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Blizzard at United States

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I never been (or actually seen) a blizzard in my lifetime (I'm 17. B-day is August 11. Turing 18.). I have experinced a power-outage, though. It was nearly 15-30 minutes out of complete power and I was going to have a panic attack. It went back on, though. My brother been through worse, though...since he's older and all...

Edit: Why do I keep saying "though"? It's embarrassing...3X

A record was recently broken here in NY. More snow has fallen this year since the 1800's. That's a LOT of snow!

I just shoveled by sidewalk/driveway so that my mom could come home from work and see where she needed to park, but 20 minutes have gone by and you cant tell I even shovled O.o" how depressing.

We had a blizzard last week. I'm all the way on the East Coast, so I've had my break.

Same here.

Just helped move the snow off our driveway. Looked out there just a second ago, don't look like I did anything.
Lol, got to go work at it again.

Here in Kansas it's coming down hard.
All our schools are closed, thank god. xD


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