Community > Member Bio & Journals
Kidbay's Journal
Hey, welcome to my journal.
Here is a little info about me! I am from the UK, I joined FH about ten or so years
ago under the name Kidbay. I have since then taken time away to focus on life
and in doing so I forgot my old password and don't use the email it is linked to
anymore, hence the new account!
I look forwards to making new friends and hopefully finding my old friends
while I am at it!
I am still very much open to roleplaying so feel free to hit me up for a
roleplay if that's what you like too. This game means the whole
world to me as it pulled me out of a lot of dark times when I was growing
up. I don't know how long I will be around and I can't give you
a day to day on what I'll be doing so my availability is varied.
I will use this journal to try and mark my availability for my
friends and fellow roleplay buddies. Please be patient with me
and other people aside from me as we all have personal lives
outside of roleplay :)
Also seen as I am trying to promote any of the things from my
old account, I will probably post about old characters I have
remembered, any pictures I find from my old FH days and even
somethings I may have created ^-^
I look forwards to seeing you all in game or in my comments
section :3
~ Kidbay
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