FeralHeart Creations > Request/Find Meshes

Tree/Plant Meshes


So, i'm making a map based around a lake that has a Cranberry bog plus some other "exotic" plants and trees.
Im not being specific but I need some bright colored plants and would like willow trees too.
And im not sure if anyone has made these but, pitcher plants? Here's a list.
-Willow Trees
-Cherry tree?
-Pitcher Plant

And if you can, other exotic like plants that look cool. Thanks. c:

Probably not gonna see this but theres willows by hamilton: https://onelittlecorner.proboards.com/board/2/downloads
Arks willow tree pack has a tree wave animation https://www.mediafire.com/?5ov7lnrow1sls6y

I have a cherry blossom mesh I’ll have to see if I can find the original post. I did however find this post which has a handful of trees listed + a cherry blossom tree. linkie!


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