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Ogre Exception Error 4ParticleSytemTemplate Exists

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Okay. Like the nop Ringo said, that error means that you already have a particle template with the name Weather/Rain.

What you have to do is go to your particle folder (by default: My Computer -> C: Drive -> Feralheart -> Media -> Particles).

Look at your .particle files. See any with a _0, _1, etc. behind their name? If so, delete them. These are copys automatically made (for some wierd reason I don't know yet - maybe a glitch?) and therefore are uneeded. Be sure you don't delete your main stuff tho, don't kill the original particle template.

That should solve the problem.

Now, if you DON'T have the copies, then you will have to open each .particle file (in notepad). Since you managed to make a particle yourself, you should know where to check :)

Look at each system line:
particle_system Particle (incase you don't know)
Red is the particle template name

Since your particle template is named 'Weather/Rain', make sure that you don't have more than one particle system with Weather/Rain. If you do, delete (if it is a copy) or rename (if it is not a copy).

Hope that helps you :P

Everytime I tried to post here Microsoft Windows crashes (which happens a lot lately, but it was a coincidence that it happened everytime I came here ) but I was trying to post that _0 thing. xD


BUAHAHA I beat you to it >8D




ty s
--- Quote from: Delay on June 17, 2011, 11:01:13 pm ---Okay. Like the nop Ringo said, that error means that you already have a particle template with the name Weather/Rain.

What you have to do is go to your particle folder (by default: My Computer -> C: Drive -> Feralheart -> Media -> Particles).

Look at your .particle files. See any with a _0, _1, etc. behind their name? If so, delete them. These are copys automatically made (for some wierd reason I don't know yet - maybe a glitch?) and therefore are uneeded. Be sure you don't delete your main stuff tho, don't kill the original particle template.

That should solve the problem.

Now, if you DON'T have the copies, then you will have to open each .particle file (in notepad). Since you managed to make a particle yourself, you should know where to check :)

Look at each system line:
particle_system Particle (incase you don't know)
Red is the particle template name

Since your particle template is named 'Weather/Rain', make sure that you don't have more than one particle system with Weather/Rain. If you do, delete (if it is a copy) or rename (if it is not a copy).

Hope that helps you :P

--- End quote ---

Thanks its fixed now ^^


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