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It's been a while since I've been around FH and now that I've returned I thought I may as well start one of these up.

Ask away?

I also can't be the only one that thinks of the Adam Lambert song from my thread title?

What do you want from meee??

Good 'ol ADAM lol

You go to a bagel shop, they make everything you can think of but on a bagel. What do you order??

A roast dinner. On a bagel.

Where did your username come from?

Welcome back btw

G4RG0YLE honestly came out of no where.
I was looking for names that are rather dark but still family-friendly. Names like maggot, spider, looking at all the things that tend to make people most screamish.
Not sure why, I was in an edgy mood.
Nevertheless, nothing was working so I had to think of something that wasn't mentioned a lot but still gave people the creeps. I was looking at lots of dark aesthetic scenery and I saw a gargoyle in one of them.
So, with a few numerical changes, I have chosen Gargoyle.
Reflects a stationery being who doesn't get around, but still sees all. Quite fitting.


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