FeralHeart Creations > Meshes


(1/8) > >>


.O. amazing! You should make more! These are REALLY nice! :D

first models doesn't mean bad models. thanks for uploading your meshes.
Just a little tip: when you are making your models, put by default one material, this will avoid the need to put a material manually o needing an .object file.
ex: for the pinecone, instead of putting the material name as 'tetrahedron2_auv' put 'PineconeNutmeg'.

Be careful, even the simplest model can be stolen and claimed by someone.

District 2:
I love love love the meshes! I just wish the pinecones weren't so shiny, but thats okay, I understand your new to this. I don't know how to do meshes period, so amazing job! Honestly, if your worried about people stealing them, you could keep the link and tell people to PM you if they want it. -shrugs- just an idea! :D

these are awsom! :D


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