Community > Ask Me

Ellen - 𝞚𝙨𝙠 𝙈𝙚!

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Mind if I ask you some questions? : D

1: If you had to choose between three feet or two heads, which one would you choose. Keeping in mind that having three feet means you'll either be faster or fall over more often(or both), and having two heads would mean there's someone attached to you that you can talk to any time of the day but that second head will never come off even if you need to use the bathroom.

2: Which do you like most? Game of Thrones or Harry Potter?

3: What is your favorite song?

I'd have 3 feet, and be the world's fastest person c;

Good question, because I really favor them both... I love Harry Potter for the magical universe they live in, and Game of Thrones for the characters.
But if I could only take one of the two, I would say Harry Potter. Harry Potter has been a part of my childhood, and I've dreamed a several times to be a Hogwarts wizard ;P

Dude I have a Spotify Playlist named "Favorite Songs". There are  60 songs! I'll just view the list and point at a random song, and say that it's my favorite one, 'cause really I love all of these songs equally<3
Saybia - The Second You Sleep
I love this one because it's heart-touching and I love the melody. I know the whole song text <3

Reviving this thread~

Do you have DeviantArt?

This is such a dumb question lol

It's not dumb at all, Grace. Lol
Don't be hard on yourself okay? <3

I do have a DA, but I rarely use it. It's been so long since last time I did something on DA.

You can visit it here!


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