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Red's Awesome New Map Pack.

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Am I the only one who's enjoying this more then the other recently released map pack? For me, it's a lot easier to get around in. And it doesn't lag my game as much. I also love the subtle sound effects, like when you get near the waterfall. Maybe I'm just easily amused. But in my opinion, it's a pretty cool little thing Red's got goin' on. And at the moment, it's completely empty. Score one for the fish.

I love those maps, xD but they are soo big and confusive, toko me loads of times to find every map there and how to reach there Bc

Agreed. However, SundownValley has the MOST lag in any map I've ever been in. I'm no supprised though, considering all the meshes/trees .. well stuff in there.
I have to point out Winterland and Dune are the most confusing.

I've only explored a few parts of the map, as I downloaded the day I had to leave for holidays.
Still on holidays as I write this.
Anyways, I never hear the sound effects, as I have custom music playing.
About lag, I hardly ever have lag. It's very rare for me.
'Advance' is quite hard to climb. I keep falling off the rocks. xD


--- Quote from: Zaroque on July 02, 2011, 08:40:33 pm ---Agreed. However, SundownValley has the MOST lag in any map I've ever been in. I'm no supprised though, considering all the meshes/trees .. well stuff in there.
I have to point out Winterland and Dune are the most confusing.

--- End quote ---

Winterland and Dune are my Maps xD
They are from the official MapPack download, not from Reds own Map Pack. Yer troubling up the stuffs.


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