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Still need help - Music not working

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I FINALLY got the map to export - I think it was because my version of the game was outdated. So now that is all in order, I'm not sure what's wrong.

It exported my 3 map.fho, map.fhm, and map.fhs files, which are all in Exports. When I test my map all the objects show up, but the music attached to those objects do not work. I thought I wouldn't have to include the music files -cough-pirating-cough. Is that what I have to do, or am I doing something else wrong?

Edit: Just to clarify, I put all of my object files into a new map category. I also used separate material files for each different object/song...

So you attached it through object maker? What did you type? Did you include the .mp3 or .wav? (whichever format it's in)
Please also read all the tutorial threads before posting. :)
There is one about this:

Oh yes. Everything works in Map maker, I meant afterward when I wiped the files (I backed them up on a USB drive) downloaded the map - the music wouldn't work. I wanted to make sure it would work for my friends.

Did they work in map maker?

Oops, yes, I meant to say map maker. Everything works there, just not with the exported files alone.


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