FeralHeart Development > Help Us Improve the Game
Calling All Talented FeralHeart Creators!
Want to have a part in shaping the game?
Here is your chance!
Now's your opportunity to show us what you can do and have a chance to contribute your talents to our next update!
We want your help in building the future of FeralHeart.
What are we looking for?
We are seeking out a select few creative & enthusiastic users who are eager to share their talents with the community. Users must be willing to work directly with staff and must be easily reachable should they be selected. Users should be open minded and mature enough to accept critique of their work.
How can you contribute?
Currently we are looking for creators with any of the following skills;
- Map making
- Mesh creation
- Texture artistry
- Marking creation
- Animation artistry
If you are talented in any of these fields, now's the time to show your stuff! If you are selected you will work together with the staff to produce new content for the up coming update. Selected users may also earn a spot as an official development team member for future updates.
How to apply?
If you're interested, you may submit examples of your work in either of the submission groups below:
\\ Map Submissions //
\\ Mesh Submissions //
\\ Texture Submissions //
\\ Marking Submissions //
\\ Animation Submissions //
Your submissions MUST BE YOUR work only! Do not, in any way, copy someone else's work.
will they be paid? how much?
--- Quote from: binaryc0de on October 12, 2023, 01:56:15 am ---will they be paid? how much?
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My deepest apologies, I thought I had replied to you!
Currently we are only looking for volunteers who are willing to share their skills with us as we work on getting FeralHeart back up to snuff.
So you're telling me, there might come a future update?
--- Quote from: Ellen11v on November 16, 2023, 10:32:02 am ---So you're telling me, there might come a future update?
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