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The Feral Fossils!

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Hi welcome to The Feral Fossils. We're a social, unmapped and role play group on this cartoon animal game, Feralheart! :D
This group is right for you if you like role play and talking to other players when not role playing. We are:
All Species
Rank less
and last but not least, Social!

Semi Realistic
Make your creature as colorful and creative as you'd like! Not all creatures look alike! Colorful is accepted, neon is acceptable but it must be slightly toned down.

All species
You're probably expecting canines and felines. Nope! In this group all animals, and I mean all are allowed! Reptiles, fish, amphibians, insects, and even primates somehow! You could even be a bear if you'd like. There is no species limit so hyenas, bears, and seals are allowed! If it's an animal, and you can think of it then it is A-OK joining with!
Rank less
In our group, every creature is equal to one another. There are creatures who lead, but they are willing to have any other creature help them, share ideas, and overall help the group!
Semi Literate
Post length doesn't matter here! Any role play style is allowed here.
You don't have to role play, sometimes you just want to chill and talk to your fellow creatures. No problem at all, this group is also social!
You can find us role playing in Seaside Grove (when it works) or in Bonfire Islands! The Grounds is fine too
Got any questions? Don't be afraid to ask, I don't bite! At least not on Thursdays.
Application sheet:

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The Feral Fossils is a great name for the group!

I'm happy you went ahead and outdone yourself ;) All you need is to advertise.

edit: yay 200

Hi there! I was just curious if this group is still open for members to join? I just got back into playing Feral heart and would love to join this group if so. Here's a written Application Sheet. ^^

Name: Hide
Age: Young Hatchling
Species: Nile Crocodile
Gender/Pronouns: Male | He/Him

this groups seems like it would be a nice one! if its still active and open. i could possibly help out in your advertising and share it with the discord <3 i'm sure they would be very interested in this


--- Quote from: Withorn on May 18, 2021, 02:18:56 am ---Hi there! I was just curious if this group is still open for members to join? I just got back into playing Feral heart and would love to join this group if so. Here's a written Application Sheet. ^^

Name: Hide
Age: Young Hatchling
Species: Nile Crocodile
Gender/Pronouns: Male | He/Him

--- End quote ---
Accepted : D )

Be on a look out for an invite. If you're able to come online


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