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Cant login on a character left in the Watermill...

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I left a character in the watermill map one day and logged out. Then after a few days I tried to log back in and now I cant. It keeps saying unable to connect to map server. I REALLY do not want to have to remake the character nor the bio as I'm sure no one would. What happened? What can be done?

The day I was able to play on the watermill, someone said all I had to do was to open the Watermill in the mapmaker and click "has portal" then I think they said export it.

If you can get online in Watermill, Then return to where you positioned you home?

You're not supposed export it, that makes it crash for some people.

Ruby I always see you on this site @_@ your signature is so colorful.... In a good way though :D(sorry just had to say it lmao)


--- Quote from: xRubyx on June 19, 2011, 02:27:24 am ---You're not supposed export it, that makes it crash for some people.

--- End quote ---

Ok, well that is all fine and well, but do you know how to resolve this issue?


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