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Anyone else play on old maps?

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I'm just wondering if anyone tends to play on the old maps instead of the new ones? I find myself exploring those ones a lot but it's always so lonely. I would love to know of anyone else that plays on these maps as well. Maybe we can all meet up and hang out sometime ^^

P.S. I am talking about this specific version of the old maps. I am unsure if there is any other version out there that people would use.

Sometimes I do, I usually don't see many players whenever I visit though either.

I play a bit more on the old maps than the new ones. Most of the time, I don't see any other players when I go there but I love trying to get on top of Ascension Island

Hiya !
The old maps are my favourite so I play on them a lot, though I'm always the only one there as well.
It's unfortunate ! Even with no players I enjoy running around the maps anyways ^^ cx

I think a lot of players quit completely after they deleted the old maps, and don't know you can download them and play them publically, I think we'd have a few more players on them if they found out and came back to feralheart !

I unfortunately play pretty rarely (hoping to show up more, I just never know when people are on or events are happening!), but when I *do* play, you'll see me on those maps!


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