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Hello, I'm Ch33secaek. (Yes, Cake is spelled wrong on purpose).
I've seen lots of questions about problems, and now I'm here to solve them.

Q: How do I upload a map?
A: One Word: Mediafire. Make an account on it and you can upload files of all kind.

Q: How do I upload a preset?
A: It's a little more complex than downloading a map. There are two types.
1. A preset your friend made for you.
2. A preset you made.

If your friend made it for you, that's where it gets a bit complex to upload it and share it. First, download the preset they gave you. Second, put it in the "My Presets" folder, make sure you put it in the file number given to you. Third, go onto FeralHeart, but don't sign in. Forth, go under 'Tools' then 'Preset Maker'. Fifth, go under V and look for the preset file you want, and click it. Sixth, press 'Export' and it'll say: Exported (your username)_(filenumber). Seventh, log into your mediafire account and upload the preset file that you exported. It will be under 'presets', not 'my presets'. Eighth, when it is finished downloading, retrieve the link and give it to the person you want to share it with!
If YOU made it, all you do is start at the third step.

Q: The FeralHeart+ Interface says I have to download a patch, but there is no patch to download!
A: Really? It's something you can solve yourself. Just delete FeralHeart+ and redownload it and BOOM, you can get on.

Q: How do I download Mass Markings?
A: Another long answer...

Download the mass markings from MediaFire and then find the file under 'Downloads'. There will be a file called 'markings.cfg' under the other files. Copy it and paste it into THE MAIN FERALHEART FOLDER! Then you click 'Copy and Replace' when the sign pops up. Then, go under Media and click textures. Copy and paste all the other files into it, and again, copy and replace. If there's like, 200 files you need to replace, just check the little box that says something like 'Repeat for the next 200 conflicts' and then click copy and replace.

If you have any more questions, list them in the comments and I will add them to this thread.

I would post Tutorials here c:

Dang Zaro, I was too slow. xD

~Anyway *moving this*


- Should of said before -

Great tutorial Ch33secaek. c:


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