Community > Member Bio & Journals
!! Bio & Journals Board Rules !!
Real Life Biography
This board is for people who want to tell you about their lives and for you to learn more about them. c:
If you wish to create a thread of your own you must follow these rules.
* Do not share your personal information. (Example: Don't give out your address, phonenumber, last name, etc.)
* You may add photos of yourself, but it's at your own risk.
* Keep bio and journal content appropriate for all ages. (Example: No swearing, gore, etc.)
* You may double post on YOUR thread, but only if it's needed. (Example: A thread update.)
* You may add friend lists, but do not add enemy lists!
* Specify if your thread is a Biography or Journal in the thread's subject (Example: "Sammy's Bio" or "Sammy's Journal")
* Please include your display name or username in the subject of your thread. (See above example)
* Please post only one Bio and one Journal per user (or combine these into one thread if you wish).
* Avoid having holiday greetings as posts; Bios and journals only, please!
Thank you for reading!
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