Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Calvary on November 13, 2018, 09:36:02 pm

Title: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Calvary on November 13, 2018, 09:36:02 pm
credit to ressypoo for the idea to post this.

Imagine sitting online, minding your own business when suddenly you really want to roleplay. You'd join a group RP right? It has cool history, a nice backstory, ranks, a discord, and everything you want in an RP. You get to join it! Yay!

Now picture yourself as a staff member, another day where you're sitting in the Grounds, and you really have the urge to roleplay. However, the only difference to this story is, is that we often can't. Well, not that we can't, but usually we are turned away. Why? Mainly because when it comes to RP groups or any group, people are scared that staff members are joining to watch, and are scared they might get in trouble.

We don't get to join RP groups, mainly because of this innate fear that people will be spoken to or talked down to for doing just about anything, even breathing, which mostly isn't the case. Much like you, we want to rp with the community, but there is a .00000001% chance we get to join a group to roleplay in. Often times we have to avoid RP groups, mainly because they feel uncomfortable having a staff member in their group, driving members not to talk in fear of being watched or getting into trouble with the mods.

It's sad really. Before I became staff, I used to run RP groups of my own. (Seether Carnage, Risen Revolution, The Arai, Somber Dominion, etc). I loved RPing with the community, but when you become staff, it's almost as if you are outcasted. It's almost as if the norm becomes that you can no longer join an RP group in fear of making members feel uncomfortable or scared. I'd enjoy rping again, but it is very likely that no one accepts a staff member into their RP groups, and if they do, they are heavily uncomfortable with a staff member being there, when all we want to do is RP like the rest of them.

I'd like to know from the community, do you think staff should be able to join RP groups? Do you think not? Or does it depend on the situation?

Feel free to elaborate below! I've always been curious.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Valar.Morghulis on November 13, 2018, 10:03:45 pm
I don't see a reason as to why a Staff member shouldn't join a group to rp.
People, as said, fear that if they cuss something and you see it in the group you're in, they will get kicked or banned.
But, you too know how groups work and that there is bad language in 90% of the cases. So I'm sure you won't really do anything about it and maybe even join in?
There's nothing wrong with having a Staff member in a rp. Some people don't even know who the staff is, since there's so many of you now xD.
Just, join in on your RP character and have fun!
I'm sure with talking more with other members, they will get used to your presence and like you!
I'm sure that in some groups there is some talking about the staff and mods, and there sometimes is criticism, which can cause a conflict.
On the other hand, being a part of the Staff team, doesn't mean that you only have to work and sit at the grounds.
You too need to have fun, because if this game starts looking like a job,  well..
I'm going off the topic a little bit here, because there is just this thing, which is players not trusting the staff when they're around them, in a way?
You know, trying not to say a bad word and say the wrong thing.

But yes, Staff members SHOULD definitely join RPs. You are a normal member of the community,  just like all of us are. You are a player of this game, and what do you do in a game? Play it and have fun! <3
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Notorious. on November 13, 2018, 10:10:33 pm
In my opinion, I definitely think that staff members should be allowed to join roleplays. They're members of the FH community as well just like the rest of us so I don't see a problem with it. I get why people will probably get scared and uncomfortable because of it since y'know, sometimes it gets a little crazy at certain points. But yeah, everyone should to welcomed to whatever group they want to join whether they're a FH staff or not. The game is all about having fun and such, is it not? <3
Title: a
Post by: xSpirit on November 13, 2018, 10:20:42 pm
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: LonesomeRider on November 13, 2018, 10:24:42 pm
I think staff should be allowed to, if they have the extra time! For instance, I'm in the Pack of Nuntis currently. I am thinking about joining a warriors rp of my friend's, for I love roleplaying and hope to make time between what I'm required to do. We're simply part of the community, and shouldn't cause others to feel nervous around us <3 we're here to help, of course, and would probably enjoy rping with the community like before becoming staff.

Of course, this is from my view but it's nice to see the view between the community and staff~
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Calvary on November 13, 2018, 10:28:48 pm
I agree with all of you on this!

I also get why members can sometimes get uncomfortable in most cases. However, as long as members aren't harassing people and as long as you keep cursing and whatnot in group or party, or even whisper, it's all dandy! We want to rp like everyone else, and we really mean no harm by joining groups. It's just a struggle when you want members to come first before yourself, but sometimes we want to have some fun too without having people be uncomfortable with our presence.

I've actually been trying to join a few groups myself, and it's a bit of a struggle when people look at you a certain way wondering why you're not in the grounds making sure everything's dandy.

