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The Great Hide n' Seek! FINAL UPDATE BEFORE EVENT!!!

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Opening Intro: Hey people! Tis Vask here  :P. So, I was thinking the other day about how much fun hanging with all the derps in FH can be. And then I thought, hey. Has there ever been a big giant FH game of Hide And Seek?!?! So, I wanted to ask ya'll your opinion and see what you guys thought. It would take place in a downloadable map, and it would be a time of name tags 'Off' and a good ol game of Hide n' Seek. So, your opinion would be greatly appreciated, and if you guys know a good map that would be good for the game, don't be shy and tell us!! Plus, this game probably won't happen if we don't have enough derps to join, since I want this to be a big game of Hide-and-Seek. If you like this idea, go ahead and post here so I know you're on board! Thanks!!  ;D
Second Post: Looks like It's gonna happen everyone!!! Enough people have encouraged the idea and have given me great map ideas! We have even got someone making a map! So, here are the rules for now. A location, date/time, and who the the first 'it' person will go up once that has been arranged! Although we still need more people! So tell all your Feral friends and get them to post here if interested!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RULES1. Name tags must be OFF.
2. You may not hide IN things. You may hide ON or AROUND things.
3. No wings are allowed in the game.
4. You may chat in general during the game.
5. DO NOT yell out where someone is if you see them hiding and you are not it.
6. The way you are caught is if the 'it' touches you.
7. If the 'it' is chasing you, you MAY NOT press the dash button.
8. Please play fairly, and tell me if you see someone breaking the rules.
9. HAVE FUN!!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update(9/10/13):The Date Votings have been posted. If you have already posted here, please vote for a date. Thanks.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Staff: If possible, it would be awesome for some of the FH staff to attend our little game of Hide N' Seek. There would be no need to post on the thread or anything. But, if anyone of the sorts would like to attend, feel free to come and peek around.
Maybe Date?: Hey guyz. So, I think the date might end up being the 29th(Sunday), but this is NOT official yet. Thanks for all your support so far everyone!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINAL POST(details):
When: October 6th (Sunday)
Time: 2:00 PST
Location: The Forest Of Lights (Link:
Extra Detail Regarding Game: If you need help figuring out times? A guide to time zones:  

That is a good idea! The problem is, though, that most people would probably cheat and keep nametags turned on.

Well, Floofs will be Floofs, what are you gonna do -le shrug-. If they don't wanna play the game fairly, that's their problem. I'm glad to hear you're on board if this happens though. :)

True. You shouldn't let people ruin your game. They are what they are, and it's best if we don't know if they are cheating or not. //yes, if you need help recruiting floofs to join, just shoot me a PM

Thanks, Micro.  ;D


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