Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Member Made Tutorials => Character & Roleplay Tutorials => Topic started by: AuraSky20 on May 18, 2016, 11:22:20 pm

Title: How to make Realistic Canidae Characters WIP
Post by: AuraSky20 on May 18, 2016, 11:22:20 pm
so the more I look on how some people make certain Canine characters like foxes, coyotes, etc. surprises me. most of them look a lot like wolves. ex. jet black full size coyote
 trigger warning: this may go into some evolutionary detail  please if you don't believe in it bare with me and skip parts like that if you can take it

just a rule for all of these: No Neon unless your character strayed into a die shop they shouldn't have hot pink on them.

so due to 1 year of research of the Canidae line. here is a Guide to the most commonly used. if you want me to do another one of the Canidae family then just ask.

Lets start with the most common, the grey wolf
Compered to other members like the coyote grey wolves are much bigger and heavier which makes since because it was adapted to the wide open parries and grasslands. So they are the apex predators of those areas that means they have to hunt bigger animals in order to feed their packs.
They have a brod snout, ears are a bit more on the smaller side.
id say keep the size sliders (length, height, weight, and width) on the right of the sliders. this also goes for everything else besides cheeks, ears, and eyes keep those half or less, but only a bit.
also for the size sliders I wouldn't make them all the way to the right. endless you want a Dire wolf.
EX: (http://sta.sh/01bebn2ei01u)
Keep the ears normal
Tail would be wolf or thin (depending on the weight of the wolf)
Keep it mainless (wolves don't have hair tufts on their head in real life)
Any tuft you want

Wolves don't typically have spots, or stripes, though there may be acceptations its vary rare
try to sick to more of the larger markings like the back splotch, or less existent ones.
no slit eyes

just no

Grey wolves have a verititey of colors. Keep the coats around shades of brown, tan, and Black
eyes basically have the same verititey as humans form what I could tell,

Title: Re: How to make Realistic Canidae Characters WIP
Post by: Reaper on May 19, 2016, 12:57:27 am
Thank you for the guide. I might try this out later.
Title: Re: How to make Realistic Canidae Characters WIP
Post by: Kynvuu on May 19, 2016, 01:00:44 am
Very informative tutorial! Thank you for sharing, I'm sure it will come in handy for a lot of users<3
Title: Re: How to make Realistic Canidae Characters WIP
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on May 19, 2016, 01:01:31 am
Very nice little guide here fluff! ^^
Title: Re: How to make Realistic Canidae Characters WIP
Post by: Hakumi on May 19, 2016, 01:16:30 am
Thank you for the knowledge.
- Bows Respectively -