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My first model in blender!



It's a baby iceturrel! (Frozen lake dwelling sea dragons o3o) Sadly this was the best I could get it and the tongue is still purple because UV editing is SO derpish on this model. I made it from scratch and I think it looks like it came from one of those old spyro games, which isn't bad though. It has an animation which it just hops and flails it's fins(legs...?) around but I didn't feel like uploading that x_x

Oooh, it kinda looks like a Pokemon. :3


Flying cow:
I must say! That is indeed very well done! I cannot wait for the finishing product! And neither can I wait to see more.

Very good, your first one is very good.
If you seen my first one ( the clovers),  is not that good.
You are doing it well, keep trying. a tip, try to do something more simple to learn uv texture coordinates, or texture your meshes in little parts.
I hope someday i will see this thread as full as mine.


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