Community > Introduction



Bad Luck:
Yep, same title that I use in every one of my introduction threads for all forums.

I just thought that I may as well try and get active on this forum now that I'm able to log in and such without any issues. I never was active on the official IT forum, so I figured that I may as well try to change that with FeralHeart. And this is a pretty nice-looking forum.

So hello! I'm the same Bad Luck from Impressive Title, a variety of Impressive Title fan-forums, and some other stuff of equal or less importance. Not all that active with other communities.

Like so many others, I look forward to playing FeralHeart online.

welcome to the forums :)

Welcome to the forum! C:
I hope you will have good time

Hello there, welcome! c: Hope you enjoy the forums! ^^


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