Thank you guys for your input, I'd love to hear more!
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: PocketMutt on November 13, 2018, 11:06:09 pm
I can sympathize with some of the fears RP groups might have but I think it's time to have more RPs be open to the possibility of having a member of staff apart of their group.
Mostly, it stems from a fear of having to be on their best behavior but staff aren't aliens incapable of being loose. There's a time and place for being diligent but that doesn't mean we are like that 24/7. I'm sure if RP groups allowed us in, they'd see different.
I'd imagine there is also the fear of being undermined for those who are in charge of their RP groups. This is something, that again, comes down to perspective.

I don't RP but I'd like to know that I'd be able to casually join if I was in the mood. These are aspects of the community that we should be able to take part in the same as everybody else.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: TouchOfMadness on November 13, 2018, 11:14:05 pm
I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed. Most, if not all, staffers started off as normal players. It's not like they're these third-party authorities ready to ban anything they don't understand. Their sensibilities aren't that much different from those of normal players. In short: If you're afraid something in your roleplay is not fit for a staff member to see, then it's probably not fit for anyone to see (unless you keep it to a private map, in which case a staffer can't really fault you because you're keeping it out of the public eye).
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Likuu on November 14, 2018, 02:15:48 am
 In the past I've seen plenty of staff members join roleplay groups, been in a few with one or two as well!

I don't see a problem with a staff member joining a group what-so-ever, as staff are.. members of the game as well. Staff are people too and I'm sure anybody's group would happily accept a staff member into it! I personally haven't seen any staff in any groups / roleplays of sorts in a while... (forgive me if I've missed any staffers currently in groups!) Personally, I'd LOVE to see some staff in some groups and think it'd be fun to be able to roleplay with a staff member, I'm sure you all as staff get that itch to roleplay just as much as anyone else.

So, why not? There's no good reason for a staff member to be "banned" or "not allowed" to join roleplays and groups, as you all are members of the community just as much as everyone else! The only way a staff member would likely "not be allowed to join a roleplay/group" is if the owner/staff of said group have that person on banned list, which... I highly doubt that would be a thing, but I mean, that's all up to the owner of said group/roleplay.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Azurain on November 14, 2018, 03:09:50 am
It's dumb that people cast people out simply for being staff. Just because someone becomes a moderator here doesn't make them some all powerful being to be avoided. They're still people that want to have fun. So yes, staff should be able to join any roleplay they please.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Kerriki on November 14, 2018, 05:49:41 am
I haven't had trouble joining in casual roleplays in the past... though usually I run into people that seem to have no idea I'm a staffer xD

I've never been one to rp at all on FH for whatever reason, but at some point in the past couple years I did try joining a semi-fantasy group just to try it out. I was let right in, but again, I don't think they knew I'm a mod. So personally I haven't had any issues with this

Generally though, staff should certainly not be excluded from roleplays simply for being staff. I understand that some people may not be familiar with us and may be hesitant or even uncomfortable, but how is one to get to know us if they don't give us a chance? ^^ People should be more accepting and more open-minded in my opinion. We are only fellow FH players, after all
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Kahbloom on November 14, 2018, 06:24:44 am
Huh! I always wondered if staffers were just not interested in role-playing, as I never seemed to see any participating in that part of FH themselves.

This is interesting!
I didn't think that as a member of the staff team that you would ever really feel excluded from the game/community.
To me, though, I understand why people might be afraid to let staffers join, although I don't particularly agree with it.
Likely, they're just nervous about doing something wrong & feel like they need to be on their best behavior or something along those lines. [Probably because some people use naughty language, haha!]
It's more than likely not a personal thing. They're probably just nervous about being caught/confronted if they don't do something right, & don't want to feel that way, if I had to guess!

I think that staff members should definitely be allowed to join role-play groups, though! Of course.
Y'all are lovely members of the community that interact with members daily & are friendly, familiar faces.
No reason why you guys should be excluded from the fun.

It likely just depends on the person/group, I'm guessing.
Interesting topic!
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Chipz on November 14, 2018, 02:35:27 pm
I am personally indifferent on the matter;

I've not read through everyone's opinions so please excuse me if I copy anything said

Though I see where you stand with the lack of things to do I believe it's essential for moderators not to get wrapped too deeply into it and shouldn't /own/ groups at all.

I agree you should be allowed to /join/ if you don't put it before your moderating job, there is already someone monitoring chat and possibly join on a separate account.

