme get uhh 9000th introduction

(1/3) > >>

i'm 19 now, born january 25th
you've probably wondered why i keep disappearing 💀💀
i refuse to believe i turn 20 next year HEHDHDJKSFHSD

my irl name is kayleigh but you can call me vegeta, ghost or whatever you'd like :D!
(make up a name for me KLDJGKJ)
i'm a goofball

i'm non-binary bisexual
i use any pronouns, prefer he/him + they/them

i am mostly active on
twitter -
deviantart -
discord - ghostmonument#1037

my biggest interests are currently:
dragon ball z (LITERALLY 24/7)
my dbz marvel au!! (basically just the dbz chars as the marvel chars 👀👀)
doctor who

i believe in vegeta strange supremacy
he's probably real, you just can't see him yet 👁👁

can i get uhhhhh vegeta strange dsitmom cameo

i;m gonna attempt to be more active on this game, but i hope you enjoyed my post haha
you can find more about me on my carrd!

Heyo, welcome back to the community!

Welcome back to the community! Nice to see a returning player, 9000th intro is quite the achievement ;)

Greetings, Vegeta, welcome back to FH. I am also a big fan of Nightwish and Marvel, so is nice to see another who is too.

Next time you make another intro, I guess you could say:

Catcha round!

Welcome back!


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