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Is your flesh actually Kiwi fruit?

if you were given the chance to change any movie's soundtrack so that the instruments were all gone and all the music was done soley on a honky tonk, which would it be?
all the music would be the same, but the sole instrument would just be a honky tonk and nothing else

Any other games you love?
Most embarrassing moment in FH?(Yeah I love asking this question, the answers are usually fun to read xD)
Favorite aesthetic?

top 3 favorite chocolate candies and top 3 favorite fruity candies


--- Quote from: Security on May 19, 2021, 10:04:53 pm ---first question, hows your day been?

Second, Favorite animal?

Third, where did you get your name from
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1. It's been good! Just chilling since I got off work. I hope yours has been great as well c:
2. Ooo, tough one. If I had to pick just one, it would probably be the African wild dog -- wolves, foxes, cheetahs, and moose are up there too!
3. Honestly, don't know xD Just kinda came up with it one day

--- Quote from: toonanimals317 on May 19, 2021, 10:48:55 pm ---- Favorite color scheme?

- Favorite food?

- What place have you been to that you would love to go to again?

- If you could go anywhere in the world, and had no money limit, where would you go/what's your dream vacation?
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1. I love the combination of teals/turquoises, hot pinks, and oranges
2. Pasta!
3. I'd love to go back to Spain~
4. Oh man xD There's so many places I'd love to go. Honestly, I'd love to just hop on a plane with my boyfriend over to Europe to take a train and visit as many countries as we can!

--- Quote from: forks on May 19, 2021, 11:13:59 pm ---what's the best compliment you've ever recieved?
what's your astrological sign? do you think your personality matches the "stereotype" of your sign?
what is your favorite instrument to play?
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1. Ooo, hmm. My mind is going blank, but some things that immediately came to mind was when my boyfriend told me that I'm his home and a blessing in his life<3
2. I'm a Sagittarius! I match the stereotype to some extent. I love being around people but I don't consider myself an extrovert
3. You guys and your tough questions lol. Hmm... if I had to pick one, I'd say the soprano saxophone is definitely a blast!

--- Quote from: PanzerWulff on May 19, 2021, 11:57:51 pm ---• If you could snap your fingers and instantly make the world better, what would you do?

• A genie gives you three wishes, what are they?

• If you had the opportunity to become immortal, would you take it?

• If you had the honours of naming a new country, what would you name it?
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1. I'd go for world peace~
2. Love, happiness, and financial stability for myself and those I care about, the power/ability to shapeshift, and really I'm pretty content with my life rn so I'd use the last one to solve the world's problems. I feel this is always a tough question though lol
3. Probably not tbh. I wouldn't want to continuously go through the grief of losing loved ones. I'd be content with just a long, happy, and fulfilling life c:
4. Daffodilia, Roseland... honestly I have no idea xD

--- Quote from: LadySigyn on May 20, 2021, 01:32:54 am ---Is your flesh actually Kiwi fruit?
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Has there ever been any doubt? >:U <3 Lol

--- Quote from: Telluric on May 20, 2021, 02:01:30 am ---if you were given the chance to change any movie's soundtrack so that the instruments were all gone and all the music was done soley on a honky tonk, which would it be?
all the music would be the same, but the sole instrument would just be a honky tonk and nothing else
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Bee Movie, make it more of a meme! Lol. But may as well tie in the infamous "ya like jazz?" with some classy ragtime

--- Quote from: ferimeX3 on May 20, 2021, 08:38:40 am ---Any other games you love?
Most embarrassing moment in FH?(Yeah I love asking this question, the answers are usually fun to read xD)
Favorite aesthetic?
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1. I absolutely love The Isle. I also enjoy Beasts of Bermuda, Minecraft, and WolfQuest
2. Oh no xD Let's just say that considering I joined FH when I was young, I have plenty of embarrassing stories lol. I'll share a few for added bonus because it's so hard to narrow it down. Let's see... I used to make characters for the soul purpose of joining Mate Centers (then proceeding to never use said characters again), one time I interrupted a TLK rp as a dragon character and started shooting fireballs at Scar, I used to make "hunt-able prey" deer characters and run around Bonfire with people chasing me, and I remember one time complaining in Cape that I was stuck there forever because it was really hard to get into Fluorite at the time (that's when I discovered the "go home" button after someone told me)... I think that's enough story time for today lmao
3. Oh man lol. I love flowers, sunshine/beach/warm weather vibes, snow-topped mountains with forests, the northern lights/night sky/space, and also just nature things in general

--- Quote from: MaiSenPai on May 20, 2021, 04:09:27 pm --- top 3 favorite chocolate candies and top 3 favorite fruity candies
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Chocolate: good old fashioned chocolate bars, chocolate bars with caramel, minty, or fruity fillings, Reese's. Fruity: Sweetarts, life savers, gobstoppers


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