The separate account could be your, almost moderator ooc, an account you can choose to share or keep private but one you don't have to moderate while on, this way you can join groups or simply act as a player if it gets too much.

I will personally say, of course this is my opinion, I would worry having a moderator within a group simply for the fact that I know it can be hard to turn off "mod mode" which can make groups a little more tense. I am aware you also know of this worry due to the main post but unfortunately it comes with the job, it's one of the downsides and can make you feel rather alienated which I do not intend in this thread.

I do however, think it'd be a cool way to mingle with the community.

I am rather torn, I defiantly wouldn't say no though.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: LupusK on November 14, 2018, 03:08:03 pm
Seems like Role-play is just scarce nowadays but if you can find one guys, heck. There should be no reason you can't join. as long as people understand you also have staff duties too. I do Role-play for inspiration for my stories for example. But the Mods are members of the community too despite their title, people need to stop alienating them because they're mods. They're really chill and nice people when you get to know them. Role-play shouldn't be any different and I'll be dissapointed if any mod was turned down just for being a mod.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Bloo. on November 14, 2018, 04:40:30 pm
I think they absolutely should be allowed to join roleplays, however there will always be those people that are iffy about it or decide not to let you join because they are nervous, and as you mentioned Cal, because they feel they're being watched/judged. I am, obviously, not staff, however I do have a second account that I use specifically for roleplaying so there's no feeling of bias or judgement. I feel that even non-staff members who are well known and very active get somewhat of the same treatment. Members being afraid we are going to go "tell on them" for every little thing. A bit unsettling, but again, that's why I have my second account that I reveal to no one.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on November 14, 2018, 05:14:03 pm
I think the issue is, in regard to this topic is that leaders of groups do not quite understand that the Staff take care of the public chats moreso Group chats. We watch over Local chat and make sure everyone is talking appropriately as well as respectfully and that the rules are obeyed and - if not - the rulebreakers have faced consequences to pursue a safe environment.

As leaders of groups, you are expected to take responsibility over how your group presents themselves to not only the FeralHeart community, but other members within your group, especially newbies. Hence groups usually having their own set of rules to go alongside the Official FeralHeart Game & Forum Rules.

Ideally, you as a Group Leader should be taking charge in how you deal with people who cuss and act inappropriately within Group chat, (or whichever other chat you use). If Staff join your roleplay group, they are not going to be the first person to take action if someone is not behaving themselves. You, as a Group Leader, should be dealing with this yourself. Which is why you are able to Kick members from your Group if you do not wish to have them there any longer.

^^^ I believe is where the concern comes from, anyway. People think Staff join Groups and then suddenly take over.

Now onto my main point.
Yes, I do believe Staff should be allowed to join roleplay groups.
Some, if not most, if not all, of us were big roleplayers back in the day. We still are, hence FHORD. For those of us who have been pushed away from joining Groups just because we have a title to our name and responsibilities in taking care of the game, we use this day to truly get our chance in roleplaying with everyone that we can. Some of the old staffers might be able to support this opinion of mine, as well as agree that it gives Staff a sense of freedom and more transparency between Staff and Community.

We have been trying to create as much transparency as possible and, being a part of Roleplay Groups help this. You know?
It gives the Community a chance to see the roleplaying, casual side of us, to know that we are not always big strict monsters who are watching your every move. We just want everyone to have fun, but we want to have fun with you guys too!
Roleplaying with Groups also gives us Staff some sense for future patch updates. Looking into and participating in the themed roleplays that aren't necessarily suitable for our current maps, gives us inspiration to make something that you guys could use without having to make your own map (unless that is truly what you'd like to do, we encourage this!).
So like, desert roleplays... we get so much inspiration from the roleplay itself that, we might decide to bring in a desert map in the future.
Panther roleplays... we might get some inspiration, decide to bring in a jungle map so you panther players can jump around on logs and hide in the isolated greenery.
Who knows?
Maybe a farm map might appear one day for all you horse roleplayers...

Which is why I believe it's good to have Staff roleplay with Groups.
It gives us something to explore and consider.
Not to mention, we just love roleplaying too!
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 14, 2018, 07:17:07 pm
i think another legitimate fear is that the staff will consciously or subconsciously try to assert authority to have things swing a certain way in roleplay
not saying it happens here, but it certainly does in other communities.

so long as stuff like that doesnt happen i genuinely dont see what the issue is
just dont be that guy

but staff should also expect to not be treated like normal players. you can still be the same as before, but people will treat you differently because frankly, you are different now. you are, whether you like it or not, on a pedestal.
whether that's good or bad is up to you.
this isn't exclusive to feral heart, or even games.

you will be excluded because of this. it will suck. but then, was it really worth joining anyway?
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Michen_S on November 15, 2018, 04:27:38 pm
Of course they can! They're still a part of FeralHeart, be it that they play a more important role.

