Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: BirdieBeep on June 24, 2019, 11:41:23 pm

Title: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: BirdieBeep on June 24, 2019, 11:41:23 pm
Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I thought it would be fun to share stories from our newbie days.

The first thing I did when I played as actually join a wolf pack. Apparently the color schemes of my first character were pleasing to someone else and they mistook me as a realistic wolf rper. But little me didn't think much about it and when I got to their territory, I saw how 'advanced' they were and I got so embarrassed, I wasn't on the same level of RP skill, so I ended up going offline and made a new character
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: WolfQueen on June 25, 2019, 12:04:17 am
asked the chat how to move, and used to mouse to click where i wanted to go. got into ficho tunnels and was stuck there for two days.
this was back when you spawned in bonfire island and lonely cave wasn't a thing.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: BirdieBeep on June 25, 2019, 12:17:17 am
asked the chat how to move, and used to mouse to click where i wanted to go. got into ficho tunnels and was stuck there for two days.
this was back when you spawned in bonfire island and lonely cave wasn't a thing.

that's oddly iconic, what a fun time
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Telluric on June 25, 2019, 03:25:25 am
went to south pole, saw a naughty discussion going on in general chat and yet i'm still here 5,258 years later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Ame88 on June 25, 2019, 03:27:53 am
I was stuck in South Pole for two days because I couldn't find the portal out... xD After escaping the frigged tundra, I made my way to Fluorite and joined my first group. The rest is history after that~
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Jango_Fett on June 25, 2019, 03:39:41 am
i think i got in a fight with a nala over being allowed to play pretend because i was pink, blue and black

i didnt ever leave bonfire until like, june.
then i was stuck in fluorite for a while because i got lost.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: VortexAlive on June 25, 2019, 03:51:36 am
Absolute first thing I did was memorize the controls and all of the user interface features so I never got lost. Then I accidentally lag dashed onto ficho's cieling trying to type something random. xD
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Queen_Innocent on June 25, 2019, 04:51:21 am
Trying to figure out how the chat worked for a whole day after exploring without a clue and ending on SB.
I was desperately wanting to be part of the active conversation but didn't know which button to use to chat (I'd previously been on games that had a different function.) Until a nice fellow person mentioned it to me and I was welcomed into the community.
I then worked out where things were and discovered how to make 'good' characters that actually had color schemes, so I could catch a mate in the mate center lol.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Jango_Fett on June 25, 2019, 05:34:34 am
I then worked out where things were and discovered how to make 'good' characters that actually had color schemes, so I could catch a mate in the mate center lol.

i remember that
that was just a time in all of our lives wasn't it
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on June 25, 2019, 07:17:44 am
Find a mate at the mate center (back when Bonfire Island was the spawn point).
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: BirdieBeep on June 25, 2019, 12:24:45 pm
I then worked out where things were and discovered how to make 'good' characters that actually had color schemes, so I could catch a mate in the mate center lol.

i remember that
that was just a time in all of our lives wasn't it
Find a mate at the mate center (back when Bonfire Island was the spawn point).

Honestly going to the mate center was the second thing I did, but I didn't grasp the concept of complementary colors for many years to come <,:
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: LordSuragaha on June 25, 2019, 04:38:19 pm
I spawned in under like a million other players’ bodies and just ran around like mad through every map I could find. Then I joined a massive dance line. Made lots of friends. Those were good times <3 lol
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Morqque on June 26, 2019, 12:27:51 am
like any other 11 year old.
i made a demon character and then started to kill-no-miss people and then adopted a blue
wolf pup who had wings. i met someone who had an OC called "pup killer" and i joined
their edgy antics. fun.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: wolfdog01 on June 26, 2019, 01:18:51 am
Had a red and black wolf with wings, climbed Ascension Island...then proceeded to make all of my characters climb it.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: TouchOfMadness on June 26, 2019, 11:35:28 pm
Made a beeline for the first portal I saw (South Pole), ran around like mad, and promptly got lost among the dizzying snowflakes and endless rolling hills. Luckily, a very nice wolf set me straight and guided me to the Cape. Then I spent the rest of that first day gliding above the vast plains of Fluorite on my gaudy blue angel wings (seriously, I have no idea what I was thinking with my first character lol).
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Kuri on June 28, 2019, 10:02:44 am
Researched what I was doing, practised moving.  Explored ficho carefully trying not to get in anyone's way & found myself at bonfire where I watched the sun rise at "pride rock" while grinning like an idiot with emotes.
Then wandered around the maps for 2 weeks studying the dizzying array of weird creatures that were common back then, like a biologist on a new planet.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: wyvolf on July 16, 2019, 02:02:52 pm
WELL, if I remember correctly, I went straight into the South Pole on a NEON eye-burning sort of character. I actually asked someone how do I fly in HORRIDOUS grammar, thankfully they helped me out with that. And for a few months actually, South Pole was my first roleplay map. ;w;
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Hakumi on July 16, 2019, 05:44:58 pm
Let's see...
I believe that the very first thing I did was stayed was make a character that resembled my 'Internet-sona' and just stayed in Lonely Cave for who knows how long, listening to the calming music...
And then once that was done, I tried to familiarize myself with the controls, ran to the closest portal ( which oddly enough was the Cape ) and just stayed there and watched the pretty characters interact with each other.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: turtlies on July 16, 2019, 10:05:13 pm
All I did was fill myself with deep embarrassment

