Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: FlyingGrass on February 21, 2018, 07:41:57 am

Title: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: FlyingGrass on February 21, 2018, 07:41:57 am
If you ask me to join your group, you'll most-likely get a reply saying that I'm happy in the only group I'm currently in, which is the Mechanicat group.
I can only handle having one character in a group at a time, as I can't spread my activity evenly between multiple groups, and will end up going completely inactive in all but one group.

How many groups can you handle having characters in at a time?
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Valar.Morghulis on February 21, 2018, 10:26:47 am
Two max!
I agree, having more than 1-2 groups is a bit overwhelming
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: LexiChan on February 21, 2018, 01:36:14 pm
I think... one only... ;-;

High paw, Gui!
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Kerriki on February 21, 2018, 08:45:41 pm
None xD Too busy with life and doing staffy stuff for the game
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Morgra on February 21, 2018, 09:03:01 pm
None xD Too busy with life and doing staffy stuff for the game

It's been years since i've been in a FH group. For the same reason as Kiki is why I'm still not in one x3
Wish I had the time to rp again, atleast for a little bit. Meh.

Nice topic
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Krakyll on February 22, 2018, 02:55:52 am
I'm for one on one roleplays and party chats. The roleplays can be ongoing if both ends are engaged enough, but I do not commit to groups. The joke group my character is in doesn't count. Majority of groups aren't my taste either, and large quantities of people, regardless if online or in real life, trouble me.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Panzram on February 22, 2018, 05:20:36 am
1 or 2 is plenty for me, but as of this moment, I'm only able to spend some time in the one group my friends and I are running. I don't have time for much else!
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: LaughingWolf on February 22, 2018, 05:25:25 pm
1-2, and it depends on how active those groups are. I tend to fall off if they become one of those groups that are constantly idle with no actual RP going on ever (which seems to be common as of late). I only have one user, and that helps, but still.

Lately I haven't been very active, and therefore am not part of any groups as of now. Adulting & other priorities; you'll occasionally see me sitting as Cade on the Grounds though.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Insoholic on February 22, 2018, 08:15:14 pm
One or two. Handling my own group is my priority at the moment, so I don't have time to join any other groups.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Whisperingwaves on February 22, 2018, 08:25:46 pm
Personally, it depends on the activity requirement? Maybe one-two semi-active groups and one active? If the group is absolutely required for a daily active, only one sadly. Very creative topic.

~ Whisper
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Rostova on February 24, 2018, 02:10:10 am
1-2. It depends on how active the group is, I'm usually not the most active so handling 1 is usually what I shoot for.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Arkham_Scout on February 24, 2018, 02:41:42 am
I can handle as many as I can. like about 10? depending on who joins the group.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Morqque on February 24, 2018, 06:28:12 am
Im not joking. If I join one, I typically leave.
I can never handle it as Im that kind of person who
likes to join an active roleplay and then gets acaught
up in life and doesnt play Fh for at least ten milleniums.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Melatonin on February 24, 2018, 02:26:45 pm
Usually I can only handle one group at a time, especially when I’m running a group
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: turtlies on February 24, 2018, 05:47:49 pm
Honestly none. I've learned I shouldn't join groups because I get too nervous to actually participate in them (human interaction aaaaaaa). I don't really go in-game often enough to be apart of any groups as well.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: JillyWolf on February 24, 2018, 09:30:46 pm
Only one
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: RecklessHoodie on February 25, 2018, 03:15:53 am
I'm gonna have to say just one.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Wyldercat on February 25, 2018, 04:40:55 am
Infinitely if you're not a coward. If we're being honest, I can barely be active in my small band of friends' rp group. So I'll say one.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Erhiia on February 25, 2018, 08:03:37 pm
At max two!
Especially if they are active. I tried being in more than two, but then I end up feeling like a ragdoll because each group wants you to be on and actively roleplaying so, no more than two!
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: ShadowMT13 on February 26, 2018, 12:37:06 am
Sadly my computer broke on me so I can't play FeralHeart at the moment, but for me it depends. If most of the groups have a strict policy about being active online 24/7 then I can't handle being in that many. Truthfully I just prefer making my own group and taking it from there, it is easier than finding a specific group and then having to stick with them.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: LordSuragaha on February 26, 2018, 06:53:08 am
Only one because usually the people in my group are super dramatic and or combative -_-. I also like to focus my energy and efforts on one group so that I can ensure the best quality and care. I feel like the best groups are the ones you apply yourself too solely.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: ShadowMT13 on February 27, 2018, 08:06:02 pm
Only one because usually the people in my group are super dramatic and or combative -_-. I also like to focus my energy and efforts on one group so that I can ensure the best quality and care. I feel like the best groups are the ones you apply yourself too solely.

