FeralHeart Creations > Commissions, Trades, & Requests

Ink Sketch Requests by Kamaete OPEN

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Five slots, for you guys! C:
Here's some examples of what I mean when I say "ink sketches":

~Kimiko, drawn for hyena on the Aro'Kai forums

~Kiara drawn for aerotechway1 on the Aro'Kai forums.

~Rairukka and Kodiak drawn for Rairukka on the Aro'Kai forums.

~Silas, my own character
Here's the form:

--- Code: ---[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Gender:[/b]
[b]Character Species:[/b]
[b]Character View:[/b] AKA, fullbody facing left/right, 3/4s view, face profile facing left...
[b]Emotion/Expression/Action: [/b]
[b]Ref:[/b] Insert picture here plz
--- End code ---

1. Fill out the sheet
2. You may be able to add another character, interacting with the first character or not. Two is the limit, though.
3. Add limonz in the other category with whatever else you want to say.
4. Fill out all information, because I reserve the right to interpret any missing information the way I see fit.

1. I may do you character in fullbody if I like its design.
2. You may also get the head shot with that.
3. You might get color. It depends on what mood I'm in, really.
4. Add Lominz at the beginning of the other category if you read this.


Have at it. I won't accept requests without a form, or with designs I don't want to do. I'll tell you why, though. (It'll most likely be, "This design is too complicated for me, sorry. :c")

Slots of Shame:

My requests are also shown here at Aro'Kai, just so there's no mix-up...

Amazing art <3

Character Name: Avani
Character Gender: Female
Character Species: Wolf
Profile (l/r), Front, 3/4s (l,r): R
Emotion/Expression/Action: Sit down and wink grin :3
Other: Lominz - Im gonna use it as signature :3

Avani, read #3 under rules, please. :3 I've been wanting to draw this sassy wolf forever.

That is a amazing owl!
I'm gonna give you something different :3

Character Name: Saakhit
Character Gender: male
Character Species: Chameleon
Profile (l/r), Front, 3/4s (l,r): Um... *looks confused* R?
Emotion/Expression/Action: Sticking out tongue with funny look on face, while on a branch.
Other: lominz, limonz
--- Code: ---http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.cites.org/gallery/speciespics/reptile/big/short-horned_chameleon_L.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.cites.org/gallery/species/reptile/short-horned_chameleon.html&usg=__rlTriFFJPkpO2HXDFJEC8x9m7uw=&h=463&w=700&sz=52&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Rf55kyE6cIBs1M:&tbnh=145&tbnw=202&ei=78mdTfqRH6SU0QGggNm0BA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dchameleon%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DwiB%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1206%26bih%3D949%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divnsb&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=337&vpy=660&dur=1274&hovh=182&hovw=276&tx=195&ty=149&oei=78mdTfqRH6SU0QGggNm0BA&page=1&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:21,s:0
--- End code ---
Just any normal chameleon but if you color him I would love it if he was red or orange.

If you want to you can add my fursona, Saige to the drawing. Im making the chameleon her new pet/friend xP
Although, I dont care if you do or not. If you decide to add her just ask and I will give you a reference.

>.> Add lominz to that please. >.>  Everyone thinks lominz and limonz are the same words...
But a chameleon! :D :D:D:D:D:D They're so cute. C:
And thank you very much.


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