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1.13 fh.

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Y'all got your wish. Check out FHU, they've got a new little.... thing, up. Unfortunately the site is blocked on here for some reason, so I can't post a link- but FHU literally just straight up released a 1.13 server. Like, ENTIRELY 1.13. All old maps, as they once were.

Go. Go play, feel the Nostalgia.

The nostalgia will never come back for me, the memories is what made it, it just took place in those maps so that's what people mostly remember. It was just a very sudden change I think. I've learned to enjoy the new maps as they are and I am sure those who never got to use to the old maps could care less about them coming back. Sura made a good post about things like this a while back ago and it summed up that idea pretty well. I'm sure eventually people will want new maps in FHU and some won't, just like it was here. Things are ever changing and sometimes it's scary. Spooked the furries lol.


--- Quote from: wolfdog01 on July 24, 2020, 11:03:40 pm ---The nostalgia will never come back for me, the memories is what made it, it just took place in those maps so that's what people mostly remember. It was just a very sudden change I think. I've learned to enjoy the new maps as they are and I am sure those who never got to use to the old maps could care less about them coming back. Sura made a good post about things like this a while back ago and it summed up that idea pretty well. I'm sure eventually people will want new maps in FHU and some won't, just like it was here. Things are ever changing and sometimes it's scary. Spooked the furries lol.

--- End quote ---

wolfdog is right. Sooner or later people will find things to disagree about concerning FHU. Hopefully, people won't keep repeating the same mistakes.


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