Oh yeah forgot about that, with me that is another thing, over time I have become highly annoyed by immaturity, unsure why I can't handle it anymore but I can't. If any group members of my own group or of someone else's group that I joined have an over load of dramatic, combative, and immature members, I don't stick around for long because I came to have fun, not get infuriated by people who can't just get along with each other.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Killjoy. on February 27, 2018, 09:26:00 pm
I feel probably only one if I really want to be dedicated, but I can recall one time when I was apart of 7 or 8 groups at once. (Somehow managing to stay active in them all? I probably didn't sleep.)
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: RaytheonSentinel on March 03, 2018, 11:22:11 pm
currently I am in one group / pack and if I had been in this position back when I was 12-13, around when FH first launched, i'd probably get into several groups and be able to maintain contact in each of them, tbh. now though... I'd probably only handle just the one, since I'm too busy IRL and my mental health state often times leaves me bedridden or unable to communicate with people properly for days, so I kind of disappear and come back when I feel better so I'm not a sad, heavy burden to everyone else in the group!
so... yeah, one, I guess. but I guess I could do two, but only if there are, like, under 10 people in each, otherwise that's just too much for me.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Ellen11v on March 03, 2018, 11:42:04 pm
Only a few. I'm co-owner in In Glub We Trust, and then there are 2 other groups that I'm semi-active in. ^^
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 04, 2018, 04:13:39 pm
Back in the day I could balance being in 6-10 at any given time.

Now I can barely handled 2-3, much less 6-10.
Title: Re: How many groups can you handle being in at a time?
Post by: SophyTheLioness on March 16, 2018, 09:35:28 pm
Tbh as many as i want. YesIgottalotfreetime.

The only thing that restricts me joining a group is:

1. If i join just because. In essence: "huh. They don't sound very interesting but its what i've got at hand rn..." If I am just bored and I join a group just because i am bored there's a 80% chance I will just dissapear whitin days or maybe the next day even. It's something inside me, thats all lol. I don't mean to do it usually, its just if i don't really enjoy the group I just don't stick around for much.

2. The group's community quality: I will feel super eh or downbeat if on my first days of joining I find myself all lonely or silent because the members don't interact with eachother/new members at all or don't reply in group chat when someone asks something. It's a concept that in general makes me feel angry. New members in rp groups should be treated with a welcoming hue and positive attitude. All-silent groups also hit my nerves (maybe because i am a super chatterbox LMAO).

3. Their rules: If a group requires me to be on 8 days out of a 7 days week there's nearly 0.1% chance i'm staying because i will either be kicked for inactivity on purpose (not connecting on that group's char) because they've become a "chore" (and chores become burdens over time if you don't like to do them) or not meaning it out of forgetfulness or i'm just busy with other groups or IRL projects. It also becomes very tiring if the group has legit over 800 very detailed rules. It is not only a hassle to read, but makes you feel very "eghhhhhhhhhhh." at least in my case. Anything else about the group that is 10 miles long and ISNT a rules thread is okay by me though! I love reading rp lore.

4. The leader's attitude: I'll often stay a long time in a group if the leaders are serious enough, respectful, and smart with their group related decisions, but still fun to talk with. I don't wish to have an army general as my leader in an online animal rp group because i'll end up feeling like i'm walking on a minefield everytime i type in group chat as i said on the pont above. Sorry. An always goofing around, unresponsible, unresponsive and inactive leader is not a very attractive catch either x_x

Woah i didnt realize how long this got until i finished typing LOL
Anyways yeah, thats my criteria. My average is 6-12 groups at once though