Hehe, get it? Play a role? Okay, I'll stop now.

Either way, staff members are still members of the same community. Some things might go different because of their position in-game, but that's no reason to exclude them.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on November 18, 2018, 02:00:02 am
In my honest opinion, I do think moderators should be allowed to roleplay in groups. I don't see why they shouldn't, but I can understand why there are people on this game who hesitate to let a moderator join in their roleplay group. Some of the content of their roleplays is questionable, and can possibly break the rules of Feral Heart. I'm not just talking about some swearing here and there, I'm talking about some very inappropriate roleplays.

With the few roleplay groups I see out there, a few of them have advertised they they are "mature" roleplays, with some swearing, violence, and then some explicit mating scenes. Most Feral Heart users are aware of the in game rules, like this number one rule right here....

Keep Appropriate Language And Behavior
This game is aimed towards a wide user-base of all ages, and therefore you must keep the language and other behavior to an appropriate level that works for everyone. Swearing or using slurs inside of the public chat is NOT allowed or encouraged by anyone. Even if you censor your writings and they still represent an obvious curse/swear, you might get warned/kicked/banned instantly upon notice. This is because we want to keep FeralHeart a friendly place for the majority. Users are also expected to keep any actions representing any sexual behavior such as mating/raping AWAY from public maps. This goes for character bios, group bios, group names, and movie clips, as well. Ignoring this rule can result in a permanent ban.

Seems like a reasonable rule, right? Keep it out of PUBLIC maps and chats. It says nothing about doing those things in more private chats, like group, party, and whisper. Some of these mature roleplays will go to group chat or party chat while out in the public maps. They are more comfortable knowing that their closed chat cannot be monitored by in-game moderators if it's not being broadcasted into local chat, right? They can get away with doing whatever they wish in group, party, or whisper as long as no one within the group complains, right? So the roleplay can carry on with some swearing, gore and violence, and even the sexual content. They can carry on with this knowing that it's possible some of their members are underage children.

Now... if a moderator were to come into the group and see what they're doing....


The roleplay groups players/leader risk getting into some big trouble, and their roleplay has come to a stop. That's probably why people hesitate to let a moderator join in. They don't want the moderator to know they've been breaking Feral Heart rules, getting caught doing some inappropriate roleplays in their group/party chat. They don't want to risk getting a ban.

Are all mature roleplay groups like this? No. Absolutely not. However, we cannot pretend that behavior like this does not happen in game. I've come across players who do nothing but want to do some dirty roleplays with people, and they don't want to be caught so they take it to whisper or party chat.

My point is some may be hesitant to let moderators join because they don't want to be caught breaking game rules. This game has people of all ages playing, adults and children. The number one rule of this game is to keep our behavior and language appropriate, especially for the younger players. There are many who respect that rule, and there are those who would will find loopholes to break such rules. Moderators do the best they can to make sure players are behaving well in the local chats, but there's nothing much they can do about the behavior that goes on in more private chats and maps. It's up to the players to file a report if they think it's necessary.

Long story short, I think they should be able to join in roleplays like anyone else.... but don't be surprised if people don't want you in because they want to hide their bad behavior.
You know what?  I'm thinking of putting together a cave lion roleplay in Kibou Ridge if any of you mods are interested in joining it sometime.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 19, 2018, 09:43:59 pm
not gonna lie, people that ERP on feral heart are really sad.
i know the whole 'not all' thing applies here, but there have been so many over the years that have done so amuses me beyond belief.

i also find it funny that there's that loophole of the public map thing. i always thought it was don't do it on the game at all.
maybe an addendum should be made.
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: Morqque on November 19, 2018, 10:27:54 pm
I dont see why staff shouldnt be allowed to join a role-play. Though I do agree the group could act a bit more strange
due to feeling like they are being watch, haha
Title: Re: Should Staff Be Allowed to Join Roleplay Groups?
Post by: GeekyScout on November 26, 2018, 12:47:43 am
I am just sit here and thinking about it. I am not sure. I mean, up to staff if they want to roleplay. I wouldn't mind to roleplay with staff but my grammar will be more worse that I am not pay attention. But once again, I don't care if staff join the roleplay group. But some roleplay can relate with inappropriate scene and cussing.