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Map problems and missing folders?

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I've never posted here so..go easy on me. x-x Ok, so I know for maps I download them, extract them and put them in the '' FHmaps '' folder. I have. But I have also heard people talking about having an Exports folder. I do not have this. maps do not work for me at all. They never show up in the cape. I've asked around and no one knows how to help me with this. I've downloaded the newest patch and i've updated my computer just to make sure. Nothing has helped. x-x;;

I had same problem with my old computer, I didnt get the new markings and the export folder.
Try to reinstall the patch or ask if someone can send the export folder to you

o_o; there are new markings too? pff. Ok well I will re-install the patch. As for the Exports folder, I don't have anyone that can do that.

If you don't have an expotrs folder, make one after the patch. It will be located just inside the FH folder. Name is exports. No uppercase.

But isnt there supposed to be a file in the exports folder?


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