Community > Praise

Praise to Tanglemask, Hero of Canton, Krimzen, and CASSafras


I'd like to send some shout-outs to Tanglemask, Hero of Canton, and Krimzen.
@Tanglemask: Thanks for being funny on the forums and 'epic and insane' with Koby in-game. P.S. Thanks for believing that Syndrome was actually going to go find the rogues while he was trying to commit suicide xD.
@Hero: Thanks for being funny on the forums as well, and your a great map maker! Sorry you're in the hospital.
@Krimzen: You are a awesome preset maker. Your presets are epical.
@CASS: Thanks for taking over Hero for a bit.

Indeed, a praise to all of them! <3

Yush, we must praise dem.

All of them deserve the praise. <3


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