FeralHeart Creations > Request/Find Meshes

Online meshes for FeralHeart?


I am starting up a project of making my childhood hometown in feralheart and I was wondering if any meshes will work for the game or do I specifically have to look for feralheart ones / Will any 3D meshes be compatible with the game? Since the objects I am looking for are pretty specific.
Thanks in advance :D

Unfortunately, most conversion tutorials seem to be really dated so I have no idea if they work. I'm not the most well versed in coding, and even less so in conversions but I did find this: https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?topic=42944.0

If you want a condensed list of meshes that still have active download links, I've had this list up here (NOTE I haven't gone through it again in a little bit, so some links might be dead. However, a lot of these links have been around for a long time.) https://feral-heart.com/smf/index.php?topic=68694.0

Good luck!

oo these are definitely gonna be useful! Thanks a lot, I hope I can make this work ^^

I'm gonna move this to the Request/Find Meshes board as it fits better there~


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