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Ask Kiki c:

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1.) What books have you read?
2.) What is your favorite drink?
3.) Coffee or tea?

What's your favourite mythical creature? ( Can be a mermaid, phoenix, etc. )


--- Quote from: Esarosa on May 21, 2021, 04:07:03 am ---1.) What books have you read?
2.) What is your favorite drink?
3.) Coffee or tea?
--- End quote ---

1. One of the things I wish I had done more as a kid/teen was read. However I still did do my fair share of reading throughout my school years. Here are a few: "1984", "To Kill a Mockingbird", "Animal Farm", "A Dog's Purpose", "A Dog's Life", the "Wolves of the Beyond" series, the first "Harry Potter" book (started the second one but never finished it). There are plenty others I read in English classes etc and in elementary school but a lot of them I can't even remember their names
2. I'd say chocolate milkshakes or lemonade c:
3. Tbh, I drink neither xD Hot chocolate all the way lol

--- Quote from: BluuLeopard on May 22, 2021, 03:32:33 pm ---What's your favourite mythical creature? ( Can be a mermaid, phoenix, etc. )
--- End quote ---

Dragons! Runner-ups include unicorns, griffins, and centaurs c:

Drrraaagons? Oh my, my- what an awfully accurate coincidence! LOL
But really, I like all those creatures listed, too- hehe XD Especially... As an add-on, the Phoenix / Vermilion Bird. x3

Welp, okay!
Let's see...

If you were to tame a creature, and have it as a companion you can ride, who would it be?
It can be any creature- real or fantastical.


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