One of my earliest memories was making a Santa Claus character, sitting in South Pole, getting bullied, and then deleting that character immediately
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Wyldercat on July 16, 2019, 10:37:43 pm
I was quite the 12 year old edgelord aha. I made a bunch of demon characters and started attacking people in Bonfire in a spectacularly awful way of making rp friends. It didn't work particularly well as one would imagine and some more experienced roleplayer told me off and I got scared and left the map.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: cattails on July 18, 2019, 01:50:32 am
I don't remember exactly what the first thing I did was, but I'm pretty sure I made an edgy wolf character, killed them off, then made them a super powerful ghost. All in one day. And then, ofc, I never played them again after that. They're still on my character select page, though. ^^
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: GracebyTrace on July 18, 2019, 12:16:58 pm
The first thing I did when I joined, was play FH+ and I made my EVER first character, a wolf type of creature with black and red colours and I named them like Dagger M (or something), since english was still my second language, I didn't know most of the things and after I entered Bonfire Island, some pups ran over to me and asked if I were theirFather and I was like: ''No... I'm a mother, the M stands for mother..''. It turned out that I looked COMPLETELY the same way as their father, it was hilarious XD
I was a dumb kid back then XD
Also, it was with the username ShadowNightmare cx
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Fall on July 19, 2019, 02:52:32 am
At first I would RP as a pup mostly, I think? I was in a whole pack of pups at one point and we traveled all the way to The Last Cave for some reason. I don't think I was the kind of person who made their pup character die instantly, but I was surrounded by many who did.. lmao.
And then I had the Creepypasta phase... oh no.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: angelre0702 on July 19, 2019, 03:18:19 am
God I have so many accounts on here it's ridiculous.

I managed to get FH+ as my first download of Feralheart and switched the two in my brain, somehow. I got stuck with the controls because as a previous kids MMO player, WSAD keys weren't a thing. After realizing that the arrow keys didn't work, I got confused with the point-and-click system to the point of getting "irreparably" trapped in the ocean.

Because I couldn't turn around. LOL.

As a newb who came back after few months I'm pretty sure I made a generic sparkledog and joined the buttswing "parties" back in pre-week-ban Bonfire because I was a clueless nine year old. And then swapped FH+ for the original, like a dingus. Everything looked so bland. :(

I still remember whispering a random Kovu player if he would be the mate to my awful default lioness, to which he declined.

And the Puss-In-Boots roleplays.

Good times.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Folktale on July 19, 2019, 03:55:34 am
When I downloaded FH for the very first time I screwed it up and every texture was missing except for the interface and characters, so it was nothing but a cosmic abyss. I used the game for nothing but creating characters until I finally realized something was off and decided to redownload the game. After that, South Pole was my home until (i think) the amount of users able to enter a certain map was increased and I was finally able to get into Flourite(?).
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Blank on July 20, 2019, 11:05:09 am
Definitely sitting in South Pole watching people making Music Videos or me, myself making Music Videos lmao. The simpler times where drama wasn't a huge ordeal and when we were all young 10 year olds.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Ellen11v on July 20, 2019, 01:35:19 pm
I went to south pole with my beautiful blue `Moon Queen´ character xD she had wings.
Then I spotted a bunch of other floofs having fun flying around in the air and I was like: "how do I fly!??!?!",
and they were like:
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Bloo. on July 20, 2019, 01:48:20 pm
I made a wolf. Every single slider was maxed out. I made it black with a white underbelly, red eyes, and bright red scars and named her Ivy F Demon then proceeded to sit on the stone bridge and do nothing all day.
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: SpicyDirt on July 20, 2019, 02:06:49 pm
Ooo I love this idea!

My first thing was actually not on my own account but on wolflinklove's account when she was showing me the game/trying to get me involved! I made an "Earth Elemental Cat" with VERY green and brown colors along with wings. I probably annoyed everyone I ran into with that cat as I just ran around the game and found the maps/met people.

Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: gh0ul on July 20, 2019, 02:54:41 pm
I went and made an anime char and ran off to ficho
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: Oddonelynx on July 22, 2019, 01:13:10 am
I didn't alt my head, I went to Distant Cape of Worlds instead of The Grounds xD
Title: Re: What was the first thing you did on FH as a new player?
Post by: greggory. on July 22, 2019, 01:44:26 am
i remember very specifically that while my mom was over my shoulder, i made an extremely tall sparkledog named cynthia with wings and 20 different colors.

if i ever bring that up now she always tells me my characters looked crazy.